% File HYPHEN.cfg !!!! From & For the "French Style Files Distrib." ONLY !!!! % % local mods to use keyboard and hyphenation configurators provided by the % French style files distrib. (Bernard GAULLE). last mods: 08/03/95 % % PREPARING A MULTILINGUAL FORMAT % (CONFIGURATION BASED ON THE FRENCH MULTILINGUAL MECHANISM) % \language=0 \lefthyphenmin=2 \righthyphenmin=3 % disallow x- or -xx breaks % %--------------- process keyboard and hyphenation files ----------------------- % % 1st: choose the default font encoding of your format: % === % % Set the default font encoding (with any NFSS) and load it (with 2e). % Notice that OT1 is LaTeX 2e default encoding (CMR like encoding) % The following is to force T1 by default (Cork like encoding) with 2e : %\def\encodingdefault{T1}\fontencoding{T1}\selectfont% % % Notice that NFSS2 is by default in LaTeX2e, the following should be skiped %\ifx\encodingdefault\undefined%(With former NFSS2) specify your font encoding: %\def\encodingdefault{OT1}% uncomment this line for OT1 (CMR like encoding) %\def\encodingdefault{T1}% or this one for T1 (Cork like Encoding) %\fi% % % The following is to instruct configurators you will use 8bit fonts any way. %\newif\ifHB\HBtrue% % % 2nd: Few TeX motors are known to be unable to access a file via \openin when % === the file is not in the current directory. Such motors are not looking % to the PATH environment variable pointing to TeX input directories. Old % OzTeX of Trevorow and VMS distrib. of Don Hosek are still in this case. % %\def\OPENINPATH{NO}% uncomment this line if \openin isn't looking thru a PATH. % % language.dat and other files are accessed via \openin! % % 3rd: define linguistic keys. % === You have here 3 choices to adapt your (La)TeX to your keyboard: %1) do nothing special. You have no problem for processing special chars. % (May be you are using I/O filters like TCP with emtex). Be aware that % hyconfig, outside LaTeX, will probably load compatible.tex... % Then comment (add a % char before) the next \input kbconfig command. % %2) use the provided configurator, as suggested, it will help you (see the doc) % to produce 7bit to 8bit translators and have LaTeX 2.09 compatibility: \input kbconfig % do the keyboard configuration based on keyboard.dat % % (keyboard.dat is to be adapted to your own keyboard) % %3) use an older TeXnique, originally provided by M. Ferguson for MlTeX 3, % Coding to be adapted to your TeX & your own keyboard. Do it by yourself!!! % Add first a % char before the previous \input kbconfig command. %\input extdef % this line might be used to replace poorly kbconfig... % % 4th: hyphenation processing % === % As european languages like French require to use 8-bits fonts for having % a correct hyphenation we force here T1 encoding for non-MlTeX LaTeX engines. \begingroup% \ifx\documentclass\undefined\else% \ifx\charsubdef\undefined% \def\encodingdefault{T1}\fontencoding{T1}\selectfont% \message{hyphen.cfg ****Warning****: % T1 encoding forced during patterns loading.}% \fi% \fi% % \input hyconfig % do the hyphenation and exceptions loading %----------------------------- \endgroup% \endinput