This file includes signs placed in common part of T1 and T2 encodings and differences of shapes, glyphs and codes (if exist) l -- heavily borrowed from CM or/and EC c -- created for T2 encdoing * -- borrowed from EC but corrected for mentioned reasons -- Metafont program for the characters in positions of ligatures for the "caps and small caps" fonts X2 T2* l I "19 l J "1a if roman_ec: l FI,FL,FFI,FFL fi "1b-"1f -- for T2* stuff only -- Accents - borrowed from ec fonts "00-"0c + additional Cyrilic accents X2 T2* from T1 l Agrave "00 ` "00 accent grave l Aacute "01 ' "01 accent acute * Ahat "02 ^ "02 accent circumflex edited accent_gap added (if undefined) for uppercase form l Atilde "03 ~ "03 accent tilde l Aumlaut "04 "04 accent umlaut l Aacute_dbl "05 '' "05 accent hungarian umlaut l Aring "06 "06 Scandinavian circle l Ahachek "07 "07 accent hacheck * Abreve "08 "08 accent breve edited to avoid "hat" form if cmssq8 (this correction maybe is not so good) accent_gap added (if undefined) for uppercase form l Abar "09 "09 accent macron (bar) l Adot "0a "0a accent dot * Acedilla "0b "0b cedilla edited: y_move used in lowercase form * Aogonek "0c "0c ogonek Macro easy_ogonek used (emulates polish macro) (Also easy_ogonek is used for letter accents) Cyrillic symbols: c Afrown "12 "12 accent reversed breve c Agrave_dbl "13 `` "13 accent reversed hungaran umlaut c Acyrbreve "14 "14 Cyrilllic breve c Ahcross "17 accent hor cross c Agrave_cross "19 accent grave_cross c Aacute_cross "1a accent acute_cross c Acomma "1b comma above letter "1c-"1f Cyrillic letters N_ltl and Delta lgcyrsym .mf -- Glyphs for ec and Cyrillic symbols used with floating codes X2 T2* c palochka "0d "0d symbol Palochka l openq Single German opening quote (looks like ,) c angle_left "0e "0e Single left angle bracket l lguillemet Single left guillemet c angle_right "0f "0f Single right angle bracket l rguillemet Single right guillemet * dash "16 "16 Em dash/if monospace Hyphen Shortened Cyrillic em-dash l wordmark "17 Compound word mark l pmzero "18 "18 Zero for p mille sign (ec: "17) l dbl_quotes "22 "22 Straight double quotes * No "9d "9d Cyrillic symbol `Number' Changed shape for good metafonting (e.g. in tt and ss fonts) c currency "9e "9e Cyrillic Currency sign (borrowed from tc fonts) l section "9f "9f Section sign l baseqq "bd "bd German Opening quotes (looks like ,,) (ec: "12) * flqq "be "be Cyrillic Opening Quotes (looks like <<) (ec: "13) Used more familiar shape for Russian users * frqq "bf "bf Cyrillic Closing Quotes (looks like >>) (ec: "14) Used more familiar shape for Russian users T1/T2-outsider: l pound ("bf) Sterling sign lg(r/i) -- Special letters X2 T2* l i_dotl "19 i dotless l j_dotl "1a j dotless =============================================================================== Next files include only unfloating and unchanged gpyphs -- Glyphs for ec and Cyrillic symbols used with unchanged codes "10 oct"020" `` Opening quotes "11 oct"021" '' Closing quotes "15 oct"025" -- En dash/if monospace Hyphen ***Em dash ("16) in file lgcyrsym "20 oct"040" Blank-space sign "21 "!" ! Exclamation point ***Double quotes ("22) in file lgcyrsym for (possible) floating "23 "#" # Hash mark (number sign) "24 "$" $ Dollar sign "25 "%" % Per cent sign ***Ampresand ("26) in files lg(rom/ital)p "27 "'" ' Apostrophe "28 "(" ( Left parenthesis "29 ")" ) Right parenthesis "2a "*" * Asterisk "2b "+" + Plus sign "2c "," , Comma "2d "-" - Hyphen "2e "." . Period "2f "/" / Virgule (slash) ***Digits in files lg(r/i)digit "3a ":" : Colon "3b ";" ; Semicolon "3c "<" < Less than sign "3d "=" = Equals sign "3e ">" > Greater than sign ***Question mark ("3f) in files lg(rom/ital)p "40 "@" @ At sign ***Uppercase Latin/Cyrillic letters "5b "[" [ Left bracket "5c oct"134" \ Reverse slash (backslash) "5d "]" ] Right bracket "5e oct"136" ^ Circumflex (hat) "5f oct"137" _ Underbar "60 "`" ` Reverse apostrophe ***Lowercase Latin/Cyrillic letters "7b oct"173" { Left curly brace "7c oct"174" | Vertical line "7d oct"175" } Right curly brace "7e oct"176" ~ Tilde (squiggle) "7f oct"177" - Hyphenchar lg(r/i) - digits lg(rom/ital) -- "26 oct"046" & Ampersand "3f oct"077" ? Question mark *Spanish open question mark moved out from T2