
This is the homepage of PPower4
(P^4, Pdf Presentation Post Processor)

PPower4 is used to post process (La)TeX files formatted with pdf(la)tex to be able to build pages step by step during a presentation. The software is written in Java and it is free (refer to the GNU general public license). It has been run successfully with Java 1.1.6 and 1.2.x on different flavours of Unix and Win32. If you use kaffe, make sure that you have at least version 1.0.5 (out since October 18th, 1999) and use at least version 0.7.1 of PPower4.

On this page you find further information on PPower4 and a download area.

There is also a mailing list concerning applications and problems of PPower4 to which you can subscribe. Just send the text "subscribe" (without the quotes) in the body of the message. The messages of this list are archived on mail-archive.com. To send messages to the list it is necessary that you subscribe to it first.

Thanks to David Wilson from Utopia Precision Typesetting for the idea of post processing.


Version 0.8.x of PPower4 (released April 2000) comes with additional features.
Refer to the extensions demo for information how to use these features. You will also need to fetch the latest style files.

Side note: Use hyperref for transitions between pages generated by pdflatex. You may want to use the abbreviations for hyperref actions, which were kindly prepared by Marc van Dongen.

Information and Download area

You may need to select downloading explicitly by using a menu of your browser for some of the files (e.g. the jar archives and the shell script). Please check the file sizes after download for the jar archives before trying to use them.

If you prefer fetching the files through ftp, have a look on your favourite CTAN host in the tex-archive/support/ppower4 directory.

Note: All zip archives contain only text files and are created with cr/lf line end markers. Under Unix please use the appropriate option of unzip to get lf line ends.

Any suggestions or other hints for improvement are welcome. Also concerning typos or bad English or html in this text.
Too bad that everybody seems to ignore this request :-(

Mail to Klaus Guntermann
Last modified: Tue Jun 13 08:46:46 MET DST 2000