WinEdt Dictionaries =================== _______________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER: None of WinEdt's dictionary creators/ maintainers take any responsibility for problems, if any, caused by WinEdt or the dictionaries. _______________________________________________________________________ The following dictionaries were originally compiled from public domain sources for the amSpell spell-checker by Erik Frambach (e-mail: DE = German ES = Spanish FR = French IT = Italian (see IT.TXT) NL1 = Dutch (new spelling) NL2 = Dutch (old spelling) UK = English (UK) US = English (US) I have further modified these dictionaries for use with WinEdt: The dictionaries are decompressed, translated from OEM to Windows Character set, and sorted by WinEdt's Dictionary Manager. _______________________________________________________________________ The dictionary DE2 contains properly capitalized German words. contains the corrections and additions to DE2. Both files were compiled and contributed by Robert Lieske (e-mail: Robert also uploaded the tools he was using to compile this dictionary in "...dict/support/". _______________________________________________________________________ WinEdt's default dictionary is "winedt.dic" in WinEdt base directory. This is a very basic English Dictionary compiled by me over the last few years mostly for entertainment purposes (solving word puzzles in the newspaper). You will likely find this dictionary inadequate for serious work. In that case you can download any of the dictionaries in this directory and load it with WinEdt Dictionary Manager. Note that you can Edit, Merge and Sort Dictionaries through WinEdt/ Options/ Dictionary Dialog. WinEdt can only use one dictionary (word-list) at a time and added words get inserted into the loaded dictionary. For special purposes you should consider making a working copy of the dictionary (note that you can merge dictionaries for different languages)... _______________________________________________________________________ At the moment, WinEdt has registered users in 24 countries. It is impossible for me to collect and maintain dictionaries for all these languages. However, should you (the user) compile a dictionary that might be of interest to other WinEdt users and you are willing to share it with others, please let me know. I welcome contributions that can be added to this directory (with the appropriate credit and copyright notice). alex (e-mail: _______________________________________________________________________