%%% ==================================================================== %%% @LaTeX-package{ %%% author = "Alan Jeffrey", %%% version = "1.320", %%% date = "06 April 1994", %%% time = "20:27:09 BST", %%% filename = "mathptm.sty", %%% address = "School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences %%% University of Sussex %%% Brighton BN1 9QH %%% UK", %%% FAX = "+44 273 678188", %%% email = "alanje@cogs.sussex.ac.uk", %%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII", %%% keywords = "font installation example", %%% supported = "yes", %%% abstract = "This package loads the Adobe Times fonts and %%% the mathptm fonts.", %%% package = "fontinst", %%% dependencies = "fonts produced by fontinst" %%% } %%% ==================================================================== \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{mathptm}[1994/04/06 Times + math package from fontinst] % The family is Times Roman \def\rmdefault{ptm} % The math fonts are the mathptm fonts. \DeclareSymbolFont{operators} {OT1}{ptmcm}{m}{n} \DeclareSymbolFont{letters} {OML}{ptmcm}{m}{it} \DeclareSymbolFont{symbols} {OMS}{pzccm}{m}{n} \DeclareSymbolFont{largesymbols}{OMX}{psycm}{m}{n} \DeclareSymbolFont{bold} {OT1}{ptm}{bx}{n} \DeclareSymbolFont{italic} {OT1}{ptm}{m}{it} % If we're in compatibility mode, defined \mathbf and \mathit. \@ifundefined{mathbf}{}{\DeclareMathAlphabet{\mathbf}{OT1}{ptm}{bx}{n}} \@ifundefined{mathit}{}{\DeclareMathAlphabet{\mathit}{OT1}{ptm}{m}{it}} % An \omicron command, to fill the gap. \DeclareMathSymbol{\omicron}{0}{operators}{`\o} % Reduce the space around math operators \thinmuskip=2mu \medmuskip=2.5mu plus 1mu minus 1mu \thickmuskip=4mu plus 1.5mu minus 1mu % No bold math. \def\boldmath{% \@warning{there is no bold Symbol font}% \global\let\boldmath=\relax } % Larger scripts. \DeclareMathSizes{5}{5}{5}{5} \DeclareMathSizes{6}{6}{5}{5} \DeclareMathSizes{7}{7}{5}{5} \DeclareMathSizes{8}{8}{6}{5} \DeclareMathSizes{9}{9}{7}{5} \DeclareMathSizes{10}{10}{7.4}{6} \DeclareMathSizes{10.95}{10.95}{8}{6} \DeclareMathSizes{12}{12}{9}{7} \DeclareMathSizes{14.4}{14.4}{10.95}{8} \DeclareMathSizes{17.28}{17.28}{12}{10} \DeclareMathSizes{20.74}{20.74}{14.4}{12} \DeclareMathSizes{24.88}{24.88}{17.28}{14.4} \endinput