--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stephan B"ottcher FAX: +972-3-640-7932 School of Physics and Astronomy Tel: +972-3-640-7722 High Energy Physics Department or -8240 Tel Aviv University Email: stephan@alzt.tau.ac.il 69978 Tel Aviv or boettcher@desy.de Israel WWW: http://zow00.desy.de:8000/~stephan/home.html --------------------------------------------------------------------------- lineno.sty This package provides line numbers on paragraphs. After \TeX\ has broken a paragraph into lines there will be line numbers attached to them, with the possibility to make references through the LaTeX \ref, \pageref cross reference mechanism. Take the style-file `lineno.sty', and feed it to a unix shell, this will produce the documentation. If you have neither UNIX nor AWK, you may need to download the extracted documentation source as well `lineno.tex' csh> source ./lineo.sty please ignore the error message at the beginning about the iffalse. After LaTeX run the document four times, print the resulting `lineno.dvi'. You will need LaTeX2e. The new version v2.00 supports numbering only one in five lines and switching the linenumbers from left to right side of the page in twoside mode. Please have a look at a similar work of Michal Jaegermann and James Fortune: CTAN: /tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/numline/