%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% ieeepes.sty % % Sets up the document layout for IEEE PES (Power Engineering Society) % publications. % Load as a package together with the article document class. % Example: % \documentclass{article} % \usepackage{ieeepes} % Note: This package requires package vmargin by Volker Kuhlmann. % % (C) Copyright Volker Kuhlmann % 1993; Sep, Oct, Nov 1995 % % c/o EEE Dept % University of Canterbury % Private Bag 4800 % Christchurch, New Zealand % % E-Mail: KUHLMAV@ELEC.CANTERBURY.AC.NZ % % Permission granted to use this file free of charge, and to distribute % it provided no charge is made for distribution. % This file must not be altered without changing its name. % % % HISTORY: % % 3.0 16Nov95 Changed summary. % 2.9 16Nov95 Added summary. % 2.8 14Nov95 Fixed caption justification. % 2.7 12Nov95 \maketitle illegal, \Rhighlight, \Lhighlight. % Fixed abstract. Use graphicx instead of epsfig. % PStimes loads times and mathptm. % 2.6 09Nov95 Option PStimes. % 2.5 07Nov95 \discussion, \closure. % 2.4 06Nov95 \figref, \tabref, equations, biography photos. % 2.3 27Oct95 Added \author, \and. % 2.2 10Oct95 Improved. % 2.1 24Sep95 Improved. % 2.0 15Sep95 Created out of IEEEpaper.sty, V2.22, 21 Feb 1993. % %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- \def\filename{ieeepes} \def\fileversion{V3.0} \def\filedate{1995/11/16} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1995/06/01] \ProvidesPackage{\filename}[\filedate] \typeout{Package `\filename', \fileversion, <\filedate>} % %% LOAD REQUIRED PACKAGES % % Margin macros, by Volker Kuhlmann. \RequirePackage{vmargin} % %% DECLARE PACKAGE OPTIONS % \DeclareOption{draft}{% \PackageWarning{ieeepes}{DRAFT selected} \AtEndOfPackage{ \pagestyle{plain} \def\@Lhlmark{\LARGE$\rightarrow$} \def\@Rhlmark{\LARGE$\leftarrow$} } } \DeclareOption{psphotos}{% \psphototrue \AtEndOfPackage{\RequirePackage{graphicx}} } \newif\ifpsphoto \DeclareOption{photofit}{% \photofittrue } \newif\ifphotofit \DeclareOption{PStimes}{% \AtEndOfPackage{\RequirePackage{times,mathptm}} } \ProcessOptions % %% PAGE AND PARAGRAPH LAYOUT % \setpapersize{USletter} \setmarginsrb{18mm}{25mm}{18mm}{14mm}{0pt}{0mm}{}{11mm} \parskip 0pt plus 1.5pt % default by LaTeX: 0pt plus 1pt \parindent 3.5mm % default by LaTeX: 15pt \columnsep 5mm % default by LaTeX: 10pt = 3.5mm \pagestyle {empty} % %% BALANCE COLUMNS ON LAST PAGE % \newcommand\columnbreak{% \ifvmode\newpage\else\vadjust{\newpage}\fi } % %% HEADER, EMPTY BOX % \renewcommand\author[1]{% \gdef\@author{% \author@beg #1\author@end }% } \renewcommand\and{% \author@end\author@beg } \newcommand\author@beg{% \mbox{}\hfill \hspace*{-90.5mm}% \begin{minipage}{181mm}% \centering } \newcommand\author@end{% \end{minipage}% \hspace*{-90.5mm}% \hfill\mbox{}% } % \newcommand\@putheader{% \twocolumn[% \begin{center} {\Large\textbf{\@title}\par}% this should be 14pt bold \vspace{1cm} \tabcolsep 1cm {\large\textrm{\@author}\par}% should be 12pt \vspace{1cm} \end{center} ] } % \newcommand\@putbox{% % put empty space on bottom of page % the figure-counter is not incremented because we don't % have a caption \begin{figure}[b] %\framebox(200,142.3){50mm of nothing} %\fbox{\makebox(200,142.3){}} \makebox(200,142.3){} \end{figure} } % \AtBeginDocument{\@putheader\@putbox} % % make \maketitle illegal \renewcommand\maketitle{\PackageError{ieeepes}% {\err@@section\maketitle}\hlp@@section} % %% ABSTRACT % \renewenvironment{abstract}{% \footnotesize\bfseries \textit{Abstract---}\ignorespaces }{% \par } % %% SECTIONING % % Section numbering for \section, \subsection, \subsubsection. \setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} % % Save original definition of \@xsect \let\sv@xsect=\@xsect % \renewcommand\thesection{\Roman{section}.} % copied from classes.dtx, and modified: \renewcommand\section{% \let\@xsect=\sv@xsect \@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}% {1\baselineskip \@plus1\baselineskip \@minus.1\baselineskip}% {.8\baselineskip \@plus.2\baselineskip}% {\reset@font\normalsize\scshape\noindent\hfil}% } % \renewcommand\thesubsection{\Alph{subsection}.} % copied from classes.dtx, and modified: \renewcommand{\subsection}{% \let\@xsect=\sv@xsect \@startsection{subsection}{2}{\z@}% {1\baselineskip \@plus1\baselineskip \@minus.1\baselineskip}% {.8\baselineskip \@plus.2\baselineskip \@minus.1\baselineskip}% {\reset@font\normalsize\itshape}% } % \renewcommand\thesubsubsection{\arabic{subsubsection})} % copied from classes.dtx, subparagraph, and modified: \renewcommand{\subsubsection}{% % Intercept \@xsect call by \@sect, and add a colon \def\@xsect{% \let\old@svsechd=\@svsechd \def\@svsechd{\old@svsechd:}% \sv@xsect} \@startsection{subsubsection}{3}{\parindent}% {-1\parskip}% {-.5em}% {\reset@font\normalsize\itshape}% } % \renewcommand\@seccntformat[1]{\csname the#1\endcsname \hskip.4em\relax} % % % Disallow sectioning below \subsubsection. % \newcommand\err@@section[1]{% Illegal command: \string#1} \newcommand\hlp@@section{% You can't use this command in IEEE PES documents.} % \renewcommand\paragraph{\PackageError{ieeepes}% {\err@@section\paragraph}\hlp@@section} \renewcommand\subparagraph{\PackageError{ieeepes}% {\err@@section\subparagraph}\hlp@@section} % %% TABLE OF CONTENTS % \renewcommand\tableofcontents{\PackageError{ieeepes}% {\err@@section\tableofcontents}\hlp@@section} % %% FLOATS (FIGURES AND TABLES) % % Define numbering % \renewcommand\thefigure{\arabic{figure}} \renewcommand\figurename{Fig.} \renewcommand\thetable{\Roman{table}} \renewcommand\tablename{Table} \renewcommand\thempfootnote{\alph{mpfootnote}} % References % \newcommand\figref{\figurename~\ref} \newcommand\tabref{\tablename~\ref} % Caption spacing % % (the following skips are set here to avoid trouble with other % packages also working with captions.) \abovecaptionskip .9\baselineskip \belowcaptionskip 0mm % \newdimen\capwidth \AtBeginDocument{\capwidth=.8\columnwidth} % Float placement parameters % \floatsep 1\baselineskip \@plus.1\baselineskip \@minus.1\baselineskip \textfloatsep 1.1\baselineskip \@plus1\baselineskip \@minus\z@ % Make the contents of a figure/table environment centered by default. % (Note: this makes use of internal LaTeX control sequences and might % not work any more with future releases.) % \let\old@floatboxreset=\@floatboxreset \def\@floatboxreset{\old@floatboxreset\centering} % Handle caption formatting % % Intercept at beginning of figure, and setup \let\old@figure=\figure \def\figure{% %\showthe\abovecaptionskip \let\@makecaption=\fig@caption \abovecaptionskip=.9\baselineskip \belowcaptionskip=0mm \old@figure } \newcommand\fig@caption[2]{% \par \vskip\abovecaptionskip \centering\footnotesize \sbox\@tempboxa{#1. #2}\ifdim\wd\@tempboxa > \capwidth \parbox\capwidth{#1. #2}% \else \parbox\capwidth{\centering #1. #2}% \fi \vskip\belowcaptionskip } % % Intercept at beginning of table, and setup \let\old@table=\table \def\table{% \let\@makecaption=\tbl@caption \abovecaptionskip=0mm \belowcaptionskip=.9\baselineskip \old@table } \newcommand\tbl@caption[2]{% \par \vskip\abovecaptionskip \centering\footnotesize\scshape \sbox\@tempboxa{#1. #2}\ifdim\wd\@tempboxa > \capwidth \parbox\capwidth{\hfil#1\\#2}% \else \parbox\capwidth{\centering #1\\#2}% \fi \vskip\belowcaptionskip } % left and right highlighters % \newcommand\Lhighlight{\leavevmode\llap\@Lhlmark} \newcommand\Rhighlight{\leavevmode\rlap\@Rhlmark} \newcommand\@Lhlmark{} \newcommand\@Rhlmark{} % %% EQUATIONS AND EQUATION REFERENCES % % Reference equations with (n), and remove the second set of % parantheses from the equation number printed next to the equation, % which would otherwise show up as ((n)). % \renewcommand\theequation{(\arabic{equation})} \renewcommand\@eqnnum{\normalfont \normalcolor \theequation} % Equation references % \newcommand\equref{\ref} % within sentence \newcommand\Equref{Equation~\ref} % at beginning of sentence % %% CITATIONS AND BIBLIOGRAPHIES % \bibliographystyle{ieeepes} % Turn the \section*{} which is called by \thebibliography into a % \section{}, i.e. get the section numbered. % \let\old@thebibliography=\thebibliography \def\thebibliography{% \let\old@section@=\section \def\section{\@ifstar\old@section@\old@section@}% \old@thebibliography } % %% BIOGRAPHY % % \begin{biography}{NAME}[RAISE EPS IMAGE]{FILENAME OF EPS FILE} % % The photograph to submit should be 30mm x 45mm, but this would not % fit in the space provided in the example, which is about 28mm x 37mm % (measured). The height has been decreased appropriately with this % package. % \newdimen\@photoho % \newenvironment{biography}[1]{% \par \vspace{8mm \@plus2mm \@minus1mm} \footnotesize % should be 8pt, roman \hangindent 30mm \hangafter -12 \noindent \newcommand\@authorname{#1}% \@placephoto }{% \par } \newcommand\@placephoto[2][\z@]{% \def\@photo{#2}% \ifpsphoto\ifx\@photo\@empty\else \@photoho=-36.73mm \advance\@photoho by #1 \llap{\raisebox{\@photoho}[\z@][\z@]{\parbox[t][38.5mm][t]{30mm}{% \ifphotofit \includegraphics[width=28mm,height=38.73mm]{#2}% \else \includegraphics[width=28mm]{#2}% \fi % area available with cm fonts: 28mm x 38.73mm }}}% \fi\fi \textbf{\@authorname}\ \ignorespaces } % %% SUMMARY, DISCUSSION AND CLOSURE % % \summary % \discussion{PAPER NUMBER}{PAPER TITLE}{AUTHOR NAMES}% % {DISCUSSER NAME}{AFFILIATION INCL ADDRESS}{SHORT AFFILIATION} % \closure{AUTHOR NAME} % \newcommand\reset@counters{% \setcounter{figure}{0}\setcounter{table}{0}% \setcounter{section}{0}% \setcounter{equation}{0}% \setcounter{footnote}{0}\setcounter{mpfootnote}{0}% } % \newcommand\summary{% \clearpage \reset@counters \setcounter{page}{1}% \thispagestyle{plain}\pagestyle{plain}% \onecolumn \columnwidth 88mm % warning: brutal trick! \hsize\columnwidth % " } \newcommand\discussion[6]{% \cleardoublepage \reset@counters \setcounter{page}{1}% \thispagestyle{plain}\pagestyle{plain}% \onecolumn \noindent Discussion of #1, ``#2'', by #3.\par \vspace{\baselineskip}% \noindent Discussion by #4, #5.\par \columnwidth 88mm % warning: brutal trick! \hsize\columnwidth % " \clearpage \begin{center} \Large \textbf{Discussion} \end{center} \textbf{#4}\ (#6)\ \ignorespaces } \newcommand\closure[1]{% \cleardoublepage \reset@counters \setcounter{page}{1}% \thispagestyle{plain}\pagestyle{plain}% \onecolumn \columnwidth 88mm % warning: brutal trick! \hsize\columnwidth % " \clearpage \begin{center} \Large \textbf{Closure} \end{center} \textbf{#1}\ \ignorespaces } %% EOF ieeepes.sty %%----------------------------------------------------------------------