TeX Consulting and Production Services

This is a list of all the professional TeX consultants and commercial vendors known to us who have net (email/web) connections. If you want to be listed, or send comments or corrections, please email.

See also: list of vendors who don't have net connections.

TeX Consultants

Paul C. Anagnostropoulos greek@windfall.com
We have been typesetting and composing high-quality books and technical Publications since 1989. Most of the books are produced with our own public-domain macro package, ZzTeX, but we consult on all aspects of TeX and book production. We can convert almost any electronic manuscript to TeX. We also develop book and electronic publishing software for DOS and Windows. I am a computer analyst with a Computer Science degree.

DocuTeXing http://www.DocuTeXing.com
DocuTeXing provides low cost, high quality TeX and LaTeX typesetting services to authors, editors, and publishers. Visit our web site where we provide some samples. Our services extend to complete production of fully functional electronic editions of on-line journals.

Kathryn Hargreaves kathryn@cs.umb.edu
I write in TeX, LaTeX, METAFONT, MetaPost, PostScript, HTML, Perl, Awk, C, C++, Visual C++, Java, JavaScript, and do CGI scripting. I take special care with mathematics. I also copyedit, proofread, write documentation, do spiral binding, scan images, program, hack fonts, and design letterforms, ads, newsletters, journals/proceedings and books. I'm a journeyman typographer and began typesetting and designing in 1979. I coauthored TeX for the Impatient (Addison-Wesley, 1990) and some psychophysics research papers. I have an MFA in Painting/Sculpture/Graphic Arts and an MSc in Computer Science.
    Among numerous other things, I've recently continued some digital type and human vision research, am currently a webmaster at the Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, and am trying to update UMB-Scheme.
    I enjoy solving small problems for free, subject to free time (ha!). And to tell the truth, I haven't had much time lately. My apologies to all those who've sent missives and haven't heard from me! If you send me any problems to solve, please tell me if you have a deadline. See: http://www.cs.umb.edu/~kathryn

Ziya Karakaya ziya@tubitak.gov.tr
I am a mathematician. I teach computer programming, especially Object Oriented Programming and C++, at Middle East Technical University as a Part Time Instructor. I am also the one of the organizers of Turkish Tex Discussion Group (YUNUS). I wrote many STYLE file for the Turkish Scientific Journals published by TUBITAK (Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey). I did technical editing of many book. For now, our organization has a typesetting section giving the LaTeX typesetting services including complete book production; macro writing; individual and group LaTeX instruction.
    You may send your question for free of charge unless you requested style programming, or solution of big problems. We produce your book in such a way that, you can publish it whichever way you want, i.e., hard copy, web publishing, or on CD.
    See: http://ziya.tubitak.gov.tr

Alan Hoenig ajhjj@cunyvm.cuny.edu
TeX typesetting services including complete book production; macro writing; individual and group TeX instruction.

Elizabeth Loew elizabeth@texniques.com
Complete book and journal production in the areas of mathematics, physics, engineering, and biology. Services include copyediting, layout, art sizing, preparation of electronic figures; we keyboard from raw manuscript or tweak TeX files.

NAR Associates nar@nar-asociates.com
Extensive long term experience in TeX book publishing with major publishers, working with authors or publishers to turn electronic copy into attractive books. We offer complete freelance production services, including design, copy editing, art sizing and layout, typesetting and repro production. We specialize in engineering, science, computers, computer graphics, aviation and medicine. Visit our website.

Alain Nadeau alain.nadeau@unifr.ch
Your TeX/LaTeX specialist in Switzerland. High-quality editing and typesetting of any scientific/technical publication, from manuscript to printed (or electronic) book. Specialising in the production of critical editions in any language or script, and any mixture thereof; drafting of indices, translating (English, French, and German), made-to-measure SGML/XML DTD's, etc.

Nikolaj N. Nepejvoda nnn@uni.udm.ru
TeX typesetting (including papers and books all or partially in Russian, or other multiple-language documents), LaTeX2e macro and package writing, translations from TeX to Word and back. Platform compatibility problems between PC's, Linux, and/or MacIntosh.

Arthur Ogawa/TeX Consultants ogawa@teleport.com or web@superscript.com
Experienced book production, macro packages, programming, and consultation. Complete book production from computer-readable copy to camera-ready copy. See http://www.teleport.com/~ogawa

Suzie Pagnut suzier@tin.it
I specialize in typsetting mathematical and physics research papers in camera-ready form for Journals, Books and Proceedings, in LaTeX and TeX, both in English and Italian. Based in Italy.

Quixote Digital Typography dhosek@quixote.com
Complete line of TeX, LaTeX and METAFONT services including custom LaTex style files, complete book production from manuscript to camera-ready copy; custom font and logo design; installation of customized TeX environments; phone consulting service; database applications and more. Free estimates.

Sunrise Setting mail@sunrise-setting.co.uk or editent@btinternet.com
Sunrise Setting Ltd provides high-volume, high-quality scientific, technical and mathematical typesetting and copy editing, from manuscript or electronic source code. Our very experienced team produces journal and book pages for Cambridge University Press; the Institute of Physics, UK; John Wiley, UK; Oxford University Press and several learned societies. A combination of batch-processing techniques, combined with literally decades of experience in mathematical typesetting, enables low cost without compromise. A free consultancy service is available. See: www.sunrise-setting.co.uk/.

Technical Publishing Services pcconsult@bigfoot.com
We specialize in technical typsetting using TeX and LaTeX, and database publishing (that is, format conversion). We work in every phase of book preparation, including converting hardcopy manuscripts to electronic versions (in TeX or other formats), helping authors get their typescript version to conform to their publisher's specifications, creating/including figures and graphics, performing color separations in PostScript, and writing high-level macros that automate the formatting and typesetting process. We can convert data from any electronic format to any another electronic format (including HTML) or to camera-ready copy. This includes taking structured data (e.g., from a database) and formatting it as desired.

David Wright ichbin@physik.unizh.ch
TeX/LaTeX solutions to organizations' individual typographic needs, including font installation and configuration, class authoring, scripts which allow other applications to drive TeX, and employee training. I work happily in Europe and North America (worldwide via internet, of course), in English and German (not to mention a host of computer languages), and in Macintosh, Unix, and Windows environments (as well as business and academic environments). Is the author of the new TeX font guide.

Commercial TeX Vendors

IBM PC and compatibles

Personal TeX, Inc. texsales@pctex.com
Makers of PCTeX, the first IBM PC-based TeX system in 1985. PCTeX32 now runs on Windows 3.1, Windows 95 and Windows NT. Related TeX/LaTeX macros and books. See http://www.pctex.com/

Micro Programs, Inc. sales@microprograms.com
MicroTeX (for DOS), TeX tools for IBM PC, Sun.

Y&Y, Inc. sales-help@YandY.com
Y&Y TeX (for DOS or Windows), Outline fonts and device drivers. See http://www.YandY.com/

MicroPress, Inc. support@micropress-inc.com
VTeX (for Windows). See http://www.micropress-inc.com

Richard J. Kinch, Ph.D., The Kinch Computer Co. kinch@tesla.netline.net
TrueTeX (for Windows 3.1, Windows NT, Windows 95), TurboTeX (for DOS, OS/2, Unix, VAX/VMS). See http://ios.com/~kinch and http://styx.ios.com/~kinch

Mackichan Software, Inc. support@mackichan.com
Scientific Word, Scientific WorkPlace. See http://www.mackichan.com/


Blue Sky Research sales@bluesky.com
Textures for Macintosh. TEXLinks is for more vendors, etc. See http://www.bluesky.com/TEXLinks and http://www.bluesky.com/

Ideal Fonts idealfonts@usa.net
Virtual fonts for Textures
44, rue Pierre Curie
F-92700 Colombes
(33) 1 47 86 14 15 (fax and phone)

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