This package contains version 4.1 of the "pb-diagram.sty" LaTeX macro package by Paul Burchard, along with complete documentation and examples. The "diagram" environment provided by this package allows the LaTeX user to easily create complex commutative diagrams, by placing formula nodes on a conceptual grid and attaching arrows to them. The grid used in these diagrams is not a fixed square grid. Instead, the environment automatically generates a correctly scaled and shaped rectangular grid which will compactly hold the formulas, while leaving room for the arrows between them. Moreover, the arrows automatically adapt to the spaces between the formulas being connected. Upgrades from version 4.0 to 4.1: - LAMS arrow fonts now compile correctly, thanks to fix from Ingo Hadan - \arrow command works better outside of diagrams Upgrades from version 3.x to 4.0: - makes pb-diagram more compatible with LaTeX2e and AMS-LaTeX - fixes a grid geometry bug that doubled some diagrams - corrects the direction of LAMS-TeX arrow embellishments - adds a double-headed arrow option - leaves many more TeX box nesting levels for arrow labels - produces less verbose output during typesetting * Upgrading Papers * In versions 3.6 and earlier, certain uncommon types of diagrams came out twice too large; to produce exactly compatible behavior in versions 4.0 and later, use the following declaration: \let\dggeometry=\dgoldgeometry In versions 3.4 and earlier, the names of the packages differed; here is a dictionary for translating the list of packages to load: diagram -> pb-diagram lamsarrow,diagram -> pb-diagram,lamsarrow,pb-lams * Unpacking the Distribution * If you received this package in the mail, save the message into a file (let's call it pb.uu) and issue these commands: uudecode pb.uu uncompress pb-diagram-4.1.tar.Z tar xf pb-diagram-4.1.tar If you retrieved this package via FTP or the Web as a `.tar.gz' file, issue these commands instead: gzip -d pb-diagram-4.1.tar.gz tar xf pb-diagram-4.1.tar In either case, tou should now have a directory "pb-diagram-4.1" containing the following files: File Name Where to Put It ------------------- ------------------- pb-diagram.sty TEXINPUTS pb-lams.sty TEXINPUTS lamsarrow.sty TEXINPUTS pb-manual.tex documentation area pb-examples.tex documentation area mf/lams*.mf MFINPUTS tfm/lams*.tfm TEXFONTS README Please let me know if you have any problems with this package. Paul Burchard