cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc cc cc cc scor2prt.for Version 1.1 - 2/1/97 cc cc cc cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc common /all/ noinst integer nvi(7) character*1 sq,achar(8) character*12 jobname character*79 instrum(7) character*128 line logical termrpt data achar /'P','m','V','R','A','h','w','K' / data nvi /7*1/ print*,'jobname:' read(*,'(a)')jobname ljob = lenstr(jobname,12) if (ljob .gt. 7) then print*,'Use a jobname with 7 or fewer letters' stop end if sq = char(92) open(10,file=jobname(1:ljob)//'.pmx') read(10,*)nv,noinst,mtrnuml,mtrdenl,mtrnmp,mtrdnp,xmtrnum0,isig, * npages,nsyst,musicsize,fracindent if (npages .eq. 0) then print*, *'You entered npages=0, which means nsyst is not the total number' print*, *'of systems. Scor2prt has to know the total number of systems.' print*, *'Please set npages and nsyst to their real values.' stop end if nppp = (nsyst-1)/12+1 nvi(1) = nv-noinst+1 do 1 iv = 1 , noinst open(10+iv,status='SCRATCH') write(10+iv,'(6i5,f7.3,i5/3i5,f8.5)') * nvi(iv),1,mtrnuml,mtrdenl,mtrnmp,mtrdnp,xmtrnum0,isig, * nppp,nsyst,20,0.05 read(10,'(a)') instrum(iv) c c The following checks for macro that write original C-clef as part of c instrument name. See pmx.tex c if (index(instrum(iv),'namewpc') .eq. 0) then write(10+iv,'(a)')' ' else inm1 = index(instrum(iv),'{')+1 inm2 = index(instrum(iv),'}')-1 read(instrum(iv)(inm2+2:inm2+8),'(i1,4x,2i1)')ilev,iy1,iy2 write(10+iv,'(a)')sq//'namewpc{}'//char(ilev+48)//'{20}'// * char(iy1+49)//char(iy2+49) instrum(iv) = instrum(iv)(inm1:inm2) end if 1 continue c c Clef string c read(10,'(a)') line do 2 iv = 1 , noinst if (iv .eq. 1) then write(10+iv,'(a'//char(49+nv-noinst)//')')line(1:nv-noinst+1) else write(10+iv,'(a1)')line(nv-noinst+iv:nv-noinst+iv) end if 2 continue c c Path string c read(10,'(a)') line call allparts(line,128) c c Write instrument names. Will be blank if later part of a score. c if (instrum(1)(1:1) .ne. ' ') then do 3 iv = 1 , noinst len = lenstr(instrum(iv),79) write(10+iv,'(a2/a)')'Ti',instrum(iv)(1:len) 3 continue end if c c The big loop. Except for '%%', put all comment lines in all parts. c Unless preceeded by '%%', put all type 2 or 3 TeX Strings in all parts c If a line starts with %!, put the rest of it in each part. c If a line starts with %[n], put the rest of it in part [n]. c Check for Tt, Tc, Voltas, Repeats, headers, lower texts, meter changes. c Assume they only come at top of block, except terminal repeat needs c special handling. c Check for "P"; ignore in parts. c Check for consecutive full-bar rests; if found, replace with rm[nn] c iv = 1 iinst = 1 termrpt = .false. 4 read(10,'(a)',end=999)line if (line(1:2).eq. '%%') then c c Ignore next line c read(10,'(a)')line if (index('h XXl ',line(1:2)).gt.0) read(10,'(a)')line go to 4 else if (line(1:1).eq.'%' .and. * index('1234567',line(2:2)).gt.0) then lenline = lenstr(line,128) write(10+ichar(line(2:2))-48,'(a)')line(3:lenline) go to 4 else if (line(1:2) .eq. '%!') then call allparts(line(3:128),126) go to 4 else if (line(1:1) .eq. 'T') then call allparts(line,128) read(10,'(a)')line call allparts(line,128) go to 4 else if (line(1:2).eq.sq//sq .or. line(1:1).eq.'%') then call allparts(line,128) go to 4 else if (index('hl',line(1:1)).gt.0 .and. * line(2:2).eq.' ') then call allparts(line(1:1),1) read(10,'(a)')line call allparts(line,128) go to 4 else if (iv .eq. 1) then do 5 ia = 1 , 8 idxa = ntindex(line,achar(ia)) if ( .and. * (idxa.eq.1 .or. line(idxa-1:idxa-1).eq.' ')) then c c Find next blank c do 6 ib = idxa+1 , 128 if (line(ib:ib) .eq. ' ') go to 7 6 continue print*,'Problem with "V,R,m,P,A,h, or w"' print*,'Send files to Dr. Don at' stop 7 continue c c Next blank is at position ib c if (ia .eq. 4) then c c Check for terminal repeat. Note if there's a term rpt, there can't be any c others. Also, must process repeats LAST, after m's and 'V's c do 8 ic = ib+1 , 128 if (index(' /',line(ic:ic)) .eq. 0) go to 9 if (line(ic:ic) .eq. '/') then termrpt = .true. c c Process the line as if there were no "R" c go to 10 end if 8 continue c c If here, all chars after "R" symbol are blanks, so process the line normally c else if (ia .eq. 1) then c c Do not transfer P into parts. c go to 12 end if 9 continue call allparts(line(idxa:ib-1),ib-idxa) 12 continue c c Remove the string from line c if (idxa .eq. 1) then line = line(ib:128) else line = line(1:idxa-1)//line(ib:128) end if c c Loop if only blanks are left c if (lenstr(line,128) .eq. 0) go to 4 end if 5 continue end if 10 continue lenline = lenstr(line,128) if (termrpt .and. .and. * line(lenline:lenline).eq.'/') then c c Must add a terminal repeat before the slash c write(10+iinst,'(a)')line(1:lenline-1) line = 'Rr /' lenline = 4 if (iv .eq. nv) termrpt = .false. end if write(10+iinst,'(a)')line(1:lenline) if (ntindex(line,'/').gt.0 .and. index(line,'//').eq.0) then iv = 1+mod(iv,nv) if (iv.eq.1 .or. iinst = 1+mod(iinst,noinst) end if go to 4 999 continue close(10) do 11 iinst = 1 , noinst if (nvi(iinst) .eq. 1) then call mbrests(iinst,jobname,ljob) else c c Send a signal to bypass mbrest processing c call mbrests(iinst,jobname,-ljob) end if 11 continue end function lenstr(string,n) character*(*) string do 1 lenstr = n , 1 , -1 if (string(lenstr:lenstr) .ne. ' ') return 1 continue lenstr = 0 return end subroutine allparts(string,n) character*(*) string common /all/ noinst len = lenstr(string,n) do 1 iv = 1 , noinst write(10+iv,'(a)')string(1:len) 1 continue return end subroutine mbrests(iv,jobname,ljob) character*128 line(10),line1 character*80 sym character*12 jobname character*3 wbrsym(2) character*1 sq logical wbrest,alldone,rpfirst sq = char(92) alldone = .false. rewind(10+iv) open(20,file=jobname(1:abs(ljob))//char(48+iv)//'.pmx') do 1 i = 1 , 10000 read(10+iv,'(a)',end=999)line(1) 7 len = lenstr(line(1),128) c c Pass-through if inst. #1 has >1 voice. c if (ljob .lt. 0) go to 2 if (i.eq.1 .or. ('m')) then if (i .eq. 1) then read(line(1),'(10x,2i5)')mtrnum,mtrden else icden = 3 if (line(1)(2:2) .eq. 'o') then mtrnum = 1 else mtrnum = ichar(line(1)(2:2))-48 if (mtrnum .eq. 1) then icden = 4 mtrnum = 10+ichar(line(1)(3:3))-48 end if end if mtrden = ichar(line(1)(icden:icden))-48 end if lenbeat = ifnodur(mtrden,'x') lenmult = 1 if (mtrden .eq. 2) then lenbeat = 16 lenmult = 2 end if lenbar = lenmult*mtrnum*lenbeat call fwbrsym(lenbar,nwbrs,wbrsym,lwbrs) end if ip1 = 0 line1 = line(1) do 3 iw = 0 , nwbrs if (iw .gt. 0) then idx = ntindex(line1,wbrsym(iw)(1:lwbrs)) else idx = ntindex(line1,'rp') end if if (idx .gt. 0) then if (ip1. eq. 0) then ip1 = idx else ip1 = min(ip1,idx) end if end if 3 continue if (i.le.5 .or. line(1)(1:1).eq.'%' .or. line(1)(1:2).eq.sq//sq * .or. ip1.eq.0) go to 2 c c Switch to multibar rest search mode!!! Start forward in line(1) c rpfirst = line1(ip1:ip1+1) .eq. 'rp' iline = 1 nmbr = 1 if (rpfirst) then lwbrsx = 2 else lwbrsx = lwbrs end if ipe = ip1+lwbrsx-1 4 if (ipe .eq. len) then c c Need a new line c iline = iline+1 6 read(10+iv,'(a)',end=998)line(iline) len = lenstr(line(iline),128) if (line(iline)(1:1).eq.'%' ) then write(20,'(a)')'% Following comment has been moved forward' write(20,'(a)')line(iline)(1:len) go to 6 end if ipe = 0 go to 4 998 continue c c No more input left c print*,'All done!' alldone = .true. ipe = 0 iline = iline-1 go to 4 else if (alldone) then sym(1:1) = ' ' else c c ipe=len ' print*,'Send files to Dr. Don at' stop end if do 1 ip = ipeold+1 , len if (line(ip:ip) .ne. ' ') then c c symbol starts here (ip). We're committed to exit the loop. c if (ip .lt. len) then do 2 iip = ip+1 , len if (line(iip:iip) .ne. ' ') go to 2 c c iip is the space after the symbol c ipenew = iip-1 lsym = ipenew-ip+1 sym = line(ip:ipenew) return 2 continue c c Have len>=2 and ends on len c ipenew = len lsym = ipenew-ip+1 sym = line(ip:ipenew) return else c c ip = len c ipenew = len lsym = 1 sym = line(ip:ip) return end if end if 1 continue print*,'Error #3. Send files to Dr. Don at' end function ntindex(line,s2q) c c Returns index(line,s2q) if NOT in TeX string, 0 otherwise c character*(*) s2q character*128 line logical intex c c print*,'Starting ntindex. s2q:',s2q,', line(1:79) is below' c print*,line(1:79) c ndxs2 = index(line,s2q) ndxbs = index(line,char(92)) if (ndxbs.eq.0 .or. then ntindex = ndxs2 c print*,'No bs, or char is left of 1st bs, ntindex:',ntindex else c c There are both bs and s2q, and bs is to the left of sq2. So check bs's to c right of first: End is '\ ', start is ' \' c len = lenstr(line,128) intex = .true. c print*,'intex+>',intex do 1 ic = ndxbs+1 , len if (ic .eq. ndxs2) then if (intex) then ntindex = 0 ndxs2 = index(line(ic+1:len),s2q)+ic c print*,'ndxs2 =>',ndxs2 else ntindex = ndxs2 return end if c print*,'Internal exit, intex, ntindex:',intex,ntindex else if (intex .and. line(ic+1:ic+2).eq.char(92)//' ') then intex = .false. c print*,'intex+>',intex else if (.not.intex .and. line(ic+1:ic+2).eq.' '//char(92)) * then intex = .true. c print*,'intex+>',intex end if 1 continue c print*,'Out end of loop 1' end if c print*,'Exiting ntindex at the end???' return end