Why K-Talk's software doesn't work for me Author: W.Hennings@fz-juelich.de last update: May 25, 1998 Distinguish two groups of causes why K-Talk's software doesn't work for me: A. General Problems -- 1. K-Talk's software uses their own formula editor "MathEdit", which is incompatible with Microsoft's equation editor. Therefore if I convert a LaTeX file to word, only users having K-Talk's MathEdit are able to use the converted file. 2. On the PC wordprocessor side, K-Talk's software primarily uses the WordPerfect 5.1 format. MS Word users must install extra macros for conversion to a "tagged document file". These macros however are written for Word6 and need some dlls belonging to word6 which I don't have because I have word7(95). So I could not get them running. 3. Capacity: on converting the "LaTeX2e Kurzbeschreibung" (from CTAN, "l2kurz.tex" plus include-files) I get the error message "file l2k2.tex too large to include". As LaTeX is intended for large documents, a professional converter should be able to convert large documents! B. Localization Problems -- 1. In addition to being not compatible with MS word versions later than word6, the word macros need to be localized if one doesn't have the English version of Word. 2. TexPort doesn't recognize German umlauts used in german.sty