\def \noopsort #1{} \begin{thebibliography}{1} \bibitem{Bohr:1911:SME} {\sc N.~H.~D. Bohr}, {\em {Studier over Metallernes Elektronteori}. ({Danish}) [{Studies} on the electron theory of metals]}, doktor disputats, K{\o}benhavns Universitet, K{\o}benhavn, Danmark, 1911. \newblock Afhandling for den filosofiske doktorgrad. [Thesis for the Doctor of Philosophy.]. \bibitem{Dirac:1926:QM} {\sc P.~A.~M. Dirac}, {\em Quantum Mechanics}, {Ph.D.} thesis, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, June 1926. \newblock According to \cite[p. 101]{Farmelo:2009:SMH}, this is the first thesis to be submitted anywhere on the subject of quantum mechanics. \bibitem{Einstein:1905:NBM} {\sc A.~Einstein}, {\em {Eine Neue Bestimmung der Molek{\"u}ldimensionen}. ({German}) [{A} new determination of molecular dimensions]}, inaugural dissertation, Bern Wyss., Bern, Switzerland, 1905. \newblock Published in \cite{Einstein:1906:NBM}. \bibitem{Einstein:1906:NBM} \leavevmode\vrule height 2pt depth -1.6pt width 23pt, {\em {Eine neue Bestimmung der Molek{\"u}ldimensionen}. ({German}) [{A} new determination of molecular dimensions]}, Annalen der Physik (1900) (series 4), 324 (1906), pp.~289--306. \newblock See corrections \cite{Einstein:1911:BMAa,Einstein:1911:BMAb}. This is a slightly revised version of Einstein's doctoral dissertation \cite{Einstein:1905:NBM}. \bibitem{Einstein:1911:BMAa} {\sc A.~Einstein}, {\em {Bemerkung zu meiner Arbeit: Eine Beziehung zwischen dem elastischen Verhalten}. ({German}) [{Remark} on my paper: {``A relationship between the elastic behavior \ldots{}''}]}, Annalen der Physik (1900) (series 4), 339 (1911), pp.~590--590. \newblock See \cite{Einstein:1911:BZE}. \bibitem{Einstein:1911:BMAb} {\sc A.~Einstein}, {\em {Berichtigung zu meiner Arbeit: Eine neue Bestimmung der Molek{\"u}ldimensionen}. ({German}) [{Corrections} to my work: a new determination of molecular dimensions]}, Annalen der Physik (1900) (series 4), 339 (1911), pp.~591--592. \newblock See \cite{Einstein:1906:NBM}. \bibitem{Einstein:1911:BZE} \leavevmode\vrule height 2pt depth -1.6pt width 23pt, {\em {Eine Beziehung zwischen dem elastischen Verhalten und der spezifischen W{\"a}rme bei festen K{\"o}rpen mit einatomigem Molek{\"u}l}. ({German}) [{A} relationship between the elastic behavior and the specific heat of solid bodies with monatomic molecules]}, Annalen der Physik (1900) (series 4), 339 (1911), pp.~170--174, 590. \newblock See remarks \cite{Einstein:1911:BMAa,Einstein:1911:BMAb}. \bibitem{Farmelo:2009:SMH} {\sc G.~Farmelo}, {\em The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life of {Paul Dirac}, Mystic of the Atom}, Basic Books, New York, NY, USA, 2009. \bibitem{Adobe:1990:AFM} {\sc PostScript Developer Tools \& Strategies Group, Adobe Systems Inc.}, {\em {Adobe} font metric files specification --- Version 3.0}, Mountain View, CA, USA, Mar. 1990. \end{thebibliography}