You have just reached the directory which contains the current version of the infamous notes for E266, Computational Fluid Dynamics. The basic structure is as follows: Part I. Compressible Flow Chapter 1. Finite differences for linear scalar problems Chapter 2. Nonlinear scalar problems Chapter 3. Linear systems of conservation laws Chapter 4. Nonlinear systems of conservation laws Part II. Incompressible Flow Chapter 1. Poisson's equation Chapter 2. Prototype of advection equation Chapter 3. The Navier-Stokes equation Each chapter has its own ps file plus a table of contents. Random comments: This is a DRAFT! Absolutely noone in any shape or form is giving unequivocal support to anything you read herein. Unless you like it, of course. You will see references to "equation (-1)" or "equation (+5)" in the text. This is an offset relative to the current location. So, equation (-2) actually means refer back to the second to the last numbered equation. (Likewise with figures) -------- This directory will be updated as revisions become available.