--- CHANGES --- This is the changes log for the fontinst font installation package. Feb 4 1993, v0.01: Created the file, wrote an afm and enc parser, started on a vpl writer. Feb 10 1993, v0.02: Rewrote the enc parser, generally hacked around, imported trig.tex to convert Adobe's italic slope (expressed in angles!) into a font dimension (expressed as a ratio!) grrrrrr... Feb 12 1993, v0.03: Tidied up the comments a bit, moved the \fontlist out of \readafm, added \writepl (as well as \writevpl). Replaced \fake{CHARACTER} by having the .fd file give default definitions for \char-CHARACTER. Added the \map and \ligtable entries to \char-CHARACTER. Redefined \ligtable, \map and \codingscheme as token lists. Moved the \kernpair's into \ligtable. Feb 16 1993, v0.04: Added FontName, FullName, UnderlineThickness and Notice. Added the source font encodings, and MAPFONT. Discovered a seriousish bug---if a character exists in the afm file but is not in the source encoding, then the fake character is still overwritten, since we don't know what the source encoding is going to be until later. Fixed this by reading in the source encoding first, and looking to see if there is a character in the source encoding for the one in the afm file. Added \topaccent. 17 Feb 1993, v0.05: Added the visual centre parameter to \topaccent, and added \botaccent and \doublechar. Fixed a bug where the default \missingchar had a horizontal rather than a vertical rule. Added \settoken. 19 Feb 1993, v0.06: Fixed a bug whereby a character which was in the source encoding but not in the afm file overwrote it's faked version. Changed the default \missingchar to be independent of the values parsed from the afm file (so it doesn't matter when you set a \missingchar). Added \parameter and \ligatures. Added \kernalikes and \copykern, which meant I had to split \ligtable back into \ligtable and \kerntable, since when you say \copykern you only want the \kerntable copied, not the \ligtable. Redefined \map so that it's more portable---the contents of \map are allowed to assume they start in font \startfont, should move and should finish having moved right by \charwd and in font \stopfont. This makes it possible to have composite characters within composite characters---for example to make out of and is in turn made out of . 23 Feb 1993, v0.07: Introduced the \character token list (previously all of the variables had been set by \char-FOO). \botaccent, \topaccent, etc are now commands to be used inside \defchar, so you can say something like \defchar{FOO}{\ifblah ... \botaccent ... \else ... \topaccent ... \fi}. Added \cramchar. Added the shift-left argument to \doublechar. 24 Feb 1993, v0.08: Replaced \charic by \leftbearing and \rightbearing. Made the assingments in a \char-FOO command global, so we can protect local variables. Fixed a bug with \getchar{FOO} which used to end up calling \the\character. However, \the\character may contain other \getchar{BAZ} calls, which will override the values of \kernalike, \source, \target, etc. So \getchar can't call \the\character. Added \shrinkfont. Made all the AFM variables counts rather than dimens. Added \afmunits, and did all the conversion between AFM units and TeX units as late as possible (which means we can alter \afmunits locally and perform scaling). Added \getfont so fonts are now loaded dynamically, and can be scaled. Added \shrinkchar for producing c&sc fonts. 3 Mar 1993, v0.09: Added \fractionchar, \inferiorchar and \superiorchar. No character is produced for characters called .notdef in the target encoding. Produced a first bash at a complement encoding to Cork, containing the Adobe standard and Expert characters missing from Cork. 9 Mar 1993, v0.10: A major spring clean. Introduced ATX and ETX files, so the parser for AFM files now reads an AFM file and writes out the same information in a TeX-friendly fashion as an ATX file. Similarly, an ETX file contains the same information as an ENC file. Introduced \inputatx, \inputetx and \inputenc to input an ATX, ETX or ENC file if it already exists and to make it otherwise. 14 Mar 1993, v0.11: A continuation of the spring clean. Redefined \getchars to define everything locally. Redefined \writechars to read the encoding from a .etx file. Discovered I'd used the command \afmchar twice(!) so I redefined one of them to be \rawchar. Rewrote the LIGTABLE section. 15 Mar 1993, v0.12: Finished the spring clean of the file generation. Redid \writevpl and \writepl. Read the FUD file in after the ATX files, so the FUD file can use the parameters read in by the ATX file. Fixed a bug with \afmchar that wrote incorrect values to \charactersize in the ATX file. Rewrote \fontdimens to write the PARAMETERs out immediately (since we are now writing the VPL file when reading the FUD file). Finished the LIGTABLE section, redid \copykern. 22 Mar 1993, v0.13: Rewrote the generation of ATX files, so kern table information is gathered together as in a LIGTABLE. Renamed \defchars to \readafm. Renamed \writevpl to \makevpl ... \endvpl, and rewrote it to cope with the new syntax of ATX files. 24 Mar 1993, v0.14: Added \lkern and \rkern entries to ATX files, replacing \copykern. Added kern copying to LIGTABLEs. 29 Mar 1993, v0.15: Added \boundarychar, \nextlarger and \varchar. Fixed a bug with \lrkern. 30 Mar 1993, v0.16: Fixed a bug whereby FONTDIMENS was being output rather than FONTDIMEN. Also \writepl was generating a VPL file. And I discovered a bug with dvips that means that fonts generated with designsize and designunits R 9.9945 cause a rounding error and dvips complains about a design size mismatch. Grr... Fixed a bug with outputting ligatures for characters without kernings---previously I output a LABEL without checking that there were actually going to be any LIG instructions (which there might not be if, for example, it was a monoweight font). 4 Apr 1993, v0.17: Added the interactive prompt. Generated the .fd file. \makevpl and \makepl don't overwrite files any longer---they give a message saying `FILENAME.(v)pl already exists.' 17 Apr 1993, v0.18: Added \makefamily, \maketexfont and \makerawfont. 27 Apr 1993, v0.19: Fixed a bug with \finishligs, which caused multiple LABEL instructions to be put down (I had a \labelfalse where I should have had a \labeltrue). 4 Aug 1993, v1.00: Ripped it up and started again... v1.00 is going to be a fairly complete rewrite from the ground up. I can keep: * the AFM parser * the ENC parser * much of the VPL and PL writer but the fud engine is going to be replaced by the notion of a glyphbase. The idea will be that all of the information kept in the ATX and FUD files will be put into one file called a `glyphbase'. Then we'll have two utilities: * \makerawfont{ENCODING}{AFMFILE}{FONTNAME} will convert an AFM file into a glyphbase and a property list. * \maketexfont{ENCODING}{GLYPHBASES}{FONTNAME} will convert a collection of glyphbases into a virtual font. For example: \makerawfont{adobe}{Times-Roman}{ptmr0} \maketexfont{T1ulc}{ptmr0,cork}{ptmrq} makes the raw font ptmr0.pl, the glyphbase ptmr0.gly, and then converts the glyphbases ptmr0 and cork into the font ptmrq. This notion of glyphbase will also allow users to modify fonts easily, for example you could write a little ptmhax glyphbase, which would override the default cork glyphbase by saying: \maketexfont{T1ulc}{ptmr0,ptmhax,cork}{ptmrq} This will make it much easier to tweak fonts. I'll also specify the glyphbase syntax, and do my best to make everything upwardly compatible. On the 4th of August I started on the above. I wrote \makeglyphbase, which converts an AFM file into a glyphbase, and I wrote the glyphbase commands to store the glyphbase information in TeX. The main thing that's missing is the PL and VPL writers, and the ligature, nextlarger and varchar entries. 10 Aug 1993, v1.01: Edited trig.tex to remove uses of \then. Separated \maketexfont into \inputglyphbase and \makevirtualfont. Added the ability to write CHARACTER instructions, (OK, but not the MAPFONTs yet). 11 Aug 1993, v1.02: Only output CHARDP, CHARHT and CHARIC when they are positive. Added the MAPFONT and \mapfont instructions. 12 Aug 1993, v1.03: Corrected a bug where I was calling \inputetx *after* an \openout\outfile, which caused the \outfile to be closed, if the etx file had to be generated. 22 Aug 1993, v1.04: Added the concept of variable and number expression. Included trig.tex as part of this file. Changed design size to an integer. Renamed `glyphbase' to `metric file', and changed the syntax of ETX files. Only write out SELECTFONT instructions when necessary. 23 Aug 1993, v1.05: Added the font dimensions. 24 Aug 1993, v1.06: Made the slot of each glyph an int variable like any other. Added dim variables. Made designsize a dim variable, which should cure a bug that was causing design sizes not to match up. Added the LIGTABLE. Fixed a bug with \inputetx and \inputmtx which caused the redefinition of \relax to survive past the \inputFOO command. Fixed a bug with \vplrule, since I'd got the arguments to SETRULE the wrong way round (again!). 25 Aug 1993, v1.07: Added the VARCHAR and NEXTLARGER entries. Added the encoding documentation commands. Renamed the file to fontinst.sty. 26 Aug 1993, v1.08: Added the documentation of MTX files. 27 Aug 1993, v1.09: Corrected a bug with \comment. Added \tfmtomtx. Removed the SCALE argument to \setrawglyph. Added \convertafm to convert integer AFM units to a dimen, trying to minimize rounding errors whilst avoiding rounding errors. Renamed \leftkerning and \rightkerning to \setleftkerning and \setrightkerning. 30 Aug 1993, v1.10: Added \resetwidth, \resetheight, \resetdepth and \resetitalic. Added the ability to use \width{GLYPH} etc. inside \setglyph{GLYPH}. Added everyglyph and everyendglyph. 10 Sep 1993, v1.11: Discovered a bug with the VPL glyphs which was causing it never to write out a SELECTFONT instruction. 13 Sep 1993, v1.12: Added the \familyinst...\endfamilyinst commands. Added commands to zero the fonts between calls of \makefont, so one document can make a large number of fonts. 14 Sep 1993, v1.13: FIRST ALPHA-RELEASE OF V1. Changed the syntax of \useafm and \useetx to use the same parameters as LaTeX NFSS. Removed the prefix f0 from the beginning of the font names, in a pathetic attempt to fit MS-DOS 8+3 filenames. Added the \tempfile command. 4 Oct 1993, v1.14: Removed a spurious \let in \docnextslot. Thanks to Damian Cugley for spotting that one. Added \usetfm to \familyinst. 5 Oct 1993, v1.15: Fixed a bug with \dotfm, which was causing it to generate a PL file, even though the font was already in TFM format! Thanks again to Damian. Also changed \let\Input=\@@input to a catcode hack, just in case fontinst.sty is read in by LaTeX when @ isn't a letter. That one was spotted by Paul Thompson. 6 Oct 1993, v1.16: Replaced Phil Taylor's trig macros with David Carlisle's. Added the PL parser. Fixed a bug with the bug fix for \dotfm, where I'd removed an \inputmtx command that was needed... And I fixed a bug which was causing the VPL files to be generated once for each font that contributed to the VPL file. Damian got those ones as well. 11 Oct 1993, v1.17: Added the SIZE argument to \useafm and \usepl, and redid the FD generation to use the size info. This should allow fonts like Malvern to be generated at different design sizes and still have a sensible FD file. NOTE: This means old fontinst files will no longer work! I also made \pltomtx create a \setdim{designsize} command. 13 Oct 1993, v1.18: Fixed a bug with \calculateitslant which caused it to bomb if the italic angle didn't have a decimal... this was caused by allowing extraneous spaces at the end of the angle. These have now been stripped away. Thanks to Paul Thompson for spotting that one! 15 Oct 1993, v1.19: Discovered a bug with \familyinst, which caused only one ETX file to be loaded. This one was introduced when I added the SIZE arguments, since I reorganized the main \endfamilyinst loop. Serves me right! This is now fixed, but I'm left with the problem that the sensible order to generate VPL files is not the sensible order to generate FD lines in. FD files need the SIZE parameter inside the SERIES and SHAPE, whereas if a font is contributing to a number of SERIES and SHAPEs but only one SIZE, then it's sensible to have it outside the SERIES and SHAPE parameters. Oh dear... 19 Oct 1993, v1.20: Added the glyph `missingglyph' which is produced whenever a glyph is missing. 3 Nov 1993, v1.21: Corrected a bug with \kerning, which was causing \kerning{A}{V} to give the kerning between V and A! And I added the PL names for the math font parameters NUM1--AXISHEIGHT. Damian spotted those ones. Rewrote the main loop as I said I would have to in the note on v1.19, so there's no useless regeneration of fonts now. 17 Nov 1993, v1.22: Restored the final parameter to \DeclareFontShape which had disappeared somehow! Rob Hutchings spotted this one. And I stopped trying to be clever about checking to see if a glyph has been defined before using it. This means you get a horrible error message if you try to use an undeclared glyph, but hey ho. Trying to trap this has caused so many problems with other things breaking that I think I'll give up :-) Added the \glyphwarning command, and removed the `missingglyph' glyph. Docstripped David's trig.doc into trig.sty, so I don't have to worry about trig.doc generating the trig.sty file. Saved the catcodes of ` ', `@', `~' `_' and NL so I so I can use @ and _ for internal macro names, space and NL for ignored white space, and ~ for `real' white space. Renamed all the internal commands (apart from the documentation ones) to have _ in their names. 29 Nov 1993, v1.23: Added a check that a glyph exists before writing it to a (V)PL file... this was causing fontinst to crash if there was a glyph missing from an AFM file. Yannis Haralambous and Paul Thompson spotted this one. 23 Dec 1993, v1.24: Removed the \familyinst...\endfamilyinst interface, and replaced it by \installfonts ... \endinstallfonts, which makes it easier to generate FD files that look like standard LaTeX2e FD files. Removed (I'm not sure if this is a great idea) the ability to specify an encoding for an AFM file, since I'm not sure every dvi-to-ps converter can re-encode raw fonts. I added the \declarefamily command to specify which encoding string corresponds to which ETX file. 24 Dec 1993, v1.25: Redid the \declare... commands, and replaced everyglyh and everyendglyph by sidebearings. 25 Dec 1993, v1.26: Drank a lot. 26 Dec 1993, v1.27: Added \setcommand, \resetcommand and \ifiscommand. 27 Dec 1993, v1.28: Bug-fixes in \setcommand and \resetcommand. Redid \pltomtx so that it can read the encoding from the CODINGSCHEME line in the file. Moved the documentation and tables into fontdoc and fonttab.tex. 28 Dec 1993, v1.29: Removed the fd-commands argument from \makefont, since the FD syntax is to allow FD-commands dependent on encoding/family/series/shape but not on size. This means we can't generate font-specific FD-commands, but I've never seen those used, so I'm not too worried... Fixed a bug with the CC commands, which was producing a glyph with a different width than its horizontal escapement, and I'm not sure what every DVI driver would do with that. Replaced \etxtopl with \mtxtopl. Replaced the GLYPH COMMAND \rawglyph with the MTX COMMAND \setrawglyph. 29 Dec 1993, v1.30: Fixed a bug with \setrawglyph, which wasn't checking to see if the glyph was already defined. Added \unsetglyph. Corrected the spelling of `\immedaite' (sic) in \vpl_nextlarger. 3 Jan 1994, v1.301: The glyph warning message is now only produced when the glyph is used, rather than when it is defined. And I've moved over to three-digit version numbers, since I was going through the two-digit ones quite rapidly. Added \bye, so fontinst documents can run under LaTeX as well as plain TeX. Added \unsetint, \unsetstr, \unsetdim and \unsetcommand. Renamed \makefont and \makefamily to \installfont and \installfamily. 4 Jan 1994, v1.302: Fixed a bug with the definition of \bye. 6 Jan 1994, v1.303: Added the FONTNAME argument to \installfont. Actually got rid of everyglyph. 8 Jan 1994, v1.304: Added minimumkern and \resetglyph. Fixed a bug with \vpl_kerning, which was swapping the left- and right-kerns. Surprising I never spotted this before... 9 Jan 1994, v1.305: Worked on the MTX and ETX files. 10 Jan 1994, v1.306: Worked on the MTX and ETX files. 12 Jan 1994, v1.307: Edited the documentation. 20 Jan 1994, v1.308: Added the rawscale integer variable, and the \setnotglyph command. Redid the way that CC instructions are processed, to use the dimensions stored in the glyph-not variables. Set all of the saved VPL commands to \relax so that they can be \edef'ed on without having to protect them. Replaced some \def\foo{} by \let\foo\empty_command's. Replaced a large definition that was being made by \CHARACTER (when parsing PL files) by a \let. Redid the datatype used to store kerning so it uses control sequences as a compact representation of glyph names. All in all, fontinst now runs in 79% of the time and 77% of the space that it did last week. 21 Jan 1994, v1.309: Saved some more time and space on the kern table. 22 Jan 1994, v1.310: Added the `FONT scaled AMOUNT', made \setkern take account of \int{rawscale}. Moved the change log into a separate CHANGES file. Redid \samesize and \resetwidth so that the width is adjusted by a MOVERIGHT, so the glyph will have the correct horizontal escapement. Corrected a typo which had renamed \resetint to \setint (oops!). Corrected a typo of `itslant' rather than `italicslant'. Added the \transformfont command and \mtxtomtx. Changed the definition of \unfakable{foo} in latin.mtx to look to see if there's a glyph to get the dimensions for. Added a fake and a fake which is a missing glyph rule with the dimensions combined from and . Changed the default interword stretch to be 1/3 of interword space, rather than zero. Removed the checks for the existence of and in OT1.etx and T1.etx, since these are now faked in latin.mtx. Renamed the PS/CM math fonts, after a discussion with Karl Berry, added the OMS and OMX math fonts. Added the Greek letters, digits and other humanists to unsetalf.mtx. Added the DEFAULTRULETHICKNESS and BIGOPSPACING commands to the PL parser. Fixed a bug I'd introduced by giving \vartop, \varmid, \varrep and \varbot no parameters. Oops. Created timesmat.sty and testmath.tex. All in all, a reasonable day's work... 23 Jan 1994, v1.311: Added some more tests to testmath.tex. Added the new math sizes to timesmat.sty. Fixed a bug with fontstnd.tex which was causing it to generate the wrong FD entry for italic fonts. Fixed a bug with CHARACTER parsing in \pltomtx which wasn't resetting the values of WIDTH, HEIGHT, DEPTH and CHARIC between glyphs. 24 Jan 1994, v1.312: Added the SEVENBITSSAFE command to the PL parser. 25 Jan 1994, v1.313: Restored the catcode of ~, which I'd left as 10. Made /, < and > in zptmcmrm come from cmmi rather than ptmri. Added zptmcmr to fontptcm.tex, which is Adobe Times with +, =, (, ), [ and ] taken from CMR. This means that [...] and (...) in text is different from in math, but means that the delimiters are the right size for math setting with CM symbols, and match the growing delimiters in cmex. Moved the files ptmcmhax.mtx and psycmhax.mtx to zrmhax.mtx and zrvhax.mtx. 27 Jan 1994, v1.314: Took the textstyle and displaystyle big operators in zpsycmrv from cmex8 rather than cmex10, since they are more suitably sized for the and from Adobe Symbol. Made all the accents in latin.mtx zero depth (which TeX's math accent placement requires). Discovered that cmex8 doesn't have a CODINGSCHEME, so I added one by hand to the PL file. 30 Jan 1994, v1.315: Replaced cmex8 in zpsycmrv by cmex9. Added , and to unsethum.mtx. Added the \skewchar declaration for zptmcmrm. Fixed a bug which was causing negative mathchardefs. Finished off the skewchar kerns for zptcmrm. Renamed timesmat.sty to mathptm.sty, since there's already a timesmat.sty. 7 Feb 1994, v1.316: Fixed the \ProvidesPackage line in mathptm.sty. 8 Feb 1994, v1.317: Fixed a bug with fontptcm.tex where I'd put the \skewchar command in the wrong argument! Made the `size' argument to \installfont an FD size specification. Added fakes for and built from to latin.mtx. Added a check that a ligature glyph exists before writing out the LIGTABLE entry. Edited the documentation a bit---thanks to Karl Berry for comments. Added the fontcmro example, inspired by Norman Walsh. Fixed a bug with .fd file generation which caused multiple \DeclareFontShape entries to be produced. Added \unfakable{endash} and \unfakable{emdash} to latin.mtx. Sebastian spotted that one. 10 Feb 1994, v1.318: Added \unfakable{dotlessi} to latin.mtx. Karl Berry pointed that one out. 1 Mar 1994, v1.319: Added the HEADER. Karl Berry pointed that one out too. 6 Apr 1994, v1.320: Write out a LABEL BOUNDARYCHAR ligable entry where necessary. Alan Hoenig pointed that one out. Rewrote mathptm.sty to remove some of the nastier hacks. 7 Apr 1994, v1.321: Added the ability to generate font substitutions in the FD files. 8 Apr 1994, v1.322: Fixed a bug with font substitution which was causing the font substitutions to be written out before the real fonts. Moved the mathptm package to standing on its own. --- Copyright 1993--1994 Alan Jeffrey ---