THE HH PACKAGES (for LaTeX2e) ----------------------------- This file provides information about: - Contents - Conditions of use - `Registration' - History and Future, Support, Bug-Reports Contents -------- HHCOUNT.STY hhcount provides some macros to display numbers in various ways. For example: numbers could be formatted as roman numbers, dice or scores. Some of the display macros act context dependent: in headings they yield other results than in the midst of a paragraph or in an index. On top of these `simple' formatting macros, hhcount provides macros which combine several `simple' formatting macros to format the values of composite counters. Besides hhcount offers the possibility to have composite counters of arbitrary structure appear in the index. The hhcount package is not stable yet: it is too young. The simple counter formatting macros will probably not change much anymore, although their output may be smoothed a little. However, the more complex macros may still be reorganized a lot, although I hope it will not be necessary anymore. To be able to use hhcount one should have the files HHCOUNT.STY and HHUTILS0.STY available. A manual is provided in HHCOUNT.TEX A demo is provided in HHCOUNTX.TEX HHFLXBOX.STY hhflxbox contains a number of boxing macros. The kernel consists of \iframe, which boxes things and sets self-scaling frames around, and \sframe, which sets more complex self-scaling and -stretching frames. Besides hhflxbox provides the encircling macros \ringbox, \bellybox and \outringbox (which use \iframe), the macros \sepbox and \separbox, which set empty space around boxes, and \broadbox, which boxes its argument in a \vbox of which the width is the line width minus some specified value. Thus \broadbox facilitates the construction of frames which stretch to line width. Furthermore hhflxbox defines some tools for the proper positioning of boxes: \clap for some kind of horizontal centering and \lcenter (line centering) for vertical centering on a line of text. The macros \boxhigh, \boxlow, \topsqueezeout, \topsqueezein, \botsqueezeout and \botsqueezein help getting the spacing in and around framed passages right. To be able to use hhflxbox one should have the files HHFLXBOX.STY, HHUNITS.STY, HHQUEUE.STY and HHUTILS0.STY available. A manual is provided in HHFLXBOX.TEX HHMUF.STY The hhmuf package contains the multinote system, which provides an alternative to the usual dull footnote system. It is not meant to be used by conservatives! hhmuf's multinotes can be used in forbidden modes and can be repeated easily. When repeating multinotes, the hhmuf macros make sure the same marker is used throughout, while preventing repeated notes from being typeset twice on the same page. hhmuf's multinotes do not use counters, numbers or alphabetic characters to represent them: they use sets of symbols without a well-defined order. To be able to use hhmuf one should have the files HHMUF.STY, HHQUEUE.STY and HHUTILS0.STY available. A manual is provided in HHMUF.TEX HHPARMRK.STY hhparmrk contains macros to mark paragraphs by putting signs next to them. The signs can be mathematical delimiter symbols, or three-part signs built of boxes. These two families of signs can be produced by the environments bracespanned and markspanned, which I will present in the manual. Besides the environments trafficsigned and optionframe, which use markspanned, are presented. To be able to use hhparmrk, you should also have the files HHPARMRK.STY, HHFLXBOX.STY, HHUNITS.STY, HHQUEUE.STY and HHUTILS0.STY available. A manual is provided in HHPARMRK.TEX HHQUEUE.STY This file implements a queue. It is used by other hh packages. It is not documented. HHUNITS.STY This file implements the hh units system. It is a useful tool when certain dimensions in a document lay-out depend on the document contents, but nevertheless should be the same throughout the whole document. For example, it can take care that frames around page numbers are equally sized to a size large enough to fit the largest page number. Scant documentation is provided in the package file HHUNITS.STY HHUTILS0.STY This file implements various LaTeX extensions which are used by other hh packages. It is not documented. Conditions of Use - `Registration' ---------------------------------- The hh packages are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but without any warranty. The author does not accept any responsability for any damage, loss, injury, psychosis, annoyance, marital problems, murders etc. which are caused by these files. If you use all or some of the hh packages and find them useful, please report it to me. I will not charge you anything; I just would like to get some idea of the use of my packages. Are they used heavily or hardly at all? My address is: Herman Haverkort Heyenoordseweg 40 6813 GA ARNHEM THE NETHERLANDS or: You are not allowed to take money for the distribution or use of either this file or a changed version, except for a nominal charge for copying etc. History and Future, Support, Bug-Reports ---------------------------------------- The hh packages originated in the custom-made style file of a specific document I was writing. When a friend of mine, who was writing a book, turned out to be interested in some of the typographical tricks I used, I decided to get a lot of macros out of the previously mentioned style file, parameterised them and turned them into a set of generally applicable macro packages, which my friend used eagerly and succesfully. My friend suggested that I should present the packages in the MAPS, the magazine of the NTG (the Dutch TeX users group), so I started work on documentation. The hh packages seem to be sufficiently debugged now for my and my friend's purposes. Since I wanted to get some time for other projects I decided to let further development of the macro packages tick over. In practice this means that I do not actively look for bugs and deficiencies to be fixed anymore; I pay attention to them only when I encounter them in practice or when they are reported to me. So if you encounter failures, deficiencies or difficulties when using my packages, do not wait for them to be fixed, but report your problems to me and I will pay attention to them, if I have got the time to do so. Suggestions for improvements or extensions are also welcome. The documentation files are eternal draft versions. Both input and output of the documentation are a bit messy, but usable, I think.