Command Line Syntax

The generic syntax is:
	listen [ options ]


The order of the options is not important. Currently available options are:-

Getting Help

-v [ a | b | c | g | p | s | t | u ]
Verbose mode: Gives a running commentary on the program's attempts to read data in various ways. As the amount of verbose output is substantial, the -v option can now be followed by zero, one or more of the following flags (without space) in order to differentiate the verbose output generated:
  • a: Anchor relevant information
  • b: Bindings to local file system
  • c: Cache trace
  • g: SGML trace
  • p: Protocol module information
  • s: SGML/HTML relevant information
  • t: Thread trace
  • u: URI relevant information
The -v option without any appended options shows all trace messages. An example is
showing thread and protocol trace messages
Prints out the version number of the software, and the version number of the WWW library, and exits.

Configuration Options

-port <n>
Indicates the port number to listen on. Default is 80
-backlog <n>
Number of connections pending in the listen queue

Henrik Frystyk, libwww@w3.org, February 1996