% \begin{dialogue} % \speak{Vladimir} Whare are all these corpses from? % \speak{Estragon} These skeletons. % \par\lips\par % \speak{Vladimir} A charnel-house! A charnel-house! % page 41 % % Estragon has exited offstage to right and left and come ``panting'' back % and fallen into Vladimir's arms. % % \speak{Estragon} I'm in hell! % \speak{Vladimir} Where were you? % \speak{Estragon} They're coming there too! % % \speak{Vladimir} We're surrounded! \direct{\refer{Estragon} makes a rush % towards back.} Imbecile! There's no way out there. % \direct{\refer{He} takes \refer{Estragon} by the arms % and drags him towards front. Gesture towards front.} % There! Not a soul in sight! Off you go! Quick! % \direct{\refer{He} pushes \refer{Estragon} towards % auditorium. \refer{Estragon} recoils in horror.} You % won't? \direct{\refer{He} contemplates auditorium.} % Well I can understand that. Wait till I see. % \direct{\refer{He} reflects.} Your only hope left is to % disappear. % \end{dialogue} %