% PROJECT: MusixTeX PreProcessor FILE : README copyright (c) FlowerSoft 1995 This is the MusiXTeX pre-processor package mpp. See the file INSTALL for further installation instructions. This archive contains *.h, *.cc: the mpp sources, written in C++ notes.ini, script.ini: mpp runtime *.mpp: example mpp input files mdo: a script for producing a dvi file from a mpp file mpp.tex: a file containing TeX definitions for mpp. mppdoc.*: an (incomplete) manual domppdoc: compile the manual into a TeXable file mpp.exe: an MSDOS executable. COPYING: the GNU General Public License SUPPORT: supported platforms. ChangeLog: list of changes INSTALL: how to install FAQ: our vision on mpp and suggestions for the future NEWS: brief update for users README: about mpp TODO: additional documentation notes MANIFEST: a list of all files in this archive. MPP was written by Jan Nieuwenhuizen MPP on the www: http://asterix.urc.tue.nl/~tnnvjn/mpp-english.html