The tocbibind package can be used to add the bibliography and/or the index and/or the contents, etc. to the Table of Contents listing. It requires the stdclsdv package. Changes in version 1.4a: o Improved flexibility of single line numbered chapters o Examples of handling additional kinds of List of... o Replaced command \toc@file by \tocfile Changes in version 1.4: o Disabled LaTeX feature (bug 3126) of change in Index title height o Added commands for single line numbered chapter headings o Added numbered List of... headings Changes in version 1.3a: o Fixed index numbering, options, and headings o Improved (warning) reporting Changes in version 1.2: o Operates with the tocloft package o Supports numbered bibliography and index headings The distribution consists of the following files: README (this file) tocbibind.ins tocbibind.dtx The distribution is provided under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL). To install the package: o run: latex tocbibind.ins (which will generate tocbibind.sty) o run: latex tocbibind.dtx o run: makeindex -s tocbibind o run: latex tocbibind.dtx o Print tocbibind.dvi for a hardcopy of the package manual o Move tocbibind.sty to a location where LaTeX will find it. 2000/03/05 Peter Wilson