=head1 NAME Win32::Process::Info::NT - Provide process information via NT-native calls. =head1 SYNOPSIS This package fetches process information on a given Windows machine, using Microsoft Windows NT's native process information calls. use Win32::Process::Info $pi = Win32::Process::Info->new (undef, 'NT'); $pi->Set (elapsed_as_seconds => 0); # In clunks, not seconds. @pids = $pi->ListPids (); # Get all known PIDs @info = $pi->GetProcInfo (); # Get the max CAVEAT USER: This package does not support access to a remote machine, because the underlying API doesn't. If you specify a machine name (other than '', 0, or undef) when you instantiate a new Win32::Process::Info::NT object, you will get an exception. This package is B intended to be used independently; instead, it is a subclass of Win32::Process::Info, and should only be called via that package. =head1 DESCRIPTION The main purpose of the Win32::Process::Info package is to get whatever information is convenient (for the author!) about one or more Windows 32 processes. GetProcInfo (which see) is therefore the most-important subroutine in the package. See it for more information. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, modules, variables, and so on are considered private. That is, the author reserves the right to make arbitrary changes in the way they work, without telling anyone. For subroutines, variables, and so on which are considered public, the author will make an effort keep them stable, and failing that to call attention to changes. Nothing is exported by default, though all the public subroutines are exportable, either by name or by using the :all tag. The following subroutines should be considered public: =over 4 =cut package Win32::Process::Info::NT; use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; # The purpose of this is to provide a dummy Call # method for those cases where we might not be able # to map a subroutine. sub Win32::Process::Info::DummyRoutine::new { my $class = shift; $class = ref $class if ref $class; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub Win32::Process::Info::DummyRoutine::Call { return undef; ## no critic (ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef) } use base qw{Win32::Process::Info}; our $VERSION = '1.019'; our $AdjustTokenPrivileges; our $CloseHandle; our $elapsed_in_seconds; our $EnumProcesses; our $EnumProcessModules; our $FileTimeToSystemTime; our $GetCurrentProcess; our $GetModuleFileNameEx; our $GetPriorityClass; our $GetProcessAffinityMask; our $GetProcessIoCounters; our $GetProcessWorkingSetSize; our $GetProcessTimes; our $GetProcessVersion; our $GetTokenInformation; our $LookupAccountSid; our $LookupPrivilegeValue; our $OpenProcess; our $OpenProcessToken; our $GetSidIdentifierAuthority; our $GetSidSubAuthority; our $GetSidSubAuthorityCount; our $IsValidSid; use Carp; use File::Basename; use Win32; use Win32::API; use constant TokenUser => 1; # PER MSDN use constant TokenOwner => 4; my $setpriv; eval { require Win32API::Registry and $setpriv = sub { Win32API::Registry::AllowPriv ( Win32API::Registry::SE_DEBUG_NAME (), 1) }; }; $setpriv ||= sub {}; ##0.013 use Win32API::Registry qw{:Func :SE_}; my %_transform = ( CreationDate => \&Win32::Process::Info::_date_to_time_t, KernelModeTime => \&Win32::Process::Info::_clunks_to_desired, UserModeTime => \&Win32::Process::Info::_clunks_to_desired, ); sub _map { return Win32::API->new (@_) || croak "Error - Failed to map $_[1] from $_[0]: $^E"; } sub _map_opt { return Win32::API->new (@_) || Win32::Process::Info::DummyRoutine->new (); } my %lglarg = map {($_, 1)} qw{assert_debug_priv variant}; sub new { my $class = shift; $class = ref $class if ref $class; croak "Error - Win32::Process::Info::NT is unsupported under this flavor of Windows." unless Win32::IsWinNT (); my $arg = shift; if (ref $arg eq 'HASH') { my @ilg = grep {!$lglarg{$_}} keys %$arg; @ilg and croak "Error - Win32::Process::Info::NT argument(s) (@ilg) illegal"; } else { croak "Error - Win32::Process::Info::NT does not support remote operation." if $arg; } my $self = {%Win32::Process::Info::static}; delete $self->{variant}; $self->{_xfrm} = \%_transform; bless $self, $class; # We want to fail silently, since that's probably better than nothing. ##0.013 AllowPriv (SE_DEBUG_NAME, 1) $setpriv->() if $setpriv; ##0.013 ##1.005 $setpriv = undef; ##1.005 ## or croak "Error - Failed to (try to) assert privilege @{[ ## SE_DEBUG_NAME]}; $^E" ; return $self; } =item @info = $pi->GetProcInfo (); This method returns a list of anonymous hashes, each containing information on one process. If no arguments are passed, the list represents all processes in the system. You can pass a list of process IDs, and get out a list of the attributes of all such processes that actually exist. If you call this method in scalar context, you get a reference to the list. What keys are available depend on the variant in use. With the NT variant you can hope to get at least the following keys for a "normal" process (i.e. not the idle process, which is PID 0, nor the system, which is _usually_ PID 8) to which you have access: CreationDate ExecutablePath KernelModeTime MaximumWorkingSetSize MinimumWorkingSetSize Name (generally the name of the executable file) OtherOperationCount OtherTransferCount (= number of bytes transferred) ProcessId ReadOperationCount ReadTransferCount (= number of bytes read) UserModeTime WriteOperationCount WriteTransferCount (= number of bytes read) All returns are Perl scalars. The I/O statistic keys represent counts if named *OperationCount, or bytes if named *TransferCount. Note that: - The I/O statistic keys will only be present on Windows 2000. - The MinimumWorkingSetSize and MaximumWorkingSetSize keys have no apparent relationship to the amount of memory actually consumed by the process. The output will contain all processes for which information was requested, but will not necessarily contain all information for all processes. The _status key of the process hash contains the status of GetProcInfo's request(s) for information. If all information is present, the status element of the hash will be zero. If there was any problem getting any of the information, the _status element will contain the Windows error code ($^E + 0, to be precise). You might want to look at it - or not count on the hashes being fully populated (or both!). Note that GetProcInfo is not, at the moment, able to duplicate the information returned by the resource kit tool pulist.exe. And it may never do so. Pulist.exe relies on the so-called internal APIs, which for NT are found in ntdll.dll, which may not be linked against. Pulist.exe gets around this by loading it at run time, and calling NtQuerySystemInformation. The required constants and structure definitions are in Winternl.h, which doesn't come with VCC. The caveat at http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/ devnotes/winprog/calling_internal_apis.asp claims that they reserve the right to change this without notice, so I hesitate to program against it. Sorry. I guess the real purpose of this paragraph is to say that I _did_ try. =cut # The following manifest constants are from windef.h use constant MAX_PATH => 260; # The following manifest constants are from winerror.h use constant ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED => 5; # The following manifest constants are from winnt.h use constant READ_CONTROL => 0x00020000; use constant SYNCHRONIZE => 0x00100000; use constant STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED => 0x000F0000; use constant STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ => READ_CONTROL; use constant STANDARD_RIGHTS_WRITE => READ_CONTROL; use constant STANDARD_RIGHTS_EXECUTE => READ_CONTROL; use constant PROCESS_TERMINATE => 0x0001; use constant PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD => 0x0002; use constant PROCESS_VM_OPERATION => 0x0008; use constant PROCESS_VM_READ => 0x0010; use constant PROCESS_VM_WRITE => 0x0020; use constant PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE => 0x0040; use constant PROCESS_CREATE_PROCESS => 0x0080; use constant PROCESS_SET_QUOTA => 0x0100; use constant PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION => 0x0200; use constant PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION => 0x0400; use constant PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS => STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED | SYNCHRONIZE | 0xFFF; use constant SID_REVISION => 1; # Current revision level use constant SID_MAX_SUB_AUTHORITIES => 15; use constant TOKEN_ASSIGN_PRIMARY => 0x0001; use constant TOKEN_DUPLICATE => 0x0002; use constant TOKEN_IMPERSONATE => 0x0004; use constant TOKEN_QUERY => 0x0008; use constant TOKEN_QUERY_SOURCE => 0x0010; use constant TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES => 0x0020; use constant TOKEN_ADJUST_GROUPS => 0x0040; use constant TOKEN_ADJUST_DEFAULT => 0x0080; use constant TOKEN_ADJUST_SESSIONID => 0x0100; use constant TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS => STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED | TOKEN_ASSIGN_PRIMARY | TOKEN_DUPLICATE | TOKEN_IMPERSONATE | TOKEN_QUERY | TOKEN_QUERY_SOURCE | TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_ADJUST_GROUPS | TOKEN_ADJUST_SESSIONID | TOKEN_ADJUST_DEFAULT; use constant TOKEN_READ => STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ | TOKEN_QUERY; use constant TOKEN_WRITE => STANDARD_RIGHTS_WRITE | TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_ADJUST_GROUPS | TOKEN_ADJUST_DEFAULT; use constant TOKEN_EXECUTE => STANDARD_RIGHTS_EXECUTE; # Crib notes: # MS type Perl type # Handle N # Bool I # DWord I # Pointer P sub GetProcInfo { my ( $self, @args ) = @_; my $opt = ref $args[0] eq 'HASH' ? shift @args : {}; $CloseHandle ||= _map ('KERNEL32', 'CloseHandle', [qw{N}], 'V'); $GetModuleFileNameEx ||= _map ('PSAPI', 'GetModuleFileNameEx', [qw{N N P N}], 'I'); $GetPriorityClass ||= _map ('KERNEL32', 'GetPriorityClass', [qw{N}], 'I'); $GetProcessAffinityMask ||= _map ('KERNEL32', 'GetProcessAffinityMask', [qw{N P P}], 'I'); $GetProcessIoCounters ||= _map_opt ('KERNEL32', 'GetProcessIoCounters', [qw{N P}], 'I'); $GetProcessTimes ||= _map ('KERNEL32', 'GetProcessTimes', [qw{N P P P P}], 'I'); $GetProcessWorkingSetSize ||= _map ('KERNEL32', 'GetProcessWorkingSetSize', [qw{N P P}], 'I'); $GetTokenInformation ||= _map ('ADVAPI32', 'GetTokenInformation', [qw{N N P N P}], 'I'); $LookupAccountSid ||= _map ('ADVAPI32', 'LookupAccountSid', [qw{P P P P P P P}], 'I'); $OpenProcess ||= _map ('KERNEL32', 'OpenProcess', [qw{N I N}], 'N'); $OpenProcessToken ||= _map ('ADVAPI32', 'OpenProcessToken', [qw{N N P}], 'I'); $EnumProcessModules ||= _map ('PSAPI', 'EnumProcessModules', [qw{N P N P}], 'I'); my $dac = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ; my $tac = TOKEN_READ; @args or @args = ListPids ($self); my @pinf; my $dat; my %sid_to_name; my @trydac = ( PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, ); foreach my $pid (map {$_ eq '.' ? $$ : $_} @args) { local $^E = 0; $dat = $self->_build_hash (undef, ProcessId => $pid); $self->_build_hash ($dat, Name => 'System Idle Process') unless $pid; push @pinf, $dat; my $prchdl; foreach my $dac (@trydac) { $prchdl = $OpenProcess->Call ($dac, 0, $pid) and last; } next unless $prchdl; my ($cretim, $exttim, $knltim, $usrtim); $cretim = $exttim = $knltim = $usrtim = ' ' x 8; if ($GetProcessTimes->Call ($prchdl, $cretim, $exttim, $knltim, $usrtim)) { my $time = _to_char_date ($cretim); $self->_build_hash ($dat, CreationDate => $time) if $time; $self->_build_hash ($dat, KernelModeTime => _ll_to_bigint ($knltim), UserModeTime => _ll_to_bigint ($usrtim)); } my ($minws, $maxws); $minws = $maxws = ' '; if ($GetProcessWorkingSetSize->Call ($prchdl, $minws, $maxws)) { $self->_build_hash ($dat, MinimumWorkingSetSize => unpack ('L', $minws), MaximumWorkingSetSize => unpack ('L', $maxws)); } my $procio = ' ' x 6; # structure is 6 longlongs. if ($GetProcessIoCounters->Call ($prchdl, $procio)) { my ($ro, $wo, $oo, $rb, $wb, $ob) = _ll_to_bigint ($procio); $self->_build_hash ($dat, ReadOperationCount => $ro, ReadTransferCount => $rb, WriteOperationCount => $wo, WriteTransferCount => $wb, OtherOperationCount => $oo, OtherTransferCount => $ob); } my $modhdl = ' '; # Module handle better be 4 bytes. my $modgot = ' '; if ($EnumProcessModules->Call ($prchdl, $modhdl, length $modhdl, $modgot)) { $modhdl = unpack ('L', $modhdl); my $mfn = ' ' x MAX_PATH; if ($GetModuleFileNameEx->Call ($prchdl, $modhdl, $mfn, length $mfn)) { $mfn =~ s/\0.*//; $mfn =~ s/^\\(\w+)/$ENV{$1} ? $ENV{$1} : "\\$1"/ex; $mfn =~ s/^\\\?\?\\//; $self->_build_hash ($dat, ExecutablePath => $mfn); my $base = basename ($mfn); $self->_build_hash ($dat, Name => $base) if $base; } } my ($tokhdl); $tokhdl = ' ' x 4; # Token handle better be 4 bytes. { # Start block, to use as single-iteration loop last if $opt->{no_user_info}; $OpenProcessToken->Call ($prchdl, $tac, $tokhdl) or do {$tokhdl = undef; last; }; my ($dsize, $size_in, $size_out, $sid, $stat, $use, $void); $tokhdl = unpack 'L', $tokhdl; $size_out = ' ' x 4; $void = pack 'p', undef; my $token_type = TokenUser; $GetTokenInformation->Call ($tokhdl, $token_type, $void, 0, $size_out); $size_in = unpack 'L', $size_out; my $tokinf = ' ' x $size_in; $GetTokenInformation->Call ($tokhdl, $token_type, $tokinf, $size_in, $size_out) or last; my $sidadr = unpack "P$size_in", $tokinf; ## NO! my $sidadr = unpack "P4", $tokinf; $sid = _text_sid ($sidadr) or last; $self->_build_hash ($dat, OwnerSid => $sid); if ($sid_to_name{$sid}) { $self->_build_hash ($dat, Owner => $sid_to_name{$sid}); last; } $size_out = $dsize = pack 'L', 0; $use = pack 'S', 0; $stat = $LookupAccountSid->Call ($void, $sidadr, $void, $size_out, $void, $dsize, $use); my ($name, $domain); $name = " " x (unpack 'L', $size_out); $domain = " " x (unpack 'L', $dsize); my $pname = pack 'p', $name; my $pdom = pack 'p', $domain; $LookupAccountSid->Call ($void, $sidadr, $name, $size_out, $domain, $dsize, $use) or last; $size_out = unpack 'L', $size_out; $dsize = unpack 'L', $dsize; my $user = (substr ($domain, 0, $dsize) . "\\" . substr ($name, 0, $size_out)); $sid_to_name{$sid} = $user; $self->_build_hash ($dat, Owner => $user); } $CloseHandle->Call ($tokhdl) if $tokhdl && $tokhdl ne ' '; $CloseHandle->Call ($prchdl); } continue { $self->_build_hash ($dat, _status => $^E + 0); } return wantarray ? @pinf : \@pinf; } sub _to_char_date { my @args = @_; my @result; ( $FileTimeToSystemTime ||= Win32::API->new ('KERNEL32', 'FileTimeToSystemTime', [qw{P P}], 'I') ) or croak "Error - Failed to map FileTimeToSystemTime: $^E"; my $systim = ' ' x 8; foreach (@args) { $FileTimeToSystemTime->Call ($_, $systim) or croak "Error - FileTimeToSystemTime failed: $^E"; my $time; my ($yr, $mo, $dow, $day, $hr, $min, $sec, $ms) = unpack ('S*', $systim); if ($yr == 1601 && $mo == 1 && $day == 1) { $time = undef; } else { $time = sprintf ('%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d', $yr, $mo, $day, $hr, $min, $sec); } push @result, $time; } return @result if wantarray; return $result[0]; } sub _ll_to_bigint { my @args = @_; my @result; foreach (@args) { my @data = unpack 'L*', $_; while (@data) { my $low = shift @data; my $high = shift @data; push @result, ($high <<= 32) + $low; } } return @result if wantarray; return $result[0]; } sub _clunks_to_secs { my @args = @_; my @result; foreach (_ll_to_bigint (@args)) { push @result, $_ / 10_000_000; } return @result if wantarray; return $result[0]; } =item @pids = $pi->ListPids () This subroutine returns a list of all known process IDs in the system, in no particular order. If called in list context, the list of process IDs itself is returned. In scalar context, a reference to the list is returned. =cut sub ListPids { my ( $self, @args ) = @_; my $filter = undef; @args and $filter = {map {(($_ eq '.' ? $$ : $_), 1)} @args}; $EnumProcesses ||= _map ('PSAPI', 'EnumProcesses', [qw{P N P}], 'I'); my $psiz = 4; my $bsiz = 0; { $bsiz += 1024; my $pidbuf = ' ' x $bsiz; my $pidgot = ' '; $EnumProcesses->Call ($pidbuf, $bsiz, $pidgot) or croak "Error - Failed to call EnumProcesses: $^E"; # Note - 122 = The data area passed to a system call is too small my $pidnum = unpack ('L', $pidgot); redo unless $pidnum < $bsiz; $pidnum /= 4; my @pids; if ($filter) { @pids = grep {$filter->{$_}} unpack ("L$pidnum", $pidbuf); } else { @pids = unpack ("L$pidnum", $pidbuf); } return wantarray ? @pids : \@pids; } confess 'Programming error - should not get here'; } # _text_sid (pointer to SID) # This subroutine translates the given sid in to a string. # The algorithm is from http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/ # default.asp?url=/library/en-us/security/security/ # converting_a_binary_sid_to_string_format.asp) # # As a general note: The SID is represented internally by an # opaque structure, which contains a bunch of things that we # need to know to format it. Rather than publishing the # structure, or providing a formatting routine, Microsoft # provided a bunch of subroutines which return pointers to the # various pieces/parts of the structure that we need to do it # ourselves. This presents us with with the situation of an # opaque structure, essentially all of whose parts are public. # This, I presume, is an example of the superior engineering that # makes Microsoft the darling of the industry. # # It also means we play some serious games, since Win32::API has # no mechanism to return a pointer. The next best thing is to # tell Win32::API that the return is a number of the appropriate # size, "pack" the number to get an honest-to-God pointer, and # then unpack again as a pointer to a structure of the # appropriate size. A further unpack may be necessary to extract # data from the finally-obtained structure. You'll be seeing a # lot of this pack/unpack idiom in the code that follows. sub _text_sid { my $sid = shift; # Make sure we have a valid SID $IsValidSid ||= _map ('ADVAPI32', 'IsValidSid', [qw{P}], 'I'); my $stat = $IsValidSid->Call ($sid) or return; # Get the identifier authority. $GetSidIdentifierAuthority ||= _map ('ADVAPI32', 'GetSidIdentifierAuthority', [qw{P}], 'N'); my $sia = $GetSidIdentifierAuthority->Call ($sid); $sia = pack 'L', $sia; $sia = unpack 'P6', $sia; # Get the number of subauthorities. $GetSidSubAuthorityCount ||= _map ('ADVAPI32', 'GetSidSubAuthorityCount', [qw{P}], 'N'); my $subauth = $GetSidSubAuthorityCount->Call ($sid); $subauth = pack 'L', $subauth; $subauth = unpack 'P1', $subauth; $subauth = unpack 'C*', $subauth; # Start by formatting the revision number. Note that this is # hard-coded. It's in a .h file if you're using "C". The # revision is actually in the SID if you trust the include # file, but the docs make it look like the SID structure is # supposed to be opaque, and in Microsoft's example comes from # the .h my $sidout = sprintf 'S-%lu', SID_REVISION; # Format the identifier authority. The rules are different # depending on whether the first 2 bytes are in use. if (unpack 'S', $sia) { $sidout .= sprintf ('-0x%s', unpack 'H*', $sia); } else { $sidout .= sprintf '-%lu', unpack 'x2N', $sia; } # Now tack on all the subauthorities. Because of Microsoft's # high-quality design, the subauthorities are in a different # byte order than the identifier authority. $GetSidSubAuthority ||= _map ('ADVAPI32', 'GetSidSubAuthority', [qw{P I}], 'N'); for (my $subctr = 0; $subctr < $subauth; $subctr++) { my $subid = $GetSidSubAuthority->Call ($sid, $subctr); $subid = pack 'L', $subid; $subid = unpack 'P4', $subid; $sidout .= sprintf '-%lu', unpack 'L', $subid; } # Return the formatted string. return $sidout; } =back =head1 REQUIREMENTS This library uses the following libraries: Carp Time::Local Win32 Win32::API Win32API::Registry (if available) As of this writing, all but Win32 and Win32::API are part of the standard Perl distribution. Win32 is not part of the standard Perl distribution, but comes with the ActivePerl distribution. Win32::API comes with ActivePerl as of about build 630, but did not come with earlier versions. It must be installed before installing this module. =head1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This module would not exist without the following people: Aldo Calpini, who gave us Win32::API. The folks of Cygwin (F), especially Christopher Faylor, author of ps.cc. Jenda Krynicky, whose "How2 create a PPM distribution" (F) gave me a leg up on both PPM and tar distributions. Judy Hawkins of Pitney Bowes, for providing testing and patches for NT 4.0 without WMI. =head1 AUTHOR Thomas R. Wyant, III (F) =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2001-2003 by E. I. DuPont de Nemours and Company, Inc. Copyright (C) 2007-2011 by Thomas R. Wyant, III This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5.10.0. For more details, see the full text of the licenses in the directory LICENSES. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. =cut 1; __END__ Sample code from MSDN Set privilege (http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/security/security/enabling_and_disabling_privileges.asp) BOOL SetPrivilege( HANDLE hToken, // access token handle LPCTSTR lpszPrivilege, // name of privilege to enable/disable BOOL bEnablePrivilege // to enable or disable privilege ) { TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tp; LUID luid; // 64-bit identifier if ( !LookupPrivilegeValue( NULL, // lookup privilege on local system lpszPrivilege, // privilege to lookup &luid ) ) // receives LUID of privilege { printf("LookupPrivilegeValue error: %u\n", GetLastError() ); return FALSE; } tp.PrivilegeCount = 1; tp.Privileges[0].Luid = luid; if (bEnablePrivilege) tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; else tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = 0; // Enable the privilege or disable all privileges. if ( !AdjustTokenPrivileges( hToken, FALSE, &tp, sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES), (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES) NULL, (PDWORD) NULL) ) { printf("AdjustTokenPrivileges error: %u\n", GetLastError() ); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } # _set_priv ([priv_name, ...]) # This subroutine turns on the desired privilege (or privileges). # If no arguments are passed it turns on the "Debug" privilege. # The algorithm is from # http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/ # en-us/security/security/enabling_and_disabling_privileges.asp # # We return zero for success, or $^E if an error occurs. # # The complication _here_ is that there is no standard internal # representation of a privilege. Microsoft encodes them as LUIDs # (locally-unique identifiers), which means we have to take as # input the strings representing the names of the privileges, and # translate each to a LUID, since LUIDS are _local_ to a given # instance of an operating system. sub _set_priv { my $self = shift; @_ = (SE_DEBUG_NAME ()) unless @_; # First we have to get our own access token, because that's what # we actually set the privilege on. And we'd better declare the # correct access intent ahead of time, or Microsoft will be very # upset. $GetCurrentProcess ||= _map ('KERNEL32', 'GetCurrentProcess', [], 'N'); my $prchdl = $GetCurrentProcess->Call () or return $^E + 0; $OpenProcessToken ||= _map ('ADVAPI32', 'OpenProcessToken', [qw{N N P}], 'I'); my $tokhdl; $tokhdl = ' ' x 4; # Token handle better be 4 bytes. my $tac = TOKEN_READ | TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES; $OpenProcessToken->Call ($prchdl, $tac, $tokhdl) or return $^E + 0; $tokhdl = unpack 'L', $tokhdl; # OK, now we get to build up a TOKEN_PRIVILEGES structure # representing the privileges we want to assert. This looks like: # A dword count (number of privileges) # The specified number of LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES structures, # each of which looks like: # Luid (64 bits = 8 bytes, as noted above) # Attributes (4 bytes). # Each LUID gets looked up and slapped on the end of the growing # TOKEN_PRIVILEGES structure. my $enab = pack 'L', SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED (); my %gotprv; $LookupPrivilegeValue ||= _map ('ADVAPI32', 'LookupPrivilegeValue', [qw{P P P}], 'I'); my $null = pack 'p', undef; my $num = 0; my $tp = ''; foreach my $priv (@_) { next if $gotprv{$priv}; my $luid = '.' x 8; # An LUID is 64 bits. $LookupPrivilegeValue->Call ($null, $priv, $luid) or return $^E + 0; $gotprv{$priv} = $luid; $num++; $tp .= $luid . $enab; } # Okay, the TOKEN_PRIVILEGES structure needs the number of # privileges slapped on the front. So: $num = pack 'L', $num; $tp = $num . $tp; # At long last we turn on the desired privileges. As another # example of Microsoft's inspired design, note that we need to # tell the subroutine how big the structure is, even though the # structure contains the number of elements. Or, alternately, # that we have to pass the number of elements even though we told # the subroutine how big the structure is. $AdjustTokenPrivileges ||= _map ('ADVAPI32', 'AdjustTokenPrivileges', [qw{N I P N P P}], 'I'); $AdjustTokenPrivileges->Call ( $tokhdl, 0, $tp, length $tp, $null, $null) or return $^E + 0; return 0; }