% PROJECT: MusixTeX PreProcessor FILE : INSTALL copyright (c) FlowerSoft 1995 This is the MusiXTeX pre-processor package mpp. To make effective use of this package you will need to have the typesetting package TeX as well as the additional macro package MusiXTeX available. MusixTeX is available via anonymous ftp from official CTAN sites such as ftp.dante.de and and ftp.tex.ac.uk, in the directory pub/tex/macros/musixtex. The unix platform * remove the executable mpp.exe for 8088 machines: rm mpp.exe * remove all MSDOS batch files: rm *.bat * configure for unix platform: sh < configure unix or, using g++ (version > 2.5.x) sh < configure gnu * make#1 the executable mpp: make * install mpp in the parent (MusiXTeX) directory: make INSTALLDIR=.. install or in directory PATH: make INSTALLDIR=PATH install note: make sure the "note.ini" and "script.ini" files reside in the same directory as the executable. The MSDOS platform The executable mpp.exe is already compiled for 8088 machines. If for any reason you must compile the executable yourself: * copy the file makefile.dos to makefile: copy makefile.dos makefile * make#1#2 the executable mpp.exe: make * install mpp in the parent (MusiXTeX) directory: make INSTALLDIR=.. install or in directory PATH: make INSTALLDIR=PATH install note: make sure the "note.ini" and "script.ini" files reside in the same directory as the executable. ------ #1 if "make" complains, please use gnu make (or replace Makefile: 553: "include $(NAME).dep" by a physical include of of "mpp.dep") #2 makefile(.dos) assumes to find Borland TurboC++ as /tc/bin/tcc, and Turbo link as /tc/bin/tlink. you best use GNU make for MSDOS.