Changes in MonTeX Implementation Level I Version 01 October 1997: Cyrillic Font based on Nana Glonti's and A. Samarin's work implemented Implementation Level II Version 02.01 Summer/Fall 1998: The complete Cyrillic setup was completely overhauled since the first attempt was more or less broken. Mongolian writing was added. This version was never officially released and circulated only among a handful of beta-testers. (Or should we say: alpha-testers?). Implementation Level IIa Version 02.02 January 1999: Lots of new ideas, such as - - Mongolian currency sign `tugrig' created which is a double-barred `t', - Buryat language captions and date provided, can be chosen with [buryat] as an option to mls - Mongolian classical writing can be put in vertical capsules within horizontal text, - a simple retransliteration engine is installed which accepts romanized input and combines the correct presentation glyphs. - Mongolian bicig glyphs overhauled where necessary. Version 02.03 February 1999: minor nasty bugs removed, and - - \PrettyMLS introduced which makes a nice gamma out of G, regains umlauts, etc., shows special symbols if needed. - Documentation now complete with alphabetical command reference. Version 03.03 Mid February 1999: Complete character name mechanism overhaul - - MonTeX conforms now with the LH encoding as far as the glyph names are concerned. Version 04.03 End of February 1999: Complete Bicig Definition overhaul, and - - Ligatures in Mongol Bicig should now be working. - There is now a hyphenation table for Xalx. - Some bounding boxes for Mongolian glyphs were reviewed.