%%% ==================================================================== %%% This style file extends the chapterbib package to be usable with %%% the UofUtah thesis class file. %%% %%% The original version was created by Karl Schwede. %%% This file is maintained by Nelson Beebe and Karl Schwede. %%% %%% [01-Apr-2016] -- version 1.02: adapt for uuthesis-*.sty conventions. %%% [24-Apr-2016] -- version 1.01: second version %%% ==================================================================== \NeedsTeXFormat {LaTeX2e} [1994/12/01] \ProvidesPackage {uuthesis-chapterbib} [2016/04/25 v1.04] \immediate \write16 {===============================================================================}% \immediate \write16 {}% \immediate \write16 {This is uuthesis-chapterbib.sty version 1.04 <25 April 2016>}% \immediate \write16 {}% \immediate \write16 {===============================================================================}% %%% We need the standard LaTeX chapterbib package, and the fp package %%% for support of fixed-point arithmetic to make it easier to %%% automate the numbering of various objects. \usepackage {chapterbib} \usepackage [nomessages] {fp} %%% We need references at the end of each section to appear in the %%% table of contents as a numbered section. Hence we redefine the %%% bibliography package here. The definition of this macro in %%% uuthesis-pageheaders.sty differs substantially, because there, %%% the reference list is treated like an unnumbered chapter that %%% begins a new page, whereas here, the list is a section that %%% does not require a page eject. We do not need to set the %%% \leftmark and \rightmark, because the \section{} command %%% does that for us. \def \thebibliography #1% {% \ifrawbibliography \else %% Switch to singlespace after the heading gets printed. \section{References}% \par \removelastskip \singlespace \par \removelastskip % GBG Oct 1993 \fixmainheadingSKIP \fi \ifx \uuthesis@pageheaders \undefined \else \global \def \leftmark {\@chapapp\ \thechapter. \uuthesis@shortchaptername}% \global \def \rightmark {\S \thechapter .\the \c@section: \bibname}% \fi \list{[\arabic{enumi}]}% {% \settowidth \labelwidth {[#1]}% \leftmargin = \labelwidth \advance \leftmargin by \labelsep \usecounter{enumi}% }% \def \newblock {\hskip .11em plus .33em minus -.07em}% \sloppy \clubpenalty = 4000 \widowpenalty = 4000 \sfcode`\. = 1000 \relax } %%% This code is adapted from the uuthesis-2016-g.sty file. \newdimen \uuchapterbib@chaptersectionspace \uuchapterbib@chaptersectionspace = \baselineskip \advance \uuchapterbib@chaptersectionspace by -6pt \FPeval {\uuchapterbib@cursection} {0}% \FPeval {\uuchapterbib@cursubsection} {0}% \FPeval {\uuchapterbib@cursubsubsection} {0}% \FPeval {\uuchapterbib@curfigure} {0}% \FPeval {\uuchapterbib@curtable} {0}% \newcounter {uuchapterbibsection} \newcounter {uuchapterbibsubsection} \newcounter {uuchapterbibsubsubsection} \newcounter {uuchapterbibfigure} \newcounter {uuchapterbibtable} %%% The following command should be run after each \begin{chapter} %%% command but before one starts manually adding the sections %%% manually. It adds appropriate space to the table of contents and %%% sets its own section counter. \def \setupuuchapterbib {% \addtocontents {toc} {\protect \vspace{\protect \uuchapterbib@chaptersectionspace} \protect }% \FPeval {\uuchapterbib@cursection} {0}% \FPeval {\uuchapterbib@cursubsection} {0}% \FPeval {\uuchapterbib@cursubsubsection} {0}% \FPeval {\uuchapterbib@curfigure} {0}% \FPeval {\uuchapterbib@curtable} {0}% %% These counters are exposed to the user to allow manual changes, if needed \setcounter {uuchapterbibsection} {0}% \setcounter {uuchapterbibsubsection} {0}% \setcounter {uuchapterbibsubsubsection} {0}% \setcounter {uuchapterbibfigure} {0}% \setcounter {uuchapterbibtable} {0}% \ifx \uuthesis@pageheaders \undefined \else \global \def \leftmark {}% clear any previous section page header \global \def \rightmark {}% clear any previous chapter page header \fi } %%% Three commands handle the generation of table-of-contents %%% entries for sections, subsections, and subsubsections of %%% PDF files of documents published elsewhere, such as journal %%% article. %%% %%% Each command takes two arguments: a sectional heading, and a page %%% number in the included PDF file. That number is biased to the %%% correct page number when it is write to the \jobname.toc file. %%% %%% Here are some examples: %%% %%% \uudummysection {Historical remarks} {1} %%% \uudummysubsection {More remarks} {2} %%% \uudummysubsubsection {Even more remarks} {2} \def \uudummysection #1#2% {% \FPeval {\uuchapterbib@PageNum}{clip(\thepage+#2)} \stepcounter {uuchapterbibsection} \addtocontents {toc} {% \protect \contentsline {section}% {% \protect \numberline {\thechapter.\arabic{uuchapterbibsection}}% #1% }% {% \uuchapterbib@PageNum }% %%% TO DO: Why is this final \protect here?? \protect } \setcounter {uuchapterbibsubsection} {0} \setcounter {uuchapterbibsubsubsection} {0} } \def \uudummysubsection #1#2% {% \FPeval {\uuchapterbib@PageNum} {clip(\thepage+#2)}% \stepcounter {uuchapterbibsubsection}% \addtocontents {toc} {% \protect \contentsline {subsection}% {% \protect \numberline {\thechapter.\arabic{uuchapterbibsection}.\arabic{uuchapterbibsubsection}}% #1% }% {% \uuchapterbib@PageNum }% %%% TO DO: Why is this final \protect here?? \protect } \setcounter {uuchapterbibsubsubsection} {0} } \def \uudummysubsubsection#1#2% {% \FPeval {\uuchapterbib@PageNum} {clip(\thepage+#2)}% \stepcounter {uuchapterbibsubsubsection}% \FPeval {\uuchapterbib@cursubsubsection}{clip(1+\uuchapterbib@cursubsubsection)}% \addtocontents {toc} {% \protect \contentsline {subsubsection} {% \protect \numberline {\thechapter.\arabic{uuchapterbibsection}.\arabic{uuchapterbibsubsection}.\arabic{uuchapterbibsubsubsection}}% #1% }% {% \uuchapterbib@PageNum }% \protect } } \def \uudummyfigure#1#2% {% \FPeval {\uuchapterbib@PageNum} {clip(\thepage+#2)}% \stepcounter {uuchapterbibfigure}% \FPeval {\uuchapterbib@curfigure}{clip(1+\uuchapterbib@curfigure)}% \addtocontents {lof} {% \protect \contentsline {figure} {% \protect \numberline {\thechapter.\arabic{uuchapterbibfigure}}% #1% }% {% \uuchapterbib@PageNum }% \protect } } \def \uudummytable#1#2% {% \FPeval {\uuchapterbib@PageNum} {clip(\thepage+#2)}% \stepcounter {uuchapterbibtable}% \FPeval {\uuchapterbib@curtable}{clip(1+\uuchapterbib@curtable)}% \addtocontents {lot} {% \protect \contentsline {table} {% \protect \numberline {\thechapter.\arabic{uuchapterbibtable}}% #1% }% {% \uuchapterbib@PageNum }% \protect } }