PMX Version 1.1 3 February 1997 Don Simons A production of Dr. Don's PC and Harpsichord Emporium Welcome to the world of PMX, a preprocessor for MusiXTeX that produces nearly professional-looking scores and parts with far less effort than would be required using MusiXTeX alone. All files necessary for the DOS version are contained in The full instruction manual is in pmx11b.tex (use LaTeX 2.09). There is also a postscript image in case you have problems TeX'ing pmx11b. Non-DOS users: You will either have to compile the FORTRAN source, or see the manual for locations of other versions, or wait and other versions may appear on ref11.txt is a summary of all the legal PMX "symbols". You should still read the first few sections of the manual to get started. What's new since Version 1.04? Two lines of music per staff. Chords. Transposition. LaTeX version of the manual. More options for grace notes. Option to suppress printing number in xtuplet. Left- or right-shifted noteheads Adjust heights of slurs. \doubleBAR Default \afterruleskip changed to 1.0 Option to set \afterruleskip Option to force big or small accidentals. Option to set relative accidentals. Option to adjust height of rests. Many bug fixes (as usual).