New functions/features introduced in arydshln (v1.4) [How to "make"] % tex arydshln.ins # you'll have arydshln.sty and arydshln-man.tex # to have user's manual % latex arydshln-man % makeindex -s -o arydshln-man.ind arydshln-man.idx % latex arydshln-man # to have implementation document % latex arydshln.dtx % makeindex -s -o arydshln.ind arydshln.idx % makeindex -s -o arydshln.gls arydshln.glo % latex arydshln.dtx [Features] + (hopefully:-) Compatible with "array" package. Note that "arydshln" should be loaded AFTER "array". That is; \usepackage{array} \usepackage{arydshln} is correct but reversing them will cause severe error. + \firsthdashline and \lasthdashline which are counterparts of \firsthline and \lasthline defined in "array". + \ADLnullwide makes vertical (dashed) lines as if they have zero width, as the LaTeX standard implementation does. \ADLsomewide gives vertical lines real width (\arrayrulewidth) as "array" package does. If you use "array", default is \ADLsomewide, while \ADLnullwide otherwise. + \ADLinactivate inactivate the capability of drawing dashed-lines although `:', `;', \hdashline, and \cdashline are still accepted but simulated by `|', \hline and \cline. Since "arydshln" makes array/tabular environment processed much slower even they don't have dashed-lines, put this command in the preamble of your draft version document will save processing time. Even in the final version, you may do it and activate the function only when it is necessary by \ADLactivate. For example; \documentclass{article} \usepackage{array} \usepackage{arydshln} \ADLinactivate \begin{document} ... text with array/tabular having solid lines only ... \begin{ADLactivate} \begin{tabular}{cc:c} ... \hdashline ... \end{tabular} \end{ADLactivate} ... text with array/tabular having solid lines only ... \end{document} If you are bored in typing the lengthy command/environment name, you can simply say \begin{Array/Tabular}...\end{Array/Tabular} to have array/tabular with dashed lines. However, these environments could be defined by other package or by yourself because their name is too natural. If they are defined BEFORE \usepackage{arydshln}, you'll have a warning message without redefinition. In order to define them AFTER \usepackage safely, you may do \ADLnoshorthand just after \usepackage{arydshln}. My small performance evaluation with a tabular having many lines shows the effectiveness of \ADLinactivate as follows. array 0.33 sec arydshline+\Inactivate... 0.59 sec arydshline (solid only) 3.02 sec arydshline (dashed) 3.48 sec + As far as I believe, TeX has a bug in a core mechanism to draw dash-lines. As an imperfect solution to cope with the bug, \ADLdrawing mode is introduced. See arydshln-man for details. + A bug, which will be revealed in in-text array/tabular with [b] option, is fixed. [Known problems] + As earlier version does not allow the sequence of `@' and `|', `:', `;', new version cannot cope with the sequence of `!' (introduced by "array") and characters for vertical lines. + Since only the package is tested with a few test cases, I believe it has a few (hopefully:-) bugs.