I have made a new release of my package `hyperref' on CTAN (macros/latex/contrib/supported/hyperref); this is a LaTeX package which aims to redefine all cross-referencing commands and overload them with \special commands which can be used in hypertext products. So far the conventions of the HyperTeX project, and Acrobat "pdfmark" commands for Distiller, are supported. Indexing and `back-referencing' work, as do arbitrary point to point links, and network URLs. There are three reasons for this release (4.01): a) Making the backend modular; support for a set of \special commands is now loaded in a .cfg file; this is preparing for support of dvi2pdf and tex2pdf; there are skeleton .cfg files for these options. Please don't ask me more about these projects - see the next issue of TUGboat. b) Seriously changing the pdfmark generation; having (finally) almost understood dvips, I now calculate things in a way that should work, and have View destinations that mean something. My apologies to those who tried to understand the previous system, and are now even more baffled. c) Fixing support for the `natbib' package d) Fixing a few more problems; nothing dramatic --- the remaining serious problems of some bibliography styles remain. The problems remaining to be fixed one day are: 1. understanding and coping with *all* the bibliography packages out there (but you should use natbib, its excellent) 2. making the Acrobat support more robust; the sizes of boxes around things, and the destination zooms, are not always right 3. making the Acrobat support more configurable, and working more with the DOCINFO material and of course finding better ways to avoid the fragility of overloading some low-level LaTeX code which could change at any time. Sebastian Rahtz s.rahtz@elsevier.co.uk