Copyright (C) 1995 by Elsevier Science. All rights reserved. IMPORTANT NOTICE: You are not allowed to change this README file. To use this package, you need the new standard LaTeX 2e. The documentation for the Elsevier markup styles is in the file instraut.dvi, for which you need AMSFonts v2.1. It can also be obtained as a booklet, free of charge, from the publisher. In addition to the information provided in the instructions for authors, IFAC papers will need an additional package for formatting bibliographies. We recommend Peter Williams' `Harvard' package, available on the same archive where you found this package, in tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/harvard. This provides a LaTeX package, and BiBTeX style files. Silvano Balemi's ifac.bst (provided with this class file) also works with the harvard package. A sample LaTeX file, and sample bibliography, show how the class file and bibliographic support can be used. This class file is intended solely for papers submitted to IFAC meetings. In case of problems, contact Sebastian Rahtz Elsevier Science The Boulevard Kidlington Oxford OX5 1GB +44 1865 843662