The TeX Catalogue Online

by Graham Williams

Alphabetically Indexed CTAN Edition

Section H


CTAN:fonts/hands/ Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante Included in the TeXLive distribution

Pointing hand fonts (16 May 1996)


CTAN:macros/latex209/contrib/misc/ Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante teTeX

Defines a variant of the caption command to produce captions with hanging indentation.


CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/supported/harpoon/ Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante Included in the TeXLive distribution

Extra harpoons, using the graphics package (16 May 1996)


CTAN:biblio/bibtex/contrib/ PDF Documentation Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante Included in the TeXLive distribution

The Harvard bibliography style family.


CTAN:macros/plain/contrib/harvmac/ Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante Included in the TeXLive distribution

Paul Ginsparg's Harvard macros for scientific articles (16 May 1996)


CTAN:languages/greek/cb/BibTeX/ Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante

A BibTeX style for typesetting databases that containing both Greek and non-Greek bibliographic records. (10 Mar 1998)



Provides the H option for floats in LaTeX to mean that the float should really be placed here. It has been removed from CTAN at the request of the author. LaTeX2e now has a \! option and [!ht] usually does what the user of H expects and has the big advantage of guaranteeing that floats stay in the right order. See the float package for an alternative which does include H for LaTeX2e. (25 May 1996)


CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/supported/hh/ Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante Included in the TeXLive distribution

Fancy boxing effects (16 May 1996)


CTAN:macros/latex/packages/tools/ Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante teTeX

Better horizontal lines in tabulars and arrays.


CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/supported/histogr Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante Included in the TeXLive distribution

Drawing histograms with the LaTeX picture environment. (12 Apr 1997)


CTAN:language/korean/HLaTeX Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante

Support for Korean documents written in Korean standard KSC codes for LaTeX2e. Latest recorded version is 0.97. (28 May 1997)



Hyphenation patterns for the Croatian language for use with T1 (and OT1) encoding as supported in DC fonts.


CTAN:support/html/ Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante Included in the TeXLive distribution

Various TeX documentation converted to HTML (16 May 1996)


CTAN:macros/latex209/contrib/misc/ Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante

Definitions of horizontal and vertical dashed lines for the array and tabular environment. Instead of building partial horizontal dashed lines using Isozaki's \cline{2-3}, \hdashline fills the full width. The proportion of the dashed line is defined by the two parameters: \hdashlinewidth=2pt and \hdashlinegap=2pt, where the former defines the width of the dash and the latter sets their gap. (13 May 1997)


CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/supported/hyper/ PDF Documentation Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante Included in the TeXLive distribution

Redefines LaTeX cross-referencing commands to insert \special commands for HyperTeX dvi viewers, such as recent versions of xdvi. (30 Aug 1997)


Home Documentation

Hyperlatex is a package that allows you to prepare documents in HTML, and, at the same time, to produce a neatly printed document from your input. Unlike some other systems that you may have seen, Hyperlatex is not a general LaTeX-to-HTML converter. A well written HTML document must differ from a printed copy in a number of rather subtle ways and these differences may not be recognizable mechanically. Latest recorded version is 2.2. (13 May 1997)


CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/supported/hyperref/ PDF Documentation Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante Included in the TeXLive distribution

Redefines LaTeX cross-referencing commands to insert \special commands for HyperTeX dvi viewers, or for translation to Adobe's PDF (Portable Document Format) for viewing on the Web with Acroread. (18 Jun 1996)


CTAN:language/hyphenation/ Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante

Additional hyphenation patterns which have to be loaded in conjunction with each ``normal'' set of patterns. It contains patterns to allow hyphenation after an explicit - letter, which are needed if you want to use e.g. the second hyphen character (\char127) of the EC fonts or any other T1 encoded font as \hyphenchar\font. (3 May 1997)