% allemand.sty --- Marc Torzynski, ENSPS --- 2 f\'evrier 1993 % % A german style file compatible with `french.sty' (Bernard Gaulle & % GUTenberg group), useful for typesetting german/french documents (may % also be used alone for full-german documents, or with any other language % style file based on the same language switching rules). % % This style option is based on AND FULL COMPATIBLE WITH: % GERMAN.STY, Vers. 2.4a, 12 Apr 1991, % maintained by Bernd Raichle (Uni Stuttgart) % available from DANTE by: % anonymous ftp: rusinfo.rus.uni-stuttgart.de [] % in soft/tex/latex-style-supported/german % % Commands to be used by the end-user: see `allemand.tex' (french guide) % or `deutsch.tex' (german guide) % or below. % % Comments, inaccuracies, bugs reports to: % Marc Torzynski % ENSPS --- 7 rue de l'Universit\'e --- F-67000 Strasbourg % u97102 @ frccsc21.bitnet % % History % % 25 Nov. 92: first version. % 2 Feb. 93: corrections in the switching language mecanisms for % compatibility with new version of french.sty. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Commands to be used by the end users: % % TYPOGRAPHY % % "a for Umlaut-a (like \"a), also for all other vowels. % "s for sharp s (like \ss{}). % "ck for ck to be hyphenated as k-k. % "ff for ff to be hyphenated as ff-f, also for certain % other consonants. % "S for SS to be \uppercase{"s}. % "Z for special case SZ (use "z for lowercase \ss). % "A, "CK, "FF etc. uppercase versions of the above. % "| to separate ligatures. % "- like \-, but allowing hyphenation in the rest of % the word (i.e., in the parts before and after the % hyphenation point added by "-) % "" like "-, but producing no hyphen sign (for x-""y). % "~ for an unbreakable hyphen (for `bergauf und "~ab'). % "= for an explicit hyphen, allowing hyphenation in % the rest of the word. % "` or \glqq for german left double quotes (similar to ,,). % "' or \grqq for german right double quotes (similar to ``). % \glq for german left single quotes (similar to , ). % \grq for german right single quotes (similar to ` ). % "< or \flqq for french left double quotes (similar to <<). % "> or \frqq for french right double quotes (similar to >>). % \flq for (french) left single quotes (similar to < ). % \frq for (french) right single quotes (similar to > ). % \dq for the original quotes character ("). % % LANGUAGE SWITCHING % % \german to switch to german conventions (default if `german' % is the last style-option). % \austrian to switch to the austrian conventions. % \english to go back to `normal' (i.e. english) conventions. % \ if you use a compatible style option defining % \, to switch to conventions and, % if installed, hyphenation. % % % COMMANDS FOR COMPATIBILTY WITH german 2.4a % % \selectlanguage{n} same as \. % \originalTeX same as \english. % \germanTeX same as \german. % % Obsolete commands, provided for compatibility with existing % applications: % \3 for sharp s (like "s). % \ck for ck to be hyphenated as k-k (like "ck). % % Obsolete command, incompatible with the former definition: % \setlanguage the former name of \selectlanguage; % TeX 3.x introduces a new primitive with the % same name (DO NOT USE \setlanguage!) % % LOWER LEVEL COMMANDS AND FEATURES % \umlautlow redefines the Umlaut accent such that the dots come % nearer to the letter and that hyphenation is enabled % in the rest of the word. % \umlauthigh restores \" to its original meaning. % \ss is \lccode'd to enable hyphenation. % \mdqon makes " an active (meta-) character that does the % pretty things described above. % \mdqoff restores " to its original meaning. % \dospecials,\@sanitize are extended to include the ". % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % END OF DOCUMENTATION, BEGINNING THE CODE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % GENERALITIES % % Disallow twice loading: % \expandafter\ifx\csname germanTeXmods\endcsname\relax\else\endinput\fi % % Some macros needed by the style file but not known by plain TeX: % \def\makeatletter{\catcode`\@=11\relax}%...................\makeatletter \def\makeatother{\catcode`\@=12\relax}%....................\makeatother \ifcat/@ \makeatletter\let\resetat\makeatother% \else\let\resetat\relax\fi \newwrite\@unused%..........................................\@unused \long\def\@ifundefined#1#2#3{\expandafter\ifx\csname%......\@ifundefined #1\endcsname\relax#2\else#3\fi} \@ifundefined{protect}{\def\protect{}}{}%..................\protect \@ifundefined{typeout}{%....................................\typeout \global\newlinechar`\^^J% \def\typeout#1{{\let\protect\string\immediate\write\@unused{#1}}}% }{}% % \typeout{^^J Option de style ALLEMAND -- 2 fevrier 1993} % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % MACROS FROM `german.sty' V.2.4a, 12/4/92 % % \allowhyphens simulates a word boundary, % kerning information will be lost! \def\allowhyphens{\penalty\@M \hskip\z@skip} % {\nobreak \hskip 0pt plus 0pt\relax} % \def\umlauthigh{\def\"##1{{\accent127 ##1}}} \def\umlautlow{\def\"{\protect\newumlaut}} % % The macro \newumlaut fools the TeX primitive \accent to lower the % accent character to the base character. To do this, the current % value of `ex' (or \fontdimen5 of the current font) is changed to % height(umlautaccent) - (0.25ex + 0.20ex) % [ ~= 1.10117ex for cm-fonts] % The value of `0.20ex' depends on the METAFONT parameters of the % fonts, it may vary around the value of .20ex -- just try out, which % look the best! % \expandafter\ifx\csname U@D\endcsname\relax \csname newdimen\endcsname\U@D \fi \def\newumlaut#1{\leavevmode\allowhyphens{\U@D 1ex% % compute new ex value {\setbox\z@\hbox{\char127}\dimen@-.45ex\advance\dimen@\ht\z@ % don't change, if new-ex <= old-ex \ifdim 1ex<\dimen@ \fontdimen5\font\dimen@ \fi}% % because \fontdimen changes are global, restore ex \accent127\fontdimen5\font\U@D #1}\allowhyphens} % \def\highumlaut#1{\leavevmode\allowhyphens {\accent127 #1}\allowhyphens} % % Quotes % ------ % \def\set@low@box#1{\setbox\tw@\hbox{,}\setbox\z@\hbox{#1}% \setbox\z@\hbox{\dimen@\ht\z@ \advance\dimen@ -\ht\tw@ \lower\dimen@\box\z@}% \ht\z@\ht\tw@ \dp\z@\dp\tw@} % (This lowers the german left quotes to the same level as the comma. % Use it inside a group only.) % \def\save@sf@q#1{{\ifhmode \edef\@SF{\spacefactor\the\spacefactor}\else \let\@SF\empty \fi \leavevmode #1\@SF}} % % Defining macros for quotes but saving older definitions: % \let\@glqqGORI\glqq \let\@grqqGORI\grqq \let\@glqGORI\glq \let\@grqGORI\grq \let\@flqqGORI\flqq \let\@frqqGORI\frqq \let\@flqGORI\flq \let\@frqGORI\frq % \def\@glqq{\save@sf@q{\set@low@box{''\/}\box\z@\kern-.04em\allowhyphens}} \def\glqq{\ifGMA\protect\@glqq\else\@glqqGORI\fi} \def\@grqq{\save@sf@q{\kern-.07em``\kern.07em}} \def\grqq{\ifGMA\protect\@grqq\else\@grqqGORI\fi} \def\@glq{\save@sf@q{\set@low@box{'\/}\box\z@\kern-.04em\allowhyphens}} \def\glq{\ifGMA\protect\@glq\else\@glqGORI\fi} \def\@grq{\save@sf@q{\kern-.0125em`\kern.07em}} \def\grq{\ifGMA\protect\@grq\else\@grqGORI\fi} \def\@flqq{\relax\ifmmode \ll \else \save@sf@q{\allowhyphens \raise .2ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle \ll $}\allowhyphens}\fi} \def\flqq{\ifGMA\protect\@flqq\else\@flqqGORI\fi} \def\@frqq{\relax\ifmmode \gg \else \save@sf@q{\allowhyphens \raise .2ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle \gg $}\allowhyphens}\fi} \def\frqq{\ifGMA\protect\@frqq\else\@frqqGORI\fi} \def\@flq{\relax\ifmmode <\else \save@sf@q{\allowhyphens \raise .2ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle <$}\allowhyphens}\fi} \def\flq{\ifGMA\protect\@flq\else\@flqGORI\fi} \def\@frq{\relax\ifmmode >\else \save@sf@q{\allowhyphens \raise .2ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle >$}\allowhyphens}\fi} \def\frq{\ifGMA\protect\@frq\else\@frqGORI\fi} % % enable hyphenations after \ss: % \lccode`\^^Y=`\^^Y % \let\original@three=\3 % Note that \3 may be defined or undefined. % % add doublequotes to the definitions of dospecials and sanitize: \begingroup \def\do{\noexpand\do\noexpand}% \edef\x{\endgroup \def\noexpand\dospecials{\dospecials\do\"}}% \x % not ( \ifundefined{@sanitize} or \@sanitize=\relax ) = if LaTeX \expandafter\ifx\csname @sanitize\endcsname\relax \else \begingroup \def\@makeother{\noexpand\@makeother\noexpand}% \edef\x{\endgroup \def\noexpand\@sanitize{\@sanitize\@makeother\"}}% \x \fi % \def\mdqon{\catcode`\"\active} \def\mdqoff{\catcode`\"12 } % \def\ck{\allowhyphens\discretionary{k-}{}{c}k\allowhyphens} % % active doublequote mechanism % ---------------------------- % \begingroup \mdqoff \def\x{\endgroup \def\@UMLAUT{\"}% \def\@MATHUMLAUT{\ddot}% \mathaccent"707F \def\@SS{\mathchar"7019 }% \def\dq{"}} \x % % Older versions of german.sty (before 2.3e incl.) don't warn about % undefined "x sequences used by the user. The current version allows % three warning/error levels: % 0... no warning/error % 1... error when using an undefined "x sequence % 2... same as 1, additionally warning for rarely used "x sequences % (Remark: this is a experimental feature!) % \def\dqwarninglevel#1{\chardef\dq@warninglevel=#1\relax} % intialize the warning level \dqwarninglevel{1} % % Error and warning messages: % TeX 3.x has an additional register containing the current input line % number. If \on@line is undefined (it's defined in newer versions of % `lplain'), define it. % \ifx\on@line\undefined \ifx\inputlineno\undefined \let\on@line\@empty \else \ifnum\inputlineno<\z@ \let\on@line\@empty \else \def\on@line{ on input line \the\inputlineno} \fi \fi \fi % \def\@dq@error#1{% \errhelp{Use `` for a simple double quote character.}% \errmessage{allemand.sty: the command `\dq\string#1' is undefined}} % \def\@dq@warning#1{% \immediate\write\sixt@@n{allemand.sty: % `\dq\string#1' is possibly wrong\on@line !}} % % For all arguments of an active doublequote which should be treated in % a special way, we define a macro with the argument text in the name. % % \dq@macro#1#2 constructs this name out of #2 before calling #1. % % - If the expansion of \dq@macro results in another call of \dq@macro % the inner macro shouldn't contain unexpandable primitives like % \relax. Otherwise TeX warns about a "Missing \endcsname inserted." % Example: Gr"{u"se}) % - When this macro is used in the following code, a `@' is added at % the end of argument #2, because we use \string in \dq@prtct to % protect the argument of an active doublequote (Example: ""). % \def\dq@macro#1#2{\expandafter#1\csname @dq@\string #2@dq\endcsname} % % The definition of the active doublequote macro: % % If used with DC/EC-fonts, correct kerning and ligature building is % inhibited by \protect (with meaning \relax). This is checked in the macro % \@@@active@dq. % \def\@active@dq#1{% \dq@macro\ifx{#1@}\relax% \ifnum\dq@warninglevel>\z@ \@dq@error{#1}\fi% \expandafter\@normal@dq% \else% \expandafter\@@active@dq% \fi {#1}} % \def\@@active@dq#1{% \dq@macro\ifx{#1@}\noexpand% \expandafter\normal@dq% \else% \expandafter\@@@active@dq% \fi {#1}} % % The braces of {#1} in \@active@dq are necessary if someone wants to % define a doublequote macro for things like "{}. They ensure that % \active@dq is called with the correct argument. % For \normal@dq we have to delete the braces and insert a normal % doublequote. % \def\normal@dq#1{\dq #1} \def\@normal@dq#1{``#1} % % \protect (with meaning \relax) should expand to \empty. % This is necessary to allow correct kerning and ligatures when % these macros are used with the new DC-/EC-fonts. % The additional hack `\dq@prtct' is necessary if \protect is set % to \noexpand or \string (in \write and \mark commands; see % LaTeX.tex) and the argument is an expandable token (e.g. when % using ""). % \def\@@@active@dq#1{\ifx\protect\relax \else% \ifx\protect\empty \else% \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\protect% \fi\fi% \active@dq\dq@prtct{#1@}} % % \dq@prtct is used to protect the argument (with \string). % If the "x command is written to the toc-file (in LaTeX), it is % written and read more than once. To make sure that this is done % properly, this macro expands to "itself" (\string\dq@prtct). % To get rid of unwanted tokens (e.g. a possible stringified % `\dq@prtct') in \active@dq, we use the opening brace as % delimiter. % \def\dq@prtct#1#{\@dq@prtct} \def\@dq@prtct#1{\string\dq@prtct{\string#1}} % % For combinations "x which should be treated in a special way, % \active@dq is called with `x' as argument. % In the current implementation the actions for argument #2 are saved % in macros with name \dq@macro{..}{#2@}. (The `@' is inserted in % \@@active@dq.) These macros expand to two groups containing the % action for text and for math mode. % The support of other ``modes'' (e.g. DC/EC-Fonts) can be implemented % in this macro. % \def\active@dq#1#{\active@@dq} \def\active@@dq#1{% \csname dq@\ifmmode second\else first\fi% % \dq@macro has to be expanded three times: % 1. \dq@macro --> \expandafter..\csname... % 2. \csname... --> control seqence % 3. control seqence --> {text mode}{math mode} \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter% \dq@macro\endcsname{#1}} % \def\dq@first#1#2{#1} \def\dq@second#1#2{#2} % % The definition of a "-macro is done with... % \def\def@dqmacro#1#2#3{\dq@macro\def{#1@}{{#2}{#3}}} % \def\let@dqmacro#1#2{\begingroup% \edef\x{\endgroup \let% \dq@macro\noexpand{#1@}\dq@macro\noexpand{#2@}}% \x} % % For all possible "x combinations for a hex number, we % assign the meaning of \noexpand to the "-macro. % These "x combinations expand to `\dq x'. % (Remark: "A, "C, "E and "F will be redefined later.) % \dq@macro\let{0@}=\noexpand \let@dqmacro{1}{0}\let@dqmacro{2}{0}\let@dqmacro{3}{0} \let@dqmacro{4}{0}\let@dqmacro{5}{0}\let@dqmacro{6}{0} \let@dqmacro{7}{0}\let@dqmacro{8}{0}\let@dqmacro{9}{0} \let@dqmacro{A}{0}\let@dqmacro{B}{0}\let@dqmacro{C}{0} \let@dqmacro{D}{0}\let@dqmacro{E}{0}\let@dqmacro{F}{0} % For compatibility, we let "{} expand to a \dq without % a warning. \let@dqmacro{}{0} % % Definitions for all doublequote macros... % (The empty groups after some macros are necessary for \write commands, % otherwise spaces after these macros will be ignored.) % % umlauts: % \def@dqmacro{a}{\@UMLAUT a}{\@MATHUMLAUT a} \def@dqmacro{o}{\@UMLAUT o}{\@MATHUMLAUT o} \def@dqmacro{u}{\@UMLAUT u}{\@MATHUMLAUT u} \def@dqmacro{A}{\@UMLAUT A}{\@MATHUMLAUT A} \def@dqmacro{O}{\@UMLAUT O}{\@MATHUMLAUT O} \def@dqmacro{U}{\@UMLAUT U}{\@MATHUMLAUT U} % % german es-zet: % \def@dqmacro{s}{\ss{}}{\@SS{}} \def@dqmacro{S}{SS}{SS} % % special case: MASSE/Masse vs. MASZE/Ma\ss e/Ma"ze \let@dqmacro{z}{s} \def@dqmacro{Z}{SZ}{SZ} % % german and french quotes: % \def@dqmacro{`}{\glqq{}}{\glqq{}} \def@dqmacro{'}{\grqq{}}{\grqq{}} \def@dqmacro{<}{\flqq{}}{\flqq{}} \def@dqmacro{>}{\frqq{}}{\frqq{}} % % tremas: % \def@dqmacro{e}{\highumlaut e}{\@MATHUMLAUT e} \def@dqmacro{E}{\highumlaut E}{\@MATHUMLAUT E} \def@dqmacro{i}{\highumlaut\i{}}{\@MATHUMLAUT\imath} \def@dqmacro{I}{\highumlaut I}{\@MATHUMLAUT I} % % misc.: % \def@dqmacro{-}{\allowhyphens\-\allowhyphens}% {\allowhyphens\-\allowhyphens} \def@dqmacro{|}{\allowhyphens \discretionary{-}{}{\kern.03em}\allowhyphens}{} \def@dqmacro{"}{\hskip\z@skip}{\hskip\z@skip} % \def@dqmacro{~}{\leavevmode\hbox{-}}{-} \def@dqmacro{=}{\allowhyphens-\hskip\z@skip}{\allowhyphens-\hskip\z@skip} % % discretionaries: % \def\dq@disc#1#2{\allowhyphens \ifnum\dq@warninglevel>\@ne \@dq@warning{#1}\fi \discretionary{#2-}{}{#1}\allowhyphens} % \def@dqmacro{c}{\dq@disc ck}{c} \def@dqmacro{C}{\dq@disc CK}{C} \def@dqmacro{f}{\dq@disc f{ff}}{f} \def@dqmacro{F}{\dq@disc F{FF}}{F} \def@dqmacro{l}{\dq@disc l{ll}}{l} \def@dqmacro{L}{\dq@disc L{LL}}{L} \def@dqmacro{m}{\dq@disc m{mm}}{m} \def@dqmacro{M}{\dq@disc M{MM}}{M} \def@dqmacro{n}{\dq@disc n{nn}}{n} \def@dqmacro{N}{\dq@disc N{NN}}{N} \def@dqmacro{p}{\dq@disc p{pp}}{p} \def@dqmacro{P}{\dq@disc P{PP}}{P} \def@dqmacro{t}{\dq@disc t{tt}}{t} \def@dqmacro{T}{\dq@disc T{TT}}{T} % % Language Specific Settings % -------------------------- % \def\extrasgerman{\frenchspacing%...........................\extrasgerman \lefthyphenmin=2 \righthyphenmin=2} \def\noextrasgerman{\nonfrenchspacing%......................\noextrasgerman \lefthyphenmin=2 \righthyphenmin=3} % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % CAPTIONS STUFF: loading and restoring macros % \@ifundefined{captionsnames}{\input english.sty}{}%.........loading captions % % `french.sty'-compatible definitions of german or austrian captions & date: % \def\todaygerman{\number\day.~\ifcase\month \or%...........\todaygerman Januar\or Februar\or M\"arz\or% April\or Mai\or Juni\or% Juli\or August\or September\or% Oktober\or November\or Dezember\fi% \space\number\year} % \def\todayaustrian{\number\day.~\ifcase\month \or%.........\todayaustrian J\"anner\or Februar\or M\"arz\or% April\or Mai\or Juni\or% Juli\or August\or September\or% Oktober\or November\or Dezember\fi% \space\number\year} % \def\captionsgerman{%......................................\captionsgerman \ifx\captionsnames\captionsgerman\else% \let\@tdGORI\today% \let\@cnGORI\captionsnames% % The following for styles: article, report and book \def\pagename{Seite}% \def\refname{Literatur}% \def\abstractname{Zusammenfassung}% \def\bibname{Literaturverzeichnis}% \def\contentsname{Inhaltverzeichnis}% or: Inhalt \def\listfigurename{Abbildungsverzeichnis}% \def\listtablename{Tabellenverzeichnis}% \def\indexname{Index}% \def\seename{siehe}% used normally in makeidx.sty \def\seealsoname{siehe auch}% \def\figurename{Abbildung}% \def\tablename{Tabbelle}% or: Tafel \def\partname{Teil}% \def\glossaryname{Glossar}% % The following is only for the letter style \def\headtoname{An}% \def\ccname{Verteiler}% or: Kopien an \def\enclname{Anlange(n)}% or: Beilage(n) \def\PSname{PS:}% \def\Objectname{Betreff:}% Object of the letter \def\YourRefname{Ihre Zeichen:}% Your reference number \def\OurRefname{Unsere Zeichen:}% Our reference number % % The following is only for report and book styles \def\chaptername{Kapitel}% \def\appendixname{Anhang}% % \let\captionsnames\captionsgerman% \fi% \let\today\todaygerman% \def\@cGORI{\@cnGORI% Restore original caption names \let\today\@tdGORI}% } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FRENCH.STY-LIKE LANGUAGE SWITCHING MACROS % % Command to do extra things and switch to another language: % \@ifundefined{switchtolanguage}{%...........................\switchtolanguage \def\switchtolanguage#1{#1}}{}% \let\@stlGORI\switchtolanguage% % %%%%%%%%%%% GERMAN % Commands to (in)activate all german tools except hyphenation: % \begingroup \mdqon% \def\x{\endgroup% \def\nomoregerman{%........................................\nomoregerman \let\ifGMA\iffalse% \@cGORI% \mdqoff \let"\dq \umlauthigh \let\3\original@three% \noextrasgerman% \let\switchtolanguage\@stlGORI% \switchtolanguage} \gdef\germanTeXmods{%.......................................\germanTeXmods \let\ifGMA\iftrue% \captionsgerman% \mdqon \let"\@active@dq \umlautlow \let\3\ss% \extrasgerman% \let\switchtolanguage\nomoregerman} }%end \x \x % % The command to set german hyphenation: % (normally set at INITeX) it should equal to \language=x and nothing else % \@ifundefined{german}{\gdef\german{\relax}}{}%..............Default \german \let\germanORI\german% assuming \language=x was set here % % Final command to initialize german stuff: % \def\german{\switchtolanguage\germanTeXmods\germanORI}%.....Final \german % %%%%%%%%%%% AUSTRIAN % Commands to (in)activate all austrian tools except hyphenation: % the same as those for german, except for the date command. % \let\nomoreaustrian\nomoregerman%..........................\nomoreaustrian \def\austrianTeXmods{\germanTeXmods%.......................\austrianTeXmods \let\today\todayaustrian} \@ifundefined{austrian}%...................................Default \austrian {\let\austrianORI\germanORI}% if undef'd, use german patterns {\let\austrianORI\austrian}% else use austrian \def\austrian{\switchtolanguage\austrianTeXmods\austrianORI}% Final \austrian % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % COMMANDS FOR COMPATIBILITY WITH `german.sty' V.2.4a, 12/4/92 % \let\originalTeX\english%...................................\originalTeX \let\germanTeX\german%......................................\germanTeX \let\USenglish\english%.....................................\USenglish % \def\selectlanguage#1{\protect\p@selectlanguage{%...........\selectlanguage \ifnum\escapechar=\expandafter`\string#1\empty \else \string#1\empty\fi}} \def\p@selectlanguage#1{ \@ifundefined{#1}{ \errhelp{Your command will be ignored.} \errmessage{allemand.sty: the language `#1' is undefined}} {\csname #1\endcsname}} % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % APPLY GERMAN CONVENTIONS % % Redefinition of cs \document for switch directly to the \beginlanguage % at the \begin{document} time: % \@ifundefined{document}{}{% let it undefined.................\document \let\@dGORI\document% \def\document{\@dGORI\beginlanguage}} % % For Latex: first language will be German (unless redefined): \def\beginlanguage{\german}% might be used at \begin{document} time % % For plain TeX (or any format which don't def. a cs \document): % switch direclty to german conventions: \expandafter\ifx\csname document\endcsname\relax\german\fi % \resetat \endinput