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A skeleton of a TDS `texmf' directory tree:

  bibtex/           BibTeX input files
    bib/            BibTeX databases
      base/         base distribution (e.g., `xampl.bib')
      misc/         single-file databases
    <package>/      name of a package
    bst/            BibTeX style files
      base/         base distribution (e.g., `plain.bst', `acm.bst')
      misc/         single-file styles
    <package>/      name of a package
  doc/              see Section section Documentation and the summary below
  fonts/            font-related files
    <type>/         file type (e.g., `pk')
      <mode>/       type of output device (for `pk' and `gf' only)
        <supplier>/     name of a font supplier (e.g., `public')
          <typeface>/   name of a typeface (e.g., `cm')
            dpi<nnn>/   font resolution (for `pk' and `gf' only)
  <implementation>/ TeX implementations, by name (e.g., `emtex')
  metafont/         METAFONT (non-font) input files
    base/           base distribution (e.g., `plain.mf')
    misc/           single-file packages (e.g., `modes.mf')
    <package>/      name of a package (e.g., `mfpic')
  metapost/         MetaPost input and support files
    base/           base distribution (e.g., `plain.mp')
    misc/           single-file packages
    <package>/      name of a package
    support/        support files for MetaPost-related utilities
  mft/              `MFT' inputs (e.g., `plain.mft')
  <program>/        TeX-related programs, by name (e.g., `dvips')
  source/           program source code by name (e.g., `latex', `web2c')
  tex/              TeX input files
    <format>/       name of a format (e.g., `plain')
      base/         base distribution for format (e.g., `plain.tex')
      misc/         single-file packages (e.g., `webmac.tex')
      local/        local additions to or local configuration files for `format'
      <package>/    name of a package (e.g., `graphics', `mfnfss')
    generic/        format-independent packages
      hyphen/       hyphenation patterns (e.g., `hyphen.tex')
      images/       image input files (e.g., Encapsulated PostScript)
      misc/         single-file format-independent packages (e.g., `null.tex').
      <package>/    name of a package (e.g., `babel')

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