# Makefile for PS utilities release 1 patchlevel 16 # # Copyright (C) Angus J. C. Duggan 1991-1995 # See file LICENSE for details. # # updated AJCD 14/3/94 # # Multiple makefiles for different OSes are generated from a single master # now. # # There are so many incompatible makes around that putting all of the # non-standard targets explicitly seems to be the only way of ensuring # portability. # epsffit fits an epsf file to a given bounding box # psbook rearranges pages into signatures # psselect selects page ranges # pstops performs general page rearrangement and merging # psnup puts multiple logical pages on one physical page # psresize scales and moves pages to fit on different paper sizes PAPER=a4 # Makefile for PSUtils under Windows NT, Microsoft C/C++ Compiler BINDIR = \psutils SCRIPTDIR = $(BINDIR) INCLUDEDIR = \psutils\include PERL = perl COPT = -Zi -G3ds CFLAGS = -DPAPER=\"$(PAPER)\" -DWINNT /W4 $(COPT) BIN = psbook.exe psselect.exe pstops.exe epsffit.exe psnup.exe \ psresize.exe SHELLSCRIPTS = PERLSCRIPTS = fixfmps.cmd fixmacps.cmd fixpsditps.cmd fixpspps.cmd \ fixtpps.cmd fixwfwps.cmd fixwpps.cmd fixscribeps.cmd fixwwps.cmd \ fixdlsrps.cmd extractres.cmd includeres.cmd psmerge.cmd MANPAGES = \ \ \ \ INCLUDES = md68_0.ps md71_0.ps all: $(BIN) $(PERLSCRIPTS) $(MANPAGES) psutil.obj: psutil.h patchlev.h pserror.h psutil.c psspec.obj: psutil.h patchlev.h psspec.h pserror.h psspec.c pserror.obj: psutil.h patchlev.h pserror.h pserror.c epsffit.obj: epsffit.c pserror.h patchlev.h epsffit.exe: epsffit.obj pserror.obj link -debug:full -out:epsffit.exe pserror.obj epsffit.obj psnup.exe: psnup.obj psutil.obj psspec.obj pserror.obj link -debug:full -out:psnup.exe psutil.obj psspec.obj pserror.obj psnup.obj psnup.obj: psutil.h patchlev.h psspec.h pserror.h psnup.c psresize.exe: psresize.obj psutil.obj pserror.obj psspec.obj link -debug:full -out:psresize.exe psutil.obj psspec.obj pserror.obj psresize.obj psresize.obj: psutil.h patchlev.h psspec.h pserror.h psresize.c psbook.exe: psbook.obj psutil.obj pserror.obj link -debug:full -out:psbook.exe psutil.obj pserror.obj psbook.obj psbook.obj: psutil.h patchlev.h pserror.h psbook.c psselect.exe: psselect.obj psutil.obj pserror.obj link -debug:full -out:psselect.exe psutil.obj pserror.obj psselect.obj psselect.obj: psutil.h patchlev.h pserror.h psselect.c pstops.exe: pstops.obj psutil.obj psspec.obj pserror.obj link -debug:full -out:pstops.exe psutil.obj psspec.obj pserror.obj pstops.obj pstops.obj: psutil.h patchlev.h psspec.h pserror.h pstops.c psmerge.cmd: psmerge.pl $(PERL) maketext PERL=$(PERL) $? > $@ fixfmps.cmd: fixfmps.pl $(PERL) maketext PERL=$(PERL) $? > $@ fixmacps.cmd: fixmacps.pl $(PERL) maketext PERL=$(PERL) INCLUDE=$(INCLUDEDIR) $? > $@ fixpsditps.cmd: fixpsditps.pl $(PERL) maketext PERL=$(PERL) $? > $@ fixpspps.cmd: fixpspps.pl $(PERL) maketext PERL=$(PERL) $? > $@ fixscribeps.cmd: fixscribeps.pl $(PERL) maketext PERL=$(PERL) $? > $@ fixtpps.cmd: fixtpps.pl $(PERL) maketext PERL=$(PERL) $? > $@ fixwfwps.cmd: fixwfwps.pl $(PERL) maketext PERL=$(PERL) $? > $@ fixwpps.cmd: fixwpps.pl $(PERL) maketext PERL=$(PERL) $? > $@ fixwwps.cmd: fixwwps.pl $(PERL) maketext PERL=$(PERL) $? > $@ fixdlsrps.cmd: fixdlsrps.pl $(PERL) maketext PERL=$(PERL) $? > $@ extractres.cmd: extractres.pl $(PERL) maketext PERL=$(PERL) $? > $@ includeres.cmd: includeres.pl $(PERL) maketext PERL=$(PERL) INCLUDE=$(INCLUDEDIR) $? > $@ clean: del *.obj veryclean realclean: clean del $(BIN) $(PERLSCRIPTS) $(MANPAGES) install: install.bin install.script install.include install.bin: $(BIN) -mkdir $(BINDIR) @for %1 in ( $(BIN) ) do copy %1 $(BINDIR) install.script: $(PERLSCRIPTS) -mkdir $(SCRIPTDIR) @for %1 in ( $(PERLSCRIPTS) ) do copy %1 $(SCRIPTDIR) install.include: $(INCLUDES) -mkdir $(INCLUDEDIR) @for %1 in ( $(INCLUDES) ) do copy %1 $(INCLUDEDIR) Makefiles: Makefile.unix Makefile.msc Makefile.bcc Makefile.sc Makefile.nt Makefile.os2 Makefile.unix: Makefile.ppe perl prepare MAKE_UNIX= Makefile.ppe >Makefile.unix Makefile.msc: Makefile.ppe perl prepare MAKE_DOS= MICROSOFT= Makefile.ppe >Makefile.msc Makefile.bcc: Makefile.ppe perl prepare MAKE_DOS= BORLAND= Makefile.ppe >Makefile.bcc Makefile.sc: Makefile.ppe perl prepare MAKE_DOS= SYMANTEC= Makefile.ppe >Makefile.sc Makefile.wat: Makefile.ppe perl prepare MAKE_DOS= WATCOM= Makefile.ppe >Makefile.wat Makefile.os2: Makefile.ppe perl prepare MAKE_OS2= Makefile.ppe >Makefile.os2 Makefile.nt: Makefile.ppe perl prepare = Makefile.ppe >Makefile.nt tar ../psutils.tar: (cd ..; tar cvf psutils.tar `cat psutils/tarfiles`)