%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% ieeepes_skel.tex %% %% Skeleton file for papers for the IEEE Power Engineering Society using %% package ieeepes. %% %% Not copyrighted. Copy this file to a different name and fill in your %% text. %% %% Volker Kuhlmann %% c/o EEE Dept %% University of Canterbury %% Private Bag 4800 %% Christchurch, New Zealand %% Email: KUHLMAV@ELEC.CANTERBURY.AC.NZ %% % 1.2 16Nov95 Fixed discussion, closure. Added summary. % 1.1 12Nov95 Finished first release. % 1.02 09Nov95 Option PStimes. % 1.0 07Nov95 Created. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- \documentclass[10pt,twoside% ,draft% ]{article} \usepackage[% % psphotos,% % uncomment options you want % photofit,% % draft,% % PStimes,% ]{ieeepes} \title{Example of the \LaTeX-Package ieeepes for IEEE PES Transactions} \author{ V. Kuhlmann\\ Dept of Electrical and Electronic Engineering\\ Christchurch, New Zealand \and Second Author\\ affiliation } \begin{document} \begin{abstract} text \end{abstract} \section{Section} text \subsection{Subsection} text \subsection{Subsection} text \subsubsection{Subsubsection} text \subsubsection{Subsubsection} text \subsection{Subsection} text \section{Section} text \section{Figures and Tables} text \begin{figure} \centering figure matter \caption{This is the caption for figure \#1. Make sure it goes \emph{after} the figure!} \label{figure1} \end{figure} text \begin{table} \caption{This is the caption for table \#1. Make sure it goes \emph{before} the table!} \label{table1} \centering table matter \end{table} text Figure and table references: \figref{figure1}, \tabref{table1}. Use these at the beginning and within a sentence. \section{Equations} Referencing euqations: \equref{equation1} for whatever. \Equref{equation1} at the beginning of a sentence. % \begin{equation} equation \label{equation1} \end{equation} % text \bibliography{biblioname} \section{Test of Biographies} text \begin{biography}{Author}[0mm]{file.eps} text % there must be enough text in the first paragraph to flow around the % photo! text \end{biography} % The columns on the last page must be justified manually using % \columnbreak. \summary text \begin{discussion} {PAPER NUMBER}% {PAPER TITLE}% {AUTHOR NAMES}% {DISCUSSER NAME}% {AFFILIATION INCL ADDRESS}% {SHORT AFFILIATION} text \end{discussion} \begin{closure}{AUTHOR NAME} text \end{closure} \end{document} %% %% EOF ieeepes_skel.tex %%----------------------------------------------------------------------