This directory contains a minor update of the University of Utah sample thesis to illustrate use with LaTeX 2e, which has been the standard version of LaTeX since the appearance of the second edition of the LaTeX Users Guide and Reference Manual in 1994. The Makefile has been updated to include GNU standard targets [See the GNU Makefile standards in emacs help node "(Standards) Standard Targets".] The Makefile also includes targets for creating PostScript and PDF versions of the thesis. To typeset this document, ensure that uuthesis2e.cls is in your TEXINPUTS search path (a copy is available in ../latex2e). Then use the GNU standard incantation: ./configure && make all check install ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WELCOME. The files in this directory contain most everything you will need to format a thesis in LaTeX following the University of Utah thesis editor's guidelines. At first glance, especially if you are unfamiliar with LaTeX, this may seem rather complicated. It really is not very hard. Much of the contents of this directory are examples of doing special or complicated technical formatting. Most likely you will only use some of the options available and may ignore most of the files here. NOTE: This is a TEMPLATE for a dissertation which uses the uuthesis style in LaTeX. It is set up for you to copy and then include the body of your thesis. Although the thesis this sample was derived from went through the thesis office with few problems, formats do change over time and your thesis will probably still require some hand editing. The main file is the file thesis.tex. It will pull in all the "stuff" you will need to construct the thesis. LaTeXing this file latex2e thesis will build an up-to-date thesis.dvi file. I have included a makefile which can do some of the work automatically. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The MAKEFILE has the following commands setup. make thesis - runs make thesis.dvi, make spell and make dw. make thesis.dvi - the main build command. The file thesis.tex is processed through latex2e, bibtex and sed to produce a "correct" final copy. This takes 3 passes through latex2e to complete. The output is thesis.dvi. This maybe viewed by xdvi thesis.dvi & Note: make thesis.dvi can create many auxilary files. Explanations of some are provided below. make spell - checks for spelling errors. Words that do not appear in the dictionary or the file thesis.spell-ok will be placed in a file thesis.spell. Once the words in thesis.spell are verified (or the source corrected) they should be placed in thesis.spell-ok. The words in thesis.spell-ok should be sorted. Emacs can do the sort: select the region and do M-x sort-lines. make dw - find double words. The word and it's location is placed in a file thesis.dw. Normally, one will just type "latex2e thesis" to update the thesis.dvi file. After adding a citation to the thesis and the citation data to the bib database thesis.bib, you need to "latex2e thesis" and then "bibtex thesis". The citations will appear after two more "latex2e thesis"'s. The essential files for the "make thesis" to work: Makefile README abstract.tex acknowledge.tex appendix.tex auxdefs.sty box.tex chap1.tex chap2.tex chap3.tex diagram.sty fig1.tex fig2.tex fig3.tex notation.tex rhs.tex thesis.bib thesis.sty thesis.tex uumods.sty The full compliment of files after a make thesis will look like: Makefile README abstract.tex acknowledge.tex appendix.aux appendix.tex auxdefs.sty box.tex chap1.aux chap1.tex chap2.aux chap2.tex chap3.aux chap3.tex diag_examples.tex diag_manual.tex diagram-3.1.tar diagram.sty fig1.tex fig2.tex fig3.tex lamsarrow.sty notation.tex rhs.tex rhs_mod.tex tgrind.sty thesis.aux thesis.bbl thesis.bib thesis.blg thesis.dvi thesis.dw thesis.lof thesis.log thesis.lot thesis.spell-okay thesis.sty thesis.tex thesis.toc thesis.toc.old This example is still under construction!!! Good Luck, Jeff McGough ps: For the academic year 1993--94, I will be available to help if you have problems. To contact me, EMAIL: mcgough