This is the file `INSTALL' that accompanies version 1.5 of `mflogo'. ==================================================================== This file describes the installation of the `mflogo' package. 1.) Make sure that you have a complete and up-to-date version of the `logo' fonts required by the `mflogo' package. In particular you should have the following files: - from CTAN:tex-archive/systems/knuth/lib * - the actual METAFONT source file for, it should be dated 24 March 1993 or later and include the letters `P' and `S' for METAPOST, * - standard `logo' fonts used in The METAFONTbook, - from CTAN:tex-archive/systems/knuth/local/lib * - non-standard `logo' fonts designed by Don Knuth, - from CTAN:tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/mflogo * - non-standard `logo' fonts distributed as part of this package, If you don't have (some of) these fonts, retrieve them before installing the `mflogo' package. [If you have a TDS-compliant installation, you can get a tar archive file (logofont.tar) containing the METAFONT sources and TFM files of all required fonts, which can be unpacked directly from the TEXMF directory into TEXMF/fonts/{source,tfm}/public/mflogo/logo*.{mf,tfm}.] 2.) Once you have installed the required font files it's time to install the `mflogo' package itself. To do so, simply run: latex mflogo.ins This produces the files `Ulogo.fd' and `mflogo.sty' that should be installed in a directory searched by (La)TeX, which might be TEXMF/tex/latex/mflogo/ in a TDS-compliant installation. 3.) To produce the documentation of the `mflogo' package, run: latex mflogo.dtx In a TDS-compliant installation you might want to install the resulting file `mflogo.dvi' in your documentation directory which might be TEXMF/doc/latex/styles/ or TEXMF/doc/latex/misc/. Please note that the `mflogo' package itself is needed to produce the documentation. This provides a little test to see if your installation works and if the required fonts are found. Once you're statisfied that you can reproduce the documentation without errors and get some reasonable output, you're all set. Happy TeXing/METAFONTing/METAPOSTing! -- Ulrik Vieth ( -- 1995/09/01