amsmath.faq [2000/03/24] American Mathematical Society Frequently asked questions about the amsmath package and related packages. Suggestions? Please send mail to ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (1) Question: Where should I look for documentation? Answer: User documentation is found in the "User's Guide for the amsmath Package" (amsldoc.dvi, .pdf, .ps, .tex). If you do not find it on your system, it can be downloaded from The full list of documentation files is as follows: TeX files amsldoc.tex User's Guide for the Amsmath Package diffs-m.txt Differences between amsmath versions 1.1, 1.2, 2.0 subeqn.tex Sample document illustrating use of the subequations environment and the effect of the fleqn option technote.tex Discusses some technical issues testmath.tex Samples of most of the math constructions provided by the amsmath package non-TeX files amsmath.faq This file 00readme.txt Overview install.txt Installation instructions ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (2) Question: I get a weird error that seems to be related to a section title or a figure caption. Answer: Check to see if you have used a `fragile' command inside a `moving' argument (article titles, section titles, figure captions, table captions, etc.). Bear in mind that not all math commands are robust, and a few that are robust in ordinary LaTeX become fragile when the amsmath package is added (e.g., \bigotimes). See Section C.1.3 of the LaTeX book. Most of the more common math commands have been made robust, but for each such command there is a hidden cost to users: making it robust uses up an extra control sequence name, which makes the following sort of error message more likely: TeX capacity exceeded [hash size=3500] Unlike the `require \protect' solution, this latter problem can be very difficult for the average user to solve. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (3) Question: Why can't I use an abbreviation for the `align' environment? Answer: It is a fairly common practice to use abbreviations such as \bal ... \eal for \begin{align} ... \end{align}. This is not possible with most of the more complex amsmath equation structures, for technical reasons (see technote.tex for some additional details). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (4) Question: Why can't I use \begin{align} ... \end{align} in the definition of another environment? If you want to make a more elaborate environment using align or one of the others as a base, it can be done as follows: \newenvironment{myalign}{% % extra material here \align }{% \endalign % extra material here } See also technote.tex which contains a bit more detail. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (5) Question: Why did \matrix, \pmatrix, and \cases stop working when I added the amsmath package? Answer: The old form of those commands should be considered obsolete. When LaTeX was first written back in 1983--1985, those three commands were carried over directly from plain.tex, for lack of anything better. When the amsmath package was ported to LaTeX (its origin was in AMS-TeX), it came with commands of the same name but different syntax. Both of them are ill-matched with the rest of LaTeX. The only tenable solution was to depart from both the AMS-TeX syntax and the plain TeX syntax. Therefore users of the amsmath package should follow standard LaTeX "environment" syntax and write \begin{matrix} ... \\ ... \\ ... \end{matrix} (similarly for pmatrix and cases). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (6) Question: Why do \over, \atop, \above, ..., \overwithdelims give warnings when I add the amsmath package? Answer: These are primitive TeX commands whose unusual syntax is out of place in a LaTeX document. Using them at surface level in a document also makes it very difficult to achieve certain kinds of typesetting improvements that would otherwise be possible. If you use the amsmath package the commands \frac, \binom, and \genfrac provide all the same functionality with standard LaTeX syntax. Some additional details are given in the file technote.tex. If you are writing a LaTeX package that uses \over or another generalized fraction operator for internal purposes in building more complex commands, we recommend that you use \@@over, \@@atop, etc (checking first to make sure that they are defined): \@ifundefined{@@over}{% \let\@@over\over % fallback if amsmath is not loaded \let\@@overwithdelims\overwithdelims \let\@@atop\atop \let\@@atopwithdelims\atopwithdelims \let\@@above\above \let\@@abovewithdelims\abovewithdelims }{} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (7) Question: How do I get my equations and my theorems to share the same numbering sequence? Answer: \numberwithin{equation}{section}% [If desired] \newtheorem{thm}[equation]{Theorem} \newtheorem{prop}[equation]{Proposition} ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (8) Question: How do I put a box around an entire equation, including the equation number? Answer: It depends. For a simple equation it can be done like this: \newcommand{\boxedeqn}[1]{% \[\fbox{% \addtolength{\linewidth}{-2\fboxsep}% \addtolength{\linewidth}{-2\fboxrule}% \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}% \begin{equation}#1\end{equation}% \end{minipage}% }\]% } ... Here is some text preceding the boxed equation. \boxedeqn{ X_1(j\omega) = \int\limits^{+\infty}_{-\infty} x_1(t) e^{-j\omega t} dt } And here is some text after it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (9) Question: When I change \mathindent I see no effect. Answer: The amsmath package doesn't really use \mathindent in the way that basic LaTeX does. Instead, it uses an internal variable \@mathmargin that is a "glue" variable rather than a "dimen" variable. However if you upgrade to version 2.0 of the amsmath package you will probably get the results you want because there \mathindent is aliased to \@mathmargin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (10) Question: I tried \raisetag but it didn't have any visible effect. Answer: The adjustment specified with \raisetag is not applied unless the equation number has been shifted away from its normal position because LaTeX thinks there is not enough room for it to fit there. For a normal equation with plenty of room, the \raisetag adjustment is ignored. If you are trying to use \raisetag in such circumstances perhaps the object being placed is not a true equation number; try using instead the standard LaTeX commands for moving objects around (\makebox, \raisebox, picture environment, etc). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (11) Question: I want something like the "cases" environment that permits a separate equation number for each line. Answer: Try the "cases" package of Donald Arseneau. It is available from CTAN if you do not have it on your system already. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (12) Question: The vertical placement of symbols attached to a base symbol with \underset and/or \overset is not good enough. Answer: Try the "accents" package of Javier Bezos. It is available from CTAN. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (13) Question: With \sideset the subscript is overlapping with neighboring material. Answer: This is a bug. As of amsmath version 2.0 it has not been fixed yet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (14) Question: Lower limits on \iint\nolimits are positioned too far away from the int symbol. Answer: This is a bug. It was fixed in version 2.0 of the amsmath package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (15) Question: \ldots spacing differs from normal LaTeX values when I add the amsmath package. Answer: This is a bug. It was fixed in version 2.0 of the amsmath package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (16) Question: In `xalignat' I get an error `Extra & on this line'. Answer: This is a bug. It was fixed in version 2.0 of the amsmath package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (17) Question: Empty first cell in `aligned' environment leads to a TeX error. Answer: The LaTeX mechanism for scanning optional arguments does not work reliably in this context. A workaround was added in version 2.0 of the amsmath package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (18) Question: `align*' within `gather' is shifted to the right (for example in testmath.tex, p. 37). Answer: This is a bug. It was fixed in version 2.0 of the amsmath package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (19) Question: Equation numbers are sometimes misplaced or shifted to a separate line when there seems to be enough room to keep them on the same line. Answer: If you have an older version of the amsmath package, try upgrading. Some bugs of this type were cleared up in version 2.0. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (20) Question: With fleqn + leqno options, the `align' environment nevertheless puts the numbers on the right. Answer: This is a bug. It was fixed in version 2.0 of the amsmath package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (21) Question: \numberwithin{equation}{chapter} with the `report' or `book' documentclass adds too many levels to the equation numbers: (1.1.x) instead of (1.x). Answer: This is a bug. It was fixed in version 2.0 of the amsmath package. If you have an older version, a workaround is to simplify the definition of \theequation before calling \numberwithin: \renewcommand{\theequation}{\arabic{equation}} \numberwithin{equation}{chapter} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (22) Question: \accentedsymbol produces error message `Missing number, treated as zero.' Answer: This is a bug. It was fixed in version 1.2c of the amsxtra package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (23) Question: I get a puzzling error message from using \ensuremath inside an alignment environment (aligned, array, etc): ! Incomplete \ifmmode; all text was ignored after line 9. \fi l.9 } Answer: This problem is not specific to amsmath but ultimately resolves to a deficiency in the definition of \ensuremath that was fixed in LaTeX as of 1996/06/01. If you can't upgrade your version of LaTeX to remedy this problem, you may need to resort to the following patch in your documents: \DeclareRobustCommand\ensuremath[1]{\ifmmode#1\else{$#1$}\fi} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (24) Question: I want to show an example of a a few lines to be typed into a computer, centered with an equation number. amsmath doesn't allow one to use \verb in the equation environment. How can I create this example? Answer: This does not apply for simple equation environments as of amsmath version 2.0. For special equation environments such as align, gather, split, multline, aligned, alignat, etc, store the text beforehand using an lrbox environment and then call it with \usebox (if you do not know how to use lrbox and \usebox, see the LaTeX book (2nd edition) and/or the documentation usrguide.tex that comes with LaTeX). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (25) Question: In amsmath.sty, the @! and @, from amstex.sty disappeared. How do I get the same effect using amsmath? Answer: For @, use \mspace{.3mu}, and for @! use \mspace{-.3mu}. However since these very small spaces normally were used in multiples of three or more, bear in mind that it is better to replace @!@!@! with \mspace{-.9mu} than with three separate \mspace commands. ------------------------------------------------------------------------