Table of contents for issues of Journal of Grid Computing

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Volume 1, Number 1, 2003
Volume 1, Number 2, 2003
Volume 1, Number 3, 2003
Volume 1, Number 4, 2003
Volume 2, Number 1, March, 2004
Volume 2, Number 2, June, 2004
Volume 2, Number 3, September, 2004
Volume 2, Number 4, December, 2004
Volume 3, Number 1--2, June, 2005
Volume 3, Number 3--4, September, 2005
Volume 4, Number 1, March, 2006
Volume 4, Number 2, June, 2006
Volume 4, Number 3, September, 2006
Volume 4, Number 4, December, 2006
Volume 5, Number 1, March, 2007
Volume 5, Number 2, June, 2007
Volume 5, Number 3, September, 2007
Volume 5, Number 4, December, 2007
Volume 6, Number 1, March, 2008
Volume 6, Number 2, June, 2008
Volume 6, Number 3, September, 2008
Volume 6, Number 4, December, 2008
Volume 7, Number 1, March, 2009
Volume 7, Number 2, June, 2009
Volume 7, Number 3, September, 2009
Volume 7, Number 4, December, 2009
Volume 8, Number 1, March, 2010
Volume 8, Number 2, June, 2010
Volume 8, Number 3, September, 2010
Volume 8, Number 4, December, 2010
Volume 9, Number 1, March, 2011
Volume 9, Number 2, June, 2011
Volume 9, Number 3, September, 2011
Volume 9, Number 4, December, 2011
Volume 10, Number 1, March, 2012
Volume 10, Number 2, June, 2012
Volume 10, Number 3, September, 2012
Volume 10, Number 4, December, 2012
Volume 11, Number 1, March, 2013
Volume 11, Number 2, June, 2013
Volume 11, Number 3, September, 2013
Volume 11, Number 4, December, 2013
Volume 12, Number 1, March, 2014
Volume 12, Number 2, June, 2014
Volume 12, Number 3, September, 2014
Volume 12, Number 4, December, 2014
Volume 13, Number 1, March, 2015
Volume 13, Number 2, June, 2015
Volume 13, Number 3, September, 2015
Volume 13, Number 4, December, 2015
Volume 14, Number 1, March, 2016
Volume 14, Number 2, June, 2016
Volume 14, Number 3, September, 2016
Volume 14, Number 4, December, 2016
Volume 15, Number 1, March, 2017
Volume 15, Number 2, June, 2017
Volume 15, Number 3, September, 2017
Volume 15, Number 4, December, 2017
Volume 16, Number 1, March, 2018
Volume 16, Number 2, June, 2018
Volume 16, Number 3, September, 2018
Volume 16, Number 4, December, 2018
Volume 17, Number 1, March, 2019
Volume 17, Number 2, June, 2019
Volume 17, Number 3, September, 2019
Volume 17, Number 4, December, 2019
Volume 18, Number 1, March, 2020
Volume 18, Number 2, June, 2020
Volume 18, Number 3, September, 2020
Volume 18, Number 4, December, 2020
Volume 19, Number 1, March, 2021
Volume 19, Number 2, June, 2021
Volume 19, Number 3, September, 2021
Volume 19, Number 4, December, 2021
Volume 20, Number 1, March, 2022
Volume 20, Number 2, June, 2022
Volume 20, Number 3, September, 2022
Volume 20, Number 4, December, 2022
Volume 21, Number 1, March, 2023
Volume 21, Number 2, June, 2023
Volume 21, Number 3, September, 2023
Volume 21, Number 4, December, 2023
Volume 22, Number 1, March, 2024
Volume 22, Number 2, June, 2024
Volume 22, Number 3, September, 2024

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 1, Number 1, 2003

                 Ian Foster and   
                   Peter Kacsuk   Editors' Message . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--2
                Charlie Catlett   Standards for Grid Computing: Global
                                  Grid Forum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3--7
        Zsolt Németh and   
                 Vaidy Sunderam   Characterizing Grids: Attributes,
                                  Definitions, and Formalisms  . . . . . . 9--23
                Ewa Deelman and   
               James Blythe and   
                Yolanda Gil and   
             Carl Kesselman and   
              Gaurang Mehta and   
                 Karan Vahi and   
             Kent Blackburn and   
           Albert Lazzarini and   
                Adam Arbree and   
          Richard Cavanaugh and   
                  Scott Koranda   Mapping Abstract Complex Workflows onto
                                  Grid Environments  . . . . . . . . . . . 25--39
                  Y. Tanaka and   
                  H. Nakada and   
               S. Sekiguchi and   
                T. Suzumura and   
                    S. Matsuoka   Ninf-G: a Reference Implementation of
                                  RPC-based Programming Middleware for
                                  Grid Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41--51
        Kavitha Ranganathan and   
                     Ian Foster   Simulation Studies of Computation and
                                  Data Scheduling Algorithms for Data
                                  Grids  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53--62
               Wu-chun Feng and   
            Mark K. Gardner and   
            Michael E. Fisk and   
                 Eric H. Weigle   Automatic Flow-Control Adaptation for
                                  Enhancing Network Performance in
                                  Computational Grids  . . . . . . . . . . 63--74
             Bruce Lowekamp and   
               Nancy Miller and   
               Roger Karrer and   
               Thomas Gross and   
               Peter Steenkiste   Design, Implementation, and Evaluation
                                  of the Remos Network Monitoring System   75--93
                      Anonymous   Instructions for Authors . . . . . . . . 95--98

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 1, Number 2, 2003

                 Thilo Kielmann   Editorial  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99--100
         Bruce R. Barkstrom and   
            Thomas H. Hinke and   
             Shradha Gavali and   
               Warren Smith and   
         William J. Seufzer and   
                 Chaumin Hu and   
               David E. Cordner   Distributed Generation of NASA Earth
                                  Science Data Products  . . . . . . . . . 101--116
                H. Takemiya and   
                   K. Shudo and   
                  Y. Tanaka and   
                   S. Sekiguchi   Constructing Grid Applications Using
                                  Standard Grid Middleware . . . . . . . . 117--131
              Rainer Keller and   
              Edgar Gabriel and   
            Bettina Krammer and   
    Matthias S. Müller and   
               Michael M. Resch   Towards Efficient Execution of MPI
                                  Applications on the Grid: Porting and
                                  Optimization Issues  . . . . . . . . . . 133--149
              Rosa M. Badia and   
       Jesús Labarta and   
          Raül Sirvent and   
      Josep M. Pérez and   
        José M. Cela and   
                   Rogeli Grima   Programming Grid Applications with GRID
                                  Superscalar  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151--170
                  P. Kacsuk and   
            G. Dózsa and   
           J. Kovács and   
                   R. Lovas and   
              N. Podhorszki and   
                 Z. Balaton and   
               G. Gombás   P-GRADE: a Grid Programming Environment  171--197
                 Ian Taylor and   
            Matthew Shields and   
                   Ian Wang and   
                      Omer Rana   Triana Applications within Grid
                                  Computing and Peer to Peer Environments  199--217
           Florian Schintke and   
            Alexander Reinefeld   Modeling Replica Availability in Large
                                  Data Grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219--227

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 1, Number 3, 2003

                Andrew A. Chien   Introduction: Special Issue: Highlights
                                  of the Twelfth Symposium on High
                                  Performance Distributed Computing  . . . 229--229
              Vanish Talwar and   
                 Sujoy Basu and   
                      Raj Kumar   Architecture and Environment for
                                  Enabling Interactive Grids . . . . . . . 231--250
             Soonwook Hwang and   
                 Carl Kesselman   A Flexible Framework for Fault Tolerance
                                  in the Grid  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251--272
            Sandip Agarwala and   
      Christian Poellabauer and   
               Jiantao Kong and   
             Karsten Schwan and   
                   Matthew Wolf   System-Level Resource Monitoring in
                                  High-Performance Computing Environments  273--289
  Karthikeyan Sankaralingam and   
       Madhulika Yalamanchi and   
        Simha Sethumadhavan and   
                James C. Browne   Pagerank Computation and Keyword Search
                                  on Distributed Systems and P2P Networks  291--307
             An-Cheng Huang and   
               Peter Steenkiste   Network-Sensitive Service Discovery  . . 309--326

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 1, Number 4, 2003

              Jon Crowcroft and   
                  Saleem Bhatti   Editorial: Special Issue: High
                                  Performance Networking . . . . . . . . . 327--327
                 Miguel Rio and   
           Andrea di Donato and   
                 Frank Saka and   
               Nicola Pezzi and   
              Richard Smith and   
              Saleem Bhatti and   
                   Peter Clarke   Quality of Service Networking for High
                                  Performance Grid Applications  . . . . . 329--343
             Hadrien Bullot and   
            R. Les Cottrell and   
           Richard Hughes-Jones   Evaluation of Advanced TCP Stacks on
                                  Fast Long-Distance Production Networks   345--359
             Ravi S. Prasad and   
                Manish Jain and   
          Constantinos Dovrolis   Socket Buffer Auto-Sizing for
                                  High-Performance Data Transfers  . . . . 361--376
                 Yunhong Gu and   
                Robert Grossman   SABUL: a Transport Protocol for Grid
                                  Computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377--386
              Raouf Boutaba and   
             Wojciech Golab and   
              Youssef Iraqi and   
                 Tianshu Li and   
                 Bill St.Arnaud   Grid-Controlled Lightpaths for High
                                  Performance Grid Applications  . . . . . 387--394
      Malathi Veeraraghavan and   
                 Xuan Zheng and   
               Wu-chun Feng and   
                  Hojun Lee and   
          Edwin K. P. Chong and   
                         Hua Li   Scheduling and Transport for File
                                  Transfers on High-Speed Optical Circuits 395--405
                      Anonymous   Author Index Vol. 1 (2003) . . . . . . . 407--408
                      Anonymous   Contents of Vol. 1 (2003)  . . . . . . . 409--411

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 2, Number 1, March, 2004

               Heinz Stockinger   Editorial  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--1
                    Min Cai and   
               Martin Frank and   
                 Jinbo Chen and   
                  Pedro Szekely   MAAN: a Multi-Attribute Addressable
                                  Network for Grid Information Services    3--14
                Radu Prodan and   
               Thomas Fahringer   ZENTURIO: a Grid Service-Based Tool for
                                  Optimising Parallel and Grid
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15--29
           Sudharshan Vazhkudai   Distributed Downloads of Bulk,
                                  Replicated Grid Data . . . . . . . . . . 31--42
             Seung-Hyun Kim and   
             Kyong Hoon Kim and   
                   Jong Kim and   
               Sung-Je Hong and   
                    Sangwan Kim   Workflow-Based Authorization Service in
                                  the Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43--55
              D. G. Cameron and   
               A. P. Millar and   
               C. Nicholson and   
     R. Carvajal-Schiaffino and   
              K. Stockinger and   
                        F. Zini   Analysis of Scheduling and Replica
                                  Optimisation Strategies for Data Grids
                                  Using OptorSim . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57--69
                 M. Maimour and   
                        C. Pham   Experimenting Active Reliable Multicast
                                  on Application-Aware Grids . . . . . . . 71--83
          Carlo Mastroianni and   
             Domenico Talia and   
                  Paolo Trunfio   Metadata for Managing Grid Resources in
                                  Data Mining Applications . . . . . . . . 85--102

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 2, Number 2, June, 2004

                Xian-He Sun and   
                      Minglu Li   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107--108
                  Zhiwei Xu and   
                     Wei Li and   
                     Li Zha and   
                  Haiyan Yu and   
                    Donghua Liu   Vega: a Computer Systems Approach to
                                  Grid Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109--120
            Liang-Jie Zhang and   
                        Bing Li   Requirements Driven Dynamic Services
                                  Composition for Web Services and Grid
                                  Solutions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121--140
                    Xin Liu and   
                 Huaxia Xia and   
                Andrew A. Chien   Validating and Scaling the MicroGrid: a
                                  Scientific Instrument for Grid Dynamics  141--161
           Rashid J. Al-Ali and   
                Kaizar Amin and   
       Gregor von Laszewski and   
               Omer F. Rana and   
            David W. Walker and   
             Mihael Hategan and   
                 Nestor Zaluzec   Analysis and Provision of QoS for
                                  Distributed Grid Applications  . . . . . 163--182
                 Yunhao Liu and   
                    Li Xiao and   
               Lionel M. Ni and   
                    Yunhuai Liu   Building Efficient Overlays  . . . . . . 183--192
              Guangwen Yang and   
                    Hai Jin and   
                  Minglu Li and   
                  Nong Xiao and   
                     Wei Li and   
                 Zhaohui Wu and   
                 Yongwei Wu and   
                   Feilong Tang   Grid Computing in China  . . . . . . . . 193--206

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 2, Number 3, September, 2004

        Anthony Finkelstein and   
                Clare Gryce and   
                Joe Lewis-Bowen   Relating Requirements and Architectures:
                                  a Study of Data-Grids  . . . . . . . . . 207--222
                   Gang Xue and   
                Wenbin Song and   
               Simon J. Cox and   
                     Andy Keane   Numerical Optimisation as Grid Services
                                  for Engineering Design . . . . . . . . . 223--238
            T. Purusothaman and   
               S. Annadurai and   
            H. Vijay Ganesh and   
         C. T. Chockalingam and   
                 B. Uthra Kumar   Dynamically Scalable, Heterogeneous and
                                  Generic Architecture for a Grid of
                                  Workstations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239--246
        Thomas Röblitz and   
           Florian Schintke and   
        Alexander Reinefeld and   
          Olof Bärring and   
        Maite Barroso Lopez and   
              German Cancio and   
          Sylvain Chapeland and   
              Karim Chouikh and   
                Lionel Cons and   
          Piotr Pozna\'nski and   
            Philippe Defert and   
                   Jan Iven and   
         Thorsten Kleinwort and   
      Bernd Panzer-Steindel and   
             Jaroslaw Polok and   
          Catherine Rafflin and   
             Alan Silverman and   
                  Tim Smith and   
                  Jan Eldik and   
                David Front and   
           Massimo Biasotto and   
         Cristina Aiftimiei and   
               Enrico Ferro and   
              Gaetano Maron and   
            Andrea Chierici and   
          Luca dell'Agnello and   
                Marco Serra and   
         Michele Michelotto and   
                  Lord Hess and   
        Volker Lindenstruth and   
               Frank Pister and   
      Timm Morten Steinbeck and   
                David Groep and   
       Martijn Steenbakkers and   
               Oscar Koeroo and   
           Wim Som de Cerff and   
            Gerben Venekamp and   
              Paul Anderson and   
                 Tim Colles and   
             Alexander Holt and   
            Alastair Scobie and   
             Michael George and   
           Andrew Washbrook and   
  Rafael A. García Leiva   Autonomic Management of Large Clusters
                                  and Their Integration into the Grid  . . 247--260
                  Cheng Zhu and   
                  Zhong Liu and   
              Weiming Zhang and   
               Weidong Xiao and   
                Zhenning Xu and   
                 Dongsheng Yang   Decentralized Grid Resource Discovery
                                  Based on Resource Information Community  261--277
               Markus Lorch and   
                  Dennis Kafura   The PRIMA Grid Authorization System  . . 279--298

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 2, Number 4, December, 2004

                    Erwin Laure   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299--300
          Linda A. Cornwall and   
                Jens Jensen and   
            David P. Kelsey and   
        Ákos Frohner and   
            Daniel Kou\vril and   
         Franck Bonnassieux and   
              Sophie Nicoud and   
Károly Lõrentey and   
               Joni Hahkala and   
              Mika Silander and   
           Roberto Cecchini and   
         Vincenzo Ciaschini and   
          Luca dell'Agnello and   
              Fabio Spataro and   
          David O'Callaghan and   
                 Olle Mulmo and   
          Gian Luca Volpato and   
                David Groep and   
       Martijn Steenbakkers and   
                   Andrew McNab   Authentication and Authorization
                                  Mechanisms for Multi-Domain Grid
                                  Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301--311
     R. García Leiva and   
    M. Barroso López and   
     G. Cancio Meliá and   
            B. Chardi Marco and   
                    L. Cons and   
             P. Pozna\'nski and   
               A. Washbrook and   
                   E. Ferro and   
                        A. Holt   Quattor: Tools and Techniques for the
                                  Configuration, Installation and
                                  Management of Large-Scale Grid Computing
                                  Fabrics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313--322
                A. W. Cooke and   
              A. J. G. Gray and   
                    W. Nutt and   
                 J. Magowan and   
                  M. Oevers and   
                  P. Taylor and   
              R. Cordenonsi and   
                   R. Byrom and   
                L. Cornwall and   
                  A. Djaoui and   
                   L. Field and   
               S. M. Fisher and   
                   S. Hicks and   
                   J. Leake and   
               R. Middleton and   
                  A. Wilson and   
                     X. Zhu and   
              N. Podhorszki and   
                 B. Coghlan and   
                   S. Kenny and   
             D. O'Callaghan and   
                        J. Ryan   The Relational Grid Monitoring
                                  Architecture: Mediating Information
                                  about the Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323--339
              David Cameron and   
                James Casey and   
                 Leanne Guy and   
               Peter Kunszt and   
            Sophie Lemaitre and   
              Gavin McCance and   
           Heinz Stockinger and   
            Kurt Stockinger and   
         Giuseppe Andronico and   
               William Bell and   
           Itzhak Ben-Akiva and   
                Diana Bosio and   
          Radovan Chytracek and   
            Andrea Domenici and   
               Flavia Donno and   
           Wolfgang Hoschek and   
                Erwin Laure and   
                 Levi Lucio and   
                Paul Millar and   
              Livio Salconi and   
                  Ben Segal and   
                  Mika Silander   Replica Management in the European
                                  DataGrid Project . . . . . . . . . . . . 341--351
                G. Avellino and   
                    S. Beco and   
               B. Cantalupo and   
              A. Maraschini and   
                  F. Pacini and   
               M. Sottilaro and   
               A. Terracina and   
                 D. Colling and   
               F. Giacomini and   
               E. Ronchieri and   
                A. Gianelle and   
               M. Mazzucato and   
                  R. Peluso and   
              M. Sgaravatto and   
                 A. Guarise and   
                    R. Piro and   
               A. Werbrouck and   
                D. Kou\vril and   
                A. K\vrenek and   
                 L. Matyska and   
                 M. Mula\vc and   
              J. Pospi\vsil and   
                    M. Ruda and   
                  Z. Salvet and   
                  J. Sitera and   
               J. \vSkrabal and   
                M. Vocuring and   
                M. Mezzadri and   
                   F. Prelz and   
                S. Monforte and   
                  M. Pappalardo   The DataGrid Workload Management System:
                                  Challenges and Results . . . . . . . . . 353--367
                   S. Burke and   
                  F. Harris and   
             I. Stokes-Rees and   
                I. Augustin and   
               F. Carminati and   
                 J. Closier and   
           E. van Herwijnen and   
                  A. Sciaba and   
                D. Boutigny and   
             J. J. Blaising and   
                 V. Garonne and   
          A. Tsaregorodtsev and   
               P. Capiluppi and   
                 A. Fanfani and   
                  C. Grandi and   
                 R. Barbera and   
                   E. Luppi and   
                   G. Negri and   
                  L. Perini and   
                 S. Resconi and   
                   M. Reale and   
                A. De Salvo and   
                S. Bagnasco and   
                 P. Cerello and   
                     K. Bos and   
                   D. Groep and   
             W. van Leeuwen and   
                 J. Templon and   
                O. Smirnova and   
                 O. Maroney and   
                  F. Brochu and   
                     D. Colling   HEP Applications and Their Experience
                                  with the Use of DataGrid Middleware  . . 369--386
               J. Montagnat and   
                  F. Bellet and   
           H. Benoit-Cattin and   
                  V. Breton and   
                  L. Brunie and   
                   H. Duque and   
            Y. Legré and   
               I. E. Magnin and   
                  L. Maigne and   
                  S. Miguet and   
              J.-M. Pierson and   
                   L. Seitz and   
                       T. Tweed   Medical Images Simulation, Storage, and
                                  Processing on the European DataGrid
                                  Testbed  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387--400

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 3, Number 1--2, June, 2005

           Hong-Linh Truong and   
           Thomas Fahringer and   
               Schahram Dustdar   Dynamic Instrumentation, Performance
                                  Monitoring and Analysis of Grid
                                  Scientific Workflows . . . . . . . . . . 1--18
            Lazar Adzigogov and   
              John Soldatos and   
            Lazaros Polymenakos   EMPEROR: An OGSA Grid Meta-Scheduler
                                  Based on Dynamic Resource Predictions    19--37
                H. A. James and   
                   K. A. Hawick   Scientific Data Management in a Grid
                                  Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39--51
              Shanshan Song and   
                  Kai Hwang and   
                  Yu-Kwong Kwok   Trusted Grid Computing with Security
                                  Binding and Trust Integration  . . . . . 53--73
           Thierry Delaitre and   
                 Tamas Kiss and   
            Ariel Goyeneche and   
         Gabor Terstyanszky and   
             Stephen Winter and   
                   Peter Kacsuk   GEMLCA: Running Legacy Code Applications
                                  as Grid Services . . . . . . . . . . . . 75--90
              Aram Galstyan and   
            Karl Czajkowski and   
                Kristina Lerman   Resource Allocation in the Grid with
                                  Learning Agents  . . . . . . . . . . . . 91--100
             Jens G. Jensen and   
                  Tara Shah and   
                 Owen Synge and   
                John Gordon and   
               Glen Johnson and   
                     Regina Tam   Enabling Grid Access to Mass Storage . . 101--112
                   J. Perry and   
                   L. Smith and   
              A. N. Jackson and   
               R. D. Kenway and   
                     B. Joo and   
              C. M. Maynard and   
                    A. Trew and   
                   D. Byrne and   
                 G. Beckett and   
            C. T. H. Davies and   
                 S. Downing and   
               A. C. Irving and   
                 C. McNeile and   
              Z. Sroczynski and   
               C. R. Allton and   
                  W. Armour and   
                    J. M. Flynn   QCDgrid: a Grid Resource for Quantum
                                  Chromodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113--130
                Peter Dinda and   
                        Dong Lu   Fast Compositional Queries in a
                                  Relational Grid Information Service  . . 131--150

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 3, Number 3--4, September, 2005

                Ewa Deelman and   
                     Ian Taylor   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151--151
                 Ian Taylor and   
            Matthew Shields and   
                   Ian Wang and   
                Andrew Harrison   Visual Grid Workflow in Triana . . . . . 153--169
                     Jia Yu and   
                 Rajkumar Buyya   A Taxonomy of Workflow Management
                                  Systems for Grid Computing . . . . . . . 171--200
              Gurmeet Singh and   
             Carl Kesselman and   
                    Ewa Deelman   Optimizing Grid-Based Workflow Execution 201--219
        Péter Kacsuk and   
                  Gergely Sipos   Multi-Grid, Multi-User Workflows in the
                                  P-GRADE Grid Portal  . . . . . . . . . . 221--238
       Gregor von Laszewski and   
                   Mike Hategan   Workflow Concepts of the Java CoG Kit    239--258
         A. Stephen McGough and   
               Jeremy Cohen and   
            John Darlington and   
         Eleftheria Katsiri and   
                William Lee and   
          Sofia Panagiotidi and   
                     Yash Patel   An End-to-end Workflow Pipeline for
                                  Large-scale Grid Computing . . . . . . . 259--281
          Wolfgang Emmerich and   
               Ben Butchart and   
                 Liang Chen and   
           Bruno Wassermann and   
                 Sarah L. Price   Grid Service Orchestration Using the
                                  Business Process Execution Language
                                  (BPEL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283--304

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 4, Number 1, March, 2006

     Fabiano de O. Lucchese and   
     Eduardo J. Huerta Yero and   
      Francisco S. Sambatti and   
          Marco A. A. Henriques   An Adaptive Scheduler for Grids  . . . . 1--17
Frédéric Desprez and   
                Antoine Vernois   Simultaneous Scheduling of Replication
                                  and Computation for Data-Intensive
                                  Applications on the Grid . . . . . . . . 19--31
           Simone A. Ludwig and   
               Omer F. Rana and   
              Julian Padget and   
                 William Naylor   Matchmaking Framework for Mathematical
                                  Web Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33--48
           Ann L. Chervenak and   
                        Min Cai   Applying Peer-to-Peer Techniques to Grid
                                  Replica Location Services  . . . . . . . 49--69
                 Sili Huang and   
               Eric Aubanel and   
       Virendrakumar C. Bhavsar   PaGrid: a Mesh Partitioner for
                                  Computational Grids  . . . . . . . . . . 71--88
                  Hema Prem and   
       N. R. Srinivasa Raghavan   A Support Vector Machine Based Approach
                                  for Forecasting of Network Weather
                                  Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89--114
               Paul Brebner and   
              Wolfgang Emmerich   Two Ways to Grid: The Contribution of
                                  Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA)
                                  Mechanisms to Service-Centric and
                                  Resource-Centric Lifecycles  . . . . . . 115--131

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 4, Number 2, June, 2006

                 Thilo Kielmann   Grid Applications: From Early Adopters
                                  to Mainstream Users  . . . . . . . . . . 133--134
                 Ian Foster and   
          Veronika Nefedova and   
              Mehran Ahsant and   
    Rachana Ananthakrishnan and   
                 Lee Liming and   
               Ravi Madduri and   
                 Olle Mulmo and   
             Laura Pearlman and   
               Frank Siebenlist   Streamlining Grid Operations: Definition
                                  and Deployment of a Portal-based User
                                  Registration Service . . . . . . . . . . 135--144
            Yusuke Tanimura and   
            Tsutomu Ikegami and   
            Hidemoto Nakada and   
              Yoshio Tanaka and   
              Satoshi Sekiguchi   Implementation of Fault-Tolerant GridRPC
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145--157
               Yonghong Yan and   
             Barbara M. Chapman   Campus Grids Meet Applications:
                                  Modeling, Metascheduling and Integration 159--175
             Wahid Chrabakh and   
                    Rich Wolski   GridSAT: Design and Implementation of a
                                  Computational Grid Application . . . . . 177--193
                Rion Dooley and   
               Kent Milfeld and   
               Chona Guiang and   
     Sudhakar Pamidighantam and   
                Gabrielle Allen   From Proposal to Production: Lessons
                                  Learned Developing the Computational
                                  Chemistry Grid Cyberinfrastructure . . . 195--208
              P. V. Jithesh and   
                 P. Donachy and   
                  T. Harmer and   
                   N. Kelly and   
                 R. Perrott and   
                  S. Wasnik and   
                J. Johnston and   
                M. McCurley and   
                M. Townsley and   
                       S. McKee   GeneGrid: Architecture, Implementation
                                  and Application  . . . . . . . . . . . . 209--222

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 4, Number 3, September, 2006

            Franck Cappello and   
          Adriana Iamnitchi and   
                 Mitsuhisa Sato   Editorial: Special Issue on Global and
                                  Peer-to-Peer Computing . . . . . . . . . 223--224
             Walfredo Cirne and   
       Francisco Brasileiro and   
           Nazareno Andrade and   
             Lauro B. Costa and   
            Alisson Andrade and   
            Reynaldo Novaes and   
                Miranda Mowbray   Labs of the World, Unite!!!  . . . . . . 225--246
              Farag Azzedin and   
     Muthucumaru Maheswaran and   
                  Arindam Mitra   Trust Brokering and Its Use for Resource
                                  Matchmaking in Public-Resource Grids . . 247--263
                  Shuo Yang and   
                Ali R. Butt and   
                  Xing Fang and   
              Y. Charlie Hu and   
              Samuel P. Midkiff   A Fair, Secure and Trustworthy
                                  Peer-to-Peer Based Cycle-Sharing System  265--286
                 Ioan Raicu and   
         Catalin Dumitrescu and   
              Matei Ripeanu and   
                     Ian Foster   The Design, Performance, and Use of
                                  DiPerF: An automated DIstributed
                                  PERformance evaluation Framework . . . . 287--309
          Cyril Randriamaro and   
              Olivier Soyez and   
                  Gil Utard and   
              Francis Wlazinski   Data Distribution in a Peer to Peer
                                  Storage System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311--321
                Ali R. Butt and   
            Troy A. Johnson and   
                 Yili Zheng and   
                  Y. Charlie Hu   Kosha: a Peer-to-Peer Enhancement for
                                  the Network File System  . . . . . . . . 323--341
       Emiliano Casalicchio and   
          Federico Morabito and   
           Giovanni Cortese and   
                Fabrizio Davide   A Novel Approach to Adaptive
                                  Content-based Subscription Management in
                                  DHT-based Overlay Networks . . . . . . . 343--353

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 4, Number 4, December, 2006

                    Zhen Li and   
                Manish Parashar   A Decentralized Computational
                                  Infrastructure for Grid-Based Parallel
                                  Asynchronous Iterative Applications  . . 355--372
                  Youcef Derbal   Entropic Grid Scheduling . . . . . . . . 373--394
               Rocco Aversa and   
       Beniamino Di Martino and   
            Nicola Mazzocca and   
          Salvatore Venticinque   MAGDA: a Mobile Agent based Grid
                                  Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395--412
              J. R. Burruss and   
              T. W. Fredian and   
                 M. R. Thompson   ROAM: An Authorization Manager for Grids 413--423
            Andrew Harrison and   
                     Ian Taylor   The Web Services Resource Framework in a
                                  Peer-to-Peer Context . . . . . . . . . . 425--445

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 5, Number 1, March, 2007

                Simon Miles and   
                 Paul Groth and   
              Miguel Branco and   
                     Luc Moreau   The Requirements of Using Provenance in
                                  e-Science Experiments  . . . . . . . . . 1--25
     Stéphane Genaud and   
            Choopan Rattanapoka   P2P--MPI: a Peer-to-Peer Framework for
                                  Robust Execution of Message Passing
                                  Parallel Programs on Grids . . . . . . . 27--42
         Richard McClatchey and   
                Ashiq Anjum and   
           Heinz Stockinger and   
                 Arshad Ali and   
                Ian Willers and   
                 Michael Thomas   Data Intensive and Network Aware (DIANA)
                                  Grid Scheduling  . . . . . . . . . . . . 43--64
            Anil L. Pereira and   
        Vineela Muppavarapu and   
                  Soon M. Chung   Managing Role-Based Access Control
                                  Policies for Grid Databases in OGSA--DAI
                                  Using CAS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65--81
    Benjamin Quétier and   
               Vincent Neri and   
                Franck Cappello   Scalability Comparison of Four Host
                                  Virtualization Tools . . . . . . . . . . 83--98
      Catalin L. Dumitrescu and   
                 Ioan Raicu and   
                     Ian Foster   The Design, Usage, and Performance of
                                  GRUBER: a Grid Usage Service Level
                                  Agreement based BrokERing Infrastructure 99--126

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 5, Number 2, June, 2007

                Rich Wolski and   
                      Henri Bal   Special Issue Featuring Selected Papers
                                  from HPDC-15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127--128
              Zhongtang Cai and   
              Vibhore Kumar and   
                 Karsten Schwan   IQ-Paths: Predictably High Performance
                                  Data Streams Across Dynamic Network
                                  Overlays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129--150
                 A. Ganguly and   
                 A. Agrawal and   
               P. O. Boykin and   
               R. J. Figueiredo   WOW: Self-organizing Wide Area Overlay
                                  Networks of Virtual Workstations . . . . 151--172
               Xiaojuan Ren and   
                 Seyong Lee and   
           Rudolf Eigenmann and   
                 Saurabh Bagchi   Prediction of Resource Availability in
                                  Fine-Grained Cycle Sharing Systems
                                  Empirical Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . 173--195
          Grzegorz Malewicz and   
                 Ian Foster and   
        Arnold L. Rosenberg and   
                  Michael Wilde   A Tool for Prioritizing DAGMan Jobs and
                                  its Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197--212
           Richard T. Mills and   
                  Chuan Yue and   
       Andreas Stathopoulos and   
      Dimitrios S. Nikolopoulos   Runtime and Programming Support for
                                  Memory Adaptation in Scientific
                                  Applications via Local Disk and Remote
                                  Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213--234
                 Henri Casanova   Benefits and Drawbacks of Redundant
                                  Batch Requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235--250
                T. Newhouse and   
                    J. Pasquale   Achieving Efficiency and Accuracy in the
                                  ALPS Application-level
                                  Proportional-share Scheduler . . . . . . 251--270

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 5, Number 3, September, 2007

             Esther Pacitti and   
              Marta Mattoso and   
              Patrick Valduriez   Preface to the Special Issue on Grid
                                  Data Management  . . . . . . . . . . . . 271--272
             Esther Pacitti and   
          Patrick Valduriez and   
                  Marta Mattoso   Grid Data Management: Open Problems and
                                  New Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273--281
    R. Jiménez-Peris and   
M. Patiño-Martínez and   
                       B. Kemme   Enterprise Grids: Challenges Ahead . . . 283--294
             Marcio Faerman and   
               Reagan Moore and   
                 Yifeng Cui and   
                Yuanfang Hu and   
                   Jing Zhu and   
            Bernard Minster and   
               Philip Maechling   Managing Large Scale Data for Earthquake
                                  Simulations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295--302
             Reza Akbarinia and   
                  Vidal Martins   Data Management in the APPA System . . . 303--317
                 Peter Merz and   
                 Katja Gorunova   Fault-tolerant Resource Discovery in
                                  Peer-to-peer Grids . . . . . . . . . . . 319--335
                 Eddy Caron and   
Frédéric Desprez and   
         Cédric Tedeschi   Enhancing Computational Grids with
                                  Peer-to-Peer Technology for Large Scale
                                  Service Discovery  . . . . . . . . . . . 337--360

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 5, Number 4, December, 2007

            Denis Krivitski and   
             Assaf Schuster and   
                      Ran Wolff   A Local Facility Location Algorithm for
                                  Large-scale Distributed Systems  . . . . 361--378
              Derrick Kondo and   
            Andrew A. Chien and   
                 Henri Casanova   Scheduling Task Parallel Applications
                                  for Rapid Turnaround on Enterprise
                                  Desktop Grids  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379--405
           Shannon Hastings and   
                Scott Oster and   
           Stephen Langella and   
                David Ervin and   
                Tahsin Kurc and   
                     Joel Saltz   Introduce: An Open Source Toolkit for
                                  Rapid Development of Strongly Typed Grid
                                  Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407--427
            S. E. Middleton and   
                M. Surridge and   
                 S. Benkner and   
                 G. Engelbrecht   Quality of Service Negotiation for
                                  Commercial Medical Grid Services . . . . 429--447

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 6, Number 1, March, 2008

            Massimo Lamanna and   
                    Erwin Laure   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--2
             Julia Andreeva and   
             Simone Campana and   
           Federica Fanzago and   
                   Juha Herrala   High-Energy Physics on the Grid: the
                                  ATLAS and CMS Experience . . . . . . . . 3--13
Cécile Germain-Renaud and   
             Charles Loomis and   
        Jakub T. Mo\'scicki and   
                  Romain Texier   Scheduling for Responsive Grids  . . . . 15--27
                    N. Jacq and   
               J. Salzemann and   
                    F. Jacq and   
            Y. Legré and   
               E. Medernach and   
               J. Montagnat and   
              A. Maaß and   
              M. Reichstadt and   
          H. Schwichtenberg and   
                 M. Sridhar and   
                   V. Kasam and   
              M. Zimmermann and   
                 M. Hofmann and   
                      V. Breton   Grid-enabled Virtual Screening Against
                                  Malaria  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29--43
            Johan Montagnat and   
        Ákos Frohner and   
            Daniel Jouvenot and   
            Christophe Pera and   
               Peter Kunszt and   
             Birger Koblitz and   
                Nuno Santos and   
             Charles Loomis and   
              Romain Texier and   
             Diane Lingrand and   
               Patrick Guio and   
     Ricardo Brito Da Rocha and   
Antonio Sobreira de Almeida and   
           Zoltán Farkas   A Secure Grid Medical Data Manager
                                  Interfaced to the gLite Middleware . . . 45--59
                 B. Koblitz and   
                  N. Santos and   
                        V. Pose   The AMGA Metadata Service  . . . . . . . 61--76
Konstantinos Christodoulopoulos and   
           Vasileios Gkamas and   
        Emmanouel A. Varvarigos   Statistical Analysis and Modeling of
                                  Jobs in a Grid Environment . . . . . . . 77--101
         Rashedur M. Rahman and   
                 Ken Barker and   
                    Reda Alhajj   Replica Placement Strategies in Data
                                  Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103--123

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 6, Number 2, June, 2008

        Agostino Forestiero and   
          Carlo Mastroianni and   
          Giandomenico Spezzano   Building a Peer-to-peer Information
                                  System in Grids via Self-organizing
                                  Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125--140
         Yoshihiro Nakajima and   
             Mitsuhisa Sato and   
              Yoshiaki Aida and   
               Taisuke Boku and   
                Franck Cappello   Integrating Computing Resources on
                                  Multiple Grid-Enabled Job Scheduling
                                  Systems Through a Grid RPC System  . . . 141--157
           Ranieri Baraglia and   
             Renato Ferrini and   
          Nicola Tonellotto and   
                Laura Ricci and   
                Ramin Yahyapour   A Launch-time Scheduling Heuristics for
                                  Parallel Applications on Wide Area Grids 159--175
               Glenn Wasson and   
            Norm Beekwilder and   
          David Del Vecchio and   
                Mark Morgan and   
                 Marty Humphrey   Resource-oriented Computing: Design,
                                  Implementation, and Evaluation of
                                  WSRF.NET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177--194
            Andrea Pugliese and   
             Domenico Talia and   
                Ramin Yahyapour   Modeling and Supporting Grid Scheduling  195--213

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 6, Number 3, September, 2008

             Daniel J. Veit and   
              Wolfgang Gentzsch   Grid Economics and Business Models . . . 215--217
               Ramayya Krishnan   Grid Economics: a Selective Discussion
                                  of Two Research Problems . . . . . . . . 219--224
             Torsten Eymann and   
          Stefan König and   
                 Raimund Matros   A Framework for Trust and Reputation in
                                  Grid Environments  . . . . . . . . . . . 225--237
                  Qin Zheng and   
            Chen-Khong Tham and   
           Bharadwaj Veeravalli   Dynamic Load Balancing and Pricing in
                                  Grid Computing with Communication Delay  239--253
              James Broberg and   
         Srikumar Venugopal and   
                 Rajkumar Buyya   Market-oriented Grids and Utility
                                  Computing: The State-of-the-art and
                                  Future Directions  . . . . . . . . . . . 255--276
                 Roman Beck and   
            Michael Schwind and   
                    Oliver Hinz   Grid Economics in Departmentalized
                                  Enterprises  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277--290
             Kevin L. Mills and   
          Christopher Dabrowski   Can Economics-based Resource Allocation
                                  Prove Effective in a Computation
                                  Marketplace? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291--311
                Jim Spohrer and   
          Laura C. Anderson and   
             Norman J. Pass and   
                  Tryg Ager and   
                   Daniel Gruhl   Service Science  . . . . . . . . . . . . 313--324
               Dirk Neumann and   
   Jochen Stößer and   
         Christof Weinhardt and   
                     Jens Nimis   A Framework for Commercial Grids ---
                                  Economic and Technical Challenges  . . . 325--347
        Werner Streitberger and   
           Sebastian Hudert and   
             Torsten Eymann and   
           Bjoern Schnizler and   
              Floriano Zini and   
                         others   On the Simulation of Grid Market
                                  Coordination Approaches  . . . . . . . . 349--366

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 6, Number 4, December, 2008

                Luca Gatani and   
        Alessandra De Paola and   
             Giuseppe Lo Re and   
               Salvatore Gaglio   An Adaptive Routing Mechanism for P2P
                                  Resource Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . 367--367
            Johan Montagnat and   
            Tristan Glatard and   
    Isabel Campos Plasencia and   
  Francisco Castejón and   
              Xavier Pennec and   
                         others   Workflow-Based Data Parallel
                                  Applications on the EGEE Production Grid
                                  Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369--383
                 Alek Opitz and   
         Hartmut König and   
           Sebastian Szamlewska   What Does Grid Computing Cost? . . . . . 385--397
                  Y. Kotani and   
                     F. Ino and   
                    K. Hagihara   A Resource Selection System for Cycle
                                  Stealing in GPU Grids  . . . . . . . . . 399--416

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 7, Number 1, March, 2009

              Chee Shin Yeo and   
                 Rajkumar Buyya   Integrated Risk Analysis for a
                                  Commercial Computing Service in Utility
                                  Computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--24
              Jefferson Tan and   
             David Abramson and   
                 Colin Enticott   REMUS: a Rerouting and Multiplexing
                                  System for Grid Connectivity Across
                                  Firewalls  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25--50
              Douglas Thain and   
        Christopher Moretti and   
                 Jeffrey Hemmes   Chirp: a practical global filesystem for
                                  cluster and Grid computing . . . . . . . 51--72
               Eun-Kyu Byun and   
                    Jin-Soo Kim   DynaGrid: An Adaptive, Scalable, and
                                  Reliable Resource Provisioning Framework
                                  for WSRF-Compliant Applications  . . . . 73--89
           Samer Al-Kiswany and   
              Matei Ripeanu and   
          Adriana Iamnitchi and   
           Sudharshan Vazhkudai   Beyond Music Sharing: An Evaluation of
                                  Peer-to-Peer Data Dissemination
                                  Techniques in Large Scientific
                                  Collaborations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91--114
            Andrea Domenici and   
                   Flavia Donno   Static and Dynamic Data Models for the
                                  Storage Resource Manager v2.2  . . . . . 115--133

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 7, Number 2, June, 2009

                Sven Schulz and   
        Wolfgang Blochinger and   
                  Hannes Hannak   Capability-Aware Information Aggregation
                                  in Peer-to-Peer Grids Methods,
                                  Architecture, and Implementation . . . . 135--167
                    Bo Lang and   
                 Ian Foster and   
           Frank Siebenlist and   
    Rachana Ananthakrishnan and   
                    Tim Freeman   A Flexible Attribute Based Access
                                  Control Method for Grid Computing  . . . 169--180
          Martin Waldburger and   
       Matthias Göhner and   
              Helmut Reiser and   
          Gabi Dreo Rodosek and   
               Burkhard Stiller   Evaluation of an Accounting Model for
                                  Dynamic Virtual Organizations  . . . . . 181--204
         Mirza Pahlevi Said and   
                    Isao Kojima   S-MDS: Semantic Monitoring and Discovery
                                  System for the Grid  . . . . . . . . . . 205--224
           Sebastian Hudert and   
               Heiko Ludwig and   
                    Guido Wirtz   Negotiating SLAs --- An Approach for a
                                  Generic Negotiation Framework for
                                  WS-Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225--246
               S. Andreozzi and   
              P. Ciancarini and   
                 D. Montesi and   
                 R. Moretti and   
                       S. Pardi   Implementation and Performance Analysis
                                  of XMatch: a Language for Quality-based
                                  Selection of Grid Services . . . . . . . 247--264
        Vineela Muppavarapu and   
                  Soon M. Chung   Role-Based Access Control in a Data Grid
                                  Using the Storage Resource Broker and
                                  Shibboleth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265--283

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 7, Number 3, September, 2009

              Morris Riedel and   
             Gabor Terstyanszky   Grid Interoperability for e-Research . . 285--286
             Laurence Field and   
                Erwin Laure and   
               Markus W. Schulz   Grid Deployment Experiences: Grid
                                  Interoperation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287--296
         Gabriele Garzoglio and   
               Ian Alderman and   
               Mine Altunay and   
    Rachana Ananthakrishnan and   
                 Joe Bester and   
                         others   Definition and Implementation of a
                                  SAML-XACML Profile for Authorization
                                  Interoperability Across Grid Middleware
                                  in OSG and EGEE  . . . . . . . . . . . . 297--307
                Jens Jensen and   
              Roger Downing and   
                 Derek Ross and   
                Matt Hodges and   
                       Alex Sim   Practical Grid Storage Interoperation:
                                  Interoperation of SRM and SRB Now  . . . 309--317
                  Timo Baur and   
               Rebecca Breu and   
 Tibor Kálmán and   
           Tobias Lindinger and   
               Anne Milbert and   
                         others   An Interoperable Grid Information System
                                  for Integrated Resource Monitoring Based
                                  on Virtual Organizations . . . . . . . . 319--333
              Etienne Urbah and   
               Peter Kacsuk and   
              Zoltan Farkas and   
               Gilles Fedak and   
           Gabor Kecskemeti and   
                         others   EDGeS: Bridging EGEE to BOINC and
                                  XtremWeb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335--354
                 Tamas Kiss and   
                    Tamas Kukla   Achieving Interoperation of Grid Data
                                  Resources via Workflow Level Integration 355--374
               Thomas Rings and   
               Geoff Caryer and   
              Julian Gallop and   
             Jens Grabowski and   
         Tatiana Kovacikova and   
                         others   Grid and Cloud Computing: Opportunities
                                  for Integration with the Next Generation
                                  Network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375--393
            Ioannis Kanaris and   
        Vasileios Mylonakis and   
  Aristotelis Chatziioannou and   
         Ilias Maglogiannis and   
                  John Soldatos   HECTOR: Enabling Microarray Experiments
                                  over the Hellenic Grid Infrastructure    395--416

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 7, Number 4, December, 2009

                  Derrick Kondo   Preface to the Special Issue on
                                  Volunteer Computing and Desktop Grids    417--418
                Xiaosong Ma and   
    Sudharshan S. Vazhkudai and   
                      Zhe Zhang   Improving Data Availability for Better
                                  Access Performance: a Study on Caching
                                  Scientific Data on Distributed Desktop
                                  Workstations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419--438
               Peter Kacsuk and   
              Jozsef Kovacs and   
              Zoltan Farkas and   
        Attila Csaba Marosi and   
               Gabor Gombas and   
                         others   SZTAKI Desktop Grid (SZDG): a Flexible
                                  and Scalable Desktop Grid System . . . . 439--461
             Viktors Bertis and   
         Raphaël Bolze and   
Frédéric Desprez and   
                     Kevin Reed   From Dedicated Grid to Volunteer Grid:
                                  Large Scale Execution of a
                                  Bioinformatics Application . . . . . . . 463--478
                 Brent Rood and   
               Michael J. Lewis   Grid Resource Availability
                                  Prediction-Based Scheduling and Task
                                  Replication  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479--500
          Eric Martin Heien and   
          David P. Anderson and   
               Kenichi Hagihara   Computing Low Latency Batches with
                                  Unreliable Workers in Volunteer
                                  Computing Environments . . . . . . . . . 501--518
                 David Toth and   
                   David Finkel   Improving the Productivity of Volunteer
                                  Computing by Using the Most Effective
                                  Task Retrieval Policies  . . . . . . . . 519--535
             Trilce Estrada and   
             Michela Taufer and   
              David P. Anderson   Performance Prediction and Analysis of
                                  BOINC Projects: An Empirical Study with
                                  EmBOINC  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537--554
    Gheorghe Cosmin Silaghi and   
              Filipe Araujo and   
           Luis Moura Silva and   
         Patricio Domingues and   
               Alvaro E. Arenas   Defeating Colluding Nodes in Desktop
                                  Grid Computing Platforms . . . . . . . . 555--573
               Kan Watanabe and   
             Masaru Fukushi and   
               Susumu Horiguchi   Optimal Spot-checking for Computation
                                  Time Minimization in Volunteer Computing 575--600
            Viktors Berstis and   
         Raphaël Bolze and   
Frédéric Desprez and   
                     Kevin Reed   Erratum to: From Dedicated Grid to
                                  Volunteer Grid: Large Scale Execution of
                                  a Bioinformatics Application . . . . . . 601--601

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 8, Number 1, March, 2010

          Michael A. Murphy and   
             Linton Abraham and   
               Michael Fenn and   
             Sebastien Goasguen   Autonomic Clouds on the Grid . . . . . . 1--18
            Paolo Andreetto and   
           Sergio Andreozzi and   
           Antonia Ghiselli and   
            Moreno Marzolla and   
            Valerio Venturi and   
                         others   Standards-Based Job Management in Grid
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19--45
                 Daniel Villela   Minimizing the Average Completion Time
                                  for Concurrent Grid Applications . . . . 47--59
            Fotis Georgatos and   
           Vasileios Gkamas and   
           Aristeidis Ilias and   
           Giannis Kouretis and   
           Emmanouel Varvarigos   A Grid-enabled CPU Scavenging
                                  Architecture and a Case Study of its Use
                                  in the Greek School Network  . . . . . . 61--75
                Sven Schulz and   
        Wolfgang Blochinger and   
                  Mathias Poths   Orbweb --- a Network Substrate for
                                  Peer-to-Peer Desktop Grid Computing
                                  Based on Open Standards  . . . . . . . . 77--107
           Ajanta De Sarkar and   
                Sarbani Roy and   
           Dibyajyoti Ghosh and   
         Rupam Mukhopadhyay and   
              Nandini Mukherjee   An Adaptive Execution Scheme for
                                  Achieving Guaranteed Performance in
                                  Computational Grids  . . . . . . . . . . 109--131
                    Chen Yu and   
               Dan C. Marinescu   Algorithms for Divisible Load Scheduling
                                  of Data-intensive Applications . . . . . 133--155

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 8, Number 2, June, 2010

         Alessandra Fanfani and   
                 Anzar Afaq and   
        Jose Afonso Sanches and   
             Julia Andreeva and   
         Giusepppe Bagliesi and   
                         others   Distributed Analysis in CMS  . . . . . . 159--179
         Kostas Lagouvardos and   
           Evangelos Floros and   
              Vassiliki Kotroni   A Grid-Enabled Regional-Scale Ensemble
                                  Forecasting System in the Mediterranean
                                  Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181--197
              K. G. Begeman and   
              A. N. Belikov and   
             D. R. Boxhoorn and   
                F. Dijkstra and   
            E. A. Valentijn and   
                         others   Merging Grid Technologies Astro-WISE and
                                  EGEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199--221
           Giuliano Taffoni and   
              Santi Cassisi and   
           Patrizia Manzato and   
             Marco Molinaro and   
               Fabio Pasian and   
                         others   Grid and Databases: BaSTI as a Practical
                                  Integration Example  . . . . . . . . . . 223--240
        Sorina Camarasu-Pop and   
            Tristan Glatard and   
        Jakub T. Mo\'scicki and   
       Hugues Benoit-Cattin and   
                   David Sarrut   Dynamic Partitioning of GATE Monte-Carlo
                                  Simulations on EGEE  . . . . . . . . . . 241--259
          Maximilian Berger and   
               Thomas Fahringer   Practical Experience from Porting and
                                  Executing the Wien2k Application on the
                                  EGEE Production Grid Infrastructure  . . 261--279
              George Pallis and   
      Asterios Katsifodimos and   
            Marios D. Dikaiakos   Searching for Software on the EGEE
                                  Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281--304
             Diane Lingrand and   
            Johan Montagnat and   
           Janusz Martyniak and   
                  David Colling   Optimization of Jobs Submission on the
                                  EGEE Production Grid: Modeling Faults
                                  Using Workload . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305--321
             Julia Andreeva and   
                  Max Boehm and   
           Benjamin Gaidioz and   
           Edward Karavakis and   
       Lukasz Kokoszkiewicz and   
                         others   Experiment Dashboard for Monitoring
                                  Computing Activities of the LHC Virtual
                                  Organizations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323--339
              Brian Coghlan and   
                 John Walsh and   
             Stephen Childs and   
              Geoff Quigley and   
          David O'Callaghan and   
                         others   The Back-End of a Two-Layer Model for a
                                  Federated National Datastore for
                                  Academic Research VOs that Integrates
                                  EGEE Data Management . . . . . . . . . . 341--364

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 8, Number 3, September, 2010

          Anand Padmanabhan and   
              Sukumar Ghosh and   
                   Shaowen Wang   A Self-Organized Grouping (SOG)
                                  Framework for Efficient Grid Resource
                                  Discovery  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365--389
        Vincenzo D. Cunsolo and   
        Salvatore Distefano and   
          Antonio Puliafito and   
                Marco L. Scarpa   GS$^3$: a Grid Storage System with
                                  Security Features  . . . . . . . . . . . 391--418
  Luiz Fernando Bittencourt and   
          Edmundo R. M. Madeira   Towards the Scheduling of Multiple
                                  Workflows on Computational Grids . . . . 419--441
                Sven Schulz and   
            Wolfgang Blochinger   Parallel SAT Solving on Peer-to-Peer
                                  Desktop Grids  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443--471
               Julien Perez and   
Cécile Germain-Renaud and   
         Balazs Kégl and   
                 Charles Loomis   Multi-objective Reinforcement Learning
                                  for Responsive Grids . . . . . . . . . . 473--492

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 8, Number 4, December, 2010

                Radu Prodan and   
                Marek Wieczorek   Negotiation-Based Scheduling of
                                  Scientific Grid Workflows Through
                                  Advance Reservations . . . . . . . . . . 493--510
            Andrea Calabria and   
         Davide Di Pasquale and   
             Matteo Gnocchi and   
     Paolo Alessandro Cozzi and   
            Alessandro Orro and   
 Gabriele Antonio Trombetti and   
               Luciano Milanesi   Grid Based Genome Wide Studies on Atrial
                                  Flutter  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511--527
              Hsin-Yen Chen and   
               Mason Hsiung and   
             Hurng-Chun Lee and   
                   Eric Yen and   
               Simon C. Lin and   
                         others   GVSS: a High Throughput Drug Discovery
                                  Service of Avian Flu and Dengue Fever
                                  for EGEE and EUAsiaGrid  . . . . . . . . 529--541
             Cosimo Anglano and   
           Massimo Canonico and   
                 Marco Guazzone   The ShareGrid Peer-to-Peer Desktop Grid:
                                  Infrastructure, Applications, and
                                  Performance Evaluation . . . . . . . . . 543--570
           Antonio Lagan\`a and   
      Alessandro Costantini and   
            Osvaldo Gervasi and   
        Noelia Faginas Lago and   
              Carlo Manuali and   
                         others   COMPCHEM: Progress Towards GEMS a Grid
                                  Empowered Molecular Simulator and Beyond 571--586
                 Tamas Kiss and   
           Pamela Greenwell and   
                Hans Heindl and   
         Gabor Terstyanszky and   
                Noam Weingarten   Parameter Sweep Workflows for Modelling
                                  Carbohydrate Recognition . . . . . . . . 587--601

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 9, Number 1, March, 2011

                 Ian Foster and   
                   Peter Kacsuk   Editors' Message . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--2
       Bhaskar Prasad Rimal and   
               Admela Jukan and   
         Dimitrios Katsaros and   
                  Yves Goeleven   Architectural Requirements for Cloud
                                  Computing Systems: An Enterprise Cloud
                                  Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3--26
            Tram Truong Huu and   
        Guilherme Koslovski and   
            Fabienne Anhalt and   
            Johan Montagnat and   
     Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet   Joint Elastic Cloud and Virtual Network
                                  Framework for Application
                                  Performance-cost Optimization  . . . . . 27--47
                 Eddy Caron and   
Frédéric Desprez and   
                 Adrian Muresan   Pattern Matching Based Forecast of
                                  Non-periodic Repetitive Behavior for
                                  Cloud Clients  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49--64
      Ricardo Graciani Diaz and   
         Adria Casajus Ramo and   
    Ana Carmona Agüero and   
             Thomas Fifield and   
                  Martin Sevior   Belle--DIRAC Setup for Using Amazon
                                  Elastic Compute Cloud Providing
                                  Homogeneous Access to Heterogeneous
                                  Computing Resources  . . . . . . . . . . 65--79
           Kurt Vanmechelen and   
              Wim Depoorter and   
                 Jan Broeckhove   Combining Futures and Spot Markets: a
                                  Hybrid Market Approach to Economic Grid
                                  Resource Management  . . . . . . . . . . 81--94
Juan Manuel Ramírez-Alcaraz and   
           Andrei Tchernykh and   
            Ramin Yahyapour and   
         Uwe Schwiegelshohn and   
         Ariel Quezada-Pina and   
José Luis González-García and   
   Adán Hirales-Carbajal   Job Allocation Strategies with User Run
                                  Time Estimates for Online Scheduling in
                                  Hierarchical Grids . . . . . . . . . . . 95--116

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 9, Number 2, June, 2011

                  Ognjen Prnjat   Guest Editors' Message . . . . . . . . . 117--118
            Tiziana Ferrari and   
                  Luciano Gaido   Resources and Services of the EGEE
                                  Production Infrastructure  . . . . . . . 119--133
                Antun Balaz and   
              Ognjen Prnjat and   
         Dusan Vudragovi\'c and   
         Vladimir Slavni\'c and   
           Ioannis Liabotis and   
                         others   Development of Grid e-Infrastructure in
                                  South-Eastern Europe . . . . . . . . . . 135--154
         Giuseppe Andronico and   
          Valeria Ardizzone and   
            Roberto Barbera and   
               Bruce Becker and   
             Riccardo Bruno and   
         Antonio Calanducci and   
             Diego Carvalho and   
             Leandro Ciuffo and   
             Marco Fargetta and   
             Emidio Giorgio and   
          Guiseppe La Rocca and   
              Albert Masoni and   
             Marco Paganoni and   
          Federico Ruggieri and   
                 Diego Scardaci   e-Infrastructures for e-Science: a
                                  Global View  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155--184
            Ashley D. Lloyd and   
               Terence M. Sloan   Intercontinental Grids: An
                                  Infrastructure for Demand-Driven
                                  Innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185--200
               Mine Altunay and   
                 Paul Avery and   
             Kent Blackburn and   
            Brian Bockelman and   
              Michael Ernst and   
                 Dan Fraser and   
               Robert Quick and   
             Robert Gardner and   
         Sebastien Goasguen and   
             Tanya Levshina and   
                Miron Livny and   
                 John McGee and   
                 Doug Olson and   
                Ruth Pordes and   
             Maxim Potekhin and   
               Abhisek Rana and   
                  Alain Roy and   
             Chander Sehgal and   
              Igor Sfiligoi and   
           Frank Wuerthwein and   
The Open Science Grid Executive Board   A Science Driven Production
                                  Cyberinfrastructure --- the Open Science
                                  Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201--218
                  P. Kacsuk and   
                  J. Kovacs and   
                  Z. Farkas and   
              A. Cs. Marosi and   
                     Z. Balaton   Towards a Powerful European DCI Based on
                                  Desktop Grids  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219--239
       Francisco Brasileiro and   
          Matheus Gaudencio and   
               Rafael Silva and   
           Alexandre Duarte and   
             Diego Carvalho and   
             Diego Scardaci and   
             Leandro Ciuffo and   
                Rafael Mayo and   
             Herbert Hoeger and   
            Michael Stanton and   
                 Raul Ramos and   
            Roberto Barbera and   
            Bernal Marechal and   
              Philippe Gavillet   Using a Simple Prioritisation Mechanism
                                  to Effectively Interoperate Service and
                                  Opportunistic Grids in the EELA-2
                                  e-Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . 241--257
          Wolfgang Gentzsch and   
                Denis Girou and   
             Alison Kennedy and   
            Hermann Lederer and   
             Johannes Reetz and   
              Morris Riedel and   
             Andreas Schott and   
               Andrea Vanni and   
            Mariano Vazquez and   
                  Jules Wolfrat   DEISA --- Distributed European
                                  Infrastructure for Supercomputing
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259--277

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 9, Number 3, September, 2011

           Simone A. Ludwig and   
                   Azin Moallem   Swarm Intelligence Approaches for Grid
                                  Load Balancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279--301
        Sayed Chhattan Shah and   
                Myong Soon Park   An Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation
                                  Scheme for Mobile Ad Hoc Computational
                                  Grids  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303--323
                Rakhi Anand and   
               Troy LeBlanc and   
              Edgar Gabriel and   
                 Jaspal Subhlok   A Robust and Efficient Message Passing
                                  Library for Volunteer Computing
                                  Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325--344
Víctor Méndez Muñoz and   
Gabriel Amorós Vicente and   
                  Mohammed Kaci   A Decentralized Deployment Strategy and
                                  Performance Evaluation of LCG File
                                  Catalog Service  . . . . . . . . . . . . 345--354
          Georg Birkenheuer and   
     André Brinkmann and   
       Mikael Högqvist and   
       Alexander Papaspyrou and   
            Bernhard Schott and   
         Dietmar Sommerfeld and   
               Wolfgang Ziegler   Infrastructure Federation Through
                                  Virtualized Delegation of Resources and
                                  Services DGSI: Adding Interoperability
                                  to DCI Meta Schedulers . . . . . . . . . 355--377
               H. A. Sanjay and   
            Sathish S. Vadhiyar   Strategies for Rescheduling
                                  Tightly-Coupled Parallel Applications in
                                  Multi-Cluster Grids  . . . . . . . . . . 379--403
           Vincent Thierion and   
         Pierre-Alain Ayral and   
               Geisel Jacob and   
Sauvagnargues-Lesage Sophie and   
              Payrastre Olivier   Grid Technology Reliability for Flash
                                  Flood Forecasting: End-user Assessment   405--422

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 9, Number 4, December, 2011

Tamás Éltetö and   
Cécile Germain-Renaud and   
              Pascal Bondon and   
                Mich\`ele Sebag   Towards Non-Stationary Grid Models . . . 423--440
             Riccardo Murri and   
            Peter Z. Kunszt and   
         Sergio Maffioletti and   
                 Valery Tschopp   GridCertLib: a Single Sign-on Solution
                                  for Grid Web Applications and Portals    441--453
 Sivagama Sundari Murugavel and   
        Sathish S. Vadhiyar and   
             Ravi S. Nanjundiah   Adaptive Executions of Multi-Physics
                                  Coupled Applications on Batch Grids  . . 455--478
           Zoltán Farkas   Grid Interoperability Based on a Formal
                                  Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479--499
                Verdi March and   
                  Yong Meng Teo   A Read-Only Distributed Hash Table . . . 501--529
                Radu Prodan and   
            Marek Wieczorek and   
           Hamid Mohammadi Fard   Double Auction-based Scheduling of
                                  Scientific Applications in Distributed
                                  Grid and Cloud Environments  . . . . . . 531--548
         Mahantesh N. Birje and   
            Sunilkumar S. Manvi   WiGriMMA: a Wireless Grid Monitoring
                                  Model Using Agents . . . . . . . . . . . 549--572
         Arnas Kaceniauskas and   
                 Ruslan Pacevic   VizLitG: Grid Visualization e-Service
                                  Enabling Partial Dataset Transfer from
                                  Storage Elements of gLite-based Grid
                                  Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573--589

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 10, Number 1, March, 2012

               Tevfik Kosar and   
                     Ioan Raicu   Guest Editors' Introduction: Special
                                  Issue on Data-Intensive Computing in the
                                  Clouds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--4
                Gideon Juve and   
                Ewa Deelman and   
          G. Bruce Berriman and   
         Benjamin P. Berman and   
               Philip Maechling   An Evaluation of the Cost and
                                  Performance of Scientific Workflows on
                                  Amazon EC2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5--21
                Chris Bunch and   
              Brian Drawert and   
              Navraj Chohan and   
             Chandra Krintz and   
              Linda Petzold and   
                  Khawaja Shams   Language and Runtime Support for
                                  Automatic Configuration and Deployment
                                  of Scientific Computing Software over
                                  Cloud Fabrics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23--46
              Yanfeng Zhang and   
                  Qixin Gao and   
                  Lixin Gao and   
                   Cuirong Wang   iMapReduce: a Distributed Computing
                                  Framework for Iterative Computation  . . 47--68
               Changwoo Min and   
                Inhyeok Kim and   
              Taehyoung Kim and   
                   Young Ik Eom   VMMB: Virtual Machine Memory Balancing
                                  for Unmodified Operating Systems . . . . 69--84
                  Charles Loboz   Cloud Resource Usage --- Heavy Tailed
                                  Distributions Invalidating Traditional
                                  Capacity Planning Models . . . . . . . . 85--108
            Pouria Pirzadeh and   
           Junichi Tatemura and   
                  Oliver Po and   
      Hakan Hacigümüs   Performance Evaluation of Range Queries
                                  in Key Value Stores  . . . . . . . . . . 109--132
               Peter Wittek and   
   Sándor Darányi   Digital Preservation in Grids and
                                  Clouds: a Middleware Approach  . . . . . 133--149
         Tien Tuan Anh Dinh and   
              Wang Wenqiang and   
                Anwitaman Datta   City on the Sky: Extending XACML for
                                  Flexible, Secure Data Sharing on the
                                  Cloud  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151--172
                   Wei Wang and   
                    Guosun Zeng   Bayesian Cognitive Model in Scheduling
                                  Algorithm for Data Intensive Computing   173--184
Alberto Núñez and   
Jose L. Vázquez-Poletti and   
        Agustin C. Caminero and   
Gabriel G. Castañé and   
            Jesus Carretero and   
            Ignacio M. Llorente   iCanCloud: a Flexible and Scalable Cloud
                                  Infrastructure Simulator . . . . . . . . 185--209

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 10, Number 2, June, 2012

        Ahmed Ibrahim Saleh and   
            Amany M. Sarhan and   
                   Amr M. Hamed   A New Grid Scheduler with Failure
                                  Recovery and Rescheduling Mechanisms:
                                  Discussion and Analysis  . . . . . . . . 211--235
Michael N. Kalochristianakis and   
            Fotis Georgatos and   
             Vasilis Gkamas and   
           Giannis Kouretis and   
           Emmanouel Varvarigos   Deploying LiveWN Grids in the Greek
                                  School Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237--248
                 Rajni Aron and   
                Inderveer Chana   Formal QoS Policy Based Grid Resource
                                  Provisioning Framework . . . . . . . . . 249--264
               Ugo Becciani and   
 Vincenzo Antonuccio-Delogu and   
           Alessandro Costa and   
                    Catia Petta   Cosmological Simulations and Data
                                  Exploration: a Testcase on the Usage of
                                  Grid Infrastructure  . . . . . . . . . . 265--277
               Hailong Yang and   
              Zhongzhi Luan and   
                  Wenjun Li and   
                     Depei Qian   MapReduce Workload Modeling with
                                  Statistical Approach . . . . . . . . . . 279--310
      Kyriaki Z. Gkoutioudi and   
               Helen D. Karatza   Multi-Criteria Job Scheduling in Grid
                                  Using an Accelerated Genetic Algorithm   311--323
Adán Hirales-Carbajal and   
           Andrei Tchernykh and   
            Ramin Yahyapour and   
José Luis González-García and   
        Thomas Röblitz and   
Juan Manuel Ramírez-Alcaraz   Multiple Workflow Scheduling Strategies
                                  with User Run Time Estimates on a Grid   325--346

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 10, Number 3, September, 2012

               Eric Aubanel and   
        Virendra C. Bhavsar and   
           Michael Alex Frumkin   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347--348
        Jesús Montes and   
     Alberto Sánchez and   
   María S. Pérez   Riding Out the Storm: How to Deal with
                                  the Complexity of Grid and Cloud
                                  Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349--366
                   Qishi Wu and   
                Mengxia Zhu and   
                      Yi Gu and   
              Patrick Brown and   
                  Xukang Lu and   
                  Wuyin Lin and   
                    Yangang Liu   A Distributed Workflow Management System
                                  with Case Study of Real-life Scientific
                                  Applications on Grids  . . . . . . . . . 367--393
              Esma Yildirim and   
                   Tevfik Kosar   End-to-End Data-Flow Parallelism for
                                  Throughput Optimization in High-Speed
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395--418
              Rostand Costa and   
       Francisco Brasileiro and   
          Guido Lemos Filho and   
              Dênio Sousa   Using Broadcast Networks to Create
                                  On-demand Extremely Large Scale
                                  High-throughput Computing
                                  Infrastructures  . . . . . . . . . . . . 419--445
                Ivan Rodero and   
 Hariharasudhan Viswanathan and   
              Eun Kyung Lee and   
                Marc Gamell and   
              Dario Pompili and   
                Manish Parashar   Energy-Efficient Thermal-Aware Autonomic
                                  Management of Virtualized HPC Cloud
                                  Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447--473
          Luis Tomás and   
            Blanca Caminero and   
      Carmen Carrión and   
     Agustín C. Caminero   On the Improvement of Grid Resource
                                  Utilization: Preventive and Reactive
                                  Rescheduling Approaches  . . . . . . . . 475--499
       Maria Grazia Buscemi and   
              Ugo Montanari and   
                   Sonia Taneja   A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Grid Job
                                  Scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501--519
         Daniel de Oliveira and   
 Kary A. C. S. Ocaña and   
      Fernanda Baião and   
                  Marta Mattoso   A Provenance-based Adaptive Scheduling
                                  Heuristic for Parallel Scientific
                                  Workflows in Clouds  . . . . . . . . . . 521--552
     Oliver Niehörster and   
     André Brinkmann and   
                Axel Keller and   
      Christoph Kleineweber and   
           Jens Krüger and   
                     Jens Simon   Cost-Aware and SLO-Fulfilling Software
                                  as a Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553--577
                 Zhen Huang and   
                 Yisong Lin and   
                    Yuxing Peng   Robust Redundancy Scheme for the Repair
                                  Process: Hierarchical Codes in the
                                  Bandwidth-Limited Systems  . . . . . . . 579--597

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 10, Number 4, December, 2012

                     Tamas Kiss   Science Gateways for the Broader Take-up
                                  of Distributed Computing Infrastructures 599--600
               Peter Kacsuk and   
              Zoltan Farkas and   
          Miklos Kozlovszky and   
              Gabor Hermann and   
               Akos Balasko and   
        Krisztian Karoczkai and   
                  Istvan Marton   WS-PGRADE/gUSE Generic DCI Gateway
                                  Framework for a Large Variety of User
                                  Communities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601--630
            Piotr Dziubecki and   
            Piotr Grabowski and   
         Michal Krysi\'nski and   
         Tomasz Kuczy\'nski and   
         Krzysztof Kurowski and   
                Dawid Szejnfeld   Easy Development and Integration of
                                  Science Gateways with Vine Toolkit . . . 631--645
          Sharath Maddineni and   
                Joohyun Kim and   
          Yaakoub El-Khamra and   
                   Shantenu Jha   Distributed Application Runtime
                                  Environment (DARE): a Standards-based
                                  Middleware Framework for Science
                                  Gateways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647--664
           Cristina Maestre and   
J. Dami\`an Segrelles Quilis and   
                Erik Torres and   
           Ignacio Blanquer and   
              Rosana Medina and   
   Vicente Hernández and   
              Luis Martí   Assessing the Usability of a Science
                                  Gateway for Medical Knowledge Bases with
                                  TRENCADIS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 665--688
               V. Ardizzone and   
                 R. Barbera and   
              A. Calanducci and   
                M. Fargetta and   
                 E. Ingr\`a and   
                   I. Porro and   
                G. La Rocca and   
                S. Monforte and   
                 R. Ricceri and   
                 R. Rotondo and   
                D. Scardaci and   
                    A. Schenone   The DECIDE Science Gateway . . . . . . . 689--707
                     Jie Wu and   
        René Siewert and   
           Andreas Hoheisel and   
        Jürgen Falkner and   
        Oliver Strauß and   
           Dinko Berberovic and   
                Dagmar Krefting   The Charité Grid Portal: User-friendly
                                  and Secure Access to Grid-based
                                  Resources and Services . . . . . . . . . 709--724
             Shayan Shahand and   
             Mark Santcroos and   
   Antoine H. C. van Kampen and   
Sílvia Delgado Olabarriaga   A Grid-Enabled Gateway for Biomedical
                                  Data Analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725--742
        Tsjerk A. Wassenaar and   
              Marc van Dijk and   
     Nuno Loureiro-Ferreira and   
         Gijs van der Schot and   
         Sjoerd J. de Vries and   
         Christophe Schmitz and   
         Johan van der Zwan and   
               Rolf Boelens and   
           Andrea Giachetti and   
              Lucio Ferella and   
             Antonio Rosato and   
              Ivano Bertini and   
           Torsten Herrmann and   
       Hendrik R. A. Jonker and   
             Anurag Bagaria and   
                          et al   WeNMR: Structural Biology on the Grid    743--767
              Sandra Gesing and   
            Richard Grunzke and   
           Jens Krüger and   
          Georg Birkenheuer and   
              Martin Wewior and   
       Patrick Schäfer and   
             Bernd Schuller and   
          Johannes Schuster and   
        Sonja Herres-Pawlis and   
          Sebastian Breuers and   
 Ákos Balaskó and   
          Miklos Kozlovszky and   
        Anna Szikszay Fabri and   
            Lars Packschies and   
               Peter Kacsuk and   
                          et al   A Single Sign-On Infrastructure for
                                  Science Gateways on a Use Case for
                                  Structural Bioinformatics  . . . . . . . 769--790

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 11, Number 1, March, 2013

              Antonio Cuomo and   
         Giuseppe Di Modica and   
        Salvatore Distefano and   
          Antonio Puliafito and   
           Massimiliano Rak and   
           Orazio Tomarchio and   
      Salvatore Venticinque and   
                Umberto Villano   An SLA-based Broker for Cloud
                                  Infrastructures  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--25
                       Keqin Li   Optimal Load Distribution for Multiple
                                  Heterogeneous Blade Servers in a Cloud
                                  Computing Environment  . . . . . . . . . 27--46
                Yongcai Tao and   
                    Hai Jin and   
                    Song Wu and   
                Xuanhua Shi and   
                        Lei Shi   Dependable Grid Workflow Scheduling
                                  Based on Resource Availability . . . . . 47--61
              Navraj Chohan and   
                Chris Bunch and   
             Chandra Krintz and   
             Navyasri Canumalla   Cloud Platform Datastore Support . . . . 63--81
         Giorgos Margaritis and   
Andromachi Hatzieleftheriou and   
       Stergios V. Anastasiadis   Nephele: Scalable Access Control for
                                  Federated File Services  . . . . . . . . 83--102
                 Manghui Tu and   
                     Hui Ma and   
            Liangliang Xiao and   
                I.-Ling Yen and   
             Farokh Bastani and   
                   Dianxiang Xu   Data Placement in P2P Data Grids
                                  Considering the Availability, Security,
                                  Access Performance and Load Balancing    103--127
          Lesandro Ponciano and   
           Francisco Brasileiro   Assessing Green Strategies in
                                  Peer-to-Peer Opportunistic Grids . . . . 129--148
  Máté Pataki and   
            Attila Csaba Marosi   Searching for Translated Plagiarism with
                                  the Help of Desktop Grids  . . . . . . . 149--166

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 11, Number 2, June, 2013

         Matthias Hovestadt and   
                   Odej Kao and   
              Andreas Kliem and   
                 Daniel Warneke   Adaptive Online Compression in Clouds
                                  --- Making Informed Decisions in Virtual
                                  Machine Environments . . . . . . . . . . 167--186
           Amirreza Zarrabi and   
      Khairulmizam Samsudin and   
           Wan Azizun Wan Adnan   Linux Support for Fast Transparent
                                  General Purpose Checkpoint/Restart of
                                  Multithreaded Processes in Loadable
                                  Kernel Module  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187--210
             Massimo Cafaro and   
                Maria Mirto and   
               Giovanni Aloisio   Preference-Based Matchmaking of Grid
                                  Resources with CP-Nets . . . . . . . . . 211--237
         Hrachya Astsatryan and   
          Vladimir Sahakyan and   
           Yuri Shoukouryan and   
        Michel Daydé and   
            Aurelie Hurault and   
             Ronan Guivarch and   
           Harutyun Terzyan and   
             Levon Hovhannisyan   On the Easy Use of Scientific Computing
                                  Services for Large Scale Linear Algebra
                                  and Parallel Decision Making with the
                                  P-Grade Portal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239--248
                Lance Stout and   
             Matthew Walker and   
 Jérôme Lauret and   
         Sebastien Goasguen and   
              Michael A. Murphy   Using Kestrel and XMPP to Support the
                                  STAR Experiment in the Cloud . . . . . . 249--264
            Roberto Alfieri and   
            Silvia Arezzini and   
             Alberto Ciampa and   
          Roberto De Pietri and   
                 Enrico Mazzoni   HPC on the Grid: The Theophys Experience 265--280
              Jawwad Shamsi and   
       Muhammad Ali Khojaye and   
             Mohammad Ali Qasmi   Data-Intensive Cloud Computing:
                                  Requirements, Expectations, Challenges,
                                  and Solutions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281--310
                Ivan Rodero and   
             David Villegas and   
             Norman Bobroff and   
                 Yanbin Liu and   
                 Liana Fong and   
              S. Masoud Sadjadi   Enabling Interoperability among Grid
                                  Meta-Schedulers  . . . . . . . . . . . . 311--336

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 11, Number 3, September, 2013

            Johan Montagnat and   
                  Ian J. Taylor   Guest Editor's Introduction: Special
                                  Issue on Workflow  . . . . . . . . . . . 337--339
          Justin M. Wozniak and   
              Michael Wilde and   
                 Daniel S. Katz   JETS: Language and System Support for
                                  Many-Parallel-Task Workflows . . . . . . 341--360
                      Yi Gu and   
             Chase Qishi Wu and   
                    Xin Liu and   
                     Dantong Yu   Distributed Throughput Optimization for
                                  Large-Scale Scientific Workflows Under
                                  Fault-Tolerance Constraint . . . . . . . 361--379
                 Karan Vahi and   
                 Ian Harvey and   
              Taghrid Samak and   
              Daniel Gunter and   
               Kieran Evans and   
               David Rogers and   
                 Ian Taylor and   
                Monte Goode and   
                Fabio Silva and   
         Eddie Al-Shakarchi and   
              Gaurang Mehta and   
                Ewa Deelman and   
                   Andrew Jones   A Case Study into Using Common Real-Time
                                  Workflow Monitoring Infrastructure for
                                  Scientific Workflows . . . . . . . . . . 381--406
      Vincent C. Emeakaroha and   
             Michael Maurer and   
              Patrick Stern and   
            Pawe\l P. Labaj and   
              Ivona Brandic and   
                 David P. Kreil   Managing and Optimizing Bioinformatics
                                  Workflows for Data Analysis in Clouds    407--428
     Kassian Plankensteiner and   
                Radu Prodan and   
        Matthias Janetschek and   
           Thomas Fahringer and   
            Johan Montagnat and   
               David Rogers and   
                 Ian Harvey and   
                 Ian Taylor and   
 Ákos Balaskó and   
            Péter Kacsuk   Fine-Grain Interoperability of
                                  Scientific Workflows in Distributed
                                  Computing Infrastructures  . . . . . . . 429--455
               David Rogers and   
                 Ian Harvey and   
            Tram Truong Huu and   
               Kieran Evans and   
            Tristan Glatard and   
             Ibrahim Kallel and   
                 Ian Taylor and   
            Johan Montagnat and   
               Andrew Jones and   
                Andrew Harrison   Bundle and Pool Architecture for
                                  Multi-Language, Robust, Scalable
                                  Workflow Executions  . . . . . . . . . . 457--480
              Anja Le Blanc and   
                John Brooke and   
              Donal Fellows and   
              Marco Soldati and   
David Pérez-Suárez and   
         Alessandro Marassi and   
                  Andrej Santin   Workflows for Heliophysics . . . . . . . 481--503
           Vladimir Korkhov and   
            Dagmar Krefting and   
                Tamas Kukla and   
      Gabor Z. Terstyanszky and   
         Matthan W. A. Caan and   
          Silvia D. Olabarriaga   Exploring Workflow Interoperability for
                                  Neuroimage Analysis on the SHIWA
                                  Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505--522
         Gayathri Nadarajan and   
        Yun-Heh Chen-Burger and   
               Robert B. Fisher   Semantics and Planning Based Workflow
                                  Composition for Video Processing . . . . 523--551
              Mirko Sonntag and   
            Dimka Karastoyanova   Model-as-you-go: An Approach for an
                                  Advanced Infrastructure for Scientific
                                  Workflows  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553--583
               Nadia Cerezo and   
            Johan Montagnat and   
        Mireille Blay-Fornarino   Computer-Assisted Scientific Workflow
                                  Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585--612

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 11, Number 4, December, 2013

 Roberto R. Expósito and   
       Guillermo L. Taboada and   
               Sabela Ramos and   
Jorge González-Domínguez and   
        Juan Touriño and   
            Ramón Doallo   Analysis of I/O Performance on an Amazon
                                  EC2 Cluster Compute and High I/O
                                  Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613--631
                  Wei Zheng and   
              Rizos Sakellariou   Budget-Deadline Constrained Workflow
                                  Planning for Admission Control . . . . . 633--651
          Sergio Nesmachnow and   
  Bernabé Dorronsoro and   
         Johnatan E. Pecero and   
                  Pascal Bouvry   Energy-Aware Scheduling on Multicore
                                  Heterogeneous Grid Computing Systems . . 653--680
        Christos Filippidis and   
           Yiannis Cotronis and   
                Christos Markou   IKAROS: An HTTP-Based Distributed File
                                  System, for Low Consumption & Low
                                  Specification Devices  . . . . . . . . . 681--698
                 A. Kertesz and   
              G. Kecskemeti and   
                   M. Oriol and   
                P. Kotcauer and   
                     S. Acs and   
        M. Rodríguez and   
                 O. Merc\`e and   
              A. Cs. Marosi and   
                   J. Marco and   
                      X. Franch   Enhancing Federated Cloud Management
                                  with an Integrated Service Monitoring
                                  Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699--720
              Rekha Kashyap and   
          Deo Prakash Vidyarthi   Security Driven Scheduling Model for
                                  Computational Grid Using NSGA--II  . . . 721--734
               Balazs Simon and   
         Balazs Goldschmidt and   
               Karoly Kondorosi   A Metamodel for the Web Services
                                  Standards  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735--752
Víctor Méndez Muñoz and   
 Adrian Casajús Ramo and   
Víctor Fernández Albor and   
      Ricardo Graciani Diaz and   
  Gonzalo Merino Arévalo   Rafhyc: an Architecture for Constructing
                                  Resilient Services on Federated Hybrid
                                  Clouds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 753--770

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 12, Number 1, March, 2014

                  Alan Sill and   
               Gabor Kecskemeti   Guest Editors' Introduction: Special
                                  Issue on Interoperability, Federation
                                  Frameworks and Application Programming
                                  Interfaces for IaaS Clouds . . . . . . . 1--2
          David W. Chadwick and   
                 Kristy Siu and   
                  Craig Lee and   
              Yann Fouillat and   
             Damien Germonville   Adding Federated Identity Management to
                                  OpenStack  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3--27
             Laurence Field and   
               Shiraz Memon and   
  Iván Márton and   
           Gábor Szigeti   The EMI Registry: Discovering Services
                                  in a Federated World . . . . . . . . . . 29--40
               Javier Fabra and   
    Sergio Hernández and   
    Joaquín Ezpeleta and   
           Pedro Álvarez   Solving the Interoperability Problem by
                                  Means of a Bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41--65
            Francesc Lordan and   
              Enric Tejedor and   
              Jorge Ejarque and   
             Roger Rafanell and   
      Javier Álvarez and   
           Fabrizio Marozzo and   
              Daniele Lezzi and   
          Raül Sirvent and   
             Domenico Talia and   
                  Rosa M. Badia   ServiceSs: An Interoperable Programming
                                  Framework for the Cloud  . . . . . . . . 67--91
                Sami Yangui and   
        Iain-James Marshall and   
         Jean-Pierre Laisne and   
                     Samir Tata   CompatibleOne: The Open Source Cloud
                                  Broker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93--109
          Peter Tröger and   
                   Andre Merzky   Towards Standardized Job Submission and
                                  Control in Infrastructure Clouds . . . . 111--125
    Felipe Pontes Guimaraes and   
      Pedro Célestin and   
      Daniel Macedo Batista and   
Genaína Nunes Rodrigues and   
Alba Cristina Magalhaes Alves de Melo   A Framework for Adaptive Fault-Tolerant
                                  Execution of Workflows in the Grid:
                                  Empirical and Theoretical Analysis . . . 127--151
            Eugenio Cesario and   
          Carlo Mastroianni and   
                 Domenico Talia   A Multi-Domain Architecture for Mining
                                  Frequent Items and Itemsets from
                                  Distributed Data Streams . . . . . . . . 153--168
  Gábor Bacsó and   
Ádám Visegrádi and   
             Attila Kertesz and   
            Zsolt Németh   On Efficiency of Multi-job Grid
                                  Allocation Based on Statistical Trace
                                  Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169--186

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 12, Number 2, June, 2014

                  Yanbo Han and   
                    Jianwu Wang   Guest Editors' Introduction: Special
                                  Issue on Service and Cloud Based Data
                                  Integration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187--189
   Evert Ferdinand Duipmans and   
 Luís Ferreira Pires and   
Luiz Olavo Bonino da Silva Santos   A Transformation-Based Approach to
                                  Business Process Management in the Cloud 191--219
                   Chen Liu and   
                Jianwu Wang and   
                      Yanbo Han   Mashroom+: An Interactive Data Mashup
                                  Approach with Uncertainty Handling . . . 221--244
              Claudia Szabo and   
              Quan Z. Sheng and   
              Trent Kroeger and   
               Yihong Zhang and   
                        Jian Yu   Science in the Cloud: Allocation and
                                  Execution of Data-Intensive Scientific
                                  Workflows  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245--264
                Yuanbin Han and   
               Shizhan Chen and   
                   Zhiyong Feng   Mining Integration Patterns of
                                  Programmable Ecosystem with Social Tags  265--283
               Aminul Haque and   
         Saadat M. Alhashmi and   
            Rajendran Parthiban   Identifying and Modeling the Strengths
                                  and Weaknesses of Major Economic Models
                                  in Grid Resource Management  . . . . . . 285--302
            Stefano Cozzini and   
              Deepika Vaddi and   
                Savita Goel and   
        Francesco De Giorgi and   
                     S. K. Dash   Regional Climate Simulations on
                                  EU--INDIA Grid Infrastructures:
                                  Methodologies and Performance  . . . . . 303--320
                     Dana Petcu   Consuming Resources and Services from
                                  Multiple Clouds  . . . . . . . . . . . . 321--345
        Salvatore Distefano and   
               Giuseppe Serazzi   Performance Driven WS Orchestration and
                                  Deployment in Service Oriented
                                  Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347--369
               Genaro Costa and   
                Anna Sikora and   
                Josep Jorba and   
               Tom\`as Margalef   GMATE: Dynamic Tuning of Parallel
                                  Applications in Grid Environment . . . . 371--398
     Muhammad Bilal Qureshi and   
       Maryam Mehri Dehnavi and   
            Nasro Min-Allah and   
    Muhammad Shuaib Qureshi and   
             Hameed Hussain and   
             Ilias Rentifis and   
             Nikos Tziritas and   
       Thanasis Loukopoulos and   
              Samee U. Khan and   
             Cheng-Zhong Xu and   
               Albert Y. Zomaya   Survey on Grid Resource Allocation
                                  Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399--441

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 12, Number 3, September, 2014

              Alfredo Cuzzocrea   Models and Algorithms for
                                  High-Performance Data Management and
                                  Mining on Computational Grids and Clouds 443--445
             Chih-Hsuan Hsu and   
               Cho-Chin Lin and   
                 Tsan-sheng Hsu   Adaptable Scheduling Algorithm for Grids
                                  with Resource Redeployment Capability    447--463
     Nithiapidary Muthuvelu and   
                   Ian Chai and   
         Eswaran Chikkannan and   
                 Rajkumar Buyya   QoS-based Task Group Deployment on Grid
                                  by Learning the Performance Data . . . . 465--483
      Alessandro Costantini and   
            Osvaldo Gervasi and   
              Fabiana Zollo and   
                   Luca Caprini   User Interaction and Data Management for
                                  Large Scale Grid Applications  . . . . . 485--497
              Aysan Rasooli and   
                Douglas G. Down   Guidelines for Selecting Hadoop
                                  Schedulers Based on System Heterogeneity 499--519
                 Seonho Kim and   
                  Jinoh Kim and   
                Jon B. Weissman   A Security-enabled Grid System for MINDS
                                  Distributed Data Mining  . . . . . . . . 521--542
         Mário David and   
      Gonçalo Borges and   
                Jorge Gomes and   
           João Pina and   
    Isabel Campos Plasencia and   
Enol Fernández-del-Castillo and   
    Iván Díaz and   
           Carlos Fernandez and   
             Esteban Freire and   
 Álvaro Simón and   
         Kostas Koumantaros and   
           Michel Dreschner and   
            Tiziana Ferrari and   
                  Peter Solagna   Validation of Grid Middleware for the
                                  European Grid Infrastructure . . . . . . 543--558

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 12, Number 4, December, 2014

        Tania Lorido-Botran and   
         Jose Miguel-Alonso and   
                 Jose A. Lozano   A Review of Auto-scaling Techniques for
                                  Elastic Applications in Cloud
                                  Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559--592
        Tanzima Zerin Islam and   
             Saurabh Bagchi and   
               Rudolf Eigenmann   Reliable and Efficient Distributed
                                  Checkpointing System for Grid
                                  Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593--613
                  Susmit Bagchi   The Software Architecture for Efficient
                                  Distributed Interprocess Communication
                                  in Mobile Distributed Systems  . . . . . 615--635
      Hassan Khajemohammadi and   
                 Ali Fanian and   
              T. Aaron Gulliver   Efficient Workflow Scheduling for Grid
                                  Computing Using a Leveled
                                  Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm  . . . 637--663
            Hamid Arabnejad and   
               Jorge G. Barbosa   A Budget Constrained Scheduling
                                  Algorithm for Workflow Applications  . . 665--679
             Miroslav Ilias and   
       Miroslav Dobrucký   Grid Computing with Relativistic Quantum
                                  Chemistry Software . . . . . . . . . . . 681--690

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 13, Number 1, March, 2015

            Muhammad Shiraz and   
              Abdullah Gani and   
                Azra Shamim and   
               Suleman Khan and   
               Raja Wasim Ahmad   Energy Efficient Computational
                                  Offloading Framework for Mobile Cloud
                                  Computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--18
          Chris A. Mattmann and   
              Joshua Garcia and   
                   Ivo Krka and   
             Daniel Popescu and   
               Nenad Medvidovic   Revisiting the Anatomy and Physiology of
                                  the Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19--34
Andrés García García and   
               Ignacio Blanquer   Cloud Services Representation using SLA
                                  Composition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35--51
            Miguel Caballer and   
           Ignacio Blanquer and   
 Germán Moltó and   
              Carlos de Alfonso   Dynamic Management of Virtual
                                  Infrastructures  . . . . . . . . . . . . 53--70
          Matti Heikkurinen and   
               Sandra Cohen and   
          Fotis Karagiannis and   
               Kashif Iqbal and   
           Sergio Andreozzi and   
             Michele Michelotto   Answering the Cost Assessment Scaling
                                  Challenge: Modelling the Annual Cost of
                                  European Computing Services for Research 71--94
                L. B. Costa and   
                    H. Yang and   
           E. Vairavanathan and   
                  A. Barros and   
              K. Maheshwari and   
                   G. Fedak and   
                    D. Katz and   
                   M. Wilde and   
                 M. Ripeanu and   
                  S. Al-Kiswany   The Case for Workflow-Aware Storage: An
                                  Opportunity Study  . . . . . . . . . . . 95--113
         Dami\`a Castell\`a and   
           Francesc Solsona and   
           Francesc Giné   DisCoP: A P2P Framework for Managing and
                                  Searching Computing Markets  . . . . . . 115--137

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 13, Number 2, June, 2015

            Chongcheng Chen and   
               Jiaxiang Lin and   
                 Xiaozhu Wu and   
                     Jianwei Wu   Parallel and Distributed Spatial Outlier
                                  Mining in Grid: Algorithm, Design and
                                  Application  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139--157
           Marco Bencivenni and   
           Diego Michelotto and   
            Roberto Alfieri and   
          Riccardo Brunetti and   
            Andrea Ceccanti and   
             Daniele Cesini and   
      Alessandro Costantini and   
           Enrico Fattibene and   
              Luciano Gaido and   
         Giuseppe Misurelli and   
       Elisabetta Ronchieri and   
            Davide Salomoni and   
             Paolo Veronesi and   
            Valerio Venturi and   
         Maria Cristina Vistoli   Accessing Grid and Cloud Services
                                  Through a Scientific Web Portal  . . . . 159--175
  Harshadkumar B. Prajapati and   
                  Vipul A. Shah   Analysis Perspective Views of Grid
                                  Simulation Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . 177--213
 Francisco Prieto-Castrillo and   
          Antonio Astillero and   
María Botón-Fernández   A Stochastic Process Approach to Model
                                  Distributed Computing on Complex
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215--232
          Vahid Ebrahimirad and   
            Maziar Goudarzi and   
                 Aboozar Rajabi   Energy-Aware Scheduling for
                                  Precedence-Constrained Parallel Virtual
                                  Machines in Virtualized Data Centers . . 233--253
                P. Kokkinos and   
           T. A. Varvarigou and   
                 A. Kretsis and   
                P. Soumplis and   
               E. A. Varvarigos   SuMo: Analysis and Optimization of
                                  Amazon EC2 Instances . . . . . . . . . . 255--274
             Yehia Elkhatib and   
                  Chris Edwards   Passive Network Awareness as a Means for
                                  Improved Grid Scheduling . . . . . . . . 275--291
             Diego Carvalho and   
        Luiz Rossi de Souza and   
     Rafael G. Barbastefano and   
     Felipe M. G. França   Stochastic Product-Mix: A Grid Computing
                                  Industrial Application . . . . . . . . . 293--304

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 13, Number 3, September, 2015

         J. Ignacio Hidalgo and   
Francisco Fernández de Vega   Parallel Bioinspired Algorithms on the
                                  Grid and Cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305--308
             Evelyne Lutton and   
               Hugo Gilbert and   
              Waldo Cancino and   
              Benjamin Bach and   
        Joseph Pallamidessi and   
             Pierre Parrend and   
                  Pierre Collet   Visual and Audio Monitoring of Island
                                  Based Parallel Evolutionary Algorithms   309--327
 Mario García-Valdez and   
          Leonardo Trujillo and   
              Juan-J Merelo and   
Francisco Fernández de Vega and   
                 Gustavo Olague   The EvoSpace Model for Pool-Based
                                  Evolutionary Algorithms  . . . . . . . . 329--349
            Rafael Nogueras and   
                   Carlos Cotta   Studying Fault-Tolerance in Island-Based
                                  Evolutionary and Multimemetic Algorithms 351--374
              J. A. Pascual and   
    T. Lorido-Botrán and   
           J. Miguel-Alonso and   
                   J. A. Lozano   Towards a Greener Cloud Infrastructure
                                  Management using Optimized Placement
                                  Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375--389
      Kalyan Veeramachaneni and   
            Ignacio Arnaldo and   
                 Owen Derby and   
               Una-May O'Reilly   FlexGP: Cloud-Based Ensemble Learning
                                  with Genetic Programming for Large
                                  Regression Problems  . . . . . . . . . . 391--407
            Patricia Arroba and   
José L. Risco-Martín and   
             Marina Zapater and   
        José M. Moya and   
           José L. Ayala   Enhancing Regression Models for Complex
                                  Systems Using Evolutionary Techniques
                                  for Feature Engineering  . . . . . . . . 409--423
       Jorge Bernal Bernabe and   
    Gregorio Martinez Perez and   
      Antonio F. Skarmeta Gomez   Intercloud Trust and Security Decision
                                  Support System: an Ontology-based
                                  Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425--456

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 13, Number 4, December, 2015

                     Ji Liu and   
             Esther Pacitti and   
          Patrick Valduriez and   
                  Marta Mattoso   A Survey of Data-Intensive Scientific
                                  Workflow Management  . . . . . . . . . . 457--493
             Amandeep Verma and   
                 Sakshi Kaushal   Cost-Time Efficient Scheduling Plan for
                                  Executing Workflows in the Cloud . . . . 495--506
                   Jing Mei and   
                   Kenli Li and   
                    Xu Zhou and   
                       Keqin Li   Fault-Tolerant Dynamic Rescheduling for
                                  Heterogeneous Computing Systems  . . . . 507--525
                   Ricardo Lent   Grid Scheduling with Makespan and
                                  Energy-Based Goals . . . . . . . . . . . 527--546
           Alessandro Costa and   
           Pietro Massimino and   
         Marilena Bandieramonte   An Innovative Science Gateway for the
                                  Cherenkov Telescope Array  . . . . . . . 547--559
             Dariusz Mrozek and   
                 Pawel Gosk and   
         Bozena Malysiak-Mrozek   Scaling Ab Initio Predictions of $3$D
                                  Protein Structures in Microsoft Azure
                                  Cloud  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561--585
              Yaoguang Wang and   
                 Weiming Lu and   
                 Renjie Lou and   
                    Baogang Wei   Improving MapReduce Performance with
                                  Partial Speculative Execution  . . . . . 587--604
        Atta ur Rehman Khan and   
             Mazliza Othman and   
               Abdul Nasir Khan   MobiByte: An Application Development
                                  Model for Mobile Cloud Computing . . . . 605--628
        Salvatore Distefano and   
            Francesco Longo and   
                   Marco Scarpa   QoS Assessment of Mobile Crowdsensing
                                  Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629--650
           Abdul Nasir Khan and   
             M. L. Mat Kiah and   
                     Mazhar Ali   A Cloud-Manager-Based Re-Encryption
                                  Scheme for Mobile Users in Cloud
                                  Environment: a Hybrid Approach . . . . . 651--675

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 14, Number 1, March, 2016

  Bernabé Dorronsoro and   
         Dzmitry Kliazovich and   
              Pascal Bouvry and   
               Albert Y. Zomaya   Editorial  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--3
           Andrei Tchernykh and   
                 Luz Lozano and   
         Uwe Schwiegelshohn and   
              Pascal Bouvry and   
         Johnatan E. Pecero and   
          Sergio Nesmachnow and   
          Alexander Yu. Drozdov   Online Bi-Objective Scheduling for IaaS
                                  Clouds Ensuring Quality of Service . . . 5--22
         Dzmitry Kliazovich and   
         Johnatan E. Pecero and   
           Andrei Tchernykh and   
              Pascal Bouvry and   
              Samee U. Khan and   
               Albert Y. Zomaya   CA-DAG: Modeling Communication-Aware
                                  Applications for Scheduling in Cloud
                                  Computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23--39
                 A. Kertesz and   
                J. D. Dombi and   
                       A. Benyi   A Pliant-based Virtual Machine
                                  Scheduling Solution to Improve the
                                  Energy Efficiency of IaaS Clouds . . . . 41--53
                  Zhuo Tang and   
                    Ling Qi and   
             Zhenzhen Cheng and   
                   Kenli Li and   
              Samee U. Khan and   
                       Keqin Li   An Energy-Efficient Task Scheduling
                                  Algorithm in DVFS-enabled Cloud
                                  Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55--74
     Rodrigo A. C. da Silva and   
        Nelson L. S. da Fonseca   Topology-Aware Virtual Machine Placement
                                  in Data Centers  . . . . . . . . . . . . 75--90
                D. Borgetto and   
                 R. Chakode and   
                B. Depardon and   
                 C. Eichler and   
               J. M. Garcia and   
                  H. Hbaieb and   
                 T. Monteil and   
                 E. Pelorce and   
                  A. Rachdi and   
               A. Al Sheikh and   
                       P. Stolf   Hybrid Approach for Energy Aware
                                  Management of Multi-cloud Architecture
                                  Integrating User Machines  . . . . . . . 91--108
Osvaldo Adilson de Carvalho Junior and   
     Sarita Mazzini Bruschi and   
Regina Helena Carlucci Santana and   
     Marcos José Santana   Green Cloud Meta-Scheduling  . . . . . . 109--126
               Piotr Borylo and   
                Artur Lason and   
                Jacek Rzasa and   
          Andrzej Szymanski and   
              Andrzej Jajszczyk   Green Cloud Provisioning Throughout
                                  Cooperation of a WDM Wide Area Network
                                  and a Hybrid Power IT Infrastructure . . 127--151
   Jedrzej M. Marszalkowski and   
          Maciej Drozdowski and   
            Jakub Marszalkowski   Time and Energy Performance of Parallel
                                  Systems with Hierarchical Memory . . . . 153--170
                 Xiaoyu Shi and   
                   Jin Dong and   
          Seddik M. Djouadi and   
                  Yong Feng and   
                    Xiao Ma and   
                      Yefu Wang   PAPMSC: Power-Aware Performance
                                  Management Approach for Virtualized Web
                                  Servers via Stochastic Control . . . . . 171--191

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 14, Number 2, June, 2016

          Guilherme Galante and   
  Luis Carlos Erpen De Bona and   
       Antonio Roberto Mury and   
              Bruno Schulze and   
          Rodrigo da Rosa Righi   An Analysis of Public Clouds Elasticity
                                  in the Execution of Scientific
                                  Applications: a Survey . . . . . . . . . 193--216
              Sukhpal Singh and   
                Inderveer Chana   A Survey on Resource Scheduling in Cloud
                                  Computing: Issues and Challenges . . . . 217--264
          René Peinl and   
        Florian Holzschuher and   
                Florian Pfitzer   Docker Cluster Management for the Cloud
                                  --- Survey Results and Own Solution  . . 265--282
      Juan Gutierrez-Aguado and   
     Jose M. Alcaraz Calero and   
      Wladimiro Diaz Villanueva   IaaSMon: Monitoring Architecture for
                                  Public Cloud Computing Data Centers  . . 283--297
              Leila Sharifi and   
Llorenç Cerd\`a-Alabern and   
              Felix Freitag and   
              Luís Veiga   Energy Efficient Cloud Service
                                  Provisioning: Keeping Data Center
                                  Granularity in Perspective . . . . . . . 299--325
          Nidhi Jain Kansal and   
                Inderveer Chana   Energy-aware Virtual Machine Migration
                                  for Cloud Computing --- A Firefly
                                  Optimization Approach  . . . . . . . . . 327--345
  Gábor Bacsó and   
           Tamás Kis and   
Ádám Visegrádi and   
      Attila Kertész and   
            Zsolt Németh   A Set of Successive Job Allocation
                                  Models in Distributed Computing
                                  Infrastructures  . . . . . . . . . . . . 347--358
                 Piotr Bryk and   
            Maciej Malawski and   
                Gideon Juve and   
                    Ewa Deelman   Storage-aware Algorithms for Scheduling
                                  of Workflow Ensembles in Clouds  . . . . 359--378

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 14, Number 3, September, 2016

               Fuad Bajaber and   
              Radwa Elshawi and   
               Omar Batarfi and   
        Abdulrahman Altalhi and   
              Ahmed Barnawi and   
                    Sherif Sakr   Big Data 2.0 Processing Systems:
                                  Taxonomy and Open Challenges . . . . . . 379--405
                 Jing Zhang and   
                  Qianmu Li and   
                       Wei Zhou   HDCache: A Distributed Cache System for
                                  Real-Time Cloud Services . . . . . . . . 407--428
            Adam L. Bazinet and   
            Michael P. Cummings   Subdividing Long-Running,
                                  Variable-Length Analyses Into Short,
                                  Fixed-Length BOINC Workunits . . . . . . 429--441
          Rafaelli Coutinho and   
                 Yuri Frota and   
          Kary Ocaña and   
         Daniel de Oliveira and   
    Lúcia M. A. Drummond   A Dynamic Cloud Dimensioning Approach
                                  for Parallel Scientific Workflows: a
                                  Case Study in the Comparative Genomics
                                  Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443--461
                Wucherl Yoo and   
                       Alex Sim   Time-Series Forecast Modeling on
                                  High-Bandwidth Network Measurements  . . 463--476
                  Benjamin Aziz   Modelling Fine-Grained Access Control
                                  Policies in Grids  . . . . . . . . . . . 477--493

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 14, Number 4, December, 2016

              Sandra Gesing and   
        Nancy Wilkins-Diehr and   
            Michelle Barker and   
            Gabriele Pierantoni   Science Gateway Workshops 2015 Special
                                  Issue Conference Publications  . . . . . 495--498
            Alvaro Aguilera and   
            Richard Grunzke and   
                Dirk Habich and   
             Johannes Luong and   
            Dirk Schollbach and   
              Ulf Markwardt and   
                  Jochen Garcke   Advancing a Gateway Infrastructure for
                                  Wind Turbine Data Analysis . . . . . . . 499--514
         Richard O. Sinnott and   
           Felix Beuschlein and   
              Jemie Effendy and   
          Graeme Eisenhofer and   
          Stephan Gloeckner and   
                  Anthony Stell   Beyond a Disease Registry: An Integrated
                                  Virtual Environment for Adrenal Cancer
                                  Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515--532
            Annette McGrath and   
              Steve McMahon and   
                    Sean Li and   
                Joel Ludbey and   
                         Tim Ho   The Essential Components of a Successful
                                  Galaxy Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533--543
              Sandra Gesing and   
           Jens Krüger and   
            Richard Grunzke and   
        Sonja Herres-Pawlis and   
             Alexander Hoffmann   Using Science Gateways for Bridging the
                                  Differences between Research
                                  Infrastructures  . . . . . . . . . . . . 545--557
                 T. Piontek and   
                   B. Bosak and   
                M. Ciznicki and   
               P. Grabowski and   
                   P. Kopta and   
              M. Kulczewski and   
               D. Szejnfeld and   
                    K. Kurowski   Development of Science Gateways Using
                                  QCG --- Lessons Learned from the
                                  Deployment on Large Scale Distributed
                                  and HPC Infrastructures  . . . . . . . . 559--573
         Daniele D'Agostino and   
          Emanuele Danovaro and   
            Andrea Clematis and   
             Luca Roverelli and   
            Gabriele Zereik and   
              Antonella Galizia   From Lesson Learned to the Refactoring
                                  of the DRIHM Science Gateway for
                                  Hydro-meteorological Research  . . . . . 575--588
           Shashank Gugnani and   
              Carlos Blanco and   
                 Tamas Kiss and   
             Gabor Terstyanszky   Extending Science Gateway Frameworks to
                                  Support Big Data Applications in the
                                  Cloud  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589--601
         Richard O. Sinnott and   
        Christopher Bayliss and   
             Andrew Bromage and   
              Gerson Galang and   
                 Yikai Gong and   
           Philip Greenwood and   
           Glenn Jayaputera and   
              Davis Marques and   
             Luca Morandini and   
           Ghazal Nogoorani and   
         Hossein Pursultani and   
            Muhammad Sarwar and   
          William Voorsluys and   
                    Ivo Widjaja   Privacy Preserving Geo-Linkage in the
                                  Big Urban Data Era . . . . . . . . . . . 603--618
       Zoltán Farkas and   
        Péter Kacsuk and   
             Ákos Hajnal   Enabling Workflow-Oriented Science
                                  Gateways to Access Multi-Cloud Systems   619--640
               Peter Kacsuk and   
           Gabor Kecskemeti and   
             Attila Kertesz and   
               Zsolt Nemeth and   
József Kovács and   
           Zoltán Farkas   Infrastructure Aware Scientific
                                  Workflows and Infrastructure Aware
                                  Workflow Managers in Science Gateways    641--654
              Junaid Arshad and   
         Gabor Terstyanszky and   
                 Tamas Kiss and   
            Noam Weingarten and   
               Giuliano Taffoni   A Formal Approach to Support
                                  Interoperability in Scientific
                                  Meta-workflows . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655--671
S. Sánchez-Expósito and   
           P. Martín and   
                 J. E. Ruiz and   
       L. Verdes-Montenegro and   
                 J. Garrido and   
                 R. Sirvent and   
       A. Ruiz Falcó and   
                R. M. Badia and   
                       D. Lezzi   Web Services as Building Blocks for
                                  Science Gateways in Astrophysics . . . . 673--685
        Krisztian Karoczkai and   
             Attila Kertesz and   
                   Peter Kacsuk   A Meta-Brokering Framework for Science
                                  Gateways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 687--703

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 15, Number 1, March, 2017

               Rubens Matos and   
            Jamilson Dantas and   
                Jean Araujo and   
          Kishor S. Trivedi and   
                   Paulo Maciel   Redundant Eucalyptus Private Clouds:
                                  Availability Modeling and Sensitivity
                                  Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--22
                 Shuli Wang and   
                   Kenli Li and   
                   Jing Mei and   
               Guoqing Xiao and   
                       Keqin Li   A Reliability-aware Task Scheduling
                                  Algorithm Based on Replication on
                                  Heterogeneous Computing Systems  . . . . 23--39
            Richard Grunzke and   
           Jens Krüger and   
     René Jäkel and   
          Wolfgang E. Nagel and   
        Sonja Herres-Pawlis and   
             Alexander Hoffmann   Metadata Management in the MoSGrid
                                  Science Gateway --- Evaluation and the
                                  Expansion of Quantum Chemistry Support   41--53
       Matías Hirsch and   
Juan Manuel Rodríguez and   
            Cristian Mateos and   
               Alejandro Zunino   A Two-Phase Energy-Aware Scheduling
                                  Approach for CPU-Intensive Jobs in
                                  Mobile Grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55--80
             Jagpreet Sidhu and   
                 Sarbjeet Singh   Improved TOPSIS Method Based Trust
                                  Evaluation Framework for Determining
                                  Trustworthiness of Cloud Service
                                  Providers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81--105
    Konstantinos Kontodimas and   
        Panagiotis Kokkinos and   
             Yossi Kuperman and   
       Athanasios Houbavlis and   
           Emmanouel Varvarigos   Analysis and Evaluation of Scheduling
                                  Policies for Consolidated I/O Operations 107--125
             Laurence Field and   
              Rizos Sakellariou   An Evaluation of Information Consistency
                                  in Grid Information Systems  . . . . . . 127--137

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 15, Number 2, June, 2017

         Donald F. Ferguson and   
Víctor Méndez Muñoz   \booktitleJournal of Grid Computing,
                                  Special Issue of Cloud Computing and
                                  Services Science . . . . . . . . . . . . 139--140
   Rafael Moreno-Vozmediano and   
    Rubén S. Montero and   
              Eduardo Huedo and   
            Ignacio M. Llorente   Implementation and Provisioning of
                                  Federated Networks in Hybrid Clouds  . . 141--160
   Fabio López-Pires and   
   Benjamín Barán   Many-Objective Virtual Machine Placement 161--176
               Victor Chang and   
             Muthu Ramachandran   Financial Modeling and Prediction as a
                                  Service  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177--195
             Jagpreet Sidhu and   
                 Sarbjeet Singh   Design and Comparative Analysis of
                                  MCDM-based Multi-dimensional Trust
                                  Evaluation Schemes for Determining
                                  Trustworthiness of Cloud Service
                                  Providers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197--218
         Yiannis Verginadis and   
           Antonis Michalas and   
          Panagiotis Gouvas and   
           Gunther Schiefer and   
         Gerald Hübsch and   
             Iraklis Paraskakis   PaaSword: A Holistic Data Privacy and
                                  Security by Design Framework for Cloud
                                  Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219--234
      Antonio Delgado Peris and   
José M. Hernández and   
                  Eduardo Huedo   Distributed Late-binding Scheduling and
                                  Cooperative Data Caching . . . . . . . . 235--256
               Zhicheng Cai and   
                  Qianmu Li and   
                    Xiaoping Li   ElasticSim: A Toolkit for Simulating
                                  Workflows with Cloud Resource Runtime
                                  Auto-Scaling and Stochastic Task
                                  Execution Times  . . . . . . . . . . . . 257--272
              Michael Tighe and   
                  Michael Bauer   Topology and Application Aware Dynamic
                                  VM Management in the Cloud . . . . . . . 273--294

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 15, Number 3, September, 2017

           Seyed Nima Khezr and   
         Nima Jafari Navimipour   MapReduce and Its Applications,
                                  Challenges, and Architecture: a
                                  Comprehensive Review and Directions for
                                  Future Research  . . . . . . . . . . . . 295--321
                  Zhuo Tang and   
               Zhongming Fu and   
               Zherong Gong and   
                   Kenli Li and   
                       Keqin Li   A Parallel Conditional Random Fields
                                  Model Based on Spark Computing
                                  Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323--342
             Piotr Nawrocki and   
          Bartlomiej Sniezynski   Autonomous Context-Based Service
                                  Optimization in Mobile Cloud Computing   343--356
                  F. Lordan and   
                  Rosa M. Badia   COMPSs-Mobile: Parallel Programming for
                                  Mobile Cloud Computing . . . . . . . . . 357--378
        Amir Masoud Rahmani and   
                Leila Azari and   
               Helder A. Daniel   A File Group Data Replication Algorithm
                                  for Data Grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379--393
       Shahrzad Kananizadeh and   
               Kirill Kononenko   Predictive Mitigation of Timing Channels
                                  --- Threat Defense for Machine Codes . . 395--414

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 15, Number 4, December, 2017

Raul Ramírez-Velarde and   
           Andrei Tchernykh and   
       Carlos Barba-Jimenez and   
Adán Hirales-Carbajal and   
            Juan Nolazco-Flores   Adaptive Resource Allocation with Job
                                  Runtime Uncertainty  . . . . . . . . . . 415--434
             Junqiang Jiang and   
                 Yaping Lin and   
                  Guoqi Xie and   
                      Li Fu and   
                   Junfeng Yang   Time and Energy Optimization Algorithms
                                  for the Static Scheduling of Multiple
                                  Workflows in Heterogeneous Computing
                                  System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435--456
                      Bo Li and   
                Songtao Guo and   
                     Yan Wu and   
                     Defang Liu   Construction and Resource Allocation of
                                  Cost-Efficient Clustered Virtual Network
                                  in Software Defined Networks . . . . . . 457--473
               Tadeu Classe and   
               Regina Braga and   
 José Maria N. David and   
            Fernanda Campos and   
                   Wagner Arbex   A Distributed Infrastructure to Support
                                  Scientific Experiments . . . . . . . . . 475--500
              Rodrigo Bruno and   
             Fernando Costa and   
                 Paulo Ferreira   freeCycles --- Efficient Multi-Cloud
                                  Computing Platform . . . . . . . . . . . 501--526
            Norbert Tihanyi and   
       Attila Kovács and   
    József Kovács   Computing Extremely Large Values of the
                                  Riemann Zeta Function  . . . . . . . . . 527--534
   Vinicius Facco Rodrigues and   
      Rodrigo da Rosa Righi and   
         Gustavo Rostirolla and   
Jorge Luis Victória Barbosa and   
Cristiano André da Costa and   
Antônio Marcos Alberti and   
                   Victor Chang   Towards Enabling Live Thresholding as
                                  Utility to Manage Elastic Master--Slave
                                  Applications in the Cloud  . . . . . . . 535--556
                Hongyan Mao and   
                Zhengwei Qi and   
              Jiangang Duan and   
                       Xinni Ge   Cost-Performance Modeling with Automated
                                  Benchmarking on Elastic Computing Clouds 557--572

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 16, Number 1, March, 2018

            Miguel Caballer and   
 Germán Moltó and   
               Ignacio Blanquer   Guest Editor's Introduction: Special
                                  Issue on Cloud Computing Orchestration   1--2
            Miguel Caballer and   
                Sahdev Zala and   
Álvaro López García and   
 Germán Moltó and   
Pablo Orviz Fernández and   
                 Mathieu Velten   Orchestrating Complex Application
                                  Architectures in Heterogeneous Clouds    3--18
József Kovács and   
            Péter Kacsuk   Occopus: a Multi-Cloud Orchestrator to
                                  Deploy and Manage Complex Scientific
                                  Infrastructures  . . . . . . . . . . . . 19--37
       R. Moreno-Vozmediano and   
              R. S. Montero and   
                   E. Huedo and   
                 I. M. Llorente   Orchestrating the Deployment of High
                                  Availability Services on Multi-zone and
                                  Multi-cloud Scenarios  . . . . . . . . . 39--53
               Peter Kacsuk and   
József Kovács and   
           Zoltán Farkas   The Flowbster Cloud-Oriented Workflow
                                  System to Process Large Scientific Data
                                  Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55--83
             Uros Pascinski and   
            Jernej Trnkoczy and   
           Vlado Stankovski and   
               Matej Cigale and   
                      Sandi Gec   QoS-Aware Orchestration of Network
                                  Intensive Software Utilities within
                                  Software Defined Data Centres  . . . . . 85--112
            Carlos Guerrero and   
                 Isaac Lera and   
                    Carlos Juiz   Genetic Algorithm for Multi-Objective
                                  Optimization of Container Allocation in
                                  Cloud Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . 113--135
      Cristian Ramon-Cortes and   
              Albert Serven and   
              Jorge Ejarque and   
              Daniele Lezzi and   
                  Rosa M. Badia   Transparent Orchestration of Task-based
                                  Parallel Applications in Containers
                                  Platforms  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137--160

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 16, Number 2, June, 2018

           Vlado Stankovski and   
                    Radu Prodan   Guest Editors' Introduction: Special
                                  Issue on Storage for the Big Data Era    161--163
              Ansar Rafique and   
        Dimitri Van Landuyt and   
                  Wouter Joosen   PERSIST: Policy-Based Data Management
                                  Middleware for Multi-Tenant SaaS
                                  Leveraging Federated Cloud Storage . . . 165--194
                Binqi Zhang and   
                  Chen Wang and   
             Bing Bing Zhou and   
                  Dong Yuan and   
               Albert Y. Zomaya   DCDedupe: Selective Deduplication and
                                  Delta Compression with Effective Routing
                                  for Distributed Storage  . . . . . . . . 195--209
                Marco Meoni and   
            Raffaele Perego and   
              Nicola Tonellotto   Dataset Popularity Prediction for
                                  Caching of CMS Big Data  . . . . . . . . 211--228
                 Peipei Sui and   
                    Xiaoyu Yang   A Privacy-Preserving Compression Storage
                                  Method for Large Trajectory Data in Road
                                  Network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229--245
                Akos Hajnal and   
           Gabor Kecskemeti and   
        Attila Csaba Marosi and   
              Jozsef Kovacs and   
               Peter Kacsuk and   
                   Robert Lovas   ENTICE VM Image Analysis and Optimised
                                  Fragmentation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247--263
            Carlos Guerrero and   
                 Isaac Lera and   
                    Carlos Juiz   Migration-Aware Genetic Optimization for
                                  MapReduce Scheduling and Replica
                                  Placement in Hadoop  . . . . . . . . . . 265--284
               Xuan T. Tran and   
                Tien Van Do and   
               Csaba Rotter and   
                    Dosam Hwang   A New Data Layout Scheme for
                                  Energy-Efficient MapReduce Processing
                                  Tasks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285--298
               Jianwei Liao and   
                   Dong Yin and   
                  Xiaoning Peng   Block I/O Scheduling on Storage Servers
                                  of Distributed File Systems  . . . . . . 299--316
            Yacine Djemaiel and   
             Sarra Berrahal and   
            Noureddine Boudriga   A Novel Graph-Based Approach for the
                                  Management of Health Data on Cloud-Based
                                  WSANs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317--344
               Radhya Sahal and   
               Marwah Nihad and   
         Mohamed H. Khafagy and   
                 Fatma A. Omara   iHOME: Index-Based JOIN Query
                                  Optimization for Limited Big Data
                                  Storage  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345--380

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 16, Number 3, September, 2018

                D. Salomoni and   
                  I. Campos and   
                   L. Gaido and   
          J. Marco de Lucas and   
                 P. Solagna and   
                   J. Gomes and   
                 L. Matyska and   
                 P. Fuhrman and   
                   M. Hardt and   
                 G. Donvito and   
                   L. Dutka and   
              M. Plociennik and   
                 R. Barbera and   
                I. Blanquer and   
                A. Ceccanti and   
                          et al   INDIGO-DataCloud: a Platform to
                                  Facilitate Seamless Access to
                                  E-Infrastructures  . . . . . . . . . . . 381--408
                   Jie Song and   
                 HongYan He and   
                   Zhi Wang and   
                      Ge Yu and   
              Jean-Marc Pierson   Modulo Based Data Placement Algorithm
                                  for Energy Consumption Optimization of
                                  MapReduce System . . . . . . . . . . . . 409--424
             Mohammad Aazam and   
                Eui-Nam Huh and   
                Marc St-Hilaire   Towards Media Inter-cloud
                                  Standardization --- Evaluating Impact of
                                  Cloud Storage Heterogeneity  . . . . . . 425--443
                Edi Shmueli and   
                    Ilya Zaides   Framework for Scalable File System
                                  Metadata Crawling and Differencing . . . 445--457
                   Yi Zhang and   
              Xiaohui Cheng and   
                Liuhua Chen and   
                   Haiying Shen   Energy-efficient Tasks Scheduling
                                  Heuristics with Multi-constraints in
                                  Virtualized Clouds . . . . . . . . . . . 459--475
               Azra Aryania and   
            Hadi S. Aghdasi and   
          Leyli Mohammad Khanli   Energy-Aware Virtual Machine
                                  Consolidation Algorithm Based on Ant
                                  Colony System  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477--491
                 Mauro Hinz and   
 Guilherme Piegas Koslovski and   
           Charles C. Miers and   
    Laércio L. Pilla and   
      Maurício A. Pillon   A Cost Model for IaaS Clouds Based on
                                  Virtual Machine Energy Consumption . . . 493--512
            Jose A. Pascual and   
             Jose A. Lozano and   
             Jose Miguel-Alonso   Effects of Reducing VMs Management Times
                                  on Elastic Applications  . . . . . . . . 513--530

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 16, Number 4, December, 2018

José Luís Pereira and   
               Orlando Belo and   
              Pascal Ravesteijn   Special Issue on Big Data and Digital
                                  Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531--533
Mostafa Hadadian Nejad Yousefi and   
                Maziar Goudarzi   A Task-Based Greedy Scheduling Algorithm
                                  for Minimizing Energy of MapReduce Jobs  535--551
               Preeti Gupta and   
               Rajni Jindal and   
                    Arun Sharma   Community Trolling: An Active Learning
                                  Approach for Topic Based Community
                                  Detection in Big Data  . . . . . . . . . 553--567
                Xiaoyuan Fu and   
                Jingyu Wang and   
                      Qi Qi and   
               Jianxin Liao and   
                    Tonghong Li   Incentive Mechanisms for Resource
                                  Scaling-out Game of Stream Big Data
                                  Analytics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569--585
               Jonatan Enes and   
Javier López Cacheiro and   
 Roberto R. Expósito and   
            Juan Touriño   Big Data-Oriented PaaS Architecture with
                                  Disk-as-a-Resource Capability and
                                  Container-Based Virtualization . . . . . 587--605
       Nahla B. Abdel-Hamid and   
           Sally ElGhamrawy and   
             Ali El Desouky and   
                  Hesham Arafat   A Dynamic Spark-based Classification
                                  Framework for Imbalanced Big Data  . . . 607--626
                  F. Lordan and   
                  J. Jensen and   
                    R. M. Badia   Towards Mobile Cloud Computing with
                                  Single Sign-on Access  . . . . . . . . . 627--646
                Wenjie Fang and   
                    Uwe Beckert   Parallel Tree Search in Volunteer
                                  Computing: a Case Study  . . . . . . . . 647--662
               Shiraz Memon and   
                Jensen Jens and   
              Elbers Willem and   
          Helmut Neukirchen and   
              Matthias Book and   
                  Morris Riedel   Towards Federated Service Discovery and
                                  Identity Management in Collaborative
                                  Data and Compute Cloud Infrastructures   663--681
Pablo Orviz Fernández and   
           João Pina and   
Álvaro López Garc\'ìa and   
    Isabel Campos Plasencia and   
         Mário David and   
                    Jorge Gomes   umd-verification: Automation of Software
                                  Validation for the EGI Federated
                                  e-Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . 683--696

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 17, Number 1, March, 2019

                Laura Ricci and   
            Alexandru Iosup and   
                    Radu Prodan   Editorial  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--2
         Massimo Bartoletti and   
               Bryn Bellomy and   
                 Livio Pompianu   A Journey into Bitcoin Metadata  . . . . 3--22
              Barbara Guidi and   
           Andrea Michienzi and   
                Giulio Rossetti   Towards the Dynamic Community Discovery
                                  in Decentralized Online Social Networks  23--44
           Emanuele Carlini and   
               Alessandro Lulli   Analysis of Movement Features in
                                  Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas . . . . 45--57
           Hanna Kavalionak and   
            Claudio Gennaro and   
             Giuseppe Amato and   
              Claudio Vairo and   
       Costantino Perciante and   
              Carlo Meghini and   
                Fabrizio Falchi   Distributed Video Surveillance Using
                                  Smart Cameras  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59--77
                Zhiming Cai and   
                   Ivan Lee and   
              Shu-Chuan Chu and   
                  Xuehong Huang   SimSim: A Service Discovery Method
                                  Preserving Content Similarity and
                                  Spatial Similarity in P2P Mobile Cloud   79--95
         Stefano Bistarelli and   
              Ivan Mercanti and   
           Paolo Santancini and   
              Francesco Santini   End-to-End Voting with Non-Permissioned
                                  and Permissioned Ledgers . . . . . . . . 97--118
           Barbara Krasovec and   
                Andrej Filipcic   Enhancing the Grid with Cloud Computing  119--135
              Joonseok Park and   
                 Ungsoo Kim and   
                Donggyu Yun and   
                  Keunhyuk Yeom   C-RCE: an Approach for Constructing and
                                  Managing a Cloud Service Broker  . . . . 137--168
              Mennan Selimi and   
Llorenç Cerd\`a-Alabern and   
              Felix Freitag and   
        Lu\'ìs Veiga and   
        Arjuna Sathiaseelan and   
                  Jon Crowcroft   A Lightweight Service Placement Approach
                                  for Community Network Micro-Clouds . . . 169--189
          Carlos de Alfonso and   
            Miguel Caballer and   
           Amanda Calatrava and   
 Germán Moltó and   
               Ignacio Blanquer   Multi-elastic Datacenters: Auto-scaled
                                  Virtual Clusters on Energy-Aware
                                  Physical Infrastructures . . . . . . . . 191--204

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 17, Number 2, June, 2019

                Sajid Anwar and   
            Álvaro Rocha   Special Issue on Knowledge Discovery in
                                  Big Data (KDBD)  . . . . . . . . . . . . 205--208
                Abrar Ullah and   
                Hannan Xiao and   
                  Trevor Barker   A Dynamic Profile Questions Approach to
                                  Mitigate Impersonation in Online
                                  Examinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209--223
            Mohammad Nauman and   
           Hafeez Ur Rehman and   
        Gianfranco Politano and   
                  Alfredo Benso   Beyond Homology Transfer: Deep Learning
                                  for Automated Annotation of Proteins . . 225--237
               Salabat Khan and   
                  Amir Khan and   
            Muazzam Maqsood and   
               Farhan Aadil and   
        Mustansar Ali Ghazanfar   Optimized Gabor Feature Extraction for
                                  Mass Classification Using Cuckoo Search
                                  for Big Data E-Healthcare  . . . . . . . 239--254
                Jan Badshah and   
            Muhammad Kamran and   
                 Nadir Shah and   
            Shahbaz Akhtar Abid   An Improved Method to Deploy Cache
                                  Servers in Software Defined
                                  Network-based Information Centric
                                  Networking for Big Data  . . . . . . . . 255--277
                Zafar Saeed and   
         Rabeeh Ayaz Abbasi and   
             Onaiza Maqbool and   
                Abida Sadaf and   
               Imran Razzak and   
                   Ali Daud and   
         Naif Radi Aljohani and   
                    Guandong Xu   What's Happening Around the World? A
                                  Survey and Framework on Event Detection
                                  Techniques on Twitter  . . . . . . . . . 279--312
                Abdul Majid and   
               Mukhtaj Khan and   
               Nadeem Iqbal and   
             Mian Ahmad Jan and   
               Mushtaq Khan and   
                         Salman   Application of Parallel Vector Space
                                  Model for Large-Scale DNA Sequence
                                  Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313--324
                Akash Gupta and   
                 Harsh Sahu and   
              Nihal Nanecha and   
              Pradeep Kumar and   
          Partha Pratim Roy and   
                   Victor Chang   Enhancing Text Using Emotion Detected
                                  from EEG Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . 325--340
                Beom-Su Kim and   
           Monther Aldwairi and   
                      Ki-Il Kim   An Efficient Real-Time Data
                                  Dissemination Multicast Protocol for Big
                                  Data in Wireless Sensor Networks . . . . 341--355
                 Saqib Alam and   
                    Nianmin Yao   Big Data Analytics, Text Mining and
                                  Modern English Language  . . . . . . . . 357--366
            Arslan Ali Raza and   
                 Asad Habib and   
               Jawad Ashraf and   
                 Muhammad Javed   Semantic Orientation Based Decision
                                  Making Framework for Big Data Analysis
                                  of Sporadic News Events  . . . . . . . . 367--383

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 17, Number 3, September, 2019

         Sukhpal Singh Gill and   
                 Rajkumar Buyya   Resource Provisioning Based Scheduling
                                  Framework for Execution of Heterogeneous
                                  and Clustered Workloads in Clouds: from
                                  Fundamental to Autonomic Offering  . . . 385--417
                 Li Chunlin and   
              Tang Jianhang and   
                    Luo Youlong   Hybrid Cloud Adaptive Scheduling
                                  Strategy for Heterogeneous Workloads . . 419--446
    Felipe Rodrigo de Souza and   
    Charles Christian Miers and   
            Adriano Fiorese and   
Marcos Dias de Assunção and   
     Guilherme Piegas Koslovski   QVIA-SDN: Towards QoS-Aware Virtual
                                  Infrastructure Allocation on SDN-based
                                  Clouds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447--472
      Rodrigo da Rosa Righi and   
            Matheus Lehmann and   
        Marcio Miguel Gomes and   
      Jeferson Campos Nobre and   
Cristiano André da Costa and   
    Sandro José Rigo and   
                Marcio Lena and   
         Rodrigo Fraga Mohr and   
Luiz Ricardo Bertoldi de Oliveira   A Survey on Global Management View:
                                  Toward Combining System Monitoring,
                                  Resource Management, and Load Prediction 473--502
                Ioan Dragan and   
             Gabriel Iuhasz and   
                     Dana Petcu   A Scalable Platform for Monitoring Data
                                  Intensive Applications . . . . . . . . . 503--528
                 A. Kertesz and   
               T. Pflanzner and   
                    T. Gyimothy   A Mobile IoT Device Simulator for
                                  IoT--Fog-Cloud Systems . . . . . . . . . 529--551
            Hui-Ching Hsieh and   
                 Mao-Lun Chiang   The Incremental Load Balance Cloud
                                  Algorithm by Using Dynamic Data
                                  Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553--575
           Fakhri Alam Khan and   
           Mujeeb ur Rehman and   
             Afsheen Khalid and   
               Muhammad Ali and   
             Muhammad Imran and   
             Muhammad Nawaz and   
                  Attaur Rahman   An Intelligent Data Service Framework
                                  for Heterogeneous Data Sources . . . . . 577--589
              Liu Huancheng and   
                Wu Tingting and   
            Álvaro Rocha   An Analysis of Research Trends on Data
                                  Mining in Chinese Academic Libraries . . 591--601
            Ermeson Andrade and   
                 Bruno Nogueira   Performability Evaluation of a
                                  Cloud-Based Disaster Recovery Solution
                                  for IT Environments  . . . . . . . . . . 603--621

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 17, Number 4, December, 2019

                 Claus Pahl and   
         Muthu Ramachandran and   
                     Gary Wills   Special Issue: Intelligent Management of
                                  Cloud, IoT and Big Data Applications . . 623--624
                 Yehia Kotb and   
         Ismaeel Al Ridhawi and   
            Moayad Aloqaily and   
                 Thar Baker and   
             Yaser Jararweh and   
                  Hissam Tawfik   Cloud-Based Multi-Agent Cooperation for
                                  IoT Devices Using Workflow-Nets  . . . . 625--650
               Harun Baraki and   
             Alexander Jahl and   
               Stefan Jakob and   
         Corvin Schwarzbach and   
                  Malte Fax and   
                     Kurt Geihs   Optimizing Applications for Mobile Cloud
                                  Computing Through MOCCAA . . . . . . . . 651--676
                Atakan Aral and   
              Ivona Brandic and   
      Rafael Brundo Uriarte and   
            Rocco De Nicola and   
                 Vincenzo Scoca   Addressing Application Latency
                                  Requirements through Edge Scheduling . . 677--698
                 Weiwei Lin and   
               Gaofeng Peng and   
                Xinran Bian and   
                   Siyao Xu and   
               Victor Chang and   
                         Yin Li   Scheduling Algorithms for Heterogeneous
                                  Cloud Environment: Main Resource Load
                                  Balancing Algorithm and Time Balancing
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699--726
       Eva-Maria Schomakers and   
            Chantal Lidynia and   
                 Martina Ziefle   A Typology of Online Privacy
                                  Personalities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727--747
            Danilo Oliveira and   
     André Brinkmann and   
                Nelson Rosa and   
                   Paulo Maciel   Performability Evaluation and
                                  Optimization of Workflow Applications in
                                  Cloud Environments . . . . . . . . . . . 749--770
               F. Salvadore and   
                     R. Ponzini   LincoSim: a Web Based HPC--Cloud
                                  Platform for Automatic Virtual Towing
                                  Tank Analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 771--795
      Bartlomiej Sniezynski and   
             Piotr Nawrocki and   
                Michal Wilk and   
              Marcin Jarzab and   
            Krzysztof Zielinski   VM Reservation Plan Adaptation Using
                                  Machine Learning in Cloud Computing  . . 797--812
    József Kovács   Supporting Programmable Autoscaling
                                  Rules for Containers and Virtual
                                  Machines on Clouds . . . . . . . . . . . 813--829
                 Ahsan Shah and   
                    Zahid Halim   On Efficient Mining of Frequent Itemsets
                                  from Big Uncertain Databases . . . . . . 831--850

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 18, Number 1, March, 2020

      Mostafa Ghobaei-Arani and   
              Alireza Souri and   
               Ali A. Rahmanian   Resource Management Approaches in Fog
                                  Computing: a Comprehensive Review  . . . 1--42
               Mahdi Abbasi and   
     Ehsan Mohammadi Pasand and   
           Mohammad R. Khosravi   Workload Allocation in IoT-Fog-Cloud
                                  Architecture Using a Multi-Objective
                                  Genetic Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . 43--56
                 Asad Javed and   
Jérémy Robert and   
             Keijo Heljanko and   
             Kary Främling   IoTEF: A Federated Edge-Cloud
                                  Architecture for Fault-Tolerant IoT
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57--80
Pablo Orviz Fernández and   
         Mário David and   
        Doina Cristina Duma and   
       Elisabetta Ronchieri and   
                Jorge Gomes and   
                Davide Salomoni   Software Quality Assurance in
                                  INDIGO--DataCloud Project: a Converging
                                  Evolution of Software Engineering
                                  Practices to Support European Research
                                  e-Infrastructures  . . . . . . . . . . . 81--98
              David P. Anderson   BOINC: A Platform for Volunteer
                                  Computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99--122
                Lingfu Kong and   
    Jean Pepe Buanga Mapetu and   
                      Zhen Chen   Heuristic Load Balancing Based Zero
                                  Imbalance Mechanism in Cloud Computing   123--148
            Eduard Zharikov and   
             Sergii Telenyk and   
                   Petro Bidyuk   Adaptive Workload Forecasting in Cloud
                                  Data Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149--168
                Tehseen Zia and   
                    Saad Razzaq   Residual Recurrent Highway Networks for
                                  Learning Deep Sequence Prediction Models 169--176

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 18, Number 2, June, 2020

                Kaijian Xia and   
                     Tao Hu and   
                         Wen Si   Research on Parallel Deep Learning for
                                  Heterogeneous Computing Architecture . . 177--179
                 Shan Zhong and   
                   Jack Tan and   
               Husheng Dong and   
                Xuemei Chen and   
             Shengrong Gong and   
                 Zhenjiang Qian   Modeling-Learning-Based Actor-Critic
                                  Algorithm with Gaussian Process
                                  Approximator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181--195
               Tongguang Ni and   
                Xiaoqing Gu and   
                 Cong Zhang and   
                 Weibo Wang and   
                     Yiqing Fan   Multi-Task Deep Metric Learning with
                                  Boundary Discriminative Information for
                                  Cross-Age Face Verification  . . . . . . 197--210
             Pengjiang Qian and   
                      Ke Xu and   
                Tingyu Wang and   
              Qiankun Zheng and   
                  Huan Yang and   
            Atallah Baydoun and   
                Junqing Zhu and   
            Bryan Traughber and   
          Raymond F. Muzic, Jr.   Estimating CT from MR Abdominal Images
                                  Using Novel Generative Adversarial
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211--226
                         Yan Hu   Design and Implementation of Abnormal
                                  Behavior Detection Based on Deep
                                  Intelligent Analysis Algorithms in
                                  Massive Video Surveillance . . . . . . . 227--237
                      Weijia Lu   Improved $K$-Means Clustering Algorithm
                                  for Big Data Mining under Hadoop
                                  Parallel Framework . . . . . . . . . . . 239--250
                  Jingzhen Yuan   An Anomaly Data Mining Method for Mass
                                  Sensor Networks Using Improved PSO
                                  Algorithm Based on Spark Parallel
                                  Framework  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251--261
              Dongliang Xia and   
                Feifei Ning and   
                       Weina He   Research on Parallel Adaptive
                                  Canopy-K-Means Clustering Algorithm for
                                  Big Data Mining Based on Cloud Platform  263--273
                      Yang Ping   Load Balancing Algorithms for Big Data
                                  Flow Classification Based on
                                  Heterogeneous Computing in Software
                                  Definition Networks  . . . . . . . . . . 275--291
             Hamid Darabian and   
          Sajad Homayounoot and   
           Ali Dehghantanha and   
             Sattar Hashemi and   
           Hadis Karimipour and   
             Reza M. Parizi and   
         Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo   Detecting Cryptomining Malware: a Deep
                                  Learning Approach for Static and Dynamic
                                  Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293--303
               Mahdi Abbasi and   
           Mohammad R. Khosravi   A Robust and Accurate Particle
                                  Filter-Based Pupil Detection Method for
                                  Big Datasets of Eye Video  . . . . . . . 305--325

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 18, Number 3, September, 2020

         Mehdi Hosseinzadeh and   
      Marwan Yassin Ghafour and   
              Afsane Khoshnevis   Multi-Objective Task and Workflow
                                  Scheduling Approaches in Cloud
                                  Computing: a Comprehensive Review  . . . 327--356
             Vishakha Singh and   
            Indrajeet Gupta and   
               Prasanta K. Jana   An Energy Efficient Algorithm for
                                  Workflow Scheduling in IaaS Cloud  . . . 357--376
              Alemeh Matani and   
            Hamid Reza Naji and   
               Hassan Motallebi   A Fault-Tolerant Workflow Scheduling
                                  Algorithm for Grid with Near-Optimal
                                  Redundancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377--394
             Patrizio Dazzi and   
             Matteo Mordacchini   Scalable Decentralized Indexing and
                                  Querying of Multi-Streams in the Fog . . 395--418
                S. Kirthica and   
               I. Saravanan and   
              Rajeswari Sridhar   Enhancing the Cloud Inter-operation
                                  Toolkit (CIT) to Support Multiple Cloud
                                  Service Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419--439
              Joonseok Park and   
                 Ungsoo Kim and   
                  Keunhyuk Yeom   Approach for Selecting and Integrating
                                  Cloud Services to Construct Hybrid Cloud 441--469
                Zeqian Meng and   
                John Brooke and   
              Rizos Sakellariou   A Negotiation Protocol for Fine-Grained
                                  Accountable Resource Provisioning and
                                  Sharing in e-Science . . . . . . . . . . 471--490
                  Nam H. Do and   
                Tien Van Do and   
                   Csaba Rotter   Provisioning Input and Output Data Rates
                                  in Data Processing Frameworks  . . . . . 491--506
                M. Ghorbani and   
                   S. Swift and   
                    A. M. Payne   Design of a Flexible, User Friendly
                                  Feature Matrix Generation System and its
                                  Application on Biomedical Datasets . . . 507--527
         Damjan Temelkovski and   
                 Tamas Kiss and   
               Pamela Greenwell   Building Science Gateways for Analysing
                                  Molecular Docking Results Using a
                                  Generic Framework and Methodology  . . . 529--546
                 Toqeer Ali and   
                 Yasar Khan and   
                    Sajid Anwar   An Automated Permission Selection
                                  Framework for Android Platform . . . . . 547--561
    Maria José Sousa and   
            Álvaro Rocha   Learning Analytics Measuring Impacts on
                                  Organisational Performance . . . . . . . 563--571

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 18, Number 4, December, 2020

                      Yimin Lin   Special Issue: Blockchain Theories and
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573--573
              Elias Strehle and   
                 Fred Steinmetz   Dominating OP Returns: The Impact of
                                  Omni and Veriblock on Bitcoin  . . . . . 575--592
                    Kai Lei and   
                Junjie Fang and   
                        Kuai Xu   Blockchain-Based Cache Poisoning
                                  Security Protection and Privacy-Aware
                                  Access Control in NDN Vehicular Edge
                                  Computing Networks . . . . . . . . . . . 593--613
          Ali Hassan Sodhro and   
          Sandeep Pirbhulal and   
                    Luo Zongwei   Towards Blockchain-Enabled Security
                                  Technique for Industrial Internet of
                                  Things Based Decentralized Applications  615--628
                   Gejun Le and   
                  Qifeng Gu and   
                   Jianping Fan   AirCargoChain: A Distributed and
                                  Scalable Data Sharing Approach of
                                  Blockchain for Air Cargo . . . . . . . . 629--638
              Ali Shakarami and   
      Mostafa Ghobaei-Arani and   
             Mehdi Hosseinzadeh   A Survey on the Computation Offloading
                                  Approaches in Mobile Edge/Cloud
                                  Computing Environment: a
                                  Stochastic-based Perspective . . . . . . 639--671
            Petar Kochovski and   
           Vlado Stankovski and   
                   Seungwoo Kum   Smart Contracts for Service-Level
                                  Agreements in Edge-to-Cloud Computing    673--690
     Horácio Martins and   
              Filipe Araujo and   
          Paulo Rupino da Cunha   Benchmarking Serverless Computing
                                  Platforms  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 691--709
               Bradley Wood and   
              Brock Watling and   
                   Akramul Azim   Remote Method Delegation: a Platform for
                                  Grid Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711--725
           Mohammad Masdari and   
               Mehran Zangakani   Green Cloud Computing Using Proactive
                                  Virtual Machine Placement: Challenges
                                  and Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727--759
        Gabriele Pierantoni and   
                 Tamas Kiss and   
                   Hai-Van Dang   Describing and Processing Topology and
                                  Quality of Service Parameters of
                                  Applications in the Cloud  . . . . . . . 761--778
          Joanna Kosi\'nska and   
          Krzysztof Zieli\'nski   Autonomic Management Framework for
                                  Cloud-Native Applications  . . . . . . . 779--796
Octavio Loyola-González and   
Miguel Angel Medina-Pérez and   
         Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo   A Review of Supervised Classification
                                  based on Contrast Patterns:
                                  Applications, Trends, and Challenges . . 797--845
            Pooya Tavallali and   
               Mehran Yazdi and   
           Mohammad R. Khosravi   A Systematic Training Procedure for
                                  Viola--Jones Face Detector in
                                  Heterogeneous Computing Architecture . . 847--862
            Attiq Ur-Rehman and   
               Iqbal Gondal and   
                Alireza Jolfaei   Vulnerability Modelling for Hybrid
                                  Industrial Control System Networks . . . 863--878
            Mandana Farhang and   
         Faramarz Safi-Esfahani   Recognizing MapReduce Straggler Tasks in
                                  Big Data Infrastructures Using
                                  Artificial Neural Networks . . . . . . . 879--901

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 19, Number 1, March, 2021

                    Hao Wei and   
Joaquin Salvachua Rodriguez and   
  Octavio Nieto-Taladriz Garcia   Deployment Management and Topology
                                  Discovery of Microservice Applications
                                  in the Multicloud Environment  . . . . . ??
              Eduardo Huedo and   
    Rubén S. Montero and   
            Ignacio M. Llorente   Opportunistic Deployment of Distributed
                                  Edge Clouds for Latency-Critical
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Andrey Demichev and   
          Alexander Kryukov and   
             Nikolai Prikhod'ko   Business Process Engineering for Data
                                  Storing and Processing in a
                                  Collaborative Distributed Environment
                                  Based on Provenance Metadata, Smart
                                  Contracts and Blockchain Technology  . . ??
            Miguel Caballer and   
           Marica Antonacci and   
     Germán Moltó   Deployment of Elastic Virtual Hybrid
                                  Clusters Across Cloud Sites  . . . . . . ??
           Orazio Tomarchio and   
        Domenico Calcaterra and   
               Pietro Mazzaglia   TORCH: a TOSCA-Based Orchestrator of
                                  Multi-Cloud Containerised Applications   ??
              Ghazal Zamani and   
                     Olivia Das   Fault-Detection Managers: More May Not
                                  Be the Merrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Hamed Tabrizchi and   
      Marjan Kuchaki Rafsanjani   Energy Refining Balance with Ant Colony
                                  System for Cloud Placement Machines  . . ??
                     Jie Xu and   
                Jingyu Wang and   
                        Di Yang   Effective Scheduler for Distributed DNN
                                  Training Based on MapReduce and GPU
                                  Cluster  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Andre Bento and   
              Jaime Correia and   
                  Jorge Cardoso   Automated Analysis of Distributed
                                  Tracing: Challenges and Research
                                  Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Jenn-Wei Lin and   
             Joseph M. Arul and   
                   Jia-Ting Kao   A Bottom-Up Tree Based Storage Approach
                                  for Efficient IoT Data Analytics in
                                  Cloud Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Muhammad Sulaiman and   
                Zahid Halim and   
                    Shanshan Tu   An Evolutionary Computing-Based
                                  Efficient Hybrid Task Scheduling
                                  Approach for Heterogeneous Computing
                                  Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                    Wei Wei and   
                    Qi Wang and   
                       Yang Liu   Highly Complex Resource Scheduling for
                                  Stochastic Demands in Heterogeneous
                                  Clouds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Tarek Hagras and   
                 Asmaa Atef and   
                Yousef B. Mahdy   Greening Duplication-Based
                                  Dependent-Tasks Scheduling on
                                  Heterogeneous Large-Scale Computing
                                  Platforms  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 19, Number 2, June, 2021

         Mehdi Hosseinzadeh and   
           Mohammad Masdari and   
         Sarkhel H. Taher Karim   Improved Butterfly Optimization
                                  Algorithm for Data Placement and
                                  Scheduling in Edge Computing
                                  Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Kun Wang and   
              Xiaofeng Wang and   
                       Xuan Liu   A High Reliable Computing Offloading
                                  Strategy Using Deep Reinforcement
                                  Learning for IoVs in Edge Computing  . . ??
           Alireza Shirmarz and   
                   Ali Ghaffari   Automatic Software Defined Network (SDN)
                                  Performance Management Using TOPSIS
                                  Decision-Making Algorithm  . . . . . . . ??
                Jianxi Wang and   
                    Liutao Wang   A Computing Resource Allocation
                                  Optimization Strategy for Massive
                                  Internet of Health Things Devices
                                  Considering Privacy Protection in Cloud
                                  Edge Computing Environment . . . . . . . ??
           Ali Shahidinejad and   
         Fariba Farahbakhsh and   
                     Toni Anwar   Context-Aware Multi-User Offloading in
                                  Mobile Edge Computing: a Federated
                                  Learning-Based Approach  . . . . . . . . ??
           Anurina Tarafdar and   
              Mukta Debnath and   
                   Rajib K. Das   Energy and Makespan Aware Scheduling of
                                  Deadline Sensitive Tasks in the Cloud
                                  Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Piotr Nawrocki and   
                Patryk Osypanka   Cloud Resource Demand Prediction using
                                  Machine Learning in the Context of QoS
                                  Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
 G. Annie Poornima Princess and   
                A. S. Radhamani   A Hybrid Meta-Heuristic for Optimal Load
                                  Balancing in Cloud Computing . . . . . . ??
                   Dong Liu and   
                Longxi Chen and   
               Zhiyong Wang and   
                Guangqiang Diao   Speech Expression Multimodal Emotion
                                  Recognition Based on Deep Belief Network ??

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 19, Number 3, September, 2021

             Reza Besharati and   
   Mohammad Hossein Rezvani and   
Mohammad Mehdi Gilanian Sadeghi   An Incentive-Compatible Offloading
                                  Mechanism in Fog-Cloud Environments
                                  Using Second-Price Sealed-Bid Auction    ??
Álvaro Fernández Casaní and   
      Juan M. Orduña and   
Santiago González de la Hoz   A Reliable Large Distributed Object
                                  Store Based Platform for Collecting
                                  Event Metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Vasiliy Chitanov and   
            Michael Krieger and   
               Roumen Kakanakov   A Pilot Applied Physics Grid Computing
                                  Infrastructure for Developing
                                  Applications Predicting the Qualities of
                                  Industrial Coatings  . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Luca Foschini and   
       Giuseppe Martuscelli and   
              Michele Solimando   Edge-enabled Mobile Crowdsensing to
                                  Support Effective Rewarding for Data
                                  Collection in Pandemic Events  . . . . . ??
               Ameni Hedhli and   
                  Haithem Mezni   A Survey of Service Placement in Cloud
                                  Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Mehdi Hosseinzadeh and   
           Mohammad Masdari and   
         Sarkhel H. Taher Karim   Correction to: Improved Butterfly
                                  Optimization Algorithm for Data
                                  Placement and Scheduling in Edge
                                  Computing Environments . . . . . . . . . ??
              Indika Kumara and   
                 Paul Mundt and   
             Georgios Meditskos   SODALITE@RT: Orchestrating Applications
                                  on Cloud-Edge Infrastructures  . . . . . ??
                      Xuezhu Li   A Computing Offloading Resource
                                  Allocation Scheme Using Deep
                                  Reinforcement Learning in Mobile Edge
                                  Computing Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Asif Muhammad and   
                 Muhammad Aleem   \pkgBAN-Storm: a Bandwidth-Aware
                                  Scheduling Mechanism for Stream Jobs . . ??
        Mohammed Islam Naas and   
         Laurent Lemarchand and   
                Jalil Boukhobza   IoT Data Replication and Consistency
                                  Management in Fog Computing  . . . . . . ??
         André Pires and   
   José Simão and   
              Luís Veiga   Distributed and Decentralized
                                  Orchestration of Containers on Edge
                                  Clouds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
     Sebastián Risco and   
 Germán Moltó and   
               Ignacio Blanquer   Serverless Workflows for Containerised
                                  Applications in the Cloud Continuum  . . ??
                 Hajar Siar and   
                 Mohammad Izadi   Offloading Coalition Formation for
                                  Scheduling Scientific Workflow Ensembles
                                  in Fog Environments  . . . . . . . . . . ??
      László Toka   Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Computing
                                  in the Edge with Kubernetes  . . . . . . ??
             Francesco Tusa and   
                 Stuart Clayman   The Impact of Encoding and Transport for
                                  Massive Real-time IoT Data on Edge
                                  Resource Consumption . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Jixian Zhang and   
                   Ning Xie and   
                     Weidong Li   Strategy-Proof Mechanism for Online
                                  Time-Varying Resource Allocation with
                                  Restart  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Anqing Zhu and   
                     Youyun Wen   Computing Offloading Strategy Using
                                  Improved Genetic Algorithm in Mobile
                                  Edge Computing System  . . . . . . . . . ??

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 19, Number 4, December, 2021

     Lenita Ambrósio and   
            Heitor Linhares and   
                 Rafael Capilla   Enhancing the Reuse of Scientific
                                  Experiments for Agricultural Software
                                  Ecosystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Sounak Banerjee and   
                Sarbani Roy and   
                Sunirmal Khatua   SLA-aware Stochastic Load Balancing in
                                  Dynamic Cloud Environment  . . . . . . . ??
              Antonio Brogi and   
              Stefano Forti and   
                     Isaac Lera   Declarative Application Management in
                                  the Fog  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Mandeep Kaur and   
                     Rajni Aron   FOCALB: Fog Computing Architecture of
                                  Load Balancing for Scientific Workflow
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Douglas B. Maciel and   
             Emidio P. Neto and   
              Silvio C. Sampaio   Cloud-Network Slicing MANO Towards an
                                  Efficient IoT-Cloud Continuum  . . . . . ??
       Mahzad Mahdavisharif and   
             Shahram Jamali and   
                    Reza Fotohi   Big Data-Aware Intrusion Detection
                                  System in Communication Networks: a Deep
                                  Learning Approach  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Divya Pandove and   
                   Avleen Malhi   A Correlation Based Recommendation
                                  System for Large Data Sets . . . . . . . ??
                 Aheli Saha and   
              Yu-Dong Zhang and   
       Suresh Chandra Satapathy   Brain Tumour Segmentation with a
                                  Muti-Pathway ResNet Based UNet . . . . . ??
Luis E. Sepúlveda-Rodríguez and   
   José Luis Garrido and   
     Gabriel Guerrero-Contreras   Study-based Systematic Mapping Analysis
                                  of Cloud Technologies for Leveraging IT
                                  Resource and Service Management: The
                                  Case Study of the Science Gateway
                                  Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Amjad Ullah and   
         Huseyin Dagdeviren and   
                   James Bowden   \pkgMiCADO-Edge: Towards an
                                  Application-level Orchestrator for the
                                  Cloud-to-Edge Computing Continuum  . . . ??

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 20, Number 1, March, 2022

                Kalka Dubey and   
               S. C. Sharma and   
                    Mohit Kumar   A Secure IoT Applications Allocation
                                  Framework for Integrated Fog-Cloud
                                  Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
       Mohamed Hedi Fourati and   
            Soumaya Marzouk and   
                 Mohamed Jmaiel   EPMA: Elastic Platform for
                                  Microservices-based Applications:
                                  Towards Optimal Resource Elasticity  . . ??
               Dinesh Kumar and   
            Gaurav Baranwal and   
          Deo Prakash Vidyarthi   A Survey on Auction based Approaches for
                                  Resource Allocation and Pricing in
                                  Emerging Edge Technologies . . . . . . . ??
                Wan Shi Low and   
            Chow Khuen Chan and   
                   Khin Wee Lai   A Review of Machine Learning Network in
                                  Human Motion Biomechanics  . . . . . . . ??
            Armando Ruggeri and   
            Antonio Celesti and   
                Massimo Villari   An Innovative Blockchain-Based
                                  Orchestrator for Osmotic Computing . . . ??
              Shui-Hua Wang and   
   Suresh Chandra Satapathy and   
                  Yu-Dong Zhang   Secondary Pulmonary Tuberculosis
                                  Identification Via pseudo-Zernike Moment
                                  and Deep Stacked Sparse Autoencoder  . . ??

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 20, Number 2, June, 2022

            Mustafa M. Al-Sayed   Workload Time Series Cumulative
                                  Prediction Mechanism for Cloud Resources
                                  Using Neural Machine Translation
                                  Technique  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
   Zohreh Esmaeili Bidhendi and   
        Ehsan Mousavi Khaneghah   ExaFlooding RD: a Mathematical Model to
                                  Support Unstructured Resource Discovery
                                  in Distributed Exascale Computing
                                  Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                RuiZhong Du and   
                    Cui Liu and   
                    ZiYuan Wang   Collaborative Cloud-Edge-End Task
                                  Offloading in NOMA-Enabled Mobile Edge
                                  Computing Using Deep Learning  . . . . . ??
               Leila Helali and   
             Mohamed Nazih Omri   Software License Consolidation and
                                  Resource Optimization in Container-based
                                  Virtualized Data Centers . . . . . . . . ??
      Abdul Rahman Hummaida and   
            Norman W. Paton and   
              Rizos Sakellariou   Scalable Virtual Machine Migration using
                                  Reinforcement Learning . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Yaqin Liu and   
                  Chubo Liu and   
                       Keqin Li   Mobility-Aware and Code-Oriented
                                  Partitioning Computation Offloading in
                                  Multi-Access Edge Computing  . . . . . . ??
               Kanika Saini and   
              Sheetal Kalra and   
                Sandeep K. Sood   An Integrated Framework for Smart
                                  Earthquake Prediction: IoT, Fog, and
                                  Cloud Computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Ehtesham Zahoor and   
                 Asim Ikram and   
                 Olivier Perrin   A Formal Approach for the Identification
                                  of Authorization Policy Conflicts within
                                  Multi-Cloud Environments . . . . . . . . ??
                  Defu Zhao and   
                Qunying Zou and   
           Milad Boshkani Zadeh   A QoS-Aware IoT Service Placement
                                  Mechanism in Fog Computing Based on
                                  Open-Source Development Model  . . . . . ??

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 20, Number 3, September, 2022

              Abhinav Kumar and   
        Jyoti Prakash Singh and   
               Amit Kumar Singh   Randomized Convolutional Neural Network
                                  Architecture for Eyewitness Tweet
                                  Identification During Disaster . . . . . ??
                 Jingzhi Tu and   
                   Gang Mei and   
            Francesco Piccialli   An Efficient Deep Learning Approach
                                  Using Improved Generative Adversarial
                                  Networks for Incomplete Information
                                  Completion of Self-driving Vehicles  . . ??

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 20, Number 4, December, 2022

            Samaneh Esmaili and   
                 Kamran Kianfar   Grid Scheduling Considering Energy
                                  Consumption Management and Quality of
                                  Service  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Qianjin Ying and   
                   Yulei Yu and   
                   Changzhen Hu   CJSpector: A Novel Cryptojacking
                                  Detection Method Using Hardware Trace
                                  and Deep Learning  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Xiaobin Hong and   
                Jiali Zhang and   
               Yeganeh Alizadeh   An Autonomous Evolutionary Approach to
                                  Planning the IoT Services Placement in
                                  the Cloud--Fog--IoT Ecosystem  . . . . . ??
        Quazi Warisha Ahmed and   
                    Shruti Garg   Double Diagonal Puzzle Encryption
                                  Standard-512 for Securing Data over
                                  Cloud Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Ping Tian and   
                Huitao Shen and   
                 Ahad Abolfathi   Towards Efficient Ensemble Hierarchical
                                  Clustering with MapReduce-based Clusters
                                  Clustering Technique and the Innovative
                                  Similarity Criterion . . . . . . . . . . ??

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 21, Number 1, March, 2023

Pijush Kanti Dutta Pramanik and   
               Tarun Biswas and   
            Prasenjit Choudhury   Multicriteria-based Resource-Aware
                                  Scheduling in Mobile Crowd Computing: a
                                  Heuristic Approach . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Ali Al-Haboobi and   
               Gabor Kecskemeti   Developing a Workflow Management System
                                  Simulation for Capturing Internal IaaS
                                  Behavioural Knowledge  . . . . . . . . . ??
             Faeze Ramezani and   
            Saeid Abrishami and   
                    Mehdi Feizi   A Market-based Framework for Resource
                                  Management in Cloud Federation . . . . . ??
               Victor Chang and   
             Jagpreet Sidhu and   
             Sarbjeet Singh and   
                Rajinder Sandhu   SLA-based Multi-dimensional Trust Model
                                  for Fog Computing Environments . . . . . ??
                  Eva Patel and   
      Dharmender Singh Kushwaha   An Integrated Deep Learning Prediction
                                  Approach for Efficient Modelling of Host
                                  Load Patterns in Cloud Computing . . . . ??
             Piotr Nawrocki and   
            Patryk Osypanka and   
                Beata Posluszny   Data-Driven Adaptive Prediction of Cloud
                                  Resource Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 KaiLun Eng and   
          Abdullah Muhammed and   
            Azizol Abdullah and   
             Masnida Hussin and   
             Sazlinah Hasan and   
        Mohamad Afendee Mohamed   An Estimation-Based Dynamic Load
                                  Balancing Algorithm for Efficient Load
                                  Distribution and Balancing in
                                  Heterogeneous Grid Computing Environment ??
               Stanley Lima and   
              Filipe Araujo and   
Miguel de Oliveira Guerreiro and   
              Jaime Correia and   
                Andre Bento and   
                   Raul Barbosa   Efficient Causal Access in
                                  Geo-Replicated Storage Systems . . . . . ??
  Vincenzo Eduardo Padulano and   
     Ivan Donchev Kabadzhov and   
     Enric Tejedor Saavedra and   
             Enrico Guiraud and   
      Pedro Alonso-Jordá   Leveraging State-of-the-Art Engines for
                                  Large-Scale Data Analysis in High Energy
                                  Physics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Anurina Tarafdar and   
               Soumi Sarkar and   
               Rajib K. Das and   
                Sunirmal Khatua   Power Modeling for Energy-Efficient
                                  Resource Management in a Cloud Data
                                  Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Xinjian Long and   
             Xiangyang Gong and   
                   Bo Zhang and   
                   Huiyang Zhou   An Intelligent Framework for
                                  Oversubscription Management in CPU--GPU
                                  Unified Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Reyhaneh Noorabad and   
Nasrollah Moghadam Charkari and   
         Sadegh Dorri Nogoorani   PoMic: Dynamic Power Management of
                                  VM-Microservices in Overcommitted Cloud  ??
                      Na Li and   
               XiaoLing Liu and   
                    Yu Wang and   
                   Musa Mojarad   Improving Dynamic Placement of Virtual
                                  Machines in Cloud Data Centers Based on
                                  Open-Source Development Model Algorithm  ??
               Yifeng Zheng and   
                 Lushan Zou and   
               Wenjie Zhang and   
               Jingmin Yang and   
                 Liwei Yang and   
                    Ziqiong Lin   Contract-based Cooperative Computation
                                  and Communication Resources Sharing in
                                  Mobile Edge Computing  . . . . . . . . . ??
              Xiaofeng Shan and   
                Chishe Wang and   
                   Dongqin Zhou   Interfering Spatiotemporal Features and
                                  Causes of Bus Bunching using Empirical
                                  GPS Trajectory Data  . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Jinfeng Dou and   
             Fangzheng Yuan and   
                 Jiabao Cao and   
                Xuejia Meng and   
               Xiaoguang Ma and   
                   Zhongwen Guo   Placement Combination between
                                  Heterogeneous Services and Heterogeneous
                                  Capacitated Servers in Edge Computing    ??
                  Limin Tao and   
                Xikun Liang and   
                 Zhijing Wu and   
                 Lidong Han and   
                  Jiangping Zhu   Plaintext Related Optical Image Hybrid
                                  Encryption Based on Fractional Fourier
                                  Transform and Generalized Chaos of
                                  Multiple Controlling Parameters  . . . . ??

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 21, Number 2, June, 2023

         Wilton Jaciel Loch and   
Guilherme Piêgas Koslovski   \pkgSparbit: Towards to a
                                  Logarithmic-Cost and Data Locality-Aware
                                  MPI Allgather Algorithm  . . . . . . . . ??
                       Haibo Yi   Machine Learning Method with
                                  Applications in Hardware Security of
                                  Post-Quantum Cryptography  . . . . . . . ??
        Wilmer Moina-Rivera and   
       Miguel Garcia-Pineda and   
             Jose M. Claver and   
   Juan Gutiérrez-Aguado   Event-Driven Serverless Pipelines for
                                  Video Coding and Quality Metrics . . . . ??
            Khalid M. Hosny and   
              Ahmed I. Awad and   
          Marwa M. Khashaba and   
                Ehab R. Mohamed   New Improved Multi-Objective Gorilla
                                  Troops Algorithm for Dependent Tasks
                                  Offloading problem in Multi-Access Edge
                                  Computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Jimmy Ming-Tai Wu and   
               Huiying Zhou and   
         Jerry Chun-Wei Lin and   
          Gautam Srivastava and   
                   Mohamed Baza   Mining Skyline Patterns from Big Data
                                  Environments based on a Spark Framework  ??
        Faeze Azimi Chetabi and   
           Mehrdad Ashtiani and   
               Ehsan Saeedizade   A Package-Aware Approach for Function
                                  Scheduling in Serverless Computing
                                  Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Yibo Han and   
                     Pu Han and   
                    Bo Yuan and   
                Zheng Zhang and   
                     Lu Liu and   
             John Panneerselvam   Design and Application of Vague Set
                                  Theory and Adaptive Grid Particle Swarm
                                  Optimization Algorithm in Resource
                                  Scheduling Optimization  . . . . . . . . ??
                  Mingye Li and   
                 Haiwei Lei and   
                   Huan Guo and   
              Riza Sulaiman and   
             Wejdan Deebani and   
                Meshal Shutaywi   Efficient Data Offloading Using
                                  Markovian Decision on State Reward
                                  Action in Edge Computing . . . . . . . . ??
               Liqiong Chen and   
                 Yingda Liu and   
                   Yijun Lu and   
                   Huaiying Sun   Energy-Aware and Mobility-Driven
                                  Computation Offloading in MEC  . . . . . ??
                   Xiang Ma and   
            Laila Almutairi and   
          Ahmed M. Alwakeel and   
       Mohammed Hameed Alhameed   Cyber Physical System for Distributed
                                  Network Using DoS Based Hierarchical
                                  Bayesian Network . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Mantosh Kumar and   
             Kumari Namrata and   
              Nishant Kumar and   
                   Gaurav Saini   Solar Irradiance Prediction Using an
                                  Optimized Data Driven Machine Learning
                                  Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Xiling Liu and   
                 Shuisheng Zhou   Quality-related Fault Detection Based on
                                  Approximate Kernel Partial Least Squares
                                  Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Zhechao Wang and   
                  Qiming Fu and   
              Jianping Chen and   
                Yunzhe Wang and   
                     You Lu and   
                     Hongjie Wu   Reinforcement Learning in Few-Shot
                                  Scenarios: a Survey  . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Qianxue Hu and   
                 Xiaofei Wu and   
                   Shoubin Dong   A Two-Stage Multi-Objective Task
                                  Scheduling Framework Based on Invasive
                                  Tumor Growth Optimization Algorithm for
                                  Cloud Computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Changyuan Sun and   
                Jingjing Li and   
              Riza Sulaiman and   
           Badr S. Alotaibi and   
              Samia Elattar and   
            Mohammed Abuhussain   Air Quality Prediction and Multi-Task
                                  Offloading based on Deep Learning
                                  Methods in Edge Computing  . . . . . . . ??

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 21, Number 3, September, 2023

                Hongjian Li and   
                  Lisha Zhu and   
            Shuaicheng Wang and   
                       Lei Wang   Cost-Aware Scheduling and Data Skew
                                  Alleviation for Big Data Processing in
                                  Heterogeneous Cloud Environment  . . . . ??
       Vojdan Kjorveziroski and   
                Sonja Filiposka   WebAssembly as an Enabler for Next
                                  Generation Serverless Computing  . . . . ??
             Ajay Chaudhary and   
          Sateesh K Peddoju and   
                  Vikas Chouhan   Secure Authentication and Reliable Cloud
                                  Storage Scheme for IoT--Edge-Cloud
                                  Integration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Hailin Yang and   
              Yanhong Huang and   
                 Jianqi Shi and   
                      Yang Yang   A Federated Framework for Edge Computing
                                  Devices with Collaborative Fairness and
                                  Adversarial Robustness . . . . . . . . . ??
                 YanRu Dong and   
          Ahmed M. Alwakeel and   
       Mohammed M. Alwakeel and   
           Lubna A. Alharbi and   
               Sara A Althubiti   A Heuristic Deep Q Learning for
                                  Offloading in Edge Devices in 5~g
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                     Kun Xu and   
                    Jichang Guo   A Novel Edge-Inspired Depth Quality
                                  Evaluation Network for RGB-D Salient
                                  Object Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Kamil Rybi\'nski and   
         Micha\l \'Smia\lek and   
              Agris Sostaks and   
            Krzysztof Marek and   
         Rados\law Roszczyk and   
                  Marek Wdowiak   Visual Low-Code Language for
                                  Orchestrating Large-Scale Distributed
                                  Computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Bahareh Taghavi and   
         Behrooz Zolfaghari and   
                Saeid Abrishami   A Cost-Efficient Workflow as a Service
                                  Broker Using On-demand and Spot
                                  Instances  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Zhao Tong and   
                  Bilan Liu and   
                   Jing Mei and   
                 Jiake Wang and   
                   Xin Peng and   
                       Keqin Li   Data Security Aware and Effective Task
                                  Offloading Strategy in Mobile Edge
                                  Computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Tommaso Tedeschi and   
            Marco Baioletti and   
          Diego Ciangottini and   
         Valentina Poggioni and   
              Daniele Spiga and   
            Loriano Storchi and   
                 Mirco Tracolli   Smart Caching in a Data Lake for High
                                  Energy Physics Analysis  . . . . . . . . ??
            Garrett Brenner and   
               Mohamed Baza and   
               Amar Rasheed and   
           Wassila Lalouani and   
               Mahmoud Badr and   
                Hani Alshahrani   DPark: Decentralized Smart
                                  Private-Parking System using Blockchains ??
          Joanna Kosi\'nska and   
          Krzysztof Zieli\'nski   Enhancement of Cloud-native applications
                                  with Autonomic Features  . . . . . . . . ??
                    K. Raju and   
              N. Ramshankar and   
           J. Anvar Shathik and   
                     R. Lavanya   Blockchain Assisted Cloud Security and
                                  Privacy Preservation using Hybridized
                                  Encryption and Deep Learning Mechanism
                                  in IoT--Healthcare Application . . . . . ??
          Abdullah Alelyani and   
              Amitava Datta and   
         Ghulam Mubashar Hassan   DAScheduler: Dependency-Aware Scheduling
                                  Algorithm for Containerized Dependent
                                  Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Divya Kshatriya and   
      Vijayalakshmi A. Lepakshi   An Efficient Hybrid Scheduling Framework
                                  for Optimal Workload Execution in
                                  Federated Clouds to Maintain Performance
                                  SLAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 21, Number 4, December, 2023

    Syed Muhammad Ali Naqvi and   
            Mohammad Shabaz and   
      Muhammad Attique Khan and   
              Syeda Iqra Hassan   Adversarial Attacks on Visual Objects
                                  Using the Fast Gradient Sign Method  . . ??
               Dacheng Chen and   
                     Xinhua Liu   Mayfly Taylor Optimization-Based Graph
                                  Attention Network for Task Scheduling in
                                  Edge Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                      Bei Cheng   Multi-Population Cooperative Elite
                                  Algorithm for Efficient Computation
                                  Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing  . . ??
        Madala Guru Brahmam and   
                  Vijay Anand R   ICSMPC: Design of an Iterative-Learning
                                  Contextual Side Chaining Model for
                                  Improving Security of Priority-Aware
                                  Cloud Resources  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Tianye Luo and   
                  Shijun Li and   
                      Ji Li and   
                    Jie Guo and   
               Ruilong Feng and   
                      Ye Mu and   
                  Tianli Hu and   
                     Yu Sun and   
                   Ying Guo and   
                        He Gong   Image Fuzzy Edge Information
                                  Segmentation Based on Computer Vision
                                  and Machine Learning . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Jehad Ali and   
               Gaoyang Shan and   
                   Noor Gul and   
                 Byeong-hee Roh   An Intelligent Blockchain-based Secure
                                  Link Failure Recovery Framework for
                                  Software-defined Internet-of-Things  . . ??
                  ZhangRong Liu   A Multi-joint Optimisation Method for
                                  Distributed Edge Computing Resources in
                                  IoT-Based Smart Cities . . . . . . . . . ??
             Xiangming Zhou and   
            Laila Almutairi and   
         Theyab R. Alsenani and   
           Mohammad Nazir Ahmad   Honeypot Based Industrial Threat
                                  Detection Using Game Theory in
                                  Cyber--Physical System . . . . . . . . . ??
                Jiazhong Lu and   
                    Jin Lan and   
             Yuanyuan Huang and   
                Maojia Song and   
                    Xiaolei Liu   Anti-Attack Intrusion Detection Model
                                  Based on MPNN and Traffic Spatiotemporal
                                  Characteristics  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Oumaima Ghandour and   
            Said El Kafhali and   
                 Mohamed Hanini   Computing Resources Scalability
                                  Performance Analysis in Cloud Computing
                                  Data Center  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                    Li Yang and   
                 Xiong Xiao and   
              Xuedong Zhang and   
                Zhechang Hu and   
                      Zhuo Tang   A Real-Time Partition Generation
                                  Mechanism for Data Skew Mitigation in
                                  Spark Computing Environment  . . . . . . ??
             Muhammed Golec and   
         Sukhpal Singh Gill and   
              Mustafa Golec and   
                 Minxian Xu and   
            Soumya K. Ghosh and   
           Salil S. Kanhere and   
                  Omer Rana and   
                    Steve Uhlig   BlockFaaS: Blockchain-enabled Serverless
                                  Computing Framework for AI-driven IoT
                                  Healthcare Applications  . . . . . . . . ??
          Salman Azeez Syed and   
        Deepak Kumar Sharma and   
              Gautam Srivastava   Modeling Distributed and Configurable
                                  Hierarchical Blockchain over SDN and
                                  Fog-Based Networks for Large-Scale
                                  Internet of Things . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Hamid Nasiri and   
              Armin Darjani and   
                Nima Kavand and   
                Maziar Goudarzi   H-Storm: a Hybrid CPU--FPGA Architecture
                                  to Accelerate Apache Storm . . . . . . . ??
               Lingbin Meng and   
                     Daofeng Li   Novel Edge Computing-Based
                                  Privacy-Preserving Approach for Smart
                                  Healthcare Systems in the Internet of
                                  Medical Things . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Md. Mobin Akhtar and   
  Abdallah Saleh Ali Shatat and   
         Mukhtar Al-Hashimi and   
          Abu Sarwar Zamani and   
       Mohammed Rizwanullah and   
Sara Saadeldeen Ibrahim Mohamed and   
                    Rashid Ayub   MapReduce with Deep Learning Framework
                                  for Student Health Monitoring System
                                  using IoT Technology for Big Data  . . . ??
                      Hong Zhou   A Novel Approach to Cloud Resource
                                  Management: Hybrid Machine Learning and
                                  Task Scheduling  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Charu Awasthi and   
      Prashant Kumar Mishra and   
            Pawan Kumar Pal and   
         Surbhi Bhatia Khan and   
        Ambuj Kumar Agarwal and   
     Thippa Reddy Gadekallu and   
              Areej A. Malibari   Preservation of Sensitive Data Using
                                  Multi-Level Blockchain-based Secured
                                  Framework for Edge Network Devices . . . ??
                  Jizhou Li and   
                    Qi Wang and   
                   Shuai Hu and   
                        Ling Li   Hybrid Immune Whale Differential
                                  Evolution Optimization (HIWDEO) Based
                                  Computation Offloading in MEC for IoT    ??
         Shuangshuang Zhang and   
                   Yue Tang and   
               Dinghui Wang and   
             Noorliza Karia and   
                 Chenguang Wang   Secured SDN Based Task Scheduling in
                                  Edge Computing for Smart City Health
                                  Monitoring Operation Management System   ??
               Yuting Zhong and   
                Zesheng Qin and   
      Abdulmajeed Alqhatani and   
    Ahmed Sayed M. Metwally and   
          Ashit Kumar Dutta and   
        Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues   Sustainable Environmental Design Using
                                  Green IOT with Hybrid Deep Learning and
                                  Building Algorithm for Smart City  . . . ??
         Matineh ZargarAzad and   
               Mehrdad Ashtiani   An Auto-Scaling Approach for
                                  Microservices in Cloud Computing
                                  Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Mohammad Aknan and   
    Maheshwari Prasad Singh and   
                    Rajeev Arya   AI and Blockchain Assisted Framework for
                                  Offloading and Resource Allocation in
                                  Fog Computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Longxin Zhang and   
                 Minghui Ai and   
                  Runti Tan and   
                Junfeng Man and   
               Xiaojun Deng and   
                       Keqin Li   Efficient Prediction of Makespan Matrix
                                  Workflow Scheduling Algorithm for
                                  Heterogeneous Cloud Environments . . . . ??
               Caijun Cheng and   
                  Huazhen Huang   Smart Financial Investor's Risk
                                  Prediction System Using Mobile Edge
                                  Computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Yanjia Tian and   
                   Yan Dong and   
                     Xiang Feng   Deep Learning-Based Multi-Domain
                                  Framework for End-to-End Services in 5G
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Xiaohu Gao and   
               Mei Choo Ang and   
              Sara A. Althubiti   Deep Reinforcement Learning and Markov
                                  Decision Problem for Task Offloading in
                                  Mobile Edge Computing  . . . . . . . . . ??
              Deepak Sharma and   
               Rajeev Kumar and   
                   Ki-Hyun Jung   A Bibliometric Analysis of Convergence
                                  of Artificial Intelligence and
                                  Blockchain for Edge of Things  . . . . . ??
                Andre Bento and   
              Filipe Araujo and   
                   Raul Barbosa   Cost-Availability Aware Scaling: Towards
                                  Optimal Scaling of Cloud Services  . . . ??
                  Hulin Jin and   
                 Zhiran Jin and   
               Yong-Guk Kim and   
                   Chunyang Fan   Integration of a Lightweight Customized
                                  2D CNN Model to an Edge Computing System
                                  for Real-Time Multiple Gesture
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Yang-Yang Liu and   
                 Ying Zhang and   
                     Yue Wu and   
                       Man Feng   Healthcare and Fitness Services: a
                                  Comprehensive Assessment of Blockchain,
                                  IoT, and Edge Computing in Smart Cities  ??

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 22, Number 1, March, 2024

                Yuliang Gai and   
                  Yuxin Liu and   
                 Minghao Li and   
                Shengcheng Yang   Markovian with Federated Deep Recurrent
                                  Neural Network for Edge--IoMT to Improve
                                  Healthcare in Smart Cities . . . . . . . ??
                    Yu Song and   
                     Xin He and   
                Xiwang Tang and   
                     Bo Yin and   
                     Jie Du and   
                  Jiali Liu and   
              Zhongbao Zhao and   
                   Shigang Geng   DEEPBIN: Deep Learning Based Garbage
                                  Classification for Households Using
                                  Sustainable Natural Technologies . . . . ??
                 Sheng Chai and   
                    Lantian Guo   Edge Computing with Fog-cloud for Heart
                                  Data Processing using Particle Swarm
                                  Optimized Deep Learning Technique  . . . ??
                     Ming Zhang   Development of Analytical Offloading for
                                  Innovative Internet of Vehicles Based on
                                  Mobile Edge Computing  . . . . . . . . . ??
                    Xi Zhen and   
                        Li Zhen   Accounting Information Systems and
                                  Strategic Performance: The Interplay of
                                  Digital Technology and Edge Computing
                                  Devices  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
       Katerina Mitropoulou and   
        Panagiotis Kokkinos and   
          Polyzois Soumplis and   
           Emmanouel Varvarigos   Anomaly Detection in Cloud Computing
                                  using Knowledge Graph Embedding and
                                  Machine Learning Mechanisms  . . . . . . ??
                   Yibo Han and   
                     Pu Han and   
                    Bo Yuan and   
                Zheng Zhang and   
                     Lu Liu and   
             John Panneerselvam   Novel Transformation Deep Learning Model
                                  for Electrocardiogram Classification and
                                  Arrhythmia Detection using Edge
                                  Computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                    XuanWen and   
                   Hai Meng Sun   Parking Cooperation-Based Mobile Edge
                                  Computing Using Task Offloading Strategy ??
                  Huayi Yin and   
              Xindong Huang and   
                    Erzhong Cao   A Cloud--Edge-Based Multi-Objective Task
                                  Scheduling Approach for Smart
                                  Manufacturing Lines  . . . . . . . . . . ??
                    Bingtao Liu   Hybrid Fuzzy Neural Network for Joint
                                  Task Offloading in the Internet of
                                  Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Aida A. Nasr   CMSV: a New Cloud Multi-Agents for
                                  Self-Driving Vehicles as a Services  . . ??
                  Xiaofeng Yang   Optimizing Accounting Informatization
                                  through Simultaneous Multi-Tasking
                                  across Edge and Cloud Devices using
                                  Hybrid Machine Learning Models . . . . . ??
              Avishek Sinha and   
            Samayveer Singh and   
                 Harsh K. Verma   AI-Driven Task Scheduling Strategy with
                                  Blockchain Integration for Edge
                                  Computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Xuemei Li and   
                Xuelian Liu and   
                     Da Xie and   
                     Chong Chen   3D Lidar Target Detection Method at the
                                  Edge for the Cloud Continuum . . . . . . ??
               Xiedong Song and   
                      Qinmin Ma   Intrusion Detection using Federated
                                  Attention Neural Network for Edge
                                  Enabled Internet of Things . . . . . . . ??
                Y. P. Tsang and   
               C. K. M. Lee and   
               Kening Zhang and   
                   C. H. Wu and   
                       W. H. Ip   On-Chain and Off-Chain Data Management
                                  for Blockchain--Internet of Things: a
                                  Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning
                                  Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
   Joaquín Entrialgo and   
       Manuel García and   
       Javier García and   
José María López and   
   José Luis Díaz   Joint Autoscaling of Containers and
                                  Virtual Machines for Cost Optimization
                                  in Container Clusters  . . . . . . . . . ??
               Ziyang Zhang and   
                    Keyu Gu and   
                       Zijie Xu   DRL-based Task and Computational
                                  Offloading for Internet of Vehicles in
                                  Decentralized Computing  . . . . . . . . ??
               K Johny Elma and   
   Praveena Rachel Kamala S and   
                   Saraswathi T   Hybridized Black Widow--Honey Badger
                                  Optimization: Swarm Intelligence
                                  Strategy for Node Localization Scheme in
                                  WSN  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                       Daidi Hu   Automated Pallet Racking Examination in
                                  Edge Platform Based on MobileNetV2:
                                  Towards Smart Manufacturing  . . . . . . ??
                Xinyu Zhang and   
                 Zhigang Hu and   
                 Yang Liang and   
                   Hui Xiao and   
                   Aikun Xu and   
             Meiguang Zheng and   
                      Chuan Sun   A Federated Deep Reinforcement
                                  Learning-based Low-power Caching
                                  Strategy for Cloud-edge Collaboration    ??
                      Wenxia Ye   E-Commerce Logistics and Supply Chain
                                  Network Optimization for Cross-Border    ??
             Shanvendra Rai and   
             Rituparna Paul and   
         Subhasish Banerjee and   
          Preetisudha Meher and   
                      Gulab Sah   A Combined Approach of PUF and
                                  Physiological Data for Mutual
                                  Authentication and Key Agreement in WMSN ??
      Sanchika Abhay Bajpai and   
            Archana B. Patankar   Marine Goal Optimizer Tuned Deep
                                  BiLSTM-Based Self-Configuring Intrusion
                                  Detection in Cloud . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Mengqi Wang and   
                Jiayuan Mao and   
                   Wei Zhao and   
                  Xinya Han and   
                  Mengya Li and   
              Chuanjun Liao and   
                Haomiao Sun and   
                     Kexin Wang   Smart City Transportation: a VANET Edge
                                  Computing Model to Minimize Latency and
                                  Delay Utilizing 5G Network . . . . . . . ??
                Jianjia Liu and   
                   Xin Yang and   
               Tiannan Liao and   
                      Yong Hang   An IoT-based Covid-19 Healthcare
                                  Monitoring and Prediction Using Deep
                                  Learning Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Sheng Chai and   
                    Jimmy Huang   Dependent Task Scheduling Using Parallel
                                  Deep Neural Networks in Mobile Edge
                                  Computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Jie Zhao and   
          Ahmed M. El-Sherbeeny   Joint Task Offloading and Multi-Task
                                  Offloading Based on NOMA Enhanced
                                  Internet of Vehicles in Edge Computing   ??
                    Xucheng Wan   Dynamic Resource Management in MEC
                                  Powered by Edge Intelligence for Smart
                                  City Internet of Things  . . . . . . . . ??
                Kemeng Wang and   
                Shurui Kong and   
              Xuezheng Chen and   
                       Min Zhao   Edge Computing Empowered Smart
                                  Healthcare: Monitoring and Diagnosis
                                  with Deep Learning Methods . . . . . . . ??
             Naveen Chauhan and   
                 Rajeev Agrawal   A Probabilistic Deadline-aware
                                  Application Offloading in a
                                  Multi-Queueing Fog System: a Max Entropy
                                  Framework  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Hao Tian and   
                 Ruiheng Li and   
                      Yi Di and   
                Qiankun Zuo and   
                   Jinpeng Wang   Employing RNN and Petri Nets to Secure
                                  Edge Computing Threats in Smart Cities   ??
             Amir Javadpour and   
        Arun Kumar Sangaiah and   
               Weizhe Zhang and   
            Ankit Vidyarthi and   
               HamidReza Ahmadi   Decentralized AI-Based Task Distribution
                                  on Blockchain for Cloud Industrial
                                  Internet of Things . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Hulin Jin and   
               Yong-Guk Kim and   
                 Zhiran Jin and   
               Chunyang Fan and   
                    Yonglong Xu   Joint Task Offloading Based on
                                  Distributed Deep Reinforcement
                                  Learning-Based Genetic Optimization
                                  Algorithm for Internet of Vehicles . . . ??
                    Hao Guo and   
                     Weidong Li   Dynamic Multi-Resource Fair Allocation
                                  with Elastic Demands . . . . . . . . . . ??
                     Yanli Xing   Work Scheduling in Cloud Network Based
                                  on Deep Q-LSTM Models for Efficient
                                  Resource Utilization . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Haotian Pang and   
                   Zhanwei Wang   Dueling Double Deep Q Network Strategy
                                  in MEC for Smart Internet of Vehicles
                                  Edge Computing Networks  . . . . . . . . ??
            Shangshang Wang and   
                 Yuqin Jing and   
                 Kezhu Wang and   
                       Xue Wang   Multi-Agent Systems for Collaborative
                                  Inference Based on Deep Policy
                                  Q-Inference Network  . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Hongjian Li and   
                    Wei Luo and   
                 Wenbin Xie and   
                 Huaqing Ye and   
                   Xiaolin Duan   Adaptive Scheduling Framework of
                                  Streaming Applications based on Resource
                                  Demand Prediction with Hybrid Algorithms ??
          Kamalesh Karmakar and   
           Anurina Tarafdar and   
               Rajib K. Das and   
                Sunirmal Khatua   Cost-efficient Workflow as a Service
                                  using Containers . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                     Shujie Qiu   Improving Performance of Smart Education
                                  Systems by Integrating Machine Learning
                                  on Edge Devices and Cloud in Educational
                                  Institutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 22, Number 2, June, 2024

                      Bo Xu and   
                  Jialu Guo and   
                Fangling Ma and   
                 Menglan Hu and   
                    Wei Liu and   
                       Kai Peng   On the Joint Design of Microservice
                                  Deployment and Routing in Cloud Data
                                  Centers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                    Tao Hai and   
              Muammer Aksoy and   
           Celestine Iwendi and   
                Ebuka Ibeke and   
             Senthilkumar Mohan   CIA Security for Internet of Vehicles
                                  and Blockchain--AI Integration . . . . . ??
               Neha Kaushik and   
               Harish Kumar and   
                      Vinay Raj   Micro Frontend Based Performance
                                  Improvement and Prediction for
                                  Microservices Using Machine Learning . . ??
                    Yu Chen and   
                  Yilun Qiu and   
                Zhenyu Tang and   
               Shuling Long and   
              Lingfeng Zhao and   
                     Zhong Tang   Exploring the Synergy of Blockchain,
                                  IoT, and Edge Computing in Smart Traffic
                                  Management across Urban Landscapes . . . ??
                 Wiktor Sus and   
                 Piotr Nawrocki   Signature-based Adaptive Cloud Resource
                                  Usage Prediction Using Machine Learning
                                  and Anomaly Detection  . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Qiang Fu and   
                       Tao Yang   Enhancing Service Offloading for Dense
                                  Networks Based on Optimal Stopping
                                  Theory in Virtual Mobile Edge Computing  ??
       Mouhamed Gaith Ayadi and   
                  Haithem Mezni   Enabling Configurable Workflows in Smart
                                  Environments with Knowledge-based
                                  Process Fragment Reuse . . . . . . . . . ??
               Saeed Kosari and   
 Mirsaeid Hosseini Shirvani and   
            Navid Khaledian and   
                Danial Javaheri   A Hybrid Discrete Grey Wolf Optimization
                                  Algorithm Imbalance-ness Aware for
                                  Solving Two-dimensional Bin-packing
                                  Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
       Mouhamed Gaith Ayadi and   
                  Haithem Mezni   Correction: Enabling Configurable
                                  Workflows in Smart Environments with
                                  Knowledge-based Process Fragment Reuse   ??
                   Yuan Sun and   
                 Chen Zhang and   
                      Tao Huang   Joint Task Dispatching and Bandwidth
                                  Allocation with Hard Deadlines in
                                  Distributed Serverless Edge Computing
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Zhe Yang and   
                  Zitong Ma and   
                 Wenbo Zhao and   
                 Lingzhi Li and   
                         Fei Gu   HRNN: Hypergraph Recurrent Neural
                                  Network for Network Intrusion Detection  ??
                 Jiong Chen and   
        Abdullah Alshammari and   
           Mohammed Alonazi and   
         Aisha M. Alqahtani and   
          Sara A. Althubiti and   
           Romi Fadillah Rahmat   Deep Learning Based Entropy Controlled
                                  Optimization for the Detection of
                                  Covid-19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Guangyu Xu and   
                      Mingde Xu   An Effective Prediction of Resource
                                  Using Machine Learning in Edge
                                  Environments for the Smart Healthcare
                                  Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Zeinab Bakhshi and   
  Guillermo Rodriguez-Navas and   
               Hans Hansson and   
                    Radu Prodan   Evaluation of Storage Placement in
                                  Computing Continuum for a Robotic
                                  Application  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Saihong Li and   
                Yingying Ma and   
                Yusha Zhang and   
                    Yinghui Xie   Towards Enhanced Energy Aware Resource
                                  Optimization for Edge Devices Through
                                  Multi-cluster Communication Systems  . . ??

Journal of Grid Computing
Volume 22, Number 3, September, 2024

                Zaki Brahmi and   
                Rihab Derouiche   EQGSA-DPW: a Quantum-GSA Algorithm-Based
                                  Data Placement for Scientific Workflow
                                  in Cloud Computing Environment . . . . . ??
              Reza Rabieyan and   
            Ramin Yahyapour and   
                 Patrick Jahnke   Optimizing Resource Consumption and
                                  Reducing Power Usage in Data Centers, A
                                  Novel Mathematical VM Replacement Model
                                  and Efficient Algorithm  . . . . . . . . ??
                 Zheyu Zhou and   
                    Qi Wang and   
                  Jizhou Li and   
                      Ziyuan Li   Resource Allocation Using Deep
                                  Deterministic Policy Gradient-Based
                                  Federated Learning for Multi-Access Edge
                                  Computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                       Keqin Li   Energy-Constrained DAG Scheduling on
                                  Edge and Cloud Servers with Overlapped
                                  Communication and Computation  . . . . . ??
               Abhikriti Narwal   Resource Utilization Based on Hybrid
                                  WOA--LOA Optimization with Credit Based
                                  Resource Aware Load Balancing and
                                  Scheduling Algorithm for Cloud Computing ??
                Robert Nica and   
           Stefan Götz and   
     Germán Moltó   CMK: Enhancing Resource Usage Monitoring
                                  across Diverse Bioinformatics Workflow
                                  Management Systems . . . . . . . . . . . ??
        Mohammad Amin Rayej and   
                 Hajar Siar and   
           Ahmadreza Hamzei and   
Mohammad Sadegh Majidi Yazdi and   
          Parsa Mohammadian and   
                 Mohammad Izadi   WIDESim: a Toolkit for Simulating
                                  Resource Management Techniques Of
                                  Scientific Workflows in Distributed
                                  Environments with Graph Topology . . . . ??
    Ramin Habibzadeh Sharif and   
           Mohammad Masdari and   
               Ali Ghaffari and   
Farhad Soleimanian Gharehchopogh   A Quasi-Oppositional Learning-based Fox
                                  Optimizer for QoS-aware Web Service
                                  Composition in Mobile Edge Computing . . ??
           Vasiliki Liagkou and   
         George Fragiadakis and   
      Evangelia Filiopoulou and   
      Christos Michalakelis and   
         Anargyros Tsadimas and   
                Mara Nikolaidou   Assessing the Complexity of Cloud
                                  Pricing Policies: a Comparative Market
                                  Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??