echo off echo Constructing Kermit-MS version 2.30 for IBM-PCs. Break on Rem Assumes all files are on the current disk. Rem If there is insufficient disk space then the command Rem "masm filespec.asm;" Rem may be typed individually for each .asm file. Rem Note: files MSSDEF.H and MSVIBM.LNK must be in the current directory for Rem use by masm and link, respectively. Rem First, the system independent .asm files: msscmd, msscom, mssfil, mssker, Rem mssrcv, mssscp, msssen, mssser, mssset, msster, mssfin if not exist mssdef.h goto noheader echo Make an .OBJ file from each .ASM file. for %%f in (msscmd, msscom, mssfil, mssker, mssrcv, mssscp) do masm %%f; for %%f in (msssen, mssser, mssset, msster, mssfin) do masm %%f; Rem Second, the system dependent files: msgibm, msuibm, msxibm, msyibm, mszibm for %%f in (msgibm, msuibm, msxibm, msyibm, mszibm) do masm %%f; echo End of Assembly step. Rem Third, link the Object files, using the appropriate command file. echo Starting Link step. link @msvibm.lnk if errorlevel 1 goto badlink echo File MSVIBM.EXE is built. goto done :noheader echo ERROR - File MSSDEF.H is needed but could not be found. goto done :badlink echo LINKING ERROR. :done echo on