$TeXLive::Splashscreen::VERSION = '1.0'; package TeXLive::Splashscreen; use Tk qw/Ev/; use Tk qw/:eventtypes/; use TeXLive::waitVariableX; use Tk::widgets qw/Toplevel/; use base qw/Tk::Toplevel/; Construct Tk::Widget 'Splashscreen'; sub Populate { my ($self, $args) = @_; $self->withdraw; $self->overrideredirect(1); $self->SUPER::Populate($args); $self->{ofx} = 0; # X offset from top-left corner to cursor $self->{ofy} = 0; # Y offset from top-left corner to cursor $self->{tm0} = 0; # microseconds time widget was Shown $self->ConfigSpecs( -milliseconds => [qw/PASSIVE milliseconds Milliseconds 0/], ); $self->bind('' => [$self => 'b3prs', Ev('x'), Ev('y')]); $self->bind('' => [$self => 'b3rls', Ev('X'), Ev('Y')]); } # end Populate # Object methods. sub Destroy { my ($self, $millis) = @_; $millis = $self->cget(-milliseconds) unless defined $millis; my $t = Tk::timeofday; $millis = $millis - ( ($t - $self->{tm0}) * 1000 ); $millis = 0 if $millis < 0; my $destroy_splashscreen = sub { $self->update; $self->after(100); # ensure 100% of PB seen $self->destroy; }; do { &$destroy_splashscreen; return } if $millis == 0; while ( $self->DoOneEvent (DONT_WAIT | TIMER_EVENTS)) {} $self->waitVariableX( [$millis, $destroy_splashscreen] ); } # end Destroy sub Splash { my ($self, $millis) = @_; $millis = $self->cget(-milliseconds) unless defined $millis; $self->{tm0} = Tk::timeofday; $self->configure(-milliseconds => $millis); $self->Popup; } # end_splash # Private methods. sub b3prs { my ($self, $x, $y) = @_; $self->{ofx} = $x; $self->{ofy} = $y; } # end b3prs sub b3rls { my($self, $X, $Y) = @_; $X -= $self->{ofx}; $Y -= $self->{ofy}; $self->geometry("+${X}+${Y}"); } # end b3rls 1; __END__ =head1 NAME TeXLive::Splashscreen - display a Splashscreen during program initialization. =head1 SYNOPSIS $splash = $parent->Splashscreen(-opt => val, ... ); =head1 DESCRIPTION For programs that require large load times, it's a common practice to display a Splashscreen that occupies the user's attention. This Toplevel mega widget provides all the display, destroy and timing events. All you do it create the Splashscreen mega widget, populate it as you see fit, then invoke Splash() to display it and Destroy() to tear it down. Important note: be sure to sprinkle update() calls throughout your initialization code so that any Splashscreen events are handled. Remember, the screen may be animated, or the user may be simply moving the Splashscreen about. =head1 OPTIONS The following option/value pairs are supported: =over 4 =item B<-milliseconds> The minimum number of milliseconds the Splashscreen should remain on the screen. Default is 0, which means that the Splashscreen is destroyed as soon as Destroy() is called. Otherwise, Destroy() waits for the specified time interval to elapse before destroying the Splashscreen. =back =head1 METHODS =head2 $splash->Splash([B]); If B is specified, it's the minimum number of milliseconds the Splashscreen should remain on the screen. This value takes precedence over that specified on the Splashscreen constructor call. =head2 $splash->Destroy([B]); If B is specified, it's the minimum number of milliseconds the Splashscreen should remain on the screen. This value takes precedence over that specified on the Splash() call, which takes precedence over that specified during Splashscreen construction. =head1 BINDINGS =head2 Notifies the Splashscreen to set a mark for an impending move. =head2 Moves the Splashscreen from the mark to the cursor's current position. =head1 ADVERTISED WIDGETS Component subwidgets can be accessed via the B method. This mega widget has no advertised subwidgets. Instead, treat the widget reference as a Toplevel and populate it as desired. =head1 EXAMPLE $splash = $mw->Splashscreen; ... populate the Splashscreen toplevel as desired ... $splash->Splash(4000); ... program initialization ... $splash->Destroy; =head1 AUTHOR Stephen.O.Lidie@Lehigh.EDU Copyright (C) 2001 - 2002, Steve Lidie. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. This package is a literal copy of the Splashscreen.pm code only changing the package name. =head1 KEYWORDS Splashscreen, Toplevel =cut