Titlesec package ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This package allows to change the sectioning titles. Amongst its many features it provides margin titles, different format in left and right pages, rules above and below the title, etc. Titletoc package ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For toc entries formatting, providing the possibility of changing the format in the middle of a document, grouping the entries in a single paragraph, pretty free-forms entries, partial tocs, etc. The titletoc.sty file is not part of the titlesec package; it's an independent package, but it's described in titlesec.tex. Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ No .ins/.dtx preinstalation is required. Move the files to a place where LaTeX can find them and typeset titlesec.tex. All of files in this directory are necessary for titlesec.sty to work, except the manual titlesec.tex (and this 'readme' file). The manual requires titlesec.sty and titletoc.sty, and hence all the .tss and .def files as well. New features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) \setmarks may be used outside \(re)newpagestyle to set the default to be used in newly defined and redefined page styles. Use it before \pagestyle. (2.3.4) 2) From version 6.70b on hyperref is compatible with titlesec and titletoc. Get the latest release at http://www.tug.org/applications/hyperref/hyperref.zip 3) Version 2.3.5 gets ahead of release 2.4 with the possibility to define alternate headers/footers with floats. In \(re)newpagestyle the following commads may be used: \setfloathead*{.}{.}{.}[] \setfloathead[.][.][.]{.}{.}{.}[] (Similarly \setfloatfoot.) The arguments with a dot are similar to \sethead. The final argument says that that head is used when there is a float of the specified types (default is tp in headers, and bp in footers). Example: \newpagestyle{main}{% \sethead ... your definition \setfoot ... your definition \setfloathead{}{}{}[p] \setfloatfoot{}{}{}[p]} removes the header/footer on float pages. You may force a header (footer) when a certain float is the first top (last bottom) one with: \nextfloathead*{.}{.}{.}[] \nextfloathead[.][.][.]{.}{.}{.}[] (Similarly \nextfloatfoot.) just before the corresponding float. Those commands are used by themselves, without putting them inside \(re)newpagestyle. They are in a beta phase, but changes will be internal and not of behaviour. Known Problems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Arguments in \titlespacing must be dimensions. \stretch includes a command and hence raises an error. - outermarks does not work well in conjunction with explicit \
mark commands. The top marks mechanism fails just after explicit page breaks. - both titlesec and titletoc are mostly uncompatible with minitoc. However, a very flexible way of making partial tocs is provided in titletoc. Even if practically finished, both packages are still evolving and a few new features will be included in next releases. Updates ~~~~~~~ (Releases 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 were not identified as such. You may check them by seeing the date of ttlps.def.) 2000/02/25 (2.3.1): The file ttlps.def replaced because it could make enter TeX in and endless loop. Some aditional code added to work with babel. 2000/03/01 (2.3.2): Fixed a bug in the previous bug fix. 2000/03/08 (2.3.3): Rewritten some parts of ttlps.def to provide a general mechanism to deal with redefined \markboth's (mainly AMS and babel). [Obsolete: Provided an unsupported ttlhref.tex file to make titlesec and hyperref collaborate, until hyperref is changed. Usage is: \usepackage{titlesec} \usepackage{hyperref} \input{ttlhref}] 2000/05/17 (2.3.4): The ttlhref.tex file no longer necessary, but still present. \setmarks may be used outside \newpagestyle. Bug fixes: (1) package option nonindentfirst no longer misplaces the first line of tocs (titlesec; it works in most of classes, _but not in all of the them_), (2) the code for the unnumbered version of toc entries is used in unnumbered entries, as should be (titletoc), (3) expanding titles containing hardcoded marks with, say, \MakeUppercase no longer enters in an infinite loop, but note that marks are also uppercased (you can overcome this LaTeX behaviour by using the pagestyles module of titlesec, since it ignores the hardcoded marks), (4) \contentsformat* now seems to work in lists of floats (lof, lot, etc.). 2000/06/14 (2.3.5): YA bug fix (let's hope the last :-). Setting secnumdepth < 0 printed an annoying "Chapter 0". There are some other minor bug fixes. Added the pagestyles with floats. ttlhref now is no op and raises a warning. 2000/06/14