amsmath.bug [1996/11/06] This file contains a log of bug fixes and other changes for version 2.0 of the amsmath package. Please direct bug reports or related questions to the AMS technical support address: (or by phone: 401-455-4080; in the USA or Canada, 1-800-321-4267 ext 4080). There is also a good alternative avenue for reporting bugs, through the LaTeX bugs database Web page: The bug report and responses then go into the public record and can be searched for and so on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Not amsmath bugs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---amsmath: Many bug reports arise from the use of `fragile' commands inside `moving' arguments (article titles, section titles, figure captions, table captions, etc.). Bear in mind that not all math commands are robust, and some that are robust in ordinary LaTeX become fragile in AMS-LaTeX (e.g., \longrightarrow). See Section C.1.3 of the LaTeX book. Most of the more common math commands have been made robust, but for each such command there is a hidden cost to users: making it robust uses up an extra control sequence name, which makes the following sort of error message more likely: TeX capacity exceeded [hash size=3500] Unlike the `require \protect' solution, this latter problem can be very difficult for the average user to solve: sometimes there is no good solution short of upgrading their whole TeX system, perhaps including hardware (if the new version of TeX requires more system resources). ---[amslatex/2104] Error messages or wrong output with \ensuremath inside an alignment environment (aligned, array, etc). ! Incomplete \ifmmode; all text was ignored after line 9. \fi l.9 } This problem is not specific to amsmath but ultimately resolves to a deficiency in the definition of \ensuremath that was fixed in LaTeX as of 1996/06/01 [. If you can't upgrade your version of LaTeX to remedy this problem, you may need to resort to the following patch in your documents: \DeclareRobustCommand\ensuremath[1]{\ifmmode#1\else{$#1$}\fi} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reported bugs not yet dealt with (not a comprehensive list): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---amsmath: \sideset can result in overlapping of the subscript with a neighboring symbol. ---amsmath: Lower limits on \iint are positioned too far away from the int symbol ---amsmath: \ldots spacing differs from normal LaTeX values ---amsmath: Various problems in multi-line equation environments --Environment `aligned' inside certain other equation environments doesn't work well (error messages, poor tag placement). -- in `xalignat', error `Extra & on this line'. --[amslatex/1834] Empty first cell in `aligned' environment leads to a TeX error. --`align*' within `gather' is shifted to the right; see example in testmath.tex, p.37. --Equation numbers are sometimes misplaced or shifted to a separate line when there seems to be enough room to keep them on the same line. --Various problems when using [fleqn]: --\mathindent is not used internally, so changing it has no effect --with `alignat', when widest input line exceeds a threshold, spaces between columns expand too far --with fleqn + leqno options, the `align' environment nevertheless puts the numbers on the right. ---amsxtra: [amslatex/2278] \accentedsymbol produces error message `Missing number, treated as zero.' ---amsmath: \numberwithin{equation}{chapter} with the `report' or `book' documentclass adds too many levels to the equation numbers: (1.1.x) instead of (1.x) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changes done to date: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 163. amsmath: simplify the method for switching between compatibility mode and the `nomath' and`noamsfonts' options. 162. amsclass (amsart.cls, amsbook.cls, amsproc.cls) [amslatex/2389] [amslatex/2423] [amslatex/2443]: The test whose purpose is to avoid loading an obsolete amslatex 1.1 version of amsfonts.sty referred explicitly to a mixed-case fd file name; change to remove that dependency. Symptom: ! Class amsart Error: Font description files Umsa.fd et al. not found; amsfonts.sty not loaded. 161. amsmath [amslatex/2389]: Removed dependency in cmex font setup on mixed case fd file names. 160. amsdtx (amsldoc.cls, amsdtx.cls) [amslatex/2389]: Fixed .fd loading code in \allowtthyphens to work with either monocase (latex 1996-12-01 and later) or mixed case (latex 1996-06-01 and earlier) file names. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Posted to e-math, 1996/11/04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 159. amstex: [amslatex/2096] \Bbb causes an endless loop if used in \section title without \protect. [bnb,1996/11/03]: \Bbb, \frak, \bold were robust in version 1.1 of amstex.sty, lost their robustness (unintentionally) in version 1.2. Restored in amstex.sty. 158. amsmath: [amslatex/1609] Use of \tag inside `multline' environment produces an error message: ! Package amsmath Error: Multiple \tag. [mjd,1996/10/31] Fixed 157. amsmath: Italic correction may be needed for equation numbers (e.g., inside a subequations environment when they end with a letter such as 'f'). [mjd,1996/10/30]: Added \@@italiccorr in the definition of \tagform, unlikely to hurt even when not needed. 156. amstex.sty: Obsolete usage \usepackage{amstex} often makes trouble. [mjd,1996/10/30]: Automatically substitute amsmath.sty, with error message, except in compatibility mode. The help text with the error message explains a workaround for existing documents where amsmath fails to give satisfactory results (most likely due to the use of obsolete commands in the body of the document): keep the old version of amstex.sty under the name amstex12beta.sty and call it with \usepackage{amstex12beta}. 155. amsmath: [amslatex/1595] Disabled \over (\atop, \above) can cause problems for users trying to process pre-existing material or for people writing macros that require \over but that may or may not be used in conjunction with the amsmath package. [mjd,1996/10/30]: Change the error message to a first-use-only warning. 154. amsmath: [amslatex/1858] [amslatex/2127] ! Missing number, treated as zero. When the amsmath packaged is loaded after a documentclass or another package that changes the definitions of the uppercase Greek letter commands (e.g., Elsevier's elsart), it fails clumsily in its own attempt to do the same: (amsmath.sty (/local/tex/latex/inputs/amstext.sty (/local/tex/latex/inputs/amsgen.sty)) (/local/tex/latex/inputs/amsbsy.sty) (/local/tex/latex/inputs/amsopn.sty) ! Missing number, treated as zero. A l.131 \@tempa\Omega [mjd,1996/10/30]: Added missing double-quote character after the \ifnum test, which worked most of the time *except* in the rare case when the first nonzero digit of the mathcode was an alphabetic hex digit. 153. amsmath: [amslatex/1568] \intertext alignment within \itemize: \intertext text fails to follow current list margins. [mjd,1996/10/30]: Reiterate the parshape setting of the parent list environment, if \linewidth is not equal to \columnwidth. Also: silently supply missing \\ before \intertext if not provided by the user. 152. amstex.sty: The definition of the `subequations' environment is inconsistent with the one in amsmath. [mjd,1996/10/30] Make it consistent (it's unlikely to be used anyway, though, by documents that call amstex.sty). 151. upref: [amslatex/1444] [amslatex/1494] [amslatex/1839] wrong argument on line 87 of upref.dtx [bnb,1996/09/26]: Fixed 150. amsart: [amslatex/2059] The optional argument to \title is read with a long \def, so a missing ] can cause a document to be eaten. [bnb,1996/09/26]: Title redefined with \renewcommand* to make the optional argument short; missing ] will result in Runaway argument? 149. amsart: [amslatex/1860] Unnumbered equation* within the abstract environment in amsart documentclass is not centered properly. [bnb,1996/09/26]: Abstract rewritten to use normal list environment. 148. amsart: [amslatex/1437] ! Undefined control sequence error for \paragraphname [bnb,1996/09/25]: Initialize \paragraphname, \subparagraphname 147. amsart: [amslatex/1759] Error message 'Parameters must be numbered consecutively' with nomath option and recent versions of LaTeX (due to interface change in the \DeclareOption function). Document Class: amsart 1995/02/23 v1.2b (/usr/local/lib/teTeX/texmf/tex/latex/amslatex/amsgen.sty) ! Parameters must be numbered consecutively. ## l.320 \ProcessOptions\relax [bnb,1996/09/24]: Changed the nomath option declaration to avoid use of the # character so that it will work equally well for authors having older or new versions of LaTeX 2e. 146. amsopn: [amslatex/1469] ! Undefined control sequence \DN@ if amsopn package used alone: ! Undefined control sequence. \nolimits@ ->\DN@ {\nolimits \ifx \@let@token \limits \expandafter ... Definition for \DN@ is normally supplied by the amsgen package but if amsopn is used all by itself it's not there. [bnb,1996/09/23]: Added fallback definition for \DN@. 145. amsthm: Using \theorembodyfont to change fonts has no effect. Actually, it was not intended to have any effect either. That command was accidentally left inside the amsthm package when it was created (partly derived from amsart.sty version 1.1 and the `theorem' package), thus deceiving users into thinking that it remained a legitimate theorem modification command. [bnb,1996/09/20] Removed left-over \theorembodyfont from amsthm.sty ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.2b posted to ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1995/02/27 Monday 144. diff12.tex: Add advice regarding pf, pf* when converting from an old AMS documentstyle/class to version 1.2. 1995/02/23 Thursday 143. amsxtra.dtx: Make the amsxtra package work with either amstex or amsmath. 142. READ.ME: Add mention of AMS documentclass documentation moving to instr-l.tex. 141. instr-l.tex: Put back file, it failed to get copied to /pub/tex/amslatex/classes by some sort of failure to follow the link. Also removed a couple of lines rendered unnecessary by change 136. 1995/02/20 Monday 140. amsclass.dtx: Make the abstract always print, even if placed after \maketitle. Update documentation (diff12.tex, instr-l.tex). 139. amsmath.dtx: Fix a bug in flalign* (showed up in amsldoc.tex). Bug fix sent in by D. M. Jones. 138. amsclass.dtx: Make the titlepage option work for amsart, amsproc. 137. diff12.tex: Add a note about needing to place the abstract environment before \maketitle. 136. amsclass.dtx: Suppress copyright info, series logo, `Received by' date when not using an AMS publication-specific document class. 135. amsopn.dtx: Fixed \operatorname which was erroneously behaving like \operatorname* 134. testmath.tex: Cleaned up obsolete usage of \operatorname, \:, vert bars 1995/02/01 Wednesday 133. amscd.dtx, amsdtx.dtx, amsgen.dtx, amsmath.dtx: Updated \CheckSum statements. 132. amsthm.dtx: \theoremnotefont was being ignored because not called in \thmnote. Added \the\theoremnotefont in strategic places. 1995/01/31 Tuesday 131. amslatex.ins, amsclass.ins: Moved unpacking statements for amsthm, upref from the former to the latter. 130. diff12.tex: Minor wording changes. 129. technote.tex: Update some obsolete references to e.g. \gfrac; add missing file header a la diff12.tex. 128. amsldoc.tex: Minor changes, fix a few typos, correct some error explanations. 127. amsmath.dtx: Fixed up the handling of some complications with the `cmex10' option---sensitive to relative loading order with the amsfonts package. 126. amsclass.dtx: Added global init for \@secnumber; added missing percent sign after line-ending right brace; updated psamsfonts option to pass cmex10 option to amsmath. 125. amsgen.dtx: Changed \newcommand to \def for \@oparg and \@ifempty, to avoid error message with certain package loading sequences (e.g., \usepackage{amstex,amsthm}). 1995/01/30 Monday 124. Removed extraneous files from the AMSFonts distrib in the amslatex/inputs subdirectory. 123. amsldoc.tex: Removed extra \begin{theindex} line. 122. amscd.dtx: Added missing \begin{macrocode} statement. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.2 released, 27-Jan-1995 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1995/01/27 Friday 121. A number of last-minute changes for version 1.2, not individually listed. 1995/01/12 Thursday 120. diff12.tex: New name for dif11-12.tex. 119. amsmath.dtx: Changed references to `-' character in \...arrowfill@ to \relbar (suggested by F. Jensen, to better support use of alternate math fonts). Also done in amstex.sty. 1995/01/11 Wednesday 118. amsmath.dtx: `Equation number in split environment was moved to a separate line when there was clearly enough room for it to remain unmoved': corrected by change 116 below. Also corrected in amstex.sty. 117. amsmath.dtx: `The [t] option of \begin{gathered} doesn't work': corrected by change 116 below. 116. amsmath.dtx: Merged in code from David M. Jones for overhauled equation structures. 1995/01/10 Tuesday 115. amsmath.dtx: Created substack environment to replace Sb, Sp. 114. amsmath.dtx: Removed \AmSTeX definition (why include it here? this is not a package for writing about Spivak's AMS-TeX or even about macro packages in general. If anything it might go into amsdtx.cls, but I'm not sure it's sufficiently important to make a definition even there.) 113. amsmath.dtx: Took off mandatory arg of subequations environment that specified numbering type (only rarely will anything other than a,b,c be desired; then you would have to redefine \theequation by hand just as you would with other element numbers). 112. amsmath.dtx: Created \gfrac for generalized fractions; disallowed primitive \over, \atop, etc. 1994/11/04 Friday 111. amsmath.dtx: Single-letter operatornames improperly positioned below the baseline; the zero kern that prevents this phenomenon was misplaced during revisions. 110. amstext.dtx: \index inside \begin{align} ... \end{align} caused trouble; fixed \endgroup placement in \@wrindex, \@wrglossary. 1994/11/01 Tuesday 109. amsdtx.dtx: Make \cn, \cs work in math mode as well as text mode (by calling \mbox if necessary). 108. eufrak.dtx: Add warning if redundant loading of amsfonts + eufrak is detected, and prevent error message from \newcommand{\mathfrak}. 107. amscls.dtx: Make \cite robust so that it doesn't cause errors in figure captions. Fix erroneous warning about \@sect. 1994/10/31 Monday 106. amscls.dtx: Correction to prevent second \thanks footnote from being omitted. 105. amsthm.dtx: Correction to make theorem numbers always upright, never italic/slanted. (Previous definition of \nonslanted failed because \itdefault, \sldefault are \long.) 104. psamsfnt.ins: Changed name from psamsfonts.ins to psamsfnt.ins to fit within 8+3 limitations. 103. amsmath.dtx: Made `centertags' option default as documented. Added old option names `intlim', `nosumlim', `nonamelm', `righttag' for compatibility mode. 102. amsldoc.tex: More documentation cleanup. 101. amstex.dtx: renamed to amsmath.dtx; removed call to amsfonts package. 100. amsintsm.dtx: renamed to amsintx.dtx; now use longer names \integral, \summation, \product, ... instead of changing \int, \sum, ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here ends version 1.2beta. The changes above appeared in v1.2 or later. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1994/10/28 Friday * dif11-12.tex: Fixed a couple of reported typos. * amstex.dtx: Fixed \AmS to make it bold if the current fontseries is b or bx. Yesterday's change failed because the comparison \ifx\f@series\bfdefault fails (\bfdefault is \long). * amsintsm.dtx: Cleaned up documentation. 1994/10/27 Thursday * amstex.dtx: Changed \AmS to use the current fontseries (weight/width) instead of always using \mdseries. This may produce font substitution warnings under some circumstances. But the needed cmbsy fonts are now part of the official LaTeX distribution. * amsgen.dtx: Corrected missing \global in the assignment of \ex@ in \every@math@size (but did this in a very complicated way with a new nonlinear scaling function!). This fixes wrong vertical spacing in commutative diagrams and certain other places. * amsgen.dtx: In compatibility mode, omit the warning for obsolete commands. * amstex.dtx: Corrected poor vertical spacing in \varinjlim, \varprojlim due to changes (some time ago) in \...arrowfill@. * *.dtx: Cleaned up technical documentation sections so that most of the .dtx files are now printable (even if some of the commentary doesn't make sense at the moment ...). Exceptions: amstex.dtx and amsintsm.dtx still need more work. 1994/10/26 Wednesday * testmath.tex: More cleanup. Removed references to \bold, \fracwithdelims, \lcfrac, \rcfrac, \samepage. * amscls.dtx: Fixed vertical spacing problem in subjclass, keywords, thanks footnotes; added \datename heading to date footnote; fixed wrong heading font for theoremstyle{remark}. 1994/10/25 Tuesday * The following .dtx files can now be printed: amsgen.dtx, amsfonts.dtx, euscript.dtx, eufrak.dtx, amscls.dtx, amsdtx.dtx. * amsgen.sty: Fix bug---$ ... \mbox{\small $...$}...$ made the parent formula small as well. * amsfonts.sty: Made code in \every@math@size hook global, necessary with the above change to amsgen.sty. Update documentation. * amsfonts.ins: Updated to create euscript.sty, eucal.sty, eufrak.sty. * euscript.dtx: Added, version 2.1d (formerly in the latex/mfnfss area). Now produces package eucal.sty which defines \mathcal = Euler script. * eufrak.dtx: Added, version 2.1d (formerly in the latex/mfnfss area) Defines \mathfrak = Euler Fraktur. * testbook.tex: Suppress overfull hbox message, remove unused definition of \square, corrected author, date. * testart.tex: Remove unused definition of \square, corrected author, date. * testmath.tex: Fixed date, removed some redundant topmatter material. 1994/10/19 Wednesday * amscls.dtx: In compatibility mode, load xxx.sty instead of giving an error message for unrecognized class option `xxx'; * amscls.dtx: Fixed non-working \thanks * amscls.dtx: Fixed \thebibliography, \theindex, etc. so that running heads get proper capitalization. * amscls.dtx: Changed \, to \thinspace in definition of \bysame to be consistent with .bst files. (\, fails outside of math mode if the `nomath' option is used). 1994/10/18 Tuesday * testmath.tex: Changed \operatornamewithlimits (obsolete) to \operatorname*; changed some instances of \texttt to \env 1994/10/17 Monday * amstex.dtx: Added \makeatother line lost in change of 1994/10/14; fixed \frac[...]{}{}, \cfrac. * amsfonts.ins: Added note that amsfonts.fdd is technical documentation, not necessary for the average user. * amsfonts.fdd: Temporary patches to allow printing the .fdd file. 1994/10/14 Friday * amstex.dtx: Ensure catcode of @ ends up set to 13 at top level if amstex is loaded from a document class. * amstext.dtx: Guard definition of \mathhexbox against active ". * amstex.dtx: Guard against active " in several spots. 1994/10/13 Thursday * amsplain.bst, amsalpha.bst: Use \providecommand for \bysame. Changed \, to \thinspace in \bysame to avoid error message if not used in conjunction with the amstex package. * amstex.dtx: Changed equation* environment to make the omission of the number work if there is an embedded {split} environment. * amslatex.ins: Add forgotten entry to generate amssymb.sty