Math 2270 Maple Project 3 October 13, 1999 # We will study the geometric meaning of linear (hence matrix) maps # f(x)=Ax, from R^n to R^m. As does the book, we will focus on maps # from R^2 to R^2 to illustrate more general properties. Of course, # computer graphics are most concerned with those maps and with R^3 # rotation maps and projection maps from R^3 to R^2. # A Maple text version of this project may be found at the web site # # # Go to that page and click on the "3-rd maple assignment". # # I recommend saving the file from the website onto you home directory, and then # opening it from Maple, as a ``Maple text'' document. You can then do # the assignment by inserting the proper commands as well as italicized # textual comments in answer to the various questions. In order to # execute multiline commands from the version you get from the web, you # should use the ``Edit'' option in your maple window to ``join'' # execution groups which you have highlighted with your mouse. # The very definition of a linear map, namely that f(u+v)=f(u)+f(v) # and f(su)=sf(u), for all vectors u,v and scalars s, has the following # geometric consequences: # Lines are mapped to lines, and parallel lines are mapped to # parallel lines: This is because a line can be described as a set # L={u + t v , where t is in R}, where u is a point on the line and v is # a direction vector. Therefore the image set f(L):={f(u+tv)}={f(u)+tf(v)} # is also a line, going through f(u) with direction f(v). (If the directions # f(v) turns out to be 0, then the line degenerates into a point.) # Therefore, line segments are mapped to line segments, polygons are # mapped to polygons, and regions bounded by polygons are mapped to # regions bounded by polygons; if we know where the vertices go, we know # everything. Let's use these facts to draw the images of some # polygonal regions under a matrix map. # First load the linear algebra and plotting libraries > with(plots):with(linalg): > verts0:=[[0,0],[1,0],[1,1],[0,1]]; > #corners of unit square > unitsquare:=polygonplot(verts0, color=`yellow`): > #this command make a polygon and colors > #the region inside it yellow. Make sure > #to end this command with a colon! > display(unitsquare); #Now semicolon! this command > #shows the square # When you executed the sequence of commands above you should have # gotten a picture of a yellow unit square. Now we will use a linear # map with matrix A defined below to map this square to a parallelegram > A:=matrix([[3,2],[-1,1]]); #the matrix of our > #random linear transformation > f:=x->evalm(A&*x); #our linear map # 1a) The assignment. For our map f(x)=Ax defined above, what are the images of the # points e1=[1,0] and e2=[0,1]? How do you find these images from the # rows or columns of A? # We use the ``map'' command below to see where the vertices of the unit # square are sent by f. The syntax is to put the mapping function in as # the first argument, and the list of input points as the second # argument. The result of the command will be the list of output # points. Check (not to hand in) that this is what happens below to # the four points in the list verts0. # Note that here we are conflating points and vectors in R^2, namely we # identify each point P with its coordinates, i.e. with the vector # # --> # OP # > verts1:=map(f,verts0); > image1:=polygonplot(verts1, color=`red`): > display({unitsquare,image1}); # 1b) The assignment. Explain where f(e1) and f(e2) are represented in the picture you # just made. (Mark them on the picture.) # By the way, if you click on the plot you can choose to # have the projection ``constrained '', in which case Maple will use the # same scales for the vertical and horizontal axis. Otherwise it scales # the x and y-axes to make the picture fit nicely onto your screen. # 1c) If we compute f(f(x)):=f^2(x), then what will the matrix be for # the resulting linear transformation? After answering that question, # make the vertices for f(f(unitsquare)) as follows, and draw the # corresponding image polygons. > verts2:=map(f,verts1); > image2:=polygonplot(verts2,`color`=blue): > display({unitsquare,image1,image2}); # 1d) Explain what the columns of the matrix for f^2 have to do with # the picture you just made above. # 1e) What is the inverse function to f ? Hint : what is its matrix? # Verify that the inverse mapping takes image1 back to the unit square by using the method # from 1c). # 2) Translations of objects are mapped to translations of the image # objects and scalings of objects are mapped to scalings of the image # objects: # First let's review what do we mean by an ``object'' and # by translations and scalings of an object. An object is some set S # of points s. By the image of S we mean the collection of image # points f(s) . We write f(S) for this image (like we did for the line # L and its image f(L) in problem 1). Similarly if b i s a translation # vector, then the object S+b means all points of the form s+b where s # is in S. If c is a scalar, then the scaled (or dilated) set cS means # all points of the form cs , where s is in S. # Now, if we apply the linear map f to the translated object S+b we # get all points of the form f(s+b)=f(s)+ f(b), where s is in S (since f is # linear), i.e. exactly the set f(S)+f(b) , which is the translation of # the image f(S) by the vector f(b). Similarly, if we apply f to the # scaled set cS we get f(cS) to be the set of all points f(cs)=cf(s) # (since f is linear), i.e. the scaling cf(S) of the image set f(S). # Here's how to translate and scale the unit square from #1: #Let's translate it by the vector b=[2,3]: > b:=[2,3]; > trans:=x->evalm(x+b); > verts3:=map(trans,verts0); > image3:=polygonplot(verts3,color=`yellow`): > #colon! > display(unitsquare,image3); #Here's how to scale it by a factor of 0.2: > c:=0.2; > shrink:=x->evalm(c*x); > verts4:=map(shrink,verts0); > image4:=polygonplot(verts4,color=`red`): > display({image4,unitsquare}); # (By the way, when I do the command above the little square gets hidden # behind the big one, except for its outline.) # 2a) Describe where you expect the translated unit square, image3 # above, to be mapped by our linear map f from problem 1. Then use # the ``map'' command and the ``trans'' command, as well as polygonplot # and display, to make a picture of the images of the unit square and # its translation when they are mapped by f . Verify that the images # differ by the expected translation. # 2b) Describe what you expect the image of the scaled down square # above to be when you apply f , and then draw a picture illustrating # this. #3) Special linear transformations in R^2: #3a) Rotations: The matrix for rotating by an angle theta is: > Rot:=theta->matrix([[cos(theta),-sin(theta)],[sin(theta),cos(theta)]]); #so to rotate the vector (2,3) by Pi/3, we would command > theta:=Pi/3; > evalm(Rot(theta)&*[2,3]); > # Assignment: Draw a picture of the unit square rotated by Pi/3 radians. # 3b) Reflections (see section 3.4 of Kolman's textbook): Define matrices # which give reflections across the # x-axis, across the y-axis, and across the line y=x. Illustrate what # each of these linear maps does to the unit square (as we did in 1a). # Finally, verify with Maple that reflecting across the line y=x is the # composition of # first rotating Pi/4 in the clockwise direction, then reflecting across # the x-axis, then rotating (back ) Pi/4 in the counterclockwise # direction. Hint: if L: x --> y and M: y--> z are linear transformations # and N: x--> y=L(x) --> z= M(y) is their composition, and the matrix # of L is A, the matrix for M is B, then the matrix for N is A&*B. # 3c) Translations and scalings revisited: Explain why a translation # by a non-zero map is NOT LINEAR. (Show that the definition of linear # does not hold.) On the other hand, explain why scaling IS a linear # map and exhibit its matrix. (This is a textbook homework problem # disguised in a computer project.) # 3d) You can scale by different factors in the x and y-directions. # For example, what matrix expands the x-direction by 3 and the # y-direction by 2? (The generalize the "Procusta" transformations. # Make a picture of what this scaling does to the unit square similarly to 1a). # 3e) Projections: Write down the matrix which projects points onto # the x-axis. Illustrate what this projection map does to the unit # square. Is there an inverse map? # 3f) Shears: A shear of strength k in the x-direction is defined by the matrix > Shear:=k->matrix([[1,k],[0,1]]); # Assignment: For k=1 explore what the shear map does to the unit square. What # happens if you apply the shear map twice? Three times? What is the # inverse map of a strength k shear?