% FTPinfos of the french style files distribution for \AllTeX % Copyright GUTenberg-Bernard Gaulle as in french.doc % Just to tell you, ftp user, to retrieve the following files in BINARY mode: in this directory: ALIRE.dvi, kb7to8.c, kb8to7.c in the tests dir: kbtest.tex in the inputs dir: keyboard.dat keyboard.mac keyboard.850 frabbrev.tex in the tst dir. : frenchrf.dvi kbto.tex and cmr*.*pk files Remember that all other TeX files are in 7-bit but few ones must be converted to 8-bit to take advantage of all the facilities provided; please check the first few lines of these files. A translator 7-bit <-> 8bit can be generated to help for this purpose (see kb2lex.tex in this directory). I hope you enjoy it, lastly modified 07/07/95 Bernard GAULLE ============================================================================== %% %% checksum = "22895 23 134 1094" %% ==============================================================================