; ; $VER InitTeX 2.1 (7.2.1997) ; ; To start the AmiWeb2C system with the PasTeX drivers you need: ; ; 1. SYS:WBStartUp/InitTeX (for automatic startup) ; or S:InitTeX (for manual startup) ; - Starts a NewShell with the file TeX-Server-StartUp. ; 2. TeX:rexx/TeX-Server-StartUp ; - Equivalent to a Shell-StartUp file and serves to start ; the TeX server. A window is opened on the public screen ; of the ShowDVI previewer. After "Quit Server" the window ; is closed automatically. ; 3. TeX:rexx/TeX-Server.rexx ; - The ARexx TeX server. Opened on the public screen of ShowDVI. ; 4. Rexx:NameStruc ; - Additionally needed by the TeX server. ; ; Start the previewer and the special command interpreter: ; run >NIL: showdvi nolog ; Start ShowDVI with run WaitForPort showdvi ; Wait for ShowDVI run >NIL: SpecialHost ; For METAPOST graphics WaitForPort special_dvi ; Wait for SpecialHost ; ; Start the TeX server on the ShowDVI public screen: ; run >NIL: NewShell "CON:20/40/620/140/TeX-Server/SCREENShowDVI-PubScr" FROM TeX:rexx/TeX-Server-StartUp