@echo off rem MAKEYDOC.BAT (FOR MSDOS) rem Everything after a `rem' is ignored rem ----------------- create a `ltxdoc.cfg': -------------------------- rem Edit the next line for options to pass to the class: echo \PassOptionsToClass{a4paper}{article} > ltxdoc.cfg echo \batchmode >> ltxdoc.cfg rem The next lines produce full indexes and change logs rem you may not want those: rem echo \AtBeginDocument{\RecordChanges} >> ltxdoc.cfg rem echo \AtEndDocument{\PrintChanges} >> ltxdoc.cfg echo \AtBeginDocument{\CodelineIndex\EnableCrossrefs} >> ltxdoc.cfg echo \AtEndDocument{\PrintIndex} >> ltxdoc.cfg echo \AtEndDocument{\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Index}} >> ltxdoc.cfg rem If you do not want any code listings, just documentation, then instead rem of the lines above, uncomment the following: rem echo \AtBeginDocument{\OnlyDescription} >> ltxdoc.cfg rem ---------- latex the documentation using `ltxdoc.cfg': -------------- echo 1st latex youngtab.dtx latex youngtab.dtx echo 2nd latex youngtab.dtx latex youngtab.dtx echo If you don't have Makeindex, exit now! echo makeindx -s gind.ist youngtab.idx makeindx -s gind.ist youngtab.idx echo 3rd latex youngtab.dtx latex youngtab.dtx echo +++++++++++++ all done! ++++++++++++