----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file belongs to the TAP package ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE CONTENTS TAP.TEX: a TeX package for typesetting tables; it exploits some possibilities offered by PostScript. The idea of the package was taken from the package TABLES by Michael J. Ferguson, however, the package TAP was re-implemented from scratch. TAPCV: directory containing TAPCV.AWK (AWK program for translating tables written in extended ASCII format into TeX/TAP form) and a few samples. TAPDOC: directory containing files necessary for typesetting (TeXing) the documentation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHORS' COORDINATES Names: Bogu\l{}aw Jackowski, Piotr Pianowski, Piotr Strzelczyk Mail: BOP s.c., ul. Piastowska 70, 80-363 Gda\'nsk, Poland Email: jacko@ipipan.gda.pl ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- All copyrights, copylefts, copyups, copydowns, or whatever you wish to call them, concerning all the files in the TAP package are essentially of the public domain character. In particular, you are entitled to do with the files whatever you wish. If you alter a file, however, please remove the line containing the comment: `This file belongs to the TAP package' in order to avoid mess. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF THE 0TAP.DOC FILE