Received via email on April 9, 1997 from citation begin>> We have two different products: Texport, which converts from LaTeX/TeX to Word, and Publishing Companion, which converts from Word to LaTeX/TeX. Equations (greek letters, math symbols, etc.) and text are converted, other kinds of graphics not. When converting from LaTeX to Word, equations are converted 90-95% well. From Word -> LaTeX they came out only 60-70% because Word equations format is encrypted. Both Texport and Publishing run under Windows 3.x or Win'95, using Word 6.x or later versions, on a IBM PC. Each of these products work together with our math editor, MathEdit, which let you create/edit/correct equations and then save them in various graphics format: WMF (which is the best for Word), BMP, TIFF, EPS and/or TeX/LaTeX code. In the conversion process, our macros insert the equations graphics into the final document (when convert from LaTeX to Word) or merge together the equations LaTeX code and the text (when convert from Word to LaTeX). For more information, please visit our web site at: We have also a working demo of MathEdit which you can download. (This demo permits you only equations not document conversion). If you don't have Internet access, call us back for more details. Please use the following: or Looking forward to work with you! K-Talk Communications, Inc. Columbus, Ohio 43212 USA Fax: (614) 488-9505 Phone: (614) 488-8818 <