REM This is the installation batch file skeleton for emtex REM users. Please check this file carefully whether it REM matches your system before you commit any changes. REM REM How to proceed: REM REM 1. Check for your drives and paths. REM 2. Correct the following md and copy statements where REM necessary. REM 3. Rename this file from EMTEX to EMTEX.BAT REM 4. Execute EMTEX.BAT ECHO Creating following directories: md \emtex\texinput\montex md \emtex\mfinput\mls md \emtex\mfinput\montex md \emtex\tfm\montex md \emtex\tfm\mls md \emtex\doc\montex ECHO Copying contents into newly created directories: copy texinput\*.* \emtex\texinput\montex\ copy mfinput\mls\*.* \emtex\mfinput\mls\ copy mfinput\montex\*.* \emtex\mfinput\montex\ copy tfm\montex\*.* \emtex\tfm\montex\ copy tfm\mls\*.* \emtex\tfm\mls\ copy doc\*.* \emtex\doc\montex\ REM The following processes have not been automated yet due to lacking REM testing platforms. You have to install the hyphenation patterns REM by running the format creating utility MAKEFMT in the directory REM \EMTEXT\BTEXFMTS but before doing so you have to inform MAKEFMT REM about the presence of Mongolian hyphenation patterns. REM REM cd \emtex\data REM REM Edit MAKEFMT.DAT and copy a pair of lines (e.g. the pair for REM German) and replace "German" by "Mongolian", 10000 by 1000 REM and "grhyphen.tex" (or whatever its exact name is) by REM "mnhyphen.tex". REM REM Then change back to \emtex\btexfmts and run MAKEFMT interactively REM by saying REM REM MAKEFMT -i REM REM Answer all questions in appropriate manner. A new format will be REM built. REM REM Even better write a line of code which calls MAKEFMT with all REM necessary parameters!