Valid HTML 4.0! Valid CSS!
%%% -*-BibTeX-*-
%%% ====================================================================
%%%  BibTeX-file{
%%%     author          = "Nelson H. F. Beebe",
%%%     version         = "2.34",
%%%     date            = "25 April 2024",
%%%     time            = "09:58:05 MST",
%%%     filename        = "sgml.bib",
%%%     address         = "University of Utah
%%%                        Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB
%%%                        155 S 1400 E RM 233
%%%                        Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090
%%%                        USA",
%%%     telephone       = "+1 801 581 5254",
%%%     FAX             = "+1 801 581 4148",
%%%     URL             = "",
%%%     checksum        = "37373 64270 274618 2687329",
%%%     email           = "beebe at, beebe at,
%%%                        beebe at (Internet)",
%%%     codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
%%%     keywords        = "BibTeX; bibliography; Cascading Style Sheets
%%%                        (CSS); Channel Definition Format (CDF);
%%%                        Chemical Markup Language (CML); Extensible
%%%                        Markup Language (XML); Extensible Style
%%%                        Language (XSL); Hypertext Markup Language
%%%                        (HTML); Hytime; Mathematical Markup Language
%%%                        (MML); Standard Generalized Markup Language
%%%                        (SGML); VoiceXML; World-Wide Web (WWW)",
%%%     license         = "public domain",
%%%     supported       = "yes",
%%%     docstring       = "This bibliography records publications on
%%%                        SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)
%%%                        and descendants, including Channel Definition
%%%                        Format (CDF), Chemical Markup Language (CML),
%%%                        HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) [used on the
%%%                        World-Wide Web], Mathematical Markup Language
%%%                        (MML), VoiceXML, and VRML (Virtual Reality
%%%                        Markup/Modeling Language).  CDF, HTML, MML,
%%%                        and XML are specific SGML Document Type
%%%                        Definitions conforming to the SGML grammar.
%%%                        This bibliography includes publications up
%%%                        to, and including, 1999.  The companion
%%%                        bibliography sgml2000.bib contains data for
%%%                        2000--2009.
%%%                        At version 2.34, the year coverage looks
%%%                        like this:
%%%                             1981 (   1)    1988 (  42)    1995 ( 612)
%%%                             1982 (   0)    1989 (  28)    1996 ( 526)
%%%                             1983 (   1)    1990 (  62)    1997 ( 417)
%%%                             1984 (   0)    1991 (  66)    1998 ( 382)
%%%                             1985 (   1)    1992 (  74)    1999 ( 193)
%%%                             1986 (  12)    1993 ( 151)
%%%                             1987 (  25)    1994 ( 183)
%%%                             19xx (   7)
%%%                             Article:        831
%%%                             Book:           603
%%%                             InCollection:     4
%%%                             InProceedings:  810
%%%                             Manual:           9
%%%                             MastersThesis:   21
%%%                             Misc:            69
%%%                             Periodical:       6
%%%                             PhdThesis:        3
%%%                             Proceedings:    403
%%%                             TechReport:      24
%%%                             Total entries: 2783
%%%                        These references have been extracted from a
%%%                        very large computer science bibliography
%%%                        collection on in
%%%                        /pub/bibliography to which many people of
%%%                        have contributed.  The snapshot of this
%%%                        collection was taken on 5-May-1994, and it
%%%                        consists of 441 BibTeX files, 2,672,675
%%%                        lines, 205,289 entries, and 6,375
%%%                        <at>String{} abbreviations, occupying
%%%                        94.8MB of disk space.  It was then
%%%                        augmented by data from the ACM Computing
%%%                        Archive CD ROM, the IEEE INSPEC CD ROMs
%%%                        (1989--Sept. 1996), and various
%%%                        Internet-accessible library catalogs,
%%%                        including the OCLC Article1st,
%%%                        BooksInPrint, Contents1st, ERIC, EconLit,
%%%                        GEOBASE, GPO, MEDLINE, PapersFirst,
%%%                        Proceedings, WorldCat databases, the
%%%                        UnCover library database, and the Compendex
%%%                        database.
%%%                        The SGML Web Page provides a reference
%%%                        collection of 1,900 documents and a annotated
%%%                        database of 1,600 citations.  There are also
%%%                        current listings of public-domain and
%%%                        commercial SGML software and resources,
%%%                        academic and commercial products which use
%%%                        SGML, and guides to related markup languages
%%%                        like DSSL and XML.
%%%                        There is an interesting World-Wide Web
%%%                        resource available for SGML at the URL
%%%                        Other resources are available at
%%%                        BibTeX citation tags are uniformly chosen
%%%                        as name:year:abbrev, where name is the
%%%                        family name of the first author or editor,
%%%                        year is a 4-digit number, and abbrev is a
%%%                        3-letter condensation of important title
%%%                        words. Citation tags were automatically
%%%                        generated by software developed for the
%%%                        BibNet Project.
%%%                        In this bibliography, entries are sorted
%%%                        first by ascending year, and within each
%%%                        year, alphabetically by author or editor,
%%%                        and then, if necessary, by the 3-letter
%%%                        abbreviation at the end of the BibTeX
%%%                        citation tag.  `bibsort -byyear' automates
%%%                        the job.  Year order has been chosen to
%%%                        make it easier to identify the most recent
%%%                        work.  Cross-referenced proceedings entries
%%%                        appear at the end, because of a restriction
%%%                        in the current BibTeX.
%%%                        The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
%%%                        checksum as the first value, followed by the
%%%                        equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word
%%%                        count) utility output of lines, words, and
%%%                        characters.  This is produced by Robert
%%%                        Solovay's checksum utility.",
%%%  }
%%% ====================================================================
  "\ifx \undefined \booktitle \def \booktitle #1{{{\em #1}}} \fi" #
  "\input tugboat.def" #
  "\input path.sty" #

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Acknowledgement abbreviations:
@String{ack-hg =   "Harry Gaylord,
                    Senior Lecturer, Computing and Humanities Dept.,
                    Groningen University,
                    The Netherlands,
                    e-mail: \path||"}

@String{ack-hk =   "Hanna K{\"o}lodziejska,
                    {\"O}srodek Obliczeniowy,
                    Instytutu Informatyki UW,
                    P{\"a}lac Kultury i Nauki pok. 838,
                    00-901 Warszawa,

@String{ack-jd =  "John December,
                  December Communications,
                  e-mail: \path||,
                  URL: \path||"}

@String{ack-js = "Joachim Schrod,
                  Institute for Theoretical Informatics,
                  Computer Science Department,
                  Technical University of Darmstadt,
                  e-mail: \path||"}

@String{ack-nhfb = "Nelson H. F. Beebe,
                    University of Utah,
                    Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB,
                    155 S 1400 E RM 233,
                    Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090, USA,
                    Tel: +1 801 581 5254,
                    FAX: +1 801 581 4148,
                    e-mail: \path||,
                            \path|| (Internet),
                    URL: \path||"}

@String{ack-wr = "Wolfgang Rieger,
                 c/o B{\"u}ro f{\"u}r Software-Entwicklung,
                 Frankfurter Ring 193a,
                 80807 Munich,
                 Tel: +89 323 19 93,
                 FAX: +89 323 19 93,
                 e-mail: \path||"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Institution abbreviations:
@String{inst-IBM-WATSON         = "IBM Corporation, Thomas J. Watson Research

@String{inst-IBM-WATSON:adr     = "Yorktown Heights, NY, USA"}

@String{inst-NCSA-UIUC          = "National Center for Supercomputer
                                  Applications, University of Illinois at

@String{inst-NCSA-UIUC:adr      = "Urbana, IL 61801, USA"}

@String{inst-RAL                = "Rutherford Appleton Laboratory"}

@String{inst-RAL:adr            = "Chilton, Didcot, Berks, UK"}

@String{inst-U-ARIZONA-CS       = "University of Arizona, Dept. of Computer

@String{inst-U-ARIZONA-CS:adr   = "Tucson, AZ, USA"}

@String{inst-U-WATERLOO         = "University of Waterloo"}

@String{inst-U-WATERLOO:adr     = "Waterloo, Ontario, Canada"}

@String{inst-UNLV               = "University of Nevada at Las Vegas"}

@String{inst-UNLV:adr           = "Las Vegas, NV, USA"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Journal abbreviations:
@String{j-ACTA-INFO             = "Acta Informatica"}

@String{j-ADV-IMAGING           = "Advanced Imaging"}

@String{j-AGAINST-GRAIN         = "Against the Grain"}

@String{j-AISB-Q                = "Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of
                                  Behavior quarterly"}

@String{j-AM-PROG               = "American Programmer"}

@String{j-ASEAN-PROPRINT        = "Asean proprint: the graphic arts magazine"}

@String{j-ASLIB-PROC            = "ASLIB Proceedings"}

@String{j-ASTERISK              = "Asterisk: the journal of computer

@String{j-ASTRON-J              = "Astronomical Journal"}

@String{j-ATT-TECH-J            = "AT\&T Technical Journal"}

@String{j-AUDIO-VISUAL          = "Audio Visual"}

@String{j-AUSTRALIAN-COMP-SCI-COMM = "Australian Computer Science

@String{j-AUSTRALIAN-LIBR-REV   = "Australian Library Review"}

@String{j-AUSTRALIAN-PERSONAL-COMP = "Australian Personal Computer"}

@String{j-AXIS                  = "Axis"}

@String{j-BANK-SYST-TECHNOL     = "Bank Systems + Technology"}

@String{j-BEHAV-INF-TECH        = "Behaviour \& information technology"}

@String{j-BEHAV-RES-METH-INSTR-COMP = "Behavior research methods,
                                  instruments, and computers"}

@String{j-BELLCORE-EXCHANGE     = "Bellcore Exchange"}

@String{j-BRITISH-LIBRARY-RDR   = "The British Library research and
                                  development reports"}

@String{j-BULL-ASSOC-SUISE-ELECTRICIENS = "Bulletin de l'Association Suisse
                                  des Electriciens"}

@String{j-BULL-SCHWEIZ-ELEKTROTECH = "Bulletin des Schweizerischen
                                  Elektrotechnischen Vereins and des
                                  Verbandes Schweizerischer

@String{j-BUSINESS-INFO-REV     = "Business Information Review"}

@String{j-BYTE                  = "BYTE Magazine"}

@String{j-CACM                  = "Communications of the ACM"}

@String{j-CAD                   = "Computer Aided Design"}

@String{j-CADALYST              = "CADalyst: the newsletter of the AutoCAD
                                  Users' Group"}

@String{j-CAN-J-INFO-SCIENCE    = "Canadian Journal of Information Science"}

@String{j-CAT-CLASSIF-Q         = "Cataloging \& classification quarterly"}

@String{j-CCCUJ                 = "C/C++ Users Journal"}

@String{j-CD-ROM-PROF           = "CD-ROM professional"}

@String{j-CG-WORLD              = "Computer Graphics World"}

@String{j-CGF                   = "Com{\-}pu{\-}ter Graphics Forum"}

@String{j-COLL-RESEARCH-LIB     = "College and Research Libraries"}

@String{j-COMP-COMM             = "Computer Communications"}

@String{j-COMP-ECONOMICS-REP    = "Computer Economics Report (International

@String{j-COMP-GEOSCI           = "Computers and Geosciences"}

@String{j-COMP-GRAPHICS         = "Computer Graphics"}

@String{j-COMP-HUM              = "Computers and the humanities"}

@String{j-COMP-J                = "The Computer Journal"}

@String{j-COMP-LIB              = "Computers in Libraries"}

@String{j-COMP-LING             = "Computational Linguistics"}

@String{j-COMP-NET-AMSTERDAM    = "Computer Networks (Amsterdam, Netherlands:

@String{j-COMP-NET-ISDN         = "Computer Networks and ISDN Systems"}

@String{j-COMP-PHYS-COMM        = "Computer Physics Communications"}

@String{j-COMPUT-PHYS           = "Computers in Physics"}

@String{j-COMP-STANDARDS-INTERFACES = "Computer Standards and Interfaces"}

@String{j-COMP-STAT-DATA-ANA    = "Computational Statistics and Data Analysis"}

@String{j-COMP-SURV             = "ACM Computing Surveys"}

@String{j-COMPUT-AIDED-ENG      = "Computer-aided engineering: CAE"}

@String{j-COMPUT-BULL           = "The Computer Bulletin"}

@String{j-COMPUT-SECUR-J        = "Computer Security Journal"}

@String{j-COMPUT-SUPPORTED-COOP-WORK = "Computer Supported Cooperative Work

@String{j-COMPUT-TEACH          = "Computing Teacher"}

@String{j-COMPUTER              = "Computer"}

@String{j-COMPUTER-SHOPPER      = "Computer Shopper"}

@String{j-COMPUTERS-AND-GRAPHICS = "Computers and Graphics"}

@String{j-COMPUTERWORLD         = "ComputerWorld"}

@String{j-CONSPECTUS            = "Conspectus"}

@String{j-CPC                   = "Computer Physics Communications"}

@String{j-DATABASE              = "Database"}

@String{j-DATAMATION            = "Datamation"}

@String{j-DBMS                  = "DBMS"}

@String{j-DDDU                  = "Dr. Dobb's Developer Update"}

@String{j-DDJ                   = "Dr. Dobb's Journal of Software Tools"}

@String{j-DEC-TECH-J            = "Digital Technical Journal"}

@String{j-DESKTOP-PUB-COMM      = "Desktop Publishing Commentary"}

@String{j-DIGEST-PAPERS-IEEE-SYMP-MASS-STOR-SYS = "Digest of Papers ---
                 IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems"}

@String{j-DIGITAL-SYS-REP       = "Digital Systems Report"}

@String{j-DOCUMENTALISTE-SCI-INFO = "Documentaliste -- Sciences de

@String{j-EDU-TRAINING-TECH     = "Educational and Training Technology

@String{j-EDUCOM-REV            = "Educom review"}

@String{j-ELECTR-COMMUN         = "Electrical Communication"}

@String{j-ELECTRONIC-ENG-TIMES  = "Electronic engineering times"}

@String{j-ELECTRONIC-LIBRARY    = "Electronic Library"}

@String{j-ENG-AUTOMATION        = "Engineering and Automation"}

@String{j-EPODD                 = "Electronic
                                  Dissemination, and Design"}

@String{j-EUROPEN-NEWSLETTER    = "EurOpen Newsletter"}

@String{j-EXE                   = ".EXE: the software developers' magazine"}

@String{j-EXPERT-SYST-APPL      = "Expert Systems with Applications"}

@String{j-FED-COMPUTER-WEEK     = "Federal computer week"}

@String{j-FUJITSU               = "Fujitsu"}

@String{j-GENIE-LOGICIEL-SYS-EXPERTS = "Genie Logiciel and Systemes Experts"}

@String{j-GOV-COMP-NEWS         = "Government computer news"}

@String{j-GRAPHIC-ARTS-MONTHLY  = "Graphic arts monthly: the magazine
                                  of the printing industry"}

@String{j-HP-PROF               = "HP professional"}

@String{j-IDG-INT-NEWS-SERVICE  = "IDG International News Service"}

@String{j-IBM-JRD               = "IBM Journal of Research and Development"}

@String{j-IEEE-CGA              = "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications"}

@String{j-IEEE-COMM-MAG         = "IEEE Communications Magazine"}

@String{j-IEEE-MICRO            = "IEEE Micro"}

@String{j-IEEE-MULTIMEDIA       = "IEEE MultiMedia"}

@String{j-IEEE-NETWORK          = "IEEE network"}

@String{j-IEEE-SOFTWARE         = "IEEE Software"}

@String{j-IEEE-TRANS-CONSUMER-ELECTRONICS = "IEEE Transactions on Consumer

@String{j-IEEE-TRANS-PROF-COMMUN = "IEEE Transactions on Professional

@String{j-IEEE-TRANS-REHABIL-ENG = "IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation

@String{j-IEEE-TRANS-SIG-PROC   = "IEEE Trans. Signal Processing"}

@String{j-IFIP-TRANS-B          = "IFIP Transactions B [Applications
                                  in Technology]"}

@String{j-IM-INFORMATION-MANAGEMENT = "IM Information Management"}

@String{j-IMAGING-MAGAZINE      = "Imaging Magazine"}

@String{j-INC                   = "Inc"}

@String{j-INFO-CANADA           = "Info Canada"}

@String{j-INFO-DB               = "Info DB"}

@String{j-INFO-MANAGEMENT-TECH  = "Information Management \& Technology"}

@String{j-INFO-PROC-MAN         = "Information Processing and Management"}

@String{j-INFO-RETRIEVAL-LIB-AUTO = "Information Retrieval and Library

@String{j-INFO-SERVICES-USE     = "Information services and use"}

@String{j-INFO-SOFTWARE-TECH    = "Information and Software Technology"}

@String{j-INFO-TECH-LIB         = "Information Technology and Libraries"}

@String{j-INFORMACNE-SYSTEMY    = "Informacne Systemy"}

@String{j-INFORMATIE            = "Informatie"}

@String{j-INFORMATIK-SPEKTRUM   = "Informatik Spektrum"}

@String{j-INFORMATION-WEEK      = "Information Week"}

@String{j-INFORMATIONS-TECHNIK  = "Informationstechnik --- IT"}

@String{j-INFOWORLD             = "InfoWorld"}

@String{j-INT-INFO-COMM-EDU     = "International information,
                                  communication and education"}

@String{j-INT-J-INFO-TECH       = "International Journal of Information

@String{j-INT-J-MOD-PHYS-C      = "International Journal of Modern
                                  Physics C [Physics and Computers]"}

@String{j-INT-YEARBOOK-LAW-COMP-TECH = "International Yearbook of Law,
                                  Computers, and Technology"}

@String{j-INTELL-TUTORING-MEDIA = "Intelligent Tutoring Media"}

@String{j-INTERLEND-DOC-SUPPLY  = "Interlending and Document Supply"}

@String{j-INTERNET-WORLD        = "Internet World"}

@String{j-IT-IT                 = "Informationstechnik und technische
                                  Informatik: IT + TI"}

@String{j-J-AM-SOC-INF-SCI      = "Journal of the American Society for
                                  Information Science"}

@String{j-J-CHEM-INFO-COMP-SCI  = "Journal of Chemical Information and Computer

@String{j-J-DOC                 = "Journal of Documentation"}

@String{j-J-IIEE-JAPAN          = "Journal of the Institute of Image
                                  Electronics Engineers of Japan"}

@String{j-J-INFO-PROC-SOC-JAPAN = "Journal of the Information Processing
                                  Society of Japan = Joho Shori"}

@String{j-J-INFO-SCI-PRINCIPLES-PRACTICE = "Journal of Information
                                  Science, Principles and Practice"}

@String{j-J-KOREA-INFO-SCI-SOCIETY = "Journal of the Korea Information Science
                                  Society = Chongbo Kwahakhoe nonmunji"}

@String{j-J-OOP                 = "Journal of Object Oriented Programming"}

@String{j-J-SOC-INSTR-CONTROL-ENG = "Keisoku Jido Seigyo Gakkai = Journal of
                                  the Society of Instrument and Control

@String{j-J-SYS-MANAGEMENT      = "Journal of systems management"}

@String{j-J-SYST-SOFTW          = "The Journal of Systems and Software"}

@String{j-JAVA-REPORT           = "{Java} Report: The Source for {Java}

@String{j-JAVAWORLD             = "JavaWorld: IDG's magazine for the
                                  Java community"}

@String{j-JOHO-KANRI            = "Joho kanri = Information \& documentation"}

@String{j-JOHO-SHORI            = "Joho-Shori (J. Information Processing Soc.

@String{j-KOREA-INFO-SCI-SOC-REV = "Korea Information Science Society Review"}

@String{j-LAN                   = "LAN: the network solutions magazine"}

@String{j-LAN-TIMES             = "LAN times"}

@String{j-LAW-LIBR-LONDON       = "Law librarian (London)"}

@String{j-LEARN-PUBL           = "Learned Publishing"}

@String{j-LECT-NOTES-COMP-SCI   = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science"}

@String{j-LIB-HI-TECH           = "Library Hi Tech"}

@String{j-LIB-HI-TECH-NEWS      = "Library Hi Tech News"}

@String{j-LIB-RESOURCES-TECH-SERVICES = "Library Resources and Technical

@String{j-LIB-SYSTEMS           = "Library Systems"}

@String{j-LIBR-SOFTW-REV        = "Library Software Review"}

@String{j-LIBR-TRENDS           = "Library Trends"}

@String{j-LINUX-J               = "Linux Journal"}

@String{j-LIT-LING-COMP         = "Literary and Linguistic Computing"}

@String{j-LOG-INFO-MANAGEMENT   = "Logistics Information Management"}

@String{j-MACUSER               = "MacUser"}

@String{j-MACWEEK               = "MacWEEK"}

@String{j-MACWORLD              = "Macworld"}

@String{j-MANAGING-INFO         = "Managing Information"}

@String{j-MARKUP-LANG           = "Markup Languages: Theory \& Practice"}

@String{j-MATH-COMP-MODELLING   = "Mathematical and computer modelling"}

@String{j-MECH-ENG              = "Mechanical Engineering: the journal of the
                                  American Society of Mechanical Engineers"}

@String{j-METH-INFO-MED         = "Methods of Information in Medicine"}

@String{j-MICROCOMP-CIVIL-ENG   = "Microcomputers in Civil Engineering"}

@String{j-MICROCOMPUT-INF-MANAGE = "Microcomputers for Information Management"}

@String{j-MINI-MICRO-SYSTEMS    = "Mini-Micro Systems"}

@String{j-MULTIMEDIA-SYSTEMS    = "Multimedia Systems"}

@String{j-NACH-DOK              = "Nachrichten f{\"u}r Dokumentation"}

@String{j-NAT-TECH-REP          = "National Technical Report"}

@String{j-NETWORK-COMPUTING     = "Network Computing"}

@String{j-NETWORK-WORLD         = "Network World"}

@String{j-NTG                   = "Nederlandstalige {\TeX}
                                  Gebruikersgroep (Dutch-speaking
                                  {\TeX} Users Group)"}

@String{j-NTT-R-D               = "NTT R and D"}

@String{j-OBJECT-MAG            = "Object Magazine"}

@String{j-OCLC-MICRO            = "OCLC Micro"}

@String{j-OCLC-NEWSLETTER       = "OCLC newsletter"}

@String{j-ONLINE                = "Online"}

@String{j-ONLINE-CDROM-REV      = "Online \& CDROM review: the international
                                  journal of online \& optical information

@String{j-OPEN-SYSTEMS-TODAY    = "Open Systems Today"}

@String{j-PARALLEL-PROCESS-LETT = "Parallel Processing Letters"}

@String{j-PC-COMPUTING          = "PC\slash Computing"}

@String{j-PC-MAGAZINE           = "PC Magazine"}

@String{j-PC-USER               = "PC User"}

@String{j-PC-WEEK               = "PC Week"}

@String{j-PHOTO-ELECTRON-IMAGING = "Photo Electronic Imaging"}

@String{j-PROC-ASIS-AM          = "Proceedings of the ASIS annual meeting"}

@String{j-PROC-SPIE             = "Proceedings of the SPIE --- The
                                  International Society for Optical

@String{j-PROG-COMP-SOFT        = "Programming and Computer Software;
                                  translation of Programmirovaniye (Moscow,
                                  USSR) Plenum"}

@String{j-PROGRAM               = "Program"}

@String{j-PUBLIC-ACCESS-COMPUT-SYST-REV = "Public-access Computer Systems

@String{j-PUBLISH               = "Publish!: the how-to magazine of desktop

@String{j-PUBLISHERS-WEEKLY     = "Publishers weekly"}

@String{j-PUBLISHING            = "Publishing"}

@String{j-PUBLISHING-PROD-EXEC  = "Publishing and production executive"}

@String{j-REP-OBJECT-ANA-DESIGN = "Report on Object Analysis and Design"}

@String{j-RSR                   = "RSR: Reference Services Review"}

@String{j-SCH-PUBL              = "Scholarly Publishing"}

@String{j-SCI-AMER              = "Scientific American"}

@String{j-SCITECH-J             = "SciTech Journal"}

@String{j-SERIALS-LIBRARIAN     = "The Serials Librarian"}

@String{j-SEYBOLD-REP-DESKTOP-PUB = "Seybold Report on Desktop Publishing"}

@String{j-SEYBOLD-REP-PUB-SYS   = "Seybold Report on Publishing Systems"}

@String{j-SIGBIO-NEWSLETTER     = "SIGBIO Newsletter"}

@String{j-SIGCAPH               = "SIGCAPH Newsletter"}

@String{j-SIGCHI                = "ACM SIGCHI Bulletin"}

@String{j-SIGCSE                = "SIGCSE Bulletin (ACM Special Interest Group
                                  on Computer Science Education)"}

@String{j-SIGIR-FORUM           = "SIGIR forum"}

@String{j-SIGMOD                = "SIGMOD Record (ACM Special Interest
                                  Group on Management of Data)"}

@String{j-SIGOIS                = "SIGOIS Bulletin"}

@String{j-SIGPLAN               = "ACM SIG{\-}PLAN Notices"}

@String{j-SIGSAM                = "SIGSAM Bulletin (ACM Special
                                  Interest Group on Symbolic and
                                  Algebraic Manipulation)"}

@String{j-SILICON-GRAPHICS-WORLD = "Silicon Graphics World"}

@String{j-SOCIAL-SCI-COMP-REV   = "Social science computer review"}

@String{j-SOFTWARE-ECONOMICS-LETTER = "Software Economics Letter"}

@String{j-SPE                   = "Soft{\-}ware\emdash Prac{\-}tice and

@String{j-SPEC-LIBR             = "Special Libraries"}

@String{j-SPECTROCHIMICA-ACTA-A = "Spectrochimica Acta, Part A
                                  [Molecular Spectroscopy]"}

@String{j-SPIE                  = "SPIE Proceedings"}

@String{j-SUNWORLD-ONLINE       = "Sunworld Online"}

@String{j-SYS-ADMIN             = "SysAdmin"}

@String{j-SYS-COMP-JAPAN        = "Systems and computers in Japan"}

@String{j-TECH-COMMUN           = "Technical Communication"}

@String{j-THE-J                 = "{T H E} journal (Technological Horizons in

@String{j-THEOR-COMP-SCI        = "Theoretical Computer Science"}

@String{j-TODS                  = "ACM Transactions on Database Systems"}

@String{j-TOMS                  = "ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software"}

@String{j-TOPLAS                = "ACM Transactions on Programming Languages
                                  and Systems"}

@String{j-TRAITE-SIGNAL         = "Traitement du signal"}

@String{j-TRANS-AM-NUCL-SOC     = "Transactions of the American
                                  Nuclear Society"}

@String{j-TRANS-IEICE-D-II      = "Transactions of the Institute of
                                  Electronics, Information and
                                  Communication Engineers D-II"}

@String{j-TUGBOAT               = "TUGboat"}

@String{j-U-LC                  = "U \& lc: The International Journal of

@String{j-UNIV-COMP             = "University Computing"}

@String{j-UNIX-REVIEW           = "UNIX review"}

@String{j-UNIX-WORLD            = "UNIX\slash world"}

@String{j-WEB-TECHNIQUES        = "Web Techniques"}

@String{j-WHOLE-EARTH-REV       = "Whole Earth Review"}

@String{j-WINDOWS-MAG           = "Windows Magazine"}

@String{j-WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK = "Wirtschaftsinformatik"}

@String{j-WORK-PROC-IMPROV-TODAY = "Work Process Improvement Today"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Organization abbreviations:
@String{org-ISO                 = "International Organization for

@String{org-ISO:adr             = "Geneva, Switzerland"}

@String{org-NIST                = "U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Institute
                                  of Standards and Technology"}

@String{org-NIST:adr            = "Gaithersburg, MD, USA"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Publishers and their addresses:
@String{pub-AAAI-PRESS          = "AAAI Press"}
@String{pub-AAAI-PRESS:adr      = "Menlo Park, CA, USA"}

@String{pub-AAP                 = "Association of American Publishers"}
@String{pub-AAP:adr             = "Dublin, OH, USA"}

@String{pub-ACM                 = "ACM Press"}
@String{pub-ACM:adr             = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-ADOBE               = "Adobe Systems Incorporated"}
@String{pub-ADOBE:adr           = "1585 Charleston Road, P.~O. Box 7900,
                                  Mountain View, CA 94039-7900, USA, Tel:
                                  (415) 961-4400"}

@String{pub-ADOBE-PRESS         = "Adobe Press"}
@String{pub-ADOBE-PRESS:adr     = "Mountain View, CA, USA"}

@String{pub-AFNOR               = "AFNOR"}
@String{pub-AFNOR:adr           = "Paris, France"}

@String{pub-AGARD               = "AGARD"}
@String{pub-AGARD:adr           = "Neuilly sur Seine, France"}

@String{pub-ALA                 = "American Library Association"}
@String{pub-ALA:adr             = "Chicago, IL, USA"}

@String{pub-AMER-MET-SOC        = "American Meteorological Society"}
@String{pub-AMER-MET-SOC:adr    = "Boston, MA, USA"}

@String{pub-ANAYA-MULTIMEDIA    = "Anaya Multimedia"}
@String{pub-ANAYA-MULTIMEDIA:adr = "Madrid, Spain"}

@String{pub-ANSI                = "American National Standards Institute"}
@String{pub-ANSI:adr            = "1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018, USA"}

@String{pub-AP                  = "Academic Press"}
@String{pub-AP:adr              = "New York, USA"}

@String{pub-AP-PROFESSIONAL     = "AP Professional"}
@String{pub-AP-PROFESSIONAL:adr = "Boston, MA, USA"}

@String{pub-APRESS              = "Apress"}
@String{pub-APRESS:adr          = "Berkeley, CA, USA"}

@String{pub-ARCHIVES-MUSEUM-INFORMATICS = "Archives and Museum Informatics"}
@String{pub-ARCHIVES-MUSEUM-INFORMATICS:adr = "Pittsburgh, PA, USA"}

@String{pub-ASCE                = "American Society of Civil Engineers"}
@String{pub-ASCE:adr            = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-ASIS                = "American Society for Information Science"}
@String{pub-ASIS:adr            = "Medford, NJ, USA"}

@String{pub-ASLIB               = "Aslib"}
@String{pub-ASLIB:adr           = "London, UK"}

@String{pub-ASME                = "American Society of Mechanical Engineers"}
@String{pub-ASME:adr            = "345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017, USA"}

@String{pub-ASSOC-ADV-COMPUT-EDU = "Association for the Advancement of
                                  Computing in Education"}
@String{pub-ASSOC-ADV-COMPUT-EDU:adr = "Charlottesville, VA, USA"}

@String{pub-ASSOC-RESEARCH-LIBRARIES = "Association of Research Libraries"}
@String{pub-ASSOC-RESEARCH-LIBRARIES:adr = "Washington, DC 20036, USA"}

@String{pub-ASTM                = "ASTM"}
@String{pub-ASTM:adr            = "Philadelphia, PA, USA"}

@String{pub-AUSSTELLUNGS-MESSE  = "Ausstellungs- und Messe"}
@String{pub-AUSSTELLUNGS-MESSE:adr = "Frankfurt, Germany"}

@String{pub-AW                  = "Ad{\-d}i{\-s}on-Wes{\-l}ey"}
@String{pub-AW:adr              = "Reading, MA, USA"}

@String{pub-AW-LONGMAN          = "Ad{\-d}i{\-s}on-Wes{\-l}ey Longman"}
@String{pub-AW-LONGMAN:adr      = "Reading, MA, USA"}

@String{pub-AWDP                = "Ad{\-d}i{\-s}on-Wes{\-l}ey Developers
@String{pub-AWDP:adr            = "Reading, MA, USA"}

@String{pub-BDS                 = "BDS, Inc."}
@String{pub-BDS:adr             = "Sterling, VA, USA"}

@String{pub-BLENHEIM-ONLINE     = "Blenheim Online"}
@String{pub-BLENHEIM-ONLINE:adr = "London, UK"}

@String{pub-BOUKER-SAUR         = "Bowker Saur"}
@String{pub-BOUKER-SAUR:adr     = "London, UK"}

%%% NB: All lower-case in this corporate name
@String{pub-BOYD-FRASER         = "boyd \& fraser"}
@String{pub-BOYD-FRASER:adr     = "One Corporate Place, Suite 205, Danvers,
                                  MA, USA 01923"}

@String{pub-BRITISH-LIBRARY-BOARD = "British Library Board"}
@String{pub-BRITISH-LIBRARY-BOARD:adr = "London, UK"}

@String{pub-BRITISH-LIBRARY-RDD = "British Library Research and
                                  Development Department"}
@String{pub-BRITISH-LIBRARY-RDD:adr = "London, UK"}

@String{pub-BRITISH-NAT-BIB-RF  = "British National Bibliography Research
@String{pub-BRITISH-NAT-BIB-RF:adr = "London, UK"}

@String{pub-BROOKLYN-NORTH-SOFTWARE-WORKS = "Brooklyn North Software
@String{pub-BROOKLYN-NORTH-SOFTWARE-WORKS:adr = "Bedford, NS, Canada"}

@String{pub-CHAPMAN-HALL        = "Chapman and Hall, Ltd."}
@String{pub-CHAPMAN-HALL:adr    = "London, UK"}

@String{pub-CLARENDON           = "Clarendon Press"}
@String{pub-CLARENDON:adr       = "Oxford, UK"}

@String{pub-CLASSROOM-CONNECT   = "Classroom Connect"}
@String{pub-CLASSROOM-CONNECT:adr = "Lancaster, PA, USA"}

@String{pub-CNET                = "CNET"}
@String{pub-CNET:adr            = "Lannion, France"}

@String{pub-CORIOLIS            = "Coriolis Group"}
@String{pub-CORIOLIS:adr        = "Scottsdale, AZ, USA"}

@String{pub-COURSE-TECHNOLOGY   = "Course Technology"}
@String{pub-COURSE-TECHNOLOGY:adr = "Cambridge, MA, USA"}

@String{pub-CSA                 = "Canadian Standards Association"}
@String{pub-CSA:adr             = "Rexdale, ON, Canada"}

@String{pub-CSLI                = "CSLI Publications"}
@String{pub-CSLI:adr            = "Stanford, CA, USA"}

@String{pub-CUP                 = "Cambridge University Press"}
@String{pub-CUP:adr             = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-DANSK-STAND-RAAD    = "Dansk standardiseringsraad"}
@String{pub-DANSK-STAND-RAAD:adr = "K{\o}benhavn, Danmark"}

@String{pub-EDITION-MICRO-APPLICATIONS = "Edition Micro Application"}
@String{pub-EDITION-MICRO-APPLICATIONS:adr = "Paris, France"}

@String{pub-EDITIONS-CERCLE-LIBRAIRIE = "Editions du Cercle de la
@String{pub-EDITIONS-CERCLE-LIBRAIRIE:adr = "Paris, France"}

@String{pub-ELLIS-HORWOOD       = "Ellis Horwood"}
@String{pub-ELLIS-HORWOOD:adr   = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-ELECT-BOOK-TECH     = "Electronic Book Technologies"}
@String{pub-ELECT-BOOK-TECH:adr = "Providence, RI, USA"}

@String{pub-ELS                 = "Elsevier Science Publishers B.V."}
@String{pub-ELS:adr             = "Amsterdam, The Netherlands"}

@String{pub-EUSIDIC             = "European Association of Information
                                  Services (EUSIDIC)"}
@String{pub-EUSIDIC:adr         = "????"}

@String{pub-EYROLLES            = "Eyrolles"}
@String{pub-EYROLLES:adr        = "Paris, France"}

@String{pub-FRANKLIN-BEEDLE     = "Franklin, Beedle \& Associates"}
@String{pub-FRANKLIN-BEEDLE:adr = "Wilsonville, OR, USA"}

@String{pub-GRAPHICCOMM         = "Graphic Communications Association"}
@String{pub-GRAPHICCOMM:adr     = "100 Daingerfield Road, Alexandria, VA
                                  22314-2804, USA"}

@String{pub-HALSTED             = "Halsted Press"}
@String{pub-HALSTED:adr         = "New York, USA"}

@String{pub-HANLEY-BELFUS       = "Hanley and Belfus"}
@String{pub-HANLEY-BELFUS:adr   = "Philadelphia, PA, USA"}

@String{pub-HAWORTH             = "Haworth Press"}
@String{pub-HAWORTH:adr         = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-HAYDEN              = "Hayden Books"}
@String{pub-HAYDEN:adr          = "4300 West 62nd Street, Indianapolis, IN
                                  46268, USA"}

@String{pub-HERMES              = "Hermes"}
@String{pub-HERMES:adr          = "Paris, France"}

@String{pub-HODDER-STOUGHTON    = "Hodder and Stoughton"}
@String{pub-HODDER-STOUGHTON:adr = "London, UK"}

@String{pub-HWS                 = "Howard W. Sams"}
@String{pub-HWS:adr             = "Indianapolis, IN 46268, USA"}

@String{pub-IBM                 = "IBM Corporation"}
@String{pub-IBM:adr             = "San Jose, CA, USA"}

@String{pub-IDG                 = "IDG Books"}
@String{pub-IDG:adr             = "San Mateo, CA, USA"}

@String{pub-IDG-WORLDWIDE       = "I D G Books Worldwide"}
@String{pub-IDG-WORLDWIDE:adr   = "Indianapolis, IN, USA"}

@String{pub-IEE                 = "IEE"}
@String{pub-IEE:adr             = "London, UK"}

@String{pub-IEEE                = "IEEE Computer Society Press"}
@String{pub-IEEE:adr            = "1109 Spring Street, Suite 300,
                                  Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA"}

@String{pub-INFO-TODAY          = "Information Today"}
@String{pub-INFO-TODAY:adr      = "Medford, NJ, USA"}

@String{pub-INST-GRAPHICS-COMM  = "Inst. Graphic Commun"}
@String{pub-INST-GRAPHICS-COMM:adr = "Boston, MA, USA"}

@String{pub-INT-SOC-TECH-EDU    = "International Society for Technology in
@String{pub-INT-SOC-TECH-EDU:adr = "Eugene, OR, USA"}

@String{pub-INTERACTIVE-ENTERPRISES = "InterActive Enterprises"}
@String{pub-INTERACTIVE-ENTERPRISES:adr = "Garden City, NY"}

@String{pub-INTERLEAF           = "Interleaf, Inc."}
@String{pub-INTERLEAF:adr       = "Waltham, MA, USA"}

@String{pub-INTERNET-SOCIETY    = "Internet Society"}
@String{pub-INTERNET-SOCIETY:adr = "Reston, VA, USA"}

@String{pub-INTERTEXT           = "Intertext Pubs.\slash Mc{\-}Graw-Hill Book
@String{pub-INTERTEXT:adr       = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-IOS                 = "IOS Press"}
@String{pub-IOS:adr             = "Amsterdam, The Netherlands"}

@String{pub-IRWIN-MCGRAW-HILL   = "Irwin\slash Mc{\-}Graw Hill"}
@String{pub-IRWIN-MCGRAW-HILL:adr = "Boston, MA, USA"}

@String{pub-ISO                 = "International Organization for
@String{pub-ISO:adr             = "Geneva, Switzerland"}

@String{pub-ITCP                = "International Thomson Computer Press"}
@String{pub-ITCP:adr            = "20 Park Plaza Suite 1001, Boston,
                                  MA 02116 USA"}

@String{pub-ITP                 = "International Thomson Publishing"}
@String{pub-ITP:adr             = "5101 Madison Road, Cincinnati, OH
                                  45227, USA; Bonn, Germany"}

@String{pub-ITP-FRANCE          = "International Thomson Publishing France"}
@String{pub-ITP-FRANCE:adr      = "Paris, France"}

@String{pub-JAMSA               = "Jamsa Press"}
@String{pub-JAMSA:adr           = "Las Vegas, NV, USA"}

@String{pub-KEYSTONE            = "KeyStone Learning Systems"}
@String{pub-KEYSTONE:adr        = "Provo, UT, USA"}

@String{pub-KLUWER              = "Kluwer Academic Publishers Group"}
@String{pub-KLUWER:adr          = "Norwell, MA, USA, and Dordrecht, The

@String{pub-LEARNED-INF         = "Learned Information"}
@String{pub-LEARNED-INF:adr     = "Medford, NJ, USA"}

@String{pub-LONGWOOD            = "Longwood Publishing Group"}
@String{pub-LONGWOOD:adr        = "Wolfeboro, NH, USA"}

@String{pub-LSP                 = "Library Solutions Press"}
@String{pub-LSP:adr             = "2137 Oregon St., Berkeley, CA, USA"}

@String{pub-MACMILLAN           = "MacMillan Publishing Company"}
@String{pub-MACMILLAN:adr       = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-MACMILLAN-COMPUTER  = "Macmillan Computer Publishing"}
@String{pub-MACMILLAN-COMPUTER:adr  = "Indianapolis, IN, USA"}

@String{pub-MARC-FRESCO         = "Marc Fresco Consultancy"}
@String{pub-MARC-FRESCO:adr     = "Kenley"}

@String{pub-MCGRAW-HILL         = "Mc{\-}Graw-Hill"}
@String{pub-MCGRAW-HILL:adr     = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-MICROSOFT           = "Microsoft Press"}
@String{pub-MICROSOFT:adr       = "Bellevue, WA, USA"}

@String{pub-MIS                 = "MIS Press"}
@String{pub-MIS:adr             = "P. O. Box 5277, Portland, OR 97208-5277,
                                  USA, Tel: (503) 282-5215"}

@String{pub-MORGAN-KAUFMANN     = "Morgan Kaufmann Publishers"}
@String{pub-MORGAN-KAUFMANN:adr = "Los Altos, CA 94022, USA"}

@String{pub-MOTION-WORKS        = "Motion Works Publishing"}
@String{pub-MOTION-WORKS:adr    = "San Francisco, CA, USA"}

@String{pub-MT                  = "M\&T Books"}
@String{pub-MT:adr              = "M\&T Publishing, Inc., 501 Galveston Drive,
                                    Redwood City, CA 94063, USA"}

@String{pub-NCGA                = "National Computer Graphics Association"}
@String{pub-NCGA:adr            = "Fairfax, VA, USA"}

@String{pub-NEAL-SCHUMAN        = "Neal-Schuman Publishers"}
@String{pub-NEAL-SCHUMAN:adr    = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-NEW-RIDERS                 = "New Riders Publishing"}
@String{pub-NEW-RIDERS:adr             = "Carmel, IN, USA"}

@String{pub-NH                  = "North-Holland Publishing Co."}
@String{pub-NH:adr              = "Amsterdam, The Netherlands"}

@String{pub-NIST                = "National Institute for Standards
                                  and Technology"}
@String{pub-NIST:adr            = "Gaithersburg, MD, USA"}

@String{pub-NSIA                = "NSIA"}
@String{pub-NSIA:adr            = "Washington DC, USA"}

@String{pub-OFFICE-HUMANITIES-COMM = "Office for Humanities
@String{pub-OFFICE-HUMANITIES-COMM:adr = "Oxford, UK"}

@String{pub-OLDENBOURG          = "R. Oldenbourg"}
@String{pub-OLDENBOURG:adr      = "M{\"u}nchen, Germany"}

@String{pub-OMH                 = "Osborne\slash Mc{\-}Graw-Hill"}
@String{pub-OMH:adr             = "Berkeley, CA, USA"}

@String{pub-ORA                 = "O'Reilly \& {Associates, Inc.}"}
@String{pub-ORA:adr             = "103a Morris Street, Sebastopol, CA
                                  95472, USA, Tel: +1 707 829 0515,
                                  and 90 Sherman Street, Cambridge, MA
                                  02140, USA, Tel: +1 617 354 5800"}

@String{pub-OSBORNE             = "Osborne\slash Mc{\-}Graw-Hill"}
@String{pub-OSBORNE:adr         = "Berkeley, CA, USA"}

@String{pub-OXFORD              = "Oxford University Press"}
@String{pub-OXFORD:adr          = "Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP, UK"}

@String{pub-PEACHPIT            = "Peachpit Press, Inc."}
@String{pub-PEACHPIT:adr        = "1085 Keith Avenue, Berkeley, CA
                                  94708, USA"}

@String{pub-PERGAMON            = "Pergamon"}
@String{pub-PERGAMON:adr        = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-PH                  = "Pren{\-}tice-Hall"}
@String{pub-PH:adr              = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632, USA"}

@String{pub-PH-HISPANOAMERICA   = "Prentice-Hall Hispanoamericana"}
@String{pub-PH-HISPANOAMERICA:adr = "Mexico, DF, Mexico"}

@String{pub-PHPTR               = "Pren{\-}tice-Hall PTR"}
@String{pub-PHPTR:adr           = "Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458, USA"}

@String{pub-PRESSES-UNIV-LAVAL  = "Les Presses de l'Universit{'{e}} Laval"}
@String{pub-PRESSES-UNIV-LAVAL:adr = "Qu{'{e}}bec, PQ, Canada"}

@String{pub-PRIMA               = "Prima Tech Publishing"}
@String{pub-PRIMA:adr           = "Rocklin, CA, USA"}

@String{pub-PTI                 = "Personal{\TeX} Inc."}
@String{pub-PTI:adr             = "12 Madrona Street, Mill Valley, CA 94941,

@String{pub-QUE                 = "Que Corporation"}
@String{pub-QUE:adr             = "Indianapolis, IN, USA"}

@String{pub-SAMS                = "SAMS Publishing"}
@String{pub-SAMS:adr            = "Indianapolis, IN, USA"}

@String{pub-SAMS-NET            = " Pub."}
@String{pub-SAMS-NET:adr        = "Indianapolis, IN, USA"}

@String{pub-SAS                 = "SAS Institute"}
@String{pub-SAS:adr             = "SAS Circle, Box 8000, Cary, NC 27512-8000,

@String{pub-SEYBOLD             = "Seybold Publications"}
@String{pub-SEYBOLD:adr         = "San Francisco, CA, USA"}

@String{pub-SICE                = "Society of Instrument and Control Engineers"}
@String{pub-SICE:adr            = "Tokyo, Japan"}

@String{pub-SIMON-SCHUSTER-FRANCE = "Simon \& Schuster Macmillan (France)"}
@String{pub-SIMON-SCHUSTER-FRANCE:adr = "Paris, France"}

@String{pub-SOC-COMPUT-SIM      = "Society for Computer Simulation"}
@String{pub-SOC-COMPUT-SIM:adr  = "San Diego, CA, USA"}

@String{pub-SOC-IMAGING-SCIENCE-TECH = "Society for Imaging Science and
@String{pub-SOC-IMAGING-SCIENCE-TECH:adr = "Bellingham, WA, USA"}

@String{pub-SOFTQUAD            = "SoftQuad, Inc."}
@String{pub-SOFTQUAD:adr        = "Toronto, Ontario, Canada"}

@String{pub-SPIE                = "SPIE Optical Engineering Press"}
@String{pub-SPIE:adr            = "Bellingham, WA, USA"}

@String{pub-SSC                 = "Specialized Systems Consultants"}
@String{pub-SSC:adr             = "Seattle, WA, USA"}

@String{pub-SUN                 = "Sun Microsystems"}
@String{pub-SUN:adr             = "2550 Garcia Avenue, Mountain View, CA
                                  94043, USA"}

@String{pub-SUNSOFT             = "SunSoft Press"}
@String{pub-SUNSOFT:adr         = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA"}

@String{pub-SV                  = "Springer-Verlag Inc."}
@String{pub-SV:adr              = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-SYBEX               = "Sybex"}
@String{pub-SYBEX:adr           = "2021 Challenger Driver, Suite 100,
                                  Alameda, CA 94501, USA"}

@String{pub-SYBEX-VERLAG        = "Sybex Verlag GmbH"}
@String{pub-SYBEX-VERLAG:adr    = "Erkrather Stra{\ss}e 345-349, 40231
                                  D{\"u}sseldorf, Germany"}

@String{pub-TAYLOR-GRAHAM       = "Taylor Graham"}
@String{pub-TAYLOR-GRAHAM:adr   = "London, UK"}

@String{pub-TECHNO-TEACHER      = "Techno Teacher, Inc."}
@String{pub-TECHNO-TEACHER:adr  = "Tallahassee, FL"}

@String{pub-TRANSACTION         = "Transaction Publishers, Rutgers University"}
@String{pub-TRANSACTION:adr     = "New Brunswick, NJ 08903, USA"}

@String{pub-TUG                 = "{\TeX} Users Group"}
@String{pub-TUG:adr             = "San Francisco, CA, USA"}

@String{pub-USENIX              = "USENIX Association"}
@String{pub-USENIX:adr          = "Berkeley, CA, USA"}

@String{pub-VENTANA             = "Ventana Press"}
@String{pub-VENTANA:adr         = "Chapel Hill, NC, USA"}

@String{pub-VENTANA-COMM-GROUP  = "Ventana Communications Group, Incorporated"}
@String{pub-VENTANA-COMM-GROUP:adr = "Research Triangle Park, NC, USA"}

@String{pub-VIAGRAFIX           = "ViaGrafix"}
@String{pub-VIAGRAFIX:adr       = "Pryor, OK, USA"}

@String{pub-VNR                 = "Van Nostrand Reinhold"}
@String{pub-VNR:adr             = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-WADSWORTH           = "Wadsworth"}
@String{pub-WADSWORTH:adr       = "Pacific Grove, CA, USA"}

@String{pub-WAITE-GROUP         = "Waite Group Press"}
@String{pub-WAITE-GROUP:adr     = "Corte Madera, CA, USA"}

@String{pub-WILEY               = "Wiley"}
@String{pub-WILEY:adr           = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-WILEY-COMPUTER      = "Wiley Computer Publishers"}
@String{pub-WILEY-COMPUTER:adr  = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-WORDWARE            = "Wordware Publishing"}
@String{pub-WORDWARE:adr        = "Plano, TX, USA"}

@String{pub-WORLD-SCI           = "World Scientific Publishing Co."}
@String{pub-WORLD-SCI:adr       = "Singapore; Philadelphia, PA, USA; River
                                   Edge, NJ, USA"}

@String{pub-WROX                = "Wrox Press"}
@String{pub-WROX:adr            = "Chicago, IL, USA"}

@String{pub-ZD                  = "Ziff-Davis Press"}
@String{pub-ZD:adr              = "Emeryville, CA, USA"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Series abbreviations:
@String{ser-LNAI                = "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence"}

@String{ser-LNCS                = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Bibliography entries.
  author =       "C. F. Goldfarb",
  title =        "A generalized approach to document markup",
  journal =      j-SIGPLAN,
  volume =       "16",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "68--73",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1981",
  CODEN =        "SINODQ",
  ISSN =         "0362-1340 (print), 1523-2867 (print), 1558-1160
  ISSN-L =       "0362-1340",
  bibdate =      "Sun Dec 14 09:14:34 MST 2003",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C6130 (Data handling techniques)",
  conflocation = "Portland, OR, USA; 8-10 June 1981",
  conftitle =    "Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN SIGOA Symposium on Text
  corpsource =   "IBM Corp., San Jose, CA, USA",
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGPLAN Notices",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "design; document; document markup; figure caption;
                 hanging indent; logical elements; script formatting
                 language; text editing; text processing",
  subject =      "I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING,
                 Document Preparation, Format and notation \\ D.3.4
                 Software, PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES, Processors,
  treatment =    "A Application",

  author =       "{Graphic Communications Association}",
  title =        "{GCA} Standard 101-1983, Document Markup Metalanguage:
                 {GenCode} and the Standard Generalized Markup Language
  publisher =    pub-GRAPHICCOMM,
  address =      pub-GRAPHICCOMM:adr,
  pages =        "xxiv + 264",
  year =         "1983",
  ISBN =         "0-89740-244-8",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-89740-244-6",
  LCCN =         "QA76.9.T48 G33 1983",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jul 7 16:16:46 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Adopted by Department of Defense, 10 August 1983.",
  price =        "US\$48.00",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  libnote =      "Not yet in my library.",

  author =       "{American National Standards Institute and
                 International Organization for Standardization}",
  title =        "Information processing: text and office systems:
                 Standard Generalized Markup Language ({SGML})",
  publisher =    pub-ANSI,
  address =      pub-ANSI:adr,
  pages =        "viii + 158",
  year =         "1985",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "Cover title. ISO/DIS 8879. Draft international
                 standard. ISO/DIS 8879",

  author =       "{Association of American Publishers, Electronic
                 Manuscript and Project}",
  title =        "Markup of mathematical formulas: an {SGML} application
                 conforming to {International Standard ISO 8879,
                 Standard Generalized Markup Language}",
  publisher =    pub-AAP,
  address =      pub-AAP:adr,
  pages =        "79",
  year =         "1986",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "Z 286 E43 M36 1989",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Electronic manuscript series / Association of American
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "Electronic publishing.",

  author =       "{Association of American Publishers, Electronic
                 Manuscript and Project}",
  title =        "Markup of tabular material: an {SGML} application
                 conforming to {International Standard ISO 8879,
                 Standard Generalized Markup Language}",
  publisher =    pub-AAP,
  address =      pub-AAP:adr,
  pages =        "19 + 4 + 1",
  year =         "1986",
  ISBN =         "1-55653-085-4",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-1-55653-085-2",
  LCCN =         "Z 286 E43 M37 1989",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Electronic manuscript series / Association of American
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "Electronic publishing.",

  author =       "D. D. (Donald Dean) Chamberlin and Charles F.
  title =        "Graphic applications of the {Standard Generalized
                 Markup Language} ({SGML})",
  number =       "Research Report RJ 5440.",
  institution =  inst-IBM-WATSON,
  address =      inst-IBM-WATSON:adr,
  pages =        "33",
  year =         "1986",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "Bibliography: p.33. RJ 5440 (55569)",
  keywords =     "Computer graphics; Text processing (Computer

  author =       "{International Organization for Standardization}",
  title =        "{ISO 8879:1986}: {Information} processing --- {Text}
                 and office systems --- {Standard Generalized Markup
                 Language} ({SGML})",
  publisher =    pub-ISO,
  address =      pub-ISO:adr,
  pages =        "155",
  day =          "17",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "1986",
  bibdate =      "Fri May 28 21:52:25 1999",
  bibsource =    "",
  price =        "CHF 212",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  pricecode =    "XC",

  author =       "{International Organization for Standardization}",
  title =        "{ISO 8879:1986}: {Information} processing --- {Text}
                 and office systems --- {Standard Generalized Markup
                 Language} ({SGML})",
  publisher =    pub-ISO,
  address =      pub-ISO:adr,
  pages =        "155",
  day =          "17",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "1986",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Fri May 28 21:52:25 1999",
  bibsource =    "",
  price =        "CHF 212",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  pricecode =    "XC",

  author =       "{International Organization for Standardization}",
  title =        "Information Processing, Text and Office Systems,
                 Standard Generalized Markup Language ({SGML}) =
                 Traitement de l'information, systemes bureautiques,
                 langage standard g{\'e}n{\'e}ralis{\'e} de balisage
                 ({SGML}). First edition, 1986-10-15",
  publisher =    pub-ISO,
  address =      pub-ISO:adr,
  pages =        "xi + 155",
  day =          "15",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1986",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "QA76.9.T48 I57 1986",
  bibdate =      "Mon Feb 05 17:50:30 2001",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "International Standard ISO 8879-1986. Federal
                 information processing standard; FIPS PUB 152.",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "office practice --- automation; programming languages
                 (electronic computers); SGML (computer program
                 language); text processing (computer science)",

  author =       "{International Organization for Standardization}",
  key =          "ISO-DIS-9069",
  title =        "Information Processing: Text and Office Systems:
                 ({SGML}) Document Interchange Format ({SDIF})",
  publisher =    pub-ISO,
  address =      pub-ISO:adr,
  pages =        "4",
  year =         "1986",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "QA76.73.S44 I56 1986",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 19 00:42:32 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Draft International Standard ISO/DIS 9069.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "office practice --- automation; programming languages
                 (electronic computers)",

  author =       "H. {Le Van} and E. Terreni",
  title =        "A language to describe formatting directives for
                 {SGML} documents",
  crossref =     "Desarmenien:1986:TSD",
  pages =        "98--119",
  year =         "1986",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 10 19:00:18 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "documentation; languages",
  subject =      "I.7.1 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Text
                 Editing, TeX \\ I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT
                 PROCESSING, Document Preparation, TeX",

  author =       "Joan M. Smith",
  title =        "Implications of {SGML} for the Preparation of
                 Scientific Publications",
  journal =      j-COMP-J,
  volume =       "29",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "193--200",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1986",
  CODEN =        "CMPJA6",
  ISSN =         "0010-4620 (print), 1460-2067 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0010-4620",
  bibdate =      "Fri Dec 13 09:35:36 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database;
  abstract =     "The Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) is a
                 draft international standard for publishing. It is
                 based on the generic markup of the structural elements
                 of a document without regard to their presentation,
                 which is regarded as a separate issue. The addition of
                 many features and facilities combine to make SGML a
                 powerful tool for full-text database publishing, where
                 this includes computer-assisted publishing and
                 electronic publishing.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Natl Computing Cent, Manchester, Engl",
  affiliationaddress = "Natl Computing Cent, Manchester, Engl",
  classification = "723; 902",
  fjournal =     "The Computer Journal",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "computer programming languages; computer-assisted
                 publishing; data processing; electronic publishing;
                 standard generalized markup language; Standards",

  author =       "Joan M. Smith",
  title =        "The {Standard Generalized Markup Language} and Related
  publisher =    pub-BRITISH-NAT-BIB-RF,
  address =      pub-BRITISH-NAT-BIB-RF:adr,
  pages =        "63",
  year =         "1986",
  ISBN =         "0-7123-3082-8",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-7123-3082-4",
  LCCN =         "Z286 .E43 S65 1986",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jul 7 16:16:39 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Alan E. Wittbecker",
  booktitle =    "Conference proceedings: setting the direction / ACM
                 SIGUCCS User Services Conference XIV, Le Centre
                 Sheraton, Montreal, Quebec, September 27th -- October
                 1st, 1986",
  title =        "Genesis of a {\TeX}-based markup metalanguage",
  publisher =    pub-ACM,
  address =      pub-ACM:adr,
  pages =        "31--33",
  year =         "1986",
  DOI =          "",
  ISBN =         "0-89791-208-X",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-89791-208-2",
  LCCN =         "QA74.A15 1986",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 23 13:41:45 2002",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "ACM order number 459860.",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  bookpages =    "x + 462",

  author =       "{Association of American Publishers}",
  title =        "{Association of American Publishers} electronic
                 manuscript series standard for electronic manuscript
                 preparation and markup: an {SGML} application
                 conforming to {International Standard ISO
                 8879--Standard Generalized Markup Language}. Version
                 2.0 {Dublin}, {Ohio}",
  publisher =    pub-AAP,
  address =      pub-AAP:adr,
  pages =        "various",
  year =         "1987",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "Z 286 E43 A87 1987",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 19 00:44:04 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Available from the Electronic Publishing Special
                 Interest Group.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "electronic publishing --- standards; manuscript
                 preparation (authorship) --- standards; SGML (computer
                 program language)",

  author =       "{Association of American Publishers, Electronic
                 Manuscript and Project}",
  title =        "Markup of mathematical formulas: an {SGML} application
                 conforming to {International Standard ISO 8879,
                 Standard Generalized Markup Language, Version 2.0}",
  publisher =    pub-AAP,
  address =      pub-AAP:adr,
  pages =        "80",
  year =         "1987",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Electronic manuscript series / Association of American
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "November 1987--Cover.",
  keywords =     "Electronic publishing.",

  author =       "{Association of American Publishers, Electronic
                 Manuscript and Project}",
  title =        "Markup of tabular material: an {SGML} application
                 conforming to {International Standard ISO 8879,
                 Standard Generalized Markup Language, Version 2.0}",
  publisher =    pub-AAP,
  address =      pub-AAP:adr,
  pages =        "19 + 4 + 1",
  year =         "1987",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Electronic manuscript series / Association of American
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "November 1987--Cover.",
  keywords =     "Electronic publishing.",

  author =       "Pat H. Cadogan",
  title =        "The {Chelgraph SGML} structured editor",
  crossref =     "Earnshaw:1987:WPS",
  pages =        "190--195",
  year =         "1987",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 19 12:06:19 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "design; languages",
  subject =      "I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING,
                 Document Preparation, SGML \\ I.7.1 Computing
                 Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Text Editing \\
                 H.4.1 Information Systems, INFORMATION SYSTEMS
                 APPLICATIONS, Office Automation, Word processing",

  author =       "Donald D. Chamberlin and Charles F. Goldfarb",
  title =        "Graphics applications of the standard generalized
                 markup language ({SGML})",
  journal =      j-COMPUTERS-AND-GRAPHICS,
  volume =       "11",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "343--358",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "COGRD2",
  ISSN =         "0097-8493 (print), 1873-7684 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0097-8493",
  bibsource =    "Graphics/imager/imager.87.bib;
  fjournal =     "Computers and Graphics",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Richard A. Ganski and Harry K. T. Wong",
  title =        "Optimization of nested {SQL} queries revisited",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "16",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "23--33",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:28 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Henry Holloway",
  title =        "An introduction to generic coding and {SGML}",
  publisher =    pub-BRITISH-LIBRARY-BOARD,
  address =      pub-BRITISH-LIBRARY-BOARD:adr,
  pages =        "20",
  year =         "1987",
  ISBN =         "0-7123-3132-8 (spiral)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-7123-3132-6 (spiral)",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "British Library research paper 27.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "Bibliography: p. 17.",
  keywords =     "Computer input-output equipment; Computer systems --
                 Data --- Multi-media output - For publishing;
                 Publishers and publishing --- Data processing",

  author =       "Le van Huu",
  title =        "An Environment for {SGML} Document Preparation",
  crossref =     "USENIX:1987:PSU",
  pages =        "43--52",
  year =         "1987",
  bibdate =      "Tue Feb 20 15:42:13 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "University of Milan",

  author =       "{International Organization for Standardization}",
  title =        "Information processing: {SGML} support facilities:
                 Techniques for using {SGML}",
  publisher =    pub-ISO,
  address =      pub-ISO:adr,
  pages =        "vi + 96",
  year =         "1987",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "Working draft of technical report March 10, 1987. This
                 Technical Report\ldots{}is complementary to ISO 8879,
                 its principal purpose being to assist in the adoption
                 of the language. ISO/TR xxxx-1987(E). ISO/TC97/SC18/WG8
  keywords =     "Electronic publishing; Programming languages
                 (Electronic computers) --- Standards; SGML (Computer
                 program language) --- Standards; Text markup languages
                 --- Standards",

  author =       "S. A. Mamrak and M. J. Kaelbling and C. K. Nicholas
                 and M. Share",
  title =        "A Software Architecture for Supporting the Exchange of
                 Electronic Manuscripts",
  journal =      j-CACM,
  volume =       "30",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "408--414",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "CACMA2",
  ISSN =         "0001-0782 (print), 1557-7317 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0001-0782",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 10 19:00:18 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Communications of the ACM",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "design; languages; standardization",
  review =       "ACM CR 8710-0858",
  subject =      "{\bf D.3.4}: Software, PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES,
                 Processors, Translator writing systems and compiler
                 generators. {\bf H.4.1}: Information Systems,
                 INFORMATION SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS, Office Automation,
                 Word processing. {\bf J.m}: Computer Applications,
                 MISCELLANEOUS. {\bf J.7}: Computer Applications,
                 COMPUTERS IN OTHER SYSTEMS, Publishing. {\bf J.7}:
                 Computer Applications, COMPUTERS IN OTHER SYSTEMS,

  author =       "Lynne A. Price",
  title =        "{SGML} and {\TeX}",
  journal =      j-TUGBOAT,
  volume =       "8",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "221--225",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1987",
  ISSN =         "0896-3207",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 01 09:00:54 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "TUGboat",

  author =       "J. R. Roesser",
  editor =       "Gavriel Salvendy and Steven L. Sauter and Joseph J.
                 {Hurrell, Jr.}",
  booktitle =    "Social ergonomic and stress aspects of work with
                 computers: proceedings of the Second International
                 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Honolulu,
                 Hawaii August 10--14, 1987, vol. I",
  title =        "A notation for the input and storage of
                 mathematics:-an application of {SGML}",
  crossref =     "Salvendy:1987:SES",
  publisher =    pub-ELS,
  address =      pub-ELS:adr,
  pages =        "137--142",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1987",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 06:00:32 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Microcomputers, word processors, and laser printers
                 provide the basis for a greatly improved communications
                 system within the scientific community. To realize the
                 full potential of this technology it will be necessary
                 to establish a notation for the electronic storage of
                 scientific (frequently mathematical) information. The
                 purpose of the paper is to develop a notation based on
                 the following principles: (1) the notation must be
                 usable by both technical and nontechnical people, (2)
                 the notation should require only a standard ASCII
                 keyboard, (3) codes (tags or prefixes) must be inserted
                 at the places where changes occur, and (4) the notation
                 must be consistent with SGML.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Sci. Typographers, Medford, NY, USA",
  bookpages =    "xi + 373",
  classification = "C7108 (Desktop publishing); C7230 (Publishing and
  confdate =     "10--14 Aug. 1987",
  conflocation = "Honolulu, HI, USA",
  confsponsor =  "Int. Comm. Human Aspects Comput",
  keywords =     "Codes; Electronic storage; Input; Mathematics;
                 Prefixes; SGML; Standard ASCII keyboard; Standard
                 generalized markup language; Tags",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic publishing; Mathematics; Nomenclature",

  author =       "{SGML Associates Inc, Business Development Services,
                 and Graphic Communications Association (U. S.)}",
  title =        "{{\tt <TAG>}}: the {SGML} newsletter",
  publisher =    pub-BDS,
  address =      pub-BDS:adr,
  year =         "1987",
  ISSN =         "1067-9197",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "Published: Aurora, Colo.: SGML Associates, Inc., (Jan.
  keywords =     "SGML (Computer program language) --- Periodicals.",

  author =       "J. M. Smith",
  title =        "The standard generalized markup language ({SGML}): an
                 application for {OSI}",
  crossref =     "Gerner:1987:KVS",
  pages =        "254--259",
  year =         "1987",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 06:00:32 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "There is a myriad of OSI standards, all of which are
                 developed for the sake of the applications that sit at
                 the seventh layer. One such application is a new
                 international standard for full-text database
                 publishing, the standard generalized markup language or
                 SGML. The paper gives details of its pedigree and
                 potential value to the publishing community, where many
                 documents start life in an office environment. Suitable
                 for traditional publishing and in-house publishing, it
                 can be used for a multiplicity of products including
                 reports, manuals, books and directories. Updating the
                 documents held in the database can lead to subsequent
                 editions, and secondary publications can be produced by
                 retrieval of selected parts from a family of documents.
                 An example of the use of SGML is given, this being the
                 design of a basic document type.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Nat. Comput. Centre, Manchester, UK",
  classification = "B6210L (Computer communications); C5620 (Computer
                 networks and techniques); C6140D (High level
                 languages); C7230 (Publishing and reproduction); C7250
                 (Information storage and retrieval)",
  keywords =     "Books; Directories; Documents; Full-text database
                 publishing; International standard; Manuals; OSI
                 standards; Reports; Retrieval; Secondary publications;
                 Selected parts; Seventh layer; SGML; Standard
                 generalized markup language",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic publishing; Open systems; Query languages;

  author =       "Joan M. Smith",
  title =        "The standard generalized markup language ({SGML}):
                 guidelines for authors",
  publisher =    pub-LONGWOOD,
  address =      pub-LONGWOOD:adr,
  pages =        "ix + 66",
  year =         "1987",
  ISBN =         "0-7123-3112-3",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-7123-3112-8",
  LCCN =         "QA76.73.S44 S65x 1987",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 10 19:00:18 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "British national bibliography research fund report;
                 No. 27",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "documentation; standardization",
  review =       "ACM CR 8803-0166",
  subject =      "I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING,
                 Document Preparation, SGML \\ H.3.1 Information
                 Systems, INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL, Content
                 Analysis and Indexing",

  author =       "Joan M. Smith",
  title =        "The standard generalized markup language ({SGML}):
                 guidelines for editors and publishers",
  publisher =    pub-LONGWOOD,
  address =      pub-LONGWOOD:adr,
  pages =        "ix + 51",
  year =         "1987",
  ISBN =         "0-7123-3111-5 (microfiche)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-7123-3111-1 (microfiche)",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 10 19:00:18 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "British national bibliography research fund report;
                 No. 26",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "documentation; standardization",
  review =       "ACM CR 8803-0167",
  subject =      "I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING,
                 Document Preparation, SGML \\ H.3.1 Information
                 Systems, INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL, Content
                 Analysis and Indexing",

  author =       "J. M. Smith",
  title =        "The standard generalized markup language ({SGML}): an
                 application for {OSI}",
  crossref =     "Gerner:1987:KVS",
  pages =        "254--259",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "1987",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 06:00:32 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "There is a myriad of OSI standards, all of which are
                 developed for the sake of the applications that sit at
                 the seventh layer. One such application is a new
                 international standard for full-text database
                 publishing, the standard generalized markup language or
                 SGML. The paper gives details of its pedigree and
                 potential value to the publishing community, where many
                 documents start life in an office environment. Suitable
                 for traditional publishing and in-house publishing, it
                 can be used for a multiplicity of products including
                 reports, manuals, books and directories. Updating the
                 documents held in the database can lead to subsequent
                 editions, and secondary publications can be produced by
                 retrieval of selected parts from a family of documents.
                 An example of the use of SGML is given, this being the
                 design of a basic document type.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Nat. Comput. Centre, Manchester, UK",
  bookpages =    "xi + 812",
  classification = "B6210L (Computer communications); C5620 (Computer
                 networks and techniques); C6140D (High level
                 languages); C7230 (Publishing and reproduction); C7250
                 (Information storage and retrieval)",
  confdate =     "16--20 Feb. 1987",
  conflocation = "Aachen, West Germany",
  keywords =     "Books; Directories; Documents; Full-text database
                 publishing; International standard; Manuals; OSI
                 standards; Reports; Retrieval; Secondary publications;
                 Selected parts; Seventh layer; SGML; Standard
                 generalized markup language",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic publishing; Open systems; Query languages;

  author =       "Joan M. Smith",
  title =        "The {Standard Generalized Markup Language} and Related
  publisher =    "British National Bibliography Research Fund",
  address =      "London, UK",
  pages =        "63",
  year =         "1987",
  ISBN =         "0-7123-3082-8",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-7123-3082-4",
  LCCN =         "Z286 .E43 S65 1986",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jul 7 16:16:39 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  libnote =      "Not yet in my library.",

  author =       "Joan M. Smith",
  title =        "The {Standard Generalized Markup Language} ({SGML}):
                 guidelines for authors",
  publisher =    "British Library Publications Sales Unit",
  address =      "Wolfeboro, NH, USA",
  pages =        "ix + 66",
  year =         "1987",
  ISBN =         "0-7123-3112-3",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-7123-3112-8",
  LCCN =         "QA76.73.S44 S65x 1987",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jul 7 16:16:35 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  libnote =      "Not yet in my library.",

  author =       "Robert Stutely",
  title =        "The standard generalised markup language",
  crossref =     "Earnshaw:1987:WPS",
  pages =        "176--189",
  year =         "1987",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 19 12:06:15 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "languages; standardization",
  subject =      "I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING,
                 Document Preparation, SGML \\ J.7 Computer
                 Applications, COMPUTERS IN OTHER SYSTEMS, SGML",

  author =       "P. T. Warren",
  title =        "{SGML} and style sheets: the implications for
                 electronic document preparation",
  journal =      j-UNIV-COMP,
  volume =       "9",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "81--86",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "UNCOET",
  ISSN =         "0265-4385",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 10 19:00:18 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "University Computing",
  keywords =     "documentation; human factors; languages",
  subject =      "I.7.m Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING,
                 Miscellaneous \\ J.7 Computer Applications, COMPUTERS
                 IN OTHER SYSTEMS, Publishing",

  author =       "Allen L. Adkins",
  title =        "Data preparation and premastering",
  crossref =     "Sherman:1988:CRH",
  pages =        "343--396",
  year =         "1988",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 19 12:06:22 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "design; economics; management; standardization",
  subject =      "D.4.2 Software, OPERATING SYSTEMS, Storage Management,
                 Secondary storage devices \\ I.7.0 Computing
                 Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, General \\ J.7 Computer
                 Applications, COMPUTERS IN OTHER SYSTEMS, Publishing
                 H.3.0 Information Systems, INFORMATION STORAGE AND
                 RETRIEVAL, General \\ K.6.4 Computing Milieux,
                 Management, Quality assurance \\ E.5 Data, FILES,
                 Organization/structure \\ K.6.3 Computing Milieux,
                 Software Management \\ I.5.0 Computing Methodologies,
                 PATTERN RECOGNITION, General \\ K.6.1 Computing
                 SYSTEMS, Project and People Management \\ J.7 Computer
                 Applications, COMPUTERS IN OTHER SYSTEMS, SGML \\ D.4.9
                 Software, OPERATING SYSTEMS, Systems Programs and
                 Utilities \\ I.3.3 Computing Methodologies, COMPUTER
                 GRAPHICS, Picture/Image Generation, Digitizing and
                 scanning \\ H.4.3 Information Systems, INFORMATION
                 SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS, Communications Applications \\
                 C.3 Computer Systems Organization, SPECIAL-PURPOSE AND
                 APPLICATION-BASED SYSTEMS, Signal processing systems
                 D.3.3 Software, PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES, Language
                 Constructs, Data types and structures",

  author =       "R. A. Amsler and F. W. Tompa",
  booktitle =    "Fourth Annual Conference of the UW Centre for the New
                 Oxford English Dictionary: Information in Text.
                 Proceedings of the Conference",
  title =        "An {SGML-based} standard for {English} monolingual
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1988:FAC",
  publisher =    inst-U-WATERLOO,
  address =      inst-U-WATERLOO:adr,
  pages =        "61--79",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1988",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 06:00:32 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Summarizes the progress to date on the development of
                 an interchange standard for English monolingual
                 machine-readable dictionaries. The need for such a
                 standard has become urgent in the fields of
                 computational lexicology, lexicography, and linguistics
                 with the rapid dispersion of copies of several
                 different machine-readable dictionaries and extensive
                 research on the applications of such dictionaries. The
                 role of SGML (standard generalized markup language) is
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Bellcore, Morristown, NJ, USA",
  bookpages =    "vi + 127",
  classification = "C6130 (Data handling techniques); C7230 (Publishing
                 and reproduction); C7820 (Humanities)",
  confdate =     "26--28 Oct. 1988",
  conflocation = "Waterloo, Ont., Canada",
  keywords =     "Computational lexicology; English monolingual
                 machine-readable dictionaries; Interchange standard;
                 Lexicography; Linguistics; SGML-based standard;
                 Standard generalized markup language",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic data interchange; Glossaries; Publishing;

  author =       "K. Andrews",
  booktitle =    "Electro\slash 88 Conference Record",
  title =        "Electronic publishing futures: organizational and
                 technical issues",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1988:ECR",
  publisher =    "Electronic Conventions Management",
  address =      "Los Angeles, CA, USA",
  pages =        "15/1/1--4",
  year =         "1988",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 06:00:32 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The efficient production of technical documentation
                 involves document management, in terms of the
                 integration of engineering drawings, gencoded text,
                 BOM, and other elements. Other important issues
                 include: revision control and effectivity management,
                 authoring, dynamic links between documents (including
                 Hypertext-like capabilities for optical retrieval
                 systems for both the end-user and the author), and
                 standards, such as IGES, SGML, and CALS. To look at the
                 future of electronic publishing, one must look beyond
                 the creation of individual documents and investigate
                 the publishing process of large organizations, where
                 there are often multiple authors contributing to one
                 document and multiple documents being produced for one
                 product. The author discusses how Texet's system meets
                 these organizational and technical issues.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Texet Corp., Arlington, TX, USA",
  availability = "Western Periodicals, North Hollywood, CA, USA",
  bookpages =    "10024",
  classification = "C7108 (Desktop publishing); C7230 (Publishing and
  confdate =     "10--12 May 1988",
  conflocation = "Boston, MA, USA",
  confsponsor =  "IEEE; ERA",
  keywords =     "Authoring; Document management; Dynamic links between
                 documents; Effectivity management; Electronic
                 publishing; Hypertext; Multiple authors; Multiple
                 documents; Optical retrieval systems; Revision control;
                 Technical documentation",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic publishing; Information science",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  booktitle =    "ALLC Conference",
  title =        "{ALLC} Conference",
  journal =      j-LIT-LING-COMP,
  volume =       "3",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "162--165",
  year =         "1988",
  CODEN =        "LLCOEI",
  ISSN =         "0268-1145",
  ISSN-L =       "0268-1145",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 06:00:32 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  confdate =     "June 1987",
  conflocation = "Gothenburg, Sweden",
  fjournal =     "Literary and Linguistic Computing",
  pubcountry =   "UK",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  key =          "IBM",
  title =        "Composing Documents with the Generalized Markup
  number =       "S544-3421",
  institution =  pub-IBM,
  address =      pub-IBM:adr,
  edition =      "Second",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1988",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jul 25 11:12:22 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-fm,
  keywords =     "GML, document preparation systems, DTD, SCRIPT
                 (Computer Program), DCF (Computer Program)",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{4th European Networkshop}",
  journal =      j-COMP-NET-ISDN,
  volume =       "16",
  number =       "1-2",
  pages =        "138--142",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1988",
  CODEN =        "CNISE9",
  ISSN =         "0169-7552 (print), 1879-2324 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0169-7552",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 06:00:32 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  confdate =     "16--18 May 1988",
  conflocation = "Les Diablerets, Switzerland",
  fjournal =     "Computer Networks and ISDN Systems",
  journal-URL =  "",
  pubcountry =   "Netherlands",

  author =       "David Barnard and Ron Hayter and Maria Karababa and G.
                 Logan and J. McFadden",
  title =        "{SGML-based} markup for literary texts: two problems
                 and some solutions",
  journal =      j-COMP-HUM,
  volume =       "22",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "265--276",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1988",
  CODEN =        "COHUAD",
  ISSN =         "0010-4817",
  ISSN-L =       "0010-4817",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "There is wide agreement on the need for a markup
                 standard for encoding literary texts. The Standard
                 Generalized Markup Language (SGML) seems to provide the
                 best basis for such a standard. But two problems
                 inhibit the acceptance of SGML for this purpose:
                 computer-assisted textual studies often require the
                 maintenance of multiple views of a document's
                 structure, but SGML is not designed to accommodate such
                 views; an SGML-based standard would appear to entail
                 the keyboarding of more markup than researchers are
                 accustomed to, or are likely to accept. The authors
                 discuss five ways of dealing with the first problem,
                 and several ways of reducing the burden of markup. They
                 conclude that the problem of maintaining multiple views
                 can be surmounted, though with some difficulty, and
                 that the markup required for an SGML-based standard can
                 be reduced to a level comparable to that of other
                 markup schemes currently in use.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. and Inf. Sci., Queen's Univ.,
                 Kingston, Ont., Canada",
  classification = "C6130 (Data handling techniques); C7230 (Publishing
                 and reproduction); C7820 (Humanities)",
  fjournal =     "Computers and the Humanities",
  keywords =     "Computer-assisted textual studies; Data handling;
                 Electronic publishing; Encoding; Grammars; Literary
                 texts; Literature; Markup standard; Multiple views;
                 SGML; Standard Generalized Markup Language",
  pubcountry =   "Netherlands",
  thesaurus =    "Data handling; Electronic publishing; Encoding;
                 Grammars; Literature; Standards",

  author =       "U. Bormann and C. Bormann and C. Bathe",
  booktitle =    "ESPRIT '88. Putting the Technology to Use. Proceedings
                 of the 5th Annual ESPRIT Conference, Brussels, November
                 14--17, 1988",
  title =        "{SDE} --- a {WYSIWYG} editing and formatting system
                 for {ODA} and {SGML} documents",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1988:EPT",
  publisher =    pub-NH,
  address =      pub-NH:adr,
  pages =        "1075--1095 (vol. 2)",
  year =         "1988",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:56:31 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "2 vol.",
  abstract =     "Describes model and functionality of a class-based
                 editor on the basis of a briefly outlined application
                 scenario and requirements for document processing
                 systems in the office and publishing environment.
                 Existing solutions and the two relevant standards-ISO
                 8613 ODA, and ISO 8879 SGML-which are taken as basis of
                 the standard editor, are analyzed. Functionality and
                 models of the two standards are compared, and the
                 extensions envisaged in the foreseeable future of both
                 standards are roughly outlined.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Nixdorf, Berlin, West Germany",
  bookpages =    "xxiii + 1759",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7106 (Word
  confdate =     "14--17 Nov. 1988",
  conflocation = "Brussels, Belgium",
  keywords =     "Class-based editor; Document processing systems;
                 Esprit project 395; Functionality; ISO 8613 ODA; ISO
                 8879 SGML; Model; SDE; Word processing; WYSIWYG editing
                 and formatting system",
  thesaurus =    "Text editing; Word processing",

  author =       "Martin Bryan",
  title =        "{SGML}: An Author's Guide to the {Standard Generalized
                 Markup Language}",
  publisher =    pub-AW,
  address =      pub-AW:adr,
  pages =        "xvii + 364",
  year =         "1988",
  ISBN =         "0-201-17535-5",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-201-17535-6",
  LCCN =         "QA76.73.S44 B79 1988",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jun 23 16:34:54 1994",
  bibsource =    ";
  price =        "UK\pounds16.95",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "document representation; DTD; SGML (computer program
  remark =       "Complete description of SGML including example DTDs.",
  tableofcontents = "Background to SGML \\
                 SGML Documents \\
                 The Reference Concrete Syntax \\
                 Entity Declaration and Use \\
                 Declaring and Using SGML Elements \\
                 Attributes \\
                 Minimization \\
                 Other SGML Declarations \\
                 Multiple Document Structures \\
                 Altering the Concrete Syntax \\
                 The SGML Declaration \\
                 Document Parsing \\

  author =       "Joan Bushek",
  title =        "{\LaTeX} and {SGML}: a functional evaluation of one
                 approach to automatic generation of translators",
  type =         "Thesis (M.S.)",
  school =       "Department of Computer and Information Science. Ohio
                 State University",
  address =      "Columbus, OH, USA",
  pages =        "132--??",
  year =         "1988",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:56:33 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Donald D. Chamberlin and Helmut F. Hasselmeier and
                 Dieter P. Paris",
  title =        "Defining document styles for {WYSIWYG} processing",
  crossref =     "vanVliet:1988:DMT",
  pages =        "121--137",
  year =         "1988",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 10 19:00:18 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "design; documentation; languages",
  subject =      "I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING,
                 Document Preparation \\ I.7.2 Computing Methodologies,
                 TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, SGML \\ D.2.2
                 Software, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, Tools and Techniques,
                 Programmer workbench \\ D.4.9 Software, OPERATING
                 SYSTEMS, Systems Programs and Utilities, Command and
                 control languages \\ D.3.2 Software, PROGRAMMING
                 LANGUAGES, Language Classifications \\ I.7.2 Computing
                 Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation,
                 Format and notation",

  author =       "Jean-M. {De La Beaujardiere}",
  title =        "Well-established document interchange formats",
  crossref =     "vanVliet:1988:DMT",
  pages =        "83--94",
  year =         "1988",
  bibdate =      "Mon Oct 26 07:39:46 1998",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "design; documentation; performance; standardization",
  review =       "ACM CR 8909-0687",
  subject =      "I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING,
                 Document Preparation, Format and notation \\ C.2.0
                 Computer Systems Organization, COMPUTER-COMMUNICATION
                 NETWORKS, General, Data communications \\ C.2.2
                 Computer Systems Organization, COMPUTER-COMMUNICATION
                 NETWORKS, Network Protocols, ODA \\ I.7.2 Computing
                 Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation,
                 SGML \\ C.2.2 Computer Systems Organization,
                 COMPUTER-COMMUNICATION NETWORKS, Network Protocols \\
                 C.2.2 Computer Systems Organization,
                 COMPUTER-COMMUNICATION NETWORKS, Network Protocols",

  author =       "Mary Feeney",
  title =        "The Standard Generalized Markup Language ({SGML})",
  volume =       "9",
  publisher =    "British Library Research and Development Dept. and
                 Library \& Information Technology Centre",
  address =      "London, UK",
  pages =        "15",
  year =         "1988",
  ISSN =         "0954-1829",
  LCCN =         "Z286.E43 F44 1988",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jun 23 16:19:44 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Library \& information briefing",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "electronic publishing --- standards; SGML (computer
                 program language)",
  xxISBN =       "none",

  author =       "Mary Feeney",
  title =        "The Standard Generalized Markup Language ({SGML})",
  volume =       "9",
  publisher =    "British Library Research and Development Dept. and
                 Library \& Information Technology Centre",
  address =      "London, UK",
  pages =        "15",
  year =         "1988",
  ISSN =         "0954-1829",
  LCCN =         "Z286.E43 F44 1988",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jun 23 16:19:44 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Library \& information briefing",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  libnote =      "Not yet in my library.",
  xxISBN =       "none",

  author =       "Jim Heath and Larry Welsch",
  title =        "Difficulties in parsing {SGML}",
  crossref =     "Solem:1988:PAC",
  pages =        "71--77",
  year =         "1988",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 10 19:00:18 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "design; languages; performance",
  subject =      "I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING,
                 Document Preparation, SGML \\ D.2.2 Software, SOFTWARE
                 ENGINEERING, Tools and Techniques \\ D.3.4 Software,
                 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES, Processors, Translator writing
                 systems and compiler generators \\ D.3.4 Software,
                 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES, Processors, Parsing",

  author =       "{International Organization for Standardization}",
  title =        "{ISO 9069:1988: Information processing --- SGML
                 support facilities --- SGML Document Interchange Format
  publisher =    pub-ISO,
  address =      pub-ISO:adr,
  pages =        "8",
  year =         "1988",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 26 10:37:59 2000",
  bibsource =    "",
  price =        "CHF 50",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  pricecode =    "D",

  author =       "{International Organization for Standardization}",
  title =        "{ISO 9069:1988: Information processing --- SGML
                 support facilities --- SGML Document Interchange Format
  publisher =    pub-ISO,
  address =      pub-ISO:adr,
  pages =        "8",
  year =         "1988",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 26 10:37:59 2000",
  bibsource =    "",
  price =        "CHF 50",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  pricecode =    "D",

  author =       "{International Organization for Standardization}",
  title =        "{ISO\slash IEC TR 9573:1988}: {Information} processing
                 --- {SGML} support facilities --- {Techniques} for
                 using {SGML}",
  publisher =    pub-ISO,
  address =      pub-ISO:adr,
  pages =        "124",
  year =         "1988",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 26 10:37:59 2000",
  bibsource =    "",
  price =        "CHF 200",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  pricecode =    "XB",

  title =        "Information Processing, {SGML} Support Facilities:
                 {SGML} Document Interchange Format ({SDIF}) =
                 Traitement de l'information, bureaucratique: format
                 d'{\'e}change de document {SGML} ({SDIF})",
  organization = org-ISO,
  address =      org-ISO:adr,
  pages =        "iii + 6",
  year =         "1988",
  LCCN =         "QA76.73.S44 I55 1988",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 19 00:46:56 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "International Standard ISO/DIS 9069.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "SGML (computer program language) --- standards; text
                 processing (computer science)",

  author =       "{International Organization for Standardization}",
  title =        "Information Processing, {SGML} Support Facilities:
                 {SGML} Document Interchange Format ({SDIF}) =
                 Traitement de l'information, bureaucratique: format
                 d'{\'e}change de document {SGML} ({SDIF})",
  publisher =    pub-ISO,
  address =      pub-ISO:adr,
  pages =        "iii + 6",
  year =         "1988",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "QA76.73.S44 I55 1988",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 19 00:46:56 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "International Standard ISO/DIS 9069.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "SGML (computer program language) --- standards; text
                 processing (computer science)",

  author =       "{International Organization for Standardization}",
  title =        "Information processing, {SGML} support facilities:
                 registration procedures for public text owner
  publisher =    pub-ISO,
  address =      pub-ISO:adr,
  pages =        "iii + 5",
  year =         "1988",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Mon Feb 05 17:53:18 2001",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "International standard ISO 9070",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "Cover title. Preceded by Letter of transmittal (2
  keywords =     "Electronic publishing --- Standards; SGML (Computer
                 program language) --- Standards; Text processing
                 (Computer science) --- Standards.",

  author =       "{International Standards Organization}",
  title =        "Information processing, {SGML} support facilities:
                 Traitement de l'information, facilit{\'e}s de support
                 pour {SGML}: techniques for using {SGML} = techniques
                 d'utilisation du {SGML}",
  type =         "Technical report",
  number =       "ISO/IEC TR 9573",
  institution =  org-ISO,
  address =      org-ISO:adr,
  pages =        "vii + 124",
  year =         "1988",
  bibdate =      "Mon Feb 05 17:52:38 2001",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "Cover title.",
  keywords =     "Information storage and retrieval systems; SGML
                 (Computer program language); Text processing
                 (Electronic computers)",

  title =        "Information processing, {SGML} support facilities:
                 registration procedures for public text owner
  organization = org-ISO,
  address =      org-ISO:adr,
  pages =        "iii + 5",
  year =         "1988",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "International standard ISO 9070",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "Cover title. Preceded by Letter of transmittal (2
  keywords =     "Electronic publishing --- Standards; SGML (Computer
                 program language) --- Standards; Text processing
                 (Computer science) --- Standards.",

  title =        "Information processing: text and office systems:
                 Standard Generalized Markup Language ({SGML}):
                 amendment 1 = Traitement de l'information: syst{\`e}mes
                 bureautiques: langage standard generalis{\'e} de
                 balisage ({SGML}): amendement 1",
  organization = pub-ISO,
  address =      pub-ISO:adr,
  pages =        "15--??",
  year =         "1988",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "UDC 681.3.06:655.53. ISO 8879:1986/A1:1988(E)",
  keywords =     "Electronic publishing --- Standards; Programming
                 languages (Electronic computers) --- Standards.",

  author =       "Michael J. Kaelbling",
  title =        "On improving {SGML}",
  type =         "Technical research report",
  number =       "OSU-CISRC-7/88-TR22",
  institution =  "Computer and Information Science Research Center, Ohio
                 State University",
  address =      "Columbus, OH, USA",
  pages =        "5",
  year =         "1988",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "Bibliography: leaf 5.",
  keywords =     "Programming languages (Electronic computers) --
                 Syntax; SGML (Computer program language)",

  author =       "T. Matsushima and H. Kohsaki",
  title =        "Trends in standardization of musical description",
  journal =      j-J-INFO-PROC-SOC-JAPAN,
  volume =       "29",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "566--578",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1988",
  CODEN =        "JOSHA4",
  ISSN =         "0447-8053",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 06:00:32 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Discusses the MIDI (musical instrument digital
                 interface); ANSI activities; MIPS (the musical
                 information processing standard); MDI (the music
                 description instruction set); MINI (musical instrument
                 numerical interface); Music Library Association
                 activities; SCORE; rhythmic and melodic motives;
                 MUSICA; pitch and time values; the Ford-Columbia Input
                 Language; DARMS (digital alternate representation of
                 musical score); MUSTRAN (music translator); Plaine and
                 Easie Code; ALMA (alphameric language for musical
                 analysis); the Intermediary Musical Language; the
                 twelve tone string; the Standard Generalized Markup
                 Language; declarative and procedural markup; core
                 events; and tempo and beat.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Appl. Phys., Waseda Univ., Tokyo, Japan",
  classification = "C7820 (Humanities)",
  fjournal =     "Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan =
                 Joho Shori",
  keywords =     "ALMA; Alphameric language for musical analysis; ANSI
                 activities; Beat; Core events; DARMS; Declarative
                 markup; Digital alternate representation of musical
                 score; Ford-Columbia Input Language; Intermediary
                 Musical Language; MDI; Melodic motives; MIDI; MINI;
                 MIPS; Music description instruction set; Music Library
                 Association; Music translator; MUSICA; Musical
                 description; Musical information processing standard;
                 Musical instrument digital interface; Musical
                 instrument numerical interface; MUSTRAN; Pitch; Plaine
                 and Easie Code; Procedural markup; Rhythm motives;
                 SCORE; SGML; Standard Generalized Markup Language;
                 Standardization; Tempo; Time values; Twelve tone
  language =     "Japanese",
  pubcountry =   "Japan",
  thesaurus =    "Data description; Music; Standardisation",

  title =        "{Standard Generalized Markup Language} ({SGML})",
  volume =       "FIPS 152",
  organization = pub-NIST,
  address =      pub-NIST:adr,
  pages =        "3",
  day =          "26",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1988",
  LCCN =         "C 13.52:152 Documents United States",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Federal information processing standards publication",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "Cover title. ``Category: software standard,
                 subcategory: electronic document interchange.''
                 Shipping list no.: 89-88-P. ``September 26, 1988''",
  govtdocnumber = "C 13.52:152",
  keywords =     "248-D; Electronic publishing United States",
  oclcno =       "19260083",

  author =       "{OCLC}",
  title =        "{SGML} keying guidelines",
  organization = "OCLC Reference Services",
  address =      "Dublin, OH, USA",
  edition =      "Revised 1.0.",
  pages =        "12--??",
  year =         "1988",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "Cover title. July 1988.",
  keywords =     "Electronic publishing; SGML (Computer program

  author =       "E. S. Ore",
  booktitle =    "ALLC Conference",
  title =        "Text as data: text as end product",
  journal =      j-LIT-LING-COMP,
  volume =       "3",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "162--165",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1988",
  CODEN =        "LLCOEI",
  ISSN =         "0268-1145",
  ISSN-L =       "0268-1145",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Texts do not necessarily consist of linear strings of
                 characters from the ASCII-or IBM's extended-character
                 set. Three projects at the Norwegian Computing Centre
                 for the Humanities are presented as examples of this.
                 Character representation in computer memory, on VDUs
                 and on printers is heavily device dependent. This is
                 exemplified with references to existing computer
                 equipment. This hardware dependency makes it necessary
                 to use local character encoding to get the most out of
                 equipment at hand. This again necessitates a
                 standardized encoding to be used when textual data is
                 exchanged. Such a standard should be developed within
                 the SGML framework. The Norwegian Computing Centre for
                 the Humanities sees the development of standards for
                 encoding complex textual data as one of its main fields
                 of interest in the forthcoming years.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Bergen Univ., Norway",
  classification = "C6130 (Data handling techniques)",
  confdate =     "June 1987",
  conflocation = "Gothenburg, Sweden",
  fjournal =     "Literary and Linguistic Computing",
  keywords =     "ASCII; Computer memory; Extended-character set; Local
                 character encoding; Printers; Representation; SGML
                 framework; Standard; VDUs",
  thesaurus =    "Character sets; Encoding; Standards",

  author =       "W. T. Polk and Lawrence E. Bassham",
  title =        "Expert assistance for manipulating of {SGML} document
                 type definitions",
  crossref =     "Solem:1988:PAC",
  pages =        "79--84",
  year =         "1988",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 10 19:00:18 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "design; languages; performance",
  subject =      "D.2.2 Software, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, Tools and
                 Techniques, Windows \\ F.4.2 Theory of Computation,
                 Other Rewriting Systems, Grammar types \\ I.7.2
                 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document
                 Preparation, SGML",

  author =       "Lynne A. Price and Joe Schneider",
  title =        "Evolution of an {SGML} application generator",
  crossref =     "Solem:1988:PAC",
  pages =        "51--60",
  year =         "1988",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 10 19:00:18 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "design; performance",
  subject =      "K.6.1 Computing Milieux, MANAGEMENT OF COMPUTING AND
                 INFORMATION SYSTEMS, Project and People Management,
                 Systems development \\ I.7.2 Computing Methodologies,
                 TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, SGML \\ D.2.2
                 Software, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, Tools and Techniques",

  author =       "E. Ross",
  booktitle =    "Electronic Imaging '88. International Electronic
                 Imaging Exposition and Conference. Advance Printing of
                 Paper Summaries",
  title =        "{SGML} and in-house {CD-ROM} publishing software",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1988:EII",
  publisher =    pub-INST-GRAPHICS-COMM,
  address =      pub-INST-GRAPHICS-COMM:adr,
  pages =        "619--621 (vol. 2)",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1988",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 06:00:32 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "2 vol.",
  abstract =     "The data preparation element of CD-ROM publishing is
                 becoming less complicated and increasingly less
                 expensive due to the following two significant
                 developments: the Association of American Publisher's
                 interchange standard, standard generalized markup
                 language (SGML); and in-house CD-ROM publishing
                 software. As a result, transformation from the original
                 existing document to CD-ROM may be accomplished in
                 one's own company.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Knowledge Corp., Monterey, CA, USA",
  bookpages =    "xxix + 950",
  classification = "C5320K (Optical storage); C7230 (Publishing and
  confdate =     "28--31 March 1988",
  conflocation = "Anaheim, CA, USA",
  confsponsor =  "Diagnostic Imaging Magazine; ESD: Electron. Syst.
                 Design Magazine; EP and P 88 Magazine; Adv. Imaging
  keywords =     "AAP standard; Data preparation element; In-house
                 CD-ROM publishing software; Interchange standard;
                 Original existing document; SGML; Standard generalized
                 markup language",
  thesaurus =    "CD-ROMs; Data preparation; Electronic publishing;

  author =       "Angela Scheller",
  booktitle =    "4th European Networkshop",
  title =        "Document Standards: Availability and Products",
  journal =      j-COMP-NET-ISDN,
  volume =       "16",
  number =       "1--2",
  pages =        "138--142",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1988",
  CODEN =        "CNISE9",
  ISSN =         "0169-7552 (print), 1879-2324 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0169-7552",
  bibdate =      "Sat Sep 25 23:08:50 MDT 1999",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database;
  note =         "Special Double Issue on RARE.",
  abstract =     "With the growth in the spread of computer networks the
                 demand by users for document interchange features is
                 becoming increasingly apparent. The prerequirement for
                 the realization of document interchange in a
                 heterogeneous computer environment and internationally
                 accepted standards for the description of documents. In
                 early 1986, the Standard Generalized Markup Language
                 (SGML) was published as an international standard for
                 the structuring of documents. The publication of the
                 Office Document Architecture (ODA) is expected in the
                 course of 1988. The final text is already available.
                 ODA was originally developed for the pure office
                 environment, whereas the concept for SGML addressed the
                 author/publisher environment.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Forschungszentrum f{\"u}r Offene
  affiliationaddress = "Berlin, West Germany",
  classification = "723; 903; B6210L (Computer communications); C5620
                 (Computer networks and techniques)",
  confdate =     "16--18 May 1988",
  conflocation = "Les Diablerets, Switzerland",
  fjournal =     "Computer Networks and ISDN Systems",
  journal-URL =  "",
  journalabr =   "Comput Networks ISDN Syst",
  keywords =     "Author environment; Computer networks; Computer
                 Programming Languages; Data Processing, Business;
                 Document Interchange; Document interchange; Document
                 standards; Document Standards; Document standards;
                 Document Structures; Information
                 Dissemination--Standards; International standard;
                 Office Automation; Office Document Architecture; Office
                 environment; Publisher environment; Standard
                 Generalized Markup Language",
  pubcountry =   "Netherlands",
  thesaurus =    "Computer networks; Standards; System documentation",
  xxtitle =      "4th European Networkshop",

  author =       "Joan M. Smith and Robert Stutely",
  title =        "{SGML}: The User's Guide to {ISO} 8879",
  publisher =    pub-ELLIS-HORWOOD # " and " # pub-HALSTED,
  address =      pub-ELLIS-HORWOOD:adr # " and " # pub-HALSTED:adr,
  pages =        "175",
  year =         "1988",
  ISBN =         "0-470-21126-1 (Halsted Press), 0-7458-0221-4",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-470-21126-7 (Halsted Press), 978-0-7458-0221-3",
  LCCN =         "QA76.73.S44 S441 1988",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 10 19:00:18 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    ";
  price =        "UK\pounds22.50",
  series =       "Ellis Horwood series in computers and their
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "algorithms; documentation; languages; SGML (computer
                 program language)",
  libnote =      "Not yet in my library.",
  subject =      "I.3.6 Computing Methodologies, COMPUTER GRAPHICS,
                 Methodology and Techniques, Languages \\ J.7 Computer
                 Applications, COMPUTERS IN OTHER SYSTEMS, Publishing",

  author =       "Gottfried Vossen and Jim Yacabucci",
  title =        "An extension of the database language {SQL} to capture
                 more relational concepts",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "17",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "70--78",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1988",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:30 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. Sci. and Eng., California Univ., San
                 Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA",
  classification = "C6140D (High level languages); C6160D (Relational
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Data definition; Database language; DB2; Relational
                 concepts; Relational model; Semantics; SQL; SQL/DS;
  thesaurus =    "Query languages; Relational databases",

  author =       "{Association of American Publishers, Electronic
                 Manuscript and Project}",
  title =        "Markup of tabular material: an {SGML} application
                 conforming to {International Standard ISO 8879,
                 Standard Generalized Markup Language, Version 2.0}",
  publisher =    pub-AAP,
  address =      pub-AAP:adr,
  edition =      "Second",
  pages =        "iii + 25",
  year =         "1989",
  ISBN =         "1-55653-085-4",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-1-55653-085-2",
  LCCN =         "Z 286 E43 M37 1989",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Electronic manuscript series / Association of American
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "November 1987--Cover.",
  keywords =     "Electronic publishing.",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  booktitle =    "International Conference on Computing in High-Energy
  title =        "International Conference on Computing in High-Energy
  journal =      j-COMP-PHYS-COMM,
  volume =       "57",
  number =       "1--3",
  pages =        "244--250",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1989",
  CODEN =        "CPHCBZ",
  ISSN =         "0010-4655 (print), 1879-2944 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0010-4655",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:56:31 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  confdate =     "10--14 April 1989",
  conflocation = "Oxford, UK",
  confsponsor =  "Oxford Univ",
  fjournal =     "Computer Physics Communications",
  journal-URL =  "",
  pubcountry =   "Netherlands",

  author =       "W. Appelt",
  title =        "Standards in document processing activities",
  journal =      j-INFORMATIK-SPEKTRUM,
  volume =       "12",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "321--330",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1989",
  CODEN =        "INSKDW",
  ISSN =         "0170-6012 (print), 1432-122X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0170-6012",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:56:31 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "International activities in the standardization of
                 document processing are taking place. Two ISO standards
                 in this area have been published. The article gives an
                 introduction into these standards. A comparison of the
                 two standards explains their suitability for different
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "GMD, Sankt Augustin, West Germany",
  classification = "C6130 (Data handling techniques); C7104 (Office
                 automation); C7108 (Desktop publishing)",
  fjournal =     "Informatik Spektrum",
  keywords =     "CCITT; Document processing; Document processing
                 activities; ISO; ISO standards; ODA; SGML;
  language =     "German",
  pubcountry =   "West Germany",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; Electronic data interchange;
                 Office automation; Standards",

  author =       "D. Barron",
  title =        "Why use {SGML}?",
  journal =      j-EPODD,
  volume =       "2",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "3--24",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "1989",
  CODEN =        "EPODEU",
  ISSN =         "0894-3982",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 06:00:32 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The Standard Generalised Markup Language (SGML) is a
                 recently-adopted International Standard (ISO 8879), the
                 first of a series of proposed Standards in the area of
                 Information Processing\emdash{}Text and Office Systems.
                 The paper presents some background material on markup
                 systems, gives a brief account of SGML, and attempts to
                 clarify the precise nature and purpose of SGML, which
                 are widely misunderstood. It then goes on to explore
                 the reasons why SGML should (or should not) be used in
                 preference to older-established systems.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Electron. and Comput. Sci., Southampton
                 Univ., UK",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6140D
                 (High level languages); C7230 (Publishing and
  fjournal =     "Electronic Pub\-lish\-ing\emdash{}Orig\-i\-na\-tion,
                 Dissemination, and Design",
  keywords =     "Formatters; Generalised markup; ISO 8879; languages;
                 Markup; Markup systems; performance; SGML; Standard
                 Generalised Markup Language",
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  subject =      "I.7.0 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING,
                 General \\ H.4.0 Information Systems, INFORMATION
                 SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS, General",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic publishing; High level languages;

  author =       "Tim Bray",
  title =        "Lessons of the {New Oxford English Dictionary
  crossref =     "USENIX:1989:PWU",
  pages =        "187--199",
  year =         "1989",
  bibdate =      "Tue Feb 20 15:42:13 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "This dictionary is coded with SGML markup.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "University of Waterloo",

  author =       "H. Brown",
  title =        "Standards for structured documents",
  journal =      j-COMP-J,
  volume =       "32",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "505--514",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1989",
  CODEN =        "CMPJA6",
  ISSN =         "0010-4620 (print), 1460-2067 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0010-4620",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:56:31 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Recent work with electronic documents has emphasised
                 the importance of maintaining the structure of a
                 document at all stages of editing, storage and
                 transmission. The Office Document Architecture (ODA)
                 and the Standard Generalised Markup Language (SGML) are
                 two international standards for the representation and
                 interchange of structured documents. The paper outlines
                 the main features of the document structures supported
                 by ODA and SGML and assesses their strengths and
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Comput. Lab., Kent Univ., Canterbury, UK",
  classification = "C6130 (Data handling techniques); C7230 (Publishing
                 and reproduction)",
  fjournal =     "The Computer Journal",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Electronic documents; ODA; Office Document
                 Architecture; SGML; Standard Generalised Markup
                 Language; Standards; Structured documents",
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic publishing; Standards",

  author =       "{Canadian Standards Association and Standards Council
                 of Canada}",
  title =        "Information processing, text and office systems:
                 Standard Generalized Markup Language ({SGML}), and
                 {SGML} support facilities: {SGML} Document Interchange
                 Format ({SDIF})",
  publisher =    pub-CSA,
  address =      pub-CSA:adr,
  pages =        "viii + 164",
  year =         "1989",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Mon Feb 05 17:55:31 2001",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "National standard of Canada CAN/CSA-Z243.210-89 [CSA
                 standard], 0317-5669",
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "(ISO 8879, 9069). Includes bibliographical

  author =       "Dansk standardiseringsraad",
  title =        "{SGML} and {ODA}: standardiseringens resultater, 2.
                 del: standards for document processing and
  publisher =    pub-DANSK-STAND-RAAD,
  address =      pub-DANSK-STAND-RAAD:adr,
  pages =        "108",
  year =         "1989",
  ISBN =         "87-7310-055-2",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-87-7310-055-4",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "DS/INF; 48 DS-informationsblad; 48.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "At head of title: DS-Information. Includes
                 bibliographical references.",
  keywords =     "Document delivery --- Standards; Electronic
                 publishing; SGML (Computer program language) ---

  author =       "Heather Fawcett",
  title =        "Adopting {SGML}: the implications for writers",
  institution =  "University of Waterloo Centre for the New Oxford
  address =      "Waterloo, ON, Canada",
  pages =        "10",
  year =         "1989",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "Cover title. Cover title. OED-89-03.--Cover. July,
                 1989.--Cover. Includes bibliographical references (p.
  keywords =     "Electronic publishing; SGML (Computer program

  author =       "C. M. Goldstein",
  booktitle =    "National Online Meeting proceedings--1989, New York,
                 May 9--11, 1989",
  title =        "Online reference works and full text retrieval",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1989:NOM",
  pages =        "171--177",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1989",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 06:00:32 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The paper has two themes: (1) an overview of the
                 concept of an online reference work (ORW) as defined by
                 the Online Reference Works in Medicine, a collaborative
                 program between the National Library of Medicine (NLM)
                 and the William H. Welch Medical Library, Johns Hopkins
                 Medical Institutes (JHMI), and (2) an overview of the
                 evolving concepts of full text and object-oriented
                 retrieval from structured texts. The article addresses
                 the concepts and general observations on the
                 implementation of an ORW, the efforts to extend the
                 present model, and a brief description of the
                 object-oriented full text retrieval methodology to be
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  bookpages =    "xv + 506",
  classification = "C7250 (Information storage and retrieval)",
  confdate =     "9--11 May 1989",
  conflocation = "New York, NY, USA",
  confsponsor =  "Learned Inf",
  keywords =     "Full text retrieval; Johns Hopkins Medical Institutes;
                 National Library of Medicine; Object-oriented
                 retrieval; Online reference work; SGML; Structured
                 texts; William H. Welch Medical Library",
  thesaurus =    "Information retrieval; Object-oriented programming",

  author =       "T. B. Hickey",
  booktitle =    "National Online Meeting proceedings--1989, New York,
                 May 9--11, 1989",
  title =        "Using {SGML} and {\TeX} for an interactive chemical
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1989:NOM",
  publisher =    pub-LEARNED-INF,
  address =      pub-LEARNED-INF:adr,
  pages =        "187--195",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1989",
  ISBN =         "0-938734-34-2",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-938734-34-5",
  LCCN =         "QA76.55 .N37 1989",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 06:00:32 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Outlines the process of converting an ASCII encoded
                 encyclopedia (the Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical
                 technology) into Standard Generalized Markup Language
                 (SGML) for formatting and full-text indexing. The ASCII
                 text was modified as needed, then parsed and converted
                 into SGML. Graphics were scanned from the original
                 pages and coordinated with the text by a graphics
                 control file generated from the ASCII text. Production
                 of the full-text index and {\TeX} file from the SGML,
                 was straightforward, except for tables. Some of the
                 problems of formatting tables are described along with
                 the solutions. (7 Refs.)",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  bookpages =    "xv + 506",
  classification = "A0130L (Collections of physical data, tables);
                 C6130B (Graphics techniques); C6130D (Document
                 processing techniques); C7250 (Information storage and
  confdate =     "9--11 May 1989",
  conflocation = "New York, NY, USA",
  confsponsor =  "Learned Inf",
  keywords =     "ASCII encoded encyclopedia; ASCII text; Formatting;
                 Full-text indexing; Graphics control file; Interactive
                 chemical encyclopedia; Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of
                 chemical technology; SGML; Standard Generalized Markup
                 Language; TEX file",
  thesaurus =    "Collections of physical data; Computer graphics;
                 Information retrieval systems; Word processing",

  author =       "Jesse Kaysen",
  title =        "Let's Play Tag: The Promise of {SGML}: {Standard
                 Generalized Markup Language} --- it's not just for
  journal =      j-OCLC-MICRO,
  volume =       "5",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "26--28",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1989",
  CODEN =        "OCMIEK",
  ISSN =         "8756-5196",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The American Association of Publishers is promulgating
                 a new standard for encoding format and structural
                 information into text stored on computers. It's called
                 Standardized Generalized Markup Language-SGML for
                 short. Anyone who works with words a lot will find the
                 SGML approach to formatting data attractive, SGML
                 promises easier access to inkprint documents through
                 speech, braille, and large print. The article discusses
                 the origins and the purpose of SGML, its tag system,
                 and its resources.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Raised Dot Comput., Madison, WI, USA",
  classification = "C6130 (Data handling techniques); C7230 (Publishing
                 and reproduction)",
  fjournal =     "OCLC Micro",
  keywords =     "AAP: structural information encoding; American
                 Association of Publishers; Braille; Format information
                 encoding; Formatting data; Inkprint document access;
                 Large print; SGML; SGML resources; SGML tag system;
                 Speech; Standardized Generalized Markup Language",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic publishing; Standards",

  author =       "Michael LaTorra",
  title =        "Standard Text Markup: What {SGML} Means for Technical
  journal =      j-TECH-COMMUN,
  volume =       "36",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "382--??",
  day =          "1",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1989",
  CODEN =        "TLCMBT",
  ISSN =         "0049-3155",
  ISSN-L =       "0049-3155",
  bibdate =      "Wed May 22 12:48:55 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "; UnCover
                 library database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Technical Communication",

  author =       "T. Noreault and G. K. M. Tobin and R. M. Robin",
  editor =       "G. Salvendy and M. J. Smith",
  booktitle =    "Designing and Using Human-Computer Interfaces and
                 Knowledge Based Systems: Proceedings of the Third
                 International Conference on Human Computer Interaction,
                 Boston, Massachusetts, September 18--22, 1989, volume
  title =        "Towards full information database display",
  crossref =     "Salvendy:1989:DUH",
  publisher =    pub-ELS,
  address =      pub-ELS:adr,
  pages =        "180--186",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1989",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:48:07 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Full text display of database information will cease
                 to be acceptable to users who have grown used to the
                 myriad of graphical and typographic options available
                 on personal workstations. What will be required is full
                 information display, which includes textual, tabular
                 typographic and graphical information. OCLC is
                 exploring the use of SGML (standardized general markup
                 language) in the capture, storage and retrieval of full
                 information. The paper outlines work to date on a
                 project that will handle full text display, suggests
                 how the basic framework of this effort can be expanded
                 to encompass full information display, and assesses the
                 strengths and weaknesses of SGML as a tool in this
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Reference and Enhanced Information Services Dept.,
                 OCLC Online Comput. Libr. Center Inc., Dublin, OH,
  bookpages =    "xiii + 900",
  classification = "C6140D (High level languages); C7250 (Information
                 storage and retrieval)",
  confdate =     "18--22 Sept. 1989",
  conflocation = "Boston, MA, USA",
  confsponsor =  "Assoc. American Publishers; AT\&T; IBM; Perdue Univ",
  keywords =     "Database information; Full information database
                 display; Full text display; Graphical information;
                 Information capture; Information retrieval; Information
                 storage; OCLC; SGML; Standardized general markup
                 language; Tabular information; Textual information;
                 Typographic information",
  thesaurus =    "Information retrieval; Information storage; Query

  author =       "J. M. Smith",
  title =        "Standard generalized markup language and related
  journal =      j-COMP-COMM,
  volume =       "12",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "80--84",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "1989",
  CODEN =        "COCOD7",
  ISSN =         "0140-3664 (print), 1873-703X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0140-3664",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 06:00:32 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Projects developed by the International Organization
                 for Standardization/International Electrotechnical
                 Commission Joint Technical Committee 1/Subcommittee
                 18/Working Group 8 are described, with the working
                 group concentrating on the formulation of standards for
                 text description and processing languages in the
                 broader domain of text and office systems. Central to
                 the work of WG8 is ISO 8879 Standard Generalized Markup
                 Language for the description of the information content
                 of documents. Other standards and technical reports
                 produced by the group support SGML in some way, either
                 directly or indirectly. Their role in office publishing
                 is described, and some information is given about
                 office applications and the products that are available
                 in the marketplace.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "SGML User's Group, London, UK",
  classification = "C7100 (Business and administration); C7108 (Desktop
  fjournal =     "Computer Communications",
  keywords =     "design; ISO 8879; languages; Languages processing;
                 Office publishing; Standard generalized markup
                 language; standardization; Standards; Technical
                 reports; Text description; WG8",
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  subject =      "I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING,
                 Document Preparation, SGML",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic publishing; Management information systems;
                 Office automation; Standards",

  author =       "R. J. Summers",
  booktitle =    "NCGA '89 Conference Proceedings. 10th Annual
                 Conference and Exposition Dedicated to Computer
  title =        "Macro {CALS} capabilities survey",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1989:NCP",
  publisher =    pub-NCGA,
  address =      pub-NCGA:adr,
  pages =        "449--461 (vol. 2)",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1989",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 06:00:32 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "3 vol.",
  abstract =     "The purpose of the survey was to begin the
                 establishment of a baseline of computer-aided
                 technology in production use by industry. This baseline
                 inventory was requested by the Office of the Secretary
                 of Defense (OSD) CALS policy office. The survey was
                 mailed on 9 June 1987. The survey was sent to forty of
                 the top defense contractors, by dollar volume, for
                 1986. Contractor interest in Computer-aided Acquisition
                 and Logistics Support (CALS) is high and the majority
                 of respondees indicated that they have established or
                 are considering establishing formal organizations to
                 develop and implement CALS. Virtually all respondents
                 are currently delivering some data in digital format to
                 DoD. Although a large percentage of respondents have
                 the capability of delivering technical publications and
                 aperture cards in digital form, only a small percentage
                 are currently doing so. Standards such as IGES, SGML,
                 CGM, etc., are still being developed and are only
                 beginning to be supported by contractors on a
                 widespread basis. Most respondents felt there is a need
                 for R and D efforts in many technology areas. Most
                 contractors are implementing digital data interfaces
                 with their suppliers/subcontractors to some degree.
                 Integration of CAD/CAM and the transfer of digital
                 engineering data directly to the manufacturing floor
                 has occurred on a limited basis. Digital data transfer
                 of CAD created graphics directly to technical
                 publication has occurred to a greater extent.
                 Respondents estimate that most major companies will
                 have an 80\% to 100\% implementation of computer aided
                 technology in about ten years.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Westinghouse Electr. Syst. Group, Baltimore, MD, USA",
  bookpages =    "498 + 461 + 611",
  classification = "C6130 (Data handling techniques); C7150 (Military);
                 C7160 (Manufacturing and industry); C7400
  confdate =     "17--20 April 1989",
  conflocation = "Philadelphia, PA, USA",
  keywords =     "Aperture cards; CAD created graphics; CAD/CAM; CALS
                 policy office; CGM; Computer aided technology;
                 Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistics Support;
                 Digital data interfaces; Digital data transfer; Digital
                 engineering data; IGES; Manufacturing floor; Office of
                 the Secretary of Defence; Office of the Secretary of
                 Defense; SGML; Standards; Survey; Technical
                 publication; Top defense contractors",
  thesaurus =    "CAD/CAM; Electronic data interchange; Logistics data
                 processing; Military computing",

  author =       "C. G. {van der Laan} and D. C. Coleman and J. R.
  title =        "{SGML}--{\LaTeX} 1. {Mathematical} formulas",
  type =         "RC-Rapport",
  number =       "24",
  institution =  "Rekencentrum der Rijksuniversiteit te Groningen",
  address =      "Groningen, The Netherlands",
  year =         "1989",
  bibdate =      "Mon Oct 26 07:41:15 1998",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "(English version).",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Eric {Van Herwijnen}",
  title =        "The use of text interchange standards for submitting
                 physics articles to journals",
  journal =      j-COMP-PHYS-COMM,
  volume =       "57",
  number =       "1--3",
  pages =        "244--250",
  day =          "2",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1989",
  CODEN =        "CPHCBZ",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0010-4655 (print), 1879-2944 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0010-4655",
  bibdate =      "Mon Feb 13 10:28:30 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "International Conference on Computing in High-Energy
  series =       j-COMP-PHYS-COMM,
  URL =          "",
  abstract =     "The authors discuss which text interchange standards
                 will enable physics authors to submit their articles
                 directly to publishers via a computer network. An
                 analysis of a questionnaire circulated recently by the
                 European Physical Society shows that there is an
                 abundance of different hardware and software in use by
                 physics authors for electronic manuscript preparation.
                 A standard interchange format which would permit
                 authors to continue to use their preferred system as
                 well as enabling document interchange seems imperative
                 if one wishes to achieve the goal of electronic
                 submission of machine readable documents directly to
                 publishers. A possible candidate could be SGML, the ISO
                 standard for text interchange. Use of this standard
                 would generate additional benefits such as the
                 automatic generation of document databases. The
                 relationships between the ISO standards SGML and ODA,
                 the de facto standard \TeX{} and the page description
                 language PostScript are explained. A proposal is made
                 for the structure of a standard physics article
                 intended for use with SGML and \TeX{}. A short
                 discussion is given on the thorny problem of the
                 inclusion of mathematics and graphics that are
                 particularly common in physics documents. Finally they
                 indicate some limitations of SGML and the prerequisites
                 that are required to make the exchange of electronic
                 documents in SGML format universally possible.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "CERN, Geneva, Switzerland",
  classification = "C7320 (Physics and Chemistry)",
  confdate =     "10--14 April 1989",
  conflocation = "Oxford, UK",
  confsponsor =  "Oxford Univ",
  fjournal =     "Computer Physics Communications",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Computer network; Electronic manuscript preparation;
                 Graphics; Hardware; ISO standard; Machine readable
                 documents; ODA; Physics articles; PostScript; SGML;
                 Software; TeX; Text interchange standards",
  thesaurus =    "Physics computing",

  editor =       "Dominique Vignaud",
  title =        "{L}'Edition structur{\'e}e des documents: {SGML}:
                 applications a l'{\'e}dition fran{\c{c}}aise",
  publisher =    pub-EDITIONS-CERCLE-LIBRAIRIE,
  address =      pub-EDITIONS-CERCLE-LIBRAIRIE:adr,
  year =         "1989",
  ISBN =         "2-7654-0420-8",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-2-7654-0420-0",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "Publication {\`a} feuillets mobiles.",
  keywords =     "Edition {\'{e}}lectronique --- Normes.",

  author =       "G. von Bultzingsloewen",
  title =        "Optimizing {SQL} queries for parallel execution",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "18",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "17--22",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1989",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:33 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "J. Warmer and S. {Van Egmond}",
  title =        "The implementation of the {Amsterdam SGML} {Parser}",
  journal =      j-EPODD,
  volume =       "2",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "65--90",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1989",
  CODEN =        "EPODEU",
  ISSN =         "0894-3982",
  bibdate =      "Mon Oct 26 07:41:26 1998",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), is an
                 ISO Standard that specifies a language for document
                 representation. The paper gives a short introduction to
                 SGML and describes the Amsterdam SGML Parser and the
                 problems encountered in implementing the Standard.
                 These problems include interpretation of the Standard
                 in the places where it is ambiguous and the technical
                 problems in parsing SGML documents.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Math. and Comp. Sci., Vrije Univ., Amsterdam,
  classification = "C6130 (Data handling techniques); C7108 (Desktop
  fjournal =     "Electronic Pub\-lish\-ing\emdash{}Orig\-i\-na\-tion,
                 Dissemination, and Design",
  keywords =     "Amsterdam SGML Parser; design; Document
                 representation; ISO Standard; performance; Standard
                 Generalized Markup Language",
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  subject =      "I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING,
                 Document Preparation, SGML",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; Electronic data interchange;

  author =       "J. Widom and S. J. Finkelstein",
  title =        "A syntax and semantics for set-oriented production
                 rules in relational database systems",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "18",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "36--45",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1989",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:32 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "IBM Almaden Res. Center, San Jose, CA, USA",
  classification = "C6160D (Relational DBMS); C6160Z (Other DBMS); C6170
                 (Expert systems)",
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Externally-generated operations; Multiple rules;
                 Production rule definition; Production rule execution;
                 Relational data manipulation languages; Relational
                 database systems; Self-triggering rules; Semantics;
                 Set-oriented production rules; Simultaneous triggering;
                 SQL; Syntax",
  thesaurus =    "Expert systems; Relational databases",

  author =       "Gilbert S. K. Wu",
  title =        "{SGML} theory and practice",
  publisher =    pub-BRITISH-LIBRARY-RDD,
  address =      pub-BRITISH-LIBRARY-RDD:adr,
  pages =        "vii + 92",
  year =         "1989",
  ISBN =         "0-7123-3211-1 (paperback)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-7123-3211-8 (paperback)",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "British Library research paper, 68 0269-9257",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "packages: SGML; Publishing --- Applications of
                 computer systems --- Software",

  author =       "A. Yuzuguchi",
  title =        "Desk top publishing now in {Japan}",
  journal =      j-J-SOC-INSTR-CONTROL-ENG,
  volume =       "28",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "199--203",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1989",
  CODEN =        "KESEA4",
  ISSN =         "0453-4662",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 06:00:32 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Compared with 26 letters used in English more than
                 6353 letters including hiragana, kana and kanji are
                 required in the Japanese language. This causes
                 complication when a Japanese DTP system is formed.
                 Though the concept of DTP was recently introduced in
                 Japan, numerous electronic publishing systems like
                 computerized type-setting system (CTS) have been used
                 for preparation of block copies and page compositions
                 since late 1970s. 1989 is considered the first year of
                 DTP since binary script software systems similar to
                 PostScript and laser printers with >400 dpi and
                 built-in kanji fonts based on medium-to-small sized
                 computers began to appear in the local market. For
                 example, a NEC 9801 based system with a 480 dpi laser
                 printer and the software capable of working with the
                 popular WP software `Ittaro' is available around 500
                 million yen. Development of a Japanese version of SGML
                 is an important theme to be challenged in the future.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C7108 (Desktop publishing)",
  fjournal =     "Keisoku Jido Seigyo Gakkai = Journal of the Society of
                 Instrument and Control Engineers",
  keywords =     "Built-in kanji fonts; Electronic publishing systems;
                 Ittaro; Japanese DTP system; Japanese language; Laser
                 printers; NEC 9801; SGML",
  language =     "Japanese",
  pubcountry =   "Japan",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Applications of Artificial Intelligence VIII}",
  journal =      j-PROC-SPIE,
  volume =       "1293",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "368--379",
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "PSISDG",
  ISSN =         "0277-786X (print), 1996-756X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0277-786X",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:48:07 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  confdate =     "17--19 April 1990",
  conflocation = "Orlando, FL, USA",
  confsponsor =  "SPIE",
  fjournal =     "Proceedings of the SPIE --- The International Society
                 for Optical Engineering",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "1990 Conference on Office Information Systems",
  journal =      j-SIGOIS,
  volume =       "11",
  number =       "2-3",
  pages =        "118--122",
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "SIGBEL",
  ISSN =         "0894-0819",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:48:07 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  confdate =     "25--27 April 1990",
  conflocation = "Cambridge, MA, USA",
  confsponsor =  "IEEE; ACM",
  fjournal =     "SIGOIS Bulletin",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Call for papers: {SGML \& {\TeX} conference, 31 August
                 1990, Groningen, The Netherlands}",
  journal =      j-TUGBOAT,
  volume =       "11",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "126--126",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "1990",
  ISSN =         "0896-3207",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jul 05 17:09:39 1997",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "TUGboat",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Future Trends in Spectroscopy, Symposium",
  journal =      j-SPECTROCHIMICA-ACTA-A,
  volume =       "Special issue",
  pages =        "11--45",
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "SAMCAS",
  ISSN =         "0584-8539",
  ISSN-L =       "0584-8539",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:56:31 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  confdate =     "27--28 June 1989",
  conflocation = "Vatican City",
  fjournal =     "Spectrochimica Acta, Part A [Molecular Spectroscopy]",
  pubcountry =   "UK",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{IRS} Utilizes {SGML}",
  journal =      j-GRAPHIC-ARTS-MONTHLY,
  volume =       "62",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "88--??",
  day =          "1",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "GAMOE4",
  ISSN =         "1047-9325",
  ISSN-L =       "1047-9325",
  bibdate =      "Wed May 22 12:48:55 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "; UnCover
                 library database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Graphic arts monthly: the magazine of the printing

  author =       "Amit Basu and Rafiul Ahad",
  title =        "An {SQL}-based query language for networks of
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "19",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "8--17",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:34 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database;;
  abstract =     "A set of relations can be modeled as a network through
                 the use of image attributes, which are attributes
                 defined on the domain of relation names. Such networks
                 of relations can effectively meet many of the modeling
                 requirements of advanced database applications such as
                 engineering design and knowledge base systems. In this
                 paper, we describe the features of ESQL, a novel query
                 language that is an extension of SQL [Cham74] to
                 exploit the added semantics of image attributes.
                 Details of ESQL and its underlying principles can be
                 found in [Ahad88] and [Ahad89].",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Coll. of Bus. and Manage., Maryland Univ.",
  affiliationaddress = "College Park, MD, USA",
  classification = "723; 741; C4250 (Database theory); C6110 (Systems
                 analysis and programming); C6140D (High level
                 languages); C6160D (Relational DBMS)",
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Added semantics; Advanced database applications;
                 Computer Metatheory--Programming Theory; Database
                 Systems; Engineering design; ESQL; Image attributes;
                 Image Processing--Image Analysis; Knowledge base
                 systems; Modeling requirements; Novel query language;
                 Query Languages; Relation names; SQL-Based Query
                 Language, SQL-based query language",
  thesaurus =    "Database theory; Programming; Query languages;
                 Relational databases; Standards",

  author =       "Michele Benjamin and Francis Cave",
  title =        "Book Review: {{\booktitle{SGML --- the user's guide to
                 ISO 8879}}, by Smith, Joan M. and Stutely, Robert.
                 Chichester: Ellis Horwood\slash Halstead Press. 172 pp.
                 ISBN 0-470-21126-1. \pounds 22.50}",
  journal =      j-LEARN-PUBL,
  volume =       "3",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "128--128",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "LEPUFJ",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0953-1513 (print), 1741-4857 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0953-1513",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 15 09:08:59 MDT 2021",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Learn. Publ.",
  fjournal =     "Learned Publishing",
  journal-URL =  "",
  onlinedate =   "01 January 1990",

  author =       "M. Blake",
  title =        "Practices of printers in relation to electronic
  journal =      j-ELECTRONIC-LIBRARY,
  volume =       "8",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "239--243",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "ELLIDZ",
  ISSN =         "0264-0473",
  ISSN-L =       "0264-0473",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:56:31 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Using a questionnaire and interviews, a survey was
                 undertaken of the practices of printers in relation to
                 electronic archiving. Printers were found to be
                 flexible with regard to coding systems, and many used
                 the ISO standard SGML. Material was retained in
                 electronic form after publication-often in the form of
                 magnetic tape. Sensible precautions were taken when
                 storing this material. Printers had a high level of
                 awareness of electronic archiving and several had a
                 policy on the topic.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C7230 (Publishing and reproduction)",
  fjournal =     "Electronic Library",
  keywords =     "Coding systems; Electronic archiving; ISO standard
                 SGML; Magnetic tape; Printing industry storage media;
                 Storage conditions",
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "Printing; Publishing",

  author =       "Bruce I. Blum and Ralph D. Semmel",
  title =        "The {INA}: {A} Simple Query Language with Only
                 Attribute Names: {A} Video Presentation",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "19",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "390--390",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:34 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database;;
  abstract =     "The Intelligent Navigational Assistant (INA) was
                 developed for the U.S. Army as a prototype query tool
                 that permits the users to specify requests using only
                 domain terms familiar to them. Once a request is made,
                 it is converted into SQL for processing. To facilitate
                 query formulation, the INA supports an interface that
                 allows the user to identify attributes without relation
                 associations (i.e., it treats the data model as a
                 universal relation). The INA prototype has been
                 implemented as a PC-resident knowledge-based linked to
                 a host-based DBMS. The INA currently is undergoing a
                 beta test with a much larger database schema.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Applied Physics Lab",
  affiliationaddress = "Laurel, MD, USA",
  classification = "722; 723; C6140D (High level languages); C6160
                 (Database management systems (DBMS)); C6170 (Expert
  conference =   "Proceedings of the 1990 ACM SIGMOD International
                 Conference on Management of Data",
  conferenceyear = "1990",
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Attribute names; Browsing; Computer Programming
                 Languages; Computers, Personal; Database Systems;
                 Domain terms; Expert Systems --- Knowledge Bases;
                 Host-based DBMS; Intelligent navigational assistant;
                 Intelligent Navigational Assistant (INA); PC-resident
                 knowledge-based system; Query formulation; Query
                 language; Query Languages; Query tool; Relation
                 bindings; SQL; Term definitions; US Army; User
                 vocabulary; Videotape Presentation Summary Only, INA",
  meetingaddress = "Atlantic City, NJ, USA",
  meetingdate =  "May 23--25 1990",
  meetingdate2 = "05/23--25/90",
  publisherinfo = "Fort Collins Computer Center",
  sponsor =      "ACM SIGMOD, New York, NY, USA",
  thesaurus =    "Knowledge based systems; Query languages",
  xxcrossref =   "Anonymous:1990:ASI",

  author =       "K. Boar",
  editor =       "Peter Gillman",
  booktitle =    "Text retrieval, the state of the art. {Proceedings of
                 the Institute of Information Scientists text retrieval
                 conferences `The User's Perspective' (1988) and `Text
                 Management' (1989)}",
  title =        "Text representations ({SGML})",
  publisher =    pub-TAYLOR-GRAHAM,
  address =      pub-TAYLOR-GRAHAM:adr,
  pages =        "97--100",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1990",
  ISBN =         "0-947568-44-1",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-947568-44-3",
  LCCN =         "Z699.A1 I65 1988",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "SGML is an international standard. An SGML system is
                 central really to an electronic publishing system, with
                 information being able to be brought in through a whole
                 variety of sources to form the one text database, and
                 indeed being output to a variety of sources as well.
                 The objectives of SGML are to enable information to be
                 transported from one system to another; to enable
                 information to be presented in a variety of forms and
                 on a variety of media; and it should be possible to
                 transport from today's system to tomorrow's. These
                 overall objectives of SGML have indeed led to its main
                 use today, which is within the American Department of
                 Defense initiative called CALS.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  bookpages =    "208",
  classification = "C6130 (Data handling techniques); C7230 (Publishing
                 and reproduction)",
  keywords =     "CALS; Data transportation; Electronic publishing;
                 International standard; SGML; Text representations",
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "Data handling; Electronic data interchange; Electronic
                 publishing; Standards",

  author =       "U. Bormann and C. Bormann",
  title =        "Open document processing: status and future
  journal =      j-INFORMATIONS-TECHNIK,
  volume =       "32",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "176--185",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "ICSAES",
  ISSN =         "0179-9738",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:56:31 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "SGML (ISO 8879) and ODA (ISO 8613) are the two
                 predominant international standards in the realm of
                 open document processing, gaining more and more
                 importance for the interchange of documents in both the
                 publishing environment and the office environment. To
                 ensure availability at an early point in time the
                 functionality currently provided by these standards has
                 been restricted with respect to some of the foreseeable
                 future requirements. The pertinent international
                 standardization committees are currently working on the
                 required future extensions to these standards.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Tech. Univ., Berlin, West Germany",
  classification = "C7108 (Desktop publishing); C7230 (Publishing and
  fjournal =     "Informationstechnik --- IT",
  keywords =     "International standards; ISO 8613; ISO 8879; ODA;
                 Office environment; Open document processing;
                 Publishing environment; SGML",
  language =     "German",
  pubcountry =   "West Germany",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic publishing; Standards",

  author =       "P. W. J. M. Boumans",
  title =        "The dissemination of the results of scientific
                 research in the era of electronic media",
  journal =      j-SPECTROCHIMICA-ACTA-A,
  volume =       "special issue",
  pages =        "11--45",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "SAMCAS",
  ISSN =         "0584-8539",
  ISSN-L =       "0584-8539",
  bibdate =      "Sat Sep 17 11:15:21 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The paper considers the future of scientific
                 publishing primarily from the point of view of the
                 actual behaviour of authors, editors, reviewers,
                 publishers, and readers. In this scope the author
                 discusses (a) aims and format of scientific
                 publications, (b) new approaches to conventional
                 scientific publishing, i.e., in `hardcopy journal
                 format', (c) the implications of desktop publishing
                 (DTP) and camera-ready copy (CRC) for author, editor,
                 reviewer, and publisher, and (d) the truly electronic
                 publication, i.e., a publication on an electronic
                 medium, such as a diskette, which does not only contain
                 text and graphics, but also executable programs, source
                 codes, data files, and parameter sets. The paper
                 includes a tutorial discussion of issues such as word
                 processors, scientific word processors, DTP, WYSIWYG
                 (What You See Is What You Get) versus ML (Markup
                 Language), procedural markup versus descriptive markup,
                 text versus graphics, and standard generalized markup
                 language (SGML).",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Philips Res. Labs., Eindhoven, Netherlands",
  classification = "A0130B (Publications of lectures (advanced
                 institutes, summer schools, etc.)); C7108 (Desktop
                 publishing); C7220 (Generation, dissemination, and use
                 of information); C7230 (Publishing and reproduction)",
  confdate =     "27--28 June 1989",
  conflocation = "Vatican City",
  fjournal =     "Spectrochimica Acta, Part A [Molecular Spectroscopy]",
  issue =        "spec. issue. p. 11--45",
  keywords =     "Authors; Camera-ready copy; Data files; Descriptive
                 markup; Desktop publishing; Diskette; Editors;
                 Electronic media; Electronic publication; Executable
                 programs; Graphics; Parameter sets; Procedural markup;
                 Publishers; Readers; Reviewers; Scientific publishing;
                 Scientific research results dissemination; Scientific
                 word processors; Source codes; Standard generalized
                 markup language; Text; Word processors",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; Electronic publishing; Information

  author =       "G. S. Carson and L. Henderson",
  booktitle =    "NCGA '90. Conference Proceedings",
  title =        "The {CALS} standard (military computing)",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1990:NCP",
  publisher =    pub-NCGA,
  address =      pub-NCGA:adr,
  pages =        "570--598 (vol. 1)",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1990",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:48:07 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "3 vol.",
  abstract =     "The DoD computer-aided acquisition and logistic
                 support (CALS) program defines a set of specifications
                 for the transfer in digital form of documents
                 containing text and graphics. These specifications are
                 based on the well known industry standards CGM
                 (computer graphics metafile), Group 4 facsimile
                 (raster), GES (initial graphics exchange specification)
                 and SGML (standard generalized markup language). The
                 authors provide an overview of each of these standards
                 and how they were tailored for CALS use by the
                 MIL-STD-28000 series of application profiles. Also,
                 discussed are: the format of CALS deliverables as
                 defined by MIL-STD-1840A, the process of choosing from
                 among acceptable alternative standards as defined in
                 the CALS handbook, MIL-HDBK-59, and issues of testing
                 and validating CALS implementations.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "GSC Assoc. Inc., Redondo Beach, CA, USA",
  bookpages =    "714 + 315 + 492",
  classification = "C6110B (Software engineering techniques); C6130B
                 (Graphics techniques); C7150 (Military)",
  confdate =     "19--22 March 1990",
  conflocation = "Anaheim, CA, USA",
  keywords =     "Application profiles; CALS standard; Computer graphics
                 metafile; Digital form; DoD computer-aided acquisition
                 and logistic support; GES; Graphics; Group 4 facsimile;
                 Industry standards CGM; Initial graphics exchange
                 specification; MIL-HDBK-59; MIL-STD-1840A;
                 MIL-STD-28000 series; Raster; SGML; Specifications;
                 Standard generalized markup language; Testing; Text;
  thesaurus =    "Computer graphics; Electronic data interchange; Formal
                 specification; Logistics data processing; Standards",

  author =       "S. S. Cohen and W. E. Morgan",
  title =        "The relationship between the {DECwrite} editor and the
                 {Digital} document interchange format",
  journal =      j-DEC-TECH-J,
  volume =       "2",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "73--82",
  month =        "Winter",
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "DTJOEL",
  ISSN =         "0898-901X",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:56:31 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The DECwrite editor is Digital's new DECwindows-based
                 compound document editor. It is also the first compound
                 document editor to implement the CDA architecture. The
                 DECwrite editor supports the creation, editing,
                 formatting and printing of compound documents across
                 multiple computing environments. DECwrite uses the DDIF
                 document interchange format to support the editing of
                 both CDA documents and those based on other formats,
                 including SGML and GKS. One of the design issues faced
                 by the DECwrite editor was how to fully conform to the
                 DDIF format's interchange goals without compromising
                 formatting speed and ease of editing. The DECwrite
                 editor overcomes these conflicting needs by isolating
                 their side effects to the DECwrite editor's read and
                 write code.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C6120 (File organisation); C6130D (Document
                 processing techniques)",
  fjournal =     "Digital Technical Journal",
  keywords =     "CDA architecture; CDA documents; DDIF document
                 interchange format; DECwindows-based compound document
                 editor; DECwrite editor; Formatting speed; GKS;
                 Multiple computing environments; Printing; SGML",
  thesaurus =    "Data structures; DEC computers; Electronic data
                 interchange; Software packages; Standards; Text
                 editing; Word processing",

  author =       "R. G. Crawford and S. Lee",
  title =        "A prototype for fully automated entry of structured
  journal =      j-CAN-J-INFO-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "39--50",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "CJISDE",
  ISSN =         "0380-9218",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:48:07 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The report describes a prototype system for
                 automatically transferring printed text into an online
                 database. The prototype system employs the Kurzweil
                 Optical Scanner to obtain the machine-readable version
                 of the text. Once in this form, it is lexically
                 analysed and parsed by means of the compiler tools Lex
                 and YACC. Two approaches are implemented for handling
                 the parsed entries. The recognized fields may be loaded
                 into an SQL database, whereby the text can be queried
                 through either SQL commands or through a natural
                 language interface, such as INTELLECT. Alternatively,
                 the entries may be marked up with SGML tags.
                 Throughout, the approach focuses on a particular text,
                 The Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England,
                 Scotland, and Ireland and of English Books Printed
                 Abroad 1475-1640, one of the standard research tools of
                 16th and 17th century historical and literary
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. and Inf. Sci., Queen's Univ.,
                 Kingston, Ont., Canada",
  classification = "C5530 (Pattern recognition and computer vision
                 equipment); C6160D (Relational DBMS); C7250L
                 (Non-bibliographic systems); C7820 (Humanities)",
  fjournal =     "Canadian Journal of Information Science",
  keywords =     "Compiler tools; Fully automated entry; INTELLECT;
                 Kurzweil Optical Scanner; Lex; Literary scholarship;
                 Machine-readable version; Natural language interface;
                 Online database; Parsing; Printed text; SGML tags; SQL
                 database; Structured documents; YACC",
  pubcountry =   "Canada",
  thesaurus =    "Image scanners; Information retrieval systems;
                 Literature; Natural languages; Optical character
                 recognition; Relational databases",

  author =       "G. C. Cruz and T. H. Judd",
  editor =       "R. Furuta",
  booktitle =    "EP90: proceedings of the International Conference on
                 Electronic Publishing, Document Manipulation and
                 Typography, Gaithersburg, Maryland, September 1990",
  title =        "The role of a descriptive markup language in the
                 creation of interactive multimedia documents for
                 customized electronic delivery",
  crossref =     "Furuta:1990:EPI",
  publisher =    pub-CUP,
  address =      pub-CUP:adr,
  pages =        "277--290",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1990",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:48:07 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The emerging broadband telecommunications network
                 promises to support a myriad of new mass-market
                 information services that may in turn create a
                 tremendous demand for new source material capable of
                 exploiting the multimedia transport capability of the
                 network. Authoring such material is a complex and
                 time-consuming process requiring specialized tools. The
                 authors propose that a descriptive markup language,
                 based on SGML and enhanced for interactive multimedia
                 applications, can form the basis for a new set of
                 authoring tools that will let experienced text authors
                 transfer their skills to multimedia documents.
                 Experience with a prototype version of such a language
                 in the production of an experimental electronic
                 magazine indicates that the approach is valid and
                 useful. Future work includes defining text-like
                 structure in temporal media and creating a unified set
                 of editing and previewing tools.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Multimedia Commun. Res. Div., Bellcore, Morristown,
                 NJ, USA",
  bookpages =    "x + 298",
  classification = "C6115 (Programming support); C6140D (High level
                 languages); C6160Z (Other DBMS); C7230 (Publishing and
  confdate =     "18--20 Sept. 1990",
  conflocation = "Gaithersburg, MD, USA",
  confsponsor =  "NIST; INRIA; Univ. Maryland",
  keywords =     "Authoring tools; Broadband telecommunications network;
                 Customized electronic delivery; Descriptive markup
                 language; Experienced text authors; Experimental
                 electronic magazine; Interactive multimedia
                 applications; Interactive multimedia documents;
                 Mass-market information services; Multimedia documents;
                 Multimedia transport capability; Previewing tools;
                 SGML; Temporal media; Text-like structure",
  thesaurus =    "Authoring languages; Electronic publishing; High level
                 languages; Multimedia systems; Standards",

  author =       "{Canadian Standards Association and Standards Council
                 of Canada}",
  title =        "Information processing: {SGML} support facilities:
                 techniques for using {SGML}",
  publisher =    pub-CSA,
  address =      pub-CSA:adr,
  pages =        "vii + 124",
  year =         "1990",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Mon Feb 05 17:56:34 2001",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "National Standard of Canada CAN/CSA-Z243.210.1-89 [CSA
                 standard] 0317-5669",
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "(ISO/IEC TR 9573). Includes bibliographical

  author =       "A. Dengel and N. M. Mattos and B. Mitschang",
  booktitle =    "Applications of Artificial Intelligence VIII",
  title =        "An integrated document management system",
  journal =      j-PROC-SPIE,
  volume =       "1293",
  number =       "pt.1",
  pages =        "368--379",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "PSISDG",
  ISSN =         "0277-786X (print), 1996-756X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0277-786X",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 16:59:09 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The authors propose an approach towards an integrated
                 document processing and management system that has the
                 intention to capture essentially freely structured
                 documents, like those typically used in the office
                 domain. The ANASTASIL component is capable to reveal
                 the structure as well as the contents of complex office
                 documents. Moreover, it facilitates the handling of the
                 containing information. Analyzed documents are stored
                 in a management system KRISYS that is connected to
                 several different subsequent services. The system is an
                 ideal extension of the human clerk, making his tasks in
                 information processing easier. The symbolic
                 representation allows an easy transformation in a given
                 international standard, e.g. ODA/ODIF or SGML, and to
                 interchange it via global networks.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "German Res. Center for Artificial Intelligence,
                 Kaiserslautern, West Germany",
  classification = "C6160Z (Other DBMS); C6170 (Expert systems); C7104
                 (Office automation)",
  confdate =     "17--19 April 1990",
  conflocation = "Orlando, FL, USA",
  confsponsor =  "SPIE",
  fjournal =     "Proceedings of the SPIE --- The International Society
                 for Optical Engineering",
  keywords =     "ANASTASIL; Complex office documents; Document
                 processing; Freely structured documents; Human clerk;
                 Information processing; Integrated document management
                 system; KRISYS; Multimedia filing; Office IS",
  thesaurus =    "Database management systems; Knowledge based systems;
                 Multimedia systems; Office automation; Records

  author =       "E. Efthimiadis",
  title =        "Online searching aids: a review of front ends,
                 gateways and other interfaces",
  journal =      j-J-DOC,
  volume =       "46",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "218--262",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "JDOCAS",
  ISSN =         "0022-0418 (print), 1758-7379 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0022-0418",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:56:31 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The review reports on the current state and the
                 potential of tools and systems designed to aid online
                 searching, referred to here as online searching aids.
                 Intermediary mechanisms are examined in terms of the
                 two stage model, i.e. end-user, intermediary, `raw
                 database', and different forms of user-system
                 interaction are discussed. The evolution of the
                 terminology of online searching aids is presented with
                 special emphasis on the expert/non-expert division.
                 Terms defined include gateways, front-end systems,
                 intermediary systems and post-processing. The
                 alternative configurations that such systems can have
                 and the approaches to the design of the user interface
                 are discussed. The review then analyses the functions
                 of online searching aids, i.e. logon procedures, access
                 to hosts, help features, search formulation, query
                 reformulation, database selection, uploading,
                 downloading and post-processing. Costs are then briefly
                 examined. The review concludes by looking at future
                 trends following recent developments in computer
                 science and elsewhere. Distributed expert based
                 information systems (DEBIS), the standard generalized
                 mark-up language (SGML), the client-server model,
                 object-orientation and parallel processing are expected
                 to influence, if they have not done so already, the
                 design and implementation of future online searching
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Inf. Sci., City Univ., London, UK",
  classification = "C7250N (Front end systems for online searching)",
  fjournal =     "Journal of Documentation",
  keywords =     "Client-server model; Database selection; DEBIS;
                 Distributed expert based information systems;
                 Downloading; Front-end systems; Gateways; Help
                 features; Information retrieval; Intermediary systems;
                 Logon procedures; Object-orientation; Online searching
                 aids; Parallel processing; Post-processing; Query
                 reformulation; Search formulation; SGML; Standard
                 generalised mark-up language; Uploading; User
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "Information retrieval; User interfaces",

  author =       "Marion Elledge and {Graphic Communications Association
                 (U. S.)}",
  title =        "The {SGML} source guide: the Graphic Communications
                 Association's guide to standard generalized markup
                 language ({SGML}) systems, software, service,
                 consultants, seminars, and resources",
  publisher =    pub-GRAPHICCOMM,
  address =      pub-GRAPHICCOMM:adr,
  year =         "1990",
  ISBN =         "0-933505-13-2",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-933505-13-1",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "Edited by Marion Elledge--T.p. verso. Includes
                 bibliographical references.",
  keywords =     "Electronic publishing; SGML (Computer program
                 language) --- Handbooks, manuals, etc",

  author =       "{Graphic Communications Association (U. S.)} and {SGML
                 Users' Group} and {SoftQuad Inc}",
  title =        "{SGML}, the movie",
  publisher =    pub-GRAPHICCOMM,
  address =      pub-GRAPHICCOMM:adr,
  year =         "1990",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "1 videocassette (18 min.)",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "VHS format. Presents an overview of Standard
                 Generalized Markup Language (SGML), an international
                 standard for describing the structure of (SGML), an
                 international standard for describing the structure of
                 text and multi-media documents.",
  keywords =     "SGML (Computer program language)",

  author =       "Martin Gogolla",
  title =        "A Note on the Translation of {SQL} to Tuple Calculus",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "19",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "18--22",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:34 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database;;
  abstract =     "This note presents a translation of a subset of the
                 relational query language SQL into the well known tuple
                 calculus. Roughly speaking, tuple calculus corresponds
                 to first order predicate calculus. The SQL subset is
                 relationally complete and represents a `relationally
                 core' of the language. Nevertheless, our translation is
                 simple and elegant. Therefore it is especially well
                 suited as a beginners course into the principles of a
                 formal definition of SQL.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Inf. Abt. Datenbanken, Tech. Univ. Braunschweig",
  affiliationaddress = "Braunschweig, West Ger",
  classification = "723; C4210 (Formal logic); C4250 (Database theory);
                 C6140D (High level languages); C6160D (Relational
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Beginner's course; Computer Metatheory--Algorithmic
                 Languages; Database Systems; First order predicate
                 calculus; Formal definition; Query Languages;
                 Relational core; Relational query language SQL; SQL
                 subset; SQL, SQL translation; Tuple Calculus; Well
                 known tuple calculus",
  thesaurus =    "Database theory; Formal logic; Query languages;
                 Relational databases; Standards",

  author =       "Charles F. Goldfarb and Yuri Rubinsky",
  title =        "The {SGML} Handbook",
  publisher =    pub-CLARENDON,
  address =      pub-CLARENDON:adr,
  pages =        "xxiv + 663",
  year =         "1990",
  ISBN =         "0-19-853737-9 (hardcover)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-19-853737-3 (hardcover)",
  LCCN =         "Z286.E43 G64 1990",
  bibdate =      "Fri May 26 08:13:56 1995",
  bibsource =    ";
  price =        "US\$75.00",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  tableofcontents = "Part I: Tutorials \\
                 Annex A: Introduction to Generalized Markup \\
                 Annex B: Basic Concepts \\
                 Annex C: Additional Concepts \\
                 Tutorial D: Link in a Nutshell \\
                 Part II: Overview of the Standard \\
                 1: Introduction \\
                 2: Text Processing Application \\
                 3: SGML Application \\
                 4: SGML Document \\
                 5: Processing Model \\
                 6: Storage Model \\
                 7: Character Sets \\
                 8: Markup Declarations \\
                 9: Conformance \\
                 Part III: SGML Annotated \\
                 Part IV: 8879 Annexes",

  author =       "C. M. Goldstein and M. F. Prettyman",
  editor =       "M. E. Williams",
  booktitle =    "National Online Meeting proceedings--1989, New York,
                 May 9--11, 1989",
  title =        "{SGML-encoding} of an online medical reference work:
                 experiences and observations",
  crossref =     "Williams:1990:NOM",
  publisher =    pub-LEARNED-INF,
  address =      pub-LEARNED-INF:adr,
  pages =        "137--144",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1990",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:48:07 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "A program entitled Online Reference Works in Medicine
                 (ORW) is being pursued, which is targeted at the
                 complete life-cycle of a publication. Publication is,
                 within the ORW program, being generalized to include
                 both hard-copy and online formats. In order to proceed
                 within one environment and include both output formats
                 a decision was made to encode text with SGML and, where
                 possible, use the Association of American Publishers
                 (AAP) Electronic Manuscript Standard for Document Type
                 Book. While the desirability of so encoding the text is
                 obvious from the perspective of hard-copy publishing,
                 the potential ramifications are even more pronounced in
                 terms of online storage and retrieval. The greatest
                 advantage from the perspective of the latter is the
                 unambiguous identification of objects for retrieval.
                 The paper addresses the following topics: aspects of a
                 user interface for editing and creation of both
                 SGML-encoded text and bibliographic references,
                 required changes to the AAP standard Document Type
                 Definition (DTD) for Document Type Book; overview of a
                 generalized SGML translator being developed in support
                 of this effort, and a summation of experiences and
                 observations to date.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Nat. Libr. of Med., Washington, DC, USA",
  bookpages =    "xii + 474",
  classification = "C6130 (Data handling techniques); C6180 (User
                 interfaces); C7230 (Publishing and reproduction);
                 C7250L (Non-bibliographic systems)",
  confdate =     "1--3 May 1990",
  conflocation = "New York, NY, USA",
  confsponsor =  "Learned Inf",
  keywords =     "AAP; Bibliographic references; Document Type Book;
                 Document Type Definition; Editing; Electronic
                 Manuscript Standard; Electronic publishing; Encoding;
                 Full text; Online Reference Works in Medicine; Online
                 retrieval; Online storage; ORW; SGML; User interface",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic publishing; Encoding; Information
                 retrieval; Information storage; Text editing; User

  author =       "J. Handley and S. Weibel",
  editor =       "R. Furuta",
  booktitle =    "EP90 Proceedings of the International Conference on
                 Electronic Publishing, Document Manipulation and
  title =        "{ADAPT}: automated document analysis processing and
  crossref =     "Furuta:1990:EPI",
  publisher =    pub-CUP,
  address =      pub-CUP:adr,
  pages =        "183--192",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1990",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:48:07 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "ADAPT is a document processing system that
                 automatically builds full-text databases from document
                 images. The major components of the process are
                 scanning, image segmentation, optical character
                 recognition (OCR), layout object identification and
                 database building. A retrieval system and user
                 interface completes the functionality. The system
                 features a general document representation that
                 includes the document image and an SGML tagged version.
                 Standards are adhered to where applicable.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "OCLC, Office of Res., Dublin, OH, USA",
  bookpages =    "x + 298",
  classification = "C5260B (Computer vision and picture processing);
                 C5530 (Pattern recognition and computer vision
                 equipment); C7230 (Publishing and reproduction); C7250C
                 (Bibliographic systems)",
  confdate =     "18--20 Sept. 1990",
  conflocation = "Gaithersburg, MD, USA",
  confsponsor =  "NIST; INRIA; Univ. Maryland",
  keywords =     "ADAPT; Automated document analysis processing;
                 Database building; Document images; Document processing
                 system; Full-text databases; General document
                 representation; Image segmentation; Layout object
                 identification; OCR; Optical character recognition;
                 Retrieval system; Scanning; SGML tagged version; User
  thesaurus =    "Bibliographic systems; Document image processing;
                 Electronic publishing; Image scanners; Optical
                 character recognition",

  author =       "Eric {van Herwijnen}",
  title =        "Practical {SGML}",
  publisher =    pub-KLUWER,
  address =      pub-KLUWER:adr,
  pages =        "xviii + 307",
  year =         "1990",
  DOI =          "",
  ISBN =         "0-7923-0635-X, 0-7923-9434-8",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-7923-0635-1, 978-0-7923-9434-1",
  LCCN =         "QA76.73.S44 V36 1990",
  bibdate =      "Mon Oct 26 07:31:07 1998",
  bibsource =    ";
  price =        "UK\pounds24.90, US\$49.00",
  abstract =     "Many times there are subjects which demand further
                 explanations and guidance written about them. Such is
                 the case with SGML, the Standard Generalized Markup
                 Language; and ISO Standard published in October, 1986
                 under the number 8879. There have been many conferences
                 given on this topic, world-wide, as the interest in
                 SGML exists in Europe, the US, Australia and Japan.
                 This book is the first which contains information not
                 only on ISO 8879 itself, but many helpful hints and
                 ideas on developing SGML, applications and discussions
                 of the current software written to be conforming to the
                 ISO standard. This book is critical for any end-user
                 and application developer to understand the many issues
                 necessary to develop SGML implementations (software
                 selection is one of the topics discussed) and SGML
                 applications. A number of examples of the applications
                 of SGML in various situations are discussed and one can
                 expect that the book will stimulate further discussion
                 of these. This book is a practical guide to various
                 components of the language and the author's experience
                 in development and working with SGML in his position as
                 leader of the text processing section at CERN ensures
                 that the guidance is based on practical first-hand
                 experience at an installation with a large number of
                 end-users of very varied experience.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  tableofcontents = "I Getting Started with SGML 1 \\
                 1: Introduction \\
                 2: An SGML application \\
                 document type components \\
                 3: Creating an SGML application: method and basics \\
                 4: Creating an SGML application: examples and summary
                 5: Managing SGML \\
                 II: Advanced SGML 97 \\
                 6: Creating an SGML application: advanced concepts \\
                 7: Advanced SGML constructs \\
                 8: Mathematics and Graphics \\
                 III: SGML implementations 165 \\
                 9: SGML implementations \\
                 10: Creating SGML documents \\
                 11: SGML and databases \\
                 12: The CALS initiative \\
                 13: SGML and EDI \\
                 Appendix A: Answers to the problems \\
                 A.1 Answers for Chapter 1 \\
                 A.2 Answers for Chapter 2 \\
                 A.3 Answers for Chapter 3 \\
                 A.4 Answers for Chapter 4 \\
                 A.5 Answers for Chapter 6 \\
                 A.6 Answers for Chapter 7 \\
                 A.7 Answers for Chapter 10 \\
                 Appendix B: Writing a book on SGML using SGML \\
                 B.1 Statistics \\
                 B.2 Document exchange \\
                 B.3 Bibliography for Appendix B \\
                 Appendix C: The Ericbook DTD \\
                 Appendix D: Some TeX entity definitions \\
                 Appendix E: How to read ISO 8879 \\
                 E.1 Structure of the SGML standard \\
                 E.2 Notation used in the SGML standard \\
                 E.3 Bibliography for Appendix E \\
                 Bibliography for Glossary",

  author =       "M. Iseri",
  title =        "A publisher's view of {DTP}",
  journal =      j-J-INFO-PROC-SOC-JAPAN,
  volume =       "31",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1501--1507",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "JOSHA4",
  ISSN =         "0447-8053",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:48:07 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The author discusses: the Editor's Workbench; the
                 Writer's Workbench; PostScript; SGML; {\TeX};
                 Illustrator; and Linotronic. (7 Refs.)",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C7108 (Desktop publishing)",
  fjournal =     "Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan =
                 Joho Shori",
  keywords =     "DTP; Editor's Workbench; Illustrator; Linotronic;
                 PostScript; Publisher's view; SGML; TEX; Writer's
  language =     "Japanese",
  pubcountry =   "Japan",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing",

  author =       "M. J. Kaelbling",
  title =        "On improving {SGML}",
  journal =      j-EPODD,
  volume =       "3",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "93--98",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "EPODEU",
  ISSN =         "0894-3982",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:48:07 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Several improvements are suggested to the syntax of
                 SGML, the recent international standard for the
                 description of electronic document types. These
                 improvements ease processing by existing tools, remove
                 ambiguity cleanly, and increase human usability. They
                 also indicate some guidelines that should be followed
                 in the design and specification of computer-software
                 standards. By following accepted computer-science
                 conventions for the description of languages the design
                 of a standard may be improved, and the subsequent
                 implementation task simplified.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Corp. Comput. Sci., Siemens AG, Munich, West Germany",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques)",
  fjournal =     "Electronic Pub\-lish\-ing\emdash{}Orig\-i\-na\-tion,
                 Dissemination, and Design",
  keywords =     "Ambiguity; Electronic document types; Electronic
                 publishing; Guidelines; International standard; LALR(1)
                 grammars; Parsing; SGML",
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic publishing; Word processing",

  author =       "N. Kamibayashi",
  title =        "State-of-the-art and perspectives on document
  journal =      j-J-INFO-PROC-SOC-JAPAN,
  volume =       "31",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1535--1542",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "JOSHA4",
  ISSN =         "0447-8053",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:48:07 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The author discusses document editors within the
                 context of desktop publishing. He mentions hypertext
                 and idea creation and structuring. He discusses the
                 document processing model, the document model, the
                 logical structure, the layout structure and the content
                 architecture. He covers WYSIWYG, idea processing,
                 outline processing and the structural document editor.
                 He looks at the Interleaf Office Publishing System and
                 discusses document processing languages such as SGML.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "System Technol. Res. Lab., Fuji Xerox Co. Ltd., Tokyo,
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7108
                 (Desktop publishing)",
  fjournal =     "Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan =
                 Joho Shori",
  keywords =     "Content architecture; Desktop publishing; Document
                 editors; Document model; Document processing languages;
                 Document processing model; Hypertext; Idea creation;
                 Idea processing; Idea structuring; Interleaf Office
                 Publishing System; Layout structure; Logical structure;
                 Outline processing; SGML; Structural document editor;
  language =     "Japanese",
  pubcountry =   "Japan",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; Text editing",

  author =       "J. Kamper",
  booktitle =    "Multimedia '90. 3rd IEEE {ComSec} International
                 Workshop on Multimedia Communications",
  title =        "Towards extensible multi-media document
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1990:MIC",
  publisher =    pub-CNET,
  address =      pub-CNET:adr,
  pages =        "6",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1990",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:43:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "In the future there will arise new requirements on
                 document architectures, especially, with respect to
                 multi-media applications. New information types like
                 audio, video, and business graphics, as well as, new
                 types of relationships like synchronization, spatial
                 overlapping, and numeric relations will be demanded.
                 They will have to support stable applications like
                 editing, document presentation, and document
                 interchange. Based on a brief requirement analysis, the
                 author introduces a model and compares existing
                 architectures in the terms of this model.
                 State-of-the-art architectures like ODA (Office
                 Document Architecture, ISO 8613, 1988), IIA
                 (Information Interchange Architecture, IBM3503, 1990),
                 CDA (Compound Document Architecture, CDA88, Digital,
                 1988) and SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language,
                 ISO 8879, 1988) are considered, as well as, some
                 advanced architectures like the multimedia and
                 hypermedia architectures described in (ISO 90) and
                 (HeDe 90). It turns out that the model is suitable to
                 comprehend different and common features of existing
                 architectures. In particular it clarifies the degree of
                 extensibility with respect to new applications,
                 especially, with respect to multi-media.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "IBM Eur. Networking Center, Heidelberg, Germany",
  bookpages =    "238",
  classification = "C6130E (Data interchange)",
  confdate =     "14--17 Nov. 1990",
  conflocation = "Bordeaux, France",
  confsponsor =  "IEEE; SEE; IEE",
  keywords =     "Audio; Business graphics; Document interchange;
                 Document presentation; Editing; Extensibility;
                 Extensible multi-media document architectures;
                 Hypermedia architectures; Multimedia; Numeric
                 relations; Requirement analysis; Spatial overlapping;
                 Synchronization; Video",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic data interchange; Multimedia systems;

  author =       "M. Kruger",
  booktitle =    "Electronic Transfer of Information and Its Impact on
                 Aerospace and Defense Research and Development
  title =        "Electronic publishing with {Standard Generalized
                 Markup Language} ({SGML})",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1990:ETI",
  publisher =    pub-AGARD,
  address =      pub-AGARD:adr,
  pages =        "11/1--8",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1990",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:56:31 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Concentrates on electronic publishing of information
                 made up of complex structured text (including technical
                 and scientific notations, graphics and images) in large
                 volumes with a long life cycle and suited for multiple
                 forms of output. In such a scenario, SGML serves as the
                 basic tool in order to achieve a new quality of
                 organizational control and managerial flexibility. The
                 specific features of SGML are demonstrated describing
                 applications developed within the Association of
                 American Publishers (AAP), the International Standards
                 Organization (ISO) and the CALS initiative
                 (Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistics Support) of
                 the US Department of Defense.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "MID Inf. Logistics Group GmbH, Heidelberg, West
  bookpages =    "vi + 384",
  classification = "C7108 (Desktop publishing); C7230 (Publishing and
  confdate =     "17--19 Oct. 1989",
  conflocation = "Brussels, Belgium",
  keywords =     "Association of American Publishers; CALS; Complex
                 structured text; Computer-aided Acquisition and
                 Logistics Support; Electronic publishing; Graphics;
                 Images; International Standards Organization; ISO; Life
                 cycle; Managerial flexibility; Multiple output forms;
                 Organizational control; Scientific notations; SGML;
                 Standard Generalized Markup Language; Technical
                 notations; US Department of Defense",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; Electronic publishing; High level
                 languages; Standards",

  author =       "M. Kruger",
  title =        "Technical publication: strategies and systems",
  journal =      j-NACH-DOK,
  volume =       "41",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "285--289",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "NADOAW",
  ISSN =         "0027-7436",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:48:07 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Technical publications typically are complex, bulky,
                 and have a long life. Their compilation, updating, and
                 editing for different target groups can only be
                 achieved with an efficient organisation. The shortage
                 of time and budget requires automation and
                 modularisation of the production process. To meet these
                 requirements in the framework of a compound document
                 processing architecture SGML (ISO 8879), a system
                 independent description language of the document
                 structure is a first important milestone. Others like
                 e.g. DSSSL or SPDL currently are under development.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "MID/Inf. Logistics Group GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany",
  classification = "C7230 (Publishing and reproduction)",
  fjournal =     "Nachrichten f{\"u}r Dokumentation",
  keywords =     "Automation; Budget; Compilation; Compound document
                 processing architecture; Document structure; DSSSL;
                 Editing; ISO 8879; Modularisation; Organisation;
                 Production process; SGML; SPDL; Standard generalized
                 markup language; System independent description
                 language; Technical publication; Updating",
  language =     "German",
  pubcountry =   "Germany",
  thesaurus =    "Publishing; Technical presentation",

  author =       "I. A. Macleod",
  editor =       "Diane Henderson",
  booktitle =    "SIS '90: Proceedings of the 53rd ASIS Annual Meeting,
                 Toronto, Ontario, November 4--8, 1990",
  title =        "Extending the command language interface to handle
                 marked-up documents",
  crossref =     "Henderson:1990:APA",
  publisher =    pub-ASIS,
  address =      pub-ASIS:adr,
  pages =        "192--196",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1990",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:43:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Two important international standards relating to text
                 have emerged. One of these, SGMI, describes a framework
                 for descriptive markup. The other, and more recent,
                 deals with a command language interface for full text
                 retrieval. The two standards have been developed in
                 isolation from one another and the command language can
                 handle only the conventional view of text and not the
                 relatively complex structures implicit in descriptive
                 markup. It is shown how a relatively simple syntactic
                 extension to the command language enables it to be
                 applied to SGML databases. Some implementation issues
                 are also discussed.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. and Inf. Sci., Queen's Univ.,
                 Kingston, Ont., Canada",
  bookpages =    "xiv + 393",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6160
                 (Database management systems (DBMS)); C6180 (User
                 interfaces); C7250L (Non-bibliographic systems)",
  confdate =     "4--8 Nov. 1990",
  conflocation = "Toronto, Ont., Canada",
  confsponsor =  "ASIS",
  keywords =     "Command language interface; Descriptive markup; Full
                 text retrieval; International standards; SGML
                 databases; Simple syntactic extension",
  thesaurus =    "Full-text databases; Page description languages;
                 Standards; User interfaces",

  author =       "I. A. Macleod",
  title =        "Storage and retrieval of structured documents",
  journal =      j-INFO-PROC-MAN,
  volume =       "26",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "197--208",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "IPMADK",
  ISSN =         "0306-4573 (print), 1873-5371 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0306-4573",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "There have been a number of important document related
                 activities which suggest the need for a new model for
                 text. ISO standards for document description have been
                 recently developed. These standards view documents as
                 hierarchical objects and it is likely that languages
                 such as SGML will become widely used in the near future
                 for document markup. As structured documents become
                 available, so there will be a need to evolve tools to
                 take advantage of structural knowledge. The work
                 described develops such tools. A conceptual model for
                 bibliographic data has been designed. The model is
                 known as Maestro (Management Environment for Structured
                 Text Retrieval and Organization). It supports
                 structured documents and provides a query language to
                 retrieve and link information contained in these
                 structures. An overview of Maestro is presented
                 together with an outline of the basic implementation
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. and Inf. Sci., Queen's Univ.,
                 Kingston, Ont., Canada",
  classification = "C6160Z (Other DBMS); C7250C (Bibliographic
  fjournal =     "Information Processing and Management",
  keywords =     "Bibliographic data; Conceptual model; Document markup;
                 Document related activities; Hierarchical objects; ISO
                 standards; Maestro; Query language; SGML; Structural
                 knowledge; Structured documents",
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "Bibliographic systems; Information retrieval;
                 Information retrieval systems; Information storage;
                 Query languages",

  author =       "Sandra A. Mamrak and Julie Barnes",
  title =        "Guidelines for the preparation of {SGML} document type
  type =         "Technical research report",
  number =       "OSU-CISRC-7/90-TR18",
  institution =  "Computer and Information Science Research Center, Ohio
                 State University",
  address =      "Columbus, OH, USA",
  pages =        "21",
  year =         "1990",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "July, 1990. Includes bibliographical references.
                 Abstract: ``The Standard Generalized Markup Language,
                 SGML, is being adopted by various international
                 organizations as the medium for exchange of
                 electronically encoded documents. A medium for exchange
                 of electronically encoded documents. An exchange is
                 accomplished by way of a Document Type Definition, DTD,
                 that describes the content of the documents targeted
                 for an exchange. In this paper we suggest guidelines
                 for the designers of SGML DTDs. The guidelines
                 emphasize uniformity and simplicity without sacrificing
                 expressive power.'' Supported in part by the Applied
                 Information Technologies Research Center",
  keywords =     "SGML (Computer program language)",

  author =       "N. M. Mattos and B. Mitschang",
  booktitle =    "1990 Conference on Office Information Systems",
  title =        "An approach to integrated office document processing
                 and management",
  journal =      j-SIGOIS,
  volume =       "11",
  number =       "2-3",
  pages =        "118--122",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "SIGBEL",
  ISSN =         "0894-0819",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The authors propose an approach towards a integrated
                 document processing and management system that has the
                 intention to capture essentially freely structured
                 documents, like those typically used in the office
                 domain. The document analysis system ANASTASIL is able
                 to reveal the structure as well as the contents of
                 complex paper documents. Moreover, it facilitates the
                 handling of the information contained. Analyzed
                 documents are stored in the management system KRISYS
                 that is connected to several different subsequent
                 services. The system can be considered as a ideal
                 extension of the human clerk, making his tasks in
                 information processing easier. The symbolic
                 representation of the analysis results allow an easy
                 transformation in a given international standard, e.g.
                 ODA/ODIF or SGML, and to interchange it via global
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Kaiserslautern Univ., Germany",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6160Z
                 (Other DBMS); C7104 (Office automation)",
  confdate =     "25--27 April 1990",
  conflocation = "Cambridge, MA, USA",
  confsponsor =  "IEEE; ACM",
  fjournal =     "SIGOIS Bulletin",
  keywords =     "ANASTASIL; Document analysis system; Freely structured
                 documents; Global networks; Integrated document
                 processing and management system; KRISYS; ODA/ODIF;
                 Office domain; SGML; Symbolic representation",
  thesaurus =    "Database management systems; Document image
                 processing; Office automation",

  author =       "C. Maymard and E. Meynieux",
  title =        "Document standards: the state of the art",
  journal =      j-GENIE-LOGICIEL-SYS-EXPERTS,
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "GLSEED",
  ISSN =         "0295-6322",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:48:07 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Different standards for documents are presented and
                 compared including SGML and ODA, the constructor
                 standards CDA and MO:DCA and other standards offered by
                 IBM, DEC and the DoD. The interest in standardisation
                 is discussed before going into detail on the various
                 systems listed above, including the principles of the
                 techniques, exchange format, application format and
                 architectures. Tools which are available commercially
                 and the application of document management techniques
                 are also given.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C6130 (Data handling techniques); C7100 (Business
                 and administration)",
  fjournal =     "G{\'e}nie Logiciel and Syst{\`e}mes Experts",
  issue =        "no.21 p. 36--53",
  keywords =     "Application format; Architectures; CALS; CDA; Compound
                 document architecture; Constructor standards; DEC;
                 Document management techniques; Exchange format; IBM;
                 Mixed object document content architecture; MO DCA;
                 ODA; Office document architecture; SGML; Standard
                 generalized markup language",
  language =     "French",
  pubcountry =   "France",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic data interchange; Office automation;

  author =       "N. Murayama",
  title =        "{DTP} today and future",
  journal =      j-J-INFO-PROC-SOC-JAPAN,
  volume =       "31",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1483--1494",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "JOSHA4",
  ISSN =         "0447-8053",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:48:07 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The author discusses the present state of desktop
                 publishing (DTP) and how it relates to computer aided
                 publishing, electronic publishing and the personal
                 computer. He discusses SGML and how pictorial
                 information and character fonts can be manipulated
                 within a text.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7108
                 (Desktop publishing)",
  fjournal =     "Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan =
                 Joho Shori",
  keywords =     "Character fonts; Computer aided publishing; Desktop
                 publishing; DTP; Electronic publishing; Personal
                 computer; Pictorial information; SGML",
  language =     "Japanese",
  pubcountry =   "Japan",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing",

  author =       "S. R. Newcomb",
  editor =       "J. Moline and D. Benigni and J. Baronas",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings of the Hypertext Standardization Workshop
                 (NIST SP 500-178)",
  title =        "Explanatory cover material for Section 7.2 of
                 {X3V1.8M\slash SD-7}, Fifth Draft (music description
  crossref =     "Moline:1990:PHS",
  publisher =    pub-NIST,
  address =      pub-NIST:adr,
  pages =        "179--188",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1990",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:48:07 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The mission of the ANSI X3V1.8M Music in Information
                 Processing Standards (MIPS) committee is to develop a
                 Standard Music Description Language (SMDL) to enable
                 interchange of musical documents. The committee has
                 chosen to represent the structure of the information
                 represented by SMDL as a Standard Generalized Markup
                 Language Document Type Definition. The MIPS committee
                 developed a general model for the representation of
                 schedules for the execution of events. When it
                 confronted the problem of representing music in several
                 of its normal contexts, such as the interdependently
                 synchronized lighting, staging, and orchestra cues in
                 musical comedy and opera, the MIPS committee developed
                 SGML-based means of representing links within and among
                 documents. These means are what is set forth in this
                 extract of the fifth draft of X3V1.8M/SD-7.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Center for Music Res., Florida State Univ.,
                 Tallahassee, FL, USA",
  bookpages =    "vi + 269",
  classification = "C6120 (File organisation); C6130 (Data handling
                 techniques); C6140D (High level languages); C6160Z
                 (Other DBMS); C7250 (Information storage and
                 retrieval); C7820 (Humanities)",
  confdate =     "16--18 Jan. 1990",
  conflocation = "Gaithersburg, MD, USA",
  confsponsor =  "NIST",
  keywords =     "ANSI X3V1.8M; Document interchange; Hypermedia; MIPS;
                 Musical documents; SMDL; Standard Music Description
  thesaurus =    "Data structures; Electronic data interchange;
                 Hypermedia; Music; Specification languages;
                 Standardisation; Standards",

  author =       "H. Petersen",
  title =        "Conception and implementation of a network service for
                 the processing of documents",
  journal =      j-INFORMACNE-SYSTEMY,
  volume =       "19",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "321--337",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "ISYSDJ",
  ISSN =         "0323-1984",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:48:07 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "A general survey is given of the activities connected
                 with computerized processing of generally conceived
                 documents (not only contents but structure and outward
                 appearance as well; and not only text but also figures,
                 formulae, tables and graphics), based upon a broadly
                 conceived reference model of such a processing of
                 documents. The relationship between this model and the
                 tools specified in international standards (ODA, ODIF,
                 SGML) is also shown. Possibilities are mentioned of
                 rendering different network services for the
                 computerized processing of documents and their
                 publishing. The experiences gained in rendering such
                 services in the network environment of the Aachen
                 University are also described.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Tech. Univ., Aachen, West Germany",
  classification = "B6210L (Computer communications); C5620 (Computer
                 networks and techniques); C6130 (Data handling
                 techniques); C7230 (Publishing and reproduction)",
  fjournal =     "Informacne Systemy",
  keywords =     "Computerized processing; Contents; Generally conceived
                 documents; Graphics; International standards; Network
                 environment; Network service; ODA; ODIF; Publishing;
                 Reference model; SGML; Text",
  language =     "Slovak",
  pubcountry =   "Czechoslovakia",
  thesaurus =    "Computer networks; Electronic publishing; Standards;
                 Word processing",

  author =       "B. Robinson and G. Wu",
  editor =       "D. I. Raitt",
  booktitle =    "Online Information 90. 14th International Online
                 Information Meeting. Proceedings",
  title =        "Applications of {SGML}",
  crossref =     "Raitt:1990:OII",
  publisher =    pub-LEARNED-INF,
  address =      pub-LEARNED-INF:adr,
  pages =        "75--82",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1990",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:48:07 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The paper focuses on applications of SGML which are
                 currently the subject of research and development
                 contracts within the Information Technology group of
                 ERDC at the Hatfield Polytechnic. Detail is provided on
                 one particular project undertaken for the Science and
                 Engineering Research Council (SERC). Software has been
                 developed which allows users to complete complex
                 electronic forms on a standard personal computer in
                 SGML format. The software is independent of the form
                 structure which is defined in ASCII files using a
                 powerful, compact purpose-designed language. Close
                 control over all aspects of data capture including data
                 integrity, virtual fields and online user help is
                 supported. The completed forms are transmitted as
                 electronic mail across a wide area network and
                 processed automatically in a mainframe environment at
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Electron. Res. and Dev. Centre, Hatfield Polytech.,
  bookpages =    "xii + 531",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7108
                 (Desktop publishing); C7230 (Publishing and
  confdate =     "11--13 Dec. 1990",
  conflocation = "London, UK",
  keywords =     "ASCII files; Complex electronic forms; Data capture;
                 Data integrity; Electronic mail; ERDC; Hatfield
                 Polytechnic; Online user help; SERC; SGML; Standard
                 personal computer; Wide area network",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; Electronic mail; Electronic
                 publishing; Microcomputer applications; Personal
                 computing; Word processing",

  author =       "A. Scheller",
  title =        "{Einsatz von SGML im Deutschen Forschungsnetz}
                 ({English}: Usage of {SGML} within the {German Research
                 Network DFN})",
  journal =      j-INFORMATIONS-TECHNIK,
  volume =       "32",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "186--193",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "ICSAES",
  ISSN =         "0179-9738",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 01 09:25:44 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "DAPHNE is a document processing system implemented to
                 support joint editing and document interchange within
                 the German Research Network DFN. The system is based on
                 two international standards in the area of document and
                 graphics processing, the standard generalized markup
                 language (SGML) and the computer graphics metafile
                 (CGM). This paper presents the functionality offered by
                 DAPHNE with special emphasis on methods for integrating
                 graphics into documents. In addition, user's experience
                 gained during pilot operation of DAPHNE is analyzed and
                 future extensions are briefly discussed.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "GMD-FOKUS, Berlin, West Germany",
  classification = "C7108 (Desktop publishing); C7230 (Publishing and
  fjournal =     "Informationstechnik --- IT",
  keywords =     "Computer graphics metafile; DAPHNE; Document
                 interchange; Document processing system; Editing;
                 German Research Network DFN; International standards;
                 SGML; Standard generalized markup language",
  language =     "German",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic publishing; Standards",

  author =       "A. Scheller and C. Fuhrhop",
  editor =       "C. E. Vandoni and D. A. Duce",
  booktitle =    "Eurographics '90. Proceedings of the European Computer
                 Graphics Conference and Exhibition",
  title =        "Joint editing with {DAPHNE} --- a system integrating
                 {CGMs} into {SGML} documents",
  crossref =     "Vandoni:1990:EPE",
  publisher =    pub-NH,
  address =      pub-NH:adr,
  pages =        "113--124",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1990",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:48:07 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Presents DAPHNE, a document processing system for
                 joint editing within the German research network DFN.
                 DAPHNE is based on two international standards in the
                 area of document and graphics processing, the standard
                 generalized markup language (SGML) and the computer
                 graphics metafile (CGM). The functionality of DAPHNE is
                 described with special emphasis on integrating graphics
                 in documents, as well as the experience with the system
                 in a pilot phase and future plans for extensions.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Forschungszentrum F{\"u}r Offene
                 Kommunikationssysteme, Berlin, West Germany",
  bookpages =    "xiv + 562",
  classification = "C5260B (Computer vision and picture processing);
                 C6130B (Graphics techniques); C6140D (High level
  confdate =     "4--7 Sept. 1990",
  conflocation = "Montreux, Switzerland",
  keywords =     "CGMs; Computer graphics metafile; DAPHNE; DFN;
                 Document processing system; German research network;
                 Graphics processing; International standards; Joint
                 editing; SGML documents; Standard generalized markup
  thesaurus =    "Computer graphics; Document image processing; High
                 level languages; Standards; Text editing",

  author =       "A. Scheller",
  title =        "Usage of {SGML} within the {German Research Network}
  journal =      j-INFORMATIONS-TECHNIK,
  volume =       "32",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "186--193",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "ICSAES",
  ISSN =         "0179-9738",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:56:31 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "GMD-FOKUS, Berlin, West Germany",
  classification = "C7108 (Desktop publishing); C7230 (Publishing and
  fjournal =     "Informationstechnik --- IT",
  keywords =     "Computer graphics metafile; DAPHNE; Document
                 interchange; Document processing system; Editing;
                 German Research Network DFN; International standards;
                 SGML; Standard generalized markup language",
  language =     "German",
  pubcountry =   "West Germany",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic publishing; Standards",

  author =       "M. Taylor",
  booktitle =    "Electronic Transfer of Information and Its Impact on
                 Aerospace and Defense Research and Development
  title =        "Desktop publishing-what you need to know",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1990:ETI",
  publisher =    pub-AGARD,
  address =      pub-AGARD:adr,
  pages =        "10/1--25",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1990",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:56:31 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Desktop publishing (DTP) is the way many people can
                 use some of the `traditional' publishing skills. DTP
                 can cope with different types of input (text, images,
                 etc.), is easier to read, more authoritative, more
                 effective in communicating, uses less paper, and
                 facilitates multiple and multimedia output. When the
                 documentation of a device outweighs the device itself
                 and when the documentation needs frequent updating then
                 DTP can save much money. The minimum requirements for
                 DTP are a PC, a screen to show input or output, a
                 printer (preferably a laser printer) to print the
                 output, a keyboard, a mouse and some DTP software. In
                 addition to creating pages the software should support
                 document retrieval, document management, revision
                 control, revision tracking, distribution, and
                 distribution control. The system should accept texts
                 from other devices such as networks, should permit
                 optical as well as intelligent character reading,
                 should accept images such as line drawings and
                 photographs, and should permit the creation of
                 graphics. Publishing standards and architectures such
                 as the Standard Generalised Markup Language (SGML) and
                 the Office Document Architecture (ODA) play an
                 increasing role in DTP.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Digital Equipment Co. Ltd., Basingstoke, UK",
  bookpages =    "vi + 384",
  classification = "C7108 (Desktop publishing)",
  confdate =     "17--19 Oct. 1989",
  conflocation = "Brussels, Belgium",
  keywords =     "Desktop publishing; Distribution control; Document
                 management; Document retrieval; Documentation;
                 Graphics; Images; Intelligent character reading;
                 Keyboard; Laser printer; Line drawings; Mouse;
                 Multimedia output; Networks; ODA; Office Document
                 Architecture; Optical character recognition; Personal
                 computer; Photographs; Readability; Revision control;
                 Revision tracking; Screen; SGML; Standard Generalised
                 Markup Language; Text; Updating",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; Reviews",

  author =       "Kiyoshi Toyoda and Eri Kumagai and Tatsuo Bando",
  title =        "{SGML} document structure editor",
  journal =      j-NAT-TECH-REP,
  volume =       "36",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "89--95 (or 597--603??)",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "NTROAV",
  ISSN =         "0028-0291",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The standard generalized markup language (SGML)
                 provides a standardized way of coding the structural
                 information of a document. It was adopted as ISO
                 standard 8879 in 1986. Today, commercial use of the
                 SGML standard has been started in the US and Europe. In
                 Japan, its adaptation to the JIS is being discussed.
                 Recently, SGML has been expected to increase the
                 efficiency of electronic document processing. In order
                 to prepare a SGML-coded text using a conventional word
                 processor of text editor, the user must have thorough
                 knowledge of the SGML, and understand the structure of
                 the document. To solve this problem, an SGML structured
                 editor has been developed. The editor gives guidance to
                 the user how to mark the document correctly. It
                 displays the marks of the structure elements before the
                 user inputs the text so that the document structure is
                 understood and mark-up errors are avoided.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Eng. Res. Lab., Matsushita Graphic Commun. Syst. Inc.,
                 Osaka, Japan",
  classification = "C6120 (File organisation); C6130D (Document
                 processing techniques); C7106 (Word processing); C7108
                 (Desktop publishing); C7230 (Publishing and
  fjournal =     "National Technical Report",
  keywords =     "Document structure; Electronic document processing;
                 ISO standard 8879; Mark-up errors; SGML; SGML document
                 structure editor; SGML structured editor; SGML-coded
                 text; Standard generalized markup language",
  language =     "Japanese",
  pubcountry =   "Japan",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; Publishing; Software packages;
                 Text editing; Word processing",

  author =       "C. G. {van der Laan}",
  title =        "Announcing two reports: {SGML-\LaTeX} and Journal
                 style guidelines",
  journal =      j-TUGBOAT,
  volume =       "11",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "86--86",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "1990",
  ISSN =         "0896-3207",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 01 09:00:37 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "TUGboat",

  author =       "M. Walter",
  title =        "{OSU}'s {Chameleon} architecture: a grammatical
                 approach to translation and {DTDs}",
  journal =      j-SEYBOLD-REP-PUB-SYS,
  volume =       "20",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "17--23",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "SRPSD9",
  ISSN =         "0736-7260",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Describes part of an ongoing research project
                 involving language translation and grammar generators.
                 It is fairly technical and will be of most interest to
                 vendors or large users investigating SGML, particularly
                 the writing of document type definitions and the
                 development of text translators to and from SGML.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C4210 (Formal logic); C6130D (Document processing
                 techniques); C7820 (Humanities)",
  fjournal =     "Seybold Report on Publishing Systems",
  keywords =     "Context-free braced language; Grammar generators;
                 Language translation; Research project; SGML; Software
                 tools; Text translators",
  thesaurus =    "Context-free grammars; Language translation; Word

  author =       "B. C. Watson and R. J. Davis",
  title =        "{ODA} and {SGML}: an assessment of co-existence
  volume =       "11",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "169--176",
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "CSTIEZ",
  ISSN =         "0920-5489 (print), 1872-7018 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0920-5489",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:48:07 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Given the existence of two standards for test
                 processing systems that accomplish similar goals, with
                 similar means, but dissimilar results, the authors seek
                 to reconcile the two. Office Document Architecture
                 (ODA) and Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)
                 are found to have no fundamental incompatibilities,
                 opening the way to either formally melding them into a
                 single internationally recognized standard or through
                 practical implementations forming a de facto standard
                 that encompasses both. The conclusion is that the
                 latter is most likely to occur, but in any case either
                 is preferable to the current situation.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Technol. Assessment Dept., OCLC Online Comput. Libr.
                 Center Inc., Dublin, OH, USA",
  classification = "C6120 (File organisation); C6130 (Data handling
                 techniques); C7104 (Office automation); C7106 (Word
                 processing); C7108 (Desktop publishing)",
  fjournal =     "Computer Standards and Interfaces",
  keywords =     "De facto standard; Incompatibilities; ODA; Office
                 Document Architecture; SGML; Standard Generalized
                 Markup Language; Standards compatibility; Test
                 processing systems",
  pubcountry =   "Netherlands",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; Document image processing;
                 Electronic data interchange; Office automation; Open
                 systems; Standards; Word processing",

  author =       "Jennifer Widom and Sheldon J. Finkelstein",
  title =        "Set-oriented production rules in relational database
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "19",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "259--270",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:34 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database;;
  abstract =     "We propose incorporating a production rules facility
                 into a relational database system. Such a facility
                 allows definition of database operations that are
                 automatically executed whenever certain conditions are
                 met. In keeping with the set-oriented approach of
                 relational data manipulation languages, our production
                 rules are also set-oriented-they are triggered by sets
                 of changes to the database and may perform sets of
                 changes. The condition and action parts of our
                 production rules may refer to the current state of the
                 database as well as to the sets of changes triggering
                 the rules. We define a syntax for production rule
                 definition as an extension to SQL. A model of system
                 behavior is used to give an exact semantics for
                 production rule execution, taking into account
                 externally-generated operations, self-triggering rules,
                 and simultaneous triggering of multiple rules.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "IBM Almaden Research Cent",
  affiliationaddress = "San Jose, CA, USA",
  classification = "723; C6140D (High level languages); C6160D
                 (Relational DBMS); C6170 (Expert systems)",
  conference =   "Proceedings of the 1990 ACM SIGMOD International
                 Conference on Management of Data",
  conferenceyear = "1990",
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Action; Computer Programming --- Algorithms; Computer
                 Programming Languages; Condition; Database operations;
                 Database Systems; Exact semantics; Externally-generated
                 operations; Multiple rules; Production rules;
                 Relational; Relational data manipulation languages;
                 Self-triggering rules; Self-Triggering Rules,
                 Relational database systems; Set-oriented; Set-Oriented
                 Production Rules; Simultaneous triggering; SQL; Syntax;
                 System behavior",
  meetingaddress = "Atlantic City, NJ, USA",
  meetingdate =  "May 23--25 1990",
  meetingdate2 = "05/23--25/90",
  publisherinfo = "Fort Collins Computer Center",
  sponsor =      "ACM SIGMOD, New York, NY, USA",
  thesaurus =    "Knowledge based systems; Query languages; Relational
  xxcrossref =   "Anonymous:1990:ASI",

  author =       "Reinhard Wonneberger",
  title =        "Structured document processing: the {\LaTeX}
  crossref =     "Nadrchal:1990:MMI",
  pages =        "177--189",
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "CPHCBZ",
  bibdate =      "Sat Sep 17 11:20:31 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Invited paper.",
  abstract =     "Basic concepts and the usage of {\LaTeX} are
                 introduced. The idea of general markup and other
                 important concepts of structured document processing
                 are introduced. The general importance of {\LaTeX} and
                 {\TeX} and their future development are discussed. (44
  acknowledgement = ack-rw # " and " # ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Electron. Data Syst. (Deutschland)",
  classification = "C7106 (Word processing)",
  confdate =     "19--28 Sept. 1989",
  conflocation = "Skalsky dvur, Czechoslovakia",
  confsponsor =  "EPS; Czechoslovak Acad. Sci.; Union of Czechoslovak
                 Math. Phys",
  keywords =     "General markup; LaTeX approach; Structured document
                 processing; TeX",
  language =     "English",
  pubcountry =   "Netherlands",
  thesaurus =    "Text editing; Word processing",

  author =       "T. Yamakawa and Y. Kawabata and H. Tamura",
  title =        "Desktop publishing viewed from the office automation
  journal =      j-J-INFO-PROC-SOC-JAPAN,
  volume =       "31",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1508--1517",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "JOSHA4",
  ISSN =         "0447-8053",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:48:07 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The authors mention: Aldus, PageMaker, computerised
                 typesetting and DTP's links with office automation.
                 They discuss WYSIWYG; SGML; {\TeX}; PostScript; the
                 office document architecture; and various systems such
                 as the Andrew Toolkit Document System; the Diamond
                 multimedia system; and EXPRESS. (33 Refs.)",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C7104 (Office automation); C7108 (Desktop
  fjournal =     "Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan =
                 Joho Shori",
  keywords =     "Aldus; Andrew Toolkit Document System; Computerised
                 typesetting; Desktop publishing; Diamond multimedia
                 system; EXPRESS; Office automation; Office document
                 architecture; PageMaker; PostScript; SGML; TEX; TeX;
  language =     "Japanese",
  pubcountry =   "Japan",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; Office automation",

  author =       "{American National Standards Institute Committee X3}",
  title =        "Proposed American National Standard: information
                 technology: test and office systems: conformance
                 testing for standard generalized markup language
                 ({SGML}) systems: draft 3\slash 4\slash 1991",
  publisher =    pub-ANSI,
  address =      pub-ANSI:adr,
  pages =        "28",
  year =         "1991",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "Cover title: Draft proposed American National Standard
                 conformance testing for SGML. Running title: SGML
                 conformance testing. Prepared by X3V1 - Test: Office
                 and Publishing System. Accredited Standards Committee,
                 X3 - Information Processing System--Cover. April 1,
                 1991--Cover. X3.190-199x--Cover. X3V1/91-04. ANSI
                 X3.190 ANSI X3.190",
  keywords =     "SGML (Computer program language) --- Standards.",

  author =       "F. Augenstein and T. Ottmann and J. Schoning",
  editor =       "H. Maurer",
  booktitle =    "Hypertext\slash Hypermedia '91",
  title =        "A type- and rule-controlled authoring system",
  crossref =     "Maurer:1991:H",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "25--33",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1991",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:43:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "After introducing the context and some examples of an
                 authoring system, type-control is examined with two
                 Pascal programs. Rule-control is considered and the
                 implementation requirements are also covered.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Inst. f{\"u}r Inf., Freiburg Univ., Germany",
  bookpages =    "viii + 298",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7810C
                 (Computer-aided instruction)",
  confdate =     "28 May 1991",
  conflocation = "Graz, Austria",
  keywords =     "CAI; Hypermedia; KBS; Pascal programs; Rule-controlled
                 authoring system; SGML; Type-control",
  language =     "German",
  thesaurus =    "Authoring languages; Computer aided instruction;
                 Hypermedia; Knowledge based systems; Word processing",

  author =       "J. A. Barnes and S. A. Mamrak",
  title =        "A model and toolset for the uniform tagging of encoded
  journal =      j-EPODD,
  volume =       "4",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "63--85",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "EPODEU",
  ISSN =         "0894-3982",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:43:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The authors present a new, abstract model for textual
                 data objects with embedded markup. Based on the model,
                 they propose a uniform representation for these objects
                 that borrows its concrete syntax from the ISO standard
                 SGML. Such a uniform representation will greatly
                 facilitate the development of software that analyzes,
                 formats or otherwise processes these objects. They then
                 describe a toolset that supports the retagging of
                 existing encoded data objects to the new uniform
                 representation. Their experience with the toolset
                 demonstrates a savings of approximately 10:1 over a
                 retagging effort without the toolset.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Comp. Sci., Bowling Green State Univ., OH,
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7230
                 (Publishing and reproduction)",
  fjournal =     "Electronic Pub\-lish\-ing\emdash{}Orig\-i\-na\-tion,
                 Dissemination, and Design",
  keywords =     "Electronic publishing; Embedded markup; Encoded
                 documents; ISO standard; Lexical analysis; SGML;
                 Standard Generalized Markup Language; Tagging; Textual
                 data objects",
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; Electronic publishing; Standards",

  author =       "U. Bormann and C. Bormann",
  title =        "Standards for open document processing: current state
                 and future developments",
  journal =      j-COMP-NET-ISDN,
  volume =       "21",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "149--163",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "CNISE9",
  ISSN =         "0169-7552 (print), 1879-2324 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0169-7552",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    ";
  abstract =     "SGML (ISO 8879) and ODA (ISO 8613) are the two
                 predominant international standards in the realm of
                 open document processing, gaining more and more
                 importance for the interchange of documents in both the
                 publishing environment and the office environment. To
                 ensure early availability the functionality currently
                 provided by these standards has been restricted with
                 respect to some future requirements. The pertinent
                 international standardization committees are currently
                 working on the required future extensions to these
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Tech. Univ., Berlin, Germany",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques)",
  fjournal =     "Computer Networks and ISDN Systems",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Document interchange formats; International
                 standardization committees; International standards;
                 ODA; Office document architecture; Office environment;
                 Open document processing; Publishing environment; SGML;
                 Standard generalised markup language",
  pubcountry =   "Netherlands",
  thesaurus =    "Document image processing; Electronic data
                 interchange; Standards",

  author =       "Robin Cover and Nicholas Duncan and David T. Barnard",
  title =        "Bibliography on {SGML} (Standard Generalized Markup
                 Language) and related issues",
  institution =  "Dept. of Computing and Information Science, Queen's
                 University at Kingston",
  address =      "Kingston, Ontario, Canada",
  pages =        "312",
  year =         "1991",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Technical report 91-299 0836-0227.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "February 1991",
  keywords =     "SGML (Computer program language); Text processing
                 (Computer science)",

  author =       "R. Cover and N. Duncan and D. T. Barnard",
  title =        "The Progress of {SGML} ({Standard Generalized Markup
                 Language}): Extracts from a Comprehensive
  journal =      j-LIT-LING-COMP,
  volume =       "6",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "197--199",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "LLCOEI",
  ISSN =         "0268-1145",
  ISSN-L =       "0268-1145",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) is used to
                 describe structured documents and related digital
                 information in a machine and application independent
                 way. Markup is added to a text or SGML database to
                 describe its features rather than to specify processing
                 instructions to be carried out. The authors elaborate
                 on the need for SGML and for a bibliographic guide to
                 SGML documents and resources. They describe the
                 development of a printed and electronic bibliography
                 covering SGML and related issues in text processing. An
                 extract of the most significant entries from the
                 comprehensive bibliography is included.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dallas Theological Seminary, TX, USA",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7230
                 (Publishing and reproduction)",
  fjournal =     "Literary and Linguistic Computing",
  keywords =     "Digital information; Electronic bibliography; SGML;
                 Standard Generalized Markup Language; Structured
                 documents; Text processing",
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic publishing; Specification languages; Word

  author =       "D. D. Cowan and E. W. Mackie and G. M. Pianosi and G.
                 {de V. Smit}",
  title =        "{Rita}\emdash an editor and user interface for
                 manipulating structured documents",
  journal =      j-EPODD,
  volume =       "4",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "125--150",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "EPODEU",
  ISSN =         "0894-3982",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 01 09:56:23 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Structured documents such as those developed for SGML,
                 GML or {\LaTeX} usually contain a combination of text
                 and tags. Since various types of documents require tags
                 with different placement, the creator of a document
                 must learn and retain a large amount of knowledge. Rita
                 consists of an editor and user interface which are
                 controlled by a grammar or description of a document
                 type and its tags, and which guide the user in
                 preparing a document, thus avoiding the problems of
                 tags being used or placed incorrectly. The user
                 interface contains a display which is almost WYSIWYG so
                 that the appearance of the document can be examined
                 while it is being prepared. The authors describe Rita,
                 its user interface and some of its internal structure
                 and algorithms, and relate anecdotal user experiences.
                 Comparisons are also made with other commercial and
                 experimental systems.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Waterloo Univ., Ont., Canada",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6140D
                 (High level languages); C6180 (User interfaces); C7108
                 (Desktop publishing); C7230 (Publishing and
  fjournal =     "Electronic Pub\-lish\-ing\emdash{}Orig\-i\-na\-tion,
                 Dissemination, and Design",
  keywords =     "Document type; Editor; Experimental systems; GML;
                 Grammar; Internal structure; LaTeX; Rita; SGML;
                 Structured documents; Tags; User experiences; User
                 interface; WYSIWYG",
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; Electronic publishing; High level
                 languages; Text editing; User interfaces",

  author =       "P. Debras and P. Poyet and E. Brisson",
  title =        "Expert systems and documentary databases integration
                 (for building regulations)",
  journal =      j-MICROCOMP-CIVIL-ENG,
  volume =       "6",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "281--289",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "MCENE7",
  ISSN =         "0885-9507",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "After a brief overview of the basic layers of the
                 expert system shell, the MIPS knowledge modelling
                 environment, the process line allowing the hypertext
                 browsing of an SGML documentary database is described.
                 The documentary database information retrieval module
                 is then presented, followed by the MIPS design
                 reasoning mode. The paper then shows how the QUAKES
                 application takes advantage of all these facilities in
                 an homogeneous and integrated software environment.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Knowledge Base Div., CSTB, Valbonne, France",
  classification = "C6130E (Data interchange); C6160Z (Other DBMS);
                 C6170 (Expert systems); C7440 (Civil and mechanical
  fjournal =     "Microcomputers in Civil Engineering",
  keywords =     "Building regulations; Expert system shell; Hypertext
                 browsing; Information retrieval; MIPS design reasoning;
                 MIPS knowledge modelling environment; QUAKES
                 application; SGML documentary database; Software
  thesaurus =    "Building; Civil engineering computing; Electronic data
                 interchange; Expert systems; Hypermedia; Information

  author =       "Andrew E. Dobrowolski",
  title =        "Typesetting {SGML} documents using {\TeX}",
  journal =      j-TUGBOAT,
  volume =       "12",
  number =       "34",
  pages =        "409--414",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1991",
  ISSN =         "0896-3207",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 12 01:26:30 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "TUGboat",

  author =       "Marion Elledge and {Graphic Communications Association
                 (U. S.)}",
  title =        "The {SGML} source guide: the Graphic Communications
                 Association's guide to standard generalized markup
                 language ({SGML}) systems, software, service,
                 consultants, seminars, and resources",
  publisher =    pub-GRAPHICCOMM,
  address =      pub-GRAPHICCOMM:adr,
  edition =      "Revised {June} 1991",
  pages =        "212",
  year =         "1991",
  ISBN =         "0-933505-13-2",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-933505-13-1",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  price =        "US\$72.00",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "Edited by Marion Elledge--T.p. verso. Includes
                 bibliographical references.",
  keywords =     "Electronic publishing; graphic methods; SGML (Computer
                 program language) --- Directories",

  author =       "Claudio Fratarcangeli",
  title =        "Technique for universal quantification in {SQL}",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "20",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "16--24",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:39 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Black Diamond Software Inc., Ridgefield, CT, USA",
  classification = "C6140D (High level languages); C6160D (Relational
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Explicit general support; Negated existential
                 quantification; Relational queries; SQL; Universal
                 quantification; User friendliness",
  thesaurus =    "Query languages; Relational databases",

  author =       "G. H. Gessert",
  title =        "Handling missing data by using stored truth values",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "20",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "30--42",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:39 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Primerica Corp., Baltimore, MD, USA",
  classification = "C4210 (Formal logic); C6130 (Data handling
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "2-Valued data manipulation language; 4-Valued
                 operations; Default values; Logical status; Missing
                 data handling; SQL; Stored truth values; Unknown
                 missing data",
  thesaurus =    "Data handling; Error handling; Many-valued logics",

  author =       "Charles F. Goldfarb",
  title =        "Standards: {HyTime}: a standard for structured
                 hypermedia interchange",
  journal =      j-COMPUTER,
  volume =       "24",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "81--84",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "CPTRB4",
  ISSN =         "0018-9162 (print), 1558-0814 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0018-9162",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 1 16:21:14 MST 1997",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database;
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "IBM Almaden Res. Center, San Jose, CA, USA",
  classification = "723; 902; C5620 (Computer networks and techniques);
                 C6130 (Data handling techniques); C7250 (Information
                 storage and retrieval)",
  fjournal =     "Computer",
  journal-URL =  "",
  journalabr =   "Computer",
  keywords =     "American standard; ASN.1; Computer Networks; Digital
                 Communication Systems; Hyperdocument architecture;
                 Hypermedia information; HyTime; HyTime Standard;
                 Industry groups; Integrated Open Hypermedia;
                 International standard; ISO 8824; ISO 8879; ISO/IEC
                 10744; ISO/IEC 10744 Standard; Motion video; Multimedia
                 Objects; Multimedia objects; OSI compatibility;
                 Standards; Standards committees; Still pictures;
                 Structured Hypermedia Interchange; Structured
                 hypermedia interchange",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic data interchange; Hypermedia; Open systems;

  author =       "Thomas Gordon",
  title =        "The qwertz {SGML} document types: version 1.1
                 reference manual",
  number =       "Arbeitspapiere der GMD, Nr. 588 0723-0508",
  institution =  "Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung
  address =      "Sankt Augustin, Germany",
  pages =        "59",
  year =         "1991",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "November 1991. Includes bibliographical references.",
  keywords =     "Text processing (Computer science)",

  author =       "L. Grivel and J.-C. Lamirel",
  editor =       "Mary Feeney and Shirley Day",
  booktitle =    "Multimedia Information: Proceedings of a Conference
                 Held at Churchill College, Cambridge, UK, 15--18 July
  title =        "{SDOC} ---a generator of hypertext structures",
  crossref =     "Feeney:1991:MIP",
  publisher =    pub-BOUKER-SAUR,
  address =      pub-BOUKER-SAUR:adr,
  pages =        "67--81",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1991",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:43:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The goal of the SDOC application is to create a
                 workable knowledge network, consisting of maps showing
                 the conceptual organization of a scientific domain.
                 These maps are represented by a network of clusters
                 (groups of words with their interrelations). They are
                 represented by nodes and links structures. The node
                 contents are multimedia, mixing text and images.
                 Therefore the clusters are hyperdocuments. The authors
                 emphasize the SDOC data structures (use of formats and
                 standards), and the potential of SGML for generating
                 hypertext structures. They discuss the integration of
                 SDOC in KWICK, and conclude by discussing the benefits
                 to be drawn from the integration of SDOC in a
                 hypermedia system such as KWICK.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Inst. de l'Inf. Sci. et Tech., Paris, France",
  bookpages =    "vii + 236",
  classification = "C6160Z (Other DBMS)",
  confdate =     "15--18 July 1991",
  conflocation = "Cambridge, UK",
  keywords =     "Data structures; Document exchange standard; Formats;
                 Hyperdocuments; Hypermedia system; Hypertext
                 structures; Images; KWICK; Links; Maps; Multimedia;
                 Nodes; SDOC; SGML; Standard Generalized Mark-up
                 Language; Standards; Text",
  thesaurus =    "Data structures; Electronic data interchange;
                 Hypermedia; Standards",

  author =       "Jane Hahn",
  title =        "{\LaTeX} for Everyone\emdash{} {A} Reference Guide and
                 Tutorial for Typesetting Documents Using a Computer",
  publisher =    pub-PTI,
  address =      pub-PTI:adr,
  pages =        "xi + 346",
  year =         "1991",
  ISBN =         "0-9631044-0-3",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-9631044-0-3",
  LCCN =         "Z253.4.L38 H34 1991",
  bibdate =      "Sun May 02 09:33:35 1999",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "See \cite{Poppelier:1992:BRJ,Poppelier:1992:BR}.",
  price =        "US\$19.95",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "L. R. Henderson",
  title =        "{CALS} as a solution for digital delivery of technical
  journal =      j-CAD,
  volume =       "23",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "252--256",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "CAIDA5",
  ISSN =         "0010-4485 (print), 1879-2685 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:48:07 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The problems within large organizations of organizing,
                 handling and storing huge quantities of printed
                 documents continue to grow, together with those of
                 exchanging technical data efficiently and accurately
                 with external bodies. The paper describes the aims of
                 the Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support
                 (CALS) program, and its relationship with the
                 International Standards Organisation SGML and CGM
                 standards the US Department of Defense's MIL-D-28000,
                 MIL-M-28001, MIL-R-28002 and MIL-D-28003
                 specifications, and the American National Standards
                 Institute IGES standard. Current issues and problems
                 with the design and implementation of CALS are
                 discussed, and potential solutions identified to
                 facilitate conversion from paper-intensive processes to
                 the digital definition, storage and delivery of
                 documents. The United States Department of Defense (US
                 DoD) maintains some 60 M pages of technical manuals for
                 current active weapons systems. They contracted with
                 the US National Institute of Standards and Technology
                 (NIST) to recommend a suite of industry standards for
                 systems integration and digital data transfer, and to
                 accelerate the implementation of these standards.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Henderson Software, Boulder, CO, USA",
  classification = "C7150 (Military); C7220 (Generation, dissemination,
                 and use of information)",
  keywords =     "CALS; CGM standards; Compound document standards;
                 Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support;
                 Department of Defense; Document delivery; Document
                 storage; Electronic publishing; IGES standard; Initial
                 Graphics Exchange Specification; International
                 Standards Organisation; National Institute of Standards
                 and Technology; SGML standards; Technical data
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "Computer graphics; Document delivery; Electronic
                 publishing; Military computing; Standards",

  author =       "{International Organization for Standardization}",
  title =        "{ISO\slash IEC 9070:1991 Information technology ---
                 SGML support facilities --- Registration procedures for
                 public text owner identifiers}",
  publisher =    pub-ISO,
  address =      pub-ISO:adr,
  pages =        "12",
  year =         "1991",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 26 10:37:59 2000",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Available in English only.",
  price =        "CHF 62",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  pricecode =    "F",

  author =       "{International Organization for Standardization}",
  title =        "{ISO\slash IEC 9070:1991 Information technology ---
                 SGML support facilities --- Registration procedures for
                 public text owner identifiers}",
  publisher =    pub-ISO,
  address =      pub-ISO:adr,
  pages =        "12",
  year =         "1991",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 26 10:37:59 2000",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Available in English only.",
  price =        "CHF 62",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  pricecode =    "F",

  author =       "{International Organization for Standardization}",
  title =        "{ISO\slash IEC TR 9573-13:1991: Information technology
                 --- SGML support facilities --- Techniques for using
                 SGML --- Part 13: Public entity sets for mathematics
                 and science}",
  publisher =    pub-ISO,
  address =      pub-ISO:adr,
  pages =        "82",
  year =         "1991",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 26 10:37:59 2000",
  bibsource =    "",
  price =        "CHF 176",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  pricecode =    "X",

  author =       "{International Organization for Standardization and
                 International Electrotechnical Commission}",
  title =        "Information technology--{SGML} support
                 facilities--techniques for using {SGML}. Technologies
                 de l'information: facilit{\'e}s de support pour {SGML}:
                 techniques d'utilisation du {SGML}: Partie 13,
                 Ensembles d'entit{\'e}s publiques pour les domaines
                 math{\'e}matique et scientifique",
  type =         "Technical report",
  number =       "ISO/IEC TR 9573-13",
  institution =  pub-ISO,
  address =      pub-ISO:adr,
  pages =        "iii + 82",
  year =         "1991",
  bibdate =      "Mon Feb 05 18:05:02 2001",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "Cover title. 1991-07-01. Reference number ISO/IEC TR
                 9593-3:1991(E). ISO/IEC TR 9573-13:1991(E)",
  keywords =     "Character sets (Data processing) --- Standards; Signs
                 and symbols --- Data processing --- Standards.",

  author =       "J. Kappetijn and G. Lutz",
  title =        "Electronic manuals eliminate mountains of paper",
  journal =      j-ENG-AUTOMATION,
  volume =       "13",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "4--7",
  month =        jan # "--" # feb,
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "EAPPEY",
  ISSN =         "0931-6221",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The increasing automation of factories, offices and
                 laboratories, together with the growing range of
                 functions covered by the devices installed there, is
                 leading to an explosion in technical documentation.
                 Greater volumes of paper are now taking up more space
                 than ever before, with the situation threatening to
                 become unmanageable. Here, the authors describe how
                 electronic media may well be the answer. They describe
                 the ease with which technical information can be
                 distributed on CD-ROM. They have used the KRS-GEM
                 softwave package, which comprises of retrieval software
                 and data presentation software to produce electronic
                 manuals. They used SGML convention to annotate the
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Siemens AG, Nuremberg, Germany",
  classification = "C7230 (Publishing and reproduction); C7250L
                 (Non-bibliographic systems)",
  fjournal =     "Engineering and Automation",
  keywords =     "CD-ROM; Data presentation software; Electronic
                 manuals; Electronic media; KRS-GEM softwave package;
                 Retrieval software; Technical documentation",
  pubcountry =   "Germany",
  thesaurus =    "CD-ROMs; Electronic publishing; Hypermedia;
                 Microcomputer applications; User manuals",

  author =       "Hyung-Jun Kim and Byung-Jun Ahn and Jin-Ho Ham",
  title =        "Multimedia standardization trends",
  journal =      j-KOREA-INFO-SCI-SOC-REV,
  volume =       "9",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "33--40",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "CHKWEN",
  ISSN =         "1015-9908",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Describes the work of ISO/IEC Joint Technical
                 Committee 1/Sub-committee 18 ('text and office
                 systems'); document processing and communication for
                 hypermedia, multimedia, publishing and office systems;
                 AVIS (Audio Visual Interactive Scriptware); the
                 hyperdocument structuring language; ODA extensions; the
                 Standard Music Description Language; HyTime (a
                 time-based subset of hypermedia); SGML; JTC1/SC2 and
                 the Joint Photographic Expert Group, the Moving Picture
                 Expert Group, and the Multimedia and Hypermedia Expert
                 Group; and the CCITT SG XV.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C6160Z (Other DBMS)",
  fjournal =     "Korea Information Science Society Review = Chongbo
                 Kwahakhoe chi",
  keywords =     "Audio Visual Interactive Scriptware; AVIS; CCITT SG
                 XV; Communication; Document processing; Hyperdocument
                 structuring language; Hypermedia; HyTime; ISO/IEC Joint
                 Technical Committee 1; Joint Photographic Expert Group;
                 JTC1/SC2; Moving Picture Expert Group; Multimedia;
                 Multimedia and Hypermedia Expert Group; ODA extensions;
                 Office systems; Publishing; SGML; Standard Music
                 Description Language; Standardization",
  language =     "Korean",
  pubcountry =   "South Korea",
  thesaurus =    "Multimedia systems; Specification languages;

  author =       "J. G. Kircz",
  title =        "Rhetorical structure of scientific articles: the case
                 for argumentational analysis in information retrieval",
  journal =      j-J-DOC,
  volume =       "47",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "354--372",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "JDOCAS",
  ISSN =         "0022-0418 (print), 1758-7379 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0022-0418",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:43:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The extent to which modern indexing and information
                 retrieval research meets the needs and requirements of
                 different types of readers is criticised. A review of
                 the stagnation in this field give evidence for the need
                 for a radically different approach. The main problem is
                 identified as the assumption that knowledge contained
                 in a scientific article can be represented by a
                 semantic network only, and therefore can be manipulated
                 by formal logic approaches. Complementary to this, a
                 plea is made to start an argumentational analysis of
                 the-highly structured-corpus of scientific articles
                 (mainly in physics). Such an analysis might lead to an
                 argumentational syntax which will also enable the
                 nonexpert to browse through large quantities of
                 electronically stored articles. A first attempt at such
                 an approach is given. Furthermore the possible use of
                 the standard general markup language (SGML) approach in
                 relation to a hypertext environment for a possible
                 application is discussed.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Elsevier Sci. Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands",
  classification = "C4210 (Formal logic); C7240 (Information analysis
                 and indexing); C7250L (Non-bibliographic systems)",
  fjournal =     "Journal of Documentation",
  keywords =     "Argumentational analysis; Argumentational syntax;
                 Electronically stored articles; Formal logic
                 approaches; Hypertext environment; Information
                 retrieval research; Modern indexing; Nonexpert;
                 Rhetorical structure; Scientific article; Semantic
                 network; SGML; Standard general markup language",
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic publishing; Formal languages; Indexing;
                 Information retrieval systems; Standards",

  author =       "Y. Komachi",
  title =        "International standardization overview on document
                 description languages and fonts",
  journal =      j-J-INFO-PROC-SOC-JAPAN,
  volume =       "32",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1110--1117",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "JOSHA4",
  ISSN =         "0447-8053",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:43:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Presents an overview of standardisation issues on
                 document description languages and fonts. In particular
                 the author looks at Standard Generalised Markup
                 Language (SGML), Document Style Semantics and
                 Specification Language (DSSSL), Standard Page
                 Description Language (SPDL). He considers generic
                 markup, document type definition, element declarations,
                 attribute definitions and list declarations.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Matsushita Graphic Commun. Syst., Eng. Res Lab. and
                 Telematique Int. Res. Lab., Japan",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6140D
                 (High level languages)",
  fjournal =     "Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan =
                 Joho Shori",
  keywords =     "Attribute definitions; Document description languages;
                 Document Style Semantics and Specification Language;
                 Document type definition; DSSSL; Element declarations;
                 Fonts; Generic markup; List declarations; SGML; SPDL;
                 Standard Generalised Markup Language; Standard Page
                 Description Language; Standardisation",
  language =     "Japanese",
  pubcountry =   "Japan",
  thesaurus =    "Character sets; Desktop publishing; Electronic data
                 interchange; High level languages; Standardisation",

  author =       "Jeff Lankford",
  title =        "Public domain {SGML} tools wanted",
  journal =      j-TUGBOAT,
  volume =       "12",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "302--302",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1991",
  ISSN =         "0896-3207",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 12 01:26:35 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "TUGboat",

  author =       "Bernard Le Noel and Michel Biezunski",
  title =        "{SGML-ODA}: pr{\'e}sentation des concepts et
                 comparaison fonctionnelle",
  publisher =    pub-AFNOR,
  address =      pub-AFNOR:adr,
  pages =        "ix + 87",
  year =         "1991",
  ISBN =         "2-12-488011-X",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-2-12-488011-9",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "AFNOR technique.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  alttitle =     "SGML and ODA: standards for document processing and
                 interchange Francais.",
  annote =       "Trad. de: SGML and ODA: standards for document
                 processing and Trad. de: SGML and ODA: standards for
                 document processing and interchange.",
  keywords =     "Edition electronique --- Normes.",

  author =       "S. Lewis",
  booktitle =    "Conformance Testing and Certification in Information
                 Technology and Telecommunications. Proceedings of the
                 European Conference",
  title =        "{European} conformance testing service for {SGML}",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1991:CTC",
  publisher =    pub-IOS,
  address =      pub-IOS:adr,
  pages =        "189--191",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1991",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:48:07 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The Commission of the European Communities (CEC) is
                 keen to promote harmonisation throughout European
                 testing services in the areas of information technology
                 and telecommunications including the availability of
                 test technology and equivalence of test results between
                 test laboratories. To this end in 1985 the CEC launched
                 the first conformance testing services (CTS-1)
                 programme covering various topics including compilers,
                 OSI protocols, and computer graphics. In 1988 the CEC
                 launched their second CTS programme (CTS-2) to cover
                 fresh areas, one of which was a three year project to
                 establish harmonised conformance testing services for
                 SGML systems throughout Europe. This paper explains
                 briefly what SGML is, the conformance testing process
                 in general terms and outlines how this is applied to
                 validating SGML products (parsers). The paper also
                 considers the benefits of using the service.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Nat. Comput. Centre Ltd., Manchester, UK",
  bookpages =    "vi + 399",
  classification = "C5470 (Performance evaluation and testing); C7108
                 (Desktop publishing)",
  confdate =     "13--15 June 1990",
  conflocation = "Brussels, Belgium",
  keywords =     "Compilers; Computer graphics; European conformance
                 testing service; Information technology; OSI protocols;
                 SGML; Telecommunications",
  thesaurus =    "Conformance testing; Electronic publishing;

  author =       "Guy M. Lohman and George Lapis and Tobin Lehman and
                 Rakesh Agrawal and Roberta Cochrane and John McPherson
                 and C. Mohan and Hamid Pirahesh and Jennifer Widom",
  title =        "{Starburst II}: the extender strikes back! (Relational
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "20",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "447--447",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:37 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "IBM Almaden Res. Center, San Jose, CA, USA",
  classification = "C6140D (High level languages); C6160D (Relational
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Application area; C; C++; Complete relational database
                 system kernel; DELETE commands; Extensible relational
                 database system prototype; Generic extensions;
                 Infrastructure; INSERT; Joins; Relational technology;
                 SQL Data Definition Language; SQL SELECT; Starburst",
  thesaurus =    "Query languages; Relational databases",
  xxcrossref =   "Anonymous:1991:ASI",

  author =       "I. A. Macleod",
  title =        "A query language for retrieving information from
                 hierarchic text structures",
  journal =      j-COMP-J,
  volume =       "34",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "254--264",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "CMPJA6",
  ISSN =         "0010-4620 (print), 1460-2067 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0010-4620",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:48:07 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Descriptive markup languages provide a mechanism for
                 specifying the structure of a document. The basic
                 premise of the work described is that structure is an
                 important characteristic of a document and is something
                 more than a layout specification. For this reason, it
                 appears important that retrieval tools should be
                 developed which can take advantage of structural
                 knowledge. A query language is described which provides
                 such a capability. The underlying implementation
                 strategy is also discussed.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. and Inf. Sci., Queen's Univ.,
                 Kingston, Ont., Canada",
  classification = "C6160Z (Other DBMS); C7250L (Non-bibliographic
  fjournal =     "The Computer Journal",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Descriptive markup languages; Hierarchic text
                 structures; Layout specification; ODA; Query language;
                 Retrieval tools; SGML; Structural knowledge",
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "Database management systems; Information retrieval;
                 Information retrieval systems; Query languages",

  author =       "I. A. Macleod and D. T. Barnard and D. Hamilton and M.
  editor =       "A. Lichnerowicz",
  booktitle =    "Intelligent Text and Image Handling: Proceedings of a
                 Conference on Intelligent Text and Image Handling `RIAO
                 91', Barcelona, Spain, 2--5 April 1991",
  title =        "{SGML} documents and nonlinear text retrieval",
  crossref =     "Lichnerowicz:1991:ITI",
  publisher =    pub-ELS,
  address =      pub-ELS:adr,
  pages =        "226--244",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1991",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:43:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Standard generalized markup language (SGML) is an
                 international standard for markup languages.
                 Descriptive markup is a means whereby the logical
                 structure of a document can be explicitly encoded. Such
                 markup can subsequently be processed to provide an
                 appropriate physical layout of the actual document
                 content. Additionally, the logical structure provides
                 the information necessary for highly context sensitive
                 retrieval. The authors describe an SGML application
                 which can process encoded documents into a format
                 suitable for storage and retrieval by an appropriately
                 powerful retrieval system. It is also possible to
                 encode links between documents using SGML. One
                 technique is that suggested by the text encoding
                 initiative (TEI), a co-operative international venture
                 to promote guidelines for the encoding and interchange
                 of machine-readable texts. The authors describe how
                 such links can be processed to produce the equivalent
                 structures in a document database.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. and Inf. Sci., Queen's Univ.,
                 Kingston, Ont., Canada",
  bookpages =    "xiii + 999",
  classification = "C6130E (Data interchange); C6140D (High level
                 languages); C7230 (Publishing and reproduction); C7250L
                 (Non-bibliographic systems)",
  confdate =     "2--5 April 1991",
  conflocation = "Barcelona, Spain",
  confsponsor =  "Comm. Eur. Communities; Minist. Educ. Sci. Spain;
                 Univ. Autonoma Barcelona",
  keywords =     "Co-operative international venture; Document content;
                 Document database; Encoded documents; Encoding; Highly
                 context sensitive retrieval; Interchange; International
                 standard; Logical structure; Machine-readable texts;
                 Nonlinear text retrieval; Physical layout; Powerful
                 retrieval system; SGML application; Standard
                 generalized markup language; Text encoding initiative",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic data interchange; Electronic publishing;
                 High level languages; Information retrieval systems;

  author =       "Seung-Rul Maeng and Zeung-Seong Cho and Dong-Soon
  title =        "Text processing with a glyph mapping model",
  journal =      j-KOREA-INFO-SCI-SOC-REV,
  volume =       "9",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "74--78",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "CHKWEN",
  ISSN =         "1015-9908",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Glyphs play an important role in processing a
                 document. SGML has a number of editing, composition and
                 style options. Glyphs are used to define the font
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques)",
  fjournal =     "Korea Information Science Society Review = Chongbo
                 Kwahakhoe chi",
  keywords =     "Composition; Document processing; Editing; Font
                 information; Glyph mapping model; SGML; Style; Text
  language =     "Korean",
  pubcountry =   "South Korea",
  thesaurus =    "Character sets; Word processing",

  author =       "S. A. Mamrak and J. A. Barnes",
  title =        "Considerations for the preparation of {SGML} document
                 type definitions",
  journal =      j-EPODD,
  volume =       "4",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "27--42",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "EPODEU",
  ISSN =         "0894-3982",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:43:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The Standard Generalized Markup Language, SGML, is
                 being adopted by various international organizations as
                 the medium for exchange of electronically encoded
                 documents. An exchange is accomplished by way of a
                 document type definition, DTD, that describes the
                 content of documents targeted for an exchange. The
                 authors suggest considerations for the designers of
                 SGML DTDs. The considerations emphasize uniformity and
                 simplicity without sacrificing expressive power. The
                 considerations are not comprehensive: they address
                 minimization features, attributes, inclusion and
                 exclusion exceptions, and the CONCUR feature of SGML.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. Inf. Sci., Ohio State Univ.,
                 Columbus, OH, USA",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques)",
  fjournal =     "Electronic Pub\-lish\-ing\emdash{}Orig\-i\-na\-tion,
                 Dissemination, and Design",
  keywords =     "Attributes; CONCUR feature; DTD; Electronically
                 encoded documents; Exclusion exceptions; Inclusion;
                 Minimization features; SGML document type definitions",
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic publishing; Word processing",

  author =       "J. Marin-Navarro and P. E. Alevantis",
  title =        "{Alice} in the {Wonderland} of {SGML}: streamlining
                 text entry in the {CELEX} databases",
  journal =      j-ELECTRONIC-LIBRARY,
  volume =       "9",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "155--160",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "ELLIDZ",
  ISSN =         "0264-0473",
  ISSN-L =       "0264-0473",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 01 09:18:17 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The article describes the system used for the
                 introduction of textual data into the CELEX full-text
                 document databases. The solution implemented is based
                 on the establishment of a text production database for
                 the management and validation of texts before
                 introducing them into the CELEX dissemination databases
                 and the management of structured documents described
                 with the help of an SGML syntax.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "CEC, Plateau de Kirchbert, Luxembourg",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7130
                 (Public administration); C7250L (Non-bibliographic
  fjournal =     "Electronic Library",
  keywords =     "CELEX databases; Dissemination databases; Full-text
                 document databases; ODA; SGML; Structured documents;
                 Text entry; Text production database",
  thesaurus =    "Information retrieval systems; Law administration;
                 Word processing",

  author =       "J. Marin-Navarro and P. E. Alevantis",
  title =        "{Alice in the Wonderland} of {SGML}: streamlining text
                 entry in the {CELEX} databases",
  journal =      j-ELECTRONIC-LIBRARY,
  volume =       "9",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "155--160",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "ELLIDZ",
  ISSN =         "0264-0473",
  ISSN-L =       "0264-0473",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:43:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "CEC, Plateau de Kirchbert, Luxembourg",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7130
                 (Public administration); C7250L (Non-bibliographic
  fjournal =     "Electronic Library",
  keywords =     "CELEX databases; Dissemination databases; Full-text
                 document databases; ODA; SGML; Structured documents;
                 Text entry; Text production database",
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "Information retrieval systems; Law administration;
                 Word processing",

  author =       "Brian D. Markey",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings of the Summer 1991 USENIX Conference",
  title =        "Emerging hypermedia standards-hypermedia marketplace
                 prepares for {HyTime} and {MHEG}",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1991:PSU",
  publisher =    pub-USENIX,
  address =      pub-USENIX:adr,
  pages =        "59--74",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1991",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "ISO/IEC JTC1 SC2/WG12, known collectively as the
                 Multimedia and Hypermedia Information Coding Experts
                 Group (MHEG), is developing a standard titled Coded
                 Representation of Multimedia and Hypermedia
                 Information. ANSI group XSVI.8M, known collectively as
                 the Music Information Processing Standards (MIPS)
                 committee, is developing a hypermedia document
                 interchange standard titled HyTime/SMDI. HyTime has
                 been officially accepted as an ISO project as well,
                 following a successful new project ballot by ISO/IEC
                 JTC1. The authors describes the history, technical
                 orientation and status of the MHEG and HyTime projects,
                 as well as their relationship to multimedia (e.g. MPEG)
                 and document interchange (e.g. ODA and SGML) standards.
                 The relationship between the standards is also
                 explored, with emphasis on appropriate applications and
                 situations where they can be used together in a
                 complementary fashion.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Digital Equipment Corp., Maynard, MA, USA",
  bookpages =    "x + 473",
  classification = "C6130E (Data interchange); C6160Z (Other DBMS);
                 C7250L (Non-bibliographic systems)",
  confdate =     "10--14 June 1991",
  conflocation = "Nashville, TN, USA",
  keywords =     "ANSI group; Document interchange; History; Hypermedia
                 document interchange standard; Hypermedia marketplace;
                 Hypermedia standards; HyTime/SMDI; ISO project; ISO/IEC
                 JTC1 SC2/WG12; MHEG; MPEG; Multimedia; Music
                 Information Processing Standards; ODA; SGML; Technical
  thesaurus =    "Electronic data interchange; Hypermedia; Information
                 retrieval systems; Standards",

  author =       "Robert W. McGaffey",
  title =        "{SGML} versus/and {\TeX}",
  journal =      j-TUGBOAT,
  volume =       "12",
  number =       "34",
  pages =        "406--408",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1991",
  ISSN =         "0896-3207",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 12 01:26:34 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "TUGboat",

  author =       "R. Molesworth",
  booktitle =    "IEE Colloquium on `Standards and Practices in
                 Electronic Data Interchange' (Digest No.106)",
  title =        "The open interchange of electronic documents (open
                 document architecture ({ODA}))",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1991:ICS",
  publisher =    pub-IEE,
  address =      pub-IEE:adr,
  pages =        "4/1--6",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1991",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:48:07 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "In the uppermost layer of the OSI 7-layer model are
                 applications. These are processes which make use of the
                 underlying communications architecture and services.
                 Their purpose is to handle data on behalf of users: for
                 storage, manipulation and display, as well as for
                 transfer. This application layer is itself layered. In
                 particular, the applications processes manipulate
                 information which is encoded in a defined structure,
                 which has specific semantics. The encoding often
                 represents numeric and alphabetic characters. To
                 successfully achieve the open interchange of such
                 information, it is necessary to have an agreed
                 international standard representation. There is a range
                 of character encoding schemes (from IS 646 to DIS
                 10646); the author briefly describes one prime
                 candidate for document encoding, and compares it with
                 three other structural mechanisms for imparting
                 semantics upon data streams. The document encoding
                 scheme ODA, is ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation 1),
                 EDIFACT and SGML (standard generalized markup
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  bookpages =    "34",
  classification = "B6120B (Codes); C5620 (Computer networks and
                 techniques); C6130 (Data handling techniques)",
  confdate =     "21 May 1991",
  conflocation = "London, UK",
  confsponsor =  "IEE",
  keywords =     "Abstract Syntax Notation; Alphabetic characters;
                 Application layer; Applications processes; Character
                 encoding schemes; Data streams; DIS 10646; Document
                 encoding scheme; EDIFACT; Electronic documents;
                 International standard representation; IS 646; ODA;
                 Open document architecture; Open interchange; OSI
                 7-layer model; SGML; Specific semantics; Standard
                 generalized markup language; Structural mechanisms;
                 Underlying communications architecture",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic data interchange; Encoding; Open systems;

  author =       "Y. Nakano and H. Tanigawa and Y. Imai",
  booktitle =    "DEXA 91. Database and Expert Systems Applications
                 Proceedings of the International Conference",
  title =        "An interface\slash application builder with
                 transmission control facility for {SGML} document
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1991:DDE",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "41--46",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1991",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:43:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "This paper presents a document-based application
                 builder called STUFF to create various document-based
                 applications such as a bug report management system, a
                 development schedule management system, and so on.
                 STUFF applies SGML (Standard Generalization Markup
                 Language) to describe document structures, and all
                 documents developed by STUFF are stored in SGML-DB. In
                 SGML-DB, not only document contents and document
                 structures but also their handling schema (user
                 interface schema and transmission control data) are
                 stored, so modifications of the application, such as
                 changing document structures and altering user
                 interfaces, become easier. The authors applied SGML as
                 the common specification language for the three
                 components in SGML-DB: document structures, user
                 interface elements and transmission control data. This
                 greatly increases portability of the applications as
                 well as the documents. STUFF has facilities for
                 constructing document-based applications to access the
                 components in the SGML-DB and interpret them.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Matsushita Electr. Ind. Co. Ltd., Kansai Inf. and
                 Commun. Res. Lab., Osaka, Japan",
  bookpages =    "xii + 570",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6160
                 (Database management systems (DBMS)); C6180 (User
                 interfaces); C7250 (Information storage and
  confdate =     "21--23 Aug. 1991",
  conflocation = "Berlin, Germany",
  keywords =     "Bug report management system; Development schedule
                 management system; Document structures;
                 Interface/application builder; SGML document databases;
                 Specification language; Standard Generalization Markup
                 Language; STUFF; Transmission control data;
                 Transmission control facility; User interface schema",
  thesaurus =    "Database management systems; Desktop publishing; User

  author =       "Steven R. Newcomb and Neill A. Kipp and Victoria T.
  title =        "The {``HyTime''}: hypermedia\slash time-based document
                 structuring language",
  journal =      j-CACM,
  volume =       "34",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "67--83",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "CACMA2",
  ISSN =         "0001-0782 (print), 1557-7317 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0001-0782",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 30 09:41:10 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  abstract =     "It is desirable that all digital documents explicitly
                 indicate in a standard way what kind of notation is
                 used in them. When an electronic document is created,
                 its author should be able to incorporate active
                 references to other on-line documents ('hyperlinks'),
                 regardless of the heterogeneity of their notations. In
                 other words, there should be a standard way to make
                 `information about information' interoperable. The
                 proposed standard `HyTime' hypermedia time-based
                 document structuring language (ISO/IEC Draft
                 International Standard 10744), built on the Standard
                 Generalized Markup Language (SGML), is designed to make
                 all this possible. By using SGML/HyTime, all kinds of
                 documents can package their information content using
                 standard `markup'. This markup provides information
                 about the structure and notation of the document in a
                 way that is understandable or interpretable by any
                 application that has been provided with an appropriate
                 data importation facility. The `structured' character
                 of such documents also makes them amenable to
                 nonsequential browsing, querying, access and version
                 control, and maintenance over very long time spans.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "TechnoTeacher Inc., Tallahassee, FL, USA",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6130E
                 (Data interchange); C6140D (High level languages);
                 C6160Z (Other DBMS); C7108 (Desktop publishing)",
  fjournal =     "Communications of the ACM",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Active references; Data importation facility; Digital
                 documents; Document access; Document maintenance;
                 Hyperlinks; Hypermedia time-based document structuring
                 language; HyTime; Interoperability; ISO/IEC Draft
                 International Standard 10744; Nonsequential browsing;
                 Notation; Querying; SGML; Standard Generalized Markup
                 Language; standardization; Version control",
  subject =      "{\bf H.5.1}: Information Systems, INFORMATION
                 INTERFACES AND PRESENTATION, Multimedia Information
                 Systems. {\bf D.3.2}: Software, PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES,
                 Language Classifications. {\bf H.3.1}: Information
                 Systems, INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL, Content
                 Analysis and Indexing, Indexing methods. {\bf H.2.1}:
                 Information Systems, DATABASE MANAGEMENT, Logical
                 Design, Data models. {\bf J.7}: Computer Applications,
  thesaurus =    "Electronic data interchange; High level languages;
                 Hypermedia; Standards",

  author =       "Steven R. Newcomb and Neill A. Kipp and Victoria T.
  title =        "The {``HyTime''}: hypermedia\slash time-based document
                 structuring language",
  journal =      j-CACM,
  volume =       "34",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "67--83",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "CACMA2",
  ISSN =         "0001-0782 (print), 1557-7317 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0001-0782",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 30 09:41:10 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "TechnoTeacher Inc., Tallahassee, FL, USA",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6130E
                 (Data interchange); C6140D (High level languages);
                 C6160Z (Other DBMS); C7108 (Desktop publishing)",
  fjournal =     "Communications of the ACM",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Active references; Data importation facility; Digital
                 documents; Document access; Document maintenance;
                 Hyperlinks; Hypermedia time-based document structuring
                 language; HyTime; Interoperability; ISO/IEC Draft
                 International Standard 10744; Nonsequential browsing;
                 Notation; Querying; SGML; SGML ODA Synchronisation;
                 Standard Generalized Markup Language; standardization;
                 Version control",
  subject =      "{\bf H.5.1}: Information Systems, INFORMATION
                 INTERFACES AND PRESENTATION, Multimedia Information
                 Systems. {\bf D.3.2}: Software, PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES,
                 Language Classifications. {\bf H.3.1}: Information
                 Systems, INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL, Content
                 Analysis and Indexing, Indexing methods. {\bf H.2.1}:
                 Information Systems, DATABASE MANAGEMENT, Logical
                 Design, Data models. {\bf J.7}: Computer Applications,
  thesaurus =    "Electronic data interchange; High level languages;
                 Hypermedia; Standards",

  author =       "National Information Standards Organization",
  title =        "Electronic Manuscript Preparation and Markup: American
                 National Standard for Electronic Manuscript Preparation
                 and Markup",
  publisher =    pub-TRANSACTION,
  address =      pub-TRANSACTION:adr,
  pages =        "xv + 167",
  year =         "1991",
  ISBN =         "0-88738-945-7",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-88738-945-0",
  LCCN =         "Z286.E43 E428 1991",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jun 23 16:40:14 1994",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "ANSI/NISO Z39.59-1988. Approved December 1, 1988, by
                 American National Standards Institute. Developed by The
                 National Information Standards Organization.",
  abstract =     "This standard is an application of the Standard
                 Generalized Markup Language [SGML], ISO 8879. This
                 standard specifies the syntax of generic tags and
                 provides predefined tags for commonly occurring
                 manuscript elements applicable to a wide variety of
                 manuscript preparation and markup applications.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  libnote =      "Not yet in my library.",

  author =       "N. A. F. M. Poppelier",
  title =        "{SGML} and {\TeX} in scientific publishing",
  journal =      j-TUGBOAT,
  volume =       "12",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "105--109",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1991",
  ISSN =         "0896-3207",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 12 01:26:36 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "TUGboat",

  author =       "F. Role",
  title =        "The {SGML} standard: describing the logical structure
                 of documents",
  journal =      j-DOCUMENTALISTE-SCI-INFO,
  volume =       "28",
  number =       "4-5",
  pages =        "187--192",
  month =        jul # "--" # oct,
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "DSINE6",
  ISSN =         "0012-4508",
  ISSN-L =       "0012-4508",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 06 17:29:44 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "More and more, texts are produced as `electronic
                 documents' but each document production system uses its
                 own `markup' commands. These are rarely compatible with
                 each other and cannot reproduce documentation in
                 different media, as they are linked only to the
                 physical structure of the document in question. To
                 overcome these drawbacks, information processing
                 specialists have tried to create general languages
                 which by taking into account the logical structure of a
                 document would facilitate its exchange and
                 dissemination in different forms. This is why the
                 International Standards Organization has sponsored the
                 development of the standard generalised markup language
                 (SGML), which became an official standard in 1986. The
                 article explains the logic of this language and its
                 utilization, and summarizes the many of this language
                 and its utilization, and summarizes the many benefits
                 that librarians and documentalists may look forward
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6140D
                 (High level languages); C7210L (Library automation)",
  fjournal =     "Documentaliste -- Sciences de l'Information",
  keywords =     "Dissemination; Document production system;
                 Documentalists; Electronic documents; General
                 languages; Information processing specialists;
                 International Standards Organization; Librarians;
                 Logical structure; Official standard; SGML standard;
                 Standard generalised markup language",
  language =     "French",
  pubcountry =   "France",
  thesaurus =    "High level languages; Library automation; Standards;
                 Word processing",

  author =       "{SGML SIGhyper}",
  title =        "{SGML SIGhyper} newsletter",
  publisher =    pub-TECHNO-TEACHER,
  address =      pub-TECHNO-TEACHER:adr,
  year =         "1991",
  bibdate =      "Sat Oct 28 08:28:29 2000",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "Title from caption. ``SGML SIGhyper: SGML Users' Group
                 Special Interest Group on Hypertext and Multimedia.''",
  keywords =     "Hypertext systems; SGML (Computer program language)",

  author =       "J. M. Smith",
  title =        "{CALS} in {Europe}: an integrated information base",
  journal =      j-LOG-INFO-MANAGEMENT,
  volume =       "4",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "26--31",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "LINMEC",
  ISSN =         "0957-6053",
  ISSN-L =       "0957-6053",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Computer-aided acquisition and logistic support
                 (CALS), dealing with the automation and integration of
                 all functions and processes that make up the many
                 aspects of acquisition and logistic support of weapons
                 systems, is explored with particular reference to the
                 area of standard generalised markup language (SGML).",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "D2070 (Industrial and manufacturing)",
  fjournal =     "Logistics Information Management",
  keywords =     "Acquisition; Europe; Logistic support; Weapons
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "Logistics data processing; Military systems",

  author =       "{SoftQuad, Inc.}",
  title =        "The {SGML} Primer",
  publisher =    pub-SOFTQUAD,
  address =      pub-SOFTQUAD:adr,
  edition =      "Third",
  pages =        "36",
  year =         "1991",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "QA76.73.S44 S45 1991",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 16:25:18 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "SoftQuad's quick reference guide to the essentials of
                 the standard: the SGML needed for reading a DTD and
                 marked-up documents and discussing them reasonably.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "SGML (computer program language)",

  author =       "{SoftQuad, Inc.}",
  title =        "The {SGML} Primer",
  publisher =    "SoftQuad, Inc.",
  address =      "Toronto, Ontario, Canada",
  pages =        "36",
  year =         "1991",
  LCCN =         "QA76.73.S44 S45 1991",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jun 23 16:25:29 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  libnote =      "Not yet in my library.",
  xxISBN =       "none",

  author =       "Y. Tanaka",
  title =        "Standardization of {SGML}",
  journal =      j-J-INFO-PROC-SOC-JAPAN,
  volume =       "32",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1118--1125",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "JOSHA4",
  ISSN =         "0447-8053",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:43:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Looks at SGML (Standard Generalised Markup Language),
                 and its standardisation. The author considers generic
                 coding, and document type definition.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Electron. Publishing Div., Toppan Printing Co. Ltd.,
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6140D
                 (High level languages)",
  fjournal =     "Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan =
                 Joho Shori",
  keywords =     "Document type definition; Generic coding; SGML;
                 Standard Generalised Markup Language",
  language =     "Japanese",
  pubcountry =   "Japan",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; High level languages;

  author =       "H. Thimbleby",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference on
                 Computers and the Writing Process",
  title =        "Low-tech {\TeX}? (typesetting program)",
  publisher =    "Univ. Sussex",
  address =      "Brighton, UK",
  pages =        "124--130",
  month =        "",
  year =         "1991",
  bibdate =      "Sat Sep 17 11:20:26 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The author recounts his experience of using {\TeX} for
                 hundreds of pages (each many times). {\TeX} is a widely
                 and freely distributed high quality typesetting
                 program. It reads a markup language in standard ASCII
                 text, and therefore documents are easily transferred
                 from machine to machine. The author reviews the
                 advantages and disadvantages of using {\TeX} for book
                 publishing. (13 Refs.)",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Stirling Univ., UK",
  bookpages =    "v + 247",
  classification = "C7108 (Desktop publishing); C7230 (Publishing and
  confdate =     "22--23 March 1991",
  conflocation = "Brighton, UK",
  keywords =     "Book publishing; Markup language; Standard ASCII text;
                 TeX; Typesetting program",
  thesaurus =    "Computer controlled typesetting; Desktop publishing",

  author =       "Kees {van der Laan}",
  title =        "{SGML} (, {\TeX} and \dots)",
  journal =      j-TUGBOAT,
  volume =       "12",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "90--104",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1991",
  ISSN =         "0896-3207",
  bibdate =      "Mon Oct 26 07:41:51 1998",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "TUGboat",

  author =       "Carol {Van Ess-Dykema}",
  title =        "{Practical SGML: Eric van Herwijnen}",
  journal =      j-COMP-LING,
  volume =       "17",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "110--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "AJCLD9",
  ISSN =         "0891-2017",
  ISSN-L =       "0891-2017",
  bibdate =      "Mon Oct 26 07:41:47 1998",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Computational Linguistics",

  author =       "J. Warmer and H. {Van Vliet}",
  title =        "Processing {SGML} documents",
  journal =      j-EPODD,
  volume =       "4",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "3--26",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "EPODEU",
  ISSN =         "0894-3982",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:43:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) is an ISO
                 standard that specifies a language for document
                 representation. The main idea behind SGML is to
                 strictly separate the structure and contents of a
                 document from the processing of that document. This
                 results in application-independent and thus reusable
                 documents. To gain the full benefit of this approach,
                 tools are needed to support a wide range of
                 applications. The standard itself does not decline how
                 to specify the processing of documents. Many existing
                 SGML systems allow for a simple translation of an SGML
                 document, which exhibits a 1-1 correspondence between
                 elements in the SGML document and its translation. For
                 many applications this does not suffice. In other
                 systems the processing can be expressed in a
                 special-purpose programming language. The various
                 approaches to processing SGML documents are assessed.
                 The authors also discuss a novel approach, taken in the
                 Amsterdam SGML Parser. In this approach, processing
                 actions are embedded in the grammar rules that specify
                 the document structure, much like processing actions
                 are embedded in grammars of programming languages that
                 are input to a parser generator.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "PIT Res., DR Nehir Labs., Leidschendam, Netherlands",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques)",
  fjournal =     "Electronic Pub\-lish\-ing\emdash{}Orig\-i\-na\-tion,
                 Dissemination, and Design",
  keywords =     "Amsterdam SGML Parser; Application-independent;
                 Document representation; Electronic publishing; Grammar
                 rules; ISO standard; Parser generator; Programming
                 languages; Reusable documents; SGML; Special-purpose
                 programming language",
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic publishing; High level languages; Word

  author =       "B. C. Watson and R. J. Davis",
  title =        "{ODA} and {SGML}: An Assessment of Co-existence
  volume =       "11",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "169--176",
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "CSTIEZ",
  ISSN =         "0920-5489 (print), 1872-7018 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0920-5489",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "Compendex library database;
  abstract =     "Given the existence of two standards for text
                 processing systems that accomplish similar goals, with
                 similar means, but dissimilar results, the authors seek
                 to reconcile the two. Office Document Architecture
                 (ODA) and Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)
                 are found to have no fundamental incompatibilities,
                 opening the way to either formally melding them into a
                 single internationally recognized standard or through
                 practical implementations forming a de facto standard
                 that encompasses both. The conclusion is that the
                 latter is most likely to occur, but in any case either
                 is preferable to the current situation.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Computer Standards and Interfaces",

  author =       "H. Wendt and C. Zurn",
  booktitle =    "Bridging the Communication Gap (AGARD-CP-487)",
  title =        "Computer-assisted publishing with its standards and
                 compatibility problems",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1991:BCG",
  publisher =    pub-AGARD,
  address =      pub-AGARD:adr,
  pages =        "2/1--3",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1991",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:48:07 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The authors use the term computer-assisted publishing
                 where computers are used for facilitating production
                 and processing of printed media and electronic
                 publishing where computers and communication systems
                 serve to make data available through electronic
                 channels. They only briefly mention electronic
                 publishing. They discuss: electronic manuscripts;
                 document interchange; SGML; advantages of using SGML;
                 the SGML activities of Springer-Verlag; and problems
                 arising with the use of SGML.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany",
  bookpages =    "vi + 124",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7106 (Word
                 processing); C7230 (Publishing and reproduction)",
  confdate =     "5--6 Sept. 1990",
  conflocation = "Trondheim, Norway",
  keywords =     "CALS; Compatibility; Computer-assisted publishing;
                 Document interchange; Document type definition;
                 Electronic manuscripts; Printed media; SGML;
                 Springer-Verlag; Standards",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic data interchange; Publishing; Standards",

  author =       "M. S. White",
  booktitle =    "Document Image Processing 91. Proceedings of the
  title =        "Standards for {DIP}",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1991:DIP",
  publisher =    pub-BLENHEIM-ONLINE,
  address =      pub-BLENHEIM-ONLINE:adr,
  pages =        "13--20",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1991",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:53:33 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The current status of standards for document image
                 processing is outlined. The author covers scanning and
                 image compression, write-once and erasable optical
                 storage devices, and compound document architectures
                 such as SGML and ODA.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Div. of Inf. Res., Logica Cambridge, UK",
  bookpages =    "vii + 137",
  classification = "C5260B (Computer vision and picture processing);
                 C5530 (Pattern recognition and computer vision
                 equipment); C6130D (Document processing techniques);
                 C6160S (Spatial and pictorial databases); C7108
                 (Desktop publishing)",
  confdate =     "16--18 April 1991",
  conflocation = "London, UK",
  keywords =     "Compound document architectures; Document image
                 processing; Erasable optical storage devices; Image
                 compression; ODA; Scanning; SGML; Standards;
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; Document image processing; Image
                 scanners; Optical disc storage; Standards",

  author =       "Yaron Wolfsthal",
  title =        "Style control in the {Quill} document editing system",
  journal =      j-SPE,
  volume =       "21",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "625--638",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "SPEXBL",
  ISSN =         "0038-0644 (print), 1097-024X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0038-0644",
  bibdate =      "Wed May 22 16:50:05 1996",
  bibsource =    "Compendex library database;
  abstract =     "A critical problem in the design of editors for
                 structured documents is that of style control, i.e.
                 mapping the logical elements of the documents to their
                 physical appearance on pages. This paper presents a
                 novel approach to style control, used in the Quill
                 document editing system that has been prototyped at the
                 IBM Almaden Research Center. In our approach, the style
                 control mechanism is an integral part of the editing
                 system and consistent with the overall system
                 architecture, in both its inner structure and its user
                 interface. Properties that specify the formatting
                 process, together with action routines for specifying
                 complex semantics, are the basic style control
                 primitives in the proposed approach",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Software---Practice and Experience",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "J. Adachi",
  title =        "Overview on international standard `{Document Style
                 Semantics and Specification Language} ({DSSSL})'",
  journal =      j-J-INFO-PROC-SOC-JAPAN,
  volume =       "33",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "176--184",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "JOSHA4",
  ISSN =         "0447-8053",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:43:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Discusses ISO/IEC standard CD10178 (DSSSL) and
                 compares it with ISO/IEC 8879 ('Standard Generalized
                 Markup Language', SGML), ISO/IEC DIS 10180 ('Standard
                 Page Description Language', SPDL) and ISO/IEC 8613
                 ('Office Document Architecture', ODA). The author also
                 discusses WYSIWYG systems; the Office Document
                 Language; location model; access model; expression
                 language; constraints; entities; elements; attributes
                 and attribute lists; and document areas.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Software Dev. Dept., Oki Electr. Ind. Co. Ltd.,
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6140D
                 (High level languages)",
  fjournal =     "Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan =
                 Joho Shori",
  keywords =     "Access model; Constraints; Document Style Semantics
                 and Specification Language; Expression language;
                 International standard; ISO/IEC 8613; ISO/IEC 8879;
                 ISO/IEC DIS 10180; ISO/IEC standard CD10178; Location
                 model; ODA; Office Document Architecture; Office
                 Document Language; SGML; SPDL; Standard Generalized
                 Markup Language; Standard Page Description Language;
                 WYSIWYG systems",
  language =     "Japanese",
  pubcountry =   "Japan",
  thesaurus =    "Specification languages; Standards; Word processing",

  author =       "S. Adler",
  title =        "The birth of a standard ({SGML})",
  journal =      j-J-AM-SOC-INF-SCI,
  volume =       "43",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "556--558",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "AISJB6",
  ISSN =         "0002-8231 (print), 1097-4571 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-8231",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:43:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The standard generalized markup language (SGML) was
                 adopted as an international standard for data
                 description, data modeling, and interchange in October
                 1986. This article explores the evolution of this
                 standard following its technical completion and leading
                 to widespread market acceptance.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "IBM Corp., Boulder, CO, USA",
  classification = "C6120 (File organisation); C6160 (Database
                 management systems (DBMS)); C7100 (Business and
  fjournal =     "Journal of the American Society for Information
  keywords =     "Data description; Data modeling; Interchange;
                 International standard; Standard generalized markup
                 language; Technical completion",
  thesaurus =    "Data description; Data structures; Database management
                 systems; Standards",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Information Dimensions, Inc.} Provides {SGML}
                 Document Database for {JCALS}",
  journal =      j-LIB-HI-TECH-NEWS,
  volume =       "??",
  number =       "91",
  pages =        "12--??",
  day =          "1",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "1992",
  ISSN =         "0741-9058",
  bibdate =      "Wed May 22 12:48:55 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "; UnCover
                 library database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Library Hi Tech News",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Interleaf} 5 {SGML} keeps companies from being tied
                 to one authoring program",
  journal =      j-INFOWORLD,
  volume =       "14",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "21--21",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "INWODU",
  ISSN =         "0199-6649",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "InfoWorld",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{3rd Joint European Networking Conference}",
  journal =      j-COMP-NET-ISDN,
  volume =       "25",
  number =       "4-5",
  pages =        "454--459",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "CNISE9",
  ISSN =         "0169-7552 (print), 1879-2324 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0169-7552",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:43:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  confdate =     "11--14 May 1992",
  conflocation = "Innsbruck, Austria",
  confsponsor =  "Austrian Federal Minist. Sci. Res.; Gov. Tyrol; City
                 of Innsbruck",
  fjournal =     "Computer Networks and ISDN Systems",
  journal-URL =  "",
  pubcountry =   "Netherlands",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Letters",
  journal =      j-BYTE,
  volume =       "17",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "20--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "BYTEDJ",
  ISSN =         "0360-5280 (print), 1082-7838 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0360-5280",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Color Postscript printers; SGML image editors; and
                 other topics.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "BYTE Magazine",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Standards",
  journal =      j-UNIX-WORLD,
  volume =       "9",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "99--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1992",
  ISSN =         "0739-5922",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "SGML comes of age.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "UNIX/world",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{SGML} and electronic publishing",
  journal =      j-OCLC-NEWSLETTER,
  volume =       "??",
  number =       "200",
  pages =        "13--14",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "OCLNDT",
  ISSN =         "0163-898X",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-898X",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "OCLC Newsletter",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{SGML} Frees Information",
  journal =      j-BYTE,
  volume =       "17",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "279--286",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "BYTEDJ",
  ISSN =         "0360-5280 (print), 1082-7838 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0360-5280",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Standard Generalized Markup Language helps you turn
                 mounds of documents into information that can boost
                 your productivity and innovation.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "BYTE Magazine",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{WWW} (hypertext browser)",
  journal =      j-SIGBIO-NEWSLETTER,
  volume =       "12",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "37--40",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "SINWDG",
  ISSN =         "0163-5697 (print), 1557-9506 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5697",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:53:33 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C5620 (Computer networks and techniques); C6160Z
                 (Other DBMS); C7250L (Non-bibliographic systems)",
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGBIO Newsletter",
  keywords =     "Anonymous FTP; Anonymous FTP sites; Campus-wide
                 information systems; Gateway; Gopher; Hypertext
                 browser; Interactive hypertext client; Internet news
                 groups; Plain text files; W3; W3 search/retrieve
                 servers; WAIS index servers; World-Wide Web; WWW
  thesaurus =    "Computer networks; Hypermedia; Information retrieval

  author =       "D. Barron",
  title =        "{SGML: The User's Guide to ISO 8879: Joan M. Smith and
                 Robert Stutely}",
  journal =      j-EPODD,
  volume =       "5",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "157--158",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "EPODEU",
  ISSN =         "0894-3982",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Electronic Pub\-lish\-ing\emdash{}Orig\-i\-na\-tion,
                 Dissemination, and Design",

  author =       "T. J. Berners-Lee and R. Cailliau and J.-F. Groff",
  title =        "The {World-Wide Web}",
  journal =      j-COMP-NET-ISDN,
  volume =       "25",
  number =       "4--5",
  pages =        "454--459",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "CNISE9",
  ISSN =         "0169-7552 (print), 1879-2324 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0169-7552",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 22 18:15:30 MDT 1999",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The authors describe the world-wide web (W3) global
                 information system initiative, its protocols and data
                 formats and how it is used in practice. They discuss
                 the plethora of different by similar information
                 systems which exist, and how the web unifies them,
                 creating a single information space. They describe the
                 difficulties of information sharing between colleagues,
                 and the basic W3 model of hypertext and searchable
                 indexes. They list the protocols used by W3 and
                 describe a new simple search and retrieve protocol
                 hypertext transfer protocol, and the SGML style
                 document encoding used. They summarize the current
                 status of the X11, NeXTStep, dumb terminal and other
                 clients, and of the available server and gateway
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "CERN, Geneva, Switzerland",
  classification = "C5640 (Protocols); C6130D (Document processing
                 techniques); C7210 (Information services and centres);
                 C7250 (Information storage and retrieval)",
  confdate =     "11--14 May 1992",
  conflocation = "Innsbruck, Austria",
  confsponsor =  "Austrian Federal Minist. Sci. Res.; Gov. Tyrol; City
                 of Innsbruck",
  fjournal =     "Computer Networks and ISDN Systems",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Data formats; Dumb terminal; Gateway software; Global
                 information system initiative; Hypertext; Information
                 services; Information sharing; Information systems;
                 NeXTStep; Search and retrieve protocol; Searchable
                 indexes; Server software; SGML style document encoding;
                 Single information space; World-wide web; X11",
  pubcountry =   "Netherlands",
  thesaurus =    "Document handling; Hypermedia; Information services;
                 Information systems; Protocols",
  xxnote =       "3rd Joint European Networking Conference.",

  author =       "H. E. G. Bonin",
  title =        "Cooperation and collaboration assisted by editors",
  volume =       "34",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "590--598",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "WIINE9",
  ISSN =         "0937-6429",
  ISSN-L =       "0937-6429",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:53:33 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Day-to-day administrative work is characterized by
                 entering lots of text using editors. However most of
                 the editors do not provide any support for document
                 composition by two or more persons, who in practice
                 often have different backgrounds regarding position,
                 competence, function, interests, and experience. It is
                 not sufficient to just maintain the final version of
                 the document, it is necessary to track all the
                 contributions. The process of cooperation and
                 collaboration must be recorded in an auditable fashion.
                 CSCW systems should not ignore the widespread use of
                 such editors, instead they should build upon them. The
                 author describes requirements for the production of
                 documents in hierarchically oriented organizations
                 (public administration) and outlines possible
                 improvements to the current practice by using
                 standardized markup (SGML) and conventional revision
                 control systems.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C5620 (Computer networks and techniques); C6130D
                 (Document processing techniques); C7108 (Desktop
                 publishing); C7130 (Public administration)",
  fjournal =     "Wirtschaftsinformatik",
  keywords =     "Administrative work; Collaboration; Conventional
                 revision control systems; Cooperation; Document
                 composition; Hierarchically oriented organizations;
                 Public administration; SGML; Standardized markup",
  language =     "German",
  pubcountry =   "Germany",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; Groupware; Page description
                 languages; Public administration; Text editing",

  author =       "T. J. D. Bothma",
  editor =       "D. I. Raitt",
  booktitle =    "Online Information 92. 16th International Online
                 Information Meeting Proceedings",
  title =        "Presenting grammatical information in biblical
                 information systems",
  crossref =     "Raitt:1992:OII",
  publisher =    pub-LEARNED-INF,
  address =      pub-LEARNED-INF:adr,
  pages =        "163--172",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1992",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The importance of grammatical information in a
                 comprehensive biblical information system is addressed.
                 Various types of grammars are defined. A data analysis
                 of the data involved in an online grammar is presented.
                 The different approaches followed by teaching and
                 reference grammars in the description of language are
                 discussed as well as the typical information-seeking
                 behavior of a person who requires grammatical
                 information. The discussion focusses on a Hebrew
                 grammar database but the comments are to a large extent
                 also applicable to Greek. Various hardware and software
                 options available for the grammar database are
                 discussed. An approach based on SGML is advocated and
                 the construction process of the prototype is briefly
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Pretoria Univ., South Africa",
  bookpages =    "xvi + 578",
  classification = "C4210 (Formal logic); C6140D (High level languages);
                 C6160 (Database management systems (DBMS)); C7108
                 (Desktop publishing); C7820 (Humanities)",
  confdate =     "8--10 Dec. 1992",
  conflocation = "London, UK",
  keywords =     "Comprehensive biblical information system;
                 Construction process; Data analysis; Grammatical
                 information; Hebrew grammar database; Online grammar;
                 Reference grammars; Religion; SGML; Software options;
                 Typical information-seeking behavior",
  thesaurus =    "Database management systems; Grammars; Humanities data
                 processing; Page description languages",

  author =       "Neil Bradley",
  title =        "{SGML} concepts",
  journal =      j-ASLIB-PROC,
  volume =       "44",
  number =       "7-8",
  pages =        "271--274",
  month =        jul # "--" # aug,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "ASLPAO",
  ISSN =         "0001-253X (print), 1758-3748 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0001-253X",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 18 13:28:08 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The abbreviation SGML stands for standard generalized
                 markup language. Markup refers to adding style and
                 formatting information to text prior to publication. It
                 is a `standard' because SGML has been accepted and
                 published by the ISO and is not owned by any
                 manufacturer or software vendor. It is `generalized'
                 because SGML is powerful and flexible, allowing it to
                 be used in many applications. And it is a `language'
                 that embodies a specification for creation of a set of
                 rules to define the structure of a document. SGML has
                 been designed to easily cross incompatible computer
                 platforms, and its `open' nature allows for relatively
                 simple access and manipulation of an SGML conforming
                 document by both people and computers. Above all, SGML
                 proposes a new way of thinking about document creation
                 and presentation, by shifting document style
                 considerations to the publication process rather than
                 the creation process. This is done by dividing the
                 document into named, logical elements, to which any
                 style can be later applied. A by-product of this
                 approach is the effective creation of a flexible
                 database, providing further access to the data for
                 information retrieval or for re-publication.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7108
                 (Desktop publishing)",
  fjournal =     "ASLIB Proceedings",
  keywords =     "Document creation; Document style considerations;
                 Flexible database; Formatting; Incompatible computer
                 platforms; Information retrieval; ISO; Logical
                 elements; Re-publication; Rules; SGML conforming
                 document; Simple access; Specification; Standard
                 generalized markup language; Style",
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; Standards; Word processing",

  author =       "A. Br{\"u}ggemann-Klein and D. Wood",
  title =        "Deterministic regular languages",
  crossref =     "Finkel:1992:SAS",
  pages =        "173--184",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "1992",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 13 16:25:09 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The ISO standard for standard generalized markup
                 language (SGML) provides a syntactic meta-language for
                 the definition of textual markup systems. In the
                 standard the right hand sides of productions are called
                 content models and they are based on regular
                 expressions. The allowable regular expressions are
                 those that are `unambiguous' as defined by the
                 standard. Unfortunately, the standard's use of the term
                 `unambiguous' does not correspond to the two well known
                 notions, since not all regular languages are denoted by
                 `unambiguous' expressions. Furthermore, the standard's
                 definition of `unambiguous' is somewhat vague. The
                 authors provide a precise definition of `unambiguous
                 expressions' and rename them deterministic regular
                 expressions to avoid any confusion. A regular
                 expression E is deterministic if the canonical
                 epsilon-free finite automaton M/sub E/ recognizing L(E)
                 is deterministic. A regular language is deterministic
                 if there is a deterministic expression that denotes it.
                 The authors give a Kleene-like theorem for
                 deterministic regular languages and characterize them
                 in terms of the structural properties of the minimal
                 deterministic automata recognizing them. The latter
                 result enables them to decide if a given regular
                 expression denotes a deterministic regular language
                 and, if so, to construct an equivalent deterministic
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Inst. f{\"u}r Inf., Freiburg Univ., Germany",
  bookpages =    "xiv + 620",
  classification = "C4210 (Formal logic); C4220 (Automata theory)",
  confdate =     "13--15 Feb. 1992",
  conflocation = "Cachan, France",
  keywords =     "Canonical epsilon-free finite automaton; Content
                 models; Deterministic regular expressions; ISO
                 standard; Kleene-like theorem; Minimal deterministic
                 automata; Regular expressions; Standard generalized
                 markup language; Structural properties; Syntactic
                 meta-language; Textual markup systems",
  thesaurus =    "Deterministic automata; Finite automata; Formal

  author =       "Anne Br{\"u}ggemann-Klein and Derick Wood",
  title =        "Electronic Style Sheets",
  type =         "Bericht",
  number =       "45",
  institution =  "Institut f{\"u} Informatik, Universit{\"{a}}t
  address =      "Freiburg, Germany",
  year =         "1992",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 13 15:38:33 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Also available as University of Western Ontario
                 (London, Ontario, Canada) Computer Science Department
                 Technical Report 350.",
  acknowledgement = ack-js,
  annote =       "From Joachim Schrod: ``Available from AFA
                 Describes basic principles of {\it Designer}, an
                 event-based design specification language for
                 structured markup. It does not only concern formatting
                 tasks, but also automated numbering, generation of
                 fixed texts, and ordering. The way the two last topics
                 are handled is not sufficient to support i18n. The
                 connection of layout specification to UI design is
                 recognized, but not really exploited.''",

  author =       "Anne Br{\"u}ggemann-Klein and Derick Wood",
  title =        "Unambiguous Regular Expressions and {SGML} Document
  type =         "Technical Report",
  number =       "337",
  institution =  "Computer Science Department, University of Western
  address =      "London, Ontario, Canada",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1992",
  ISBN =         "0-7714-1454-4",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-7714-1454-1",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 24 09:50:43 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-js,
  annote =       "From Joachim Schrod: ``Available from AFA
                 This report shows the relationship between traditional
                 formal languages and SGML doctype specifications. In
                 particular, it is a data point to show that the usage
                 of terms in the SGML community does not conform to the
                 canonical meaning in CS\@. The report shows that one
                 can decide if a given regular expression is equivalent
                 to a valid SGML doctype, and that one can do this
                 transformation. The algorithm for the transformation is
                 exponential; it is not known if this is a time-optimal

  author =       "A. Bruggemann-Klein and D. Wood",
  title =        "Deterministic regular languages",
  crossref =     "Finkel:1992:SAS",
  pages =        "173--184",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1992",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:43:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Inst. f{\"u}r Inf., Freiburg Univ., Germany",
  classification = "C4210 (Formal logic); C4220 (Automata theory)",
  keywords =     "Canonical epsilon-free finite automaton; Content
                 models; Deterministic regular expressions; ISO
                 standard; Kleene-like theorem; Minimal deterministic
                 automata; Regular expressions; Standard generalized
                 markup language; Structural properties; Syntactic
                 meta-language; Textual markup systems",
  thesaurus =    "Deterministic automata; Finite automata; Formal

  author =       "Richard Carr",
  title =        "Document interchange",
  publisher =    "DISC, BSi Standards",
  address =      "London, UK",
  pages =        "ii + 44",
  year =         "1992",
  ISBN =         "1-85554-182-3",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-1-85554-182-5",
  LCCN =         "TK5105.577 .C37 199",
  bibdate =      "Fri May 24 08:10:14 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "Commercial documents--Data processing; Open Document
                 Architecture (Computer network standard); SGML
                 (Document markup language)",

  author =       "Pedro Celis",
  title =        "Distribution, parallelism, and availability in nonstop
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "21",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "225--225",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:41 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Kwang-Soo Chung",
  title =        "Multimedia information communication standardization",
  journal =      j-KOREA-INFO-SCI-SOC-REV,
  volume =       "10",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "10--19",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "CHKWEN",
  ISSN =         "1015-9908",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Discusses audiovisual sequences; CCITT SG VIII;
                 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 and JTC1/SC18; encoding; the Common
                 Intermediate Format; motion estimation; multimedia
                 interaction; hypermedia navigation; the Multimedia and
                 Hypermedia Information Coding Expert Group (MHEG);
                 international standards; audiographics conferencing
                 services; computer-supported cooperative work;
                 multipoint conference units and communications
                 services; audiovisual interactive services; document
                 transfer and manipulation; cooperative document
                 handling; network requirements, capabilities and
                 functional architecture; the Hyperdocument Structuring
                 Language; Hyper ODA; independent and contextual links;
                 HyTime; and SGML.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "B6210L (Computer communications); B6210P
                 (Teleconferencing); C5600 (Data communication equipment
                 and techniques); C6160S (Spatial and pictorial
  fjournal =     "Korea Information Science Society Review = Chongbo
                 Kwahakhoe chi",
  keywords =     "Audiographics conferencing services; Audiovisual
                 interactive services; CCITT SG VIII; Cooperative
                 document handling; Hyper ODA; Hypermedia navigation;
                 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC18; ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29; Multimedia
                 information communication; Standardization",
  language =     "Korean",
  pubcountry =   "South Korea",
  thesaurus =    "Multimedia systems; Standardisation; Telecommunication
                 services; Teleconferencing",

  author =       "R. Crossman",
  title =        "Standards for storing compound documents",
  journal =      j-INFO-DB,
  volume =       "7",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "17--21",
  month =        "Winter",
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "IFDBEB",
  ISSN =         "0891-6004",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Increasingly, computerized documents (and their
                 components) have become dynamic, processable
                 objects-not just electronic reproductions of inert
                 pieces of paper. The author discusses the problem of
                 how to access data types within data types, and data
                 types of arbitrary composition, and how it is being
                 addressed by object-oriented databases. He explains the
                 benefits of having documents as data types. Some
                 working documents which use these compound document
                 data types are outlined. Various existing and future
                 standards for the interchange and storage of
                 processable compound documents are described,
                 including: SGML, ODA and CDA.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C6120 (File organisation); C6130D (Document
                 processing techniques); C6160J (Object-oriented
                 databases); C7108 (Desktop publishing)",
  fjournal =     "Info DB",
  keywords =     "Arbitrary composition; CDA; Compound document data
                 types; Computerized documents; Object-oriented
                 databases; ODA; Processable compound documents;
                 Processable objects; SGML; Standards; Working
  thesaurus =    "Abstract data types; Desktop publishing; Document
                 handling; Object-oriented databases",

  author =       "Michael M. David",
  title =        "Advanced capabilities of the outer join ({SQL})",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "21",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "65--70",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:40 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C6140D (High level languages); C6160D (Relational
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Access path length; Complex data structures; Data
                 modeling ability; Direct disparate heterogeneous
                 database access; Direct outer join operation;
                 Intelligent join view updates; ISO-ANSI SQL2 standard;
                 Nested relations; Optimization techniques; SQL",
  thesaurus =    "Data structures; Query languages; Relational

  author =       "D. J. Delia and T. C. Gilgert and N. H. Graham and U.
                 Hwang and P. W. Ing and J. C. Kan and R. G. Kemink and
                 G. C. Maling and R. F. Martin and K. P. Moran and J. R.
                 Reyes and R. R. Schmidt and R. A. Steinbrecher",
  title =        "System cooling design for the water-cooled {IBM
                 Enterprise System\slash 9000} processors",
  journal =      j-IBM-JRD,
  volume =       "36",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "791--803",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "IBMJAE",
  ISSN =         "0018-8646 (print), 2151-8556 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0018-8646",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 25 14:26:59 MST 1997",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The high operating speed and corresponding high chip
                 heat fluxes in the IBM Enterprise System/9000
                 water-cooled mainframe processors are made possible by
                 improvements in component- and system-level cooling.
                 The heart of the closed-loop water-cooling system is a
                 coolant distribution frame (CDF) common to all
                 water-cooled processors. The CDF provides a controlled
                 water temperature of 21.7 degrees C to the central
                 electronic complex (CEC) at water flow rates up to 245
                 liters per minute (lpm) and rejects heat loads of up to
                 63 kW for the largest processor. The water flow
                 provides cooling to multichip thermal conduction
                 modules (TCMs), to power supplies, and to air-to-water
                 heat exchangers that provide preconditioned air to
                 channel and memory cards. As many as 121 chips are
                 mounted on a TCM glass-ceramic substrate, with chip
                 powers reaching 27 W or a heat flux of 64 W/cm/sup 2/.
                 A separable cold plate was developed to cool these
                 modules. The power supplies with high heat densities
                 are primarily cooled by water which flows through a
                 unique separable cold plate designed for ease of
                 serviceability of the power supply. A closed-loop frame
                 in which all the heat was rejected to water was
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "IBM Enterprise Syst., Poughkeepsie, NY, USA",
  classcodes =   "C5420 (Mainframes and minicomputers); C5490 (Other
  classification = "C5420 (Mainframes and minicomputers); C5490 (Other
  corpsource =   "IBM Enterprise Syst., Poughkeepsie, NY, USA",
  fjournal =     "IBM Journal of Research and Development",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "21.7 deg C; central electronic; Central electronic
                 complex; ceramic substrate; closed-loop water-cooling;
                 Closed-loop water-cooling system; cold plate; Cold
                 plate; complex; coolant distribution frame; Coolant
                 distribution frame; cooled mainframe processors;
                 cooling; heat flux; Heat flux; IBM computers;
                 mainframes; multichip thermal conduction modules;
                 Multichip thermal conduction modules; system; TCM
                 glass-; TCM glass-ceramic substrate; water-;
                 water-cooled IBM Enterprise System/9000 processors;
                 Water-cooled IBM Enterprise System/9000 processors;
                 Water-cooled mainframe processors",
  numericalindex = "Temperature 2.95E+02 K",
  thesaurus =    "Cooling; IBM computers; Mainframes",
  treatment =    "P Practical",

  author =       "D. Dougherty",
  title =        "On-line documentation and publication: the {Davenport
  journal =      j-EUROPEN-NEWSLETTER,
  volume =       "12",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "15--18",
  month =        "Summer",
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "EONLE8",
  ISSN =         "1011-4211",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:43:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The Davenport Group is an open forum which brings
                 together Unix system vendors, software vendors and
                 technical book publishers who have something at stake
                 in the development of standards and technology for
                 online documentation and publication. The initial
                 efforts of the Davenport Group are focused upon the
                 establishment of a common interchange format for online
                 technical documentation. The Davenport Group supports
                 an interchange format based on SGML, the Standard
                 Generalised Markup Language (ISO/IEC 8879) and `HyTime'
                 Hypermedia/Time-based Structuring Language (ISO/IEC
                 Draft International Standard 10744).",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "O'Reilly and Associates Inc., Sebastopol, CA, USA",
  classification = "C6110 (Systems analysis and programming); C6130E
                 (Data interchange); C6150J (Operating systems); C6160Z
                 (Other DBMS); C7230 (Publishing and reproduction)",
  fjournal =     "EurOpen Newsletter",
  keywords =     "Common interchange format; Davenport Group;
                 Hypermedia/Time-based Structuring Language; HyTime;
                 ISO/IEC 8879; ISO/IEC Draft International Standard
                 10744; Online technical documentation; Publication;
                 SGML; Software vendors; Standard Generalised Markup
                 Language; Technical book publishers; Unix system
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "DP industry; Electronic data interchange; Electronic
                 publishing; Hypermedia; Standards; System
                 documentation; Unix",

  author =       "D. Dougherty",
  title =        "Standardization: problems of interchange and delivery
                 of documentation online",
  crossref =     "ACM:1992:SAI",
  pages =        "145--147",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1992",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "O'Reilly and Associates Inc., Sebastapol, CA, USA",
  classification = "C6110 (Systems analysis and programming); C6130D
                 (Document processing techniques); C6140D (High level
                 languages); C6160Z (Other DBMS); C7108 (Desktop
  keywords =     "Computer documentation; Davenport Group;
                 Hypermedia/Timebased Structuring Language; HyTime;
                 Multiple sources; Online documentation systems; Open
                 systems; SGML; Standard Generalized Markup Language;
                 Standardization; Standards",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; Hypermedia; Page description
                 languages; Standards; System documentation",

  author =       "Victor Eijkhout",
  title =        "{\TeX} by Topic, a {\TeX}nician's Reference",
  publisher =    pub-AW,
  address =      pub-AW:adr,
  pages =        "vii + 307",
  year =         "1992",
  ISBN =         "0-201-56882-9",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-201-56882-0",
  LCCN =         "Z253.4.T47 E38 1992",
  bibdate =      "Tue Dec 14 22:47:52 1993",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "See \cite{Poppelier:1992:BRJ,Poppelier:1992:BR}.",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  tableofcontents = "License / 15 \\
                 Preface / 21 \\
                 1 The Structure of the TEX Processor / 23 \\
                 1.1 Four TEX processors / 23 \\
                 1.2 The input processor / 24 \\
                 1.2.1 Character input / 24 \\
                 1.2.2 Two-level input processing / 24 \\
                 1.3 The expansion processor / 25 \\
                 1.3.1 The process of expansion / 25 \\
                 1.3.2 Special cases: \expandafter, \noexpand, and \the
                 / 25 \\
                 1.3.3 Braces in the expansion processor / 26 \\
                 1.4 The execution processor / 26 \\
                 1.5 The visual processor / 27 \\
                 1.6 Examples / 28 \\
                 1.6.1 Skipped spaces / 28 \\
                 1.6.2 Internal quantities and their representations /
                 28 \\
                 2 Category Codes and Internal States / 29 \\
                 2.1 Introduction / 29 \\
                 2.2 Initial processing / 29 \\
                 2.3 Category codes / 30 \\
                 2.4 From characters to tokens / 32 \\
                 2.5 The input processor as a finite state automaton /
                 32 \\
                 2.5.1 State N: new line / 32 \\
                 2.5.2 State S: skipping spaces / 32 \\
                 2.5.3 State M: middle of line / 32 \\
                 2.6 Accessing the full character set / 33 \\
                 2.7 Transitions between internal states / 33 \\
                 2.7.1 0: escape character / 33 \\
                 2.7.2 1--4, 7--8, 11--13: non-blank characters / 34 \\
                 2.7.3 5: end of line / 34 \\
                 2.7.4 6: parameter / 34 \\
                 2.7.5 7: superscript / 34 \\
                 2.7.6 9: ignored character / 34 \\
                 2.7.7 10: space / 35 \\
                 2.7.8 14: comment / 35 \\
                 2.7.9 15: invalid / 35 \\
                 2.8 Letters and other characters / 35 \\
                 2.9 The \par token / 36 \\
                 2.10 Spaces / 37 \\
                 2.10.1 Skipped spaces / 37 \\
                 2.10.2 Optional spaces / 37 \\
                 2.10.3 Ignored and obeyed spaces / 38 \\
                 2.10.4 More ignored spaces / 38 \\
                 2.10.5 space token / 39 \\
                 2.10.6 Control space / 39 \\
                 2.10.7 ` ' / 39 \\
                 2.11 More about line ends / 40 \\
                 2.11.1 Obeylines / 40 \\
                 2.11.2 Changing the \endlinechar / 40 \\
                 2.11.3 More remarks about the end-of-line character /
                 41 \\
                 2.12 More about the input processor / 41 \\
                 2.12.1 The input processor as a separate process / 41
                 2.12.2 The input processor not as a separate process /
                 42 \\
                 2.12.3 Recursive invocation of the input processor / 42
                 2.13 The <at> convention / 43 \\
                 3 Characters / 45 \\
                 3.1 Character codes / 45 \\
                 3.2 Control sequences for characters / 46 \\
                 3.2.1 Denoting characters to be typeset: \char / 46 \\
                 3.2.2 Implicit character tokens: \let / 47 \\
                 3.3 Accents / 48 \\
                 3.4 Testing characters / 49 \\
                 3.5 Uppercase and lowercase / 50 \\
                 3.5.1 Uppercase and lowercase codes / 50 \\
                 3.5.2 Uppercase and lowercase commands / 50 \\
                 3.5.3 Uppercase and lowercase forms of keywords / 50
                 3.5.4 Creative use of \uppercase and \lowercase / 51
                 3.6 Codes of a character / 51 \\
                 3.7 Converting tokens into character strings / 51 \\
                 3.7.1 Output of control sequences / 52 \\
                 3.7.2 Category codes of a \string / 52 \\
                 4 Fonts / 53 \\
                 4.1 Fonts / 53 \\
                 4.2 Font declaration / 54 \\
                 4.2.1 Fonts and tfm files / 54 \\
                 4.2.2 Querying the current font and font names / 54 \\
                 4.2.3 \nullfont / 55 \\
                 4.3 Font information / 55 \\
                 4.3.1 Font dimensions / 55 \\
                 4.3.2 Kerning / 56 \\
                 4.3.3 Italic correction / 56 \\
                 4.3.4 Ligatures / 57 \\
                 4.3.5 Boundary ligatures / 57 \\
                 5 Boxes / 59 \\
                 5.1 Boxes / 60 \\
                 5.2 Box registers / 60 \\
                 5.2.1 Allocation: \newbox / 60 \\
                 5.2.2 Usage: \setbox, \box, \copy / 61 \\
                 5.2.3 Testing: \ifvoid, \ifhbox, \ifvbox / 61 \\
                 5.2.4 The \lastbox / 61 \\
                 5.3 Natural dimensions of boxes / 62 \\
                 5.3.1 Dimensions of created horizontal boxes / 62 \\
                 5.3.2 Dimensions of created vertical boxes / 62 \\
                 5.3.3 Examples / 63 \\
                 5.4 More about box dimensions / 64 \\
                 5.4.1 Predetermined dimensions / 64 \\
                 5.4.2 Changes to box dimensions / 65 \\
                 5.4.3 Moving boxes around / 65 \\
                 5.4.4 Box dimensions and box placement / 65 \\
                 5.4.5 Boxes and negative glue / 66 \\
                 5.5 Overfull and underfull boxes / 67 \\
                 5.6 Opening and closing boxes / 67 \\
                 5.7 Unboxing / 68 \\
                 5.8 Text in boxes / 69 \\
                 5.9 Assorted remarks / 70 \\
                 5.9.1 Forgetting the \box / 70 \\
                 5.9.2 Special-purpose boxes / 70 \\
                 5.9.3 The height of a vertical box in horizontal mode /
                 70 \\
                 5.9.4 More subtleties with vertical boxes / 70 \\
                 5.9.5 Hanging the \lastbox back in the list / 71 \\
                 5.9.6 Dissecting paragraphs with \lastbox / 72 \\
                 6 Horizontal and Vertical Mode / 73 \\
                 6.1 Horizontal and vertical mode / 73 \\
                 6.1.1 Horizontal mode / 73 \\
                 6.1.2 Vertical mode / 74 \\
                 6.2 Horizontal and vertical commands / 74 \\
                 6.3 The internal modes / 75 \\
                 6.3.1 Restricted horizontal mode / 75 \\
                 6.3.2 Internal vertical mode / 75 \\
                 6.4 Boxes and modes / 76 \\
                 6.4.1 What box do you use in what mode? / 76 \\
                 6.4.2 What mode holds in what box? / 76 \\
                 6.4.3 Mode-dependent behaviour of boxes / 76 \\
                 6.5 Modes and glue / 76 \\
                 6.6 Migrating material / 77 \\
                 6.6.1 \vadjust / 77 \\
                 6.7 Testing modes / 77 \\
                 7 Numbers / 79 \\
                 7.1 Numbers and number s / 79 \\
                 7.2 Integers / 79 \\
                 7.2.1 Denotations: integers / 80 \\
                 7.2.2 Denotations: characters / 80 \\
                 7.2.3 Internal integers / 81 \\
                 7.2.4 Internal integers: other codes of a character /
                 82 \\
                 7.2.5 special integer / 82 \\
                 7.2.6 Other internal quantities: coersion to integer /
                 82 \\
                 7.2.7 Trailing spaces / 82 \\
                 7.3 Numbers / 82 \\
                 7.4 Integer registers / 83 \\
                 7.5 Arithmetic / 83 \\
                 7.5.1 Arithmetic statements / 84 \\
                 7.5.2 Floating-point arithmetic / 84 \\
                 7.5.3 Fixed-point arithmetic / 84 \\
                 7.6 Number testing / 84 \\
                 7.7 Remarks / 85 \\
                 7.7.1 Character constants / 85 \\
                 7.7.2 Expanding too far / how far / 85 \\
                 8 Dimensions and Glue / 87 \\
                 8.1 Definition of glue and dimen / 88 \\
                 8.1.1 Definition of dimensions / 88 \\
                 8.1.2 Definition of glue / 89 \\
                 8.1.3 Conversion of glue to dimen / 90 \\
                 8.1.4 Registers for \dimen and \skip / 90 \\
                 8.1.5 Arithmetic: addition / 90 \\
                 8.1.6 Arithmetic: multiplication and division / 91 \\
                 8.2 More about dimensions / 91 \\
                 8.2.1 Units of measurement / 91 \\
                 8.2.2 Dimension testing / 92 \\
                 8.2.3 Defined dimensions / 92 \\
                 8.3 More about glue / 92 \\
                 8.3.1 Stretch and shrink / 93 \\
                 8.3.2 Glue setting / 94 \\
                 8.3.3 Badness / 94 \\
                 8.3.4 Glue and breaking / 95 \\
                 8.3.5 \kern / 95 \\
                 8.3.6 Glue and modes / 95 \\
                 8.3.7 The last glue item in a list: backspacing / 96
                 8.3.8 Examples of backspacing / 96 \\
                 8.3.9 Glue in trace output / 97 \\
                 9 Rules and Leaders / 99 \\
                 9.1 Rules / 99 \\
                 9.1.1 Rule dimensions / 100 \\
                 9.2 Leaders / 100 \\
                 9.2.1 Rule leaders / 101 \\
                 9.2.2 Box leaders / 102 \\
                 9.2.3 Evenly spaced leaders / 102 \\
                 9.3 Assorted remarks / 103 \\
                 9.3.1 Rules and modes / 103 \\
                 9.3.2 Ending a paragraph with leaders / 103 \\
                 9.3.3 Leaders and box registers / 103 \\
                 9.3.4 Output in leader boxes / 104 \\
                 9.3.5 Box leaders in trace output / 104 \\
                 9.3.6 Leaders and shifted margins / 104 \\
                 10 Grouping / 105 \\
                 10.1 The grouping mechanism / 105 \\
                 10.2 Local and global assignments / 106 \\
                 10.3 Group delimiters / 106 \\
                 10.4 More about braces / 107 \\
                 10.4.1 Brace counters / 107 \\
                 10.4.2 The brace as a token / 108 \\
                 10.4.3 Open and closing brace control symbols / 108 \\
                 11 Macros / 109 \\
                 11.1 Introduction / 109 \\
                 11.2 Layout of a macro definition / 110 \\
                 11.3 Prefixes / 110 \\
                 11.4 The definition type / 111 \\
                 11.5 The parameter text / 111 \\
                 11.5.1 Undelimited parameters / 112 \\
                 11.5.2 Delimited parameters / 112 \\
                 11.5.3 Examples with delimited arguments / 113 \\
                 11.5.4 Empty arguments / 114 \\
                 11.5.5 The macro parameter character / 114 \\
                 11.5.6 Brace delimiting / 115 \\
                 11.6 Construction of control sequences / 115 \\
                 11.7 Token assignments by \let and \futurelet / 116 \\
                 11.7.1 \let / 116 \\
                 11.7.2 \futurelet / 117 \\
                 11.8 Assorted remarks / 117 \\
                 11.8.1 Active characters / 117 \\
                 11.8.2 Macros versus primitives / 117 \\
                 11.8.3 Tail recursion / 118 \\
                 11.9 Macro techniques / 119 \\
                 11.9.1 Unknown number of arguments / 119 \\
                 11.9.2 Examining the argument / 119 \\
                 11.9.3 Optional macro parameters with \futurelet / 121
                 11.9.4 Two-step macros / 121 \\
                 11.9.5 A comment environment / 122 \\
                 12 Expansion / 125 \\
                 12.1 Introduction / 125 \\
                 12.2 Ordinary expansion / 125 \\
                 12.3 Reversing expansion order / 126 \\
                 12.3.1 One step expansion: \expandafter / 126 \\
                 12.3.2 Total expansion: \edef / 127 \\
                 12.3.3 \afterassignment / 127 \\
                 12.3.4 \aftergroup / 128 \\
                 12.4 Preventing expansion / 129 \\
                 12.4.1 \noexpand / 129 \\
                 12.4.2 \noexpand and active characters / 129 \\
                 12.5 \relax / 130 \\
                 12.5.1 \relax and \csname / 130 \\
                 12.5.2 Preventing expansion with \relax / 131 \\
                 12.5.3 TEX inserts a \relax / 131 \\
                 12.5.4 The value of non-macros; \the / 132 \\
                 12.6 Examples / 132 \\
                 12.6.1 Expanding after / 132 \\
                 12.6.2 Defining inside an \edef / 133 \\
                 12.6.3 Expansion and \write / 134 \\
                 12.6.4 Controlled expansion inside an \edef / 135 \\
                 12.6.5 Multiple prevention of expansion / 135 \\
                 12.6.6 More examples with \relax / 136 \\
                 12.6.7 Example: category code saving and restoring /
                 136 \\
                 12.6.8 Combining \aftergroup and boxes / 137 \\
                 12.6.9 More expansion / 138 \\
                 13 Conditionals / 139 \\
                 13.1 The shape of conditionals / 139 \\
                 13.2 Character and control sequence tests / 140 \\
                 13.2.1 \if / 140 \\
                 13.2.2 \ifcat / 140 \\
                 13.2.3 \ifx / 141 \\
                 13.3 Mode tests / 141 \\
                 13.4 Numerical tests / 142 \\
                 13.5 Other tests / 142 \\
                 13.5.1 Dimension testing / 142 \\
                 13.5.2 Box tests / 142 \\
                 13.5.3 I/O tests / 142 \\
                 13.5.4 Case statement / 142 \\
                 13.5.5 Special tests / 143 \\
                 13.6 The \newif macro / 143 \\
                 13.7 Evaluation of conditionals / 144 \\
                 13.8 Assorted remarks / 145 \\
                 13.8.1 The test gobbles up tokens / 145 \\
                 13.8.2 The test wants to gobble up the \else or \fi /
                 145 \\
                 13.8.3 Macros and conditionals; the use of \expandafter
                 / 146 \\
                 13.8.4 Incorrect matching / 147 \\
                 13.8.5 Conditionals and grouping / 147 \\
                 13.8.6 A trick / 148 \\
                 13.8.7 More examples of expansion in conditionals / 148
                 14 Token Lists / 151 \\
                 14.1 Token lists / 151 \\
                 14.2 Use of token lists / 151 \\
                 14.3 token parameter / 152 \\
                 14.4 Token list registers / 152 \\
                 14.5 Examples / 153 \\
                 14.5.1 Operations on token lists: stack macros / 153
                 14.5.2 Executing token lists / 154 \\
                 15 Baseline Distances / 155 \\
                 15.1 Interline glue / 155 \\
                 15.2 The perceived depth of boxes / 157 \\
                 15.3 Terminology / 158 \\
                 15.4 Additional remarks / 158 \\
                 16 Paragraph Start / 159 \\
                 16.1 When does a paragraph start / 159 \\
                 16.2 What happens when a paragraph starts / 160 \\
                 16.3 Assorted remarks / 160 \\
                 16.3.1 Starting a paragraph with a box / 160 \\
                 16.3.2 Starting a paragraph with a group / 160 \\
                 16.4 Examples / 161 \\
                 16.4.1 Stretchable indentation / 161 \\
                 16.4.2 Suppressing indentation / 161 \\
                 16.4.3 An indentation scheme / 161 \\
                 16.4.4 A paragraph skip scheme / 162 \\
                 17 Paragraph End / 165 \\
                 17.1 The way paragraphs end / 165 \\
                 17.1.1 The \par command and the \par token / 165 \\
                 17.1.2 Paragraph filling: \parfillskip / 166 \\
                 17.2 Assorted remarks / 166 \\
                 17.2.1 Ending a paragraph and a group at the same time
                 / 166 \\
                 17.2.2 Ending a paragraph with \hfill\break / 167 \\
                 17.2.3 Ending a paragraph with a rule / 167 \\
                 17.2.4 No page breaks in between paragraphs / 167 \\
                 17.2.5 Finite \parfillskip / 167 \\
                 17.2.6 A precaution for paragraphs that do not indent /
                 168 \\
                 18 Paragraph Shape / 169 \\
                 18.1 The width of text lines / 170 \\
                 18.2 Shape parameters / 170 \\
                 18.2.1 Hanging indentation / 170 \\
                 18.2.2 General paragraph shapes: \parshape / 171 \\
                 18.3 Assorted remarks / 171 \\
                 18.3.1 Centred last lines / 171 \\
                 18.3.2 Indenting into the margin / 172 \\
                 18.3.3 Hang a paragraph from an object / 172 \\
                 18.3.4 Another approach to hanging indentation / 173
                 18.3.5 Hanging indentation versus \leftskip shifting /
                 173 \\
                 18.3.6 More examples / 174 \\
                 19 Line Breaking / 175 \\
                 19.1 Paragraph break cost calculation / 176 \\
                 19.1.1 Badness / 176 \\
                 19.1.2 Penalties and other break locations / 177 \\
                 19.1.3 Demerits / 177 \\
                 19.1.4 The number of lines of a paragraph / 178 \\
                 19.1.5 Between the lines / 178 \\
                 19.2 The process of breaking / 178 \\
                 19.2.1 Three passes / 179 \\
                 19.2.2 Tolerance values / 179 \\
                 19.3 Discretionaries / 179 \\
                 19.3.1 Hyphens and discretionaries / 179 \\
                 19.3.2 Examples of discretionaries / 180 \\
                 19.4 Hyphenation / 181 \\
                 19.4.1 Start of a word / 181 \\
                 19.4.2 End of a word / 181 \\
                 19.4.3 TEX2 versus TEX3 / 182 \\
                 19.4.4 Patterns and exceptions / 182 \\
                 19.5 Switching hyphenation patterns / 182 \\
                 20 Spacing / 185 \\
                 20.1 Introduction / 185 \\
                 20.2 Automatic interword space / 185 \\
                 20.3 User interword space / 186 \\
                 20.4 Control space and tie / 187 \\
                 20.5 More on the space factor / 188 \\
                 20.5.1 Space factor assignments / 188 \\
                 20.5.2 Punctuation / 188 \\
                 20.5.3 Other non-letters / 189 \\
                 20.5.4 Other influences on the space factor / 189 \\
                 21 Characters in Math Mode / 191 \\
                 21.1 Mathematical characters / 192 \\
                 21.2 Delimiters / 192 \\
                 21.2.1 Delimiter codes / 193 \\
                 21.2.2 Explicit \delimiter commands / 193 \\
                 21.2.3 Finding a delimiter; successors / 193 \\
                 21.2.4 \big, \Big, \bigg, and \Bigg delimiter macros /
                 194 \\
                 21.3 Radicals / 194 \\
                 21.4 Math accents / 195 \\
                 22 Fonts in Formulas / 197 \\
                 22.1 Determining the font of a character in math mode /
                 197 \\
                 22.2 Initial family settings / 198 \\
                 22.3 Family definition / 198 \\
                 22.4 Some specific font changes / 198 \\
                 22.4.1 Change the font of ordinary characters and
                 uppercase Greek / 198 \\
                 22.4.2 Change uppercase Greek independent of text font
                 / 199 \\
                 22.4.3 Change the font of lowercase Greek and
                 mathematical symbols / 199 \\
                 22.5 Assorted remarks / 199 \\
                 22.5.1 New fonts in formulas / 199 \\
                 22.5.2 Evaluating the families / 200 \\
                 23 Mathematics Typesetting / 201 \\
                 23.1 Math modes / 202 \\
                 23.2 Styles in math mode / 202 \\
                 23.2.1 Superscripts and subscripts 203 / 11 \\
                 23.2.2 Choice of styles / 203 \\
                 23.3 Classes of mathematical objects / 204 \\
                 23.4 Large operators and their limits / 204 \\
                 23.5 Vertical centring: \vcenter / 205 \\
                 23.6 Mathematical spacing: mu glue / 205 \\
                 23.6.1 Classification of mu glue / 206 \\
                 23.6.2 Muskip registers / 206 \\
                 23.6.3 Other spaces in math mode / 207 \\
                 23.7 Generalized fractions / 207 \\
                 23.8 Underlining, overlining / 208 \\
                 23.9 Line breaking in math formulas / 208 \\
                 23.10 Font dimensions of families 2 and 3 / 208 \\
                 23.10.1 Symbol font attributes / 208 \\
                 23.10.2 Extension font attributes / 209 \\
                 23.10.3 Example: subscript lowering / 210 \\
                 24 Display Math / 211 \\
                 24.1 Displays / 211 \\
                 24.2 Displays in paragraphs / 212 \\
                 24.3 Vertical material around displays / 212 \\
                 24.4 Glue setting of the display math list / 213 \\
                 24.5 Centring the display formula: displacement / 213
                 24.6 Equation numbers / 214 \\
                 24.6.1 Ordinary equation numbers / 214 \\
                 24.6.2 The equation number on a separate line / 214 \\
                 24.7 Non-centred displays / 214 \\
                 25 Alignment / 217 \\
                 25.1 Introduction / 217 \\
                 25.2 Horizontal and vertical alignment / 217 \\
                 25.2.1 Horizontal alignments: \halign / 218 \\
                 25.2.2 Vertical alignments: \valign / 218 \\
                 25.2.3 Material between the lines: \noalign / 218 \\
                 25.2.4 Size of the alignment / 219 \\
                 25.3 The preamble / 219 \\
                 25.3.1 Infinite preambles / 219 \\
                 25.3.2 Brace counting in preambles / 220 \\
                 25.3.3 Expansion in the preamble / 220 \\
                 25.3.4 \tabskip / 220 \\
                 25.4 The alignment / 221 \\
                 25.4.1 Reading an entry / 221 \\
                 25.4.2 Alternate specifications: \omit / 221 \\
                 25.4.3 Spanning across multiple columns: \span / 222
                 25.4.4 Rules in alignments / 222 \\
                 25.4.5 End of a line: \cr and \crcr / 223 \\
                 25.5 Example: math alignments / 224 \\
                 26 Page Shape / 225 \\
                 26.1 The reference point for global positioning / 225
                 26.2 \topskip / 225 \\
                 26.3 Page height and depth / 226 \\
                 27 Page Breaking / 227 \\
                 27.1 The current page and the recent contributions /
                 228 \\
                 27.2 Activating the page builder / 228 \\
                 27.3 Page length bookkeeping / 228 \\
                 27.4 Breakpoints / 229 \\
                 27.4.1 Possible breakpoints / 229 \\
                 27.4.2 Breakpoint penalties / 229 \\
                 27.4.3 Breakpoint computation / 230 \\
                 27.5 \vsplit / 231 \\
                 27.6 Examples of page breaking / 232 \\
                 27.6.1 Filling up a page / 232 \\
                 27.6.2 Determining the breakpoint / 232 \\
                 27.6.3 The page builder after a paragraph / 233 \\
                 28 Output Routines / 235 \\
                 28.1 The \output token list / 235 \\
                 28.2 Output and \box255 / 236 \\
                 28.3 Marks / 236 \\
                 28.4 Assorted remarks / 238 \\
                 28.4.1 Hazards in non-trivial output routines / 238 \\
                 28.4.2 Page numbering / 238 \\
                 28.4.3 Headlines and footlines in plain TEX / 238 \\
                 28.4.4 Example: no widow lines / 238 \\
                 28.4.5 Example: no indentation top of page / 239 \\
                 28.4.6 More examples of output routines / 240 \\
                 29 Insertions / 241 \\
                 29.1 Insertion items / 241 \\
                 29.2 Insertion class declaration / 242 \\
                 29.3 Insertion parameters / 242 \\
                 29.4 Moving insertion items from the contributions list
                 / 243 \\
                 29.5 Insertions in the output routine / 244 \\
                 29.6 Plain TEX insertions / 244 \\
                 30 File Input and Output / 245 \\
                 30.1 Including files: \input and \endinput / 245 \\
                 30.2 File I/O / 246 \\
                 30.2.1 Opening and closing streams / 246 \\
                 30.2.2 Input with \read / 246 \\
                 30.2.3 Output with \write / 247 \\
                 30.3 Whatsits / 247 \\
                 30.4 Assorted remarks / 248 \\
                 30.4.1 Inspecting input / 248 \\
                 30.4.2 Testing for existence of files / 248 \\
                 30.4.3 Timing problems / 248 \\
                 30.4.4 \message versus \immediate\write16 / 248 \\
                 30.4.5 Write inside a vertical box / 249 \\
                 30.4.6 Expansion and spaces in \write and \message /
                 249 \\
                 31 Allocation / 251 \\
                 31.1 Allocation commands / 251 \\
                 31.1.1 \count, \dimen, \skip, \muskip, \toks / 252 \\
                 31.1.2 \box, \fam, \write, \read, \insert / 252 \\
                 31.2 Ground rules for macro writers / 252 \\
                 32 Running TEX / 255 \\
                 32.1 Jobs / 255 \\
                 32.1.1 Start of the job / 255 \\
                 32.1.2 End of the job / 256 \\
                 32.1.3 The log file / 256 \\
                 32.2 Run modes / 256 \\
                 33 TEX and the Outside World / 259 \\
                 33.1 TEX, IniTEX, VirTEX / 259 \\
                 33.1.1 Formats: loading / 259 \\
                 33.1.2 Formats: dumping / 260 \\
                 33.1.3 Formats: preloading / 260 \\
                 33.1.4 The knowledge of IniTEX / 260 \\
                 33.1.5 Memory sizes of TEX and IniTEX / 261 \\
                 33.2 More about formats / 261 \\
                 33.2.1 Compatibility / 261 \\
                 33.2.2 Preloaded fonts / 261 \\
                 33.2.3 The plain format / 262 \\
                 33.2.4 The LATEX format / 262 \\
                 33.2.5 Mathematical formats / 262 \\
                 33.2.6 Other formats / 262 \\
                 33.3 The dvi file / 263 \\
                 33.3.1 The dvi file format / 263 \\
                 33.3.2 Page identification / 263 \\
                 33.3.3 Magnification / 263 \\
                 33.4 Specials / 264 \\
                 33.5 Time / 264 \\
                 33.6 Fonts / 264 \\
                 33.6.1 Font metrics / 264 \\
                 33.6.2 Virtual fonts / 265 \\
                 33.6.3 Font files / 265 \\
                 33.6.4 Computer Modern / 266 \\
                 33.7 TEX and web / 266 \\
                 33.8 The TEX Users Group / 267 \\
                 34 Tracing / 269 \\
                 34.1 Meaning and content: \show, \showthe, \meaning /
                 270 \\
                 34.2 Show boxes: \showbox, \tracingoutput / 270 \\
                 34.3 Global statistics / 272 \\
                 34.4 Execution tracing / 273 \\
                 35 Errors, Catastrophes, and Help / 275 \\
                 35.1 Error messages / 275 \\
                 35.2 Overflow errors / 276 \\
                 35.2.1 Buffer size (500) / 276 \\
                 35.2.2 Exception dictionary (307) / 276 \\
                 35.2.3 Font memory (20,000) / 276 \\
                 35.2.4 Grouping levels / 277 \\
                 35.2.5 Hash size (2100) / 277 \\
                 35.2.6 Number of strings (3000) / 277 \\
                 35.2.7 Input stack size (200) / 277 \\
                 35.2.8 Main memory size (30,000) / 277 \\
                 35.2.9 Parameter stack size (60) / 277 \\
                 35.2.10 Pattern memory (8000) / 278 \\
                 35.2.11 Pattern memory ops per language / 278 \\
                 35.2.12 Pool size (32,000) / 278 \\
                 35.2.13 Save size (600) / 278 \\
                 35.2.14 Semantic nest size (40) / 278 \\
                 35.2.15 Text input levels (6) / 278 \\
                 36 The Grammar of TEX / 279 \\
                 36.1 Notations / 279 \\
                 36.2 Keywords / 280 \\
                 36.3 Specific grammatical terms / 280 \\
                 36.3.1 equals / 280 \\
                 36.3.2 filler, general text / 280 \\
                 36.3.3 {} and left brace right brace / 281 \\
                 36.3.4 math field / 281 \\
                 36.4 Differences between TEX versions 2 and 3 / 281 \\
                 37 Glossary of TEX Primitives / 283 \\
                 38 Tables / 297 \\
                 38.1 Character tables / 298 \\
                 38.2 Computer modern fonts / 300 \\
                 38.3 Plain TEX math symbols / 305 \\
                 38.3.1 Mathcharacter codes / 305 \\
                 38.3.2 Delimiter codes / 306 \\
                 38.3.3 mathchardef tokens: ordinary symbols / 307 \\
                 38.3.4 mathchardef tokens: large operators / 308 \\
                 38.3.5 mathchardef tokens: binary operations / 309 \\
                 38.3.6 mathchardef tokens: relations / 310 \\
                 38.3.7 \delimiter macros / 311 \\
                 39 Index / 313 \\
                 Bibliography / 321",

  author =       "P. Gillman",
  title =        "Data handling and text compression",
  volume =       "18",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "105--110",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "JISCDI",
  ISSN =         "0165-5515 (print), 1741-6485 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0165-5515",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Data compression has a function in text storage and
                 data handling, but not at the level of compressing data
                 files. The reason is that the decompression of such
                 files adds a time delay to the retrieval process, and
                 users can see this delay as a drawback of the system
                 concerned. Compression techniques can with benefit be
                 applied to index files. A more relevant data handling
                 problem is that posed by the need, in most systems, to
                 store two versions of imported text. The first is the
                 native version, as it might have come from a word
                 processor to text editor. The second is the ASCII
                 version which is what is actually imported. Inverted
                 file indexes form yet another version. The problem
                 arises out of the need for dynamic indexing and
                 re-indexing of revisable documents in very large
                 database applications such as are found in office
                 automation systems. Four mainstream text-management
                 packages are used to show how this problem is handled,
                 and how generic document architectures such as OCA/CDA
                 and SGML might help.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Inf. Partnership, London, UK",
  classification = "C6120 (File organisation); C6130 (Data handling
                 techniques); C7240 (Information analysis and indexing);
                 C7250 (Information storage and retrieval)",
  fjournal =     "Journal of Information Science, Principles and
  keywords =     "ASCII version; Data compression; Data files; Data
                 handling; Dynamic indexing; Imported text; Inverted
                 file indexes; Native version; OCA/CDA; Re-indexing;
                 Revisable documents; SGML; Text compression; Text
                 storage; Text-management packages; Time delay; Very
                 large database applications",
  pubcountry =   "Netherlands",
  thesaurus =    "Data compression; Data handling; File organisation;
                 Indexing; Information storage",

  author =       "M. Goossens and E. {van Herwijnen}",
  title =        "Scientific text processing",
  journal =      j-INT-J-MOD-PHYS-C,
  volume =       "3",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "479--546",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "IJMPEO",
  ISSN =         "0129-1831 (print), 1793-6586 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Mon Oct 26 07:41:57 1998",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Aspects of text processing important for the
                 scientific community are discussed, and an overview of
                 currently available software is presented. Progress on
                 standardization efforts in the area of document
                 exchange (SGML), document formatting (DSSSL), document
                 presentation (SPDL), fonts (ISO 9541) and character
                 codes (Unicode and ISO 10646) is described. An
                 elementary particle naming scheme for use with {\LaTeX}
                 and SGML is proposed. {\LaTeX}, PostScript, SGML and
                 desk-top publishing allow electronic submission of
                 articles to publishers, and printing on demand.
                 Advantages of standardization are illustrated by the
                 description of a system which can exchange documents
                 between different word processors and automatically
                 extract bibliographic data for a library database.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "CERN, Geneva, Switzerland",
  classification = "A2980F (Programming); C6120 (File organisation);
                 C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7108 (Desktop
                 publishing); C7230 (Publishing and reproduction); C7300
                 (Natural sciences); C7320 (Physics and Chemistry)",
  fjournal =     "International Journal of Modern Physics C [Physics and
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Character codes; Desk-top publishing; Document
                 exchange; Document formatting; Document presentation;
                 DSSSL; Elementary particle naming scheme; Fonts; ISO
                 10646; ISO 9541; ISO standards; LATEX; PostScript;
                 SGML; SPDL; Standardization; Unicode; Word processors",
  pubcountry =   "Singapore",
  thesaurus =    "Character sets; Desktop publishing; Electronic data
                 interchange; Natural sciences computing; Physics
                 computing; Publishing; Standardisation; Standards; Word

  author =       "Christopher Hankins and John Vince",
  title =        "Book reviews: {{\em The SGML Handbook}, by Charles
                 Goldfarb, 1990}; {{\em Fractal Creations}, by Timothy
                 Wegner and Mark Peterson, 1991}",
  journal =      j-COMP-J,
  volume =       "35",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "40--40",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "CMPJA6",
  ISSN =         "0010-4620 (print), 1460-2067 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0010-4620",
  bibdate =      "Tue Oct 03 07:10:24 2000",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "The Computer Journal",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "{International Organization for Standardization}",
  title =        "{ISO\slash IEC TR 9573-11:1992 Information processing
                 --- SGML support facilities --- Techniques for using
                 SGML --- Part 11: Application at ISO Central
                 Secretariat for International Standards and Technical
  publisher =    pub-ISO,
  address =      pub-ISO:adr,
  pages =        "73",
  year =         "1992",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 26 10:37:59 2000",
  bibsource =    "",
  price =        "CHF 164",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  pricecode =    "W",

  author =       "{International Organization for Standardization}",
  title =        "{ISO\slash IEC TR 9573-11:1992 Information processing
                 --- SGML support facilities --- Techniques for using
                 SGML --- Part 11: Application at ISO Central
                 Secretariat for International Standards and Technical
  publisher =    pub-ISO,
  address =      pub-ISO:adr,
  pages =        "73",
  year =         "1992",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 26 10:37:59 2000",
  bibsource =    "",
  price =        "CHF 164",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  pricecode =    "W",

  author =       "Francis Kretz and Fran{\c{c}}oise Colaitis",
  title =        "Standardizing Hypermedia Information Objects",
  journal =      j-IEEE-COMM-MAG,
  volume =       "30",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "60--70",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "ICOMD9",
  ISSN =         "0163-6804",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-6804",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 12 01:17:28 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Subscriptions from IEEE Service Center 445 Hoes Lane
                 Piscataway, NJ 08854-4150 (908)981-0060 (800)678-IEEE",
  abstract =     "keywords=; MHEG; multimedia; multimedia
                 synchronization; spatiotemporal synchronization;
                 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG12; CCITT (SG VIII/Q9); ISO JTC1;
                 ASN.1; ISO 8825; ISO 9069 SGML (Standard Generalized
                 Markup Language); SDIF (Document Interchange Format);
                 real-time presentation and interchange constraints;
                 AVIS (audiovisual interactive scriptware)",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "IEEE Communications Magazine",

  author =       "B. D. Markey",
  booktitle =    "Digest of papers: COMPCON spring 1992, San Franciso,
                 California, USA, February 24--28, 1992",
  title =        "{HyTime} and {MHEG}",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1992:DPC",
  publisher =    pub-IEEE,
  address =      pub-IEEE:adr,
  pages =        "25--40",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "1992",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:43:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "A description is given of the history, technical
                 orientation and status of the MHEG (Multimedia and
                 Hypermedia Information Coding Experts Group) and HyTime
                 projects. Their relationship to multimedia (e.g. MPEG)
                 and document interchange (e.g. ODA and SGML) standards
                 are also discussed. The relationship between the
                 standards is explored, with emphasis on appropriate
                 applications and situations where they can be used
                 together in a complementary fashion.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  bookpages =    "xv + 498",
  classification = "C6130E (Data interchange); C6160Z (Other DBMS)",
  confdate =     "24--28 Feb. 1992",
  conflocation = "San Francisco, CA, USA",
  confsponsor =  "IEEE",
  keywords =     "Document interchange; History; HyTime projects; MHEG;
                 MPEG; Multimedia and Hypermedia Information Coding
                 Experts Group; ODA; SGML; Standards; Status; Technical
  thesaurus =    "Electronic data interchange; Multimedia systems;
                 Societies; Standards",

  author =       "Robert McGaffey",
  title =        "Automatic tables using {{\SMC SGML}}, {{\SMC C}}, and
  journal =      j-TUGBOAT,
  volume =       "13",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "291--294",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1992",
  ISSN =         "0896-3207",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 01 09:30:59 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "TUGboat",

  author =       "A. K. Melby and S. E. Wright",
  booktitle =    "Translating and the Computer 13. The Theory and
                 Practice of Machine Translation - A Marriage of
  title =        "{TEI-TERM}: an {SGML-based} interchange format for
                 terminology files",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1992:TCT",
  publisher =    pub-ASLIB,
  address =      pub-ASLIB:adr,
  pages =        "19--37",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1992",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "TEI-TERM is a format for interchanging terminology
                 files in electronic form between various types of
                 computers and terminology management software packages.
                 The `TEI' of TEI-TERM stands for Text Encoding
                 Initiative which is a major international effort to
                 formally define various document types which are
                 conformant to SGML, a widely-accepted international
                 standard for the markup of the structure of document.
                 TEI-TERM is being developed by Working Group A and I-7
                 (Terminological Data) of the Text Encoding Initiative
                 with input from many individuals and groups world-wide.
                 TEI-TERM is not intended to replace existing formats
                 used in terminology databases but rather to facilitate
                 interchange of terminology data between otherwise
                 incompatible systems.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Brigham Young Univ., Provo, UT, USA",
  bookpages =    "165",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7820
  confdate =     "28--29 Nov. 1991",
  conflocation = "London, UK",
  confsponsor =  "Aslib; Inst. Translation and Interpreting",
  keywords =     "International standard; Language translation; Markup;
                 SGML-based interchange format; TEI-TERM; Terminology
                 files; Terminology management software packages; Text
                 Encoding Initiative; Working Group",
  thesaurus =    "Language translation; Page description languages;
                 Research initiatives",

  author =       "M. Negishi",
  title =        "Recent development in full text database
  journal =      j-J-INFO-PROC-SOC-JAPAN,
  volume =       "33",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "413--420",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "JOSHA4",
  ISSN =         "0447-8053",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:43:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Discusses Dialog; Orbit; LEXIS; the Cuadra/Elsevier
                 `Directory of Online Databases'; reference databases;
                 source databases; CD-ROM; Westlaw; NEXIS; BRS; OCR; the
                 Oxford Concordance Program; the Comprehensive Core
                 Medical Library; MEDLINE; Chemical Abstracts Service;
                 Chemical Journals Online; SGML; the AIDS Knowledge
                 Base; computer-aided acquisition and logistic support;
                 the Electronic Publishing Special Interest Group;
                 Summit; and NewsNet.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C7250L (Non-bibliographic systems)",
  fjournal =     "Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan =
                 Joho Shori",
  keywords =     "AIDS Knowledge Base; BRS; CALS; CD-ROM; Chemical
                 Abstracts Service; Chemical Journals Online;
                 Comprehensive Core Medical Library; Computer-aided
                 acquisition; Dialog; Electronic Publishing Special
                 Interest Group; Full text database applications; LEXIS;
                 Logistic support; MEDLINE; NewsNet; NEXIS; OCR; Orbit;
                 Oxford Concordance Program; Reference databases; SGML;
                 Source databases; Summit; Westlaw",
  language =     "Japanese",
  pubcountry =   "Japan",
  thesaurus =    "Information retrieval systems",

  author =       "S. R. Newcomb and V. T. Newcomb",
  title =        "Some background information about {HyTime} (hypermedia
  journal =      j-J-IIEE-JAPAN,
  volume =       "21",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "459--467",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1992",
  ISSN =         "0285-9831",
  ISSN-L =       "0285-9831",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:53:33 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "HyTime, the Hypermedia/Time-based Structuring
                 Language, is a result of cooperation among
                 representations from many fields. Groups of information
                 users and creators in these fields recognized a common
                 need for a standard representation for the interchange
                 of complex information. The Standard Generalised Markup
                 Language (SGML) provided the substrate upon which
                 HyTime, and the standard from which it emerged, the
                 Standard Music Description Language (SMDL), were
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Techno Teacher Inc., Tallahassee, FL, USA",
  classification = "C7230 (Publishing and reproduction); C7820
  fjournal =     "Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics
                 Engineers of Japan",
  keywords =     "Hypermedia/Time-based Structuring Language; HyTime;
                 SGML; SMDL; Standard Generalised Markup Language;
                 Standard Music Description Language",
  pubcountry =   "Japan",
  thesaurus =    "Hypermedia; Music",

  author =       "Scott Newmann",
  title =        "Multi-vendor interoperability through {SQL} access",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "21",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "414--414",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:41 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "C. K. Nicholas and L. A. Welsch",
  title =        "On the interchangeability of {SGML} and {ODA}",
  journal =      j-EPODD,
  volume =       "5",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "105--130",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "EPODEU",
  ISSN =         "0894-3982",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:53:33 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "SGML and ODA are international standards for the
                 markup and interchange of electronic documents. These
                 standards are incompatible in the sense that in general
                 a document encoded using SGML cannot be used directly
                 in an ODA-based system, and vice versa. The authors
                 first describe these two standards, and suggest
                 criteria under which a bridge between the two standards
                 could he evaluated. They evaluate the Office Document
                 Language (ODL), an SGML application specifically
                 designed for ODA documents, with respect to these
                 criteria. They describe conditions under which reliable
                 automatic translation between SGML and ODA can be
                 achieved, and describe a translation program that
                 converts SGML documents to ODA and back.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Comput. Syst. Lab., Nat. Inst. of Stand. and Technol.,
                 Gaithersburg, MD, USA",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7108
                 (Desktop publishing)",
  fjournal =     "Electronic Pub\-lish\-ing\emdash{}Orig\-i\-na\-tion,
                 Dissemination, and Design",
  keywords =     "Electronic document interchange; International
                 standards; ODA; Office Document Language; SGML;
                 Translation program",
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; Document handling; Page
                 description languages; Standards",

  author =       "G. Nickerson",
  title =        "{WorldWide Web}: hypertext from {CERN}",
  journal =      j-COMP-LIB,
  volume =       "12",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "75--77",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "CPLIE8",
  ISSN =         "1041-7915",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:53:33 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Univ. of Western Ontario, London, Ont., Canada",
  classification = "C7210 (Information services and centres); C7250
                 (Information storage and retrieval)",
  fjournal =     "Computers in Libraries",
  keywords =     "CERN; Client server architecture; Common
                 document-naming scheme; High-energy physics; HyperText
                 Markup Language; Hypertext project; HyperText Transfer
                 Protocol; Information services; Internet; Networking;
                 Search engines; WorldWide Web",
  thesaurus =    "Hypermedia; Information retrieval systems; Information
                 services; Physics computing",

  author =       "Mary Ann O'Connor",
  title =        "{DataBasics}",
  journal =      j-CD-ROM-PROF,
  volume =       "5",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "130--131",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "CRPFEX",
  ISSN =         "1049-0833",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Markup, SGML, and Hypertext for Full-Text
                 Databases--Part III",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "CD-ROM Professional",

  author =       "Mary Ann O'Connor",
  title =        "{DataBasics}: Markup, {SGML}, and hypertext for
                 full-text databases: Part {I}",
  journal =      j-CD-ROM-PROF,
  volume =       "5",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "112--??",
  day =          "1",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "CRPFEX",
  ISSN =         "1049-0833",
  bibdate =      "Wed May 22 12:48:55 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "; UnCover
                 library database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "CD-ROM Professional",

  author =       "Mary Ann O'Connor",
  title =        "Markup, {SGML}, and hypertext for full-text databases,
                 Part {II}",
  journal =      j-CD-ROM-PROF,
  volume =       "5",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "123--125",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "CRPFEX",
  ISSN =         "1049-0833",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "CD-ROM Professional",

  author =       "R. Ogawa and Y. Kikuchi and K. Takahashi",
  title =        "Recent developments in full text database
  journal =      j-J-INFO-PROC-SOC-JAPAN,
  volume =       "33",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "404--412",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "JOSHA4",
  ISSN =         "0447-8053",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:43:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Discusses CD-ROM; Knuth-Morris-Pratt pattern matching
                 in strings; the Boyer--Moore string searching
                 algorithm; Aho--Corasick string matching; associative
                 memory; variable length don't care; cellular arrays;
                 broadcasting; shift registers; systolic arrays; finite
                 state automata: input control; sequential logic;
                 comparison; dynamic programming; SGML; and
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "NEC Corp., Tokyo, Japan",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7250L
                 (Non-bibliographic systems)",
  fjournal =     "Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan =
                 Joho Shori",
  keywords =     "Aho--Corasick string matching; Associative memory;
                 Boyer--Moore string searching algorithm; Broadcasting;
                 CD-ROM; Cellular arrays; Dynamic programming; Finite
                 state automata; Full text database technologies; Input
                 control; Knuth-Morris-Pratt pattern matching;
                 PostScript; Sequential logic; SGML; Shift registers;
                 Systolic arrays; Variable length don't care",
  language =     "Japanese",
  pubcountry =   "Japan",
  thesaurus =    "Cellular arrays; Information retrieval; Information
                 retrieval systems",

  author =       "C. Piron and J. L. Sanson and G. Giordano",
  title =        "Using electronic book metaphor for the viewing of {R}
                 and {D} projects",
  number =       "93NO00009",
  institution =  "EDF-Electricit{\'{e}} de France",
  address =      "Clamart, France",
  pages =        "87",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1992",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:53:33 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The project explores a new way for viewing and
                 delivering information on screen. The concept of
                 electronic book is based on the metaphor of a paper
                 book, but it multiplies the ways people can access and
                 manipulate the information it contains. The reader can
                 now search and find parts of the book he is interested
                 in; he can navigate in the document, annotate it, mark
                 pages either to print them or just to remember where
                 the information is: things that were difficult to do on
                 paper. The application selected to explore this new
                 domain is the viewing of R and D division annual
                 projects, which were up to now available only on a
                 database. The tool used for this is Dynatext, a product
                 of EBT, based on the structured information description
                 language SGML (Standard Generalized Mark-up Language).
                 The authors test the concept of electronic book and try
                 to use the SGML standard to exchange data. The first
                 results of the project show that readers and users were
                 extremely satisfied with the electronic book concept.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7230
                 (Publishing and reproduction)",
  issuedby =     "EDF-Electricit{\'e} de France, Clamart, France",
  keywords =     "Annotate; Dynatext; EBT; Electronic book; Navigate; R
                 and D division annual projects; SGML; Structured
                 information description language",
  language =     "French",
  pubcountry =   "France",
  thesaurus =    "Document handling; Electronic publishing; Hypermedia;
                 Page description languages",

  author =       "Nico Poppelier and Amy Hendrickson",
  title =        "Book reviews",
  journal =      j-NTG,
  volume =       "92",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "135--138",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1992",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 11 07:34:39 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "Contains reviews of {\em \LaTeX{} for Everyone\/}
                 \cite{Hahn:1991:LER}, {\em Practical SGML\/}
                 \cite{Herwijnen:1990:PS}, and {\em \TeX{} by Topic, A
                 \TeX{}nician's Reference\/} \cite{Eijkhout:1992:TTT}.",
  fjournal =     "Nederlandstalige {\TeX} Gebruikersgroep
                 (Dutch-speaking {\TeX} Users Group)",
  keywords =     "reviews",

  author =       "Nico Poppelier",
  title =        "Book reviews: {Jane Hahn, {\em {\LaTeX}} for
                 Everyone\/}; {Eric van Herwijnen, {\em Practical
  journal =      j-TUGboat,
  volume =       "13",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "182--184",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1992",
  ISSN =         "0896-3207",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 12 01:26:50 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "Contains reviews of {\em \LaTeX{} for Everyone\/}
                 \cite{Hahn:1991:LER}, {\em Practical SGML\/}
                 \cite{Herwijnen:1990:PS}, and {\em \TeX{} by Topic, A
                 \TeX{}nician's Reference\/} \cite{Eijkhout:1992:TTT}.",

  author =       "M. Ricciuti",
  title =        "Publishing software gets serious",
  journal =      j-DATAMATION,
  volume =       "38",
  number =       "24",
  pages =        "65--66, 68--69",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "DTMNAT",
  ISSN =         "0011-6963",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:53:33 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Corporate print production operations have grown in
                 size and complexity in recent years. Publishing needs
                 that were once met with single-user desktop packages
                 now call for far more elaborate and capable publishing
                 systems. Powerful new publishing software packages that
                 run on low-cost, high-powered PCs are now becoming
                 available. These have as much power and many times the
                 capabilities as the old proprietary hardware/software
                 publishing systems, and they usually cost much less.
                 These new systems give corporate users the power to
                 pump out everything from worldwide interoffice memos to
                 huge manuals and glossy sales brochures. They can even
                 link into mainframe databases like DB2 and turn the
                 data inside into slick catalogs or annual reports. They
                 can integrate and merge documents and images created by
                 a wide assortment of desktop-publishing systems,
                 illustration applications and technical-drawing and
                 design systems into a single publication. the author
                 describes the main features of such software. An inset
                 discusses SGML (Standard Generalised Markup
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "D2105 (Media-TV, radio, press)",
  fjournal =     "Datamation",
  keywords =     "Corporate print production; DB2; Design systems;
                 Desktop-publishing systems; Document merging;
                 Illustration applications; Mainframe databases;
                 Software packages; Standard Generalised Markup
                 Language; Technical-drawing",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic publishing; Software packages",

  author =       "B. Robinson and G. Wu",
  title =        "Applications of {SGML}",
  journal =      j-UNIV-COMP,
  volume =       "14",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "53--57",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "UNCOET",
  ISSN =         "0265-4385",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "This paper does not dwell on the technicalities of the
                 standard generalised markup language (SGML) but focuses
                 on applications of SGML, which are the subject of
                 research and development contracts within the
                 Information Technology group of ERDC at the Hatfield
                 Polytechnic. Detail is provided on one particular
                 project undertaken for the Science and Engineering
                 Research Council (SERC). Software has been developed
                 which allows users to complete complex electronic forms
                 on a standard personal computer in SGML format. The
                 software is independent of the form structure which is
                 defined in ASCII files using a powerful, compact
                 purpose designed language. Close control over all
                 aspects of data capture including data integrity,
                 virtual fields and online user help is supported. The
                 completed forms are transmitted as electronic mail
                 across a wide area network and processed automatically
                 in a mainframe environment at SERC.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Hatfield Polytech., UK",
  classification = "C1250B (Character recognition); C6130D (Document
                 processing techniques); C7108 (Desktop publishing)",
  fjournal =     "University Computing",
  keywords =     "ASCII files; Compact purpose designed language;
                 Complex electronic forms; Data capture; Data integrity;
                 Development contracts; DTP language; Electronic mail;
                 ERDC; Mainframe environment; Online user help;
                 Research; SERC; SGML format; Standard generalized
                 markup language; Standard personal computer; Virtual
                 fields; Wide area network",
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "Character sets; Desktop publishing; Electronic mail;
                 Microcomputer applications; Standards; Word

  author =       "John F. Roddick",
  title =        "{SQL\slash SE}: a query language extension for
                 databases supporting schema evolution",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "21",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "10--16",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:42 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuri Rubinsky",
  title =        "{SGML}: the vision, the technology, and the business",
  publisher =    "????",
  address =      "????",
  pages =        "various",
  year =         "1992",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "CALS Expo '92 tutorials",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "Cover title. 7 December 1992.",
  keywords =     "Electronic publishing; SGML (Computer program

  author =       "S. Schmidt",
  title =        "Where does open information processing stand? The
                 {ODA\slash ODIF} and {SGML} document standards",
  journal =      j-BULL-SCHWEIZ-ELEKTROTECH,
  volume =       "83",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "31--34",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "BEVEDP",
  ISSN =         "0036-1321",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Two different document standards for open information
                 processing have become established: ODA/ODIF (office
                 document architecture/office document information
                 format) and SGML (Standard Generalised Markup
                 Language). These are often regarded as competitors yet
                 are based on a very similar document processing model.
                 The author gives an introduction to both these models.
                 Besides a comparative assessment, applications and
                 prospects for further developments are discussed.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Inst. f{\"u}r Inf., Zurich Univ., Switzerland",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6130E
                 (Data interchange)",
  fjournal =     "Bulletin des Schweizerischen Elektrotechnischen
                 Vereins and des Verbandes Schweizerischer
  keywords =     "Document standards; ODA/ODIF; Office document
                 architecture; Office document information format; Open
                 information processing; SGML; Standard Generalised
                 Markup Languages",
  pubcountry =   "Switzerland",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic data interchange; Open systems; Standards",

  author =       "Joan M. Smith",
  title =        "{SGML} and Related Standards: Document Description and
                 Processing Languages",
  publisher =    pub-ELLIS-HORWOOD,
  address =      pub-ELLIS-HORWOOD:adr,
  pages =        "xviii + 151",
  year =         "1992",
  ISBN =         "0-13-441056-4 (paperback), 0-13-806506-3",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-13-441056-2 (paperback), 978-0-13-806506-5",
  LCCN =         "QA76.73 .S42 1992",
  MRclass =      "68U15, 68-01",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 10 11:33:23 1994",
  bibsource =    ";
  price =        "US\$50.25",
  series =       "The Ellis Horwood series in computers and their
  ZMnumber =     "0818.68146",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  libnote =      "Not yet in my library.",
  tableofcontents = "Preface \\
                 Acronyms and abbreviations \\
                 Introduction / 1 \\
                 Background / 1 \\
                 Standardization aspects / 2 \\
                 Objectives of SGML / 6 \\
                 Uses of SGML / 7 \\
                 The Standard Generalized Markup Language / 12 \\
                 Concepts on which SGML is based / 12 \\
                 The notion of markup / 13 \\
                 What SGML is / 14 \\
                 How SGML works / 15 \\
                 Features of SGML / 20 \\
                 An SGML document / 24 \\
                 SGML declaration / 24 \\
                 Document type definition / 27 \\
                 Document instance / 30 \\
                 Reducing overheads / 31 \\
                 Some application considerations / 35 \\
                 General remarks / 35 \\
                 Avoidance of presentation issues / 36 \\
                 Numbering schemes / 37 \\
                 Cross-referencing / 37 \\
                 Indexing / 37 \\
                 Lists / 38 \\
                 Tables / 39 \\
                 Mathematics / 41 \\
                 Libraries of information / 41 \\
                 Hypermedia links / 41 \\
                 Security / 42 \\
                 The integrated information base / 45 \\
                 Some possibilities / 45 \\
                 Organizational aspects / 46 \\
                 Output considerations / 46 \\
                 Functionality / 47 \\
                 Input to the information base / 48 \\
                 Ten rules and ten benefits / 50 \\
                 Getting started / 52 \\
                 Presenting SGML documents / 55 \\
                 The standards involved / 55 \\
                 Document Style Semantics and Specification Language /
                 55 \\
                 Standard Page Description Language / 58 \\
                 Fonts / 61 \\
                 SGML support facilities / 66 \\
                 Interchanging SGML documents / 66 \\
                 Registration of owner identifiers / 67 \\
                 Editing SGML documents / 68 \\
                 The overall model / 70 \\
                 Techniques for using SGML / 72 \\
                 Vocabulary / 76 \\
                 Hypermedia and other new work / 77 \\
                 HyTime / 77 \\
                 The Standard Music Description Language / 79 \\
                 A binary version of SGML / 81 \\
                 Revision of ISO 8879 / 82 \\
                 Conformance / 83 \\
                 Related standards work / 84 \\
                 Some applications of SGML / 89 \\
                 Defence / 89 \\
                 Others / 94 \\
                 A comparison of SGML and ODA / 103 \\
                 Something about the standards / 103 \\
                 Technical issues / 105 \\
                 Business issues / 114 \\
                 SGML product guidance / 120 \\
                 Licensing a product / 120 \\
                 Availability of products / 127 \\
                 Further information / 134 \\
                 SGML Users' Group / 134 \\
                 Graphic Communications Association / 135 \\
                 Electronic Publishing Special Interest Group / 136 \\
                 Published standards and technical reports / 137 \\
                 Books on SGML / 138 \\
                 Other useful documents / 139 \\
                 The last word / 141 \\
                 Appendix 1: A brief history of the development of SGML
                 / 143 \\
                 Appendix 2: Glossary / 146 \\
                 Index / 149",

  author =       "Joan M. Smith",
  title =        "{SGML} and Related Standards: Document Description and
                 Processing Languages",
  publisher =    pub-ELLIS-HORWOOD,
  address =      pub-ELLIS-HORWOOD:adr,
  pages =        "xviii + 151",
  year =         "1992",
  ISBN =         "0-13-806506-3",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-13-806506-5",
  LCCN =         "QA76.73 .S42 1992",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 10 11:33:23 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  price =        "US\$50.25",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  libnote =      "Not yet in my library.",

  author =       "R. Thomas and S. M. Cornick and D. A. Leishman and D.
                 J. Vanier",
  title =        "Research at the {Advanced Construction Technology
  crossref =     "Grierson:1992:AAI",
  pages =        "35--51",
  year =         "1992",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Nat. Res. Council Canada, Inst. for Res. in
                 Construction, Advanced Construction Technol. Lab.,
                 Calgary, Alta., Canada",
  classification = "C6160Z (Other DBMS); C6170 (Expert systems); C7160
                 (Manufacturing and industry); C7440 (Civil and
                 mechanical engineering)",
  keywords =     "ACTL; Advanced Construction Technology Laboratory;
                 Building codes; Building inspectors; Computer
                 techniques; Construction industry; Construction
                 process; Design process; Hypertext building code
                 documents; Knowledge integration; Knowledge
                 representation; Minicode generators; NRC; Plans
                 compliance checking systems; SGML",
  thesaurus =    "Building; Construction industry; Hypermedia; Knowledge
                 based systems; Knowledge representation",

  author =       "A. Uzawa",
  title =        "Document image database systems",
  journal =      j-J-INFO-PROC-SOC-JAPAN,
  volume =       "33",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "497--504",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "JOSHA4",
  ISSN =         "0447-8053",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:43:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Discusses multimedia databases; historical versions;
                 alternative versions; facsimile; modified Huffman
                 coding; modified Read coding; the CCITT/ISO Joint
                 Bi-level Image Group and Joint Photographic Expert
                 Group; optical character readers; workstations; CAMMS;
                 SGML; G-BASE; MASCOT; and Jasmine.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C5530 (Pattern recognition and computer vision
                 equipment); C6130D (Document processing techniques);
                 C6160S (Spatial and pictorial databases)",
  fjournal =     "Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan =
                 Joho Shori",
  keywords =     "Alternative versions; CAMMS; CCITT/ISO; Document image
                 database systems; Facsimile; G-BASE; Historical
                 versions; Jasmine; Joint Bi-level Image Group; Joint
                 Photographic Expert Group; MASCOT; Modified Huffman
                 coding; Modified Read coding; Multimedia databases;
                 Optical character readers; SGML; Workstations",
  language =     "Japanese",
  pubcountry =   "Japan",
  thesaurus =    "Database management systems; Document image
                 processing; Encoding; Multimedia systems; Optical
                 character recognition",

  author =       "M. Walter",
  title =        "{SGML} for journals: toward electronic delivery",
  journal =      j-SEYBOLD-REP-PUB-SYS,
  volume =       "21",
  number =       "18",
  pages =        "1, 3--13, 16--19",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "SRPSD9",
  ISSN =         "0736-7260",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:43:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) can be
                 applied to commercial publishing. The author presents
                 four case studies that illustrate different approaches
                 to using SGML for journals: The IEEE moved to
                 electronic editing and composition in one fell swoop,
                 using ArborText's The Publisher to create journals for
                 print and to archive in SGML. J. B. Lippincott has
                 copyeditors tag in XyWrite as they copyedit manuscripts
                 that are sent on disk to outside compositors. Generic
                 coding has reduced production costs while facilitating
                 electronic products, such as CD-ROM. The American
                 Chemical Society is conducting several experiments with
                 SGML, including reverse-engineering SGML from Xyvision
                 files and collaborating on a prototype electronic
                 library of online journals. The published of Science
                 magazine is about to launch an ll-electronic
                 peer-reviewed journal.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "D2105 (Media-TV, radio, press)",
  fjournal =     "Seybold Report on Publishing Systems",
  keywords =     "American Chemical Society; ArborText; Commercial
                 publishing; Copyediting; Electronic composition;
                 Electronic editing; Electronic library; Generic coding;
                 IEEE; Ll-electronic peer-reviewed journal; Online
                 journals; Reverse-engineering; Science magazine;
                 Standard Generalized Markup Language; The Publisher;
                 Xyvision files; XyWrite",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic data interchange; Electronic publishing",

  author =       "T. Wesley and J. Engelen",
  title =        "{SGML} --- a major opportunity for access to
  crossref =     "Murphy:1992:PSA",
  pages =        "593--597",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1992",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Bradford Univ., UK",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6140D
                 (High level languages); C7850 (Assistance for the
  keywords =     "ODA; Print disabled; Published information; SGML",
  thesaurus =    "Handicapped aids; Page description languages",

  author =       "Kyu-Yong Whang",
  title =        "Multimedia information system platforms",
  journal =      j-KOREA-INFO-SCI-SOC-REV,
  volume =       "10",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "5--9",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "CHKWEN",
  ISSN =         "1015-9908",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Discusses multimedia information retrieval systems and
                 document systems; hypertext and hypermedia; office
                 information systems; engineering, scientific and
                 geographical databases; remote information access;
                 mixed mail services; electronic publishing; KAIST; VTRs
                 and laserdisc players; Hyper ODA; SGML; authorization;
                 data manipulation languages; 2-phase commit; long data
                 items; binary large data objects; the IBM Audio-Visual
                 Connection system; Multimedia Toolbox; DVI; Authology;
                 MacroMind; multimedia authoring; reference
                 architecture; persistence; navigation; and the work of
                 the Multimedia and Hypermedia Information Coding Expert
                 Group (MHEG).",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C6160S (Spatial and pictorial databases); C7250
                 (Information storage and retrieval)",
  fjournal =     "Korea Information Science Society Review = Chongbo
                 Kwahakhoe chi",
  keywords =     "Authorization; Data manipulation languages; Databases;
                 Document systems; Electronic publishing; Hyper ODA;
                 Hypermedia; Hypertext; Information retrieval systems;
                 KAIST; Mail services; Multimedia and Hypermedia
                 Information Coding Expert Group; Multimedia authoring;
                 Multimedia information system platforms; Office
                 information systems; Reference architecture; Remote
                 information access; SGML",
  language =     "Korean",
  pubcountry =   "South Korea",
  thesaurus =    "Database management systems; Information retrieval
                 systems; Multimedia systems",

  author =       "M. Willcocks and F. J. Cave",
  title =        "{SGML}",
  journal =      j-DESKTOP-PUB-COMM,
  volume =       "8",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "6--13",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "DPCOEQ",
  ISSN =         "0957-3178",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:53:33 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The Standard Generalized Markup Language is now ten
                 years old. After a tentative start it is beginning to
                 establish itself and shake a rather arcane image. The
                 first author describes how SGML works and why he thinks
                 it's important. The second author considers the past as
                 well as the future and asks whether it is now time for
                 SGML to be more widely adopted by mainstream
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Interleaf UK Ltd., Richmond, UK",
  classification = "C7108 (Desktop publishing); C7230 (Publishing and
  fjournal =     "Desktop Publishing Commentary",
  keywords =     "Global market; Publishers; SGML; Standard; Standard
                 Generalized Markup Language; Strategic information
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; Page description languages;

  author =       "E. Wilson",
  title =        "A comparison of interfaces: computer, designer, and
  crossref =     "Tjoa:1992:DDE",
  pages =        "326--331",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1992",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Comput. Lab., Kent Univ., Canterbury, UK",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6140D
                 (High level languages); C6160 (Database management
                 systems (DBMS)); C6180 (User interfaces); C7250N (Front
                 end systems for online searching)",
  keywords =     "Browsing; Graphical capability; Hybrid system;
                 Hypertext front-end; Hypertext interface; Information
                 load; Information retrieval system; Information
                 structure; Input; Menu-driven interface; Multi-font
                 output; Post-processor; Query formulation; Retrieved
                 text; SGML tagged text; User control",
  thesaurus =    "Database management systems; Hypermedia; Online
                 front-ends; Page description languages; Query
                 processing; User interfaces",

  author =       "Reinhard Wonneberger",
  title =        "Approaching {SGML} from {\TeX}",
  journal =      j-TUGBOAT,
  volume =       "13",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "226--227",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1992",
  ISSN =         "0896-3207",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 12 01:26:57 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "TUGboat",

  author =       "Reinhard Wonneberger and Frank Mittelbach",
  title =        "{SGML\Dash} Questions and answers",
  journal =      j-TUGBOAT,
  volume =       "13",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "221--223",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1992",
  ISSN =         "0896-3207",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 12 01:26:58 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "TUGboat",

  author =       "K. Aberer and K. Bohm and C. Huser",
  title =        "The prospects of publishing using advanced database
  journal =      j-EPODD,
  volume =       "6",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "469--480",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "EPODEU",
  ISSN =         "0894-3982",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "GMD-IPSI, Darmstadt, Germany",
  classification = "C6120 (File organisation); C6130D (Document
                 processing techniques); C6160J (Object-oriented
                 databases); C7108 (Desktop publishing); C7230
                 (Publishing and reproduction)",
  fjournal =     "Electronic Pub\-lish\-ing\emdash{}Orig\-i\-na\-tion,
                 Dissemination, and Design",
  keywords =     "Advanced database concepts; Application-independent
                 database application; D-STREAT; Dynamic document type
                 definition management; Electronic documents; Electronic
                 publishing; Hypermedia reference publication;
                 Integrated publication environment; Object-oriented
                 database management system; Publishing tools; SGML;
                 Structured document handling; Structured document
                 storage; VODAK",
  thesaurus =    "Data structures; Document handling; Electronic
                 publishing; Hypermedia; Object-oriented databases",

  author =       "Roger W. Abernathy and Robert P. Smith",
  title =        "{Algorithm 724}: Program to Calculate $ {F}
  journal =      j-TOMS,
  volume =       "19",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "481--483",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "ACMSCU",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0098-3500 (print), 1557-7295 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0098-3500",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 16 19:47:29 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  abstract =     "Let $ 0 < p < 1 $ be given and let $F$ be the
                 cumulative distribution function of the
                 $F$-Distribution with $ (M, N) $, degrees of freedom.
                 This FORTRAN 77 routine is a complement to [1] where a
                 method was presented to find the inverse of the
                 $F$-Distribution function, FINV($ M, N, P $ ), using a
                 series expansion technique to find the inverse for the
                 Beta Distribution function.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "algorithms; cumulative distribution function (cdf);
                 distribution function; experimentation; F-distribution;
                 Newton's method; root-finding methods; Taylor series;
  subject =      "G.1.5 [Numerical Analysis]: Roots of Nonlinear

  author =       "Roger W. Abernathy and Robert P. Smith",
  title =        "Applying Series Expansion to the Inverse Beta
                 Distribution to Find Percentiles of the $ {F}
  journal =      j-TOMS,
  volume =       "19",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "474--480",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "ACMSCU",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0098-3500 (print), 1557-7295 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0098-3500",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 16 19:47:29 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  abstract =     "Let $ 0 < = 1 $ and $F$ be the cumulative distribution
                 function (cdf) of the $F$-Distribution. We wish to find
                 $ x_p $ such that $ F(x_p|n_1, n_2) = p $, where $ n_1
                 $ and $ n_2 $ are the degrees of freedom.
                 Traditionally, $ x_p $ is found using a numerical
                 root-finding method, such as Newton's method. In this
                 paper, a procedure based on a series expansion for
                 finding $ x_p $ is given. The series expansion method
                 has been applied to the normal, chi-square, and $t$
                 distributions, but because of computational
                 difficulties, it has not been applied to the
                 $F$-Distribution. These problems have been overcome by
                 making the standard transformation to the beta
                 distribution.\par The procedure is explained in
                 Sections 3 and 4. Empirical results of a comparison of
                 CPU times are given in Section 5. The series expansion
                 is compared to some of the standard root-finding
                 methods. A table is given for $ p = 0.90 $.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "algorithms; cumulative distribution function;
                 cumulative distribution function (cdf); distribution
                 function; F-distribution; Newton's method; performance;
                 root-finding methods; Taylor series",
  subject =      "G.1.5 [Numerical Analysis]: Roots of Nonlinear
                 Equations; G.3 [Probability and Statistics]",

  author =       "Hally Aheam",
  title =        "{SGML} and {The New Yorker Magazine}",
  journal =      j-TECH-COMMUN,
  volume =       "40",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "226--??",
  day =          "1",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "TLCMBT",
  ISSN =         "0049-3155",
  ISSN-L =       "0049-3155",
  bibdate =      "Wed May 22 12:48:55 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "; UnCover
                 library database",
  abstract =     "As an exercise, five SGML, developers created five
                 different document type definitions for the New Yorker
                 magazine. The first tried to use the existing format of
                 the American Association of Publishers; the second used
                 content-specific tagging; the third allowed
                 format-for-print; the fourth supported hypertext
                 output; the fifth supported a historical database.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Technical Communication",

  author =       "Hally Ahearn",
  title =        "{SGML} and {The New Yorker Magazine}",
  journal =      j-TECH-COMMUN,
  volume =       "40",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "226--229",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "TLCMBT",
  ISSN =         "0049-3155",
  ISSN-L =       "0049-3155",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "As an exercise, five SGML developers created five
                 different document type definitions for the New Yorker
                 magazine. The first tried to use the existing format of
                 the American Association of Publishers; the second used
                 content-specific tagging; the third allowed
                 format-for-print; the fourth supported hypertext
                 output; the fifth supported a historical database.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "UMI",
  ericno =       "EJ462362",
  fjournal =     "Technical Communication",
  identifiers =  "Standard General Markup Language",
  majordesc =    "Computers; Technical Writing; Text Structure",
  minordesc =    "Graphic Arts; Higher Education; Periodicals; Word

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Auto-Graphics",
  journal =      j-LIB-HI-TECH,
  volume =       "??",
  number =       "101",
  pages =        "23--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "LIHTD2",
  ISSN =         "0737-8831",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Introduces SGML Smart Editor Version 4.0.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Library Hi Tech",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Corporate sites embrace the {Standard Generalized
                 Markup Language} technology for coding electronic
  journal =      j-PC-WEEK,
  volume =       "10",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "37--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1993",
  ISSN =         "0740-1604",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 16:12:10 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "PC Week",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  booktitle =    "EP '94. Fifth International Conference on Electronic
                 Publishing, Document Manipulation and Typography",
  title =        "{EP} '94. Fifth International Conference on Electronic
                 Publishing, Document Manipulation and Typography",
  journal =      j-EPODD,
  volume =       "6(4)",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "EPODEU",
  ISSN =         "0894-3982",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  confdate =     "13--15 April 1994",
  conflocation = "Darmstadt, Germany",
  fjournal =     "Electronic Pub\-lish\-ing\emdash{}Orig\-i\-na\-tion,
                 Dissemination, and Design",
  pubcountry =   "UK",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Is {SGML} for Me?",
  journal =      j-PUBLISHING-PROD-EXEC,
  volume =       "7",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "22--??",
  day =          "1",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "PPEXEP",
  ISSN =         "1048-3055",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 18 12:55:03 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "; UnCover
                 library database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Publishing and production executive",
  summary =      "While the markup language works wonders for some
                 organizations, it isn't appropriate for everyone.",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  booktitle =    "IFIP TC5\slash WG5.10 Working Conference on Interfaces
                 in Industrial Systems for Production and Engineering",
  title =        "{IFIP TC5\slash WG5.10} Working Conference on
                 Interfaces in Industrial Systems for Production and
  journal =      j-IFIP-TRANS-B,
  volume =       "B-10",
  pages =        "175--186",
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "ITBTEH",
  ISSN =         "0926-5481",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:53:33 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  confdate =     "15--17 March 1993",
  conflocation = "Darmstadt, Germany",
  fjournal =     "IFIP Transactions B [Applications in Technology]",
  pubcountry =   "Netherlands",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Letters",
  journal =      j-BYTE,
  volume =       "18",
  number =       "13",
  pages =        "18--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "BYTEDJ",
  ISSN =         "0360-5280 (print), 1082-7838 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0360-5280",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Opinions on video computing, SGML, India's software
                 development, and installer hell.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "BYTE Magazine",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Microsoft SGML Author} for {Word}",
  journal =      j-DESKTOP-PUB-COMM,
  volume =       "9",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "14--15",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "DPCOEQ",
  ISSN =         "0957-3178",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 01 09:28:33 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The article discusses a product from Microsoft to
                 address the SGML authoring needs of Word users.
                 Microsoft's vision of SGML is to broaden the
                 accessibility of this technology without requiring
                 users to understand the details of the technology. The
                 largest problem facing SGML usage is the increased cost
                 of tagging documents due to decreased productivity. The
                 currently available SGML editing tools are typically
                 not very user friendly and are designed almost
                 exclusively for the UNIX environment. The approach
                 contrasts rather starkly with the current offerings,
                 and Microsoft hope that their product will result in
                 highly increased author productivity by allowing
                 authors to work in a familiar and comfortable editing
                 environment while still enjoying linkage with SGML.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6140D
                 (High level languages); C7106 (Word processing); C7108
                 (Desktop publishing)",
  fjournal =     "Desktop Publishing Commentary",
  keywords =     "Author productivity; Authoring needs; Cost; Document
                 tagging; Editing environment; Editing tools; Microsoft;
                 SGML Author; Software package; UNIX environment; User
                 friendly; Word",
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; Page description languages;
                 Software packages; Word processing",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "A New Standard Of Freedom",
  journal =      j-INFORMATION-WEEK,
  volume =       "??",
  number =       "418",
  pages =        "22--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "INFWE4",
  ISSN =         "8750-6874",
  ISSN-L =       "1938-3371",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "After a slow start, the SGML document management
                 language is catching on. It's now helping the Army and
                 others move documents across heterogeneous platforms.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Information Week",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Sixteenth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference
                 on Research and Development in Information Retrieval}",
  journal =      j-SIGIR-FORUM,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "FASRDV",
  ISSN =         "0163-5840",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5840",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:53:33 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  confdate =     "27 June--1 July 1993",
  conflocation = "Pittsburgh, PA, USA",
  confsponsor =  "Bellcore Maya Design Group; Sch. Libr. and Inf. Sci.;
                 et al",
  fjournal =     "SIGIR Forum (ACM Special Interest Group on Information
  issue =        "spec. issue. p. 204-13",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{SGML} Open promises a better standard for
                 long-document publishing",
  journal =      j-INFOWORLD,
  volume =       "15",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "7--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "INWODU",
  ISSN =         "0199-6649",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "InfoWorld",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Seybold Seminars} 93 featured {SGML} and graphics
  journal =      j-INFOWORLD,
  volume =       "15",
  number =       "17",
  pages =        "26--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "INWODU",
  ISSN =         "0199-6649",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "InfoWorld",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Technology",
  journal =      j-PUBLISHERS-WEEKLY,
  volume =       "240",
  number =       "33",
  pages =        "36--??",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "1993",
  ISSN =         "0000-0019",
  ISSN-L =       "0000-0019",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "SGML vs. Acrobat.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Publishers weekly",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Trends",
  journal =      j-PC-MAGAZINE,
  volume =       "12",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "29--??",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "PCMGEP",
  ISSN =         "0888-8507",
  ISSN-L =       "0888-8507",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Printers talk back; Local-bus battles; SGML comes to
                 the PC; Made for multimedia.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "PC Magazine",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Toward a Digital, {SGML} World",
  journal =      j-PUBLISHING-PROD-EXEC,
  volume =       "7",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "16--??",
  day =          "1",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "PPEXEP",
  ISSN =         "1048-3055",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 18 12:55:03 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "; UnCover
                 library database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Publishing and production executive",
  summary =      "The American Chemical Society is immersed in change.",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Technology. {SGML} vs. {Acrobat}",
  journal =      j-PUBLISHERS-WEEKLY,
  volume =       "240",
  number =       "33",
  pages =        "36--??",
  day =          "16",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "1993",
  ISSN =         "0000-0019",
  ISSN-L =       "0000-0019",
  bibdate =      "Wed May 22 12:48:55 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "; UnCover
                 library database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Publishers weekly",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Workshop on Hypermedia and Hypertext Standards",
  journal =      j-INFO-SERVICES-USE,
  volume =       "13",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "93--102 (??)",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "ISUDX8",
  ISSN =         "0167-5265",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-5265",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:53:33 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The following topics were dealt with: hypermedia and
                 multimedia standards; HyTime; ODA hyper extensions;
                 MHEG; content coding standards; SGML standard; video
                 standards; end-user concerns; interactive system
                 standards; and hypertext/multimedia information
                 interchange standards.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6130E
                 (Data interchange); C6140D (High level languages);
                 C6160S (Spatial and pictorial databases); C6160Z (Other
                 DBMS); C6180 (User interfaces); C7230 (Publishing and
                 reproduction); C7250L (Non-bibliographic systems)",
  confdate =     "22--23 April 1993",
  conflocation = "Amsterdam, Netherlands",
  confsponsor =  "CEC",
  fjournal =     "Information Services and Use",
  keywords =     "Content coding standards; End-user concerns;
                 Hypermedia; Hypertext/multimedia information
                 interchange standards; HyTime; Interactive system
                 standards; MHEG; Multimedia standards; ODA hyper
                 extensions; SGML standard; Video standards",
  pubcountry =   "Netherlands",
  thesaurus =    "Document handling; Electronic data interchange;
                 Hypermedia; Interactive systems; Multimedia systems;
                 Page description languages; Standards",

  author =       "{American National Standards Institute} and {Computer
                 and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association}",
  title =        "American National Standard for information technology
                 --- text and office systems: conformance testing for
                 standard generalized markup language ({SGML}) systems",
  publisher =    pub-ANSI,
  address =      pub-ANSI:adr,
  pages =        "v + 28",
  year =         "1993",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "ANSI X3.190-1992. Approved August 20, 1992, American
                 National Standards Institute.",
  keywords =     "SGML (Computer program language) --- Standards.",

  author =       "{\.I}smailcem Budak Arpinar and Asuman
                 Do{\u{g}}a{\c{c}} and Cem Evrendilek",
  title =        "{Moodview}: An Advanced Graphical User Interface for
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "22",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "11--18",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:47 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Software Res. and Dev. Center, Middle East Tech.
                 Univ., Ankara, Turkey",
  classification = "C6110J (Object-oriented programming); C6115
                 (Programming support); C6160J (Object-oriented
                 databases); C6160S (Spatial and pictorial databases);
                 C6180G (Graphical user interfaces)",
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Application development; Browsing; Class inheritance
                 hierarchy; Database administration tool; Database
                 programmer; Database schema; Directed acyclic graph;
                 Full screen text-editor; Graphical indexing tool;
                 Graphical user interface; MoodView; Multimedia database
                 objects; Object browser; Object oriented database;
                 OODBMS; Programming environment; Programming languages;
                 Query languages; Query manager; SQL statements; User
                 actions; Visual interfaces",
  thesaurus =    "Application generators; Graphical user interfaces;
                 Indexing; Inheritance; Multimedia systems;
                 Object-oriented databases; Software tools; SQL; Tree
                 data structures; Visual databases",

  author =       "N. Ayres and T. Wesley",
  booktitle =    "IEE Colloquium on `Information Access for People with
                 Disability' (Digest No.103)",
  title =        "Document standards-{CAPS}",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1993:ICIa",
  publisher =    pub-IEE,
  address =      pub-IEE:adr,
  pages =        "5/1--3",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:53:33 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "This paper discusses the work and achievements of CAPS
                 relating to access to documents for the print disabled
                 using international standards. The Standard Generalized
                 Markup Language (SGML) (ISO, 1986) and Open Document
                 Architecture (ODA) (ISO, 1988) are discussed and ways
                 in which the increasing use of these standards provides
                 opportunities of improving access to information by the
                 print disabled are described.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Bradford Univ., UK",
  bookpages =    "62",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7108
                 (Desktop publishing); C7840 (Geography and
  confdate =     "5 May 1993",
  conflocation = "London, UK",
  confsponsor =  "IEE",
  keywords =     "CAPS; International standards; Open Document
                 Architecture; Print disabled; Standard Generalized
                 Markup Language",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; Handicapped aids; Page description
                 languages; Research initiatives; Standards",

  author =       "N. Bailey",
  title =        "Building an electronic document management system",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1993:HPH",
  pages =        "2--10",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6140D
                 (High level languages); C7108 (Desktop publishing)",
  keywords =     "Coherent system; EDMS; Electronic document management
                 system; Management support; SGML; Standalone tools;
                 User support",
  thesaurus =    "Document handling; Page description languages;

  author =       "L. Beck",
  title =        "The {SGML Handbook}",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1993:IVC",
  pages =        "AP-15--AP-16",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "A. Belaid and J. C. Anigbogu and Y. Chenevoy",
  title =        "Qualitative analysis of low-level logical structures",
  journal =      j-EPODD,
  volume =       "6",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "435--446",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "EPODEU",
  ISSN =         "0894-3982",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "CRIN-INRIA Lorraine, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7240
                 (Information analysis and indexing)",
  fjournal =     "Electronic Pub\-lish\-ing\emdash{}Orig\-i\-na\-tion,
                 Dissemination, and Design",
  keywords =     "ASCII code; Confidence scores; Hypotheses production;
                 Lexical affiliation; Library references; Logical
                 structure recognition; Low-level logical structures;
                 OCR flow; ODA formalism; Qualitative analysis;
                 Reference class; SGML format; Typographic style;
                 UNIMARC format",
  thesaurus =    "Document handling; Information analysis",

  author =       "Scott Bodarky and Scott W. Paisley",
  title =        "An {SGML DTD} for the {STEP} integrated resource
  institution =  org-NIST,
  address =      org-NIST:adr,
  pages =        "iv + 31",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "NISTIR 5224. National PDES testbed report series",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "Sponsored by: U.S. Department of Defense, CALS
                 Evaluation and Integration Office, the Pentagon July
                 08, 1993.",

  author =       "Alex Borgida and Ronald J. Brachman",
  title =        "Loading data into description reasoners",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "22",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "217--226",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISBN =         "0-89791-592-5",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-89791-592-2",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:44 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database;;
  abstract =     "Knowledge-base management systems (KBMS) based on
                 description logics are being used in a variety
                 situations where access is needed to large amounts of
                 data stored in existing relational databases. We
                 present the architecture and algorithms of a system
                 that converts most of the inferences made by the KBMS
                 into a collection of SQL queries, thereby relying on
                 the optimization facilities of existing DBMS to gain
                 efficiency, while maintaining an object-centered view
                 of the world with a substantive semantics and
                 significantly different reasoning facilities than those
                 provided by Relational DBMS and their deductive
                 extensions. We address a number of optimization issues
                 that arise in the translation process due to the fact
                 that SQL queries with different syntax (but identical
                 semantics) are not treated uniformly by current
                 database management systems.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "AT\&T Bell Lab",
  affiliationaddress = "Murray Hill, NJ, USA",
  classification = "721.1; 723.1; 723.3; 723.4.1; 921.5; C6110J
                 (Object-oriented programming); C6140D (High level
                 languages); C6160K (Deductive databases); C6170 (Expert
  conference =   "Proceedings of the 1993 ACM SIGMOD International
                 Conference on Management of Data",
  conferenceyear = "1993",
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Algorithms; Computational linguistics; Data
                 processing; Deductive extensions; Description logic,
                 Knowledge-base management systems; Description logics;
                 Description reasoner; Formal languages; Formal logic;
                 Inference engines; KBMS; Knowledge base management
                 systems; Knowledge based systems; Logic programming;
                 Mathematical models; Object-centered view; Optimisation
                 facilities; Optimization; Optimization issues; Program
                 translators; Query languages; Reasoning facilities;
                 Relational database systems; Relational databases; SQL
                 queries; Substantive semantics; Translation process",
  meetingaddress = "Washington, DC, USA",
  meetingdate =  "May 26--28 1993",
  meetingdate2 = "05/26--28/93",
  publisherinfo = "Fort Collins Computer Center",
  sponsor =      "ACM, SIGMOD; Minerals, Metals \& Materials Society",
  thesaurus =    "Deductive databases; Inference mechanisms; Knowledge
                 based systems; Object-oriented languages; Query
                 processing; SQL",
  xxcrossref =   "Anonymous:1993:SAS",

  author =       "L. Bottaci",
  booktitle =    "IEE Colloquium on `Issues in Computer Support for
                 Documentation and Manuals' (Digest No.1993\slash 170)",
  title =        "Computer support for documentation consistency
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1993:ICIb",
  publisher =    pub-IEE,
  address =      pub-IEE:adr,
  pages =        "11/1--3",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Consideration is given to computer-based techniques
                 for maintaining the internal consistency of
                 documentation in the face of modifications. The author
                 argues that the dependencies between parts of the
                 documentation are an important aspect of the
                 maintenance problem. Techniques for identifying and
                 maintaining dependencies have been implemented in a
                 prototype editor, called HyDIE. Within HyDIE, all
                 documents are represented in terms of their logical
                 structure. The notion of a logical document model
                 underpins both the SGML and ODA document standards. To
                 support an author in identifying dependent parts, HyDIE
                 provides a hypertext linking facility comprising both
                 explicit links and automatically generated links, which
                 usually involve search of some kind.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Compt. Sci., Hull Univ., UK",
  bookpages =    "55",
  classification = "C6110 (Systems analysis and programming); C6130D
                 (Document processing techniques); C6160Z (Other DBMS);
                 C7250L (Non-bibliographic systems)",
  confdate =     "1 Oct. 1993",
  conflocation = "London, UK",
  confsponsor =  "IEE",
  keywords =     "Automatically generated links; Computer-based
                 techniques; Dependencies; Document standards;
                 Documentation consistency maintenance; Explicit links;
                 HyDIE; Hypertext linking facility; Internal
                 consistency; Logical document model; Logical structure;
                 Maintenance problem; Modifications; Prototype editor",
  thesaurus =    "Data integrity; Document handling; Hypermedia;
                 Information retrieval systems; Software maintenance;
                 System documentation",

  author =       "A. Brueggemann-Klein",
  title =        "Unambiguity of Extended Regular Expressions in {SGML}
                 Document Grammars",
  crossref =     "Lengauer:1993:AEF",
  pages =        "73--84",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "A. Br{\"u}ggemann-Klein",
  title =        "Formal Models in Document Processing",
  type =         "Habilitation",
  school =       "Institut f{\"u}r Informatik, Universit{\"{a}}t
  address =      "Freiburg, Germany",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 13 16:21:21 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "A. Br{\"u}ggemann-Klein",
  title =        "Regular expressions into finite automata",
  journal =      j-THEOR-COMP-SCI,
  volume =       "120",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "197--213",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "TCSCDI",
  ISSN =         "0304-3975 (print), 1879-2294 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0304-3975",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:53:33 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "This paper shows that the Glushkov automaton can be
                 constructed in a time quadratic in the size of the
                 expression, and that this is worst-case optimal. For
                 deterministic expressions, his algorithm has even
                 linear run time. This improves on the cubic time
                 methods suggested in the literature (Book et al. 1971;
                 Aho et al. 1986; Berry and Sethi 1986). A major step of
                 the algorithm consists in bringing the expression into
                 what is called star normal form. This concept is also
                 useful for characterizing the relationship between two
                 types of unambiguity that have been studied in the
                 literature. Namely, the author shows that, modulo a
                 technical condition, an expression is strongly
                 unambiguous (Sippu and Soisalon-Soininen 1988) if and
                 only if it is weakly unambiguous (Book et al. 1971) and
                 in star-normal form. This leads to his third result, a
                 quadratic-time decision algorithm for weak unambiguity,
                 that improves on the biquadratic method introduced by
                 Book et al. (1971).",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Inst. f{\"u}r Inf., Freiburg Univ., Germany",
  classification = "C4210 (Formal logic); C4220 (Automata theory);
                 C6130D (Document processing techniques)",
  fjournal =     "Theoretical Computer Science",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Description language; Deterministic regular
                 expressions; Document processing; Document types;
                 E-transitions; Nondeterministic finite automaton;
                 Quadratic-time decision algorithm; Regular expressions;
                 SGML standard; Star normal form; Textual markup
                 systems; Worst-case optimal",
  pubcountry =   "Netherlands",
  thesaurus =    "Finite automata; Formal languages; Page description
                 languages; Standards",

  author =       "A. Br{\"u}ggemann-Klein",
  title =        "Unambiguity of extended regular expressions in {SGML}
                 document grammars",
  crossref =     "Lengauer:1993:AEF",
  pages =        "73--84",
  month =        sep # "--" # oct,
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 13 16:19:53 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
  abstract =     "In the standard generalized markup language (SGML),
                 document types are defined by context-free grammars in
                 an extended Backus-Naur form. The right-hand side of a
                 production is called a content model. Content models
                 are extended regular expressions that have to be
                 unambiguous in the sense that `an element \ldots{} that
                 occurs in the document instance must be able to satisfy
                 only one primitive content token without looking ahead
                 in the document instance.' The author presents a
                 linear-time algorithm that decides whether a given
                 content model is unambiguous. A similar result has
                 previously been obtained not for content models but for
                 the smaller class of standard regular expressions. It
                 relies on the fact that the languages of marked regular
                 expressions are local --- a property that does not hold
                 any more for content models that contain the new and
                 ?-operator. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new
                 techniques for content models. Besides solving an
                 interesting problem in formal language theory, the
                 author's results are relevant for developers of SGML
                 systems. In fact, his definitions are causing changes
                 to the revised edition of the SGML standard, and the
                 algorithm to test content models for unambiguity has
                 been implemented in an SGML parser.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Paderborn Univ., Fachbereich f{\"u}r Math. Inf.,
  bookpages =    "ix + 418",
  classification = "C4210 (Formal logic); C6140D (High level languages);
                 C7108 (Desktop publishing)",
  confdate =     "30 Sept.-2 Oct. 1993",
  conflocation = "Bad Honnef, Germany",
  keywords =     "Backus-Naur form; Context-free grammars; Document
                 types; Extended regular expressions; Formal language
                 theory; Linear-time algorithm; Marked regular
                 expressions; Parser; SGML document grammars; Standard
                 generalized markup language",
  thesaurus =    "Context-free grammars; Formal languages; Page
                 description languages",

  author =       "Anne Br{\"u}ggemann-Klein and Derick Wood",
  title =        "The Validation of {SGML} Content Models",
  type =         "Technical Report",
  number =       "355",
  institution =  "Computer Science Department, University of Western
  address =      "London, Ontario, Canada",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 13 08:33:43 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-js,
  annote =       "From Joachim Schrod: ``This report shows that a parser
                 for a content model can be constructed in time linear
                 to the length of the grammar. A doctype can be
                 validated in linear time, too.\par As an aside: It's a
                 pity that Anne --- who really knows \TeX{} --- presents
                 Scribe and \LaTeX{} as procedural markup systems. She
                 ignores completely the difference between generic and
                 generalized markup. Although this is not relevant to
                 the paper's result, it would have been easy to avoid it
                 and would not have needed any additional space.
                 (`Logical' markup is introduced.) After all, Anne is
                 someone who has written books on this topic and who
                 wrote an habilitation in that area; she should get the
                 categories right.''",

  author =       "A. Bruggemann-Klein",
  title =        "Unambiguity of extended regular expressions in {SGML}
                 document grammars",
  crossref =     "Lengauer:1993:AEF",
  pages =        "73--84",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Paderborn Univ., Fachbereich f{\"u}r Math. Inf.,
  classification = "C4210 (Formal logic); C6140D (High level languages);
                 C7108 (Desktop publishing)",
  keywords =     "Backus-Naur form; Context-free grammars; Document
                 types; Extended regular expressions; Formal language
                 theory; Linear-time algorithm; Marked regular
                 expressions; Parser; SGML document grammars; Standard
                 generalized markup language",
  thesaurus =    "Context-free grammars; Formal languages; Page
                 description languages",

  author =       "M. Bryan",
  booktitle =    "Workshop on Hypermedia and Hypertext Standards",
  title =        "Standards for text and hypermedia processing",
  journal =      j-INFO-SERVICES-USE,
  volume =       "13",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "93--102",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "ISUDX8",
  ISSN =         "0167-5265",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-5265",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Working Group 8 of ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1
                 Subcommittee 18 (JTC1/SC18/WG8) is tasked with
                 developing information technology (IT) standards for
                 use in text and office systems. The standard
                 generalized markup language (SGML) introduced by WG8 in
                 1986 is one of the key standards in developing systems
                 for open information interchange (OII). In November
                 1992 WG8 published an important new standard, based on
                 SGML, for the interchange of multimedia and hypermedia
                 data. The hypermedia/time-based structuring language
                 (HyTime) provides hypermedia and multimedia systems
                 developers with a standardized way of representing
                 their data sets when interchanging information with
                 other systems. Since the publication of the HyTime
                 standard, WG8 have started work, in conjunction with
                 SC29/WG12, on the development of a standard multimedia
                 scripting language (SMSL). Based on the concepts behind
                 HyTime, SMSL will enable system developers to
                 interchange compiled forms of information flow scripts,
                 probably using the UK-developed architecture neutral
                 distribution format (ANDF).",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6130E
                 (Data interchange); C6140D (High level languages);
                 C6160Z (Other DBMS)",
  confdate =     "22--23 April 1993",
  conflocation = "Amsterdam, Netherlands",
  confsponsor =  "CEC",
  fjournal =     "Information Services and Use",
  keywords =     "ANDF; Architecture neutral distribution format; Data
                 sets; Hypermedia data; Hypermedia/time-based
                 structuring language; HyTime standard; Information flow
                 scripts; JTC1/SC18/WG8; Multimedia systems developers;
                 Office systems; OII; Open information interchange;
                 SGML; SMSL; Standard generalized markup language;
                 Standard multimedia scripting language",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic data interchange; Hypermedia; Multimedia
                 systems; Page description languages; Standards",

  author =       "Mark. Buckley",
  title =        "A generalized language for logical structures",
  journal =      j-BELLCORE-EXCHANGE,
  volume =       "9",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "18--??",
  day =          "1",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1993",
  ISSN =         "1040-2020",
  bibdate =      "Wed May 22 12:48:55 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "; UnCover
                 library database",
  abstract =     "electronic document deliver, and even management of
                 paper documentation, will be more effective with the
                 use of languages, such as an emerging standard known as
                 SGML, for identifying the structural elements of the
                 information documents contain.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bellcore Exchange",

  author =       "Mike Burgard",
  title =        "Information Overload!",
  journal =      j-UNIX-WORLD,
  volume =       "10",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "111--??",
  day =          "1",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1993",
  ISSN =         "0739-5922",
  bibdate =      "Wed May 22 12:48:55 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "; UnCover
                 library database",
  abstract =     "Text retrieval can help your business quickly search
                 thousands of documents. But users tell us that if you
                 want to use such tools as SGML (standard generalized
                 markup language), don't expect it to be cheap.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "UNIX/world",

  author =       "D. T. Chang",
  title =        "{HieNet}: a user-centered approach for automatic link
  crossref =     "ACM:1993:FAC",
  pages =        "145--158",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 18:58:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Passage Syst. Inc., Mountain View, CA, USA",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6130M
                 (Multimedia); C6180 (User interfaces)",
  keywords =     "Automatic link generation; Composite nodes; Direct
                 user control; HieNet; Hypertext systems; Link
                 Apprentice; Link generation parameter control; Linking
                 extent; Linking mechanism; Lotus SmarText; Node
                 granularity; Performance; Previously-created user
                 links; SGML; Similarity thresholds; Term vectors; User
                 interests; User-centered approach; Vector space model",
  thesaurus =    "Hypermedia; User centred design; User interfaces",

  author =       "J. Chelsom and M. Pengelly",
  booktitle =    "IEE Colloquium on `Issues in Computer Support for
                 Documentation and Manuals' (Digest No.1993\slash 170)",
  title =        "Database support for the production of reusable
                 technical documentation",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1993:ICIb",
  publisher =    pub-IEE,
  address =      pub-IEE:adr,
  pages =        "10/1--2",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The approach to the production of technical
                 documentation described arose from a need to supply
                 documentation for a large library of mathematical
                 software. There has been a growing demand to supply
                 documentation in a variety of printed and online
                 formats, tailored to the particular needs of end users.
                 There is also an increasing number of new products
                 which contain the original library as an embedded
                 sub-component. First attempts to meet the demand for
                 diverse forms of documentation led to the creation of
                 many different bodies of text, containing similar
                 information, but maintained and often authored
                 separately. The solution to this problem was to develop
                 a database which contains all the information
                 previously held in the library documentation. The
                 database can be used to generate both the original
                 documents and new documents with varying style, format
                 or content. There were two main processes involved in
                 the transformation of documents to database records.
                 The first was an object-oriented decomposition of the
                 documented product, identifying all the sub-components
                 and the important information relating to each one. The
                 second process was to mark up text records using the
                 Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), an ISO
                 standard (8879) for the mark up of computer-held
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Numer. Algorithms Group, Oxford, UK",
  bookpages =    "55",
  classification = "C6110 (Systems analysis and programming); C6110J
                 (Object-oriented programming); C6130D (Document
                 processing techniques); C6160 (Database management
                 systems (DBMS)); C7108 (Desktop publishing); C7310
  confdate =     "1 Oct. 1993",
  conflocation = "London, UK",
  confsponsor =  "IEE",
  keywords =     "Computer-held documents; Database records; Documented
                 product; Embedded sub-component; End users; ISO
                 standard; Library documentation; Mathematical software;
                 Object-oriented decomposition; Online formats; Reusable
                 technical documentation; SGML; Standard Generalized
                 Markup Language; Sub-components; Technical
                 documentation; Text records",
  thesaurus =    "Database management systems; Mathematics computing;
                 Object-oriented methods; Page description languages;
                 Subroutines; System documentation",

  author =       "Wesley W. Chu and Matthew A. Merzbacher and Ladislav
  title =        "The design and implementation of {CoBase}",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "22",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "517--522",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISBN =         "0-89791-592-5",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-89791-592-2",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:44 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database;;
  abstract =     "CoBase, a cooperative database, is a new type of
                 distributed database that integrates knowledge base
                 technology with database systems to provide cooperative
                 (approximate and conceptual) query answering. Based on
                 the database schema and application characteristics,
                 data are organized into conceptual (type abstraction)
                 hierarchies. The higher levels of the hierarchy provide
                 a more abstract data representation than the lower
                 levels. Generalization (moving up in the hierarchy),
                 specialization (moving down in the hierarchy) and
                 association (moving between hierarchies) are the three
                 key operations in deriving cooperative query answers.
                 Relaxation in CoBase can also be specified explicitly
                 in the query by the user or calling program through
                 cooperative operators. We have extended SQL to CSQL by
                 adding cooperative primitives. We describe the CoBase
                 software implementation, including an inter-module data
                 protocol that provides a uniform module interface. This
                 modular approach provides flexibility in adding new
                 relaxation modules and simplifies software maintenance.
                 CoBase uses LOOM as its knowledge representation and
                 inference system and supports relational data bases
                 (e.g. Oracle and Sybase). We have demonstrated the
                 feasibility and functionality of CoBase on top of a
                 Transportation Database. The CoBase methodology has
                 also been adopted in multimedia medical distributed
                 database project at UCLA, which provides approximate
                 query answers to medical queries.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. Sci., California Univ.",
  affiliationaddress = "Los Angeles, CA, USA",
  classification = "721.1; 723.1; 723.2; 723.3; 723.4.1; C6160B
                 (Distributed DBMS); C6170 (Expert systems)",
  conference =   "Proceedings of the 1993 ACM SIGMOD International
                 Conference on Management of Data",
  conferenceyear = "1993",
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Abstraction hierarchy; Associative processing; CoBase;
                 Computer software; Cooperative database; Cooperative
                 database software; Data structures; Database schema;
                 Distributed database; Generalisation; Hierarchical
                 systems; Inference system; Inter-module data protocol;
                 Knowledge base technology; Knowledge based systems;
                 Knowledge representation; LOOM; Medical computing;
                 Medical query; Network protocols; Query answering;
                 Query languages; Relational database systems;
                 Relational databases, Distributed database systems;
                 Relaxation; Software maintenance; Specialisation; SQL;
                 Structured programming; Technology transfer;
                 Transportation database; Uniform module interface; User
  meetingaddress = "Washington, DC, USA",
  meetingdate =  "May 26--28 1993",
  meetingdate2 = "05/26--28/93",
  publisherinfo = "Fort Collins Computer Center",
  sponsor =      "ACM, SIGMOD; Minerals, Metals \& Materials Society",
  thesaurus =    "Cooperative systems; Distributed databases; Inference
                 mechanisms; Knowledge representation; Query processing;
                 Relational databases",
  xxcrossref =   "Anonymous:1993:SAS",

  author =       "A. Conway",
  title =        "Page grammars and page parsing. {A} syntactic approach
                 to document layout recognition",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1993:PSI",
  pages =        "761--764",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:03:58 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Hitachi Dublin Lab., Trinity Coll., Dublin, Ireland",
  classification = "C4210L (Formal languages and computational
                 linguistics); C5260B (Computer vision and image
                 processing techniques); C6130D (Document processing
  keywords =     "2D grammar; Chart parser; Computer-readable text;
                 Context-free string grammar; Document layout
                 recognition; Logical document structure deduction;
                 Logical mark-up format; Page grammars; Page layout;
                 Page parsing; Scanned document images; Segmented page
                 images; SGML; Syntactic approach",
  thesaurus =    "Context-free grammars; Document image processing;
                 Image recognition; Page description languages",

  author =       "W. J. Davidson",
  title =        "{SGML} Authoring Tools for Technical Communication",
  journal =      j-TECH-COMMUN,
  volume =       "40",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "403--409",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "TLCMBT",
  ISSN =         "0049-3155",
  ISSN-L =       "0049-3155",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Structured authoring systems designed for the creation
                 of generically encoded reusable information have
                 context-sensitive application of markup, markup
                 suppression, cueing and automated formatting,
                 structural navigation, and self-validation features.
                 They are a real alternative to conventional publishing
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "UMI",
  ericno =       "EJ470406",
  fjournal =     "Technical Communication",
  identifiers =  "Standard Generalized Markup Language",
  majordesc =    "Database Design; Information Processing; Technical
  minordesc =    "Desktop Publishing; Online Systems; Word Processing",

  author =       "J. J. Engelen",
  booktitle =    "IEE Colloquium on `Information Access for People with
                 Disability' (Digest No.103)",
  title =        "Overview of the {TIDE-CAPS} project",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1993:ICIa",
  publisher =    pub-IEE,
  address =      pub-IEE:adr,
  pages =        "4/1--8",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:53:33 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The CAPS consortium, funded by EC's TIDE programme
                 started from the idea that the access to the
                 information society by a significant group of
                 handicapped and elderly persons, who have difficulty in
                 accessing the printed word and/or electronic
                 information (reading impaired persons) should be
                 guaranteed to a much larger extent. Within the CAPS
                 project a computer independent, ISO-standardised system
                 for text formatting (the European Interchange Format
                 based on SGML) has been developed to increase text
                 accessibility for a large group of reading impaired
                 persons. In this paper details are given on the current
                 CAPS results placed in the context of other related
                 initiatives (ICADD, Electronic libraries). Finally the
                 new activities for the next CAPS phase are described.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Katholieke Univ., Leuven, Belgium",
  bookpages =    "62",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7108
                 (Desktop publishing); C7230 (Publishing and
                 reproduction); C7840 (Geography and cartography)",
  confdate =     "5 May 1993",
  conflocation = "London, UK",
  confsponsor =  "IEE",
  keywords =     "CAPS consortium; Digital newspapers; Elderly persons;
                 Electronic libraries; European Interchange Format;
                 Handicapped; ICADD; International Committee for
                 Accessible Document Design; ISO-standardised; Reading
                 impaired persons; SGML; Text formatting; TIDE
  thesaurus =    "Electronic publishing; Handicapped aids; Page
                 description languages; Research initiatives; Standards;
                 Word processing",

  author =       "Chet Ensign",
  title =        "{SGML} by Evolution",
  journal =      j-TECH-COMMUN,
  volume =       "40",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "387--393",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "TLCMBT",
  ISSN =         "0049-3155",
  ISSN-L =       "0049-3155",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The change to SGML at Information Builders began with
                 the use of SGML-like markup in text because it solved a
                 specific problem, but many additional unexpected
                 benefits from it have led to a current investigation of
                 converting to formal SGML-based electronic
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "UMI",
  ericno =       "EJ470404",
  fjournal =     "Technical Communication",
  identifiers =  "Standard Generalized Markup Language",
  majordesc =    "Database Design; Electronic Publishing; Information
                 Processing; Technical Writing",
  minordesc =    "Case Studies; Program Descriptions; Writing

  author =       "R. Erfle",
  title =        "Specification of temporal constraints in multimedia
                 documents using {HyTime}",
  journal =      j-EPODD,
  volume =       "6",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "397--411",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "EPODEU",
  ISSN =         "0894-3982",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "IBM Eur. Networking Center, Heidelberg, Germany",
  classification = "C4210 (Formal logic); C6110B (Software engineering
                 techniques); C6130D (Document processing techniques);
                 C6160S (Spatial and pictorial databases); C7108
                 (Desktop publishing)",
  fjournal =     "Electronic Pub\-lish\-ing\emdash{}Orig\-i\-na\-tion,
                 Dissemination, and Design",
  keywords =     "Abstract document model; Building blocks; HyTime;
                 MHEG; Multimedia documents; Presentation application;
                 SGML; Temporal constraint specification; Time dependent
  thesaurus =    "Document handling; Formal specification; Multimedia
                 systems; Standards; Temporal logic",

  author =       "D. J. Essin and M. F. Collen and A. M. {van Ginneken}
                 and A. L. Rector",
  title =        "Intelligent processing of loosely structured documents
                 as a strategy for organizing electronic health care
  journal =      j-METH-INFO-MED,
  volume =       "32",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "265--273, 341",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "MIMCAI",
  ISSN =         "0026-1270",
  bibdate =      "Mon Oct 26 07:39:55 1998",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Loosely structured documents can capture more relevant
                 information about medical events than is possible using
                 databases. In order to realize the full potential of
                 this increased information content, techniques will be
                 required that go beyond the static mapping of stored
                 data into a single, rigid data model. Through
                 intelligent processing, loosely structured documents
                 can become a rich source of detailed data about actual
                 events that can support the wide variety of
                 applications needed to run a health-care organization,
                 document medical care or conduct research. Abstraction
                 and indirection are the means by which dynamic data
                 models and intelligent processing are introduced into
                 database systems. A system designed around loosely
                 structured documents can evolve gracefully while
                 preserving the integrity of the stored data. The
                 ability to identify and locate the information
                 contained within documents offers new opportunities to
                 exchange data that can replace more rigid standards of
                 data interchange.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Univ. of Southern California Med. Center, Los Angeles,
                 CA, USA",
  classification = "C6160Z (Other DBMS); C6170 (Expert systems); C7140
                 (Medical administration)",
  fjournal =     "Methods of Information in Medicine = Methodik der
                 Information in der Medizin",
  keywords =     "Data interchange; Dynamic data models; Electronic
                 health care records; Health-care organization;
                 Integrity; Intelligent IS; Intelligent processing;
                 Loosely structured documents; Medical care; Medical
                 events; Rigid data model; SGML; Static mapping; Stored
  pubcountry =   "Germany",
  thesaurus =    "Database management systems; Health care; Knowledge
                 based systems; Medical administrative data processing",

  author =       "P. Fankhauser and Y. Xu",
  title =        "{MarkItUp}! An incremental approach to document
                 structure recognition",
  journal =      j-EPODD,
  volume =       "6",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "447--456",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "EPODEU",
  ISSN =         "0894-3982",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "GMD-IPSI, Darmstadt, Germany",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6170
                 (Expert systems); C7240 (Information analysis and
  fjournal =     "Electronic Pub\-lish\-ing\emdash{}Orig\-i\-na\-tion,
                 Dissemination, and Design",
  keywords =     "Document structure recognition; Learning by example;
                 MarkItUp!; Recognition grammars; SGML; Untagged
                 electronic documents",
  thesaurus =    "Document handling; Grammars; Information analysis;
                 Learning by example",

  author =       "Heather Fawcett",
  title =        "{The New Oxford English Dictionary Project}",
  journal =      j-TECH-COMMUN,
  volume =       "40",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "379--382",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "TLCMBT",
  ISSN =         "0049-3155",
  ISSN-L =       "0049-3155",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The conversion of the 22,000-page Oxford English
                 Dictionary to an electronic version employed a
                 structured markup (but not the full SGML
                 implementation) because it supports the data-searching
                 needs of users, allows textual components to be
                 extracted or modified, and allows text to be viewed in
                 various ways.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Technical Communication",

  author =       "A. Feng and T. Wakayama",
  title =        "{SIMON}: a grammar-based transformation system for
                 structured documents",
  journal =      j-EPODD,
  volume =       "6",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "361--372",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "EPODEU",
  ISSN =         "0894-3982",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Xerox Webster Res. Center, NY, USA",
  classification = "C4210 (Formal logic); C6110 (Systems analysis and
                 programming); C6130D (Document processing techniques);
                 C7108 (Desktop publishing); C7250 (Information storage
                 and retrieval)",
  fjournal =     "Electronic Pub\-lish\-ing\emdash{}Orig\-i\-na\-tion,
                 Dissemination, and Design",
  keywords =     "Attribute grammars; C++; Content-oriented computation;
                 Document assembly; Document type evolution; External
                 document models; Externally defined programs;
                 Grammar-based transformation system; Higher-order
                 extension; Internal document model; Meta-level
                 specification; Multiview documents; SGML; SIMON;
                 Structured documents; Syntax-directed computation;
                 Syntax-directed paradigm; Transformation engine; View
  thesaurus =    "Attribute grammars; Document handling; Information
                 retrieval; Programming",

  author =       "J. Ferrall",
  title =        "{AIM} and {SGML}: Combining Data Base and {SGML} for
                 Flexible, Standards-Based Video and Hard Copy Output",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1993:IVC",
  pages =        "ST-144--??",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "J. Ferrall",
  title =        "{ISD\slash LSAR DSS} and {AIM}: Linking a Training
                 Materials Front-End Analysis Tool with a Development
                 and Maintenance Tool Via {SGML}",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1993:IVC",
  pages =        "LO-93--LO-97",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Peter Flynn",
  title =        "{\TeX} and {SGML}: a recipe for disaster?",
  journal =      j-TUGBOAT,
  volume =       "14",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "227--230",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1993",
  ISSN =         "0896-3207",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 12 01:27:01 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "TUGboat",

  author =       "J. Fontaine",
  title =        "Graduate Students' Symposium on Terminology: Le
                 langage {SGML} et ses applications en terminologie",
  crossref =     "Crochetiere:1993:ADX",
  pages =        "407--408",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "J. Fought and M. Wesler and H. Davenport and C. {Van
  title =        "Extending {SGML} concurrent structures: toward
                 computer-readable meta-dictionaries",
  journal =      j-LIT-LING-COMP,
  volume =       "8",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "33--38",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "LLCOEI",
  ISSN =         "0268-1145",
  ISSN-L =       "0268-1145",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The authors propose the use of SGML `concurrent
                 structures' to create and tag the structure of an
                 idealized or virtual document to be mapped on to the
                 tagged structures from actual print dictionaries. The
                 idealized structure is to be defined by a simplified
                 document type definition; the elements of actual print
                 dictionary entries will be rearranged to fit into the
                 resulting template. They use a system of index numbers
                 to link the elements of the generalized entries with
                 their sources in the entries of the actual documents.
                 They illustrate this technique by using it to merge
                 elements from a number of different dictionaries into a
                 generalized entry structure.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Pennslyvania Univ., Philadelphia, PA, USA",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7108
                 (Desktop publishing); C7240 (Information analysis and
  fjournal =     "Literary and Linguistic Computing",
  keywords =     "Computer-readable meta-dictionaries; Concurrent
                 structures; Index numbers; SGML",
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; Glossaries; Page description

  author =       "M. Fuller and E. Mackie and R. Sacks-Davis and R.
  booktitle =    "Sixteenth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on
                 Research and Development in Information Retrieval",
  title =        "Structured answers for a large structured document
  journal =      j-SIGIR-FORUM,
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "FASRDV",
  ISSN =         "0163-5840",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5840",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "A simple method is given for integrating information
                 retrieval and hypertext. This consists of treating
                 nodes as isolated documents and retrieving them in
                 order of similarity. If the nodes are structured, in
                 particular, if sets of nodes collectively constitute
                 documents, one can do better. The authors show how the
                 formation of the hypertext, the retrieval of nodes in
                 response to content based queries, and the presentation
                 of the nodes can be achieved in a way that exploits the
                 knowledge encoded as the structure of the documents.
                 The ideas are then exemplified in an SGML based
                 hypertext information retrieval system.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. Sci., RMIT, Melbourne, Vic.,
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6160Z
                 (Other DBMS); C7250L (Non-bibliographic systems)",
  confdate =     "27 June-1 July 1993",
  conflocation = "Pittsburgh, PA, USA",
  confsponsor =  "Bellcore Maya Design Group; Sch. Libr. and Inf. Sci;
                 et al",
  fjournal =     "SIGIR Forum (ACM Special Interest Group on Information
  issue =        "spec. issue. p. 204-13",
  keywords =     "Content based queries; Isolated documents; Large
                 structured document collection; Nodes; SGML based
                 hypertext information retrieval system",
  thesaurus =    "Document handling; Hypermedia; Information retrieval
                 systems; Page description languages",

  author =       "S. Gauch and R. P. Futrelle",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings. Second Annual Symposium on Document
                 Analysis and Information Retrieval",
  title =        "The {Scientist's Assistant}: structure-based
                 navigation of technical texts",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1993:PSA",
  publisher =    inst-UNLV,
  address =      inst-UNLV:adr,
  pages =        "367--377",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The objective is to develop techniques to capture the
                 contents of electronic documents in a structured form
                 that can be stored and retrieved from a computerized
                 knowledge base. The final product will be an
                 interactive Scientist's Assistant that will
                 intelligently help a scientist navigate through
                 electronic versions of published scientific papers. The
                 current working prototype is based on SGML-encoded and
                 phrasal lexicon processed documents from the biology
                 research literature. The Assistant allows the scientist
                 to navigate through the full documents on the screen,
                 including all text and graphics, by selecting items on
                 the screen and following hypertext links. Linkages are
                 automatically precomputed or found at run-time between
                 text, references, figures, tables, bibliographies and
                 abstracts of cited items. The current phase of
                 development is adding the ability to search the full
                 text of the corpus. Navigation by selection will be
                 extended to allow the user to select a paragraph,
                 modify, it if desired, and use it as a natural language
                 query. The system fully integrates the `hard links'
                 approach of conventional hypertext systems with the
                 flexibility of conceptually based full-text queries
                 based on word class databases indexing the corpus.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Coll. of Comput. Sci., Northeastern Univ., Boston, MA,
  bookpages =    "viii + 491",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6160Z
                 (Other DBMS); C6170 (Expert systems); C7250
                 (Information storage and retrieval); C7300 (Natural
  confdate =     "26--28 April 1993",
  conflocation = "Las Vegas, NV, USA",
  confsponsor =  "IEEE; Inf. Sci. Rec. Inst; Howard R. Hughes College
  keywords =     "Biology research literature; Computerized knowledge
                 base; Conceptually based full-text queries; Corpus;
                 Electronic documents; Full text; Hard links approach;
                 Hypertext links; Natural language query; Navigation;
                 Phrasal lexicon processed documents; Published
                 scientific papers; Scientist Assistant; SGML-encoded;
                 Structure-based navigation; Structured form; Technical
                 texts; Word class databases",
  thesaurus =    "Document handling; Information retrieval; Knowledge
                 based systems; Natural sciences computing",

  author =       "Elizabeth Gilmore",
  title =        "Introducing Today's {SGML}",
  journal =      j-TECH-COMMUN,
  volume =       "40",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "210--218",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "TLCMBT",
  ISSN =         "0049-3155",
  ISSN-L =       "0049-3155",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "SGML promises to meet the current demands of
                 publishing technology--to exchange, reuse, and reformat
                 information without constraint. It separates format
                 from content and makes document structure explicit so
                 that writers can focus on writing content. It requires
                 an input system, a parser, a document type definition,
                 and an output system.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "UMI",
  ericno =       "EJ462360",
  fjournal =     "Technical Communication",
  identifiers =  "Standard General Markup Language",
  majordesc =    "Computers; Technical Writing; Writing (Composition)",
  minordesc =    "Higher Education; Publishing Industry; Writing

  author =       "Robert J. Glushko and Ken Kershner",
  title =        "{Silicon Graphics}' {IRIS InSight}: An {SGML} Success
  journal =      j-TECH-COMMUN,
  volume =       "40",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "394--401",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "TLCMBT",
  ISSN =         "0049-3155",
  ISSN-L =       "0049-3155",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The Iris InSight system for viewing online
                 documentation makes use of SGML's explicit encoding of
                 structure and its separation of structure and
                 presentation to make possible structure-based search,
                 alternative structural views of the same information,
                 dynamic reformating, and alternative presentation
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "UMI",
  ericno =       "EJ470405",
  fjournal =     "Technical Communication",
  identifiers =  "Standard Generalized Markup Language",
  majordesc =    "Database Design; Information Processing; Technical
  minordesc =    "Case Studies; Online Systems; Program Descriptions",

  author =       "Edward Greenrich",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings of the 14th National Online Meeting May
                 4--6, 1993, New York, NY, USA",
  title =        "{CD-ROM} data preparation enhancements",
  publisher =    pub-LEARNED-INF,
  address =      pub-LEARNED-INF:adr,
  pages =        "159--163",
  year =         "1993",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Wed May 22 16:47:40 1996",
  bibsource =    "Compendex library database;
  abstract =     "The Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD-ROM) database
                 preparation segment of the information industry is in
                 transition. New demands are being made, almost on a
                 daily basis. These demands come from end users,
                 database vendors, MIS, consultants, among others. Those
                 associated with the industry want data that: costs
                 less, is quicker to access, has more quality, is easier
                 to update or manipulate across platforms, and contains
                 more pertinent information. To accommodate these
                 demands the industry must provide clients with
                 state-of-the-art solutions for their image or text
                 capture, keyword indexing, and tagging needs. The
                 state-of-the-industry concepts, approaches, and
                 technology must be employed to meet this challenge.
                 High quality output in image form is required to fully
                 address this challenge. Graphics-related materials need
                 to have proper document preparation, must be carefully
                 scanned (with rigid quality assurance), and perhaps
                 linked to a keyword index. Text capture via optical
                 character recognition (OCR) can be a cost-effective
                 option versus keyboarding. Cost-effective use of OCR
                 tools depends, among other factors, on content of the
                 source material, its physical condition, and desired
                 accuracy level of the output. Adding or updating a
                 keyword index to a textual database is a way to add
                 value to the information. These editorial enhancements
                 could be accomplished through the use of editorial
                 staff, automated routines (machine aided indexing) or a
                 combination of the two. Crucial factors to be
                 considered are time, uniqueness of the data, and
                 budgetary constraints. Tagging text in a very
                 structured manner allows for its use in different
                 environments. Structured tagging means the text could
                 be used to produce a print product while simultaneously
                 aiding end users performing online searches of flat
                 files or relational databases. Standard Generalized
                 Markup Language (SGML) is one such scheme that marks
                 each data element as a distinct entity, including type
                 style and size, thereby preserving it for future
                 applications. Choosing the most appropriate path and
                 tying these various options together is the trick in
                 producing a high quality CD-ROM product",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "L. Grivel and J.-C. Lamirel",
  title =        "{SDOC}, an analysis tool for scientometric studies
                 integrated in an hypermedia environment",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1993:ICC",
  pages =        "146--154",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jan 3 07:25:20 MST 1997",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "CNRS, Inst. de Inf. Sci. et Tech.,
                 Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy, France",
  keywords =     "SGML",

  author =       "Mark Gross",
  title =        "Getting Your Data in {SGML}",
  journal =      j-TECH-COMMUN,
  volume =       "40",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "219--225",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "TLCMBT",
  ISSN =         "0049-3155",
  ISSN-L =       "0049-3155",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Most SGML publishing projects include the conversion
                 of existing, formatted text into SGML-tagged files, a
                 process that separates content from structure and
                 defines structure without ambiguity. All source
                 materials can be converted, but costs and benefits
                 depend on how much of the process can be automated.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "UMI",
  ericno =       "EJ462361",
  fjournal =     "Technical Communication",
  identifiers =  "Standard General Markup Language",
  majordesc =    "Computers; Technical Writing",
  minordesc =    "Desktop Publishing; Higher Education; Text Structure",

  author =       "Ashish Gupta and Inderpal Singh Mumick and V. S.
  title =        "Maintaining views incrementally",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "22",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "157--166",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISBN =         "0-89791-592-5",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-89791-592-2",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:44 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database;;
  abstract =     "We present incremental evaluation algorithms to
                 compute changes to materialized views in relational and
                 deductive database systems, in response to changes
                 (insertions, deletions, and updates) to the relations.
                 The view definitions can be in SQL or Datalog, and may
                 use UNION, negation, aggregation (e.g. SUM, MIN),
                 linear recursion, and general recursion. We first
                 present a counting algorithm that tracks the number of
                 alternative derivations (counts) for each derived tuple
                 in a view. The algorithm works with both set and
                 duplicate semantics. We present the algorithm for
                 nonrecursive views (with negation and aggregation), and
                 show that the count for a tuple can be computed at
                 little or no cost above the cost of deriving the tuple.
                 The algorithm is optimal in that it computes exactly
                 those view tuples that are inserted or deleted. Note
                 that we store only the number of derivations, not the
                 derivations themselves. We then present the Delete and
                 Rederive algorithm, DRed, for incremental maintenance
                 of recursive views (negation and aggregation are
                 permitted). The algorithm works by first deleting a
                 superset of the tuples that need to be deleted, and
                 then rederiving some of them. The algorithm can also be
                 used when the view definition is itself altered.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Stanford Univ",
  affiliationaddress = "Stanford, CA, USA",
  classification = "721.1; 723.1; 723.2; 723.3; 921.6; C4250 (Database
                 theory); C6140D (High level languages); C6160D
                 (Relational DBMS); C6160K (Deductive databases)",
  conference =   "Proceedings of the 1993 ACM SIGMOD International
                 Conference on Management of Data",
  conferenceyear = "1993",
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Algorithms; Computational linguistics; Counting
                 algorithm; Data structures; Datalog; Deductive database
                 systems; Derived tuple; Distributed database systems;
                 General recursion; Heuristic programming; Incremental
                 maintenance; Incremental view maintenance algorithms;
                 Linear recursion; Materialized views; Nonrecursive
                 view, Incremental evaluation algorithms; Nonrecursive
                 views; Object oriented programming; Query languages;
                 Recursive functions; Recursive views; Rederive
                 algorithm; Relational database systems; SQL; View
  meetingaddress = "Washington, DC, USA",
  meetingdate =  "May 26--28 1993",
  meetingdate2 = "05/26--28/93",
  publisherinfo = "Fort Collins Computer Center",
  sponsor =      "ACM, SIGMOD; Minerals, Metals \& Materials Society",
  thesaurus =    "Database theory; Deductive databases; Relational
                 databases; SQL",
  xxcrossref =   "Anonymous:1993:SAS",

  author =       "S. W. Haas",
  title =        "Introduction to {SGML} and the {TEI}",
  crossref =     "Bonzi:1993:AMO",
  pages =        "285--??",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Lani Hajagos",
  title =        "Documents and {SGML}",
  journal =      j-UNIX-REVIEW,
  volume =       "11",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "38--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "UNRED5",
  ISSN =         "0742-3136",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Once data is placed in documents, it becomes frozen in
                 a medium that no longer allows its analysis or reuse.
                 SGML allows to move between media by describing
                 documents by their structural elements rather than
                 their visual format.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "UNIX review",

  author =       "Jamie Haycox",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings of the IEEE 1993 National Aerospace and
                 Electronics Conference May 24--28, 1993, Dayton, OH,
  title =        "Standard generalized markup language ({SGML}) as a
                 basis for an intelligent data management system",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1993:PIN",
  publisher =    pub-IEEE,
  address =      pub-IEEE:adr,
  pages =        "1017--1020 (vol. 2)",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "Compendex library database;
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Century Technol. Inc., Beavercreek, OH, USA",
  classification = "C0310F (Software development management); C6110B
                 (Software engineering techniques); C6140D (High level
                 languages); C6160Z (Other DBMS); C7150 (Military)",
  keywords =     "Air Force; CIM Technical Reference Model;
                 Communication infrastructure; Computer-aided
                 Acquisition and Logistic Support; Computing
                 infrastructure; Corporate Information Management; DoD;
                 Generalized markup language; Intelligent data
                 management system; Interoperability; Portability;
                 Scalability; Standards",
  thesaurus =    "Database management systems; High level languages;
                 Military computing; Software portability; Standards",

  author =       "Joseph M. Hellerstein and Michael Stonebraker",
  title =        "Predicate migration: optimizing queries with expensive
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "22",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "267--276",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISBN =         "0-89791-592-5",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-89791-592-2",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:44 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database;;
  abstract =     "The traditional focus of relational query optimization
                 schemes has been on the choice of join methods and join
                 orders. Restrictions have typically been handled in
                 query optimizers by `predicate pushdown' rules, which
                 apply restrictions in some random order before as many
                 joins as possible. These rules work under the
                 assumption that restriction is essentially a zero-time
                 operation. However, today's extensible and
                 object-oriented database systems allow users to define
                 time-consuming functions, which may be used in a
                 query's restriction and join predicates. Furthermore,
                 SQL has long supported subquery predicates, which may
                 be arbitrarily time-consuming to check. Thus
                 restrictions should not be considered zero-time
                 operations, and the model of query optimization must be
                 enhanced. In this paper we develop a theory for moving
                 expensive predicates in a query plan so that the total
                 cost of the plan --- including the costs of both joins
                 and restrictions --- is minimal. We present an
                 algorithm to implement the theory, as well as results
                 of our implementation in POSTGRES. Our experience with
                 the newly enhanced POSTGRES query optimizer
                 demonstrates that correctly optimizing queries with
                 expensive predicates often produces plans that are
                 orders of magnitude faster than plans generated by a
                 traditional query optimizer. The additional complexity
                 of considering expensive predicates during optimization
                 is found to be manageably small.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Univ of California, Berkeley",
  affiliationaddress = "Berkeley, CA, USA",
  classification = "721.1; 723.1; 723.3; 921.5; 922.1; C6160D
                 (Relational DBMS); C6160J (Object-oriented databases)",
  conference =   "Proceedings of the 1993 ACM SIGMOD International
                 Conference on Management of Data",
  conferenceyear = "1993",
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Algorithms; Computational complexity; Database
                 systems; Expensive predicates; Expensive predicates,
                 Relational query optimization; Join method; Join
                 methods; Join order; Join orders; Object-oriented
                 database; Optimization; POSTGRES; Predicate pushdown;
                 Query languages; Query optimization scheme; Query
                 optimizer; Random processes; SQL; Time consuming
                 function; Zero time operation",
  meetingaddress = "Washington, DC, USA",
  meetingdate =  "May 26--28 1993",
  meetingdate2 = "05/26--28/93",
  publisherinfo = "Fort Collins Computer Center",
  sponsor =      "ACM, SIGMOD; Minerals, Metals \& Materials Society",
  thesaurus =    "Entity-relationship modelling; Object-oriented
                 databases; Query processing; Relational databases;
  xxcrossref =   "Anonymous:1993:SAS",

  author =       "S. Hockey",
  title =        "Developing access to electronic texts in the
  journal =      j-COMP-LIB,
  volume =       "13",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "41--43",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "CPLIE8",
  ISSN =         "1041-7915",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:53:33 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities
                 (CETH) was established in 1991 by Rutgers and Princeton
                 Universities to provide a national focus for those who
                 are involved in the creation, dissemination and use of
                 electronic texts and resources in the humanities. These
                 resources may be literary works, historical documents,
                 manuscripts, papyri, inscriptions, transcriptions of
                 spoken texts, or dictionaries, and may be in any
                 natural language. Electronic texts become much more
                 useful when additional information, such as author,
                 title, chapter or features such as quotations and
                 proper names are marked in some way. There are at least
                 thirty different methods of encoding such features, but
                 a new common format called the text encoding initiative
                 (TEI) is emerging. A further issue to be addressed is
                 that many existing texts also suffer from inadequate
                 documentation and unclear copyright situations.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7108
                 (Desktop publishing); C7820 (Humanities)",
  fjournal =     "Computers in Libraries",
  keywords =     "Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities; CETH;
                 Common format; Copyright situations; Dictionaries;
                 Documentation; Electronic texts; Historical documents;
                 Humanities; Inscriptions; Literary works; Manuscripts;
                 National focus; Papyri; SGML; Spoken texts; TEI; Text
                 encoding initiative; Transcriptions",
  thesaurus =    "Document handling; Encoding; Humanities data
                 processing; Industrial property; Standards",

  author =       "S. Hockey",
  title =        "Encoding Standards: {SGML} and the {Text Encoding
                 Initiative}: What and Why?",
  crossref =     "Okerson:1993:SPE",
  pages =        "59--64",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "A. Holyer",
  title =        "Wandering the {World-Wide Web}",
  journal =      j-AISB-Q,
  month =        "Winter",
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "AISBEJ",
  ISSN =         "0268-4179",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Sch. of Cognitive and Comput. Sci., Sussex Univ.,
                 Brighton, UK",
  classification = "B6210L (Computer communications); C5620 (Computer
                 networks and techniques); C6130D (Document processing
                 techniques); C6160Z (Other DBMS); C7250 (Information
                 storage and retrieval)",
  fjournal =     "Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behavior
  issue =        "no.86 p. 35-8",
  keywords =     "Formatting; Gopher; HTML; HyperText Mark-up Language;
                 Hypertext system; Images; Internet; Mixed text and
                 images; Mosaic; Mouse; Pages; Second generation
                 service; Sound; Video clips; Web viewer; World-Wide
                 Web; WWW",
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "Character sets; Computer networks; Hypermedia;
                 Information retrieval; Internetworking; Page
                 description languages",

  author =       "Deck Chang Hyun and Kwang Taek Lim and Soo Youn Lee",
  title =        "Implementation of {SGML} document editor using {SGML}
                 basic parser",
  journal =      j-J-KOREA-INFO-SCI-SOCIETY,
  volume =       "20",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "484--494",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "HJKHDC",
  ISSN =         "0258-9125",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C5260B (Computer vision and picture processing);
                 C6115 (Programming support); C6130B (Graphics
                 techniques); C6130D (Document processing techniques);
                 C6140D (High level languages); C6160S (Spatial and
                 pictorial databases); C6180G (Graphical user
                 interfaces); C7100 (Business and administration)",
  fjournal =     "Journal of the Korea Information Science Society =
                 Chongbo Kwahakhoe nonmunji",
  keywords =     "C-language; Document information; Graphic user
                 interface; Graphics; Motif; Multimedia; Open
                 environment; SGML basic parser; SGML document editor;
                 Sun Sparc2; Text; UNIX environment; X window",
  language =     "Korean",
  pubcountry =   "South Korea",
  thesaurus =    "Document image processing; Grammars; Graphical user
                 interfaces; Multimedia systems; Page description
                 languages; Unix",

  author =       "Y. Kanazy",
  title =        "{SGML} document processing",
  journal =      j-FUJITSU,
  volume =       "44",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "521--526",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "FUJTAR",
  ISSN =         "0016-2515",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "SGML (standard generalized markup language) is an
                 international standard (ISO8879) for document exchange
                 formats, which has enacted by ISO in 1986. Fujitsu has
                 produced `SGML document processing' as a professional
                 OA product of the middleware product group. SGML
                 document processing is a document processing system
                 based on SGML and operates on UNIX (Fujitsu S family
                 and DS/90). This total system enables SGML documents to
                 be written, processed analyzed, output, and stored (up
                 to data bases). This paper outlines SGML and introduces
                 the SGML document processing functions currently
                 available and related international standards.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6140D
                 (High level languages); C7108 (Desktop publishing)",
  fjournal =     "Fujitsu",
  keywords =     "Document exchange formats; DS/90; Fujitsu S family;
                 International standard; ISO; ISO8879; Middleware
                 product group; OA product; SGML; SGML document
                 processing; Standard generalized markup language;
  language =     "Japanese",
  pubcountry =   "Japan",
  thesaurus =    "Page description languages; Standards",

  author =       "A. Kaneko",
  title =        "Survey of hypermedia studies",
  journal =      j-J-INFO-PROC-SOC-JAPAN,
  volume =       "34",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "60--71",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "JOSHA4",
  ISSN =         "0447-8053",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:53:33 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Discusses CD-ROM; nodes, links and anchors; link
                 markers; browsing; navigation; graphic browsers;
                 HyperCard; Intermedia; Dexter; runtime layer, storage
                 layer and within-component layer; presentation
                 specifications; Neptune; presentation level, hypertext
                 abstract machine level and database level; hot and warm
                 links; web views and fishage views; JANUS;
                 IntelligentPad; model view controller; Search
                 Technology Inc.'s Glushko; templates; MIT's Gloor;
                 CYBERMAP; Harmony; the trellis model; Xerox Notecards;
                 GIBIS (graphical issue-based information system);
                 issues; positions and arguments; Xerox Aquanet;
                 InterNote; hyper ODA; SGML; Hy Time (hypermedia
                 time-based documents); and standards organization.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "C and C Inf. Technol. Res. Lab., NEC Corp., Tokyo,
  classification = "C6160Z (Other DBMS)",
  fjournal =     "Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan =
                 Joho Shori",
  keywords =     "Dexter; Fishage views; GIBIS; Graphic browsers;
                 Graphical issue-based information system; Hypermedia;
                 Intermedia; InterNote; JANUS; Neptune; Standards
                 organization; Xerox Aquanet",
  language =     "Japanese",
  pubcountry =   "Japan",
  thesaurus =    "Hypermedia; Reviews",

  author =       "James Karney",
  title =        "{SGML}: The Quiet Revolution",
  journal =      j-PC-MAGAZINE,
  volume =       "12",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "246--246",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "PCMGEP",
  ISSN =         "0888-8507",
  ISSN-L =       "0888-8507",
  bibdate =      "Sun Dec 04 12:46:39 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "PC Magazine",

  author =       "John F. Koegel and Lloyd W. Rutledge and John L.
                 Rutledge and Can Keskin",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Conference on
                 Multimedia Aug 1--6 1993 1993 Anaheim, CA, USA",
  title =        "{HyOctane}: {A} {HyTime} engine for an {MMIS}",
  crossref =     "ACM:1993:PAM",
  publisher =    pub-ACM,
  address =      pub-ACM:adr,
  pages =        "129--136",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Wed May 22 16:39:42 1996",
  bibsource =    "Compendex library database;
  abstract =     "We are interested in the development of distributed
                 multimedia information systems which use the HyTime
                 international standard as the data model and
                 interchange format. We have developed and implemented a
                 prototype system in which interactive multimedia
                 presentations can be stored and retrieved. Sample
                 document instances are externally encoded in HyTime and
                 stored in the database using the HyTime data model. The
                 architecture and operation of our system is presented.
                 Issues related to using a HyTime engine for general
                 multimedia presentation and interchange are
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Massachusetts Univ., Lowell,
                 MA, USA",
  classification = "C6130E (Data interchange); C6160B (Distributed
                 DBMS); C6160S (Spatial and pictorial databases)",
  keywords =     "Data interchange format; Data model; Database;
                 Distributed multimedia information system; Externally
                 encoded sample document instances; HyOctane;
                 Hypermedia; HyTime international standard; Information
                 retrieval; Information storage; Interactive multimedia
                 presentations; SGML; System architecture; System
  thesaurus =    "Distributed databases; Electronic data interchange;
                 Hypermedia; Information systems; Interactive systems;
                 Page description languages",

  author =       "Y. Komachi",
  title =        "International standardization for font information
  journal =      j-J-INFO-PROC-SOC-JAPAN,
  volume =       "34",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "915--921",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "JOSHA4",
  ISSN =         "0447-8053",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:53:33 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Discusses the Standard Generalized Markup Language
                 (SGML); the Document Style Semantics and specification
                 Language; the Standard Page Description Language; coded
                 representation of characters; ISO/IEC 9541; draft
                 international standards; font properties; glyph
                 identifiers, shapes and images; typefaces; structure's
                 names; owner identifier, prefix and assigne's name;
                 writing mode; position point and escapement point; the
                 font resource name property; the description property;
                 font family name; positive and weight; the modal
                 property; maximum font extents; the glyph metrics
                 property; the glyph shape representation property;
                 ASN.1; document type definition; the glyph shape
                 technology name; typographic colour; alignment zone;
                 the glyph procedure property; font classes; and
                 interglyph connection.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Eng. Res. Lab., Matsushita Graphic Commun. Syst.,
                 Tokyo, Japan",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6130E
                 (Data interchange); C6140D (High level languages)",
  fjournal =     "Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan =
                 Joho Shori",
  keywords =     "Document Style Semantics and specification Language;
                 Document type definition; Font classes; Front
                 information interchange; Glyphs; Interglyph connection;
                 International standardization; ISO/IEC 9541; Modal
                 property; SGML; Shape representation; Standard Page
                 Description Language; Structure's names; Typefaces;
                 Typographic colour",
  language =     "Japanese",
  pubcountry =   "Japan",
  thesaurus =    "Character sets; Electronic data interchange; Page
                 description languages; Standardisation",
  xxtitle =      "International standardization for front information

  author =       "P. Kommers",
  title =        "Scenarios for the development of educational
  journal =      j-EDU-TRAINING-TECH,
  volume =       "30",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "234--254",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "ETTIEU",
  ISSN =         "0954-7304",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:53:33 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The author describes the typical types of cooperation
                 which allow publishers, electronic and software
                 companies to share expertise and resources while
                 developing hypermedia. (S)GML is proposed as an
                 effective and flexible way to describe semantic
                 attributes between the concept entities in the
                 hypermedia resources. It gives the opportunity to
                 describe the meaning of concept relations at a
                 declarative level without actually changing the
                 information itself. The preparation of hypermedia
                 programs for CD-I, CD-ROM(XA) and CDTV is described in
                 six preliminary steps, adding meta-information by
                 domain experts and secondary authors. After these
                 steps, eight phases of multimedia production are
                 distinguished. The role of a hypermedia tool in these
                 eight phases is essential. It should primarily relieve
                 the hypermedia developer from keeping track of all the
                 assigned relations in the hypermedia database. The
                 technique of (S)GML-based design is of importance to
                 those projects which prefer to be generic for all types
                 of media such as CBT (computer-based training), books,
                 hypermedia or combinations of the three.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Twente Univ., Enschede, Netherlands",
  classification = "C6140D (High level languages); C6160Z (Other DBMS);
                 C7230 (Publishing and reproduction); C7250L
                 (Non-bibliographic systems); C7810C (Computer-aided
  fjournal =     "Educational and Training Technology International",
  keywords =     "CBT; CD-I; CD-ROM XA; CDTV; Computer-based training;
                 Concept entities; Concept relations; Declarative level;
                 Domain experts; Educational hypermedia; Hypermedia
                 programs; Hypermedia resources; Hypermedia tool;
                 Meta-information; Multimedia production; Secondary
                 authors; Semantic attributes; SGML-based design;
                 Software companies",
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "CD-ROMs; Computer aided instruction; Electronic
                 publishing; Hypermedia; Page description languages",

  author =       "M. Lauritsen",
  title =        "Knowing documents (legal)",
  crossref =     "ACM:1993:FIC",
  pages =        "184--191",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 18:58:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Harvard Law Sch., Cambridge, MA, USA",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6170
                 (Expert systems); C7130 (Public administration)",
  keywords =     "Document assembly technology; Expression modes;
                 Knowledge forms; Legal document creation; Legal
                 drafting; Self-describing documents; SGML; Standard
                 Generalized Markup Language",
  thesaurus =    "Document handling; Knowledge engineering; Law
                 administration; Page description languages",

  author =       "T. Leverette",
  title =        "Status of the {CALS SGML} Registry and Library",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1993:IVC",
  pages =        "AP-14",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "D. M. Levy",
  title =        "Document reuse and document systems",
  journal =      j-EPODD,
  volume =       "6",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "339--348",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "EPODEU",
  ISSN =         "0894-3982",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Xerox Palo Alto Res. Center, CA, USA",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7108
                 (Desktop publishing)",
  fjournal =     "Electronic Pub\-lish\-ing\emdash{}Orig\-i\-na\-tion,
                 Dissemination, and Design",
  keywords =     "Compound documents; Document creation; Document reuse;
                 Document standards; Document systems design; New
                 versions; Object Linking and Embedding; ODA; OLE;
                 Previously existing documents; Relevant material; SGML;
                 Structured document systems; Text modification",
  thesaurus =    "Document handling; Standards",

  author =       "Shanping Li and N. P. Juster",
  booktitle =    "IFIP TC5\slash WG5.10 Working Conference on Interfaces
                 in Industrial Systems for Production and Engineering",
  title =        "An exchange strategy for product information",
  journal =      j-IFIP-TRANS-B,
  volume =       "B-10",
  pages =        "175--186",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "ITBTEH",
  ISSN =         "0926-5481",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Within the life cycle of a product, large amounts of
                 heterogeneous information must be exchanged. Although
                 digital data exchange has brought a number of benefits,
                 there are still `automation islands' caused by format
                 inconsistency. The authors describe the work, using
                 standard generalized markup language (SGML) and other
                 computer-aided acquisition and logistic support (CALS)
                 standards, to establish an interface for technical
                 information exchange within the integrated logistics
                 support (ILS) domain. The work is divided into three
                 steps: designing SGML document type definition (DTD)
                 and developing software to mark up the existing
                 documents; developing SGML oriented tools to prepare
                 documents supporting the life cycle of products;
                 developing OpenLook compliant software to prepare
                 MIL-STD-1840A conformable documents and product data
                 for delivery.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Zhejiang Univ., China",
  classification = "C6130E (Data interchange); C7108 (Desktop
                 publishing); C7160 (Manufacturing and industry)",
  confdate =     "15--17 March 1993",
  conflocation = "Darmstadt, Germany",
  fjournal =     "IFIP Transactions B [Applications in Technology]",
  keywords =     "Automation islands; Computer-aided acquisition;
                 Digital data exchange; Format inconsistency;
                 Heterogeneous information; Integrated logistics
                 support; Logistic support; MIL-STD-1840A conformable
                 documents; OpenLook compliant software; SGML; SGML
                 document type definition; SGML oriented tools; Standard
                 generalized markup language; Technical information
  thesaurus =    "Data acquisition; Electronic data interchange;
                 Manufacturing data processing; Page description
                 languages; Production control; Standards",

  author =       "Hongjun Lu and Hock Chuan Chan and Kwok Kee Wei",
  title =        "A Survey on Usage of {SQL}",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "22",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "60--65",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:47 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "J. Mackin",
  title =        "Work Flow Control Using {SGML} and {Hytime}",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1993:IVC",
  pages =        "ST-134--ST-143",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "S. Mamrak and J. Barnes and C. S. O'Connell",
  title =        "Benefits of automating data translation",
  journal =      j-IEEE-SOFTWARE,
  volume =       "10",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "82--88",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "IESOEG",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0740-7459 (print), 0740-7459 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0740-7459",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 01 01:29:34 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "A description is given of the Integrated Chameleon
                 Architecture, (ICA), a special software environment
                 that automatically generates translation code,
                 eliminating the error-prone process of writing and
                 updating code, and enforces completeness in the
                 high-level translator specification and correctness in
                 the translated data. Two sets of translaters developed
                 using ICA are examined. The first set translates ICA's
                 user manual from the {\LaTeX} markup language to Troff
                 markup macros. The second translates documents encoded
                 in schemes like Refer (from the roff macro family) and
                 Bib{\TeX} ({\LaTeX}'s bibliographic package) into an
                 encoding conventional imposed by a central
                 bibliographic database for human-machine interaction.
                 (2 Refs.)",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Ohio State Univ., Columbus, OH,
  classification = "C6110B (Software engineering techniques); C6115
                 (Programming support); C6130D (Document processing
  fjournal =     "IEEE Software",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Automatic code generation; Bibliographic package;
                 Bibtex; Code updating; Data translation automation;
                 Error elimination; High-level translator specification;
                 Human-machine interaction; ICA; Integrated Chameleon
                 Architecture; LaTex; Markup language; Markup macros;
                 Refer; Roff macro; Software environment; Text
                 formatters; Troff; User manual",
  language =     "English",
  pubcountry =   "USA",
  thesaurus =    "Application generators; Automatic programming;
                 Document handling; Formal specification; Text editing",

  author =       "Richard Walter Matzen",
  title =        "A formal language model for detecting ambiguity in
  type =         "Thesis (Ph.D.)",
  school =       "Oklahoma State University",
  address =      "Stillwater, OK, USA",
  pages =        "xii + 144",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 16:33:29 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "R. W. Matzen and K. M. George and G. E. Hedrick",
  title =        "A Model for Studying Ambiguity in {SGML} Element
  crossref =     "Deaton:1993:ACS",
  pages =        "668--676",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater, OK, USA",
  classification = "C4210 (Formal logic); C4220 (Automata theory);
                 C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6140D (High
                 level languages); C7108 (Desktop publishing)",
  keywords =     "Ambiguous content models; Ambiguous model group
                 detection algorithm; Bounded arc; Document
                 representation; Electronic publishing; Element symbol;
                 Indexed nondeterministic finite automata; ISO standard;
                 Meta-language system; Regular expressions; SGML element
                 declarations; Standard Generalized Markup Language;
                 Text processing",
  thesaurus =    "Finite automata; Formal languages; Page description
                 languages; Uncertainty handling",

  author =       "Rodger S. Miller",
  editor =       "M. E. Williama",
  booktitle =    "14th National Online Meeting. Proceedings --- 1993",
  title =        "Textual databases: an object-based model",
  crossref =     "Williama:1993:NOM",
  publisher =    pub-LEARNED-INF,
  address =      pub-LEARNED-INF:adr,
  pages =        "313--317",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Large information delivery systems of the future will
                 be distributed, object-based systems. These systems
                 will very likely be implemented with client/server
                 architectures where special-purpose servers work
                 together in a loosely coupled environment to deliver
                 information to their clients. This information will
                 include text and also other forms of data such as
                 image, graphic or tabular data. These systems will
                 incorporate and extend the idea of markup to include
                 the content of a variety of object types as well as
                 text objects. This extended marking of objects will
                 function in much the same way that SGML functions today
                 for documents. This marking will provide for data
                 interchange, structuring and output interpretation.
                 Object content marking (tokenization) will add
                 intelligence and programmability to database objects
                 and provide the basis for standardizing object
                 structure and database technology. The idea of open
                 systems will be extended to databases and the objects
                 they contain. Therefore, text objects will be more
                 formal in order to function in future information
                 delivery systems. These text objects will contain
                 structures of instance variables which will enable
                 objects to identify themselves to the system and also
                 provide for ad hoc association in sets and
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  bookpages =    "xii + 452",
  classification = "C6160B (Distributed DBMS); C6160J (Object-oriented
                 databases); C7250L (Non-bibliographic systems)",
  confdate =     "4--6 May 1993",
  conflocation = "New York, NY, USA",
  confsponsor =  "Learned Inf",
  keywords =     "Client/server architectures; Data interchange;
                 Database technology; Distributed systems; Graphic data;
                 Image data; Information delivery systems; Markup;
                 Object content marking; Object structure; Object types;
                 Object-based model; Output interpretation; Structuring;
                 Tabular data; Text; Text objects; Textual databases;
  thesaurus =    "Distributed databases; Full-text databases;
                 Object-oriented databases",

  author =       "Zheng Min and R. Rada",
  title =        "{Dexter-Groupware} model for collaborative authoring",
  crossref =     "Maurer:1993:EMH",
  pages =        "383--390",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Inst. of Comput. Sci. and Technol., Beijing Univ.,
  classification = "C6115 (Programming support); C6150N (Distributed
                 systems); C6160S (Spatial and pictorial databases);
                 C6180 (User interfaces); C7810C (Computer-aided
  keywords =     "Cognitive psychology; Collaborative authoring;
                 Computer science; Computer supported collaborative
                 authoring; Computer supported collaborative work;
                 Dexter model; Dexter-Groupware; Dexter-Groupware model;
                 Distributed authoring; Document reuse; Hypertext
                 reference model; International standards; Multimedia
                 courseware; SGML/HyTime; Social psychology; Software
                 engineering; Teaching systems",
  thesaurus =    "Authoring languages; Computer aided instruction;
                 Groupware; Human factors; Multimedia systems; Software
                 tools; Standards",

  author =       "Zheng Min and Roy Rada",
  title =        "A model for computer supported collaborative work and
                 document re-use",
  journal =      j-INTELL-TUTORING-MEDIA,
  volume =       "4",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "3--14",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "ITMEER",
  ISSN =         "0957-9133",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "A model is presented for computer supported
                 collaborative work (CSCW) which shows collaborative
                 authoring and reading and information interchange to be
                 facilitated by international standards (SGML, HyTime),
                 and a widely accepted hypertext reference model (the
                 Dexter model). The model, called the Dexter-groupware
                 (DG) model, is an extension of the Dexter hypertext
                 reference model and incorporates a conversion and
                 interchange model (SGML-HyTime-Dexter model) that
                 provides an interchange mechanism to support
                 collaborative work. Based on the DG model, an open
                 environment for CSCW and document re-use is proposed,
                 and a prototype, the MUCH (many using and creating
                 hypermedia) environment, is described. The MUCH system
                 forms the centre of the environment and a set of
                 import/export tools allows the MUCH system to
                 interchange information with other systems by going
                 through international standards. The MUCH environment
                 also provides a mechanism which enables non-hypermedia
                 systems to share the information in the MUCH database
                 by exporting a part of the database into a linear
                 document, reading and editing in a text editor, and
                 then importing back into MUCH without losing any
                 hypermedia information.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Inst. of Comput. Sci. and Technol., Peking Univ.,
  classification = "B6210L (Computer communications); C5620 (Computer
                 networks and techniques); C6130E (Data interchange);
                 C6160Z (Other DBMS)",
  fjournal =     "Intelligent Tutoring Media",
  keywords =     "Collaborative authoring; Computer supported
                 collaborative work; CSCW; Dexter hypertext reference
                 model; Dexter-groupware; Document re-use; Hypermedia
                 information; Hypertext reference model; HyTime;
                 Import/export tools; Information interchange;
                 Interchange mechanism; Interchange model; International
                 standards; Linear document; MUCH database; Open
                 environment; SGML",
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic data interchange; Groupware; Hypermedia;

  author =       "W. Mohr and L. Rostek",
  title =        "{TEDI}: an object-oriented terminology editor",
  crossref =     "Schmitz:1993:TTK",
  pages =        "363--374",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "GMD-IPSI, Darmstadt, Germany",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6160Z
                 (Other DBMS); C6180 (User interfaces); C7108 (Desktop
  keywords =     "Editor's Workbench; Hypermedia documents; Hypermedia
                 reference works; Individualized Electronic Newspaper;
                 Object-oriented terminology editor; Object-oriented
                 tool; Prototype; Publication and Visualization
                 Environment; Publication development environment;
                 Research department; SGML files; TEDI; Terminology
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; Hypermedia; Nomenclature;
                 Object-oriented programming; Text editing; User

  author =       "R. A. Morris and E. M. Blachman and C. Meyer",
  title =        "A constraint-based editor for linguistic scholars",
  journal =      j-EPODD,
  volume =       "6",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "349--360",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "EPODEU",
  ISSN =         "0894-3982",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Math. and Comput. Sci., Massachusetts Univ.,
                 Boston, MA, USA",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6180N
                 (Natural language processing); C7108 (Desktop
                 publishing); C7820 (Humanities)",
  fjournal =     "Electronic Pub\-lish\-ing\emdash{}Orig\-i\-na\-tion,
                 Dissemination, and Design",
  keywords =     "Constraint-based editor; Corpus linguistics; Document
                 structure; ICE; Interactive structure editor;
                 Interrelated constraint sets; Linguistic scholars;
                 Markup; Novel search mechanism; SGML; Text encoding
  thesaurus =    "Document handling; Linguistics; Natural languages;
                 Page description languages; Text editing",

  author =       "B. Nordin and D. T. Barnard and I. A. Macleod",
  title =        "A review of the {Standard Generalized Markup Language}
  volume =       "15",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "5--19",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "CSTIEZ",
  ISSN =         "0920-5489 (print), 1872-7018 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0920-5489",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 18 13:30:46 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The standards ISO 8879 and its related material
                 describes both a text markup scheme and an
                 implementation of a text parser based on that markup
                 scheme. By trying to clarify the relationship between
                 the documents and an implementation, the authors show
                 that optional SGML features properly belong to separate
                 applications. The result suggests more general and
                 powerful mechanisms which could be obtained.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "ZIFTech Comput. Syst. Inc., Kingston, Ont., Canada",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6140D
                 (High level languages); C7108 (Desktop publishing)",
  fjournal =     "Computer Standards and Interfaces",
  keywords =     "Documents; Implementation; Review; SGML; Standard
                 generalized markup language; Standards ISO 8879; Text
                 markup scheme; Text parser",
  pubcountry =   "Netherlands",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic publishing; Grammars; Page description
                 languages; Standards",

  author =       "B. Orlando",
  title =        "Electronic data interchange ({EDI}) in a {CALS\slash
                 CE} environment: a user's view",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1993:CCW",
  pages =        "1--50",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Syst. Integration Group, TRW Inc., Redondo Beach, CA,
  classification = "C6130E (Data interchange); C7100 (Business and
                 administration); C7150 (Military)",
  keywords =     "Binary file exchange; Binary file formats; Binary
                 files; CALS; CGM; Computer aided acquisition and
                 logistics support; Concurrent engineering; Data
                 identification; DoD; Electronic data interchange; IGES;
                 Integrity verification; MIL-STD-1840; NATO; Raster;
                 Sensitive unclassified data protection; SGML;
                 Standards; Technical data exchange; Technical
                 information; Weapon systems",
  thesaurus =    "Concurrent engineering; Electronic data interchange;
                 Logistics data processing; Military computing;

  author =       "M. G. Popham",
  booktitle =    "Workshop on Hypermedia and Hypertext Standards",
  title =        "Use of {SGML} and {HyTime} in {UK} universities",
  journal =      j-INFO-SERVICES-USE,
  volume =       "13",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "103--109",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "ISUDX8",
  ISSN =         "0167-5265",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-5265",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:53:33 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "A description is given of current and future uses of
                 SGML and HyTime within UK universities. The author
                 proposes that academics' reasons for adopting SGML and
                 HyTime are to solve problems which are, in fact,
                 identical to those also faced by those working outside
                 the academic community. The research initiatives and
                 experiences of academics can provide other potential
                 users of SGML and/or HyTime with several valuable
                 lessons, which can save them time, money and wasted
                 effort. The work of academics can also provide useful,
                 practical examples of the effective use of SGML, and
                 the benefits to be gained therefrom.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Exeter Univ., UK",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6140D
                 (High level languages); C6160Z (Other DBMS); C7110
  confdate =     "22--23 April 1993",
  conflocation = "Amsterdam, Netherlands",
  confsponsor =  "CEC",
  fjournal =     "Information Services and Use",
  keywords =     "Academic community; HyTime; Research initiatives;
                 SGML; UK universities",
  thesaurus =    "Educational computing; Electronic data interchange;
                 Hypermedia; Page description languages; Research
                 initiatives; Standards",

  author =       "M. G. Popham",
  title =        "Use of {SGML} and {HyTime} in {UK} universities",
  crossref =     "VanHalm:1993:HHS",
  pages =        "103--110",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Roger Price",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Conference on
                 Multimedia Aug 1--6, 1993, Anaheim, CA, USA",
  title =        "{MHEG}: An introduction to the future international
                 standard for hypermedia object interchange",
  publisher =    pub-ACM,
  address =      pub-ACM:adr,
  pages =        "121--128",
  year =         "1993",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jun 25 12:45:02 1996",
  bibsource =    "Compendex library database;
  price =        "US\$",
  abstract =     "This paper illustrates some key technical aspects of
                 the future international standard for the interchange
                 of hypermedia objects in interactive realtime
                 situations. The work is now entering the formal
                 approval process in the ISO and increased interest is
                 expected, particularly for large scale multimedia
                 applications involving many partners. The MHEG standard
                 is a key to the development of communicating multimedia
                 applications and services.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Raghu Ramakrishnan and William G. Roth and Praveen
                 Seshadri and Divesh Srivastava and S. Sudarshan",
  title =        "The {CORAL} deductive database system",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "22",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "544--545 (or 541--545??)",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISBN =         "0-89791-592-5",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-89791-592-2",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:44 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database;;
  abstract =     "CORAL is a deductive database system that supports a
                 powerful declarative query language. The language
                 supports general Horn clause logic programs, extended
                 with SQL --- style grouping, set generation and
                 negation. Programs can be organized into independently
                 optimized modules, and users can provide optimization
                 hints in the form of high-level annotations. There is
                 an interface to C++ that enables programs to be written
                 in a combination of imperative and declarative styles.
                 Another notable feature is its extensibility. New data
                 types can be defined and new relation and index
                 implementations can be added. An interface to the
                 EXODUS storage manager provides support for disk ---
                 resident data, transactions and crash-recovery. The
                 features, applications and evaluation techniques
                 supported by CORAL were demonstrated through a
                 collection of programs.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Univ of Wisconsin",
  affiliationaddress = "Madison, WI, USA",
  classification = "722.3; 723.1; 723.1.1; 723.3; 921.5; C6160K
                 (Deductive databases)",
  conference =   "Proceedings of the 1993 ACM SIGMOD International
                 Conference on Management of Data",
  conferenceyear = "1993",
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "C (programming language); C++; Computer software
                 selection and evaluation; CORAL deductive database
                 system; Crash-recovery; Data types; Database systems;
                 Declarative query language; Disk-resident data; Dynamic
                 programming; EXODUS storage manager; General Horn
                 clause logic programs; High level annotations; High
                 level languages; High-level annotations; Independently
                 optimized modules; Logic programming; Negation;
                 Optimization; Optimization hints; Performance; Program
                 compilation; PROLOG (programming language); Query
                 languages; Set generation; Set-generation; SQL style
                 grouping; SQL-style grouping; Transactions; User
  meetingaddress = "Washington, DC, USA",
  meetingdate =  "May 26--28 1993",
  meetingdate2 = "05/26--28/93",
  publisherinfo = "Fort Collins Computer Center",
  sponsor =      "ACM, SIGMOD; Minerals, Metals \& Materials Society",
  thesaurus =    "Deductive databases",
  xxcrossref =   "Anonymous:1993:SAS",

  author =       "U. Reinke",
  title =        "Towards a standard interchange format for
                 terminographic data",
  crossref =     "Schmitz:1993:TTK",
  pages =        "270--282",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Saarlandes Univ., Saarbrucken, Germany",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6130E
                 (Data interchange); C6140D (High level languages)",
  keywords =     "Commercial market; Conversion programs; Electronic
                 data; Import routines; Interchange problems; Open
                 catalogue; SGML document; SGML editors; SGML programs;
                 SGML-based approach; Standard format; Standard
                 interchange format; Terminographic data; Terminographic
                 interchange standard; TMS developers; Universal
                 terminological entry; Workable standard",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic data interchange; Nomenclature; Page
                 description languages; Standards",

  author =       "Ann Rockley",
  title =        "{Ontario Hydro} and {SGML}",
  journal =      j-TECH-COMMUN,
  volume =       "40",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "383--386",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "TLCMBT",
  ISSN =         "0049-3155",
  ISSN-L =       "0049-3155",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "An analysis of Ontario Hydro's conversion of 20,000
                 pages of paper manuals to online documentation
                 established the scope of the project, provided a set of
                 design criteria, and recommended the use of SGML to
                 create the new documentation and the purchase of the
                 Dynatext program to produce it.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "UMI",
  ericno =       "EJ470403",
  fjournal =     "Technical Communication",
  identifiers =  "Standard Generalized Markup Language",
  majordesc =    "Database Design; Information Processing; Online
                 Systems; Technical Writing",
  minordesc =    "Postsecondary Education; Program Descriptions",

  author =       "A. Rockley",
  title =        "Putting large documents online",
  crossref =     "ACM:1993:CPS",
  pages =        "273--281",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 18:58:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Information Design Solutions Inc., Stouffville, Ont.,
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7250L
                 (Non-bibliographic retrieval systems)",
  keywords =     "Compact storage; Document databases; Full-text search
                 retrieval methods; Large documents; Online document
                 viewing; Online searching; SGML; Underlying document
  thesaurus =    "Full-text databases; Information retrieval; Page
                 description languages; Very large databases",

  author =       "L. Rostek and W. Mohr and D. H. Fischer",
  title =        "Weaving a web: the structure and creation of an object
                 network representing an electronic reference work",
  journal =      j-EPODD,
  volume =       "6",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "495--505",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "EPODEU",
  ISSN =         "0894-3982",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "GMD-IPSI, Darmstadt, Germany",
  classification = "C6110J (Object-oriented programming); C6130D
                 (Document processing techniques); C6160Z (Other DBMS);
                 C6170 (Expert systems); C7108 (Desktop publishing);
                 C7230 (Publishing and reproduction)",
  fjournal =     "Electronic Pub\-lish\-ing\emdash{}Orig\-i\-na\-tion,
                 Dissemination, and Design",
  keywords =     "Access structures; Application context; Dictionary of
                 Art; Domain-specific objects; Electronic reference
                 work; Encyclopaedic reference works; Hypermedia
                 publication; Knowledge acquisition; Large-scale
                 electronic publications; Object network;
                 Object-oriented document model; Print edition;
                 SGML-structured text corpus; Tightly interconnected
  thesaurus =    "Document handling; Electronic publishing; Hypermedia;
                 Knowledge acquisition; Object-oriented methods;
                 Object-oriented programming",

  author =       "G. I. Roth and K. Sullow",
  title =        "The {Multimedia Forum} --- an integrated digital
                 information service",
  crossref =     "Raitt:1993:OII",
  pages =        "263--272",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:03:58 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "GMD-IPSI, Darmstadt, Germany",
  classification = "B6210R (Multimedia communications); C6130M
                 (Multimedia); C7210 (Information services and centres);
                 C7230 (Publishing and reproduction)",
  keywords =     "Audio documents; Colour images; Digital journal;
                 Digital sound; Digital video; Distributed teamwork;
                 Editors; Electronic information service; Experts; GMD;
                 Hyperlinks; Integrated digital information service;
                 Multimedia Forum; Navigation; Production process;
                 Readers; Real time digital video sequences; SGML
                 documents; Text; Text documents; User-friendly
                 interface; Users",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic publishing; Information services;
                 Multimedia systems",

  author =       "P. M. Schultheiss and H. Messer",
  title =        "Optimal and suboptimal broad-band source location
  journal =      j-IEEE-TRANS-SIG-PROC,
  volume =       "41",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "2752--2763",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "ITPRED",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "1053-587X (print), 1941-0476 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "1053-587X",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:53:33 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Two maximum-likelihood (ML) estimators are considered
                 for direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation of broadband
                 sources with unknown spectral parameters. One is based
                 on the assumption that the sources radiate
                 stochastic-Gaussian signals and therefore is called the
                 stochastic-Gaussian ML (SGML) estimator; the other,
                 using estimates of the actual signals (not their
                 assumed distribution), is called the conditional ML
                 (CML) estimator. Neither is efficient if the source
                 spectral parameters are completely arbitrary and
                 unknown, but the problem can be avoided for a version
                 of the SGML estimation if the signal and noise spectra
                 are known to satisfy certain smoothness conditions.
                 While this version of the SGML is formally superior to
                 the CML, it is demonstrated that the performance
                 difference is small with underconditions not
                 infrequently encountered in practice. When these are
                 satisfied, the computationally simpler CML can be used
                 without significant loss. The required conditions
                 become more stringent as the source separation
                 decreases or correlation between sources increases. A
                 closed-form analytic expression is obtained for the
                 small-error variance of the CML estimator of the DOA of
                 the nth source in the presence of N-1 other sources.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Electr. Eng., Yale Univ., New Haven, CT,
  classification = "B6140 (Signal processing and detection); C1260
                 (Information theory)",
  fjournal =     "IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Array processing; Broadband sources; Conditional
                 maximum likelihood estimator; Direction-of-arrival
                 estimation; DOA estimation; Sensor array; Small-error
                 variance; Stochastic-Gaussian signals; Unknown spectral
  thesaurus =    "Array signal processing; Maximum likelihood
                 estimation; Parameter estimation",

  author =       "S. Shimojo",
  title =        "Multimedia-its dream and reality: research and
  journal =      j-J-INFO-PROC-SOC-JAPAN,
  volume =       "34",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "389--399",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "JOSHA4",
  ISSN =         "0447-8053",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:53:33 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Discusses the MIT Media Lab; Apple Mackintosh and IBM
                 PC; personal computers vs. workstation computers; Quick
                 Time; Video for Windows; UNIX; CD-ROMs; graphical user
                 interfaces; Microsoft Windows-NT; HyTime; SGML;
                 read-only media; interactive media; hypermedia; Project
                 ATHENA; MUSE; Intermedia; the Andrew toolkit; Athena
                 Muse; Virtual Museum (virtual reality software);
                 Harmony; MacroMind Director; authorware; B-ISDN;
                 videoconferencing; distributed multimedia; MIME
                 (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) and NewsBase;
                 metamail; MERMAID; audiocasting; VideoPix; Xerox PARC;
                 MONSTER; Parallox Video; and annotation.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Comput. Center, Osaka Univ., Japan",
  classification = "B6210M (ISDN); C6160S (Spatial and pictorial
  fjournal =     "Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan =
                 Joho Shori",
  keywords =     "Athena Muse; Audiocasting; B-ISDN; Distributed
                 multimedia; Harmony; Hypermedia; Intermedia; MERMAID;
                 MIME; MIT Media Lab.; NewsBase; Virtual Museum",
  language =     "Japanese",
  pubcountry =   "Japan",
  thesaurus =    "B-ISDN; Multimedia systems; Software packages; Virtual

  author =       "D. Silverman and M. Gross",
  editor =       "M. E. Williama",
  booktitle =    "14th National Online Meeting. Proceedings --- 1993",
  title =        "What's so important about data conversion?",
  crossref =     "Williama:1993:NOM",
  publisher =    pub-LEARNED-INF,
  address =      pub-LEARNED-INF:adr,
  pages =        "383--385",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Data conversion is misunderstood. Some people see it
                 as an overwhelming issue, others underestimate it. In
                 any event, most people try to avoid thinking about it.
                 The authors believe it is neither of these two
                 extremes, but rather a critical phase which when
                 incorporated early in the planning process allows
                 projects to be completed cost-effectively and
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  bookpages =    "xii + 452",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7250
                 (Information storage and retrieval)",
  confdate =     "4--6 May 1993",
  conflocation = "New York, NY, USA",
  confsponsor =  "Learned Inf",
  keywords =     "Critical phase; Data conversion; Planning process;
  thesaurus =    "Data conversion; Information retrieval systems; Page
                 description languages",

  author =       "B. J. {Slone, III} and C. E. Richardson",
  title =        "A call for the adoption of nuclear utility information
  journal =      j-TRANS-AM-NUCL-SOC,
  volume =       "68",
  number =       "pt.A",
  pages =        "377--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "TANSAO",
  ISSN =         "0003-018X",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:53:33 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "In December 1986, the International Organization for
                 Standardization (ISO) issued a standard for document
                 representation, ISO 8879, `Standard Generalized Markup
                 Language' (SGML). The standard prescribes a method for
                 defining documents in two parts, one containing text
                 and the other describing its structures without
                 reference to word processing or publishing system
                 software or hardware. It provides a method for `marking
                 up' information, a way to place `tags' on pieces of
                 information to define their purpose.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Finite Matters Ltd., Glen Allen, VA, USA",
  classification = "A2841 (Fission reactor theory and design); A2844
                 (Fission reactor protection systems, safety and
  confdate =     "20--24 June 1993",
  conflocation = "San Diego, CA, USA",
  fjournal =     "Transactions of the American Nuclear Society",
  keywords =     "Document representation; ISO 8879; Licensing basis
                 documentation; Nuclear utility information standards;
                 Standard Generalized Markup Language; Tags",
  thesaurus =    "Fission reactor safety; Fission reactor theory and

  author =       "M. Smith",
  title =        "{DynaText}: an electronic publishing system",
  journal =      j-COMP-HUM,
  volume =       "27",
  number =       "5-6",
  pages =        "415--420",
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "COHUAD",
  ISSN =         "0010-4817",
  ISSN-L =       "0010-4817",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Chicago Univ., IL, USA",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7230
                 (Publishing and reproduction); C7820 (Humanities)",
  fjournal =     "Computers and the Humanities",
  keywords =     "Book publishing; CDROM; Compiler; Diskette; DynaText;
                 Electronic publishing system; Humanities text
                 publishers; Indexer; Macintoshes; MS-Windows;
                 Ready-to-ship books; SGML; UNIX; X-windows",
  pubcountry =   "Netherlands",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic publishing; Humanities data processing;
                 Hypermedia; Page description languages; Software

  author =       "C. M. Sperberg-McQueen",
  title =        "The Standard Generalized Markup Language ({SGML}): {A}
                 Brief Introduction",
  journal =      j-PROC-ASIS-AM,
  volume =       "30",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "285--285",
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "PAISDQ",
  ISSN =         "0044-7870",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Proceedings of the ASIS annual meeting",

  author =       "Michael Stonebraker",
  title =        "The {Miro DBMS}",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "22",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "439--439",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISBN =         "0-89791-592-5",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-89791-592-2",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:44 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database;;
  abstract =     "In the DBMS market, you can find two popular products.
                 The relational DBMS which are referred to as `R
                 vendors' and the other class which is geared in
                 providing persistent data, the `O vendors'. The good
                 features of the two when combined results to MIRO, an
                 object relational (OR) DBMS. All four characteristics
                 of an OR system can be found in MIRO. It support a
                 variant of SQL --- 3, offers standard multi-user
                 services, and runs a conventional client --- server
                 computing model. The Miro DBMS's onset was with the
                 POSTGRES DBMS and later added an SQL-based query
                 language for better performance.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "MIRO Systems, Inc",
  affiliationaddress = "Emeryville, CA, USA",
  classification = "723.1; 723.1.1; 723.2; 723.3; C6160D (Relational
                 DBMS); C6160J (Object-oriented databases)",
  conference =   "Proceedings of the 1993 ACM SIGMOD International
                 Conference on Management of Data",
  conferenceyear = "1993",
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "C (programming language); C PLUS PLUS (programming
                 language); Data processing; Data structures;
                 Declarative query language; Extendability; Multi-user
                 database services; O vendors; Object oriented
                 programming; Object relational database systems;
                 Object-relational; OR DBMS; Query languages; Query
                 optimization, Miro DBMS; R vendors; Relational database
                 systems; Rich data model; Security of data; Transaction
  meetingaddress = "Washington, DC, USA",
  meetingdate =  "May 26--28 1993",
  meetingdate2 = "05/26--28/93",
  pagecount =    "439",
  publisherinfo = "Fort Collins Computer Center",
  sponsor =      "ACM, SIGMOD; Minerals, Metals \& Materials Society",
  thesaurus =    "Object-oriented databases; Relational databases",
  xxcrossref =   "Anonymous:1993:SAS",

  author =       "K. Sullow and I. Gabel-Becker and M. Ockenfeld and W.
                 Putz and G. Roth",
  title =        "{MultiMedia Forum}: an interactive online journal",
  journal =      j-EPODD,
  volume =       "6",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "413--422",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "EPODEU",
  ISSN =         "0894-3982",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "GMD-IPSI, Darmstadt, Germany",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6140D
                 (High level languages); C6160S (Spatial and pictorial
                 databases); C6180 (User interfaces); C7210 (Information
                 services and centres); C7230 (Publishing and
  fjournal =     "Electronic Pub\-lish\-ing\emdash{}Orig\-i\-na\-tion,
                 Dissemination, and Design",
  keywords =     "Audio; Central database; Clustering information;
                 Digital journal; Hyperlinks; Image; In-house journal;
                 Information types; Integrated Publication and
                 Information Systems Institute; Interactive online
                 journal; MMF; MultiMedia Forum; Online access; SGML
                 documents; Text; Video",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic publishing; Information services;
                 Interactive systems; Multimedia systems; Page
                 description languages",

  author =       "H. Tanigawa and S. Tsuji and Y. Nakano",
  title =        "Groupware {CASE}",
  journal =      j-NAT-TECH-REP,
  volume =       "39",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "72--79",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "NTROAV",
  ISSN =         "0028-0291",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:53:33 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The described software development support system
                 supports document development and management when a
                 group of people develops software. The first feature is
                 that not only documents but also user interface
                 information and layout information are described by
                 SGML. It is very easy, therefore, to search and
                 transmit documents. The second feature is the automatic
                 transmission function, which makes possible secure and
                 quick transmission of information. The bug control
                 efficiency has been improved up to about 5.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Inf. Syst. Res. Lab., Matsushita Electr. Ind. Co.
                 Ltd., Japan",
  classification = "C6115 (Programming support); C7100 (Business and
  fjournal =     "National Technical Report",
  keywords =     "Automatic transmission; Bug control efficiency;
                 Document development; Groupware CASE; Layout
                 information; SGML; Software development support system;
                 User interface information",
  language =     "Japanese",
  pubcountry =   "Japan",
  thesaurus =    "Development systems; Groupware; Page description
                 languages; Program debugging; Software tools; User
                 interface management systems",

  author =       "R. E. Thomas",
  title =        "{SGML} tables for the {PHIGS} slide set",
  institution =  inst-RAL,
  address =      inst-RAL:adr,
  pages =        "27",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "RAL 93-029",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Eric {van Herwijnen}",
  title =        "{SGML} tutorial",
  publisher =    pub-ELECT-BOOK-TECH,
  address =      pub-ELECT-BOOK-TECH:adr,
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Mon Oct 26 07:42:02 1998",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "1 computer disk",
  series =       "Electronic book library 1",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "Title from disk label. System requirements: Microsoft
                 Windows 3.0 or 3.1; VGA or SVGA monitor, color or
                 monochrome; 3.5 MB of available hard disk space;
                 Windows TMP directory.",
  keywords =     "SGML (Computer program language)",

  author =       "H. {van Oostendorp} and B. Scholten and E. Schultheiss
                 and M. Walsteijn",
  title =        "Customised publishing: developments and an empirical
  journal =      j-INFORMATIE,
  volume =       "35",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "280--288",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "INFTCR",
  ISSN =         "0019-9907",
  bibdate =      "Mon Oct 26 07:42:07 1998",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "A text is often written for a number of different
                 target groups with passages of interest only to certain
                 readers being either too difficult or too obvious for
                 others. It is useful in such cases to have several
                 versions tailored to the various groups. This article
                 looks at the possibilities for adapting texts to
                 readers-customised publishing. A prototype has been
                 developed with information to generate a number of
                 tailor-made versions automatically from a basic text
                 based on a reader profile. The information on the
                 structure and content of the text is given by Standard
                 Generalised Markup Language (SGML) replacing
                 conventional marking up and layout. Some research into
                 problems and costing is also included.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7108
                 (Desktop publishing)",
  fjournal =     "Informatie",
  keywords =     "Costing; Customised publishing; Reader profile;
                 Standard Generalised Markup Language; Text adaptation;
                 Text adaption",
  language =     "Dutch",
  pubcountry =   "Netherlands",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; Page description languages",

  author =       "E. H. Weiss",
  title =        "Of document databases, {SGML}, and rhetorical
  journal =      j-IEEE-TRANS-PROF-COMMUN,
  volume =       "36",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "58--61",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "IEPCBU",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0361-1434 (print), 1558-1500 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0361-1434",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:53:33 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    ";
  abstract =     "New technology has enabled the audience to shape a
                 writer's message. Today, publishing technical
                 information often consists of letting the receivers
                 search the files, extract what they judge relevant,
                 sequence and organize it any way they wish, and even
                 print or display it to their own specifications. Often,
                 the writer is not creating deliberately worded and
                 presented messages but rather, feeding molecular
                 articles to rhetorically neutral databases, from which
                 readers may extract what they wish. Such technologies
                 as SGML even further limit writers and deprive them of
                 such basic presentation devices as deciding where pages
                 will begin and end. The rhetorical implications of
                 technology that empowers readers and enfeebles writers
                 are reviewed.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C7230 (Publishing and reproduction); C7250L
                 (Non-bibliographic systems)",
  fjournal =     "IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Articles; Audience; Clarity; Cogency; Document
                 databases; File searching; Information extraction;
                 Information organization; New technology;
                 Persuasiveness; Presentation; Publishing; Relevance;
                 Rhetorical neutrality; SGML; Technical information;
                 Writer's message",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic publishing; Full-text databases; Page
                 description languages; Technical presentation",

  author =       "T. Wesley and C. Tobin",
  title =        "{CAPS} copyright communication and access to
                 information for persons with special needs",
  journal =      j-SIGCAPH,
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "SGNWD2",
  ISSN =         "0163-5727",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 11 05:53:33 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The SGML community is perfectly aware of the benefits
                 International Standards bring to the interchange of
                 digital information, especially when that information
                 is textual in form. What the same community may be less
                 aware of is the enormous group of individuals who have
                 no access to such information because of visual
                 disability. This paper describes the efforts of a
                 European Community funded project CAPS (communication
                 and access to information for people with special
                 needs), to use SGML and its associated standards to
                 fulfil the belief `that advancing computer based
                 publishing and through adaptive computer technology for
                 persons with disabilities offers the potential to make
                 printed information accessible simultaneously and at no
                 greater cost than the able bodied community enjoys.'
                 The paper also describes how SGML has been used to
                 define a DTD for the European Interchange Format (EIF)
                 to enable print disabled access to newspapers.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput., Bradford Univ., UK",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6140D
                 (High level languages); C7108 (Desktop publishing);
                 C7850 (Assistance for the handicapped)",
  fjournal =     "SIGCAPH Newsletter",
  issue =        "no.48 p. 4--8",
  keywords =     "Adaptive computer technology; Communication; Computer
                 based publishing; Digital information; Disabled
                 persons; European Community funded project CAPS;
                 Information access; International Standards; SGML;
                 Visual disability",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic publishing; Handicapped aids; Page
                 description languages; Standards",

  author =       "Lowell Williams",
  title =        "Compound Documents",
  journal =      j-DDJ,
  volume =       "18",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "32, 34, 38--39, 101",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "DDJOEB",
  ISSN =         "1044-789X",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 03 09:15:38 1996",
  bibsource =    ";
       ; UnCover
  abstract =     "Compound documents contain a mixture of different
                 data-text, line art, raster graphics (images), tabular
                 data, and even audio and video. The non-familiar ASCII
                 can no longer fulfill its role as a universal
                 document-interchange standard. One should begin
                 examining compound ASCII alternatives like ODL, SGML,
                 and CDA.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6130E
                 (Data interchange)",
  fjournal =     "Dr. Dobb's Journal of Software Tools",
  keywords =     "CDA; Compound ASCII; Document-interchange standard;
                 Line art; ODL; Raster graphics; SGML; Tabular data;
  thesaurus =    "Document handling; Electronic data interchange;

  author =       "Eve Wilson",
  title =        "The Case for {SGML}: a Law Database, Hypertext and
                 Information Retrieval",
  journal =      j-INT-YEARBOOK-LAW-COMP-TECH,
  volume =       "7",
  pages =        "59--??",
  year =         "1993",
  ISSN =         "0965-528X",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 18 12:55:03 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "; UnCover
                 library database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "International Yearbook of Law, Computers, and

  author =       "N. Wood and B. Schmidt and J. Myers",
  title =        "Lexical meta-databases",
  crossref =     "Raitt:1993:OII",
  pages =        "485--493",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:03:58 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Eur. Found. for the Improvement of Living, Dublin,
  classification = "C6160B (Distributed databases); C7130 (Public
                 administration); C7210 (Information services and
  keywords =     "CD-ROM; Consumer groups; DBMS master files; Employers;
                 Employment law; European employment law; Health and
                 safety; Hypertext; Industrial relations practice;
                 Lexical meta-databases; Meta-thesaurus;
                 Meta-vocabulary; National administrations; National
                 databases; National glossaries; National jurisdiction;
                 Standards; Trades unions; Working conditions",
  thesaurus =    "Distributed databases; Government data processing;
                 Information services; Law administration",

  author =       "M. Yamada",
  title =        "Conversion method from document image to logically
                 structured document based on {ODA}",
  journal =      j-TRANS-IEICE-D-II,
  volume =       "J76D-II",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "2274--2284",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "DTGDE7",
  ISSN =         "0915-1923",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "The author presents a method of document image
                 understanding focused on document logical structure.
                 There have been many studies so far on layout analysis
                 of document images and media conversion methods such as
                 character recognition. On the other hand, the document
                 architectures such as ODA and SGML, which emphasize the
                 logical aspect of document, have been studied and
                 standardized. The proposed method consists of
                 header-footer analysis, section number analysis and
                 typographic attribute analysis in addition to the
                 layout analysis to realize the conversion from document
                 images to logically structured documents based on
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Res. and Dev. Lab., Kokusai Denshin Denwa Co. Ltd.,
                 Kamifukuoka, Japan",
  classification = "C1250B (Character recognition); C5260B (Computer
                 vision and picture processing); C6130D (Document
                 processing techniques)",
  fjournal =     "Transactions of the Institute of Electronics,
                 Information and Communication Engineers D-II = Denshi
                 Joho Tsushin Gakkai ronbunshi. D-II, Joho, shisutemu
                 II---joho shori",
  keywords =     "Character recognition; Document architectures;
                 Document image understanding; Document images; Document
                 logical structure; Header-footer analysis; Layout
                 analysis; Logical aspect; Logically structured
                 documents; Media conversion methods; ODA; Section
                 number analysis; SGML; Typographic attribute analysis",
  language =     "Japanese",
  pubcountry =   "Japan",
  thesaurus =    "Character recognition; Document image processing; Page
                 description languages; Standards",

  author =       "T. Yokoi",
  title =        "A very large-scale knowledge base embodying an
                 intelligence space-technologies for building and
                 evolving knowledge infrastructures",
  journal =      j-J-INFO-PROC-SOC-JAPAN,
  volume =       "34",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1449--1457",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1993",
  CODEN =        "JOSHA4",
  ISSN =         "0447-8053",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Japan Electron. Dictionary Res. Inst. Ltd., Tokyo,
  classification = "C6160K (Deductive databases); C6170 (Expert
  fjournal =     "Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan =
                 Joho Shori",
  keywords =     "Collaborative testbed; Cyc; Entity-relationship
                 diagrams; Information infrastructure; Intelligence
                 space; Knowledge infrastructures; Knowledge sharing
                 effort; Large-scale knowledge base; SGML; Standard
                 Generalized Markup Language",
  language =     "Japanese",
  pubcountry =   "Japan",
  thesaurus =    "Deductive databases; Entity-relationship modelling;
                 Knowledge based systems; Very large databases",

  author =       "Min Zheng and Roy Rada",
  title =        "{Dexter-Groupware} model for collaborative authoring",
  crossref =     "Maurer:1993:EMH",
  pages =        "383--390",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Tue Oct 18 10:07:59 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Computer supported collaborative work (CSCW) is a
                 rapidly emerging research area which provides new
                 opportunities and challenges to researchers,
                 practitioners, and designers from a number of
                 disciplines such as computer science, cognitive
                 psychology, social psychology, and software
                 engineering. In order to successfully build teaching
                 systems that people will use, we need to carefully
                 consider the needs of those people and their current
                 working situations. In this paper, a model called
                 Dexter-Groupware for computer supported collaborative
                 authoring and document reuse is presented. The
                 Dexter-Groupware (DG) model shows the collaborative
                 authoring and reading facilitated by international
                 standards (SGML/HyTime) and a widely accepted hypertext
                 reference model (the Dexter model). The aim of this
                 model is to provide a conceptual framework to identify,
                 design and develop effective facilities to support
                 collaborative and distributed authoring and reusing of
                 multimedia courseware.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Inst. of Comput. Sci. and Technol., Beijing Univ.,
  bookpages =    "657",
  classification = "C6115 (Programming support); C6150N (Distributed
                 systems); C6160S (Spatial and pictorial databases);
                 C6180 (User interfaces); C7810C (Computer-aided
  confdate =     "23--26 June 1993",
  conflocation = "Orlando, FL, USA",
  keywords =     "Cognitive psychology; Collaborative authoring;
                 Computer science; Computer supported collaborative
                 authoring; Computer supported collaborative work;
                 Dexter model; Dexter-Groupware; Dexter-Groupware model;
                 Distributed authoring; Document reuse; Hypertext
                 reference model; International standards; Multimedia
                 courseware; SGML/HyTime; Social psychology; Software
                 engineering; Teaching systems",
  thesaurus =    "Authoring languages; Computer aided instruction;
                 Groupware; Human factors; Multimedia systems; Software
                 tools; Standards",

  author =       "Min Zheng and Roy Rada",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE International
                 Professional Communication Conference Oct 5--8, 1993,
                 Philadelphia, PA, USA",
  title =        "A standard-based approach to text and hypertext mutual
                 conversion and interchange",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1993:IPN",
  publisher =    pub-IEEE,
  address =      pub-IEEE:adr,
  pages =        "116--121 (or 116--122??)",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1993",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Wed May 22 16:37:25 1996",
  bibsource =    "Compendex library database;
  abstract =     "Hypertext interchange and bi-directional conversion
                 between text and hypertext are largely considered two
                 different applications. In our research, a system
                 (SGML-MUCH) for importing and exporting SGML documents
                 into and from a collaborative hypermedia system--MUCH
                 (Many Using and Creating Hypermedia) system--is
                 developed. The SGML-MUCH system is able to support both
                 hypertext interchange and text-hypertext bi-directional
                 conversion. The SGML-MUCH system is developed following
                 the SHyD model, which uses international standards SGML
                 and HyTime as intermediate formats. An SGML DTD based
                 on a widely accepted hypertext reference model--the
                 Dexter model, is defined to represent both text and
                 hypertext documents. Text and hypertext documents in
                 different formats can be imported into the MUCH system
                 by going through the SGML representation. On the other
                 hand, a part of the MUCH database can be exported into
                 a markup document that retains all the hypermedia
                 information. This exported document then can be
                 processed by a conventional document processing system
                 or used to interchange information with other
                 hypermedia systems.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Inst. of Comput. Sci. and Technol., Peking Univ.,
                 Beijing, China",
  classification = "C6130E (Data interchange); C6130M (Multimedia);
                 C7230 (Publishing and reproduction)",
  keywords =     "Dexter model; Hypermedia system; Hypertext
                 interchange; Hypertext reference model; HyTime;
                 Intermediate formats; International standards; Mutual
                 conversion; SGML documents; SGML-MUCH; SHyD model;
                 Standard-based approach; Text-hypertext bidirectional
  thesaurus =    "Data conversion; Electronic data interchange;
                 Hypermedia; Page description languages",

  author =       "Min Zheng and Roy Rada",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings --- ACM Computer Science Conference
                 Proceedings of the 21st Annual Computer Science
                 Conference Feb 16--18 1993, Indianapolis, IN, USA",
  title =        "{SHyD} --- {A} model for bridging text and
  publisher =    pub-ACM,
  address =      pub-ACM:adr,
  pages =        "418--424",
  year =         "1993",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Wed May 22 16:34:21 1996",
  bibsource =    "Compendex library database;
  abstract =     "This paper presents a model of the document-hypermedia
                 world which shows the bi-directional exchanges between
                 the two worlds which are facilitated by international
                 standards and a widely accepted hypertext reference
                 model. In particular we show the role of the Dexter
                 Model and the SGML/HyTime standards in supporting
                 document-hypermedia transformations and hypermedia
                 interchange. A first prototype - the SGML-MUCH (SM)
                 system - has been developed which follows the
                 principles of the model. The SM system can accept
                 different text and hypertext markup documents by going
                 through a standard SGML representation, which can
                 represent both text and hypermedia structure, and the
                 SM system can then import these documents into a
                 collaborative hypermedia system - the MUCH system. On
                 the other hand, a part of the MUCH database can be
                 exported into a markup document which retains all the
                 hypermedia information. This exported document then can
                 be processed by a conventional document editor or used
                 to interchange information with other hypermedia
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Min Zheng and Roy Rada",
  title =        "Text-Hypertext Mutual Conversion and Hypertext
                 Interchange through {SGML}",
  crossref =     "Bhargava:1993:CPS",
  pages =        "139--147",
  year =         "1993",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "Compendex library database;
  abstract =     "This paper presents an SGML-MUCH (S-M) system, the I/O
                 subsystem of a collaborative authoring and reuse system
                 called MUCH (Many Using and Creating Hypermedia), for
                 text and hypertext mutual conversion and hypertext
                 interchange. The S-M system can dynamically generate
                 text documents from the MUCH document database by
                 traversing a subgraph of the hypertext database. With
                 various options on traversal, different versions of
                 documents can be generated from the same set of nodes
                 and links in the document database. The documents
                 generated from the MUCH document database include not
                 only document content but also groupware and hypertext
                 information that can be used for hypertext interchange.
                 With this generated document, hypertext for different
                 systems such as Guide and Hyperties can be
                 automatically generated and new features, like
                 alternate outline and automatically derived indices can
                 also be incorporated. The S-M system, which was
                 developed using several public-domain development
                 tools, adheres to standards where possible, and
                 generally focuses on `openness'.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Inst. of Comput. Sci. and Technol., Beijing Univ.,
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6130G
                 (Groupware); C6130M (Multimedia); C6140D (High level
                 languages); C6160Z (Other DBMS)",
  keywords =     "Alternate outline; Automatically derived indices;
                 Collaborative authoring; Groupware; Guide; Hypertext
                 database; Hypertext interchange; Hyperties; I/O
                 subsystem; Many Using and Creating Hypermedia; MUCH;
                 MUCH document database; Public domain development
                 tools; Reuse system; S-M system; SGML; SGML-MUCH;
                 Standards; Text document generation; Text-hypertext
                 mutual conversion",
  thesaurus =    "Groupware; Hypermedia; Page description languages;
                 Standards; Word processing",

  author =       "Liora Alschuler and Stephen Schettini",
  title =        "Systems: {SGML} Is Here to Stay",
  journal =      j-PUBLISH,
  volume =       "9",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "71--??",
  day =          "1",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "PBLIEJ",
  ISSN =         "0897-6007",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 18 12:55:03 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "; UnCover
                 library database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Publish!: the how-to magazine of desktop publishing",
  summary =      "Coding documents with Standard Generalized Markup
                 Language lets you manipulate and format text in
                 limitless ways.",

  author =       "Jean T. Anderson and Michael Stonebraker",
  title =        "{SEQUOIA} 2000 Metadata Schema for Satellite Images",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "23",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "42--48",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:50 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Electr. Eng. and Comput. Sci., California
                 Univ., Berkeley, CA, USA",
  classification = "C6140D (High level languages); C6160J
                 (Object-oriented databases); C6160S (Spatial and
                 pictorial databases); C7460 (Aerospace engineering
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Data exchange; Digital satellite images; Geospatial
                 standards; Illustra object relational database; SAIF
                 standard; Satellite images; Sequoia 2000 metadata
                 schema; Sequoia 2000 schema development; Spatial
                 Archive and Interchange Format; SQL prototype",
  thesaurus =    "Aerospace computing; Artificial satellites;
                 Object-oriented databases; SQL; Standards; Visual

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Basis {SGML} Server Available from {IDI}",
  journal =      j-INFO-RETRIEVAL-LIB-AUTO,
  volume =       "29",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "9--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "IRLAAQ",
  ISSN =         "0020-0220",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Information Retrieval and Library Automation",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Coming to Grips with {SGML}",
  journal =      j-AGAINST-GRAIN,
  volume =       "6",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "12--??",
  day =          "1",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1994",
  ISSN =         "1043-2094",
  bibdate =      "Wed May 22 12:48:55 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "; UnCover
                 library database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Against the Grain",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Introduction to {SGML}",
  journal =      j-ASEAN-PROPRINT,
  pages =        "12--??",
  day =          "1",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "1994",
  ISSN =         "1036-9112",
  bibdate =      "Wed May 22 12:48:55 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "; UnCover
                 library database",
  abstract =     "What is Standard Generalised Markup Language, and what
                 does it offer the publishing industry?",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Asean proprint: the graphic arts magazine",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Microsoft SGML} tools ease document exchange",
  journal =      j-INFORMATION-WEEK,
  volume =       "??",
  number =       "495",
  pages =        "58--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "INFWE4",
  ISSN =         "8750-6874",
  ISSN-L =       "1938-3371",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Information Week",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "In a Nutshell",
  journal =      j-NETWORK-WORLD,
  volume =       "11",
  number =       "50",
  pages =        "67--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1994",
  ISSN =         "0887-7661 (print), 1944-7655 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0887-7661",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "You may be fluent in English, but to assure document
                 exchange across nets, you'll need to brush up on
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Network World",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Software",
  journal =      j-AUSTRALIAN-PERSONAL-COMP,
  volume =       "15",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "14--??",
  day =          "1",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1994",
  ISSN =         "0725-4415",
  ISSN-L =       "0725-4415",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 18 12:55:03 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "; UnCover
                 library database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Australian Personal Computer",
  summary =      "FoxPro 2.6 targets dBASE IV; SGML made easy;
                 Micrografx turns to kids' stuff; compression

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "The {Standard Generalized Markup Language} is finding
                 an enthusiastic audience not only in {DOD} but in other
                 agencies as well",
  journal =      j-FED-COMPUTER-WEEK,
  volume =       "8",
  number =       "35",
  pages =        "28--??",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1994",
  ISSN =         "0893-052X",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 16:12:10 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Federal computer week",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{1994 San Miniato Topical Seminar on World Wide Web
                 and Beyond in Physics Research and Applications}",
  journal =      j-INT-J-MOD-PHYS-C,
  volume =       "5",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "IJMPEO",
  ISSN =         "0129-1831 (print), 1793-6586 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:03:58 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  confdate =     "14--17 March 1994",
  conflocation = "San Miniato, Italy",
  confsponsor =  "Univ. Bologna; Univ. Florence; Inst. Nat. Fisica
                 Nucl.; Cassa di Risparmio di San Miniato",
  fjournal =     "International Journal of Modern Physics C [Physics and
  journal-URL =  "",
  pubcountry =   "Singapore",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{SARA (SGML Aware Retrieval Application) Workshop 29th
                 June 1994}",
  journal =      j-BRITISH-LIBRARY-RDR,
  volume =       "6173",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--??",
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "BLRRDP",
  ISSN =         "0308-2385",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "The British Library research and development reports",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "The {SGML\slash XML} web page",
  publisher =    "SIL Academic Computing",
  address =      "Dallas, TX, USA",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Tue Feb 24 12:10:39 MST 1998",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "Description based on: 11/25/97; title from home page
                 screen. What's new --- Archive sites --- Bibliography
                 -- Serial publications --- Consortia --- User's groups
                 and SIGs --- Conferences, seminars, tutorials,
                 workshops --Year in review --- Discussion groups and
                 mailing lists --Public SGML software --- Commercial
                 SGML software -- General projects and applications ---
                 Academic projects and applications --- Government and
                 industry applications --- Special topics --- Standards
                 related to SGML. Mode of access: Internet via World
                 Wide Web.",
  keywords =     "SGML (Document markup language) --- Computer network
                 resources.; URL:",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Xerox} is upgrading its {SGML} editor, {InContext},
                 to let users print out marked-up documents",
  journal =      j-INFOWORLD,
  volume =       "16",
  number =       "44",
  pages =        "32--??",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "INWODU",
  ISSN =         "0199-6649",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "InfoWorld",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Xyvision's {PDM}: database management for {SGML} and
                 complex documents",
  journal =      j-SEYBOLD-REP-PUB-SYS,
  volume =       "23",
  number =       "17",
  pages =        "3--29",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "SRPSD9",
  ISSN =         "0736-7260",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "D2105 (Media-TV, radio, press)",
  fjournal =     "Seybold Report on Publishing Systems",
  keywords =     "Built-in workflow manager; Complex documents; Content
                 objects management; Database management; Document
                 management systems; Electronic documents; Facts and
                 Comparisons; Granularity; Paper documents; Parlance
                 Document Manager; Publishing; SGML; Xyvision",
  thesaurus =    "Database management systems; Electronic publishing;
                 Page description languages",

  author =       "S. G. Ansari and P. Giommi and A. Micol",
  title =        "{ESIS} on the {World Wide Web}",
  journal =      j-INT-J-MOD-PHYS-C,
  volume =       "5",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "805--809",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "IJMPEO",
  ISSN =         "0129-1831 (print), 1793-6586 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:03:58 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "ESIS, ESA, Frascati, Italy",
  classification = "B6210L (Computer communications); C5620W (Other
                 computer networks); C6130D (Document processing
                 techniques); C6180G (Graphical user interfaces); C7250C
                 (Bibliographic retrieval systems); C7350 (Astronomy and
                 astrophysics computing)",
  fjournal =     "International Journal of Modern Physics C [Physics and
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Astronomical community; Bibliographic service; ESIS;
                 ESIS catalogue documentation; ESIS Command Line
                 Interface; ESIS Data Browser; ESIS Graphical User
                 Interface; Forms-based paradigm; Homepage; Hypertext
                 markup language format; Hypertext transfer protocol;
                 NCSA Mosaic interface; Query translation; User
                 community; World Wide Web; World Wide Web client; WWW",
  thesaurus =    "Astronomy computing; Bibliographic systems; Graphical
                 user interfaces; Hypermedia; Internet; Protocols",

  author =       "Larry Aronson",
  title =        "{HTML} manual of style",
  publisher =    pub-ZD,
  address =      pub-ZD:adr,
  pages =        "ix + 132",
  year =         "1994",
  ISBN =         "1-56276-300-8",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-1-56276-300-8",
  LCCN =         "QA76.76.H94 A76 1994",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 14:36:27 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  price =        "US\$19.95, CDN\$27.95",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Adrienne Azaria",
  title =        "{SGML}: {A} lifesaver in a sea of electronic
  journal =      j-NETWORK-WORLD,
  volume =       "11",
  number =       "50",
  pages =        "67--67",
  day =          "12",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1994",
  ISSN =         "0887-7661 (print), 1944-7655 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0887-7661",
  bibdate =      "Sat Dec 17 14:22:01 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Network World",

  author =       "T. Baker and I. Bruning and L. Klein and M. Lenz",
  title =        "Starting a {Web} site: issues of quality control",
  journal =      j-COMP-NET-ISDN,
  volume =       "26",
  number =       "Supplement 2--3",
  pages =        "S55--S61",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "CNISE9",
  ISSN =         "0169-7552 (print), 1879-2324 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0169-7552",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:03:58 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "German Nat. Res. Center for Comput. Sci., St.
                 Augustin, Germany",
  classification = "B6210L (Computer communications); C5620W (Other
                 computer networks); C7210 (Information services and
  fjournal =     "Computer Networks and ISDN Systems",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "HTML formatting; Indexing; Information providers;
                 Information systems; Links; Material posting; Material
                 submission; Quality control; Readers; Searching
                 methods; Server; Technical quality; Technical support;
                 Users; Web site; Webmaster",
  pubcountry =   "Netherlands",
  thesaurus =    "File servers; Information systems; {Internet}; Quality

  author =       "A. Barry and D. Stanton",
  title =        "Glossary: {Australian} electronic library and network
  journal =      j-AUSTRALIAN-LIBR-REV,
  volume =       "11",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "87--89",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "ALIRE4",
  ISSN =         "1034-8042",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "B6210L (Computer communications); C5620 (Computer
                 networks and techniques); C7210L (Library automation)",
  fjournal =     "Australian Library Review",
  keywords =     "AARNET; Australian universities; Computer-based
                 communications service; Electronic library; File
                 Transfer Protocol; Glossary; Information search and
                 retrieval; Networking developments; PACS-L; RTF; SGML;
                 Telnet; TopNode Project; URL; USENET; VERONICA; WAIS;
                 WAN; World Wide Web; WYSIWYG; X500; Z39.50",
  pubcountry =   "Australia",
  thesaurus =    "Glossaries; Internetworking; Library automation",

  author =       "Jeff Barry",
  title =        "The {HyperText} Markup Language ({HTML}) and the
                 {World-Wide Web}: Raising {ASCII} Text to a New Level
                 of Usability",
  volume =       "5",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "5--62",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  ISSN =         "1063-164X",
  ISSN-L =       "1048-6542",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Describes HyperText Markup Language (HTML), which is
                 used to format documents for the World-Wide Web. HTML
                 tags that enhance ASCII files, examples of their use,
                 and guidelines for organizing hypertext documents are
                 given. Types of documents suitable for the Web and the
                 future of HTML are discussed. (Contains seven
                 references.) (KRN)",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ericno =       "EJ489724",
  fjournal =     "Public-access Computer Systems Review",
  identifiers =  "American Standard Code Information Interchange;
                 Examples; Text Design; Text Formatting; Text Patterns;
                 World Wide Web",
  majordesc =    "Hypermedia; Layout (Publications)",
  minordesc =    "Computer Networks; Electronic Publishing; Futures (of
                 Society); Guidelines; Information Networks",

  author =       "B. Bauwens and J. Engelen and F. Evenepoel and C.
                 Tobin and T. Wesley",
  title =        "Increasing access to information for the print
                 disabled through electronic documents in {SGML}",
  crossref =     "ACM:1994:AFA",
  pages =        "55--61",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 18:58:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Katholieke Univ., Leuven, Belgium",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6180 (User
                 interfaces); C7108 (Desktop publishing); C7850
                 (Computer assistance for persons with handicaps)",
  keywords =     "Blind people; CAPS; Electronic documents; Enabling
                 technology; ICADD; Information access; Partially
                 sighted people; Print disabled; SGML; Standard
                 Generalized Markup Language; TIDE",
  thesaurus =    "Document handling; Handicapped aids; Human factors;
                 Page description languages; User interfaces",

  author =       "B. Bauwens and J. Engelen and F. Evenepoel and C.
                 Tobin and T. Wesley",
  title =        "Structuring documents: the key to increasing access to
                 information for the print disabled",
  crossref =     "Zagler:1994:CHP",
  pages =        "214--221",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:03:58 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Katholieke Univ., Leuven, Belgium",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6140D
                 (High level languages); C7850 (Computer assistance for
                 persons with handicaps)",
  keywords =     "Blind people; CAPS Consortium; Communication and
                 Access to Information for People with Special Needs;
                 Document structuring; Enabling technology; European
                 Union funded project; HARMONY project; ICADD;
                 Information access; International Committee on
                 Accessible Document Design; Partially sighted people;
                 Print disabled; SGML; SGML encoded electronic
                 documents; Standard Generalized Markup Language;
                 Technology Initiative for Disabled and Elderly People
  thesaurus =    "Document handling; Handicapped aids; Page description

  author =       "G. E. Blake and M. P. Consens and P. Kilpel{\"a}inen
                 and P.-{\AA}. Larson and T. Snider and F. W. Tompa",
  title =        "Text\slash relational database management systems:
                 harmonizing {SQL} and {SGML}",
  crossref =     "Litwin:1994:ADF",
  pages =        "267--280",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:03:58 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "UV Centre for the New OED and Text Res., Waterloo
                 Univ., Ont., Canada",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6140D
                 (High level languages); C6160B (Distributed databases);
                 C6160D (Relational databases); C7108 (Desktop
  keywords =     "Agents; Customer support; Extended SQL queries;
                 Federated database environment; Full-text search
                 engines; Publication control; Relational database
                 management systems; SGML; SQL; Structured text access;
                 Text agents; Text management systems; Text sub-queries;
                 Vendor-specific dialects",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; Distributed databases; Document
                 handling; Page description languages; Query processing;
                 Relational databases; SQL",

  author =       "Jos{\'e} A. Blakeley",
  title =        "Open Object Database Management Systems",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "23",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "520--520",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:48 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Syst. and Inf. Sci. Lab., Texas Instrum. Inc., Dallas,
                 TX, USA",
  classification = "C6160D (Relational DBMS); C6160J (Object-oriented
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "CORBA; Extended relational DBMS; Extensible toolkits;
                 Implementation issues; Object data management; Object
                 query processing; Object services architectures;
                 Object-relational DBMSs; ODMG-93; OMG standards; Open
                 architectures; Open object database management systems;
                 OSA; Persistence models; Persistent programming
                 languages; Schema evolution; SQL3; Storage management;
                 Versioning models",
  thesaurus =    "Configuration management; Object-oriented databases;
                 Open systems; Query processing; Relational databases",
  xxcrossref =   "Anonymous:1994:ASI",

  author =       "K. Bohm and T. C. Rakow",
  title =        "Metadata for multimedia documents",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "23",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "21--26",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:03:58 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Integrated Publication and Inf. Syst. Inst.,
                 Darmstadt, Germany",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6130M
                 (Multimedia); C6140D (High level languages); C6160S
                 (Spatial and pictorial databases)",
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "DFR; Future developments; ISO standards; Multimedia
                 document metadata; SGML; Structured documents",
  thesaurus =    "Document handling; ISO standards; Multimedia
                 computing; Page description languages",

  author =       "K. Bohm and A. Muller and E. Neuhold",
  title =        "Structured document handling --- a case for
                 integrating databases and information retrieval",
  crossref =     "Adam:1994:CPT",
  pages =        "147--154",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jan 3 07:25:20 MST 1997",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "GMD-IPSI, Darmstadt, Germany",
  keywords =     "SGML",

  author =       "G. Brooks",
  title =        "Changes in the documentation engineering process",
  journal =      j-ELECTR-COMMUN,
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "ELCMAX",
  ISSN =         "0013-4252",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Alcatel CIT, Velizy, France",
  classification = "C6140D (High level languages); C7200 (Information
                 science and documentation)",
  fjournal =     "Electrical Communication",
  issue =        "no.2 p. 173-80",
  keywords =     "Alcatel; Computer aided lifecycle support; Customer
                 documentation; Documentation engineering; Product
                 documentation management; Publishing technology; SGML;
                 Standardized documentation system; Standardized general
                 mark-up language; Technical documentation;
                 Telecommunications product",
  pubcountry =   "France",
  thesaurus =    "High level languages; Information science",

  author =       "G. Brooks",
  title =        "Changes in the documentation engineering process",
  journal =      j-ELECTR-COMMUN,
  pages =        "173--180",
  month =        "Second Quarter",
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "ELCMAX",
  ISSN =         "0013-4252",
  bibdate =      "Wed May 22 16:27:08 1996",
  bibsource =    "Compendex library database;
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Electrical Communication",

  author =       "J. F. Buford and L. Rutledge and J. L. Rutledge",
  title =        "Toward automatic generation of {HyTime} applications",
  crossref =     "Herzner:1994:MOD",
  pages =        "57--76",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jan 3 07:25:20 MST 1997",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Massachusetts Univ., Lowell,
                 MA, USA",
  keywords =     "SGML",

  author =       "R. Cailliau",
  title =        "Proceedings of the 1st {World-Wide Web Conference}",
  journal =      j-COMP-NET-ISDN,
  volume =       "27",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "135--341",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "CNISE9",
  ISSN =         "0169-7552 (print), 1879-2324 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0169-7552",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jun 25 12:39:43 1996",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database;
  abstract =     "The proceedings contains 18 papers selected from the
                 First World-Wide Web Conference. Some of the topics
                 discussed are: the world wide web; hypertext markup
                 language; hypertext transfer protocol; caching relays;
                 indexing in the web; information retrieval; Internet;
                 wordprocessing; multilingual information exchange;
                 world wide algorithms; animation; interactive
                 education; and CD-ROMs.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "722.4; 723.1; 723.2; 723.3; 903.2; 903.3",
  conference =   "Proceedings of the 1st World-Wide Web Conference",
  fjournal =     "Computer Networks and ISDN Systems",
  journal-URL =  "",
  journalabr =   "Comput Networks ISDN Syst",
  keywords =     "Algorithms; Caching; CD/ROM; Computer software;
                 Desktop publishing; Distance learning; Distributed
                 database systems; Global knowledge system; Hypertext
                 markup language (HTML); Hypertext transfer protocol
                 (HTTP); Information retrieval; Information retrieval
                 systems; Interactive computer graphics; Interactive
                 computer systems; Internet access; Mosaic for X
                 computer software; National Center for Supercomputing
                 Applications (NCSA); Network protocols; Systems
                 analysis; Wide area networks; Word processing; World
                 wide web (WWW)",
  meetingaddress = "Geneva, Switz",
  meetingdate =  "May 25--27 1994",
  meetingdate2 = "05/25--27/94",

  author =       "J. Campbell",
  title =        "{Robinson, Peter. The Digitization of Primary Textual
                 Sources and The Transcription of Primary Textual
                 Sources Using SGML}",
  journal =      j-COLL-RESEARCH-LIB,
  volume =       "55",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "568--??",
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "CRLIAI",
  ISSN =         "0010-0870",
  ISSN-L =       "0010-0870",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "College and Research Libraries",

  author =       "Nick Carr",
  title =        "Implementations of {SGML}",
  journal =      j-ASEAN-PROPRINT,
  pages =        "44--??",
  day =          "1",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "1994",
  ISSN =         "1036-9112",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 18 12:55:03 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "; UnCover
                 library database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Asean proprint: the graphic arts magazine",
  summary =      "Nick Carr demonstrates by example how SGML can
                 revolutionize data transfer and storage.",

  author =       "L. A. Carr and D. W. Barron and H. C. Davis and W.
  title =        "Why use {HyTime}?",
  journal =      j-EPODD,
  volume =       "7",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "163--178",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "EPODEU",
  ISSN =         "0894-3982",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 10 07:56:18 1995",
  bibsource =    ";
  abstract =     "The Hypermedia/Time-based Structuring Language
                 (HyTime) is a recently adopted International Standard
                 (ISO/IEC 10744:1992). The paper presents the need and
                 potential for HyTime, provides a brief explanation of
                 its various facilities and shows how it may be applied
                 to good effect in various situations, with particular
                 reference to hypertext interchange from Microcosm (an
                 open hypertext system). It then goes on to explore
                 several alternatives to HyTime and compare their
                 relative strengths and weaknesses.",
  fjournal =     "Electronic Pub\-lish\-ing\emdash{}Orig\-i\-na\-tion,
                 Dissemination, and Design",

  author =       "Andrew Casson",
  title =        "{PLINTH}, {HTML} and the World Wide Web",
  institution =  "Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute,
                 University of Edinburgh",
  address =      "Edinburgh, Scotland",
  pages =        "9",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 14:51:54 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "F. Cave",
  title =        "{SGML} and other standards --- extended summary",
  crossref =     "Blunden:1994:DSA",
  pages =        "145--147",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "J. J. L. Chelsom and M. Pengelly",
  title =        "Using {SGML} to produce reusable technical
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1994:AVD",
  pages =        "6/1--6/3",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "CSW Inf. Ltd, Oxford, UK",
  classification = "C6110 (Systems analysis and programming); C6130D
                 (Document processing techniques); C6140D (High level
                 languages); C6160J (Object-oriented databases); C7310
  keywords =     "Database; Large library; Mathematical algorithms;
                 Mathematical software; Mathematical software libraries;
                 Object-oriented model; Regular database queries;
                 Reusable technical documentation; SGML; Software
                 products; Software routines; Source code; Technical
                 content; Technical information",
  thesaurus =    "Mathematics computing; Object-oriented databases; Page
                 description languages; Subroutines; System

  author =       "V. Christophides and A. Rizk",
  title =        "Querying structured documents with hypertext links
                 using {OODBMS}",
  crossref =     "ACM:1994:ECH",
  pages =        "186--197",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jan 3 07:25:20 MST 1997",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Inst. Nat. de Recherche en Inf. et Autom., Le Chesnay,
  keywords =     "SGML",

  author =       "V. Christophides and S. Abiteboul and S. Cluet and M.
  title =        "From Structured Documents to Novel Query Facilities",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "23",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "313--324",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:48 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "INRIA, Le Chesnay, France",
  classification = "C4210 (Formal logic); C6130D (Document processing
                 techniques); C6140D (High level languages); C6160J
                 (Object-oriented databases)",
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Calculus; Object-oriented database management systems;
                 Query facilities; Query languages; Querying paths;
                 Schema; SGML document retrieval; SQL; Structured
  thesaurus =    "Document handling; Formal languages; Information
                 retrieval; Object-oriented databases; Page description
                 languages; Query languages",
  xxcrossref =   "Anonymous:1994:ASI",

  author =       "Dan Connolly",
  title =        "Evolution of the {HTML} Spec",
  journal =      j-DDJ,
  volume =       "19",
  number =       "15",
  pages =        "20--20",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "DDJOEB",
  ISSN =         "1044-789X",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 04 09:01:48 1996",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Dr. Dobb's Journal of Software Tools",

  author =       "D. D. Cowan and D. M. German and C. J. P. Lucena and
                 A. {Von Staa}",
  title =        "Enhancing Code for Readability and Comprehension Using
  crossref =     "Muller:1994:PIC",
  pages =        "181--190",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Waterloo Univ., Ont., Canada",
  classification = "C6110B (Software engineering techniques); C6130D
                 (Document processing techniques); C6160Z (Other DBMS)",
  keywords =     "Browsing techniques; Comprehensibility; Comprehension;
                 Database queries; Documentation; Maintenance; Markup
                 languages; Presentation style; Program code; Program
                 understanding; Readability; SGML; Software
                 reengineering; Source code; Text databases",
  thesaurus =    "Database management systems; Page description
                 languages; Software maintenance; Technical

  author =       "Jon Crowcroft and Gordon Joly",
  title =        "Touring and navigating a global learning environment
                 --- the {Web}",
  journal =      j-COMP-NET-ISDN,
  volume =       "26",
  number =       "Supplement 2--3",
  pages =        "S71--S74",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "CNISE9",
  ISSN =         "0169-7552 (print), 1879-2324 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0169-7552",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:03:58 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database;
  abstract =     "The World Wide Web is one of the fastest growing
                 Networked Information Systems in history. The
                 revolution has been brought about by use of GUIs such
                 as NCSA's Mosaic, and the distributed hypertext
                 language HTML, Universal Resource Locators, and with
                 simple protocols for client server access. Another
                 contributory factor has been the development of a
                 number of filters that have permitted the introduction
                 of material prepared using almost all the well known
                 word processing and desk-top publishing tools. However,
                 this growth has led to problems for new users finding
                 the information they want. This paper is about a tool
                 for generating tours of the web to enable experts to
                 become cyber-carto-graphers, mapmakers of the new
                 virtual world, and share their findings with novice
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Univ. Coll. London, UK",
  affiliationaddress = "London, Engl",
  classification = "722.3; 723.1.1; 723.2; 723.5; 903.4; C5620W (Other
                 computer networks); C6115 (Programming support); C6130M
                 (Multimedia); C6150N (Distributed systems software);
                 C6180G (Graphical user interfaces); C7210 (Information
                 services and centres)",
  fjournal =     "Computer Networks and ISDN Systems",
  journal-URL =  "",
  journalabr =   "Comput Networks ISDN Syst",
  keywords =     "Client server access; Computer networks; Computer
                 programming languages; Cyber-cartographers; Data
                 communication systems; Desk-top publishing tools;
                 Desktop publishing; Digital computers; Distributed
                 computer systems; Filters; Global learning environment;
                 Graphical user interface; GUIs; HTML distributed
                 hypertext language; HTML Hypertext language;
                 Information services; Map-makers; Navigation; NCSA's
                 Mosaic; Network protocols; Networked information
                 systems; Novice users; Protocols; Touring; Universal
                 Resource Locators; User interfaces; Users; Virtual
                 world; Word processing; Word processing tools; World
                 Wide Web; World wide web",
  pubcountry =   "Netherlands",
  thesaurus =    "Authoring systems; Client-server systems; Desktop
                 publishing; Graphical user interfaces; Hypermedia;
                 {Internet}; Protocols; Word processing",

  author =       "John December and Neil Randall",
  title =        "{World-Wide Web} Unleashed",
  publisher =    pub-HWS,
  address =      pub-HWS:adr,
  pages =        "1058",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1994",
  ISBN =         "0-672-30617-4",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-672-30617-4",
  LCCN =         "TK 5105.875 I57 D43 1994",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 18 11:18:52 1995",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "Computer Literacy Bookshops says: Not only the largest
                 book on the Web, but also the most complete. 300 pages
                 cover fundamental concepts and individual Wab browsers
                 for different platforms. Covers navigation and
                 searching techniques and list web sites by subject.
                 Written by a team of WWW experts, the best part is the
                 inclusion of details on technical information. Loads of
                 information on designing and creating a Web site,
                 working with HTML editors and filters, creating forms
                 and image mapping.",
  price =        "US\$35.00, CDN\$47.95",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "A. {De Kemp}",
  title =        "New ways for the delivery of information: {IT},
                 networks, {SGML}, multimedia and so on \ldots{}",
  crossref =     "Helal:1994:RSN",
  pages =        "208--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6160S
                 (Spatial and pictorial databases); C7210L (Library
                 automation); C7220 (Generation, dissemination, and use
                 of information); C7230 (Publishing and reproduction);
                 C7250 (Information storage and retrieval)",
  keywords =     "Acrobat; Digital libraries; Electronic information;
                 Electronic publishing; Information delivery; Integrated
                 information systems; Library budgets; Multimedia;
                 Nintendo; RedSage; SGML",
  thesaurus =    "Document delivery; Electronic publishing; Library
                 automation; Multimedia systems; Page description

  author =       "Steven J. DeRose and David G. Durand",
  title =        "Making hypermedia work: a user's guide to {HyTime}",
  publisher =    pub-KLUWER,
  address =      pub-KLUWER:adr,
  pages =        "xxii + 384",
  year =         "1994",
  ISBN =         "0-7923-9432-1",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-7923-9432-7",
  LCCN =         "QA76.76.I59 D47 1994",
  bibdate =      "Wed May 08 07:59:47 2002",
  bibsource =    "",
  price =        "UK\pounds 51.00, US\$68.00",
  acknowledgement = ack-hg,
  annote-1 =     "Harry Gaylord comments: ``Much nonsense and hype has
                 been written about hypertext. Much software has been
                 written to produce hypertext documents which are high
                 on pzaz and whistles and bangs, but requires
                 painstaking work on the part of the writer. Revising
                 the documents often means that they have to be
                 time-consumingly debugged in obscure ways before they
                 can be used again. Documents cannot be used in any
                 other system except the one they were written in. More
                 importantly often the documents have to be broken up
                 first into structures which are not inherent to the
                 document. A library card catalogue contains cards, a
                 newspaper or a novel doesn't. To force a novel into
                 cards violates the very structure of the document.
                 Other so-called hypertext systems are organised very
                 simply and do what they claim to do very well, but
                 documents produced in them will have to be
                 substantially revised when more facilities are
                 required. To create order out of this, ISO
                 JTC1/SC18/WG8 created a group to draw up a standard for
                 hypertext. The result of this work is ISO 10744:1992
                 HyTime. About the same time, the Text Encoding
                 Initiative appointed a hypertext committee of four
                 members. Its chair was DeRose and the members include
                 Durand, Ed Fox, and Eve Wilson. The committee has
                 proposed important revisions and extensions to HyTime,
                 and the TEI Guidelines include all the query facilities
                 of HyTime plus other extensions. If these extensions
                 are found useful in the wider community, they will be
                 incorporated in the next revision of HyTime. This is
                 the first book to appear on HyTime. Eliot Kimber is
                 preparing one which is scheduled to appear in August,
                 and Charles Goldfarb is working on another which is
                 being modeled on the SGML Handbook in that it will
                 include the commented standard itself. This book is
                 divided into three parts. Part 1 is called Introducing
                 HyTime. This is the most general and provides an
                 excellent starting point for anyone who needs to know
                 what HyTime is, what its relation to SGML is, what its
                 modules are, and why anyone who is producing or using
                 electronic documents needs SGML and/or HyTime products.
                 For many this will be enough to convince them that they
                 should hand the book on to their software purchasers
                 and implementors to get to work.''",
  annote-2 =     "``Part 2 is entitled Basic HyTime. The chapters
                 include Basic Measurement, Hyperlinks, Locating Data
                 Objects, The HyTime Query Language, and Modifying a DTD
                 for HyTime. Many hours of my time would have been saved
                 if I had received this section when I received the
                 draft of the standard itself. When one reads this part
                 carefully, one has a clear idea of most of the details
                 involved in HyTime. One of my strongest criticisms of
                 HyTime is the obscure short names. They could have been
                 clear if the committee had not decided to limit name
                 lengths to less than 8 letters as was specified in SGML
                 Reference Syntax. As it is only insiders in the work on
                 the standard itself can understand what they actually
                 refer to. Part 3 is entitled Intermediate HyTime. Here
                 are the extra detailed treatments of aspects of HyTime
                 which implementors need to know. Appendixes include the
                 HyTime Meta-DTD with its corrections and Graphic
                 Notations. The book is concluded with a bibliography,
                 glossary, and index. If I understand the authors, the
                 highest level of hypertext which can be reached at the
                 moment is Intermediate, not Advanced. The field is too
                 young. They are, of course, right in this. It is no
                 accident that these authors are part of that Brown
                 group which has spread out to Boston now. It has been
                 the major center for producing systems for structuring
                 and linking highly complex documents and have built
                 extensive experience since the 1960's. The didactic
                 arrangement is impressive. Basic issues are discussed
                 clearly first and nuances are added later when they are
                 needed by the reader. It is not often that in a very
                 complex subject the authors so clearly have understood
                 what is forest and what is trees, and have been such
                 good guides to the uninitiated and initiated alike.
                 With this book I have a proper coursebook for my
                 students this year. If you want to know about
                 electronic documents which are usable in more than one
                 system and future-oriented, then you should buy this
                 book without waiting for anything else to appear. It
                 provides an excellent introduction for the general
                 reader, and thorough treatment for those who need
  keywords =     "hypermedia systems; HyTime (computer program

  author =       "Daniel R. Dodge",
  title =        "Using {SGML} to Streamline Print and {CD-ROM}
  journal =      j-CD-ROM-PROF,
  volume =       "7",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "77--78, 80--82",
  day =          "1",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "CRPFEX",
  ISSN =         "1049-0833",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 18 12:55:03 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "; UnCover
                 library database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Unisys Corp., St. Paul, MN, USA",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7230
                 (Publishing and reproduction)",
  fjournal =     "CD-ROM Professional",
  keywords =     "Authoring database; CD-ROM database; CD-ROM
                 production; Commercial software; Open system standards;
                 Printed documentation; Publishing systems; SGML;
                 Software products; Writer's process",
  summary =      "The documentation operation at Unisys is a model for
                 the effective use of SGML.",
  thesaurus =    "Optical publishing; Page description languages",

  author =       "Asuman Dogac and Budak Arpinar and Cem Evrendilek and
                 Cetin Ozkan and Ilker Altintas and Ilker Durusoy and
                 Mehmet Altinel and Tansel Okay and Yuksel Saygin",
  title =        "{METU} Object-Oriented {DBMS}",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "23",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "513--513",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:48 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "TUBITAK Software Res. and Dev. Centre, Middle East
                 Tech. Univ., Ankara, Turkey",
  classification = "C6160J (Object-oriented databases)",
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "C++; Catalog management; Concurrency control; Data
                 backup; Data recovery; Exodus storage manager;
                 Graphical user interface; Impedance mismatch; Kernel
                 functions; METU Object-Oriented DBMS; MOOD; MOODSQL;
                 MoodView; Motif; Object-oriented query language; SQL
                 statement interpretation; SQL statement optimization;
                 Storage management; Sun Sparc II workstations; Type
  thesaurus =    "Concurrency control; Graphical user interfaces;
                 Object-oriented databases; SQL; Storage management;
                 System recovery",
  xxcrossref =   "Anonymous:1994:ASI",

  author =       "Nikos Drakos",
  title =        "From text to hypertext: {A} post-hoc rationalisation
                 of {{\LaTeX{}2HTML}}",
  journal =      j-COMP-NET-ISDN,
  volume =       "27",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "215--224",
  day =          "1",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "CNISE9",
  ISSN =         "0169-7552 (print), 1879-2324 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0169-7552",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 24 20:20:54 MDT 1999",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Comput. Based Learning Unit, Leeds Univ., UK",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6130M
                 (Multimedia); C7250 (Information storage and
  fjournal =     "Computer Networks and ISDN Systems",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Cross-referential cues; Hypertext; Hypertext authoring
                 framework; LaTeX2HTML; Structural cues",
  pubcountry =   "Netherlands",
  thesaurus =    "Hypermedia",

  author =       "J. K. Duke",
  title =        "Slow revolution: the electronic {AACR2}",
  volume =       "38",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "190--194",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "LRTSAH",
  ISSN =         "0024-2527",
  ISSN-L =       "0024-2527",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Virginia Commonwealth Univ., Richmond, VA, USA",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6140D
                 (High level languages); C7240 (Information analysis and
                 indexing); C7250 (Information storage and retrieval)",
  fjournal =     "Library Resources and Technical Services",
  keywords =     "AACR2-e; Cataloging code; Cataloging-related products;
                 Database structure; Document Type Definition;
                 Electronic AACR2; Future printed versions; Integrity;
                 Machine-readable version; MARC format; Online versions;
                 Printed text; Related rules; Revision process; Search
                 software; SGML; Simple ASCII file; Source file;
                 Standard Generalized Markup Language",
  thesaurus =    "Cataloguing; Information retrieval; Page description
                 languages; Standards",

  author =       "B. K. Duval and L. Main",
  title =        "Exploring the {Internet} with {Mosaic}",
  journal =      j-LIBR-SOFTW-REV,
  volume =       "13",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "269--279",
  month =        "Winter",
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "LSREEA",
  ISSN =         "0742-5759",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:03:58 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Sch. of Libr. and Inf. Sci., San Jose State Univ., CA,
  classification = "C0310H (Equipment and software evaluation methods);
                 C5620W (Other computer networks); C6180G (Graphical
                 user interfaces); C7210L (Library automation); C7250N
                 (Front end systems for online searching)",
  fjournal =     "Library Software Review",
  keywords =     "Browser; Computer screens; Display formats; Document
                 content structuring; Ftp; Gopher; GUI program;
                 Hypertext Markup Language; Information retrieval;
                 Information sources; Information space structuring;
                 Information tools; Internet; Library microcomputer
                 applications; Mosaic; Point-and-click graphical user
                 interface programs; Viewer; WAIS; World Wide Web",
  thesaurus =    "Graphical user interfaces; Hypermedia; Internet;
                 Library automation; Microcomputer applications; Online
                 front-ends; Software reviews",

  author =       "A. Ehrenfeucht and P. {ten Pas} and G. Rozenberg",
  title =        "Context-free text grammars",
  journal =      j-ACTA-INFO,
  volume =       "31",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "161--206",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "AINFA2",
  ISSN =         "0001-5903 (print), 1432-0525 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0001-5903",
  bibdate =      "Sat Nov 12 21:32:09 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "From Joachim Schrod: This paper describes ``the basic
                 theory behind text grammars needed for document
                 structure specification''.",
  acknowledgement = ack-js,
  fjournal =     "Acta Informatica",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "P. Ellison",
  title =        "Introduction to {SGML} concepts",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1994:ICA",
  pages =        "1/1--1/5",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6140D
                 (High level languages); C7108 (Desktop publishing)",
  keywords =     "Descriptive markup; Logical elements; Natural text;
                 Processing instructions; SGML; Standard generalized
                 markup language; Text processing systems",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; Page description languages; Word

  author =       "Susanne Englert",
  title =        "{NonStop SQL}: Scalability and Availability for
                 Decision Support",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "23",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "491--491",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:48 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Tandem Comput. Inc., Cupertino, CA, USA",
  classification = "C6140D (High level languages); C6160D (Relational
                 DBMS); C7102 (Decision support systems)",
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Aggregates; Availability; Cross product joins;
                 Database product; Decision support; Hash join
                 algorithm; Hash joins; Hashed groupings; Intra-query
                 parallelism; Merge joins; Nested-loop joins; NonStop
                 SQL; Query times; Scalability; Scaleup; Speedup; Table
                 scans; Tandem",
  thesaurus =    "Decision support systems; Relational databases; SQL",
  xxcrossref =   "Anonymous:1994:ASI",

  author =       "Phillip M. Fernandez",
  title =        "Red Brick Warehouse: {A} Read-Mostly {RDBMS} for Open
                 {SMP} Platforms",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "23",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "492--492",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:48 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Red Brick Syst., Los Gatos, CA, USA",
  classification = "C6160D (Relational DBMS)",
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "ANSI SQL support; Client/server environment; Data
                 warehouse; Decision support; High performance; Parallel
                 processing; Red Brick Warehouse; Relational Database
                 Management System; Software-only system",
  thesaurus =    "Query processing; Relational databases",
  xxcrossref =   "Anonymous:1994:ASI",

  author =       "Roy T. Fielding",
  title =        "Maintaining distributed hypertext infostructures:
                 welcome to {MOMspider}'s {Web}",
  journal =      j-COMP-NET-ISDN,
  volume =       "27",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "193--204",
  day =          "1",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "CNISE9",
  ISSN =         "0169-7552 (print), 1879-2324 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0169-7552",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 24 20:20:54 MDT 1999",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database;
  URL =          "",
  abstract =     "The Multi-Owner Maintenance spider (MOMspider) has
                 been developed to partially solve the complex
                 maintenance problem acquired by the growth of the
                 infostructure of the World-Wide Web. MOMspider can
                 periodically traverse a list of webs, check each web
                 for any changes that requires the owner's attention,
                 and build special index document that lists out the
                 attributes and connections of the web in a form that
                 can itself be traversed as a hypertext document. The
                 paper describes the design of the MOMspider, how it was
                 influenced by the nature of distributed hypertext
                 maintenance, and requirements for the good behavior of
                 any web-traversing robot.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Inf. and Comput. Sci., California Univ.,
                 Irvine, CA, USA",
  affiliationaddress = "Irvine, CA, USA",
  classification = "722.4; 723.1; 723.2; 723.3; 903.1; C5620W (Other
                 computer networks); C6120 (File organisation); C6130D
                 (Document processing techniques); C6130M (Multimedia);
                 C6160B (Distributed databases)",
  conference =   "Proceedings of the 1st World-Wide Web Conference",
  fjournal =     "Computer Networks and ISDN Systems",
  journal-URL =  "",
  journalabr =   "Comput Networks ISDN Syst",
  keywords =     "Computer systems programming; Data structures;
                 Database corruption; Database maintenance; Distributed
                 database systems; Distributed hypertext infostructures;
                 Distributed sites; Efficiency requirements; File
                 organization; Freeware distribution; HTML; HTTP;
                 Hypertext infostructure; Hypertext markup language
                 (HTML); Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP); Index
                 document; Indexing (of information); Information
                 resource database; Information retrieval systems;
                 Information sources; Interlinked documents; Manual
                 traversals; MOMspider; Multi Owner Maintenance spider;
                 Multi-Owner Maintenance spider; Network protocols;
                 Server error logs; Systems analysis; User complaints;
                 Web-traversing robot; Wide area networks; World-Wide
  meetingaddress = "Geneva, Switz",
  meetingdate =  "May 25--27 1994",
  meetingdate2 = "05/25--27/94",
  pubcountry =   "Netherlands",
  thesaurus =    "Data integrity; Data structures; Distributed
                 databases; Hypermedia; Indexing; {Internet}; Software
                 agents; Software maintenance",

  author =       "L. Filippini",
  title =        "{METEOSAT IR} image processing and {MPEG} animation",
  journal =      j-INT-J-MOD-PHYS-C,
  volume =       "5",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "831--833",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "IJMPEO",
  ISSN =         "0129-1831 (print), 1793-6586 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:03:58 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "A9365 (Data and information; A9385 (Instrumentation
                 and techniques for geophysical, hydrospheric and lower
                 atmosphere research); acquisition, processing, storage
                 and dissemination in geophysics); B6140C (Optical
                 information, image and video signal processing); B6210L
                 (Computer communications); B7710B (Atmospheric,
                 ionospheric and magnetospheric techniques and
                 equipment); C5260B (Computer vision and image
                 processing techniques); C5620W (Other computer
                 networks); C6130 (Data handling techniques); C6130B
                 (Graphics techniques); C7340 (Geophysics computing)",
  fjournal =     "International Journal of Modern Physics C [Physics and
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Colored high-contrast images; CRS4; CRS4 MPEG weather
                 movies archive; CSP; HTML demo page; Meteorological
                 data; METEOSAT IR image processing; METEOSAT satellite;
                 MPEG animation; MPEG video standard; Multiple image
                 compression; Raw data; Sample images",
  thesaurus =    "Computer animation; Data compression; Geophysical
                 signal processing; Image processing; Infrared imaging;
                 Internet; Remote sensing",

  author =       "E. A. Fox and G. Abdulla",
  title =        "Digital video delivery for a digital library in
                 computer science",
  journal =      j-PROC-SPIE,
  volume =       "2188",
  pages =        "60--66",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "PSISDG",
  ISSN =         "0277-786X (print), 1996-756X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0277-786X",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:03:58 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA,
  classification = "B6210R (Multimedia communications); B6430H (Video
                 recording); C0220 (Computing education and training);
                 C6130M (Multimedia); C7810C (Computer-aided
  fjournal =     "Proceedings of the SPIE --- The International Society
                 for Optical Engineering",
  keywords =     "Computer science; Digital library; Digital video
                 delivery; Distributed multimedia applications;
                 Interactive Accessibility; Interactive Learning with a
                 Digital Library in Computer Science; MPEG; Multimedia
                 digital library; Multimedia materials; Networked
                 Multimedia File System with HyTime; NSF awards; Partial
                 archive; Project Envision; Prototype digital library;
                 SGML; SUCCEED coalition; Undergraduate education;
                 User-Centered Database from the Computer Science
  thesaurus =    "Computer aided instruction; Computer science
                 education; Interactive video; Multimedia systems; Video

  author =       "C{\'e}sar A. Galindo-Legaria",
  title =        "Outerjoins as Disjunctions",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "23",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "348--358",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:48 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "CWI, Amsterdam, Netherlands",
  classification = "C4250 (Database theory); C6140D (High level
                 languages); C6160D (Relational DBMS)",
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Arguments; Associativity; Base relations; Binary
                 outerjoins; Commutativity; Data-merging queries; DBMS;
                 Disjunctions; Disjunctive normal form; Execution plan
                 generation; Formalisms; Intuition; Joins; Outerjoin
                 operator; Query evaluation strategies; Query languages;
                 Semijoin programs; SQL2 draft standard; Tuples",
  thesaurus =    "Database theory; Merging; Query languages; Query
                 processing; Relational algebra",
  xxcrossref =   "Anonymous:1994:ASI",

  author =       "E. Gaynor",
  title =        "Cataloging electronic texts: the {University of
                 Virginia Library} experience",
  volume =       "38",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "403--413",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "LRTSAH",
  ISSN =         "0024-2527",
  ISSN-L =       "0024-2527",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Libr., Virginia Univ., Charlottesville, VA, USA",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7210L
                 (Library automation); C7240 (Information analysis and
                 indexing); C7250C (Bibliographic retrieval systems)",
  fjournal =     "Library Resources and Technical Services",
  keywords =     "Bibliographic access; Bibliographic control;
                 Cataloging workflow; Electronic text cataloguing;
                 Electronic Text Center Original Cataloging Unit; MARC
                 record; SGML-encoded electronic texts; Technical
                 services operations; TEI header; Text Encoding
                 Initiative; University of Virginia Library",
  thesaurus =    "Bibliographic systems; Cataloguing; Electronic
                 publishing; Library automation; Page description

  author =       "D. Gee and P. Woolliams",
  title =        "Novel approaches to automating the gathering of
                 intelligence from the online community through the
  crossref =     "Raitt:1994:OII",
  pages =        "501--511",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 18:58:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "East London Bus. Sch., Univ. of East London, London,
  classification = "C7210 (Information services and centres)",
  keywords =     "Automated intelligence gathering; Automatic page
                 serving; Contextualised explanatory text; Evaluation
                 questionnaire; Form filling; Hot images; Hot pots; HTML
                 document; HTTP servers; Hypertext mark-up language;
                 Interactive document; Internet; Market research
                 information; Mosaic viewers; Multimedia hypertext
                 document; Navigator; Online community; Online service;
                 System provider; System user; User query response;
                 World Wide Web",
  thesaurus =    "Hypermedia; Internet",

  author =       "R. Glushko and D. Dougherty and A. Rizk and D.
  title =        "{HTML} --- Poison or Panacea",
  crossref =     "ACM:1994:ECH",
  pages =        "245--246",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Charles F. Goldfarb",
  title =        "The {SGML} guide",
  publisher =    pub-INTERLEAF,
  address =      pub-INTERLEAF:adr,
  pages =        "83",
  year =         "1994",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "Electronic publishing; SGML (Computer program

  author =       "G. H. Gonnet",
  title =        "Text dominated databases, theory, practice and
  crossref =     "ACM:1994:PPT",
  pages =        "301--302",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jan 3 07:25:20 MST 1997",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Inf. ETH Zurich, Switzerland",
  keywords =     "SGML",

  author =       "R. Goodwin",
  title =        "Electronic publishing keeps {California} laws on
  journal =      j-WORK-PROC-IMPROV-TODAY,
  volume =       "17",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "19--21",
  month =        nov # "--" # dec,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "WPITE8",
  ISSN =         "1073-2233",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:03:58 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "D2080 (Information services and database systems);
                 D2120 (Public administration and law)",
  fjournal =     "Work Process Improvement Today",
  keywords =     "Amendments; Assembly; Bills; California General Markup
                 Language; California State Assembly; CGML; Daily File;
                 Documents; Electronic age; Electronic page formatting;
                 Electronic publishing; Laws; Legislation; Legislative
                 Data Center; Online document; Publications; SGML;
  thesaurus =    "Electronic publishing; Law administration;
                 Legislation; Page description languages",

  author =       "Alex Gorelik and Yongdong Wang and Mark Deppe",
  title =        "{Sybase} Replication Server",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "23",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "469--469",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:48 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Sybase Inc., Emeryville, CA, USA",
  classification = "C6120 (File organisation); C6160B (Distributed
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Asynchronous transactionally consistent log
                 replication; Data replication; Distributed environment;
                 Documented Log Transfer Interface; Heterogeneous
                 systems; Initial data set; Log Transfer Manager; Open
                 system interface; Primary copy replication model;
                 Primary database log; Programmable interface; Serial
                 transaction order; Store and forward techniques;
                 Subscription; Sybase Replication Server; Transact SQL
                 commands; Updates",
  thesaurus =    "Distributed databases; Network servers; Open systems",
  xxcrossref =   "Anonymous:1994:ASI",

  author =       "L. Gossage and B. Bayer",
  title =        "Moving college textbooks to {CD-ROM}",
  journal =      j-CD-ROM-PROF,
  volume =       "7",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "90--92",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "CRPFEX",
  ISSN =         "1049-0833",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C7110
                 (Education); C7120 (Finance); C7230 (Publishing and
                 reproduction); C7810C (Computer-aided instruction)",
  fjournal =     "CD-ROM Professional",
  keywords =     "CD-ROM; CD-ROM accounting textbook; College textbooks;
                 Electronic products; Fundamental Accounting Principles;
                 Hypertext; Richard D. Irwin; SGML; Sony Electronic
  thesaurus =    "Accounts data processing; Educational computing;
                 Hypermedia; Optical publishing",

  author =       "Jim Gray and Prakash Sundaresan and Susanne Englert
                 and Ken Baclawski and Peter J. Weinberger",
  title =        "Quickly generating billion-record synthetic
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "23",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "243--252",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:48 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Digital Equipment Corp., San Francisco, CA, USA",
  classification = "C6110P (Parallel programming); C6140D (High level
                 languages); C6160D (Relational DBMS); C6160Z (Other
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Base table generation; Billion-record SQL databases;
                 Billion-record synthetic databases; C programs;
                 Congruential generators; Database generation technique;
                 Database sizes; Database system performance; Dense
                 unique uniform distribution; Dummy information;
                 Generation speedup; Large databases; Parallelism;
                 Self-similar distributions; Shared-nothing computer
                 system; Special-case discrete logarithms; Statistical
  thesaurus =    "Parallel programming; Relational databases; SQL; Very
                 large databases",
  xxcrossref =   "Anonymous:1994:ASI",

  author =       "S. Hara",
  title =        "Construction of the infrastructure for health expert
  crossref =     "Ifeachor:1994:PIC",
  pages =        "97--104",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:03:58 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Res. Inf., Nat. Inst. of Japanese Literature,
  classification = "C6120 (File organisation); C6130D (Document
                 processing techniques); C6130E (Data interchange);
                 C6170K (Knowledge engineering techniques); C7140
                 (Medical administration)",
  keywords =     "Automatic knowledge acquisition; Coding character;
                 Data description; Data record format; Data
                 standardization; Data structure; Data transfer format;
                 Document processing techniques; Health care; Health
                 expert system infrastructure; Interchangeable data;
                 Knowledge representation; Medical care; Medical
                 information systems; Message parsing; Meta-syntax
                 description language; Readable document; SGML;
                 Terminology; Units",
  thesaurus =    "Data description; Data structures; Electronic data
                 interchange; Health care; Knowledge acquisition;
                 Knowledge representation; Medical expert systems;
                 Medical information systems; Nomenclature; Page
                 description languages; Standardisation",

  author =       "Judi Harris",
  title =        "Mining the {Internet}. Making the Hypertext Happen:
                 {HTML} Commands in {NCSA's Mosaic}",
  journal =      j-COMPUT-TEACH,
  volume =       "22",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "36--41",
  month =        dec # "\slash " # jan,
  year =         "1994--1995",
  ISSN =         "0278-9175",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "; UnCover
                 library database",
  abstract =     "Provides illustrated examples of Mosaic pages of
                 Internet-based information developed by elementary
                 school students and teachers. Descriptions include how
                 hypertext mark-up language (HTML) is used to create the
                 pages and link them with Internet resources, and
                 directions for using Mosaic to access other examples
                 and additional information are provided. (KRN)",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "UMI",
  ericno =       "EJ495133",
  fjournal =     "Computing Teacher",
  identifiers =  "Examples; HTML Hypertext Markup Language; Internet",
  majordesc =    "Computer Assisted Instruction; Computer Networks;
                 Electronic Publishing; Hypermedia; Screen Design
  minordesc =    "Computer Software; Elementary Secondary Education;
                 Illustrations; Student Developed Materials; Teacher
                 Developed Materials",

  author =       "George F. Hayhoe",
  booktitle =    "IEEE International Professional Communications
  title =        "Strategy or {SNAFU}? The virtues and vulnerabilities
                 of {SGML}",
  crossref =     "Wilkes:1994:IPS",
  publisher =    pub-IEEE,
  address =      pub-IEEE:adr,
  pages =        "378--379",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Wed May 22 16:11:59 1996",
  bibsource =    "Compendex library database;
  note =         "IEEE cat no. 94CH3442-1.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Westinghouse Savannah River Co., Aiken, SC, USA",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6140D
                 (High level languages); C7108 (Desktop publishing)",
  keywords =     "all fouled up; ANSI; Document components; ISO; SGML;
                 Situation normal; Standard Generalized Markup Language;
                 Strategy; US Department of Defense",
  thesaurus =    "Page description languages; Standards",

  author =       "A. Heimbuerger",
  title =        "{Introduction to Standard Generalized Markup Language
  journal =      j-MICROCOMPUT-INF-MANAGE,
  volume =       "11",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "239--??",
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "MIIMEW",
  ISSN =         "0742-2342",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Microcomputers for Information Management",

  author =       "Anneli Heimburger",
  title =        "Introduction to {Standard Generalized Markup Language}
  journal =      j-MICROCOMPUT-INF-MANAGE,
  volume =       "11",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "239--260",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "MIIMEW",
  ISSN =         "0742-2342",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Describes the basics of Standard Generalized Markup
                 Language (SGML), an international standard which
                 separates structure and content of a document; states
                 background information and objectives; presents an SGML
                 document; discusses the movement from conventional
                 documents to integrated document bases; defines
                 hypermedia/time-based structuring language (HyTime);
                 and gives examples of SGML applications and products.
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Tech. Res. Centre of Finland, Espoo, Finland",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6140D
                 (High level languages); C7108 (Desktop publishing)",
  ericno =       "EJ499833",
  fjournal =     "Microcomputers for Information Management",
  identifiers =  "Examples; Historical Background; Standard Generalized
                 Markup Language",
  keywords =     "Device independent; Document representation;
                 International standard; Language independent;
                 Representation language; Rules; SGML documents;
                 Standard generalized markup language; System
  majordesc =    "Hypermedia; Information Management; Language
                 Standardization; Programming Languages; Systems
  minordesc =    "Change Strategies; Computer Software; Documentation;
                 International Communication; Standards;
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; Page description languages;
                 Software standards",

  author =       "Joseph M. Hellerstein",
  title =        "Practical Predicate Placement",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "23",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "325--335",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:48 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "California Univ., Berkeley, CA, USA",
  classification = "C6160D (Relational DBMS)",
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Commercial-grade system; Montage DBMS; Performance
                 measurements; Predicate placement; Query
                 classification; Query optimization; Query plan; SQL
  thesaurus =    "Optimisation; Performance evaluation; Query
                 processing; Relational databases; SQL",
  xxcrossref =   "Anonymous:1994:ASI",

  author =       "F. Heylighen",
  title =        "{World-Wide Web}: a distributed hypermedia paradigm
                 for global networking",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1994:PSE",
  pages =        "355--368",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:03:58 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Free Univ. of Brussels, Belgium",
  classification = "C5620W (Other computer networks); C6130M
                 (Multimedia); C7210 (Information services and centres);
                 C7250 (Information storage and retrieval)",
  keywords =     "Animation; Browsers; Distributed hypermedia paradigm;
                 Editors; Embedded graphics; Formatted text; Global
                 networking; HTML; HTTP; Hyperdocument formatting;
                 Hyperlinks; HyperText Mark-up Language; Hypertext
                 Transfer Protocol; Information services; Internet;
                 Internet files; Servers; Sound; Uniform Resource
                 Locators; Universal addressing scheme; URL; World-Wide
  thesaurus =    "Hypermedia; Information networks; Information
                 retrieval systems; Internet; Page description
                 languages; User interfaces",

  author =       "T. Hickey",
  title =        "Integrating {SGML} and page databases",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1994:IPC",
  pages =        "690--??",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "N. Hinds and A. W. England",
  title =        "An experimental {Mosaic} interface to scientific
                 information systems",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:IIG",
  pages =        "863--865 (vol. 2)",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 18:58:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Radiation Lab., Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor, MI, USA",
  classification = "A9190 (Other topics in solid Earth physics); A9365
                 (Data and information; A9385 (Instrumentation and
                 techniques for geophysical, hydrospheric and lower
                 atmosphere research); acquisition, processing, storage
                 and dissemination in geophysics); C7210 (Information
                 services and centres); C7250 (Information storage and
                 retrieval); C7340 (Geophysics computing)",
  keywords =     "Computing; Data archive; Earth Observing System; EOS;
                 EOSDIS; Experimental mosaic interface; Geophysical
                 technique; HTML+; IMS GIS geographic information
                 system; Information Management System; Information
                 service; Information system; Internet; Mosaic; NASA;
                 Remote sensing; Scientific information systems;
                 Software package; Terrain mapping; World Wide Web; WWW;
                 X11 display protocol",
  thesaurus =    "Computer interfaces; Database management systems;
                 Geographic information systems; Geophysical techniques;
                 Geophysics computing; Information services; Remote
                 sensing; Scientific information systems",

  author =       "B. Hunter",
  title =        "Conversion of documents to and from {SGML}",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1994:AVD",
  pages =        "5/1--5/4",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6140D
                 (High level languages); C7108 (Desktop publishing)",
  keywords =     "Conversion applications; Conversion functions; Data
                 conversion issues; Down-translation; Electronic
                 database; Existing documents; Marking up; SGML source
                 data; Software tools; Source reference information;
                 Target SGML form; Up-translation",
  thesaurus =    "Desktop publishing; Page description languages;
                 Standards; Word processing",

  author =       "S.-Y. Hwang and E.-P. Lim and H.-R. Yang and S.
                 Musukula and K. Mediratta and M. Ganesh and D. Clements
                 and J. Stenoien and J. Srivastava",
  title =        "The {MYRIAD} Federated Database Prototype",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "23",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "518--518",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:48 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Minnesota Univ., Minneapolis,
                 MN, USA",
  classification = "C6160B (Distributed DBMS)",
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Enterprise-wide information; Export relations;
                 Federated database prototype; Global queries; Global
                 transaction management; Independently developed
                 databases; Integrated database schema; Integrated
                 relations; Local autonomy; Local database gateways;
                 Myriad; Query processing; SQL",
  thesaurus =    "Distributed databases; Network servers; Query
                 processing; Software prototyping; SQL; Transaction
  xxcrossref =   "Anonymous:1994:ASI",

  author =       "Hidehiro Ishizuka",
  title =        "The latest information related technology [2]: {SGML}
                 and full-text database",
  journal =      j-JOHO-KANRI,
  volume =       "37",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "148--??",
  day =          "1",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "JOKAAB",
  ISSN =         "0021-7298",
  ISSN-L =       "0021-7298",
  bibdate =      "Wed May 22 12:48:55 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "; UnCover
                 library database",
  abstract =     "TEXT IN JAPANESE",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Joho kanri = Information \& documentation",

  author =       "H. Ishizuka",
  title =        "{SGML} and full-text databases. 2. The latest
                 information related technology",
  journal =      j-JOHO-KANRI,
  volume =       "37",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "148--159",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "JOKAAB",
  ISSN =         "0021-7298",
  ISSN-L =       "0021-7298",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6160Z
                 (Other DBMS); C7250L (Non-bibliographic systems)",
  fjournal =     "Joho kanri = Information \& documentation",
  keywords =     "Chapter; Document structure representation; Document
                 type definition; Electronic publishing; Figure;
                 Full-text databases; Hierarchical structure; Hypertext
                 retrieval system; Information related technology;
                 Nonhierarchical structure; Note; Paragraph; Picture;
                 Reference structure; Section; SGML; Standard
                 Generalized Markup Language; Table",
  language =     "Japanese",
  pubcountry =   "Japan",
  thesaurus =    "Full-text databases; Hypermedia; Page description

  key =          "Inter@ctive week",
  title =        "Inter@ctive week",
  publisher =    pub-INTERACTIVE-ENTERPRISES,
  address =      pub-INTERACTIVE-ENTERPRISES:adr,
  year =         "1994",
  ISSN =         "1080-9406",
  ISSN-L =       "1078-7259",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 08:40:08 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "B. Kelly",
  title =        "Becoming an information provider on the {World Wide
  crossref =     "Plattner:1994:PII",
  pages =        "122/1--122/5 (vol. 1)",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:03:58 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Inf., Leeds Univ., UK",
  classification = "C5620W (Other computer networks); C6130M
                 (Multimedia); C7210 (Information services and
  keywords =     "Client/server architecture; HTML; Hypertext Markup
                 Language; Information providers; Information sources;
                 Internet; Training; World Wide Web",
  thesaurus =    "Client-server systems; Hypermedia; Information
                 services; Internet; Page description languages;

  author =       "Brian Kelly",
  title =        "Becoming an information provider on the {World Wide
  journal =      j-COMP-NET-ISDN,
  volume =       "27",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "353--360",
  day =          "16",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "CNISE9",
  ISSN =         "0169-7552 (print), 1879-2324 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0169-7552",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 24 20:20:56 MDT 1999",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Comput. Service, Leeds Univ., UK",
  classification = "C5620W (Other computer networks); C6130D (Document
                 processing techniques); C7210 (Information services and
                 centres); C7810C (Computer-aided instruction)",
  fjournal =     "Computer Networks and ISDN Systems",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Client/server architecture; Hypertext markup language;
                 Information provider; Leeds University; Training; World
                 Wide Web",
  pubcountry =   "Netherlands",
  thesaurus =    "Client-server systems; Educational computing;
                 Hypermedia; Information industry; Information

  author =       "Andrea Keyhani",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings --- National Online Meeting Proceedings of
                 the 15th National Online Meeting May 10--12, 1994, New
                 York, NY",
  title =        "Building an electronic journal",
  crossref =     "Williams:1994:NOM",
  publisher =    pub-LEARNED-INF,
  address =      pub-LEARNED-INF:adr,
  pages =        "257--261",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Wed May 22 16:31:03 1996",
  bibsource =    "Compendex library database;
  abstract =     "Electronic publishing is under close scrutiny by
                 publishers, who are faced with increasing pressure to
                 publish faster, reduce costs, and increase circulation.
                 Before moving forward, publishers need to determine
                 whether the time is right, and then to decide how to
                 implement an electronic version of their print journals
                 or a totally new electronic-only journal. Decisions
                 must be made on SGML vs. scanned pages, and CD-ROM vs.
                 online. Most importantly, publishers need to determine
                 how their electronic products can offer superior value
                 to scholars and researchers, because the journals will
                 fail if they are perceived to be less valuable than
                 their print counterparts. As telecommunications access
                 speeds increase and online storage costs decrease,
                 distribution of journals complete with high-quality
                 photographs, tables, and equations through online
                 systems becomes increasingly viable. The electronic
                 medium can be exploited to add links to relevant
                 bibliographic databases as well as to other relevant
                 journals. Comprehensive information can be made
                 instantly available to users through one easy-to-use
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "OCLC, Dublin, OH, USA",
  classification = "C7230 (Publishing and reproduction)",
  keywords =     "Bibliographic databases; CD-ROM; Circulation; Cost
                 reduction; Easy-to-use interface; EJO; Electronic
                 journal; Electronic publishing; OCLC; Online journal
                 distribution; Online storage costs; Online systems;
                 Researchers; Scanned page images; Scholars; SGML;
                 Telecommunications access speeds",
  thesaurus =    "Document image processing; Electronic publishing; Page
                 description languages",

  author =       "T. Kieninger and N. Kuhn",
  title =        "{Hyperbraille} --- a hypertext system for the blind",
  crossref =     "ACM:1994:AFA",
  pages =        "92--99",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 18:58:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "DFKI GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6130M
                 (Multimedia); C6180 (User interfaces); C7230
                 (Publishing and reproduction); C7850 (Computer
                 assistance for persons with handicaps)",
  keywords =     "Blind people; Braille output devices; Coloured text;
                 Document analysis; Highlighted text; HTML;
                 Hyperbraille; Hypertext Markup Language; Hypertext
                 system; Nonlinear document; ODA; Paper documents;
                 Participatory system development; Text processing
  thesaurus =    "Document handling; Handicapped aids; Hypermedia; User

  author =       "Won Kim",
  title =        "Observations on the {ODMG}-93 proposal for an
                 object-oriented database language",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "23",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "4--9",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:47 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "UniSQL Inc., Austin, TX, USA",
  classification = "C6110J (Object-oriented programming); C6140D (High
                 level languages); C6160J (Object-oriented databases)",
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "C++; Data definition language; Data manipulation
                 language; Database architecture; Database management
                 system; Implementation; Language binding;
                 Object-oriented database language; Object-Oriented
                 Database Management Group; ODMG; ODMG-93; Query
                 language; Smalltalk; Specification; SQL; Standard",
  thesaurus =    "C language; Object-oriented databases; Smalltalk;

  author =       "J. W. Kirriemuir and M. Lawes and D. Miller",
  title =        "Development of an academic department's {World Wide
                 Web} pages",
  journal =      j-AXIS,
  volume =       "1",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "16--24",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "AXISEN",
  ISSN =         "1352-8971",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:03:58 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Inf. Studies, Sheffield Univ., UK",
  classification = "B6210L (Computer communications); C5620W (Other
                 computer networks); C6130M (Multimedia); C7110
                 (Educational administration); C7210 (Information
                 services and centres)",
  fjournal =     "Axis: the UCISA journal of academic computing and
                 information systems",
  keywords =     "Academic department; Attractive page formatting;
                 Department of Information Studies; Hypertext links;
                 HyperText Mark up Language; Internet; Multimedia
                 resources; Selective publicity; Server access; Staff
                 details; University of Sheffield; World Wide Web pages;
                 World Wide Web server",
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "Educational computing; Hypermedia; Internet",

  author =       "H.-J. Klein",
  title =        "How to Modify {SQL} Queries in Order to Guarantee Sure
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "23",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "14--20",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:50 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Kiel Univ., Germany",
  classification = "C6140D (High level languages); C6160 (Database
                 management systems (DBMS))",
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Arbitrary databases; Databases; Null values; SQL
                 queries; Sure answers",
  thesaurus =    "Database management systems; SQL",

  author =       "Thomas R. Kochtanek",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings --- National Online Meeting Proceedings of
                 the 15th National Online Meeting May 10--12, 1994, New
                 York, NY",
  title =        "Standards for full text document storage",
  crossref =     "Williams:1994:NOM",
  publisher =    pub-LEARNED-INF,
  address =      pub-LEARNED-INF:adr,
  pages =        "301--307",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Wed May 22 16:28:37 1996",
  bibsource =    "Compendex library database;
  abstract =     "Several models have been developed for designing and
                 searching full text document databases. Standards, both
                 proposed and official, have been developed to respond
                 to questions relating to the structure, linkages,
                 searching and transmission capabilities of full text
                 databases. These standards include the Open Document
                 Architecture (ODA), the Structured Generalized Markup
                 Language(SGML) and its derivatives, and the Information
                 Retrieval Service Definition and Protocol Specification
                 for Library Applications (ANSI/NISO Z39.50-1992). An
                 overview of these standards is presented along with
                 their application to full text databases. The paper
                 concludes with a challenge for information
                 professionals to participate in the development and
                 refinement of such encoding standards.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Missouri Univ., Columbia, MO, USA",
  classification = "C0200 (General computer topics); C6130D (Document
                 processing techniques); C6140D (High level languages);
                 C7250C (Bibliographic retrieval systems); C7250L
                 (Non-bibliographic retrieval systems); C7250R
                 (Information retrieval techniques)",
  keywords =     "ANSI/NISO; Encoding standards; Full text document
                 database searching; Full text document storage
                 standards; Information professionals; Information
                 retrieval service definition; Library applications;
                 ODA; Open document architecture; Protocol
                 specification; SGML; Structured generalized markup
                 language; Transmission capabilities",
  thesaurus =    "Full-text databases; Information retrieval; Page
                 description languages; Professional aspects;

  author =       "Y. Komachi",
  title =        "International standardization for multimedia\slash
                 hypermedia information interchange",
  journal =      j-J-INFO-PROC-SOC-JAPAN,
  volume =       "35",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "632--641",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "JOSHA4",
  ISSN =         "0447-8053",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Div. of Corp. Eng., Matsushita Graphic Commun. Syst.,
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6130E
                 (Data interchange)",
  fjournal =     "Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan =
                 Joho Shori",
  keywords =     "Attribute list form; Coordinate addressing; Data
                 content notation; Element declaration; Hypermedia
                 information interchange; HyTime engine; HyTime support
                 declaration; International standardization; Location
                 address module; Multimedia information interchange;
                 SGML parser",
  language =     "Japanese",
  pubcountry =   "Japan",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic data interchange; Hypermedia; Multimedia
                 systems; Standardisation",

  author =       "Krishna G. Kulkarni",
  title =        "Object-Oriented Extensions in {SQL3}: {A} Status
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "23",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "478--478",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:48 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Tandem Comput. Inc., Cupertino, CA, USA",
  classification = "C6110J (Object-oriented programming); C6140D (High
                 level languages); C6160D (Relational DBMS); C6160J
                 (Object-oriented databases)",
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Abstract data types; Application-specific behavior;
                 Database language standard; Object-oriented extensions;
                 SQL-92; SQL3; Status report",
  thesaurus =    "Abstract data types; Object-oriented databases;
                 Object-oriented languages; SQL; Standards",
  xxcrossref =   "Anonymous:1994:ASI",

  author =       "Vinay Kumar and Jay Glicksman and Glenn A. Kramer",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Enabling
                 Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative
                 Enterprises (Apr 17--19 1994: Morgantown, WV, USA)",
  title =        "{SHAREd Web} to support design teams",
  publisher =    pub-IEEE,
  address =      pub-IEEE:adr,
  pages =        "178--182",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jun 25 12:41:29 1996",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database;
  note =         "IEEE catalog number 94TH0632-0.",
  abstract =     "The SHARE project is a joint effort by Stanford
                 University's Center for Design Research and Enterprise
                 Integration Technologies to develop and deploy an
                 Internet-based open environment for collaborative
                 design in mechatronics. Using SHARE technology, design
                 engineers create and access information in the SHAREd
                 Web --- a hypermedia web of designs, documentation, and
                 engineering information. SHAREd Web allows users to
                 work locally or in a distributed fashion, using a
                 variety of platforms, including Macintosh, PC's, and
                 Unix workstations. SHAREd Web capabilities include
                 authoring of design documents, querying design
                 databases and searching on-line documentation, all in
                 an integrated, easy-to-access manner. SHAREd Web is in
                 use by design students, researchers, and faculty at
                 Stanford University.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Enterprise Integration Technologies Corp",
  affiliationaddress = "Palo Alto, CA, USA",
  classification = "722.3; 722.4; 723.5; 903.3",
  conference =   "Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Enabling
                 Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative
  keywords =     "Collaboration; Computer aided design; Computer aided
                 engineering; Computer networks; Distributed computer
                 systems; Electronic mail; File Transfer Protocol (FTP);
                 Hypermedia; Hypertext Markup Language (HTML); Hypertext
                 Transfer Protocol (HTTP); Information services;
                 Internet; Mechatronics; Multicast Internet Backbone
                 (MBONE); Network protocols; Online searching; Query
                 languages; Wide Area Information Services (WAIS); World
                 Wide Web",
  meetingabr =   "Proc 3 Workshop Enabling Technol Infrastruct Collab
  meetingaddress = "Morgantown, WV, USA",
  meetingdate =  "Apr 17--19 1994",
  meetingdate2 = "04/17--19/94",
  sponsor =      "IEEE",

  author =       "T. Lau",
  title =        "Building a hypermedia information system on the
  crossref =     "Wilkes:1994:IPS",
  pages =        "192--197",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Sun Microsyst. Comput. Corp., USA",
  classification = "B6210L (Computer communications); C0230 (Economic,
                 social and political aspects of computing); C5620W
                 (Other computer networks); C6130D (Document processing
                 techniques); C6140D (High level languages); C6160Z
                 (Other DBMS); C6180 (User interfaces); C7210
                 (Information services and centres)",
  keywords =     "Common client application interface; Fast retrieval;
                 Graphical browser; Hypermedia information retrieval
                 system; Hypermedia information system; Hypertext Markup
                 Language; Internet; Mosaic interface; Service
                 information worldwide; SMI information system; SMI
                 Internet Web server; World Wide Web; WWW",
  thesaurus =    "DP industry; Hypermedia; Information retrieval;
                 Information services; Page description languages; User
                 interfaces; Wide area networks",

  author =       "I. Lieberman and R. Geer",
  title =        "{Interactive Authoring and Display System} --- a {PC}
                 based document access\slash reference environment",
  crossref =     "IEEE:1994:CPA",
  pages =        "95--101",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:03:58 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Test Autom. Inc., Valencia, CA, USA",
  classification = "B7990 (Other military topics); C6180 (User
                 interfaces); C7150 (Military computing); C7230
                 (Publishing and reproduction)",
  keywords =     "BMP; CALS standard data formats; Display; Document
                 access/reference environment; Graphic environment;
                 IADS; Interactive Authoring; Internal file format;
                 Microsoft Windows; MIL-D-28003 CGM; MIL-R-28002 Raster
                 Type I; Missile test; Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons
                 Division; PC; PCX; Point Mugu; Raster graphics;
                 Standard formats; Standard Generalized Markup Language;
                 Textual environment; Vector graphics; Windows",
  thesaurus =    "Computer graphics; Electronic publishing; Help
                 systems; Interactive systems; Microcomputer
                 applications; Military computing; Military standards;
                 User interfaces",

  author =       "Richard B. Light",
  title =        "The {SGML} tagger: user's manual",
  publisher =    pub-OXFORD,
  address =      pub-OXFORD:adr,
  pages =        "60",
  year =         "1994",
  ISBN =         "0-19-268244-X (paperback)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-19-268244-4 (paperback)",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Apr 29 15:07:57 MDT 1995",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Includes 1 3.5 in. computer disk.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "Data transmission; Electronic publishing --- Computer
                 programs; SGML (Computer program language)",

  author =       "P. L. Linde",
  title =        "{HTML} and {MOSAIC}: a taste for more: use of {Hyper
                 Text Mark-up Language} ({HTML}) for the development of
                 interactive multimedia through {World Wide Web}
  crossref =     "Plattner:1994:PII",
  pages =        "212/1--212/7 (vol. 1)",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:03:58 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Wageningen Agric. Univ., Netherlands",
  classification = "B6210L (Computer communications); C5620W (Other
                 computer networks); C6130M (Multimedia); C7110
                 (Educational administration); C7210 (Information
                 services and centres)",
  keywords =     "Data compression; Dramatised video-clips; HTML; Hyper
                 Text Mark-up Language; Hypertext; Interactive
                 multimedia; Interactive student career counselling
                 program; MOSAIC; MPEG-1 standard; Pre-fetching; SURFnet
                 multimedia innovation project; Synchronisation problem;
                 Uniform Resource Locator management system; URLs;
                 User-friendly authoring environment; User-friendly
                 editor; World Wide Web; WWW; ZIP archive",
  thesaurus =    "Data compression; Educational administrative data
                 processing; Hypermedia; Interactive systems; Internet;
                 Internetworking; Standards",

  author =       "A. Loeffen",
  title =        "Text databases: a survey of text models and systems",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "23",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "97--106",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 31 00:52:53 MDT 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Text models focus on the manipulation of textual data.
                 They describe texts by their structure, operations on
                 the texts, and constraints on both structure and
                 operations. In this article common characteristics of
                 machine readable texts in general are outlined.
                 Subsequently, ten text models are introduced. They are
                 described in terms of the datatypes that they support,
                 and the operations defined by these datatypes. Finally,
                 the models are compared. The models include the TDM
                 text data model based on nonfirst normal form, p-string
                 model, PAT text model, TOMS textual object management
                 system and the containment model.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Fac. of Arts, Utrecht Univ., Netherlands",
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6160D
                 (Relational DBMS); C6160J (Object-oriented databases);
                 C6160S (Spatial and pictorial databases); C7230
                 (Publishing and reproduction)",
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Containment model; Datatypes; Electronic publishing;
                 Machine readable texts; Nonfirst normal form; P-string
                 model; PAT text model; Relational database; SGML; TDM;
                 Text data model; Text databases; Text models; Textual
                 data manipulation; Textual object management system;
  thesaurus =    "Document image processing; Electronic publishing;
                 Object-oriented databases; Relational databases; Visual

  author =       "Mark Maguire",
  title =        "Secure {SGML}: {A} Proposal to the Information
  journal =      j-SCH-PUBL,
  volume =       "25",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "146--156",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "1994",
  ISSN =         "0036-634X",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Scholarly Publishing",

  author =       "A. D. Marshall and S. Hurley and S. N. McIntosh-Smith
                 and R. R. Martin and N. M. Stephens",
  title =        "Courseware on the {Internet} and the {World Wide
  crossref =     "Raitt:1994:OII",
  pages =        "341--355",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Mon Oct 26 07:39:11 1998",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. Math., Univ. of Wales Coll. of
                 Cardif, UK",
  classification = "C6130M (Multimedia); C7110 (Educational
                 administration); C7210 (Information services and
                 centres); C7810C (Computer-aided instruction)",
  keywords =     "C programming; Cardiff Information Server; Computer
                 graphics; Courseware; HTML; Hypertext; Hypertext
                 language; Hypertext-based multimedia server; Image
                 processing; Interactive teaching packages; Internet;
                 Mosaic system; Multimedia; Online documentation; Online
                 lecture notes; Parallel computing; Teaching and
                 Learning Technology Programme; Teaching modules; Unix
                 calls; World Wide Web; X-Windows",
  thesaurus =    "Courseware; Educational computing; Hypermedia;

  author =       "A. D. Marshall",
  title =        "Hypertext based computer vision teaching packages",
  journal =      j-PROC-SPIE,
  volume =       "2347",
  pages =        "207--218",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "PSISDG",
  ISSN =         "0277-786X (print), 1996-756X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0277-786X",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:03:58 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. Math., Univ. of Wales Coll. of
                 Cardiff, UK",
  classification = "C5260B (Computer vision and image processing
                 techniques); C6160Z (Other DBMS); C7810C
                 (Computer-aided instruction)",
  fjournal =     "Proceedings of the SPIE --- The International Society
                 for Optical Engineering",
  keywords =     "Cardiff Information Server; Class environment;
                 Computer Vision; Computer vision teaching packages;
                 Courseware; Hypertext based multimedia server;
                 Hypertext based system; Image Processing; Interactive
                 image processing; Internet; Mosaic system; On-line
                 documentation; Teaching modules",
  thesaurus =    "Computer vision; Courseware; Hypermedia; Image

  author =       "Nelson Mattos and Linda G. DeMichiel",
  title =        "Recent Design Trade-offs in {SQL3}",
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "23",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "84--90",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:50 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Database Technol. Inst., IBM Almaden Res. Center, San
                 Jose, CA, USA",
  classification = "C6140D (High level languages); C6160D (Relational
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Mutability; Specialization via constraints; SQL
                 language; SQL3; Static type checking;
  thesaurus =    "SQL",
  xxpages =      "84--89",

  author =       "K. McAlpine and P. Golder",
  title =        "A new architecture for a collaborative authoring
  journal =      j-COMPUT-SUPPORTED-COOP-WORK,
  volume =       "2",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "159--174",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "CSCWEQ",
  ISSN =         "0925-9724",
  ISSN-L =       "0925-9724",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Aston Univ., Birmingham, UK",
  classification = "C6150N (Distributed systems); C7108 (Desktop
                 publishing); C7820 (Humanities)",
  fjournal =     "Computer Supported Cooperative Work [CSCW]",
  keywords =     "Annotation; Asynchronous communication; Author roles;
                 Collaborative authoring system; Collaborative writing;
                 Collaborwriter; Consolidation; Coordination; CSCW;
                 Document structure; Negotiation; SGML; Standard
                 Generalized Markup Language; Synchronous communication;
                 Writing model",
  pubcountry =   "Netherlands",
  thesaurus =    "Groupware; Linguistics; Literature; Page description

  author =       "Douglas C. McArthur",
  title =        "{World Wide Web} and {HTML}",
  journal =      j-DDJ,
  volume =       "19",
  number =       "15",
  pages =        "18--20, 22, 24, 26, 86",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "DDJOEB",
  ISSN =         "1044-789X",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 04 09:01:48 1996",
  bibsource =    ";
       ; UnCover
  abstract =     "From pizza to protein databases, the World Wide Web
                 helps you to quickly find information on the Internet.
                 But to prepare documents for WWW browsing, you must be
                 familiar with the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).
                 Douglas examines HTML coding techniques, while Dan
                 Connelly adds a note on future directions HTML may
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C6140D (High level languages)",
  fjournal =     "Dr. Dobb's Journal of Software Tools",
  keywords =     "HTML; HTML coding; Hypertext Markup Language;
                 Internet; World Wide Web",
  thesaurus =    "Complete computer programs; Hypermedia; Page
                 description languages",

  author =       "D. Morales-German",
  title =        "An {SGML-based} programming environment for literate
  crossref =     "Botsford:1994:PCI",
  pages =        "42--49",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 18:58:28 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Literate programming is a documentation method that
                 attempts to maintain consistency among the various
                 design and program documents of a software system.
                 Unfortunately, the majority of the literate programming
                 tools do not have appropriate user interfaces and
                 require the users to learn complicated and cryptic
                 tagging languages. SGML is a metalanguage used to
                 specify markup or tagging languages that can be used to
                 encode the structure of documents. This paper describes
                 how a markup language defined using SGML can be used as
                 the basic method for structuring literate programming
                 documents and can be made independent of the
                 programming language. Furthermore, with SGML and tools
                 to browse and edit SGML documents, literate programs
                 can benefit from WYSIWYG editing and hypertext
                 capabilities and can even include pictures and other
                 graphics. In addition, syntax-directed editors that
                 support SGML can hide the markup tags and thus remove
                 the need to learn a markup language. Text databases
                 that use SGML can also be used to store literate
                 programs. As a result, literate programs can be browsed
                 and queried using complex search expressions, a
                 capability beyond most text editors. For example, the
                 searches can involve combinations of structural and
                 textual information. Because SGML is a popular and
                 emerging standard, we can expect to have more powerful
                 tools to manipulate many different forms of design and
                 program documentation. This paper describes the issues
                 involved in the development of a literate programming
                 environment that uses SGML as the storage model.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Waterloo Univ., Ont., Canada",
  classification = "C6115 (Programming support); C6130D (Document
                 processing techniques); C6130M (Multimedia); C6140D
                 (High level languages)",
  keywords =     "Complex search expressions; Consistency maintenance;
                 Design documents; Document browsing; Document editing;
                 Document structure encoding; Graphics; Hypertext;
                 Literate programming; Markup language; Program
                 documentation method; Program documents; SGML-based
                 programming environment; Storage model; Syntax-directed
                 editors; Tagging languages; Text databases; User
                 interfaces; WYSIWYG editing",
  thesaurus =    "Hypermedia; ISO standards; Page description languages;
                 Programming environments; System documentation; Text

  author =       "Inderpal Singh Mumick and Hamid Pirahesh",
  title =        "Implementation of Magic-sets in a Relational Database
  journal =      j-SIGMOD,
  volume =       "23",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "103--114",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "SRECD8",
  ISSN =         "0163-5808 (print), 1943-5835 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5808",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 12 08:45:48 MST 2004",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C6160D (Relational DBMS)",
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGMOD Record",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Aggregation; Commercial relational systems; Cost-based
                 heuristic; Duplicates; Equality predicates; Extensible
                 implementation; Full SQL; Join orders; Magic-sets
                 transformation; Nonequality predicates; Null values;
                 Predicate pushdown optimizations; Relational
                 optimization techniques; Sips; Starburst extensible
                 relational database system; Subqueries",
  thesaurus =    "Optimisation; Relational databases",
  xxcrossref =   "Anonymous:1994:ASI",

  author =       "Y. Nakamura",
  title =        "Development of {Japanese}-Language {CD-ROM} Manuals
                 Using {SGML}",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1994:STC",
  pages =        "212--214",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "M. Ohta and O. Sato and K. Tazawa",
  title =        "Development of {Q} and {A} system-technology for
                 information sharing system: {FIND2}",
  journal =      j-FUJITSU,
  volume =       "45",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "436--442",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "FUJTAR",
  ISSN =         "0016-2515",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "B6210L (Computer communications); C6130D (Document
                 processing techniques); C6150N (Distributed systems
                 software); C6160D (Relational databases); C7250
                 (Information storage and retrieval); C7250R
                 (Information retrieval techniques)",
  fjournal =     "Fujitsu",
  keywords =     "Best-match-retrieval technique; CBR; Client-server
                 system; FIND2; Fujitsu; Information sharing syste; Key
                 document retrieval; Networks; Question and answer
                 system; SGML",
  language =     "Japanese",
  pubcountry =   "Japan",
  thesaurus =    "Client-server systems; Information retrieval;
                 Information retrieval systems; Page description
                 languages; Relational databases",

  author =       "J. W. Oster",
  title =        "An Introduction to the Principles of an {SGML}
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1994:STC",
  pages =        "303--??",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "N. Paquel",
  title =        "The document interface to a world of objects",
  journal =      "Objects in Europe",
  volume =       "1",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "11--12, 14--15",
  month =        "Spring",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6180 (User
  keywords =     "Documents; Individual perceptions; Information
                 technology; Internal modeling; Internet; Mental models;
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "Document handling; User interfaces",

  author =       "Mike Popham",
  title =        "An update on {SGML}",
  journal =      j-INFO-MANAGEMENT-TECH,
  volume =       "27",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "247--250, 262",
  day =          "1",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "IMTHEM",
  ISSN =         "0266-6960",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 18 12:55:03 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "; UnCover
                 library database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Exeter Univ., UK",
  classification = "D2080 (Information services and database systems);
                 D2105 (Media-TV, radio, press)",
  fjournal =     "Information Management \& Technology",
  keywords =     "Document publishing; Electronic form; Information
                 representation; International Standard; Multimedia
                 database publishing; Publishing; SGML; Single medium
                 conventional publishing; Standard Generalized Markup
  pubcountry =   "UK",
  thesaurus =    "Electronic publishing; Page description languages",

  author =       "Nico Poppelier",
  title =        "{Eric van Herwijnen, {\em Practical SGML}}",
  journal =      j-TUGBOAT,
  volume =       "15",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "24--25",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1994",
  ISSN =         "0896-3207",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 01 09:26:41 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "TUGboat",

  author =       "J. Powell",
  title =        "Adventures with the {World-Wide WEB}: creating a
                 hypertext library information system",
  journal =      j-DATABASE,
  volume =       "17",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "59--60, 62--66",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "DTBSDQ",
  ISSN =         "0162-4105",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:13:47 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Libr. Autom., Virginia Polytech. Inst. and State
                 Univ., Blacksburg, VA, USA",
  classification = "C5620 (Computer networks and techniques); C7210L
                 (Library automation); C7250 (Information storage and
  fjournal =     "Database",
  keywords =     "Client/server information system; Electronic
                 information; Gopher; HTML; Hypertext documents;
                 Hypertext library information system; Hypertext
                 Transport Protocol; Information retrieval tool;
                 Interconnected information; Internet; Libraries;
                 Nondocument resources; TCP/IP information systems;
                 Virtual documents; WAIS indexes; World-Wide WEB",
  thesaurus =    "Hypermedia; Information retrieval; Internetworking;
                 Library automation; Page description languages;

  author =       "John Price-Wilkin",
  title =        "A Gateway between the {World-Wide Web} and {PAT}:
                 Exploiting {SGML} through the {Web}",
  volume =       "5",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "5--27",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  ISSN =         "1063-164X",
  ISSN-L =       "1048-6542",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "Discusses how the World-Wide Web (WWW) can be linked
                 to the PAT system, a search engine supporting access to
                 Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) encoded
                 documents. Technical concepts are reviewed, and the
                 operation of a PAT-to-Web gateway is explained using
                 examples of how it is employed. (JKP)",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ericno =       "EJ499799",
  fjournal =     "Public-access Computer Systems Review",
  identifiers =  "Examples; Internet; Standard Generalized Markup
                 Language; World Wide Web",
  majordesc =    "Computer Interfaces; Gateway Systems; Hypermedia;
                 Information Networks; Programming Languages",
  minordesc =    "Computer Networks; Computer Software; Computer System
                 Design; Online Searching; Systems Development",

  author =       "Steve Putz",
  title =        "Interactive information services using {World-Wide
                 Web} hypertext",
  journal =      j-COMP-NET-ISDN,
  volume =       "27",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "273--280",
  day =          "1",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "CNISE9",
  ISSN =         "0169-7552 (print), 1879-2324 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0169-7552",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 24 20:20:54 MDT 1999",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database;
  URL =          "",
  abstract =     "Most World-Wide Web information servers provide simple
                 browsing access to collections of static text or
                 hypertext files. This paper describes some interactive
                 World-Wide Web servers that produce information
                 displays and documents dynamically rather than just
                 providing access to static files. The PARC Map Viewer
                 uses a geographic database to create and display maps
                 of any part of the world on demand. The Digital
                 Tradition folk music server provides access to a large
                 database of song lyrics and melodies. These
                 applications take advantage of the multimedia
                 capabilities of World-Wide Web to deliver graphical and
                 audio content as well as formatted text. Hypertext
                 links are used not only for navigation, but also for
                 setting search and presentation parameters. In these
                 applications the HTML format and the HTTP protocol are
                 used like a user interface tool kit to provide not only
                 document retrieval but a complete custom user interface
                 specialized for the application.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, CA, USA",
  affiliationaddress = "Palo Alto, CA, USA",
  classification = "722.2; 722.4; 723.3; 723.5; 903.3; 903.4; C5620W
                 (Other computer networks); C6130B (Graphics
                 techniques); C6130M (Multimedia); C6160S (Spatial and
                 pictorial databases); C6180 (User interfaces); C7210
                 (Information services and centres); C7250N (Front end
                 systems for online searching); C7820 (Humanities
                 computing); C7840 (Geography and cartography
  conference =   "Proceedings of the 1st World-Wide Web Conference",
  fjournal =     "Computer Networks and ISDN Systems",
  journal-URL =  "",
  journalabr =   "Comput Networks ISDN Syst",
  keywords =     "Audio content; Browsing access; Computer applications;
                 Digital Tradition folk music server; Distributed
                 database systems; Documents; Formatted text; Geographic
                 database; Graphical content; HTML format; Hypertext
                 files; Hypertext links; Hypertext markup language
                 (HTML); Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP); Information
                 displays; Information retrieval; Information retrieval
                 systems; Information services; Interactive computer
                 graphics; Interactive computer systems; Interactive
                 information services; Interfaces (computer); Map
                 viewer; Melodies; Multimedia capabilities; Navigation;
                 Network protocols; Online searching; PARC Map Viewer;
                 Presentation parameters; Search parameters; Song
                 lyrics; Static text; Uniform resource locator (URL);
                 User interfaces; Wide area networks; World maps; World
                 wide web; World-Wide Web hypertext",
  meetingaddress = "Geneva, Switz",
  meetingdate =  "May 25--27 1994",
  meetingdate2 = "05/25--27/94",
  pubcountry =   "Netherlands",
  thesaurus =    "Cartography; Computer graphics; Geographic information
                 systems; Hypermedia; Information networks; Information
                 retrieval; Interactive systems; Music; Protocols; User

  author =       "Roy Rada and George S. Carson",
  title =        "Sharing Standards: The New Media",
  journal =      j-CACM,
  volume =       "37",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "23--25",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "CACMA2",
  ISSN =         "0001-0782 (print), 1557-7317 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0001-0782",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 13 13:39:20 1996",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "Discusses the problem of the multiplicity of document
                 markup formats, and the role that SGML and OpenDoc
                 might play in providing a common intermediate format
                 for document exchange.",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Communications of the ACM",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "standardization",
  subject =      "{\bf H.5.1}: Information Systems, INFORMATION
                 INTERFACES AND PRESENTATION, Multimedia Information

  author =       "D. Raggett",
  title =        "Extending {WWW} to support platform independent
                 virtual reality",
  crossref =     "Plattner:1994:PII",
  pages =        "242/1, 242/3--242/6 (vol. 1)",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:03:58 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Herwlett Packard Labs., USA",
  classification = "B6210P (Teleconferencing); C5620W (Other computer
                 networks); C6130B (Graphics techniques); C7210
                 (Information services and centres); C7410F
                 (Communications computing)",
  keywords =     "Hyperlinks; Logical elements; Logical markup format;
                 Platform independent virtual reality; Shared resources
                 retrieval; Universal resource naming scheme; Virtual
                 presence teleconferencing; VR environments; World Wide
                 Web; WWW",
  thesaurus =    "Information networks; Naming services;
                 Teleconferencing; Virtual reality",

  author =       "D. Raggett",
  title =        "A review of the {HTML+} document format",
  crossref =     "Cailliau:1994:SPW",
  pages =        "135--146",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "David Raggett",
  title =        "A review of the {HTML+} document format",
  journal =      j-COMP-NET-ISDN,
  volume =       "27",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "135--145",
  day =          "1",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "CNISE9",
  ISSN =         "0169-7552 (print), 1879-2324 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0169-7552",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 24 20:20:54 MDT 1999",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database;
  URL =          "",
  abstract =     "HTML+ is a set of modular extensions to the hypertext
                 markup language (HTML), which is in widespread use in
                 the World Wide Web. The use of SGML to specify HTML+
                 allows authors to create documents in a variety of
                 ways: with text editors, SGML authorizing tools and
                 filters from common word processing formats like
                 FrameMaker, Microsoft Word and {\LaTeX}. The paper
                 finishes by looking at extensions under current
                 consideration and encouraging wider debate on what is
                 needed to fuel the next stage in the development of the
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  affiliation =  "Hewlett Packard Lab",
  affiliationaddress = "Bristol, UK",
  classification = "723.1; 723.2; C6130D (Document processing
                 techniques); C6130M (Multimedia); C6140D (High level
                 languages); C7108 (Desktop publishing)",
  conference =   "Proceedings of the 1st World-Wide Web Conference",
  fjournal =     "Computer Networks and ISDN Systems",
  journal-URL =  "",
  journalabr =   "Comput Networks ISDN Syst",
  keywords =     "Computer software; File organization; Filters;
                 FrameMaker; HTML plus document format; HTML+ document
                 format; Hypertext Markup Language; Hypertext markup
                 language (HTML); LaTeX; Microsoft Word; Modular
                 extensions; SGML authorizing tools; Systems analysis;
                 Text editors; Word processing; Word processing formats;
                 World Wide Web; World wide web",
  meetingaddress = "Geneva, Switz",
  meetingdate =  "May 25--27 1994",
  meetingdate2 = "05/25--27/94",
  pubcountry =   "Netherlands",
  thesaurus =    "Authoring systems; Hypermedia; {Internet}; Page
                 description languages; Reviews; Text editing; Word

  author =       "D. Raggett",
  title =        "A Review of the {HTML+} Document Format",
  crossref =     "Plattner:1994:IAC",
  pages =        "213--220",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 3 08:31:49 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "David Raggett",
  title =        "A review of the {HTML}+ document format",
  crossref =     "Plattner:1994:PII",
  pages =        "213/1--213/10 (vol. 1)",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 10 19:03:58 MDT 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "B6210L (Computer communications); C5620W (Other
                 computer networks); C6130D (Document processing
                 techniques); C6130M (Multimedia); C6140D (High level
                 languages); C7106 (Word processing); C7210 (Information
                 services and centres)",
  keywords =     "Authoring tools; Common word processing formats; HTML;
                 HTML+ document format; Hypertext markup language;
                 Modular extensions; SGML; Text editors; World Wide
  thesaurus =    "Hypermedia; Internet; Page description languages; Word

  author =       "P. Richardson",
  title =        "{HTML}, the language used to create {WWW} pages, and a
                 tool that makes life a lot easier",
  journal =      j-EXE,
  volume =       "9",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "92--??",
  year =         "1994",
  CODEN =        "EXEEE5",
  ISSN =         "0268-6872",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 25 10:01:31 MST 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     ".EXE: the software developers' magazine",

  author =       "Wolfgang Rieger",
  title =        "{SGML f{\"u}r die Praxis \emdash{} Ansatz und Einsatz
                 von ISO 8879}. ({German}) [{SGML} for practice
                 \emdash{} Introduction and use of {ISO 8879}]",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "????",
  year =         "1994",
  ISBN =         "3-540-57534-0",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-3-540-57534-4",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 28 06:55:51 2002",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "A copy of this bibliography, translated to SGML