This is the export package, to export and import LaTeX registers (counters, lengths and some parameters) from one document to another one, using a file. Warning: use this package with care. The file export.l contains the list of the distributed files. Run latex on export.ins to get export.sty. Run latex on export.dtx to get the documentation (makeindex to get the index and the changes log): latex export.dtx makeindex -s -o export.ind export.idx makeindex -s -o export.gls export.glo latex export.dtx makeindex -s -o export.ind export.idx makeindex -s -o export.gls export.glo latex export.dtx Jean-Pierre F. Drucbert (JPFD) Email: ONERA/CERT SRI Téléphone 05-62-25-25-15 Office National d'Études et de Recherches Aérospatiales Centre d'Études et de Recherches de Toulouse Service Réseaux et Informatique Complexe Scientifique de Rangueil 2, Avenue Édouard Belin BP 4025 F-31055 TOULOUSE CEDEX FRANCE Barbarus hic ego sum, qui non intellegor ulli. Publius Ovidius Naso