@String{TUGboat = "TUGboat"} @Article{Haralambous:TB16-2-162, author = "Yannis Haralambous and Sebastian Rahtz", title = "{{{\LaTeX}, hypertext and {PDF}, {\it or} the entry of {\TeX} into the world of hypertext}}", journal = TUGboat, year = "1995", volume = "16", number = "2", pages = "162--173", month = Jun } @Book{Adobe, author = "Tim Bienz and Richard Cohn", title = "Portable Document Format Reference Manual", publisher = "Addison Wesley", address = "Reading, MA", pages = "xii + 214", year = "1993", ISBN = "0-201-62628-4" } @misc{Deutsch, author = "{L. Peter} Deutsch", title="Aladdin Ghostscript", year="1996", note="version 4.01, available at {\url{ftp://ftp.cs.wisc.edu/pub/ghost/aladdin}}" } @misc{Rokicki, author="Tomas Rokicki", year="1994", title="Dvips: A {\TeX} Driver", note="version 5.58, available at {\url{ftp://labrea.stanford.edu/pub/tex}}" } @article{Sojka, author="Petr Sojka and {Han The} Thanh", title="The {JOY} of {TeX2PDF} --- Acrobatics with an Alternative to {DVI} Format", journal = TUGboat, year = "1996", volume = "17", number = "3" }